ntnm6Uimithj ii m i at I I Today's News Today served The Tim' Circulation. in th City of Raleigh Is Doublo that of any Other Newspaper. It Covers the City like a Blanket. your Tea Tabic at an average cost of One Cent a Day. And EVENING VISITOR. Established 187Q. K A LEIGH, N. C. THU RS'DAY EVEN I ING. OCTOBER Whole No. 9,347. 11, 1900 $ a Year, TO BE BEHE Empress Orders Execution of Kang Yi, President v of Board ,of Punishment. WANT LOOT RETURNED. Fie! J Marshal Von Wcldersee Takes Charge. Troops Feel Fflects of Cold Weather, ' !iy telegraph to The Times. ' SHANGHAI.. Oct, 11.-1.1 Huns Chang has asked Americans to return -tli loot, valued at riO,0' ic!'.8. which they found in IVkin. r.tid wr-bth was tha properly of Hie Imperial aplhorh irs. Aero nl in,1: to impr'al edict, Knng Yi, j.-rand secretary ami president of the Board of Punishment, is to he beheaded. .mil Prince Titan is to bo banished to the north and put to work rond-buildine. After tin: Dowager Empress and her parly reached f'hao-t hy OcloVr Mb. they r; sttd a d:;v and were joined by largo ad ditional forces from ihe south. Tin1 foreign troops in Pekin are begin ning lo fee! the eifects of the nj'proarhiiis cold weather. VON WALDERf-EE'S ADDRESS.'. SHANGHAI. Oct. 1.1. Field Marshal Yon V.'.ilde:"ee. on assuming command of the mil rpaiioutil troops in the Province of Pe-Ohi-I.i. made the following speech: "I am firmly convinced thai I Khali sm oed ouiokly and surely, with the help of these i loved t reaps in attaining the oh- jcet before etc, now t'.tni all are unoer tf tr.j.S" lender."- FIVE MiSfllONS DESTROYED. DONG KONG, Oct. 11. Further distufh r.necs are reported it: the West River dis trict. !!ioP; have occurred at V.'11-Chow. Wal-Chow. Kai-T'.ns-Ch f.ve mission Branch goal The Cover pcrtclkd bee Ip.ir.g-Li'.k. Tuty-Kiin. and w. At lb - Irst iieip.cd place "rre leet'-d by rebels. A 'at lies syne to the scene, or of Swntow has been :--n-use of "lit: anti-foreign a 11 1 - t tc'.c Tim ! cponurng'-pian of the rebels. ri"ir has nr.-".:: red ihe conapls at ('union fart, lie detdr" - t--ckruors pad their Litotes liM-t Ibo for- .KMI'iiVJSfi ItKPOUTED DEAD. ' RCME. Oct. 11. --The Italian Minister at Ik-kin cables that the Dowager. Empress f China i". reprrteu deal. ROOSEVELT IH INDIANA. Lsrc Crowd Greets Him at Town oi Marion. ' J I v Teh graph to The Times. . i ilAEION. INI)., Oct. 11. Although Gov- i cnc.r Roosevelt slept in..a corn lield just. ! pot tin list of Mvion, Indiana, last nislil. j ill:- V;:ivo v.P'- not iiu.'.ky Ibis morpki:;. Tie re was a small b!"e sco: 0:1 his haeii ; .-where a piece of siono s!n:cl; him, pip!; is'saivil of:', 'iiiit'iri,; i'a',. Curtis . tiuiltt. .ir.';-. aie.e.th. liefere de' liiriil this morn tpe, :en:r: ar;e hiS'.-iocp be. 1:1 popriip into Marion, one of the -si iw. si IL- pr.b lit p to'ivns i:i 1 1 i i lite siding w'e !'e 1 SU...I. ail sto;-: ed veil of wah-oatc. ri a. At. a fond near (lovei'iiur's train '!e the Republicap i thopsand people triid to bear Tiee-a veil hi the court house s;,:a!:c iot'lty. CLAIM INDIANA. AM' naes. lilldi'i. -DiCiA. l.Ni).. Oct. IL Governor s saecia! traia arrived at Ale.t !:;',' p. ill. Ap audience of S.- t ct: (.'reelet! - Coventor, who spoke briaf- i ..' . 1 itree hundred Rou;;h Riders were line. Covereor I'ooscvel! wan KrcaUy pleased to ler.rn that '.--President Ilari'i sei'. I ' d come out for Hie National Iie I tibli' n ticket. Governor Vout. who is on the train, says that it's effect will be tr-meiidoas c"i ''.ha doubtful volets and settles the o.uestion of Indiana going Ite-j-iiblioan. Perry S. Heath says that iiar rlticn's letter nua.us IP.dCO no v." votes for -the ili-publican ticket in this state. UOOSEVELT AT ANDEUSCN. ANIIKHStsN. IND., Oct. 11. fiovvrnor Itai.-savelt arrived here at V) a. ni. He spolte bi'ietiy on eorpcrutic la'.:c:.3 to the people. ns and their re- CONTROLS PORK. By Telegraph te) The Times. NEW, -.YORK.'... 'Oct..'. 11. A. London ratch received here today quotes dis Fdr Thomas Upton as savin:.'; that it iv..s a fact he controlled practically all the, pork in the Citilc l Slates, but that he had no ;i;le:.::on of inerjitelns tite price to nn cx i.:''ei:..ltt. degree. i;!'PIA! OF AN OLD SOLDIER. Veteran - Eli Frld.lli . who died at tlio The fuoeral o .Alamance count of Sol diers Homo yestertjay at the aso of' 88. was conducted at the JItmie pt !r:30 o'clock this icon-ins by P''V- t;- T. Ail.tnis. ills ti.mradef? acted aa ;!l-pearers. anil ti'e mternicut was in t'.-.e soldiers' ecme'evv. It. L. INFANTRY AT LOI'ISIU BG. The Raleigh Light Infantry decided last nielit to r.ttciid the Street Carnival and 'Tobacco Fair nt' Louisburg thia wtok. All who will so arc requested to be at the armory promptly at 10:30 tonlylit, as the company will lcava at. ll:3o . ni. Ti) SURRENDER THE TII. . I- telegraph to The Times. l YDENBURC, Oct. 11. It is reported in the British camp that the Boers intend la make a general surrender October 28th. EDITORS CO -ME TONIdlT. Tito Florida editors will arrive tonight. Manager Brown, of the arborough, to dav received the following telegram from p esident J. W. White: "Thirty-five members of the Florida Press Assnciatior, leave Columbia for Kalelgh on 4:45 p. nt. train to-.lav." Th.' play. Private John Allen, will be gin tonight at 8:51) instead or 8, tho usual time. MICHIGAN LEGISLATURE Meets in Special Session to Pass Reform Tax Amendments. Py Telegraph to The Tir.ic3. DETROIT, MICH., Oct. 11. The special session of the legislature called by Gov irnor Pingroe began today at noon. It was called to pass a resolution submit tins; to the people a constitutional amendment for 'he ad valorem taxation upon cash value of the property of railroads and other corporation;! the same, as individual property is taxed. This is tlic amendment the last session of the State Senate refused to submit to a vote of the people, the passage of which, the Supreme. Court held, is essential. The amendment will also include the repeal of all special charters under which the Michigan Central and Lake Shore Hail roads are at present operated in Michigan. If the legislature refuses to adopt the measures it is said (loveraor Filigree will come oat scuaroiy for the Democratic nominees, especially the legislative can didates in Michigan. The Republican politicians say that the Governor lias chosen an opportune timend that his ohl opponents will not dare disrupt the partv bv opposing tlio proposition. If the legislature accepts the situation immedi ately, then the Governor will have won a (lever victory, which will aid the party in Mb higan. All of the gubernatorial nominees were invited to this session for the special pur pose of giving them an opportunity of presenting; their views. The members of the Republican Stale Central Committee are almo-sl unanimously in favor of tho measure. RAILS SPREAD Peculiar Accident Delayed South ern Railway Mail Here. A peculiar noc!dcr.t happened at the Fn'.on t;t;".ior. this piorninr. cad cruised a delay 'of thirty to forty taina1 ; to th" tact bound Son' item train. This mail came in nearly forty minutes hue end va further delayed here because the trail-, sptcad so that the train could no: leave iil::il seel ion hands v. c sent for rrp! the rail driven back. The track spread at tile Harrington street crossie; ! fur . distance 01 about fifty yards the 1. ft wheels of the rear coach ran on the rpoip.-.ti. Just as the train '.van, tppi r the shed, however, the planks in. the Iraci-. nialtir. a crossinrr for West streo:. threw the v.lial.i buck on the trad;. The people woadercd at first why the Hair, r-'m.'iinr.l in the depot hid af:cr ten or ''fl'tn minutes wails a srep.ad of. section :; ; (ia appe-ir'j.I aa.l .... ( hid up Ih t ttY.ci; :i;e nail could pell eat. TV' s: fi a.dini; of the raibi was due lo I lie nr teltl'ess cf Ihe Kil e, scute of iie- la. so loose one' that the lingers. coul'I be pe; d out v.i.) S8UEST HELD ; Coroner Moore Inveyligaiing the I Ki!!!r4 of the Ncro Dunn.' i'r. J. L. .Moore, cunty earoner. was j In th" city this p.p vni'p;.: on his way to i V.'yatt to hold an iteiuesL this afteraoon I i o'-r the body of Frank Ituau. ''u-'ti d who was killed there last .Monday even- noted in The Times. l)r rcga : i'r.e, wos Put i .tic-ore went, tip, Tltesd.'iy, bat not t was lnaai for an inouest at that , sir.aa the theory that the killing I.urely accidental generally prevt'.iled. it scetns that th. ro is now some dir nce of opinion so an Inquest was ler tlccmed proper. A sentlemaii from Wya.tt says the affair aappcneu vnoii urani, Diinu and Itasttis Dunn were talkiiiK together exaininiiiK a pistol. There were only two cartridges in the pistol and Pastas said lie could snap the istol three times before the hammer could strike a eurtrid;e. ' This he dill. The witnesses then started away when they heard n report and Frank fel: dead, shot throuidi lite heart.. At 1:20 th.e Intiuvst was being held. MARCH .ON PAOTING-FU. 5,000 Troops in the Expedition. No Ameiicans Included. By Telegraph to The Times. SHANtlHAI, Oct. 11. Advices from Tien Tsin say that the long contemplated ex pedition to Poating-Fti will leave Tien Tsln today. The departure made ir. 'com pliance with orders issued by Von V.'al derscc. The expedition will consist of 5.000 troops, made up of British. Germans, French and Italians. No American, Rus sians or Japanese are participating in the expedition. A large force of Chinese are reported in the vicinity ot Paoting-Fu and fighting is expected. POPULATION CF CONNECTICUT. , .... gr.il.h to The Times. , WASHINOTON, Oct. 11 The population ot Connecticut, according to the Twelfth Ceusus. Is !tns.3ia; in. IS'.iO at was 7-ti!,2f;., an .increase cf 162,097 or 21.07 per cent. AilDDLETOWN'S 2uOTH ANNIVERSARY. By telegraph to The Times. M1BF1.HTOWN, CONN., Oct. 11. The town Jb calebrnting its 25(11 h iinniversary today. All houses are open in welcome for her former residents, and there is a general reunion. of old families. MISS PAYNE TO DR. MANOU.M. Invit'itiois were vpcelvwd iodt.A- to Ihe marriage of Miss Laura Payne, of Wash ington. D. C. to Mr. Charles S. .Vtangum, of Chapel Hill, in Washington. Oeiober twcnty-f.'iurth. .Miss Payne and Dr. Man gum both have many friends in Raleigh. Rev. R. W. Ci-Mncr.ts, ti'ii.niv mtppi'tl tendent of I'lildic inairuetiiit. is jtob.v eoldtnn the regular exatuinni ru of appli cants for lie ns . :o teicn Some ittly ap plicants arc taking the examination. SOLID' FOR BRYAN. Democrats Claim They Will Get the Entire Foreign Vote in Miichgan. EMPIRE OR REPUBLIC. Bryan Says People Must Choose. Republicans Claim MichU gwtn for McKinley. Hy Tfl i-mi-li to The Times. GRAND KAf'IDS, MICH., : t. 11,-Wm. J. IJry;m v.'ill bo i busy man Unlay. . Wix-K-tn nuMtii!;;s haw hcon schHuh'U, ami it i;; liUrly the nuaiiMT will Ik ini:'ca.s:'U to twT-rn. y.i: Bryan's i-ptM.ia! car was attat'lioii to the .Michigan Central at : 30 ii'clwk this mornlnp. lie- will arrivi at TuiimIo, Ohio, early Cridny. and brgin hin inur of Ohio. Th:' r..:iv!iilute was well pleased wl'h '.he y'.s.r ol' ills undiene hist itjht, e;;t!in:ites ni;:l:;n t.he uumbel -,-nOO. !br,v(M or, small towns of have turned out -small audiences in con irast with plaees of the same alzo in In dtuna. Republicans laugh at ihe claims thai, -Mii'iiisnn will Ko Der.iocrali;-', !ut (oncrde (hat Mayhura; for (Jovernor will run ir,cO-) aitead of ihe Demoeralic ticket. The foreign vote of Michisan, it is claim ed by Dohiocralic leaders, v ill he solidly ( ast for r.ry in. Ml'ST MAKM T1IKIR CHOICE. NASHVI1.LR. MICH..: Oof. tl.Win. J. Hryan received nn except ionnlly warm welecme at I last intr. the first, stopping da;'e of the day. This ws r ached at 7 o'cic.cl;. The entire Ir.n turnrd out to h;ir his rear platform speech. Mr. ryan told h's hearer:; to take iheir choict1 "irtween iriists a:.d emp.p'e on one hide, ar.cl no trusts am', th" Rep-.'.hlie on (he cLticr." stfv ::xsox i x p. a lt i mou e, BALTIMORE. MI)., Oct. 1 1 . Dowm-vj-(ie V;cc-I7r'sidential Candidate Adlai E. ;;e tevenstm reached here at 10; n to lay iron: Waidunlcn. and at noon took':1, ypfciiil i rain for I'Jchiir, '. Mi1.,.- whertN he wiii ;;ei)! t!is afteruonn. H.; vil! return .ii. oix p. jit. ibis afternoon and will ad ilivss a i;:;;;.i nieeiia.s' at lU'oadway.'insti-" t ;:ie loni.Uit. KILLED BY HIS GREW. Sailors on the "Graham" Mu tinied and Killed their Captain T 'P-trraoh to The Tillies. ; XO'dFOLK, A'A., Oat'.. 11. Capt. Evans, nf the oyster schoeitar ""Gralitim," of Oris !!"!!. Alar .-.'-'tal, wtts tri'jrdei'ed yea:: rday !n H e harbor by t ia.'.. negroes co.'npo ine: :'ic i'V of t lie vessel, who mutincd atv kit.'cd hiiit. and then discrted. Evans ha d "roubled Willi the crew V.'ed pe.s.Iay. .'or he had advanced thetn a ;(rtien of their wttes. Another ineittber of Ihe. ( raw had been ,-ant ashore to take Uiirejia.scs and v.lvtn j iie v.er:icd sa-.v fa: tain l-P.Vms lyiav; en the 'dei!-:,. his head crushed, his pu.-k.ts rifled end the epjhi lutitliK.'tis members gone. Evans had considerable money on his per: on. 900 CLERKS RETIRE Electricity Takes Place of Men in Census Bureau. By tell graph to The Times. Vv'ASIHNaTON.- Oct. 11. During No vember i.ine hundred of the temporary cicr'-'t; employed in the census btiraat: v.-tll -:o oat of office. These clerks were aatt t ly etupigel in tabulating worl: in copitectioii '.villi the population division, and lite in tieductioii of electric machinery in vcrily in;; 'he reports makes the w-eri; ta.P'h shorter than has been reon'rad In- past ceitsusts. The fall eop'oas report will lie rett'ly to submit to Congr; as in Deceadu r. after wlii'di ihe entire force will be gradu ally rt .':: i d. - BLED PROFUSELY John Nowcll Cracked Mercer YateS with a Oiass Pitcher Tite rar'y pedestrians, on FayettevlBi. tsreet were this morning attracted by a I rack of bleed all the vny from Cee cor ner of Martin to .Morgan street. . lin-.-.-i i ga i tot; its to the cttttse develea"(l cap John Nowcll antl"M. I'd r Yates had in gaged in an afirny ip east Uab'tgh I:;.1. viglit, and .John struck .'Mercer v.il'o a g'tiits ti'etter e.inipg one of Jiii"Tr's' ri'tgcr.-:. , A' small artery must lie.ve liee-ii vt red. as he bled l rofusely. -tWoVr veol to Dr. Regars' oflieo in the Tneker lin'ilding. and not 1'nding him v,;eni: to Dr. Ibtffaloc. who dressed the wound. Mercer was so exhausted when he readied Dr. Bualoe's off.ee that he faiaied from lees ef l.lc.-id. Naivoll silhiiiilted before Justice Bar bee. -YC.ITSEY'S CONDITION "iMPROVED. By Telea-rapb lo The Times. GEORGETOWN. KV Oct. 11. Yout scy's rondilion Ibis mornln?. though im proved, was still such, that it vvas impos sible i.ev. the trial, to be resumed, and Judge Canlrill continued the case til! Fr' -dsiy morning; .t ,. Ql'ANTHKl.L'S FAMOUS FIGHTERS : MEET. : P.v telet-raith to The Times. . .iNlil-'I'ENIUCN-CE. MO.. Oct. ll.-Tlie Oak Grove street fair has slarled, and is I .-tiptftiig lliousamls into town. A inim'ner if Oeenlrcll's men are hero, and liicre will be a grand reunion of them latuor-' row. , ELECTORS NAMED. Middle of the Road Populists Hold State Convention at Yarborough House. BAKER'S DOZEN PRESENT. Chairman Sossanian Says the; Ticket is Up to Stay and Barker Wi 1 Poll a Good Vote. There were only a baker's dozen of delegates ill attendance upon lite State , coiiU-ntlou of the JUU.Ile of the Head j Populists held here today. They were in j uea l earnest but tiiey didn'i need a hall atal met in room .o. 12 at the Yarborougii : '!,''-''-- Ch.tiniian ' J. P. Sossanian. of Charlotte, t presided, and Mr. V. !.. (Jar.'ner, of Cher- i ryviile. was uieretarv. Electors were selected at follows: At lai-K-' licorKu II. i'.o;,p;s, of Haywood! county; Dr. V. N. St-av.all. cf Faisoil, ; Duplin county. ; District electors: 1. A. .1. Maye. Fanni- viile, Pitt county; 2. J. II. Mewiiorne. j Kinslon. Lenoir: 3, Charles D. Franck. j Ititlilands, Onslow; 1, .i. U. Si-.ence, Hay- wood, i.'halham; r,, T. .!. Oldham. Toor. . OratiKc: ti, S. A. F.diaund, Uitnberton, , UaPtsen; V. L. A. Lawrence, JiooresviUe, ; :.. .i II: S. S. C. Ke'-.ey. Me.ry.iniou : It t.t'u.ay i-urtpisou. .,.c,ci:s to,e. i ruir''' , , . :'!:e . secretary had , toxics front 12 cottn- tits and hvo eot.er ,..-.,! o straps were l ., rcsettico. iiiiuoe ic.'.c ir:-ci.i '(. .1. .1. J..nler0, canili.iate for Ccprr-'ss ia tin- i'uurtli; A. C. Sl.td'i i'.!. C()ti,:;vc.---.-ional ea'Piidale ill the Plxtb: Sper.ee pad ''tit"s . !' Cl..,tt..,m- W 1 It., r.tn. i- il IT..-:i,.ti an-i UoIh rt i-fro'id, ru' Crarvr-. 'i his -tie.kei v.3 il up nuiil elect ion !ljy, :-j:id Dur'u r iind' i faucliy will i o I a ! .;; ( v ite in tlr.s .- a i 1 ' C'ri ir.e.:1 r. miUMVJ.L 1 iof Pit-, i . re. and asked ihttt t..e .mv. ti- "'"' ! lien allow Mr. London to make a lev re- Alss Vass and Mr. Sheohcrd in the :' !' rk. .'. Li ip.h u s.-ake tct-priy 01 r '" ' ; the worl: of th.e D'aspMern of tic Coafe.l- nril fjaptiSi ijitUrCrl ieracy. He was thank; d by a risinp; vol a. T!;o marriage of r.'iss Liila May Vass! Helr.ycd record.: of c'aa;.t.r were read, ai.d Mr. Saieestcr Brown" Sbe-.'ieid. will I. The report of the Stale liege:;! and. His- be solemnit'Od this evening at half after ' it'i'ian. .Mrs. Arvtisie.id Ion. a wa.a. lead oinht o'clock in the First Baptist church, i 'a'' Mi'i. DM,. .Mrs. .icues not being pips-. Rev. Dr. A. A, Marshall, paster of the "''- chitreh, officlatinti. ; .Mt s. Ed. Dvertnan ivatt a. most loathing i The ushers w il'i he' Messrs. V. n. Boy- 'i;:peal from tlio pen of Christian Reid" ' den, cf P.aleiyb: -Mi. Stamps ilowatd. of J for a eorr.-vt hieiory I') be taualtt the Tarboro; Mr. S-'pitiel L. i:cs'a!a, Kal- .''Mdreii. Tit- uesiion if eorreel history cigit: Mr. William Harris.-or Wilson: Mr. : wa t then da-. a.ssed. : ViIliam Little, .and Mr. I". ii. .P, .tat ti. of Tite convent ion discussed the idea of me--Clinton. : .-.'ialixipg the legtalat'tr-. f. i' appro- ria-' Mr.. John B. Seymour is the groom's best Umi :."R. ienl to (ever (he needs for ii.t- man.' There will hc.no waiter.-. , ep. , la. ttt lie I loete. ' J After the . ceremony a recentieit v. ill ba Mi's. Lat'don. .Vrs... Villaril ami .Mrs.. given at the li::if of tb( bride'-. ' -n.tl.er. Mr. V. Vass, (in Fdeit ton t ta-.-t . fro.ii. niiic o'clock till lttitf after tttj. D AUGHTERS - OF- A ; R . Ann'w! Convention will he Held;:"il,,"'5l,a,1",!t ''" : i-ieatenaat . , , , . , , llwv'f.. at Was'. Potvt. t flCrC N-SXt . WCSnCSaay, j The quest i;m as to the removal of the' The entrio'P- vo-pcii of lb" Stat- will i regains ef N. C. soPliers from the Na tt.cet in Rtttci;::: next, week ia.fttr.le t'ott- '' 'P'1 cemetery til SVastiittgion was -hen veiuioi:. 'lite North Ca c; it" - S.naie; y. ' ' ' Pgat u.. Tin re are IT North faro- j. Daughters . ef the Kevr.it io". '! l.oa! its -poiai.-s still buried there. M iss iU Kim- ; fettrih itmiual iiieeiipg it; l:P-: p. :n. op J -non spoke very teeling-iy as lo the "pris- i V'edaeaday. (!. M;bar 17c!'. ii the Attdito- "ti d.pid" Itcing brottgbt heme for a linai j ri-iai of the Avri.-oltural Baiidiae Stdia- . fa a irg p':-ee. ( bury strrii uitrance. in litis V.ty. resolution wtts passed regf iting thai Tlio busiiup.s in come before the ropce.!!- !'.!. C. A. sliottld tliiplt Southern wn-; feu will Pc I In election of ot'licer- and : a:. :i wt.uPl teach their ihiid-'ii anylhipg : mana.gcr.s far the i ltsii'tt;.': two y airs. Pel the truth in rcga.rd to the civil war. ! The Daeghi ep.; cf IPs R 'voitpiou 1 aiva This i nine tip from Ihe fad that the ti. ! grown -steadily in numbers, and pj'.' have , a. v.. tries to .dictate what should be j li'mvisiting chapters in many towns c.' I in tight !a. Southern s-hools. ! the State. : : . . Mrs. Oscar Blacknali j foi-osed tba' Ihej - . : lia.ughtet-- of Coiifcd.rai v give a badge of; V ISS CAST BEATS RECORD. !. honor, to a'l who t,- ana special act of !!;. telcet'ath lo i.ie I iincs. NEW Y0K1C. (b :. U-Mi:s Ma:prar. t Cast, the woman cyclist who is t. vin;.: to mak ep a new record, was peat l.fM) .mile atari; at K o'cltfck this merpiap. . By hard v,ork ..Slip's Dust has: broken the record of i.PUP miles ma le by .Mr.-:.: Jane Lindsay h:s( spring. : .. '-' .- r- - DELECATFS TO SCilANTCN. By Iclcgrnj h lo TP-Tirsts. ''. SiiAMtiXIX. P.-. Oct. lb -Thirty-live delegates to Itio Scranton tuitiert: c.-jip.en- lion left todtiy ior thai city. .This rcttion will be represent, .1 nt ;llie ,eonve:ttion jy ovtr one hundred delegates. '"; 77. STATE'S LOSS t--e. Secretary T.'K. Brnner. of the Agvical- ittral Board says tlt.it later iuvcstiyaiiiteis sp;w that the value of the State's ( rna -r-iv 1 urrrd. in the -.North Cetalir.a exeo.d liop. car V.'ill be ?".). Titis :s amply cot- t'ctl by bond. Tile loss was first sup posed lobe considerably greater. IM ICI'.llV 1,'VTl'ltMlV ITC' TI I ' I. 7 ; , ; .;.'-. ; .'.t appeal war: read from the A. P. Hill 'f "-(; ''t; , ' . ; . , lv-r.mp of V,.n,re to .. State Memo : GI.AStlOW. Oct. 11. Tl.a Paibopp- pbi- . . , . gae in C!asa;o . hat. at last been stamped oitf. All the.' sttsp.eeted eaea. were dis- j liiissed todav.- Twenty cases in the 'hes- j pi t ii I are eonvalesecr't. ' j .. PRINTS '-ISMMiCK'S LETTERS, . j A ni'.'.ien was .lade i ; a'l'S; Joins, of By telegraph to The Times. : ' V f'"'-" the birthday of I Hi vis-o iiublie hol IJERLIN, i;r t. ii. Prime Herbert Bis- iduy. Comniiltce ...to wriie ineiiie'-ial to pp.rek announces that he will ptiidish s"-! Legiabtiure Mrs. Jones, Mrs. London, lecied lellcrs. to the number of 5"d. writ- ! Mrs. D. II. Hill was umiiiiii-ously elect lie I"- his f.ttlier to his inollter from 1SI.T : ed an honnrarv State pre.-iidenl. to 1S92. I.ast. piglet I lie re' Cttion given was ; .... , largely attendid ap.d i raved a r.vast. enjoy- Pl "LIC SPK "iKINC. i able oc- asien. . Congpessmniv Alwafer and Elector B. C. j Tbe fetcure if ..tite "vcrir.g was the Beck with '.vcn' to Seltna lo speatc 'today. ; i rcsenialion and unveiling of a lipa oil Tomorrow they will address a cro.vd -a I pi i-lrtiit rf Ctiiit. Tttcna:! Sparrow.. Rocky Mount. ; . The oil portrait of Maj. 'Thits. Sparrow . was. pri'scntcd to the Johnstone Pettigrew M.RH1A(1E. Chanter.-. Daughlcrs of the Confederacy Mr. L L. Pierce, son of Mr. Rn'acrl by the Washington tlraya Chapter, Chil I'icrce. a'"! Mis-; Li -,:'.ie S'ltiib were ltuir-f drer of the Confederacy, of Washington, ried last, week' at the homo of the bride j N. The i rcscnlal ion specdi, wriHam iu Swift Crock, .township. . "... by Sirs. Maggie Arthur Call, was deliver- USY SESSION i Daughters of the Confederacy I Discuss Many Themes at the Meeting I AID FOR SOLDIERS' HOME (j. A. R. Informed That Southern Women Wi!l Only Teach Their Children the Truth. The convent ion of the Daughters of the: Confederacy was called to order lids1 niornins ia Asrieultural Hall by Miss Hod- j .l ,t)i iilr. Frvsideiit. ! committee v as aopoititi tl to ihank ! t;K. Soldiers' llonte an.', Cupiial Club lor, 'invitations.- Tlea itimmilteex are: .Mis.; Dlton; of Crecnsbaru, an.) .Mrs. Tayl . Washington, to accept the Soldiers I Iletue invitation, and Mas. Johnston, of j citariotle. and .Miss Coiib-r. of Colds' or.... i , accept the club itivitatioa. I Mrs. (tvi-rnian, recirdin secretary, read .),; lnir.iitcs of yesterday's session, which w-,.r,. uppaoved. I Co-.u-mH tee reports were then taken up1 -Rain. The chairman of the committee on ! j.,..,v,. Annie , ,,p ,,, .j,,,,,,,,,. ,-: c;t.m.ra ;;. I;. .,.,., reoortad thorc.sh its! t.h airman, Mrs . (ls-ar IilackmCI. She I Cin., ., h;1iiiai acate, r lew p.,. vn e,'v came to North Ca.r-.dina where sh ,,,!,, ..,, u,,. .... h. ,ViUT,.n (.0my I ' .Mrs. Broauipiv, of Ctaa psboro, moved ! ;, , ., Vv,.,idvM ;,s .livi,.,.. ,- (v , . ., ,siv(. of our syaapathy vittt the (btivi si.ia sttf-:f-.'.-i's. Mrs. Coiiiar. of Cold-bore, re ported that her chapter had already sent ' funds. ...l.l. I. II. Ml, lit ill 111;'-; lep'.'tlf! ,Ot ler commit ;i a. un the, Nnrth Caroliaa 1'a.oP! ia tlic t 'onfedi rate .Museum at ilich lipahread. .bli F. . t;.. .. ..ii..t;..i, ! lat'iid. There wtts iptite a oisaf.ssi ip on j this subject. Pledge: a'pl payaieiHs fur I lac -Vance portrait to ;,o ill litis room were Oil. K,-n.n i.-.irel-p-.d Mr. II. A. Tendon, p. Is u !;; ap.poit.ted a emitlitit tee i,o a; p j s la I. -a ep - ,-pf pi a ds (),' ihe iltaae ip ' gar i at '.tie 1:-Pen.. j A itaaninuai vote of ;: pprceitt t ien wtts i.eil tn-C.epatPlI j. S. Caff for his giftj a '!;e liespiia: :tt the Iv-tat". Mi;;.-, .icares. of W'iiiPi'taion. spoke as to coiieciing ait data regarditm I tic Stale ; : viler. This to lie' 'known as 'iie "Stone- v.;:il Cross, " ttnd not to c-mMici with the , , . .T,,r" (hat is already into the ;-v-in ofiuita a itttml er of valianl : t:rt'i Carolini-'tis. Mr. Oscar Blaekuiill ( ,;;1Vo- sever-. I ipspanci s when 'his ( roe? ' w,,i,l be well given. Ev-y Confederate 'soldier is e t'led to the ' Cit as :if Hoa- The "Stenev'all ",ro;-s." lo he iven 7 .. spe, ial aWs of calae, Thirt was put pip the hands of i i-ommiCca. Mrs. BP:, 1:- M,s. Jarvis, Mrs. Hinsdale, Mrs.: ; .p.p,( a. y t;;S ('oliins. i j'l'rsl rarsb r. of Wilmihgtoni pooke cat - :;.j... - eomli.'mion. ih". i nniosed . chttip -s. i etc. She spoke so reeig!v of her she. ; tit. the first State president: had watched ; t lo- era .vtit of this organiital ion from its i ..... atebed: its abvesi . Ilickei-ioc i breath then to see it crow -'u strong' ',i i oti lil h s r a-h 'd its present sta.'i'e. j-A rising I'r.te of thtinks for her ten-let' ! wards was (riven Mrs. Parsley I Tip' titles I ion of bow tiaig a S'ata of'i "r icon I'.eld oi'"ce (et'le U' : .-"a! erg. The eui'sthri ef pbieinT a 'acmoteU to la e a' 'lie inlrape'' to XriiiiPton t-nV '!:i-cusso.!. cd by Misrf Celia Bridsman. The portrait was unveiled by .Miss Fowle, cf Peace Instiiute and Miss Lucy Alice Jones. Ex -Gov. Jarvis in well chosen words received the portrait. AT THE HOME. This afternoon the delegates are bcins rtccived at the Soldiers' Home. The receiving 1 arty is as fallows: A. Ii. Stron acli. Commander: Jacob S. Allen. First Lieutenant Commander; W. S. llarnes, Second Lieutenant Commander: Dr. P. E. Il?:ies, Strt:eoii: Rev. J. Y. Jankins, ! Cba)lain, anrl J. C. IlirdsotiK Adtutaut, aril the committee in ehni'ire. which con sists of Comrades 'J. S. Allen. C. U. Dtti . tin. H. Ii. Ifranks. A. M. Powell. (1. M. Allen, W. II. iliiKhes attd Col. Titos. S. Kenan, from L. O'B. Pi-aiicn Camp. Tin so w ill be1 assisted bv the following yotitiK ladies (members of tie1 Auxiliary Corps of 1.. OB. nranclt Camp), who served refreshments: Mrs. Ar.di . w Syme. Mifs .Miriam Stamps, Miss Lueio West, Miss Helen Prburose, Airs. William West. .Miss Mary Andrews, .Mitts Hal Mol'.-oll and al'sses Ethel and Japel Stronach. - Th.e address et' ('apt. c. B. Ittuison yet--ti rdtty af:ernoo:i on Ji 1,'ersoit Davis was a splendid effort, anil added to his repu tation as an orator, c.tp-t. Densoti is cpe of the Pest posted men in the Stale and he possesses the literary ability w hiah enables him to Ho' he his tlnaiirhts in choice language. The address so uloas sl the hearers last afternoon that already Cap!. Ilep.son has received s"vcral invi tations to deliver lite speech in other towns adn cities of the State. Cel. T. S. Kenan's ini radttctorv remarks were well chosen ::nd ertieefully delivered. OFFICERS ELECTED Episcopal Church Workers' Con ference Perfects Organization. Tite Confer; tie" of Epis-nval church werktrs mi 1. ;;' "2'! o'( hick this r.iorning. Lilanv ratal bv th" - Bev. Wm. M. Jackson, ef l-'avet tcville. N. C. Bishop ('it. '. aire delivered a lilf.'' tip 0 ly ad lie s, specially to t'ne clergy, a-t 1! a. to. , and administered holy eomnittnicn. The ii ii-1 litidpess s.sati-.m of the c-infcr-eme''.V'!t'.i.'til!eil to or.I. r r.i 1 P. by C.ie l.'ev. II. L. l'hi!!i"s. :;f Plttladcl; bin : Ilia P.cv. Ceorge F. Itrogg. J:., of Balti more, was i let ted seiretary pro tetit. an" the cnpierclt-e paoceed In Ihe election of officers f r t ie ensuing year, resulting as follows: The Itev. E- M. Hollings. of St. Mark's Chun It, Chevies! (in, s. ('.; President. The Rev. E. I-. Ilen-lerson. of Annapolis, ' !.. p.-trclarv: Mr. P. V'.'. Thaggart. Tr;asurer. . fer 'lie installation o! theFt offl'-'ers, ;c i r;:l ii-i oi'tatit conimittees were ap pointed and the -programme tr.ken up ia order ttpd discttsaed. The Rev. Wni'li. Jackson n ad an i:. icrcstlrg paper on the soermd of th t.ug "s .-ted io.de and a general discuss'ion fol lowed. Afar evir.itig prayer yesterday by the i;, ,-.' !' l Ili'iiderson and Rev. E. B. P-pi:ctl. Prof. Charles I!. B-.rer read a well-prepared paper on the (iiest,ion. ' II. ov can laymen bast help to e:it"lt'l 'be Church? followed by a gennra.l discussion. PERSONAL POINTS. i'i.'. .:t.o. rC'el'.e's went to Greensboro f t' day- j lu.-ttiet Attorney, t'inud"' Bernard is i i.il.ii g in the ("cut rai Fair ioday. Col. V.'.. J.' Micks left this morning to j return to the orphanage at Oxford. Mrs. j Dicks y.-M Pc'ttai;. in Raleigh several W 1:1 !.t. , Pi;-. EP.;:'-.! Crawfa'-d went ' up to '.iraatist-aia. this nioipiin r. .; .'el. A. B. A-dr vs left in lib private ; ct.,' this taiuaipg far Greensboro. ' .Mrs. A. P. Brunch at"! Mr. William.! Harris, of Wilsoi.:. .Mr Sttittnis llov.ird. I of Tarl oro. ttnd .Vr. T. ii. Johtisoti. of1 Clipicti. tirt'ivi ii he re 'odt'v to attend the . tPtiiriag ' of- Miss l.illa Yaes and Mr. -Shepl'i I'd this i venil'g.- ii'-v. .1. o. Alderman and P.cv. W, II. Hid lard wire antong the mitnli-r who, went ('tit to New Hope tolav to atltV.'l t tile -Cen.ir.il Baptist Assn.-ini ii.a. !r p A ttn, J-'li-iiitig is visiting it; r i a- : rents. Mr. and Mrs. Ciias. Allrn. M.aptrs. 11. A. London .mid 'U.. l!. Mayea. j Chelhu nil's represent at iv. a. in tite nc-tt i la g.siaf.tre. are sp' I'dlng today in Kal- eigh. Mr. J. H. Pati went 1 -.Clayton today. Mr. Albert. Ma.sscy. returned to New York tcday. " - -i ; Mrs. W. ('. Cook left titi.t nioriiins for t At i bur here. 7 - Mtaa I.i.llv Kocm-e' returned, to the city this nicrning. Cam. Chus. Cook.wenf ba -k io Warren- j ten today. . ' Mis. .). (). Guthrie . r-.'fur:;. d freai C.reens'.icro to.tti'.- Mr. C. C. Baker wi v to Salem thtap liter"'";:. Mrs. Z. P. Smith li ft it.st night for- Ilielipiotlil. ' '-MP.. KOONCE TO-WED. M. s. -.!( 'ttt Ke.l'tee b cottnty to attend the Daisy Sanders end Mr W.-dnesdttv; The gri a ft todtty f;;r Jntics nttirritig.' of Miss Paul Keopce next nt is a br it iter of John tate't Ko.ep e.frtci ce. cb rk iti tl-e S"cr: ar , MAY GO EST. Col. ("barb's A. Cock, the well Ur.ov.-n Warrertnn attorney and a leading. Re iiil.lican is here tc.lav. He eo'ilemplates leaving North Caroliita tind set iling in the West, prokahiy In lBviaboma or Indian Ti rritory. He says there is no fight now hei'veeii the Republicans and I.'cniocrats in Warren. i i. CARPENTERS' UNPIN. "-'.". Mr. S. .!. Tr!dc'it will address the Car penter's Union tonight nt the meeting in their hall over the Citizens' Bank. The meeting is open to the public. TWO MORE HOYS IN JAIL. Two little negro Boys. Iran Cox and Willie Boone, were brought to Raleigh from Middle Creek today and lodged in iail in default of ff 110 and knmls. Th-y are charged with injuring persuuu! prop in Ihut they cut a bell in a gin. SHE'LL KEEP TflEU. Anna Hart Will not Give up Luxuries Defaulter Lav- : ishedonHer. NATIYE OF MOXYILLL . H sr Career in St. Louis. JTo Fight ; the Elizabeth Bank. chre I itzer Cannot be Found. ( ! By TclegVaph to The Times. NEW YORK, Oct. 11. Anna Hart, the young woman on whom William Schrolttsor ! lavished a bis share of the money stolen i-from the .ElisabethDort, N. J-. Banking Company, will flht the bank in her en : deavnr to keen the Jewels, gowns and i money which It is alleged were given her by ihe defaulter. She declares she will light the attachments placed on the rural-'. ; Hire mi her fiat, on the jewelry, horses, carriages and bonk account, j "Do you think 1 have no friends except i ibis little stuttering fool that has got i bin self ia this fix?" she exclaimed to the i office rs. She has retained a lawyer. I I; is declared today that Mrs. Hart Is ' a Kite-vine, Tenn., girl. She is said to ! have married a St. Louis barkeeper by j t iie nam of Sbaro. They did not agree. and she left St. Louis and went to Louis ville. From that place she drilled to Cincinnati, then to Washington and finally ( time to New York In 1898. She met St hreitp.er the same year at the Grave send Track. Her mother, it 13 said, loft her some property in Knoxvllle, but as she watt apparently rolling in wealth here, sho never took the trouble, it is declared, to claim it. The police are In the dark regarding Schretiaor's whereabouts. They believe he iS pome, where in Europe. PRIYATE JOHN ALLEN Fine Comedy at the Academy of Ausic Tonight. The proverbial restlessness of tie ar Initio to p. illuslrat ini H.-.nfcrd is now a a emy of been ot... tragedy mor L !::i'j :. a ll.r caw of t i :. aj'.pi-nr&iioi; .In ',. act ' for iovt! Yi: a' r "" : riUPflilt. P: ' a.:' ..; -nn leapil k I in scrtti slut ': ,; i.i- : ro :.' tiit'.a'i.iy wit it.cii vj . "ti) '.:be ha. o:. ; ' b f I ra c. . i.r tlaofi.rd -hi : : -t : ;'o)c-p'j dm ma ,.: i . .. ti. suitb si.tate.ia a, t -' ' ' . 1 1 : heat rkal prow . - ia ;la li-nEfdy w -i! i-.m ' " ' I IVtl t JfhD 'PleP . , a - sc. -,e for his tai. pip ..: ! 'nd'iuili, to" lara-a ' a . iguisPed ll"l'sclf lr. -v-;-1.: ;::: " : ( i'eraetcrs . arc : a ' .. . H i-ont'itt which 1. trag. dit lield of pcaring tale tip actor v any thin him a v Miss ''.is dis roles, drawn, with a its iull spared . charms vim cs I th east a: :. -i-rii-'s:!-. v; .'I. Mr. 'n s.-c ; I t an iste l.delity tj aSSULicJ itu deitici. RAIN PROBABLE. The forecast of the Weather Bureau for Raleigh, and vicinity says: Increasing cloitdiipess tonight; rain probable by Fri day evening. The storm in the Gulf shows signs of increasing in force, as the barometer has fallen below 211.1)0 inches In Mississippi and iarge amounts of rain are roported from . the central Gu.lt States;- the- largest timo.iiit was 1.12 inches at Meridian, Miss. The weather continues cloudy throughout the Southern States oxcept Texas. Fair, -' cold weather prevails In the central vavl , ley and Lake region. Light frosts wcroVi up eriPd .it Washington, Baltimore, CIoTti-y-land. Detroit, Chicago ana -Cincinnati, and heavy frost at Dodge City.,- . RATIIEP. MIXED VIEWS, lion. Vlanlius Jewell, . of J'nntlier iirtmeli. was in Kaleijrh this week. In att .ittciwiew err the- Senatoritil iies litui In- said: "f think Slniinoiis is e;o inp" m fi'et the nomination. l!tit I wiiiilil iititeii prefer Valrtei I tli rto P ! am a stroii!;' f'p.rr mttn." 1f ni'1 ,p etless Ills VK'iS s on ltp.1io.- i. ",':; v. hieh piip'ltt !iit v been t upp !' v pttt iity. . . PCl.ITICAL DAY.: ' ':-'.,, CM. Jtto. Ni'hcls suggests that It would bo a go. l idea to make Friday of. Fair w-et'l; Political Pay, and let every sooll-t piadar in tha State,' Democrat, Republl- 'ii. Popt list. Socialist, Prohibitionist and Anarchist, hold forth to tbo.multltudss. MAKE FINE EXHIBIT, id'-. J. J. Towlcr left today for Greenn !,("(, to spend today at the Central Fair, nakiitc some arrangements for improving . the c.-.I.ibit of J. W. Barber & Co. nt tho RakiKh Fair. Mr. Towler says that Ihcy will have a splendid exhibit. BUT IxND SUITS. Mr. C. M. Busbee went to Gatesvlllc this alernoon on legal business. He appears In several important land suits which Will be heard before Judgs McNeill there this a ' "GOSFEL, OF BEAUTY." Al the First Baptist church Dr. A. A. Marshall will, on next Sunday morning, preach a npoclal Sermon to young women en the subject, "The Gospel of Beauty." FOR BEST POUND CAKE. The p.oyall & Borden, tha well known fprr.ite.ro dealers offer a Ann Royal! elastic felt mattress for the best 1"1 ootiV.d enke at tho State Fair. Competi tors living out of tfie clfy will forward their en k-rs prepaid to Secretary J. E. r-vrun. rtiilrlirh. No professlonalti are 1 lowcd to compoto. Somo Raleigh lady outfit to win this prize. 'i 1 3 li'.