r - i ;v.v: 'aS- 4 'A " if 1; TUB TIMES-VISITOR. TEIURSDAY. SEPT. PUBLISHED liY THE VISITOR-PRESS COMlftfiNY. (Incorporaifu.l lutered na Secoud-Class Mail Matter looked-for results. Ho has proved, first, tliut ordinary hynotie treutment can uiTect. a speedy ehangfe for the better in the fii.se of an iiddieted p tient; secondly, that, such improve ment, is in most eases to which he 6, 1900 I has given close attention, and in all oi mem ne says inm ne wis eneuieu cures. He. believes that with ordinary care nnd attention dninKeniiess and the cigarette habit can be successfully radicated, and is of the opinion that there is si great future for the hypno tist who will devote himself to such worls amone: the criminal classes. jomiDtiiiMMMa-wc IUai t ow ooa-eming- miUwk of local interest ar ired bj thai paper and will be pub Qahed if ratty of ipaej. All suca nauDunicatfja should be addreanea w l TimerVWtor, and Dot to individual Bomber of tke ataff. Names of autbom aboold aectMBpany commnnJctttons, but Till be omUted In publication If desired. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES. One Year .......................$3.00 Oie Month .25 cmCE IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC BUILDING. rfOterstatft Telephone No. 179 Hell Telephone .No. 133 lUS LEADER IN THE NEWS AND IN CITY CIRCULATION. JOKES, SO-CALLED. "Oh, mv friends, there are Rome spectacles that one never forgets!" said a. .lecturer, alter ffiving a graphic desenption ot a terrible accident he had witnessed. . "l" Hike to know where they sells "em," remarked an abseni-minded old lady in the audience. Collier's Week- iy- . Tape T told yon a secret yesterday and yon went right otf and told it. Kitty 1 know it. .lane What did you do it for? Kitty What 'pleasure, is there in telling anything that, everybody know.s'.'-r-Detroit Free Press. '"Well, here is the most foolish thing I ever heard of." "What's the matter?" "A Chicago man who walks in his sleep is trying to have himself cured by a Philadelphia doctor." Chicago Times-Herald. J - MAKES HEALTHY BREAD. Bread is he staff of life -that is gcod bread, acd it takes good flour to malce good bread. The flour that is guaranteed to make Rich, sweet rolls and biscuit is t - North State Flour. Recommended elsewhere. by hundreds of housekeepers in Raleigh and 1 1 ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. TAKE NO OTHER; FARINA ROLLER MILLS CO.. rfcA.JLjEICS-11, Ne CV The Bubonic Plagu Scots much anxiety e is giving the How would an "endless prayer chain." do for the realization of the having an auditorium in Ualeigh. The Barnum-Hailey Show has de termined to send au flgeut to- Wake countv to secure specimens of the lcKinley Democrat and McKinley Populist for the monstrosity annex to their big show. The. elimination process in regard to the negro in. North Carolina poli tics is as knotty a problem as the n-Mmilation project in the Philip pines, Labor Dav celebration gave rise to a. series of blood v clashes between whites and blacks in 'ev Vorl;. A female with a hatpin and razor nearly precipitated another race riot. Our friends at the -North are getting a taste of what trouble the mean nig- ircr can do bv wav of cettinsr U sul- den excitement. "The Mitt Cannot Grind iUh Water That' s'Past. " ) A fagged out, tearful little woman said this in telling her cares and weaknesses. Her friend encouraged by idling of a relative who u)as cured of just such troubles v Hood' s Sarsaparilla. The little tuonum now has tears of foy, for she took Hood's, wu'ci put her blood in prime order. And she lives on the strength of the present in stead of tvorrying about that of the past. Told Her Friend "After having goitre on my neck 42 years Hood's Sarsa parilla completely cured me, T uas so glad I told friends about it and a lady in Wisconsin nho read of my cure told me she also took Hood's for the same trouble and tuas cured. She thanked me." SMrs. xArma Sutherland, Kalamazoo, Mxch. Raleigh Male Academy, RALEIGH, N. C. j Tnorough preparation for College atd . Dusincss. small cltsse-" ana Close mui- vidnal attention, especially in elemen tary work. Represented and endoised by a large number of former pupih who are prominent professional via ousl nef s men of the city. Tonus moderate. 22nd Anaual Ses sion begins Sept. 3rd. For Catalogue or other information address nUGII MORSON, Princ J9. VteflBUlED IIMITED There is a (ierman steamer loaded with bananas in ' quarantine at Nor folk. Her captain (lied at sea of yel low fever and several of the crew are reported to have the fever. The ves sel was bound for New port News. A marine hospital officer has taken con trol of the steamer and there is no fear but that the fever will lie con. lined to the vessel and finally smoked out of her. Matters are not settled in Cuba and Porto l!ico, and the Philippic pro blem is one not easily or speedily to be solved, while the prospects oer in ( hina may at any moment assume proportions even graver than anv tii.is government has yet been called. nn to contemplate. ' The latest news from the Celestial Empire is alarming. and the allied forces must be materi ally strengthened or abandon their present occupation of 1'ekin. else be annihilated. The term of , service of the bulk of the United States troops in the Philippines is about to ter minate, and there is nb settled condi tion of affairs over there. It looks like trouble from every standpoint. Moort'j Pills cure livor ills; the non-irritating and mij cathartic to take with Huort's Buraaparllla. Penny Headache Cure A truly wonderful discovery con taining none of the dangerous drugs found in ALL OTHER headache remedies. One Tablet Cures One Horrible Headache IN JUST One Minute only One Cent guaranteed. Ask your druggist for Strong's Penny Headache Tablets. Take no other. NEW YORK PRICES Paid in Gash or Exchange 'or Secondhand School Books at ALFREDWiLLIAWS & CO' Double Daily Service BETWJrTN NEW TORK, TAi, ATLANTA, NEW ORLEANS AND POINTS SOUTH AND WEST, In Effect June 3rd, 1900. SOUTHWARD. Dally Dlly. Na. 31. No, 27. Lv. Chester, " 9:52am ....... Lv. New York, P.R.R. 1:00pm Lv. Fliila., P. R. R., 3:29pm Lv. Baltimc. P. R. R. 6:50pm Lv. Wash's, P. R. R., 7:00pm Lv. RlcbraA S. A. L., 10:40pm mm LO llllvl rtWiBFEt'M The Empress of China flys off like a whole pack of pop-crackers. , Peace, she will have no peace, but talks of war and directs her viceroys to pre-' pare to tirst levy more taxes and then wipe out tne allied armies. Here is n. chance for big trouble. This is just one little snap whcTe assimilation won't work and with the old lady in her present temper there wiU be need for quick work in getting more troops inthe land of the Celestials. It looks like the better judgment of Germany. Prance and Japan in strengthening their forces just now was correct. liussia can not withdraw her forces while the Kmpress is in her present state of vengeance and America could well be better prepared than she is just now. . Positively ffuaranteed -to cure the worst case of Dyapepsia and restore the Bowel and Liver to natural action in two weeks or money relundea. Dr. TohnMcGUde.of Mt. Zion. Mo..savs: inallmv thirty year practice 1 have never found anything to compare with Diamond Digest tablets in Oastnc i ulcers, aour-stomacn, rieartburn, Dyspepsia and ca tarrh of the Stomach and Boweht: thev surelv deserve the endorsement of every physician in the land. DIAMOND DRUG C0..84W. B'way.N. Y. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PART NERSHIP. Notice Is hereby given that the firm of Adams and Move, Druggists, formerly doing business in the city of Raleigh, N. C, has been dissolved by mutual con sent. The said A. W. Moye having sold hii Interest therein to C. A. Adams. AH parties holding claims against said firm ot Adams and Moye will present same when due to C, A. Adams, at Durham, N. C, and all persons Indebted to said firm will settle with A. W. Moye, this August 13th, 1900. C. A. ADAMS, , A. W. MOYE. , Few People Have Eyes Alike, Fully nine-tenths of those who wear g.'asses have different vision in each eye. Sometimes it's a de cided difference in others only a light variation. A -eless examis nation v. ill fail to oring out this defect the saare lenses will be ads justed to both eyts- a 3 head aches and eye strains tbar ..oedicine fails to relieve are the i esult. We test each eye separate -select proper uses adjust glasses to suit each, aye. EXAMINATION FREE,. Lv. Petersburg Lv. Ttldge'y Jet. Lv. Henderson Lv. Raleigh, Lv. So. Pines, Ly. Hamlet, mv. Columbia, jlr. Savannah, Ar. Jaoksonvllle, Ar. Tampa, ,'r. Charlotte, Lv. tl reenwood, " Lv. Athens, " Ar. Atlantsj,! " Ar. Aug'ta, CfcW.C. L:. N. Y., N. Y. & N. !8:00am 9:00pm Lv. Phlla.. " 10:20am 11:26pm Lv. N. Y., O. D. S. S. Co. Lv. Haltm'e, H.S.P.Co !6:30pm Lv. Washt'n N&W.S.B 6:30pm Lv. rortsm'li, S. A. L., K-30pm 9:3('am Lv. Weldon, " 12:Sam 12:01pm 11:35pm 2:25am 2:5.1am 4:06am 5:57am No. 403. 6:50am No. 31 30:35am 2:5Tpm 7:40pm 6:30am No. 403 9:31am 11:42am l:48pra 4:00pm 5:10pm !8 :00am 10:20am !3 :00pm 12:ljom 7:20an 9:34am 10:55am 2:35pm 3:30pm 6:17pm 6:40pm 7 :50pm 9:42pm 10:32pm 12:55am 5:00am 9:10am 6:30pm The Adams Drug Co, s aons, JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. Lv. RIdg'w'y Jet. " Lv. Henderson, " Lv. Raleigh, " Lv. So. Pines, " Lv. Hamlet, " Lv. Columbia, " Ar. Savannah, " Ar. Jacks'v'lle, " Ar. Tampa, " Lv. Wash'g'n, " Ar. Charlotte, ' LV: Chester. " Lv. Greenwood, " Lv. Athens, " Ar. Atlanta,! ' Ar. Ausa-sta, C. & W. Ar. Macon, C. of On., Ar. Montg'ry A. ft W. Ar. Mobile. L. AN., No. XI. 2:25am 2:53am 4:06am 5:57aiik No. 403. 6:50am No. 31. 10:35am 2:57pra 7:40pm 6:30am No,. 403. 9:31am 9:62am .11:42am 1:48pm 4:00pm C. 5:10pm 7:20pm T., 9:20pm 3:05am 1:20pm 2:13pm 3:61pm 6:12pm 7:30pm 12:55am 5:00am 9:10am 5:30pm No. 41. 3:05pm 10:20pni 10:55pm 1:07am 3:43am 6:05am , EEMKDY roil Dlil'XKEXXESS. A Sew Haven Treiieher Experiments With Hypnotic Treatment. New Jlnven. Conn., Sejit.- 3. Tho experiment which the Ttev. (ieorpe R, Cutten, jMistor of the Howard Avenue Hnptis? Clajireh, has been iiiaking1 this summer in the cure of intoxication mul the cigarette habit by means of hypnotic suggestions are interesting the psychological students at the uni versity who are in town. Mr. Cutten is a graduate of the Bivinity School of two years ago, and in the football season of 1898 was centre rush on the Yale team. ' .v Mr. Cutten's attention was first at tracted to the possibilities of hypnot ism as a means of curing evil habits by some amateur experiments two .veers ago. He at once took tip its close study, and chose the theme for his thesis for a deetorate which he will present next spring at the Yale commencement, naming his : thesis the "Parychology cf Inebriates." To discover, just what possibilities there were ia eitore roe the4 hynotio experts, Mr. Cutten began a series of triols, 1tW1i hve bo ran interesting and on- At McKimmon's Old Stand. DRCGS, PATENT MEDICINES, T OILET ARTICLES ICE COLD DRINKS. Prescriptions 1 Carefully Com' pounded day or night. A. S. McGEACBY, Manager, North Carolina Wake County. In the Superior Court Before the Clerk. American Book Company, Corporation of the State of New York,, plaintiff, vs. The North Carolina Book Company, E. G, Harrell, Manager, and E. G. Harrell, , Defendants. Publication of Notice of Motion. The defendant E. G. Harrell above, named will take nojlce that a motion based upon affidavit, has been made by the plaintiff that execution ixsue from the Superior court of Wake county on the judgment docketed therein judgemnt docket No. 8, at page 119 and euttled American Book Company, Corporation of the State of New York vs. The North Carolina Book Company, E. G. Harrell, manager, and E. G. Harrell. for the amount which is still unpaid thereon, and especially that execution to the sheriff of Harnett county where said Judgment has also been docketed; and it appearing that the said defendant Har rell Is a non-resident of the State of North Carolina he la hereby Dotifled to appear at the office of the undersigned clerk of the Superior court in Raleigh! on Monday, 1st day of October, A. D. uuu, ana snow cause, ir anyi ne can, why execution should not issue on said judgment for the amount still unpaid, and the judgment be revived as provide, by the Code. W. M. RUSS, Clerk of the Superior Court. C. H. BUSBEE, Attorney for Plaintiff. Ar. New Orl's, L. ft N., 7:40am Ar. N'shv'e, N. C.&St.L.,6:40am Ar Memphis, " 4:00pm NORTHWARD. Dally. 'No. 41. Lv. Memp's, N.C.&St.L., 12:45pm Lv. Nashville, " 9:30am Lv. N. Orleans, L. ft N., 7:45pm Lv. Mobile, L. ft N., 12:20am Lv. M'ntg'y, A.ftW.P., 4.20am Lv. Macon, C. of Gn., 8:00am Lv. Augusta, C.ftW.C, 9:40am No. 402. Lv. Atlanta, S. A. L., 1:00pm ll:10m 11:00am 4:12pm 8:30pn 6:55pro 8:10am Dally. No. 8 : 45pm 9:10am 7:45pm 12: 20am 11:20am 4:20pm Ar. Athens, Ar. Greenwood, Ar. Chester, Lv. Charlotte, Lv. Wilmingtoa, 3:50pm 4:44pm 6:28pm 6:30pm No. 44. ' 9:05pm 10:00pm 11:40pm 12:50am 1:20am 4:15am 5:16am :., 8:45am NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. NOTICE. Having qualified as executors. : of Gideon W". Morris, deceased, we here by give notice to nil persons having claims against his estate to presem them to us on or before the 5th day of September, 1901, or this notice-will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All debtors to said estate are request ed to make 'prompt payment to us. A. L. MORRIS, JOHN T. MORRIS, Executors I . ROBERT C. STRONG, Attorney, Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Miss I', d Wynne, late of Wake county, N. C. this is to notify 1I persons hav.ii'j claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned at his office in Raleigh, N. C, on or before the. 19th day of July, 1901, or this nutico will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to the said estate will please made immediate payment to the undersigned. , ; J. C. MAI'COM.'i I July 18, 1000 6wk . Administrator. ' Lv. Hamlet, Lv. So. Pines, ' Lv. Raleigh, , " Ar. Henderson, " Lv. Ridgw'y Jet., " Lv. Petersburg, Lv. Richmond, " Ar. Wash'g'n, P. R, Ar. Baltimore, P.R.R.R., 10:08am Ar. Phlla., P. R. R., 12:30pm Ar. New York, P.R.R., 3:03pm No. 402. Lv. Ridgw'y, S. A. L., 3:00am Lv. Weldon. " 4:30am Ar. Portsmouth, " 7:00am Ar. W'h'ton, N.ftW.S.B., Ar. Baltimore, B.S.P.Co Ar. N. York, O.D.S.S.Co. Ar. Phlla., NY.P.&N. :6:46pm Ar. New York, 8:38pm Note. : Daily except Sunday, Time. ! Eastern Time. Dining cars between New York, and Richmond, and Hamlet and Savannah on trains Nos. 31 and 4. - For tickets, sleepers, etc., apply to agents, or C. H. GATTIS, City Passenger and Ticket Agent, Raleigh, N. C, E. ST. JOHN, Vice-President and Qen eral Manager. H. W. B. OLOVER, Traffic Manager. V. B. McBEE, General Superintendent. I. . S. ALLEN, General Passenger Agent. General Of8oe, Portsmouth, Va. No. 38. 9:00pm 11:23pm 2:05am 4:30am 6:00am 12:05pm No. 66. 9:20am 10:05am ' ll:56nm 1:13pm 1:45pm 4:40pm 6:40pm 9:30pm 11:35pm . 2:25am 6:13am No. 81 1:40pm 3:05pm 6:60pm 7:00am :1:10pm :t :30pm 6:10am 7:43ara Central Kllaiil persons of a mcclisnlcal or invantlva mind dfilrlnitatrlp totha Paris J- xiioalUon. wltkaoad talarr and ipnps paid, slimi Id wrlta . " ; XhefAliXJMkCuiUiliidtuaoreiatd -I i FALL STYLE Dunlap nd Stetson We can show you everything from the Cheapest to the Best CROSS & LIN UP-TCDiTE UOTHIE-W AND VUFNfSHERS. A THOROUGHBRED man of the world would never think of wearing a ready made suit of clcthing any sooner tban he would allow his best girl to take him to tho theatre. Bis individual taste must be suited in fabrics, and the exquisite finish, perfect fit and ele gant style that only a skilled tailor can put on a suit will satisfy him Our artistic tailoring suits the rrost astidious. JOHN E. BRIDGERS, M ERCH ANT TAILOR, 216 i-2 FA YET TEVILLb STREET. Choicest Flowers. Roses, Carna tions, etc. And other Choice 'Cut flowers for all Occassions Always in stock. t Notice. WEDDING DECORA TIONS. PALMN. ferns in great VARIETIES ALL SIZE-. WINTER BLOOMING PLANTS OF P 1MROSES CALL A LILIES, ETC. Visitors cordially invited. Greenhouse, Nojlb Halifax Street near Peace Institute. H. STEINMETZ, Florist, Bell Phone 113. , RALEIGH N. C. Lewi CLOVERDALE BUTTER. -AT J.R. FERRALL 6c CO. 222 Fayettevilie Street. ' ' TELEPHONE 88. TOVE WOOD Seasoned Dogwood ahd Hickory Stove Wood the best quality NO BETTER WOOD GROWN $3.00 per cord delivered at retail joh Jots at special low pricesi.or $2.50 per cord at the Shuttle Block Factory. 1 . ' JONES & POWELL ' . ' ..... I .-' , ; ' v - . , . :Talephon?ii'4tnnd 71 or Ai J, JONES at Fatctoiy Yard. . ' "VarNniiaii V

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