THE TIH8S-VISIT0R- ASSOCIATION WILL RAI.EKiH. MEET n r- rmmum tht " n:frigcralcil IP 1 V' r f I . . . 1 Entered as Second-l Inss Mall Matter. MONDAY. JUNE' '4, 1900 Cotton States Commissioners of Agri culture. Convene Ausrust 26. 7 4 Atlunliv ' Jfonrnnl.) The data for theunext meeting1, of the Cotton' States association :of the PUBLISHED BY THE VISITOR-PRESS COMPANY. (Incorporated.) MumomaieMttM n- ttaaia -t rws eos rniiDV soUassk Of local laUratt ars djesirsd b Us paper and wilt be inb UimL' If funds? ipteu. All audi a-MbmimlcarinM should ba addru to IV Tlmoe-Vlaltor, sad not to individual ageoibers ' tke atS. Names of author should . accoapsoy communications, but vtU b omitd to publication if desired. . ;- r-. n. " .' ..' i '- - - Sl.'KSCKIPTlON V1WE8. One Year ....$.1 One Month .00 OFFICE IX THE ACADEMY OF mi sic Krir.Di.vti. ; Interstate Telephone ........ .So. IT!) Bell 'Telephone No. 1; commissions of agriculture won fixed j this morning. The meeting will lie held in Raleigh. X. C. on Aiisrnfct 86. There will he n three-day's sens ion. The association was organized in Atlanta last October at, which time the following1 officer were elected: (. H. Ctevens, president; . Roynl Daniel, secretary; 11. J'. Wright, treris iirfrr. A meeting uns held in New Orleans Inst liinunr.r' at which nil of 1 lie eleven cotton Slates were well rep resented. All of the commissioners of agricul ture. Slate chemists, directors of the State experimental Stations. State veterinarians nnd presidents of ay ricnlturnl colleges nre members of the Cotton States Association. New Mexico lins recently been admitted to membership. .fames Wilson. 1'nited States com missioner of Agriculture, has in re sponse to an inviratinu. consented to deliver an address at the meetiiur of the Cotton States Association in l!al eiffh. . The questions that will come tip for the consideration of the commis sioners at this session are: Nicnrn gunn canal, betterment of cotton esti mate of crop and how to improve lands. THE LEADER IN THE NEWS AM) IN CITY ( UK ri.ATIO.V. , Dr. D. K. Pearsons, of ( hicago. has ffered $.i().INH to ('burleton College, Northfield, Minn., provided that the authorities of that institution shall raise $11)0,1)00 ly .liinuiiry. l'JOl. A memorial to the late Archibald Forbes, the war correspondent and author, has been presented by his widow to the I niversitv of Aberdeen. If is a large bronze cross, with an hiseriptitiu, and will stand in the chapel. V . , ' ...... "This," said fhe citv man wlio had taken tip binning, "this is my herba rium." " our whnt?" asked the farmer born to the business. "Mv herbarium collection of herbs, you know." "Oh! And ain't von poin' to build no hogm-inm, too?" Chicago News. Tonight If your liver is out of order, causing Biliousness, Sick Headache, Heart burn, or Constipation, take a dose of Hood's Pills On retiring, and tomorrow your di - gestive organs will be regulated and you will be bright, active and readv for anv kind of work. This has been the experience of others; it will be vonrs. MOUU'H vuam are Bold by all medicine dealers, 25 eta. gj i - and ..'- I ...... You'll not need to regulate your cooking by, the thermometer, when you get aWickless Bjue , Flame Oil Stove. On the Hottest days you can cook what ever you choose, in whatever way you wish, without suffer ing any additional discomfort while cooking. The comfort) you'll gain is only one of the advantages of using a Blue Flame Wickless Oil Stove Lieutenant .1. I!. I'.crmidou. of the 1'nited States Navv. has been severelv censurel by some newspapers for ob taining a patent upon a process for the manufacture pf ;sinalele8H qtpw der. A Washington correspondent of The ( hicago liecord. however, suvs that th$sv criticism is tin just, as . in laking out the patent Lieutcmint Her nadou acted on the advice and in structions of his superior officers in order to prevent private manufactur ers from taking advantage ot his dis covery. As' soon as the patent was granted he assigned it to the (lovern- ment of the I mled Mates. ' A theologjeal school lor women wil) be opened in ( incinnati in the fall l v the Christian ( hurch. with the f!ev. A. M. llarvoiit as president. The pro icct was inaugurated a vear ago. but the plans were not complete until the i present week. Mr. Harvout sav that he intends to give his puiiils thor ough training in the various aspects of lite, the bad as well as the good, 1hc. slums and the fashionable life, too. We pay cash for all ku ds of School and College Text Books, jfivinj? youKew Yoik nriCPtt Oil lham In r. . .... .u ui iu f&; csa or exchange. We will can or send ,0for them and send you the money with the bearer. No use taking them home with you. Sell ibera here where Fome one will get the benefit of same, We take tbem "on salo'J for you iflyoa like, then you get near wfiat th sy cost you less 10 per cent lor handling same, , . fou can't sell tbem elsewhere. Bring or send th"m to us at once. SOUTHERN BOOK EXCHANGE, Ralei?b, N.C. 'The O'd Cook Store" furlhiest down Fayeiteville RlrB'1, - BE SURE vou HAVE Xear t'nion. . a.. a few davs ago. : was found the greater part of the can non which President Monroe present ed to Monroe count v in honor of the naming of the count v for him, after the cannon had been lost for "0 years. A few years after the ( ivil War. the cannon was brought out for the cele bration of the Fourth of .lulv nnd was stuffed with leather shearimrs to ninnc the report louder, it hurst, in jured several persons and disappear ed completely. MAKE YOUR PHO TO GRAPHS, There is satisfaction in knewini? you nave ice DeM. ''it is Handier-wan a coai stove ana cleaner and cheaper. The Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stove is absolutely safe; it burns ordinary kerosene, without wicks and causes neither smoke, smell nor soot. , ; . - Made in various sizes for various-sized families; sold at prices to suit any sized pocketbooks -- wherever stoves are sold. II 'M the dealer does not have them, write to the ; . v STANDARD OIL COMPANY. ' He in Meats Received Daily and kept stored io Superior nefriserakr These meats are the1 choicest and tendereston the nrnriet. Also k fuic line or, domestic MKA1S. - " Veal, Mutton, Pork, etc, to. Your trade solicited1.- Prcmpt and polite service. F, H,. ilUNNICUTT. Interstate 'Phone 2. NOTICE. : I have otvned a Waicon Re Dai r Shop and solicit our palrouaye, AH work guurunleed or tuoney re funded. - - ' - e . . , T. J. REV IS, atR, M. Andrew's Soop, SalUbury Street- , ' FRESH COY -AT-. Ice, Igo, led. My ice Cellcr under irty store is i now. open. PURITAN BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES As Advertised by Standard Oil Co. St Id and (luaruntccd by " v H ' S. M. ft W JN YOUNG, i23 MARTIN ST., RALEIGH, N, C. . : - ,,. ; , "" aPEQIALS Pure SeetFresli North State Flour. RICH AIVIV It. is not, jjeiienillv known tliat pa- tfnts involve pmpertv nirhts as inuc-h as real estate, nnd the aani pure iikii- allt exerc-iswl in the purchase of real property should also prevail in pur chnsinp patents. An intendinfr pur chaser of real estate never completes nis pnronase until the litle thereto lias been thorouo-hlv investigated, and linsiness cnntion dictates that the same practice should lie followed lv pnrchnsers of patents. K. i. Siprers. Patent. Lawyer. Washington. I). C. with nn experience of 20 vears in the oiisiness. is well oiialihcrl to irive re liable Oflvice on this subject. RI SKIX AND lUnKX-I'OWET.L. IIow the One Cave the Other n I.esson In Art. TTalal Bep-liie. nn English, writer, savs: One day Tinskin culled when this doubt, was in her mind, and to ; Mm the question was pronounded. Without a moment's hesitation lie ronnseled the mother to let the bov .-. lrnw In whatsoever manner he listed, nnd together thev went to find the yonnff nrtint nt .his work. In the piny-room they discovered one broth ' or realinr hard at. a.stronomr. and "Ste" with a penny bo of water col ors naintinff for dear life with his left hand. "Xow. I'll shoy you liow to point a picture." aid .Huskin. nnd with n piece of paper on the too of his hat nnd B.-P.s penny box of paints at his p'fie he set to work, taking a little china vas for a model. . Both, the vase and the picture are now In the , drawing- room of Mrs. Balen-Towell's London house. The result of Buskin's ndvteo wn thnt IK.-V.' continued to drfw with,'1iis left Jinnd. nnd now In making sketches he finds no difficnl if In drawing with his left hand, nnd , nhwling In at the same time with hip right. . ' . . '. . Southern Railway, TIJE STANDARD JULA. WAY OF THE SOUTH. The Direct Lioe to All Pointc. TEXAS. CALIFORNIA FLORIDA CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly FIRST CIBa Kni.. Falaca Bleeaing Can on all Kick Irtlna. Fait mi. Sate Mcaedulea. Trarel by th Bonthera and yoti ar. a, arad a aaf. comtorUbU and KiMdl ttoaa JoanwT. - 1 ; ' T Apply to tlekrt afaata for tin tatlae, 'tea aad Keaaral Informtloo, or a7 raaa ; vv.-. f?v-. rouble to aoiwar aaatloaa. :' B Iv.TBBKOM,, TBAD tt 8TDM1 r-- T, J, a, .. 8. I A, - Charlotta, S. .,; UtMk, M. & ' Makes the sweetest biscuit, thn lichlest ' loaf, and the moat del : .... ii . a i. f ". i . y . nu ions, sk vour crocerior " NORTH STATE FLOUR And take no substitute. THE FARINA ROLLER MILLS CO, Flower s We are Dead quarters for CUT ELOWERS, ROSES, CARNATIONS, VALLEYS, HYACINTHS, VIOLETS AND NARCISSUSSES! Boquets and Floral Deslfrna ar- i . . " ruaKea ia oest style at short notice, PALM8FERN8. AN1 OTniCll prvr ' JiAii J ot io j Houae and Window Deco ranon, r em uuaca a specialty. SHADE TREES, EVKROREESS and BHRUUEUlEb, together with all kimli of greca house and out door slock. Veritable Plants of all kiuds In teaiiuni Bee our show-window at J. I. John, sons drags tore. Jeare ordr there ot c 1 'phones Ofiics later state 149. Bell 149. Resideace. lsll y8, . d.L.O'Quinn&Co Florists. Corner Polk and Swam Streets Raleigh, N. C. ' I BUY And t SELL Old Clothes, llats, Old Snoesi " 1 Old Gold, , ' , Pistols, Watches, Guns, or ap thing Call Bel! 'phone '004 HARRIS STEAM DYE WORKS For Thursday, June 7tU ONLY. '. , - ' . " .. ; ; -; i, -..,...,- . . , . - . iooo Yds, Pnnted Organdies loc valiies to be "7 1 At Isold at ! ,.V For the Whole. Week, June 4 to 10th. 700 Pair Ladies' Silk Milts anl. Gloves in colors ; and black to be c osetl out at the uniform pricft y 2C pr MlfcLlNERY. ; ., This Department has hen more than succfRHful this season ana i still crtmplete with all the latest things, Yeilinp;, Kibbons. Sulors, Titmmetl ami UntrimmeU Halt. Some tpecitl good Hats are now. being ofterel.!t,1.ofito $5 on. ; - Cacies And embroideries. Complete Lines at Prices below any ether house in the city. Call and nee ttem and we will convince you. ' ' " ; Agont for Butforick Patterns, Two New Horn; Sewing Machires for sole. '' Woollcott & 5oti, 14 E MARTIN STREET.- Suits Cleaned- 75c Cleaned ani4 Dyd $1,5 - v v YOU CANO&T ittd baartf aad lodatno at 913 c.uih reread -strett. flaed lanaiiiw (.-.. I LTji Notice Bicycle Repairing Work, 4Ve , Dana at reseiaDle Prlnes. Alhwerfc asaraalesd la glva satlsraetloa. Bicycles for real, A trial will satisfy yea. .Call aad set Ma. ? -" ,v 1 "y'r - J. M. Bishop, CcnteiWn'to SvntMt rir Mwj hv mar Hb, 1. ot ton tinj.. c fur tMr ai.auu ur yam f We Want Your Trade . . '...-. -And if SQUARE DEALING U -any inducement, we will ' . , be sure-to "get it. : L ,-: COME AND 5EE OUR LINE OFf , FRAME MOULDING, WINDOW SHADES. - ' i. ' ,': CURTAIN POLES, WALT PAPEft, PICTURES, &6.,'Ac., . OUR ENTIREL.1NE IS NEW AND UP-TCfDATE, , . . . PR,ICES REASONABLE,' " ' ' ' ' " T. SATISP ACTION QUARANl EED. . leathers 18l Jeyy . ' .iV.WEST HARGEH. STREET. t Kcfricvil', - - Notice ts liereby .fiivMi ,ot,tlie iwi ami intentled n'pplUutfoii--for- the w issue of (Vrtificate Xo. --. for one shnre of thf capitHT fetock of the. Jtnl-' eicrn nnd .nttimta Air XWe JSaUroad t'ortpnny. 'xtanAfufr' In. thte nntne-r of Ckrlev Manly now deceased,1 belngf t lie only pertifleat staiKliiiff . inMiiin name. Any person hnvinir knwl)ee .of or olnimin(t said eertiaeut ia-sny way, ia hereby' notified to emar.iiini- rate With the undersigned at 'arboro. A. 1 .1 - UAKKK, " Aclm'r.; d.. b. nj of jChas. Manly, .de It. T. &.Tilt OftAtAttorneya ,,, 1 t hf llabt penumn ol a mC!iM rural or In'. tullv d inliludlrlDlatIM I's rl : '.v ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified aa administrator of the entate of the late Ira J. Honeycutl, decenned. this ia to give notice to all persons Inclebtect to the anid estate t ipake pnyinent to. the undersigned At 6 hoe and to all pnrties having- claltna againrt said,estat to .present them .to me before May 1901,, or this no-,-. tlce will be plead in bar of tiielr re- I -:i : . B. D. HONEYCUtT, ' y f .i;' ' -. -. AdmlalatratoN' . - ... . NOTICE. r ' ' : Notice is hereby given of iateaded npplieatlon at the end of sixty dajra from May 12th, for t be Issue of a du- . plicnte eeftifieate No. 149, for one (I) , share of the eapital stock of the Chat ' ham. Railroad Company, standing; la the name of TU MrOee. . . - W. T. MeREE. , . Administrator le bonis non. WO 9 -.