THE TIMES-VISITOR. BALEIGH, N. tt '.. MONDAY. . CG. 13, 1900 . PUBLISHED BY THE VISITOR-PRESS COMPilNY. ; i (Incorporated.) Entered as Second-Class Mail Matter. r.imt - ; 4M SUBSCRIPTION PRICES. One Year ...$3.00 Oae Month . . ... .25 03TICE IX THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC BUILDING. interstate Telephone No- 1?9 Telephone .No. 132 VHE LEADER IN THE NETCS AND IN CITY CIRCULATION. About 15 wcekty papers and several dalles have already expressed in decided terms their desire that Chairman Sim mons should succeed Butler as United States Senator. Among these papers are The Asheville Citizen, 'Waynesville Cou rier, Brevard Hustler, Statesville Mas cot, Sniithfleld Herald, Concord Tribune, Lexington Dispatch, Louisburg Times, Carthago Tribune, Aberdeen Courier, Al beniai'lo Herald and Rockingham Anglo Saxon. The opinion seems to be pretty general that he will be the nominee of the party. The people of Harrison county, Va., are firm believers in the efHcacy of prayer tempered with action, Three hun dred religious enthusiasts, incfuding men, women and children, who were gathered in the little church at Wallace the other night organize;! a movement against the speakeasy that had been lo cated in the neighborhood, marched from the church in a body and charged on tho objectionable place. The propri etor had fled and taken his stock in trade with him, and there Is no likeli hood that another speak-easy will be lo cated in that community for some time. MR. TOMPKINS AND HIS POLITICS. The Wilmington Dispatch lias tho fol lowing: I). A. Tomliins, of Charlotte, has been appointed on the industrial commission. No better man for the place could havo been found", but he never would havo been appointed if he hadn't been known to have pronounced imperialistic views, coupled with a belief that the country's salvation from the condemnation bow wows depends on the gold standard. The Charlotte. Observer adds:' "In the absence of Mr. Tompkins from Charlotte we take the liberty o saying for him, with reference to the above: (I) He was appointed as a Democrat to succeed a Democrat, resigned, on the in dustrial commission. (2) He is not an imperialist in the broad use of this terra though his views on this subject are a good deal further advances than those of The Observer. (3) In the campaign of 1S!)6 he was an advocate of free silver, and does not think it would be a great evil, reasoning that it does not make much difference whether the country is ou a gold or silver basis, just as the on a gold or silver basis, just so the basis Is permanent. Mr. Tompkins appoint ment to this commission was at the in stance of the cotton manufacturers of the South, and he was endorsed for it, without solicitation, by two Governors and one United States Senator, solely upon the ground of his eminent fitness and without reference to any political opinions he may hold. We have no idea how he is going to vote in November; that Is his business: but we do happen to know that his political views are more nearly In harmony with those declared at Kansas City than those enunciated at Philadelphia. All this by way of Justice to the absent man, who is, anyhow, very much in business and very-little in poj ilics." - .. ' POSSIBILITIES FOR THE FARMER. George William Hill, of the Agricultu ral Department, in a paper entitled, "The Trend of Modern Agriculture," published in Tho International Monthly for August, has not only described past and present conditions faithfully but presents some startling truths.; How many Americans realize that "In the average yield, per acre of many of our principal crops we are still far behind many of the countries of the old world? Although we lead the world in aggregate wheat production, In yield per acre wo are far behind the most enlightened countries of Europe and stand next in order, and a little above, the average attained by the miserable ryot of India or the but lately emanci-, pwted serf of Russia. In sugar, wines, fruits, hides, wool, tobacco, and cotton we still Import millions, of dollars'. worth of products which we could certainly produce profitably at , home. Though some of the finest cattle in the world are to be seen in our stock yards; there also are to be seen cattle which cannot be sold at a pr8t to the) grower. Though we make millions of pounds of the best utter and cheese In the world, we still expend time and energy in producing tons of stuff hardly worthy the name of ut ter. Many a dairy herd still exists where loss on the poor cows offsets profit on the good ones. We still have to build up our reputation in many markets J whore It lias suffered by the unscrupul ousnees of some of our formers and ship pers. We still have to learn the lesson that the tastes and whims of foreign con sumers must be suited and catered to if we are to compete with the intelligent producers' of Denmark, Canada and Australia." The Portsmouth News says: There seems to be a great deal of trou-J bio experienced in this part of the coun try during the warm weather in getting married. The course of true love never does run smooth, but it seems to strike an unusual number of troubles duringhot spell of weather. In Baltimare itself the efforts of several youthful couples to get married have led to many annoying com plications. There have been irate pa rents who refused to be pacified, there has been recourse to elopement with a return home in humhio spirit to seek forgiveness and the "the bless you my children" that is necessary when young folk want to "live happy ever after," and with it all tho business of Cupid has been seriously interrupted. A continu ance of this state of affairs will prob ably induce young people in the future to plan their elopements for the White Mountains or the Canadian border, where the snow lingers late and the temper ature is never quite high enough to make the world forget (he romance of first love and the sympathy that should prop erly be felt for young hearts that beat as one." Rouse A the tor g p!d liver, and wire biliousness, sick B headache, jaundice, nausea, indigos.' tion, etc. They are In valuable to prevent a cold or break up a fever. Mild, gentle, certain, they are worthy your conndenec. Purely vegetable, they can be taken by children or delicate women. Trice, 2.w. at all medicine dealers or by mall of C. I. Hood t Co., Lowell, Mass. The Perfect Bath, The enjoyable, the delightful kind depends upon a lot of little thir-i. I can supply every thing except the water and the tub. Soaps, Sponsies, Bath Brushes, Toilet Water, Pers fumes, &c. No bother about prices, thev are the lowest prices, for the bestgjed. Do remember, everything for the ; Di-tn, at my storo. HENRY T. HICKS, I't eseripi.ionist, Raleigh, N. C. Pokine is guaranteed lo cure BUseu- ; mutism and Neuralgia or the money will be refunded. Price $1 at the drug stores. W. T. Cheatham, Jr., Bender on, N. C. YV. II. King Drug Co., wholesale agents for Ilalcigh. Blowers. W aro Headquarters f jr CUT ELOWERS, ROSES, CARNATIONS, VALLEYS. HYACINTHS, VIOLETS AND NARCISSUSSES! Boquets and Floral Designs ar ranged in best style at short notice, PALM8. FERNS AWT10TWWH Prvr TLANTS, fo j House and Window Deco ratton, Fern Dishes a specialty. SHADE TREES, EVERGREE S3 SHRUBERIES, together with all kinds of preen boose and out door ..lock, Vegitablo Plants of all kinds In fcasons ceo our show-window at J. I. JoLn sons drugstore. Iea70 or.Nrs Outre 01 c 1 'phonos Lffiee Inter slate 14S. Bell 149. Residence, Sell 986 J.L. OQuinn&Co Florists. Corner Polk and Swam Streets Raleigh, N. C. YOU CAN GUT Good board anj lodging at 213, South Person Street. Good totality, term moderate PcmuIv Ik EW89 PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. . THE y MECHANICS AND INVESTORS UNION Offers 25 Full Paid Certificates, with 20 Semi-Annual' Coupons $2.25 (or S5 Cash. The $S5 is returnable on demand, together with dividend to date, or at the end f Ten Years, the Certificate will be redeemed by payment of $100 Cash.' ALSO THE FOLLOWING MONTHLY PAYMENT CERTIFICATES, PAYABLE 1908, CO Certificate Sf $200 For one payment of $2 and 100 monthly payments of $1.60. SO Certificates of $500 For one payment o f $S and 100 monthly payments of $4.00. 25 Certificates of $1,000 For one payment of $10 and 100 monthl payments of M00. These Certificates pay a profit of 6 per c ent per annum free of Tax, are protected, in case ot death and are secured by first m ortgage on Residence Property, making, them first class securities, both as regards safety and profit. For further information, or for Certificates, apply to James M. Rlggan, Solicitor for the Company, or to .- GEORGE ALLEN. Secretary, 22 Piillen Building, Rtlels'd, N. C HEALTHY bread: ' : Bread is he staffof life good flour to make good bread. The flour that is guaranteed biscuit is North State Flour. Recommended by hundreds of housekeepers in Raleigh and elsewhere. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR FARINA ROLLER MILLS CO.. r GLOVERDILE BUTTER. - AT J.R. FERRALL d GO 222 Fayetteviile Street. TELEPHONE 88. 4rv-r- ri- r Seasoned Dogwood and Hickory Stove Wood the best quality NO BETTER WUOD GRO WN $3.00 per cord delivered at retail job lots at spechl lev prices, or $2.50 per cord at the Shuttle Block Factory. JONES & P0WEL.L A. J, JONES at Factoid Yaid. Few People Have Eyes Alike. Fully nine tenths of those who wear pfasoes have different vision in each eye. Sometimes it's a de cided differencein others only a liht variation. A reless examis nation ill fail to oring out this defect the saire lerjses will beads justed to both eyts- a I head aches and eye strains tear aedicioe fails to relieve are tho ; esult. We test each eye separate', -select proper nses adjust glasses to suit each eye. EXAMINATION FREE. II, Mahler's Sons, JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. ADMIN1STRAT NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified administratrix with the will annexed of Mrs. Louisa X. Holden, deceased, notice is hereby given to till persons holding claims against the estate of the said Mrs. Louisa V. Ilolduu present them to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of April, 1901, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make in mediate payment. LULU T. rtOLDEU, Administratrix. TOUTS tv. HINtsDAM, Attorney. tav w .v x that is gcod bread, acd it takes . . ; to make Rich, sweet rolls and IT. T.KE NO OTHER TtAJL,EIGTl, IV, C, Telephones 41 and 'ji or Southern Railway. THE STANDARD ItlLA WAY.OF TLIE SOUTH. Tho Direct Lino to All Poiuts. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA- FLORIDA CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly FIRHT CLASg Equipment all Through and Local Trains; Pallnut Palace Sleeping Cars on all Nig Trains. Fast aad Safe Schedules. Travel by the Southern and 70a arc as snred a safe, comfortable and Expedi tious journey. Apply to ticket agent for Urn table, rates and general information, or ad dres No rouble t answer questions. Frank g. Gannon, Third Vie President and General Manager; J. M. Oolp, Trat .fic Manager; W. A. Tsrk, U. P. A Washington. L. V. O. L. VERNON, THAD O. 8TU?OiB. T. P. A. Si T. Av Cnarlott. K. O. BaUlgfe. M. . NOTICE! ' Notice is hereby given of the loa and intended application for the re- leaue of Certificate No. , for one share of the capital Rtock of the Ital elgh, and Augusta Air Line Railroad Conpany, standing in the name of Charles Manly, now deceased, being iie only certificate standing in his same." Any person having knowledge of or claiming said certificattS in any wuy, is hereby notified to cnsoainni rate with the undersigned at 'i'arboro, N. C. J. II. BAKER, - Adm'r. d. b. u of Chas. Manly, df ceased. law Smoa. B. T. & R. U GRAY, Attorney . : . notice! . Notice is hereby given of the loss Jnd intended application for the re issue of Certiiieate No. 109 for one share of the capital stock of the Ral eigh and Augusta llailrond Company, standing in the name of IT. L. Kvana, now deceased. Any person having knowledge of or in any wise claiming said certificate Is notified to commu nicate with the undersigned. LUCY B. EVANS, Administratrix of P. L. Evans, de ll. T..and It. L. GKAY. Attorneys. . k . law xnioa, WOOD REDUCTION We. desire to call . your attention to the great reductions made in all our Spring anft Summer goods. They must make roomfojp Fall goods which will be. here soon. Ths is a plain statement. Come in and avajl yourself oi this oppoitunity. 4- Clothing and Llen Lrnishings at Your Own Prioe. 1 CROSS & LINEHAN. j UP- TO Di TE CLOTH IE :W AND TTUPN tSHERS. JOHN E BRIDGERS, MERCHANT TAILOR, 21G i-2 FAYEITEVlLLh STREET. Choicest .p1' H. STEIN Uell Phone 113. Of North Carolina. The Head of the State's Educational System. Three academic course leading to De grees. ' - Professional courses In Law, Medicine' and Pharmacy. Summer School for Teaehere , 1 Scbolareliips and 1 osnsnnecay. Tuition m E ree ruiuou to a d idatcs for Ministry, . Miols- to rs Sous and ' . J Teoclicrs. . v ' ' 513 studen s bcsidei 181. in BumiDer Rchool 88 teachers In tho faealty. i , For catstogtcs nd Information add '' F. P, VENA 15 UK. Preskltit.rMS . , . . ChupelUlllA.. 'CaTeat!L'flnll 'rrailcJf arks nhtained and all ut busineu ednductod for MoorD" . ( nunornetiaorKaiTt u.s.paTC.Of ,nd c can aeenre patent u Jea UiMtuaB - 11 ' 1.1 . ..hwjiuiiiii ...MHIIIUKMfl.. i. . t- ; Send mood, drawing- or pltoto. With dcKrip- .uon. aavise, l palTTuaoie or ihx, tree chanrc Our lee not mie till nat nt ia wenred Pamphlct. "HawtpObuinaiWis,'wiU:5 cost of aaim In the U-iS- ni tnttlga comtrieat eafree.t Addteai' ' -':--:-'.--'m. f &A.&now&cof C. ParcNT Orrice, WavHaaTOM, t.e.1 .jr.yivwwl.y'3r'VlKy UlEW Q , SE E A THOROUGHBRED ! man of the world would never th tk cf wearinp a ready made suifcpf . . . , t clothing any sooner tban he would allow his best girl to take him' o tho theatre. Eis individual taste must be suited In fabrics, and the exquisite finish, perfect fit and ele gant style that only a .skilled tailor can put on a suit will satisfy him. Our artistic tailoring suits the rrost astidious. Roses, Carna tions, etc. And other Choice Cut 11 wers for all Uccassions Always in slock. Floral Designs at i Short Notjte WEDDING. DECOI TIONS. PALMs. FERNS IN GREAT VARlKTIfiS ALL SIZIJ-. W1NTEU BLOOM TiG PLANTS OP : P 1MROSES CALLA. LILIES, ETC, '..J risitors cordially invited. Greenhouse, Noitb EUUfax Street near Peace Institute. METZ, Florist,! RALEIGH N, C. UA A A A A A -Babies Thrive 00 It. iUal i Little Book INFANT K .Should bg fn Evenr Houso., V Va IthAlimjLtltini .iirn la miur.ntA in htt ahiutlutvlf ttarmlKM,an4 atrtniir toahilabuildlncap thewaat) ' and debilitated. It curen actiw or munrular rheuma. I ism In from on to five days. Sharp, shooting paiof In any part of tho body stopped in a Isw doses. A prompt, complete and permanent cure for lameoea nriii"w,sillf back and all pains In blps and loin. Cbronio rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago or pain m the bark are speedily curort.., It seldom tslls to reller-rrom one n two doers, and almost Invariably cures before one bottle has been used. Tbe Monyon Remedy Company prepare a separate cure for each disease. At all dtUMlJtk-ffloentna vial. If yoaoeea medical art vice write I-rof. Munynn, UOe Area H'reet, Pbllartelptila, It Is ahsoltitely fre. Flowers !i LauLCiLPiai BMnwti?i