1 , . . ";!, -.if TUB TIMES-VISITOR. RALEIGH, N. & SATURDAY JCLY 7, 1900 Entered as Second-Claaa Mail MBttr. ; PUBLISHED BY :.. ,4 -THE VISITOH-PKESS COMflfiNY. (Incorporated.) ; . WommmuoMMw .- Itosia awa coa imiu mkM( of loctl interest aif Jkwired bT tUt paper and will be pub laoeft If vorUix of ipaeo. All Buck qanaiimicaiiJH ihould to adnreiaeu to tt Tfm-Vlaitor, aoi not to Individual aembera of ike staff. Nanww of author should accompany commanleatlons, but will be omitted In publication If desired. , ' Bryan, of Nebraska, has been chosen as the standard bearer ot the national De mocracy,, The convention- at Kansas City yeterday adopted a platform and nomi nated him as the candidate of the Demo cratic party for tb highest honor within the gift of the people. The platform is admirable in its anti-imperial and anti trust declarations, but sadly, perhaps fa tally, defective in its advocacy of free silver coinage at 16. to 1. If Mr. Bryan. Is defeated in November he will be held responsible for the disaster to his party. A few months ago the outlook for Demo cratic success in the Presidential contest-this year waa . most encouraging. Candor compels the admission that the overthrow . of McKlnleyism and Hanna ism is less probable now than it was be fore the Kansas City platform was adopted. "The Sun does not believe that Mr. Bryan could bring about a radical change in our financial system if he should be elected President. It believes that tti? Republican majority in the Senate could maiotain the cd standard against imy Phbsults which Mr. Bryan might be tempted to mak upon it. Put it is idi to deny that there are vote's vi'o are ttot Inclined 10 take iy rlss. und while Mr. Bryan might bi.vc secured their sup port upon a cons ;r .-ct : ve plHtf i 'ai. l. is large element 'n 1 is party which he alienated four years a no. but he has teen unwilling to make any ot the concessions which ordinary nrirlwioe nnJ jrlitical sa gacity should have dictated without abandonment of principles. Apparently hi has been more concv.-nr.d ulx.ut 1"S own "vindication" Jian reuniting and solidifying the party. That ho h;is uc ceccded in dominating the ,ansns City Convention as ro Utuiocratlc convention (Continued on 4th page.) '4M t9 SUBSCRIPTION TEICES. Oue Year .................$3.00 Oae Month .25 CmCE IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC BUILDING. Interstate Telephone .No. 179 Bell Telephone No. 132 THE LEADER IN THE NEWS AND IN CITY CUMULATION. PRESS ON CONVENTION. Few of the exchanges received this morning had comments editorially on the Democratic convention, but here are some of the expressions on the subject: Ashevllle Citizen (Dem.): "Here's to the health of the Silver Knight, William Jennings Bryan. May his rout of the Hanna gang be complete." Greensboro Telegram (Dem.) : "There is vast difference between the Democrat conventions of 1896 and of 1900. In Chi cago, the silver delegates frantic tn their triumph for silver, gleefully turned their back upon David B. Hill and his kind. This year the enthusiasm for Hill is ex ceeded only by that for Bryan, himself. And while silver was put in the platform, it was put there against the protest of nearly half the convention. While a large part of the party has learned the lesson of 1896, Mr. Bryan himself has not, it seems. But this convention is one of extreme conservatism, compared with that of 1896. Things are hopeful." Philadelphia Record (Dem.): "Mr, Bryan was right in insisting that it he were to be the Democratic candidate the platform should be made to suit him. He has not changed his mind since 1896 on the silver question, and he does not de sire to deceive the voters by any pre tended change. The "reaffirmation' of the Chicago convention would have been a poor dodge, tantamount to a renewed . declaration in favor of free coinage of gold and silver at the ratio of 16 to 1, though a weak attempt to disguise the fact. If the party no longer be in favor of 16 to 1 Bryan is not a suitable candidate. The contention over the silver plank has de monstrated clearly that the break in the Democratic party that existed when Bry an was nominated In 1896 still continues and still makes it impossible to maintain the position of 1896 and elect the Demo cratic candidate. The Record does not agree with Mr. Bryan and the Chicago platform, but it admires his courage and consistency and his unwillingness, to make a pretense of being the thing he is not." : I.. Durham Sun (Dem.) : "Isn't it wonder-, ful that Mr. Bryan, who was practically unknown four years ago, should to-day be the head of the great Democratic party, and should have proved his light to that post by four years of untiring and unspairing effort, meeting and solv ing every problem submitted to him in a way that left him stronger than before? Is there another case like his in the his tory of the country?" Greensboro Record (Dem.): "Notwith standing the great hurrah In Kansas City yesterday by a few delegates that a fight would be made on the 16 to 1 plank In the platform when it came up in the convention, the platform as re ported by the committee, was adopted by acclamation, and without a word of dis sent, amid a shout which made the. big convention hall ring from one end to the other." "He is Wise Who Talks But Littte. This b only a half truth. If wise men had held their tongues, we should know nothing about the circulation ofthe&pod. If it were not for trt3' advertisement you might never know that Hood's Sarsaparilla is the greatest medicine in the world to purify and enrich your blood, create an appetite, give you strength and steady nerves. Impure Blood "Mycomptexbn'was bad. Hood' s SarsaparUa did much good by purifying my blood. SMy skin is nam dear." cAnritD. McCoy, Wa.lsonhwn.Pa. Fe;7 Pooplo ,, Ilavo Eyes Alike. Fully nine-tenths of those who wear glasses have different vision in each eye. Sometimes it's a de cided difference in '"others only a lipK variation. A -eless examis nation v. ill fail to oriog out this defect the same lenses will be ads justed to both eyes a-1 head aches and eye strains that viedicine fails to relieve are the i osulti We test each eye separate', -select proper nses adjust glasses to suit each 1 sye, EXAMINATION FREE. II. Mahler's Sons, JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. Cm P. In Our Efforts to Servo Our With the best goods inhe.triarrketiWe neces sarily have to look at many makes irt each' lino- CORSETS pi nil i i.mte. huffii-ja'Shv?j.i.i.ii.if nsa Mif f I Iffll 1 Hood i nil! cnr Htw Ull ; the non-trrttirtlng nd inly cathartic to tk with HooJ'l 8rlprUla. Soda Water sod km is a plfiasing combination to have in mind, during these hot summer days. There is a strong reminder of this at my Soda Fountain, We serve, delicious, cool and refreshing drinks, of all linds, cold as ice can n ake them An antidote ior futigue, you will fnd in a glass of Coca Celery, O-ange and Line Phospnates We give as much for 5 ceats as you will find anywhere ' Call, we tyill take great delight in cooling you. I ae , very truly, HENRY T. HICKS The Presciptioiiist. Carolina. 220A8B8T Good as IGold. The new Cigar we are just intro ducing. See our fine line of NOVELS AT CUT PKICES.. Yarboro Cigar and News Stand. SALE OF LAND. By virtue of power contained in mortgage deed f rom : Eli Dupree to Iola H. Backwith, recorded In Book 181, page 599, Beglster of Deeds' office for Wake county, N. C, I will soil, for cash, at the court house door in Unleigh, N. C, at 12 o'clock noon, on Monday, the 30th dny of July, 1900, the following' described land: Being lot No. 1, described in said mortfugt; deed, and' known as the lxiv Grounds," adjoining the lands of . H. Bnebee, Adolphus Holloway, Hardr Bapwell and others, and containing about seventeen acress, more or let. B. C. BECK WITH, ?.: Attorney for Mortgagee. June 23, 1900. s : ' Are amonor the diflicult thiiietf we have to chocse for you". I- We have examined rarfuM '. lines ; we have bought and old many different kinds, and wi alway Uy4o choose meritorious are I ticies. ixew trungs appear every day cr two, and we look thfm over. Many lines' of- Corseta are! vprv much alike. The nimc mav HifTor hut tk at'irlo kailm ur.i..... r j t. - A j - "-.j - . , wU. ..v it w uv. oaiiia. w. c uavR iiikl iimnn. . nrA wua an me gouu icaiures you Know ot in corsets, and then one new item added a Cork frolic ted Kust rroot Clasp that means more comfort to the wearer and freedom from fustdd aud brokift vursmti auu uu jiubi aputs on una;rwear. . POPULAR PRICES PREVAIL. Short length waist, jean body, satene strips; boned bustjnsfdestrehgthehjhe' zone. A srond lliniy; o-rmonf hoAanea . - ...... w ! - cj ; ov. m avi b WVVUUgO so many ladies need a short Corset. jdusi neavny nossea, elaborate silk em brbidered edging top and bottom. 4 iipwft nooK ciasps, iz mcnes long. Colbfs.i white drab and black. Sizes 18 to 30, Price $1.00 Short Waist, fine Batiste throughout, corded bust, inside zone; suitable for summer or winter wear. Silk embroi dered edging at top, 4 hook clasps. 11 1-2 inches long. White only. I m i I until m u. ' Sizes 18 to 30; Pri ce $1,00. '.N.N"Vo4 North Pure-Sweei Fresh r ' ., .j . .-is ufii . r ' r : ., The Head of the State's Educational System. ' Threi academic course leading to De grees. Praftulonal courses in Law, Medicine and Pharmacy, Summer School for Teachers 1 Scholarships and . , . : . l oans to Needy. te rs. Sons and - . . ..... J Teachers. 513 sluden s bcsidei 161 In 8umtaer School 88 teachers In the faeolty. s For catlognes nd Information address T.P. VENABLE. President Chapel Hill, N. C. Richmond News (Dem.): "So let ub do the best we can this year, take whatever cornea and meet the party disaster most of us In our hearts expect with cheerful faces and hopeful hearts. There is no need to lie and say we expect victory : while we do not and no excuse for trying to deceive the people. Let us swallow the ticket .whether It tastes well or not. There is no law to require us to pretend to like it. And let us make up our minds that after this campaign the party, or ganization shall express and do the real will of the white people of the State of Virginia and be afraid of nobody. Ifhls Commonwealth Is the home and cradle of Democracy and should be its leader and inspiration. The Commonwealth of Vir ginia forgets her own place and power t and name and rights when she limps lamely in the lead of Kansas and tTtsb. and Nebraska and Dick Croker. Mr. Croker Is a good man to work'the tne menet district of New York city; but be la not the style of type or build of mar. tf be feared Uu.- they will accept' his chcllepge, as In iSjS. mi ! opmst his alec tfon to the blttar end. - Mr. Brvnn sad It In his power to ecn-a tin support of that Virginians are born and trained to be led by. , . j Baltimore Sua (Ind. Dem.): -"For the second time : in four years JVUliam J. Sjtate Flour. Ill CI I MVD DEUCIOUS Makes lhc sweetes biscu.t,fthe lightest loaf, and ihe most deli ciouR-rolls, v Ask vcvr croter for NORTH STATE FLOUR And Uke no substitute. . THE FARINA ROLLER MILLS CO.. ItA.JL,EICrU, IV, C, Spring Greeting A Hope Realized A Prom" Fulfilled, I The Jiot th Gatrolina Cpllec Of figicaltafe and Mechanic: Arts TECHNICAL 0UCATI0M IN -Agriculture, Stock-raising,-Horticulture. Me chaoleal. Civil and Eloctrical Engineering, Textile industry, Chemistry, and Architecture. " PRACTICAL TRAlNlNfilN-Carpestry. Wood-tarning, Black-smithing; Ma-chise-wsrk, Mill work, Boiler-tending, Engine tending, and Oysamo tending, . . ' , Tliat is what every sile we make means. We anticipate your wanjtl and wishes, then we make the prir. irresistible, .There is only one class, and that the FIRST, in nir spring and summer collection of. , MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING! Your responsibility ends and ours begins when you, bur of us. Wa ' are riuht bebiud every transaction we make. COM E - AND LOOK. If you want to buy right, if you want to be treated right, if you want to Save money, make our store your trading home, -A . i a ii Ci. .1 :. mi .... i it.i 3 nil oiyies in men s nais. Split and Rough Straws in Ladies Hats DIKJLAP Tuition, $20.00 a year; Board, $S a month. Next session opens September 6th. Entrance examinatirns ju esch countf court bouse, July 28th. 10 ocl eh, a. m; also at the college. September 4th end 5ih, For tall information, addiess i Pokine is guaranteed to core Kkeu- matism and Neuralgia or the money will be refunded. Frice $1 at the drug stores. W. T. Cheatham, Sr., Hender son, N. C. W. H. King Drug Co., wholesale agents for Ealelgh. PRESIDENT GEO. T. WINSTON, - RALEIGH, N. C. OUR FUnillSlllfIG DEPARTCENTS Are complete for the Easter Trade. Do you' want the up-to-date?1 if goty you can tind it at " , -i . V. ' CROSS S LINEHAN. DP-TC-DATE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS V J ' NOTICE T Stockholders of the Conital Club - (construction tompnny. t There will be a meeting of the stockholders ot th Capital Club Con struction Company on Saturday even rng, July 7, 1900, at 8:30 o'clock, in? the reading-room of the CapitalClub;- for tb purpose, of perfecting the agree ment in regard to the issuance of pre ferred atock; and for the tfonsidera tbn of any other matters -that may yme before it. D, E. EVKRITT,-President. TIENEY E. LITCiLFOKD," Sec'y and FRESH CANDY -AT- . - ' ' . . . "... I . . I "' Icq, Igo; fed. ice Celler undef my store Is . now open.. NOTICE. Having qualified as the Admlnistra. tor of the estate of J. H. Enniss, late of Wake county, I hereby give notice to the creditora of said estate to pr. sent their claims to me on or before June 2nd, 1801, or thia notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, ,nnd those owing Bald estate will please make immediate payment. W. N. JONES, 4 ; 1 i Administsfitor. ' Ealelgh, K. CM June 3, 18M 1 E WIS' 'in'"'" i 'I. ADMINISTRATOK'S NOTICE. Havine Qualified as administrator ef I tne estate of tne lata lim J. lloneycott, aeceaBea, inia s to give notice to all persons indebted to the said estate to make payment' to the. undersigned at once and to all parties having claims against said estate to present them to me before May 7, 1901,, or. this nor tice- will be plead In bar of their re covery. .;: , . D. HONEYCUTT, .1.,CI l Administrates. GLWEfflntoi mm. ' -AT '- J.R. FERRALL & CO- 222" Poyoitevllle Street. TELEPHONE 88. ' ' Kellftblit peim?iol f rn'Tfiflnfai or ttivetiUv-f mmf) IwIUnpt rlp lo the faris 1 u'omuua, VstkMuut tente i-?n "Waa" Swral K . . - . ' .'lliW M tl tj fmtoct o.ir tvT mny ham y, tv. . Wxhlmru, D. 0., t thotr S' 4 au- 4t