Dobbin & Ferrall At Tucker's Store. Over 1000 New Corsets At the Old Prices. All fresh new models, not a bad liltiag' Corset in the entire lot. Imported and domestic m ikers contribute including the C. P. the best French Corset manufactured and America's leading Corset the W. 15. the R. & G. and there are others n.aking up this grand collection. Our $i oo Corsets are the best foi one dol ar sold anywhere. CHJKTOE) OF WFB. Concordia, Kans., Feb., 28, 1899. I think it my duty to write you about myself. I am 44 years old, and was very sick last summer from the "Change of Life." Two of the best doctors in Grand Island, Neb., after treat in? me, gave me up to die. As a last resort I finally tried Wine of Cardui. I am happy to say it helped me from the first dose. After using ft awhile I was in better health than for many years. Another . spell has lately come on me, and I sent down town last night for a bottle of wine of .Cardui again. After taking it a few hours I am very much better to-day. It is a pleasure to me to tell others about this wonderful medicine. Mrs. M. W. RANDOLPH. w. aw Tnis functional change which comes to a woman makes the period between 40 and 50 one of the most critical in her life. If the "Change of Lite" is passed safely, she may expect to live to a happy old age. When proper treatment is not secured at this time few women are ever really well again. They quickly become nervous, "fidgety," unlovely old creatures no comfort to themselves or iheir families. There is nothing like Wine of Cardui to help women over this dangerous period. Those who take it when the first menstrual irregularity gives warning of the approaching change have a peaceful long life as a reward. They will grow old gracefully and enjoy life to the end. If you are near the time when you can expect the "Change of Life, ' ' fortify your self by getting a S 1 . 00 bottle of Wine of Cardui at your nearest drug store to-day. It relieves every sort of ' 'female trouble. ' ' For advice in cases requiring special directions address, giving symptoms, the "Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chatta nooga Medicine Company, Chattanooga, Tenn. Every Druggist Keeps $1.00 Bottles. CHICAGO LAWVHK IS IN JAIL. Locked l'p at Hrazil, Iml fur Solii-liim; Hainanc Sum' Orazll, Iml.. March IT.- .li !m .uol l.i--"s Hasager. attorneys if Clii -.n. mm.' m this pity Fri'luy ii ml visiiiil ib,. mm wounded in the wn -I; ot ihe iniiirrs' train March .". cntlc-iivm-in;; in iii'lu:-.- ili-iu to allow them to bring soils for 'l.jnnuv s against the railrou.l company jirovMiui; that the company l'iiil-l in make an aini cable settlement. This in u : ! Hi. !. :ii attorneys and they ;i u.ut.imi to be issued fur the arrest ir 'In- t'luravn attorney. John Hasaer has rotuim-l in t'lijr.icti. hut Lewis was arrrMeit ati'l NinL- imaMc to furnish a bciml of xl.miti tor Ins iipp'-ai -ance in court tomorrow was lm V. : iv. Hasager telegraphed lo riii.n'.o f.,r u.( sistance. He denies the .hs.ri ,m. Iv can vlndicale himself. SCKS 1IKK LANIM.OItl. HH: r,,"i. Mrs. Bernstein M. Moon' Claims Sewer Gas Poison. -.1 Her. Chicago. March IT. - Mrs. tin r.stein M. Moore has a grievance againsi John V. Anderson, her former landlord. She thinks about J!",. una will square matters. She began sail in the Sur-crini- Court yesterday for that amount. I'oiionous gases pervaded the huihiiuvr. inoidintf to Mrs. Moore, am ihouuli she Iim-i) ih iv "just two months slie I, cranio -tk and was forced to go to a hospital. Tin iv. she says, she spent Sl.nco for ti-eatiiioiii She says she suffered great bodily pain and anguish, her health as heroine impaired, her life has been shortened, an I, in Short, she basil beeone a physical wreck. Mrs. Moore Insists the landlord ngrcd to put the Hat. especially Hie tiist floor. Which was to he Occupied by I he .loores. In good order and keep tip premises and the plumbing free from obnoxious kuhph. The house was. however, ac, online, to the plaintiff, full of such gasc. uluch leaked from a broken sewer pipe. THINKS THAT WPMKN ritoi'iii:sv sin di.n Itev. A. C. Hi son Oi.- His V,. - on Mie Subject of Women I'reiciin: Dr. A. C. Dixon, t In ramoic . a York divine, at the meet ini of H.e I!,.; min isters yesterday. nave hi., iov. on Hie qtiestifn of whether women shn;:'... ;.i -:o h. He said: "I believe that women oui-iii mc in be officials in the church as i .. tie- ci- any other capacity. Man i-- the in c i 'ii the home, the church and the S;;.o Ion i!v Scriptures teach plainly tin" wcivn should prophesy, wlih h means spoil!, for the Lord, 1'anl mid tiie wxiiicn at Cor inth to prophesy and ray in pu!ili with heads covered, and he del not men to tell them to do the wron ih'i. in the right way. "nl the Scripture iinod d b i' r on the day of Tentecost. Joel sui ! vn-.;r ons and Slaughters shall prophesy uien the Spirit shall come unto you. an. I in the fulfillment of this prophesy men and wo men, were filled with the Holy Spirit and spake with other tongues .is the Spirit gave them utterance. "Philip, the evangelist, bad two daugh ters who were evangelists lil e himself. Every Christian woman has a rbrlit to speak 'for Christ before any company of men or women, however small or large. God has used anil is using today many women like the 'Countess Schlmnvlnuiim in winning thousands of sols to Christ. ' Atlanta Journal. "DEEDS ARE FRUITS, HOODS' PILLS are non-irritating, Word are bnt leaves." It is not what re u, but what Hood's Snrsapnrilla doea tbtRit tells the story. The many wonderful cures effected by this medi cine are the fruits by which it should be judged. These prove It to be the great, unepualled- remedy for dyspepsia, rheumatism, scrofula, salt rheum, ca tarrh and all other ailments due to im pure biood or Impoverished blood. HOOD'S PILLS care sick headache, IndlfeetluD. i. Raleigh. X. t'., March 1. lfitiO. ' I have been troubled very hadly with rheumatism for sometime, almost un able to walk. The North Slate Rheunla tlo Cure was recommended to me and I bought n bottle anil before I hnd taken 'It all I was almost entirely relieved. Very respectfully, . V. H. n.MiKEtl. (From the Washinglon Star.) The camp at C'ayay. Porto Kieo. which i.'bM been "elected ' i' the station of Ihe Porto Rlcan batlulioti now in roKrens of ! organization, has been desiKiiated "Camp '' llenry," Jn memory of the lute Maj.-Oeo. ' ti7 V. kenry. I'- S- V., formerly com- tnandlnR gonernl of the department of Forto Rico, v , , Y(r HI T KNKW. (f'rom an Exchange.) If you but knew How all my days seemed filled with dreams of you; ilou sometimes in the silent, restless night Your eyes thrill through me with all their lire so bright: How oft I hear your voice when others speak. How you 'mid other forms 1 vainly seek, oh! love more real than though such dreams were true, It you lint knew. Could you but guess How you atone make all my happiness. . How 1 am more than willing for your sake Yn stand alone, give all and nothing take : Nor chafe lo think you bound while 1 am free. (.mile tree till death, to love you silently. Could you lull guess! I'ould you lint learn How when you doubt my truth I sadly yearn To icll you all. to stand lor one brief space enfettered, soul to soul, as face to face. To crown you king, my king. Till life shall end. M loor. and likewise my truest friend. AYould you love me. dearest, as friendly in return Could you but learn? Mil!. VKilNON -DARNELL. The Chicago Chronirle of Wednesday lias Hie following complimentary notice of Mr. Vernon Darnell, who was formerly a member of Hie musical faculty of Peace Institute, of this city. Vernon D'Arnnlle, the young Virginian baritone who recently joined the teaching stall of the Chicago Music College, gave his lirst recital here last night in the col lege ncital hall. An audience that com pletely tilled the hall greeted him warmly at tie- beginning and applauded him en thusiastically before he hud ended. Mr. D'Arnnlle sang about a dozeu short ballads and songs, most of them in (ier nuin or in English. His voice proved of great register, best in its higher notes and at all limes resonant and rich in tone. He contented himself wit li simple effects oi feeling. His best success was with a gn.up of souxs by Campbell Tilton. a fol low member of Hie college faculty. Mr. H Arualle's rendition of these was en thusiastically received. Waliher's "I'reislicd." from "Die Meistersinger." was tiie most ambitious attempt of tiie celling. Mr. D'Arnnlle sang most sym pathetically. t From the New York Tribune.) Some High School boys of Philadelphia who are getting signatures lo a pro-Boer petition went Into a store the other day Sept by a man named O'Drien. concluding from the name that the proprietor would gladly sign the petition. The spokesman of the party related the nature of the visit and told of the expres sion of admiration they were about t send to Horn Paul, and Mr. O'Brien lis tened attentively to every word until he was asked to sign his name on the paper the lads presented. Then he raised his voice and started to sing "Cod Save the Queen." After he had finished a verse he said to rhe youths: Tiet out of her with your petition. I want you !o understand that 1 am no Irish Hoer. but am for the Queen every time, (let out of here, and hurry, too!" The boys went. CHANCE W NEW ADS. Mechanics' aud Investors' I'nion. lloylan, Pearce & Co. Women's Suits. Dobbin & Ferrafl. Men's Corsets. Pearce & Ashe. Artlstics. HAYE YOD PURCHASED ... ..... ..un .n Ant full uuinu iu j yOU should see my line ot tJiO'&es wnicn ean not De exceneu foi Spring Trade either in design or quality. Hav Yu a Style of Your Own ? I'll give you that. Do You Want New York's Latest Styles ? 1 will give you that. Have You Clothes You Wish Pressed ? I'll do that. , . Respectfully, , ; CHAS. HUBERT BELVIN, Merchant Tailor, Holkman But!ciiig, Graduate of the Jno. J. Mitchell Garment Cutttng School o New York City. Bell 'Phone 872, Call me flp. . t WAHESBORO SELECTED. A dispatch from Princeion announces that Professor Charles Young, of the Cuiversity Ast rouomieal Depart mem . an nounced today lhat preparations are now being made by him to observe the total eclipse of the sun. which will lake place on May JMh. The instruments for tin1 work are in course of construction. W'adesboro. X. ('.. has been selected as the place where the best observnt ions can be made and a party of Princeton professors, under the direction of Pro fessor Young, will leave here for that pcint two weeks prior to the dale of Ihe eclipse. Tiie work undertaken will be mainly spectn scopic, including partieu uarly a deterniilial ion. Lot Ii v isual and photographic, of ihe position of the coro na line. Several sets of photographs ef Hie eclipse will be taken. SALE OK LAND INDEIt MDKTCAtiE. Coder and by virtue of the powers con tained in a mortgage deed eexcuted by Penina E. Williams on the Hth day of February, 1SSL, anil recorded ih Book at page T!'. Register of Deeds office for Wake County, we will at 1:! o'clock, M., on Saturday, the I lib day of April. Pmii. expose to sale at public auction at the door of the Court House id Wake County, in Raleigh. X. C. the lands mentioned in said mortgage deed, situate in "'ary Township, adjoining Hie lands of J. Q. Williams. .Ii sse Weathers and others, and being Lot No. t in the division of tlu dowcr lands of Ihe late Nancy Alford, as reporlcd to February Term 1X.V- of lb, Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Ses sions of Wake County and recorded In Hook 2! t h . at page L'L.'.". Superior Court Cle.rk's oflice. and bounded as follows: In a line beginning at a dogwood, running thence east 4" poles lo a black gum. (hence south ITU poles to a stake and pointers, thence west u poles to a hick ory, thence north lTtt poles to the begin ning, containing 4I'4 acres, and being the land on which said P. K. Williams re sided at the date of said mortgage deed and for many years prior and subsequent thereto. Terms or Sale: CASH. K. T. & It. L. CRAY. Attorneys for Moringee. W. H. ROGRES, Produce Commission Merchant. AND HEAEEU IN CHICK EKS. lUPKLYS, KGCS BUTTER. FRUITS, VEGETABLES, Dressed Fowles a Specialty Stal No 7, City Market. Free and Piompt Delivery lote rUate 'Phone 'Hi CmH anrl Trnrlr-MfirkR nhtntned and all fata !wtt httainflftn conducted for MBfBt ' ICS. i Ous Of net is opposite o..pti.Oc "ictlf . Jand we enn Hecure patent ia leas tilrc than tbor iremotc from Wasbingtor.. 1 ' Send model, drawing or photo., with desenp-i Ition. ve advise, if patr itable or ot, free of icharge. Our fee not cue till pan nl is secured. J A PAMPHLtT, "How to Obtain Patents," witty cost of suaie In the U.S. and foreign countries aA-SRiow&co! ' OPP. PaTCjrr Orricc. Was'iinoton, O. C. - YOOR SPRING SUIT? niinmiirr cillllT o I rununAot n ouuh s HELP In i.ONC YOYAC K SAILilKS. Saving : in. can Annually i'nder N'ew Shipping Law. Iiy TeliTMph lo Hie Times-Visitor. New Y.u U. March iT. - The new ship ping lax1. . ill save sailors aholK ..','!". one a year ucti.r iiag to I niied State- Ship ping Coi iu'isioner IHikey. Tiie hoarilinu house ki ' pi rs will hereafter be allowed only one cnu'b's advance wages of liie seamen, .i living of $1'." lor each seaman starting on a long oagc. VAi.t , r.i.i: ci rv ritui'KUTY I'tn: SAM-:. y viiiuo of authority conferred by n certain died of mortgage, from II. M. Allen :iu I Helen Allen, his wife. W. I '. ('mill and Kiltie T. (-'ram. his wife, lo Krnest ILiyw.iod. Kxeoiitor and Trustee iiinler i.i I;, l'oole's will, daled August ."lit, and registered in Hie olliee id' the Ibristor .d' Deeds for Wake County. V ('.. in I'.ook IlL' at page TiMi. I will on Ml I.N 1 A Y. AI'IMI. L'ND. PdtHI. sell at public outcry to the liigbesl bid Led for oa-h, a certain lot of land at the tioril; w oM corner of llie iniersi ci ion of 11:11- It anil West Street.:, ill Ihe City of ;aleih, N. ('.. bounded by a line as follow-: IteginninL' at the northwest corner of West ami IJargeir Sireels. runs thence along lb.- line of West Street, north l'J.1 feet to John Myall's line. Iliellce with s.liil Mi nt's line West -11 feet, tllelici Soillb along said Myatt's line : .".12 feet to a corner, thence Wesl with Myatt's line to the line of the Kaleigll and Castnn K. I!. Company, thence South aloii.- the line of said It. U. Company to llarcctt Si reel, thence KaM with llargelt Street to Ihe liegiiinit'.g. being part of lot No. d'Ji; in the plan iSlialler's Mad of the City of ltaleigb, and the same conveyed b.v 1!. It. Stumps and wile In Allen & ('mm. by ilceil recorded ill said oflice in Hook Si) at page 14.". Also the fol lowing notes to 10. 1!. Stamps, secured by a certain mortgage from said Allen A' ('mm to said Stumps, recorded in s.t ill office in Hook TH at page :: I . said Holes being dated Manii 1-t. 1S.VJ. and .lauuiiry 1st. 1S). respectively, bearing s per. cent. Interest from their date, one for .l.(l(lll.lll). payable March 1st. 1SS-I, one for $". payable ..inuary 1-1. ISSo. and one lor Sl.tHMi.iNi, payable on or before .laiiiiary 1st. lssti. am! being tin I.v notes secured b.v said S'.:inip. inoitage wbi. h have mil been paid, and snid notes having been endorsed and deposited with the iinilei'signed. tile in terest thereon having been paid to A t;:-u-d .Mil, 1SSII. Time of sale. l'J o'elnc. m. I'lace ot sale. Couniy Coiml House Door. Kalcigh. N. C. r.i;M:sr MAYWoon. Kxeeiitor anil Tru-lee iiinler Will 11. l'oole's will. M :ii til 1st. d. t. e. Noirrii sT.-.Tic I' it 53 Aae.OLVTE ..Y 1TRE AM Ai.WAYS FTIESH. NOTICE OI-' AHMIMSTKAT10N. Having liualilicd as cj.-culur ot tile cs lale of .lasjier ll.-i rim in. late of Wake enmity, N. ('., Ilii- is to notify all pcr boiis linvilic claiius avrainst tiie estate of sniil .Insiier llarliani. to present their lo the iiuilersitrncd at Yuiiiissville, N. U., on or liefiire tiie -M day of I'eluuary, UHll. or this notice will lie deail in liar of their recovery. All ncrsoiis inilcliled to the said estate will make ininiediiitf settlement of the smite with the under r-.-ucd. flis I'ebiltarv Ii.'. 11X10. UL'KLS J. BAR 1 1 AM, rt.vecutor. I BUY And SELL Old Clothes, Hats, Old Shoes, Old Gold, Pistols, Watches, Guns, or anything. Call Bel! phone '"864 HARRIS STEAM DYE WORKS f Suits Cleaned 75c " Cleaned and Dyed $ 150 DOBBIN & CROSS & L1NEHAN. Opening Day' March 3rd, 10. Spring Styles DUNLAP AND STETSON HATS. We have plenty others cheaper ! you can only net it at CROSS UP TO DATE TO ALL POINTS North South and Southwest Schedule in Ell'ect Djo. 11th, 1SW fcOUTFIBOUND No. 40H, No 41 Lv. Raleigh 11:2.14 a rn. J3 'M pm Ar So Pines 4.2H a m ." 5S pni Ar Hamlet 5.t7 a r li pin Ar WilniinKton.S A Ii 112.05 p m Ar Monroe, " (i 41! a m ! 13pio Ar Char SAL" 50 a tr 1020ptn Ar Chester, SALS OS ajr.10 (! piu Ar fjreeuwood 111 US a m 1 07am Ar Alliens 1 Ki p in 3 Ci a m Ar At'anta .'i 50 p m i! 'M a :n Ar Raleigh - lo a m :i :i I p in NOUTUCOUND Lv. Raleigh '& O'.l am' Ar. Uondcrson 3 2bnni Ar. Portsmouth 7.25um Ar Richm'tl.AfUi 1.4nam ArWash'tu, H'K12:iIpm Ar New V ork O.Iipm i 11. 22am 13.50pm 5.2Cpin 7.12pn ll.lOnui Il.ISam Ar RALEIGH SUaily. 2.10am Ni8. 4(i:i ami 402 ' The Allauta Spi cial," Soiiil Vestibulctl Tialn of Pull man Sleeper; and Coaches between Wae hington anil Atlanta, also Pullniac Sleeiicrs between Portsmouth, and Ches ter, S. C. Noa. 41 auil I'.i. "Tn 3. A.L. Exprens,' Solid Traij, Coaches and 1'u .man Slue pers bctwei n Portsmouth anil Atlanta Company Sleepers between Columliii and Atlanta. B :tli trains make immediate connec tion at Atlanta for Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Texas, t'alifoinia.Mexic'i, Chattanooga, Nashville, Memph! " con and Florida. ' For tickets, Bleepcrs, etc., apply to agents, or II S. LEARI), G.T. aud P. A. Rale gh, N.C. E. St, John, Vice-President and Genera Managci A. W. B. Glover, TralBc Manager. V. E. Mclice. General Supt. A. S. Allen, Gen. Pass'r.Agent. Goneral Offices, Portimo-.Uh,Ya. FERRALL. lut you fvant the eorretl thing' and LINEHAN CLOTH! KRS AND FURNISHERS Southern Railway. THE STANDARD Rl LA WAY OF TIIE SOUTH. lie Oil ju Litis t) All Points. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strict. y FIRST CLASS Equipment ' all Through and Local Trains; Pullma i PalacD Sleeping Car on all Nigh Trains. Fast and Safe Schedule. Travel by the Southern and yon ar as sured a safe, comfortabls and Expedi tious journej. Apply to ticket agnta (or tim tablM, rates and general information, or ad dress No rouble to answsr questioa. Frank S. Gannon. Third Vic President nd General Maoiger; J. M. Culp, Traf fic Manager; W. A. Tnrk, G. P. A WsslilDeton. U. O. R. L. VERNON, THAD C. 8TUBGIB, T. P A 6l T. A Charlotte." N. 0. Raleigh. N. . SALK OF LAND. Hv :t i : t lini-itj- of iiinrtKiiKt executed by V. A. Smitli iiimI wife, recorded in Honk luic :,"il, KcKi-trr of Ii'ed Ol'liri- tin- Wlll.i' Ciilltlt.V. 1 will, oil Mon- diif. I'.hli of M.u'ili. T.HitP. at 1! o'lloi-k SI., :il tin- '.-int IIiiiim- iloor of Wake ruiiiiiv. Kalcicli. N. C.. sell to die hishext liiilili-r at public auction for cash a tract ef land Mtiintc in Swift Creek Township, Wake county. In-;:iniiiii at n slake lit V. , W. l.:iiiton line, inn! S. to a stake uinl rucks in .1. K. Lanslotrs line'; llntiii' Knsl to a Make ami locks iu Henry .luiiri.' lino; theuee North, with siiiil line to : lcail pine in W. W. I -an IT stonV line: tliiticc West to the begin nins. containing -I in res, being part at the lOli.m 1. allusion land. 'V. N. JtlNF.S. Attoraey. E. G. SIGGBRS, Patent Lawyer. Washington, D. C publisher a valuable copyrighted book entitled "How to Ob tain Patent, Caveat, TaSJe Mark and Copyright Protection ttk OcefataM la leading patent cum." ' Wpy. jrttl Im at lot to any addrcao, ...

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