Today's News Today served at your Tea Table at an average cost of One Cent a Day. BThe Times' Circulation In th City of Raleigh Is Double that of ! any Other Newspaper. It Covers the City like a Blanket. And EVEINIINQ VISITOR. Established 1S7Q. R ALFIGH, N. C, MONDAY EVENING. OC fOBER i 1900 Whole No. 9,?46. $3 a Year. 9 w STILL IN DEP LOCK Mine Operators Openly Op posed to Yielding Another Iomt COMPANIES CANNOT AGREE A Leading Operator Says No One Man Can Control or Influence the Situation. P.y leli ureal! to Tin1 Times. SCUANTON. I'A.. On. The mill- ei striKc moa- is Kir' iron: iiein set; tied. I In- situation is prncl na 1 1 as much at. sea as it. was Ihe day aflcr the strike was declared en. The pesi lion of the millers is made clear ill the nscl ill ions adopted by t he nun cut ioi; If Ihcsc concession., are made hv Ihe; operators. Hie w hole t rouble will lie at an cud. Ihit what ill he operalors do .' is II10 1 pa stein wlncli once more coulronts the pnlilic. 1 lie important opcraiorsoi . nc oisi riei a re opeiiiy op- posed li v 'ieldiuir aiiul her point to tin miners and also said their aclions will not be coiitndh-d by any of the hip ceinpanies. T. II. Watkins, one of Ihe leading imiiortaul oporct.irs, in an inierview toda' said: "Mr. Mi'eholl app.-nently thinks that It i.iilrnl ..I' the ..mi. in. I' m.elMtiilllK ir.k b. ih,- lends of imiMif I wo i-r-r- sons, Mr. Moriran. or that I her,- is a 11 aVi of some sort which can decide lie- whole piustion. while as a ilecnl" ill,' w hole pur st ion, w hi u- as a mat lir of I'a -1. tin i'e are only III fee or . I', :ir of 1 1,,- t raiisjartation i'liinpanies in which any one concerned has any i ul! u, iic,. aiid iicy do not rcpresenl : ii,,.,, !n t .,!' ii... vei,,,l.. ,,,,.! thracile toniiaye. More than HIlliM'-1 fen ol companies and individiails in- tercsl. il in the miaii.e' and no one uiau ! can control ; iieve' ihe sliL-'hiesf in- I', ..nee over the aclioi-s. One 1 hi I-"' rucuce o'.er the actions, due t ii i ljr the comp;: Hies are iviipa rent ly iiiirecd upon, and that is thai they will rot airrec." NO M I1KTI N'(i. v civ -1 , 1 . 1.' , . . i . . v.. !'.,.-i..-:l ee'linjr of the am !i i aeit:- ec.iil opera- ' .... I,i.l.-I 11. ibis eitv no I11 one ; I I'lu-K II ia 1 o CO 11"-. oe- .1 ,,i,.i, ti.i ; erceiliCUT ( Ul.l.l ll.v IMC UIOICIS ill the ScraiMon CnnVcn t ion. .1:. the i.i.iiMiallv well infer Accordin:;- - vd sources -io na'ctil-':;- will be !i today. ROOSEVEiTIN KENTUCKY f. Spoke at Midway on his Way to i T-.- Lexington lodav. y I.I.Al.M. : w.. i .. -... i'. noiinciny the death of Miss Pnlabell vel, spcnl Siiinlay in li.e sa-ii..l- in: Kdwards ni the home ol' tier pannl Kentucky on a 1 hoi'::;: limed. l u '. i nt( . ,( ;,.s. j. ). Kdwnrds. in Din over Ihe Aican,!i r Sto-k i'arni. v.. here ),.,,,, 4 -,.ek this iiiorniii"-. Mis I-, ii.ucneii. -ino; .-.i on i.ic orch, It proved ol' e, rent hi iiebl. 1 Hi- i, e was clear a..-! P-ni w hen .he . Ipl.K-.. II ,,,,1 j-w,;.e ,,, , " ! i- vva.y to !.ciii l, : e lie sitid: "It is easy ciiouub I e,ar erol ' or li. I'..-. oul n-il easy t vj Ti to make il. so intclli.-dil Via; ricaais. .vill sup) ort ,. . . . .. , t i 1.. ... i i.i ..... - I he po licies a at! men I lis e em iiri- i bated te their material prosperity We i .in. however, iliiie' -to.- po.u ciei.. but we cannot ai'i :',! io dil-'er "re tiardiui;' In o. si i jiri s -i-.-ri of ihe peo ple's wiil a: ihe hni lot box.- The l)c ::( v el' JetTerst a and of Jackson is i '; :: p . ant e '-i-ii: i f te ley." '. -a I-'!::-, i-:i-.T. at ,!.i;x i n;;:i on. i a ".' ! I i'i'OV .. (lei. !.-,.- All l.-.,ii:-j-.ei wa-ii tbe , ''eta t v welcome l!oi sev eli . Then w ere horseless T.irlr i-'nVrs i'i .-i'.its. :.'!'( i ..irony, who m-le I as an escort ..i ' hi lip Side, which is the vvesi sit!e ol ihe court house square. There were K.'.iilio Tilled available no--, r-ul elin-bci.l ' l.'iri 'apli poles tt .eel a view i f the .stand. VCiliTCFY T!?& 1 ,V : kTL. i 3 lb .' , '- ; .- .'' r, '.! JUCIS.C IS.iilf.S he IS jliamiTling; , . t i and Orcers l.iat. i i - ...... i- ...,.. eocretl' al H: iili VelocU I his iniiriiiii!,' .. . ., ' tvn..-volMlu?d.;':."!.s-, 'k'v, lVrli,erl''H.'sei,h..j.'V;,lmer. 1 1. M.".J-A.le.i'. f ion!' nut-iice as comli1 id- whicl lilt l llt'lll' li Willi III l I emkes il impossible ! . l t . te in, Iiii.i . a fair ! vial. . I r is i'cpoi-teil thai the doctors say that la- is m better Hum Saturday. Attorn-v for -tin- pi osc-ul ion declared i i. .. ... i , hi-; .ni i 1 1 1 1 I si in .i.....,,,,-,,',.. to c'sc'ii-c I Hal. '- '"'- iCnckrun is at Ihe .Vudiloian.n o" Idajwill be op,.,, Ibis week for morel," . - ...;n i il, ei 'i .'..-. I ino- i ,.t..e. ...'. I',,.- Iti-van. and has ! I trivc. in llieir'purchas!- 1-.!. allhoit-'l eeei! on , o, n- .' . - i'" - - -N! i'a l it I i PI S. Itv Ti hTi-:i h to Tic- Tinirs. Ni-lW OUI.I'.ANS. Oei. I.V. I ! oiis.-ii.n iiiu-oiideil by the Pest (.eneral ill 111:- in. lei-ce o 1-i invcstinale tile pueu '-a (-. , ee-a .-..I..T ....'! 1 lie I c'exl "ssi, i'i. sat lierc I : dn.v . I ! will j sen.ei, on; the Nnr.l, HnlfH. .'-I-, on the advisabili.y of diseon- lie belwectK, . ,re.e, - J linuiiiyr he service a Itouel her. or ol -'st n idn. an" i- pi f a. m in .. .1 1 iiu 1 , 1 t d.1,11 to .11. not , I pi. .il'sti . f. nn. Hi,. . 11. nut.- . " 1 in 111. -n Inn 211111' thirnie-h the iv-sen- "fM1-11. . !-ris hcv i-u'e Iiiei" eseaoe Thev '-..! , s,.,su.v anus, . 1, r,,, d, Wouuj lidos vl, M.nin -0 lid r ... . I.';..... !!-,, Ii..'. ,.l,,,...i Wl , 1 ,. 1, . o, -I InlK'M I II I. . MM MI N I IN .. l,(,lf ,sl f,,io- o-elook al . l-.ll.l-.D. . am 1 1'. o .,e . .1.:. 1. ....... . r Miss I'.ndie I .le. 011 i I b iles -.n-cel. 'Ihe Oiite ol ineelinw is ,rte 1 f Tuesday lo lliursdiiv to eolirPctin with the Mission Clil'.i. TI" ('K W U'li.VNT. Henry William, cr level, ol SmiT-(-,-,.,. I to-.vnship. v.Ji lidt-vd m .tail .n.der a. pca-e warrant from Swili Creek township t-da. mO. E. NIEMYER Jr. Death of a Noble Young Man Last Afternoon. Mr. John Krnest Xiemyer. Jr.. died nt the home of his father, Air. ,1. 10. .N'iemyer, 1 IS West Put-wood ti'vemie. Sunday afternoon after an illness of four months, although he hud been conlincd to his TMm le: than three 'weeks. .Mr. .N'iemyer was an eyci-lleut .voiing man. just on the. threshold' of life, lie was years, (I months and It ilays old, hut (luring these veins he has built up a noble example of manly character which his comrades anil friends wiil ever cherish. Only y short time since he was wilh his companions in the school room and now his jour ney of life is over. The entire cuiumuuitv "i-ieves win. the father, 'the sister. Mrs. Kdvvnrd 1 I. misoiifr. and the three oniyer i 1 : " oi ners in i rt e intuition ilia lliey 1 have .sustained 'Ihe funeral service was conducted from the I'rcsbyterian church this af- ternoon at. 4::iO o'clock by K-v. I r. ICiiyene Daniel and the interment; 111 Oaiiwood eemeterv. This was ihe ! first in neral held in the new I' terian church, -and was pari iciiln i v still', since t lie deceased was a yiiiinf i man ol such hriirhl promise and noiile 1 ciiaracier. SERMON TO MASONS Baptist Tabernacle nday Schools Helps Ophanagc. ".-)"- ! Tile lilllltisl. Ti I . I.. C, , . I .. . ' school hell e,-.,,,,! ...ti.. .!,',. , i:i ihe church ami Ihe atienii- "lira was u nnsiin lly la rive. The pr,,- 'jrrnni. as a nnc-in-ed Sa.urdav.: was !.' i am. as a line a ice, I Sa urn:! v. was carried mil. and the recasion proved most prefi table. A collection was Pik- en for the Tlu.inasville Orph io-,., ,., resiillcd in mer $('.l). This moncv will i-o to. -be Mills l,.n,, i i! i. ' ev. . D. I! ul.bard preach.-d a -niion Io the .Mas, i.s on the text. -I'uie c - Hen n. and miilefiled before (iod and the rather is ihis. To visit the fnlh-1 11 l-ss and widows in 'their afilicl d I'.'ss ami v, idc-ws in their afi'liclion and to keep himself unspotted from1 'the world." i ! M r. liubbard said the I 'ptancinles of the Masonic order were i f,i:i.i in itn. iiii.i,. ..1 ' the brotherhood a'm: eharit v t ha! per- ' vaded 1 he nvler ;i.i,l !,, ...,....h. :... i.iii, in il,,,, 1,11,1 nave ,1 I ll'tl Oi ins i,i ice ,,i;;sous III lie eailNI IOI . when he died thaf Ihe chu that oilier iieonlc had. too. n;.d miss edwards dfad . F p I J V I A rv rorm:r MlciSii Youn Lady Dies I r. ri.rt-nrrt "V rA itt ", ""ojiiiii . uuu y . ... . . . ! I I ' 1 1 1 I 1 1 ! 1 1 I 'HI'H ' V tml-n- n il- i trh-rain wa.s received t. !... n... . .d vv r. is forinerlv lived 'in Ualei-'li .!( ,,, . ls, of' friends here .who re- ,.,.;vril . t he news of hi death with the dcepesl si.-rrow. She' is a member ol the Chrislian church h 're in !!alei..'h." She was in lier 1 vv cut v-t hi nl year, iler ath c;uic mil uncM.cciedlv. si nee she has been in declining- health, for i- ... ,,.,,.,,..,,,. ic was a neice o Mr. I-'. O. Moriinr. of this ctv. and Mr. a ud M is. Mori :n;- vv i II at t entl I he- fun eral in Durham tomorrow. Miss Kd- wards was the only liauuiii, bui . leaves beside mi In-other. Mr. ('. H her parcels. Ivlwari, PATENT PLANTER Mr. E. 0. Coie Engages Vvith a Company at Charlotte. Mr. Ii. O. Cole, of Ihe State Trras- i iirers olnc.. will, iitiei .lanuarv tie-.l. ; e-,) to Charlotte to take a )daee wiihl ;the C-ile Maniil'actiirina- ('emoanv.'! iuhich was iucoiaioi-.-led wilh a c-ioilal . sli ck of Sl.viinn. This rmmsiiiv was - iiicorooi-alcil today I or 1 he nil rn'ose of I n-:niilacl:ii'iiu-' a pnlent plainer which !, vh. t.- i Cole a graduate of Naniler-I bill, has invented. . TK. i,,,.,,,.,,,,,,., i- a. cot,-, i:. i vi ,... !' vv !.. h' I) ( v K Hell. .1.' S. Spencer; .1. IH Weddiuirtoii. j i,. i, ,, i. i m ii.,,;.. i m K....H II I . I i I : . v I I - ,1-nl I. . I II Ii .lllllllltil " I " ' 1 ' ' ers. ;. ',' ; ! The new eoi-ipaiiv Will build a fry 1orv nt Charlotle shorllv. ,, reiia.- i a ixni-'i i . . .V .- i -i- ....... . . ., ii.ii inn. i i.i... in i, i '. i m i i ! tdiit-orarilv a'laiuloncl ih-caava a-- i his vie-, lei--, ci- ci . .,t. Ib-v-ill visit, l;i soeeialisl today I'm- 1 rent nciil . a nd. ! I if possible, will lill his eiuvaua-a-eiils - hiMX-trnil l-.nieht. ' . ' '. ! I i - . ... ...... ,. ..; 1 II VI.. I lilllilil'.I.M. i OIIICVOO. ll.l... Oct. I.V. Three v. el I ! deessed men a car load ol pa Id 11 '.In. inn ii.i 'ii'W Od IV Th- imrv -i isn, There were a . lnrire number ol , cx-Confciiei-alcs prrsrn! Ironi dilteienl p-ots of tlu- Slale. and eiliens jrrn- illv irtieipale.i. Mr. John Munsoii i.s in llie city U-- tlav. BRYAN IN OHIO Bryan's Reception Today at New Philadelphia on a Big Scale. THOUSANDS CHEER HIM poke From Stand in Court House Square. Denounced the Trusts. His Stop at Canton. sv.w niii,.i)i:id'iii., oiiio, on. lirynii's reception here was on a I I a.: pre scale. A visit uiff delcal ion car- ten a oanuer. sayniL;: "e out noi I I'i'll I:. mini's ley for our fare. i I :i n siHic for a stand in the "'' house souare. Tin thousand peal le cheered him. His areiiinent was 011 trusts, mi'.kinn- ' ' he point 1 hat 1 rusls were taking tiie people's leoaev I'roai I liem. 1 11 d 'l'eiise i : "' I a e col I on oalc coiiipaay reb'ri'eo 1' i l.Y Kepnblii a us. M,-. i.r.Min said il did ; 1101 oa ic i;ii"-i v, er.t lei 11 01 1 lie coi'on 01 t ae count ry. ICxenrsKiiis were present from listr- n'ison, i'.eliaout. Washington. Holmes, i (lueriiscv. Monroe, Morgan and St-irkb eoiiiiTies. Tluu'e were Ilcpablicans ia the auili-j dice weariiii!- cllo badiji'1 .. 11 i' ;i 1 annul . r. .rvan sa 11 : While al ('anion Mr. r.rvan I" Vo i i' 1 1 rrili.ildv I'in.l ti. 1, .veil f.-w oeoile who will sin,,.,',, 1 il,,. It.- r publican idea of eoionial polic. and I sa-eci. that when you lino a Kcpuiili- can who will support tbe colonial n w lu will support t he coloioa 1 j !!. you ask" him to show his sin- eerily' by scntiii'ir a ic-tilion to I he ; President asking him to apolo.jie to ; (ircal lirilaii. fi the i "oiiblc we icaile l-.e i , i'. v.. I,. t ' . ,. I , I .. , 4: i' 1 1 he colonia I svmi-ih." I wi I h liiihbn or .Icti ric- 1 take place ; .ides t he I'.o da vs i mp-'scd 1 1n ltd v da I-;V.N T '"ro. 'the last week in November.. Wire r.-i-rrc will be 'n -ci-s-'arv M work out Hy 10 The Times. I still ai nn-e." I the cosl. in (lie cas. s. w'ivini-- iiinv ni (ANTON. OHIO. (id. .-..- When ihe; Harney lieiih. the sailor's manaifi-r. i costs in the case--, iriviusr. him ,iv I'-rvan (rain arrived here a crowd ol ! will post $ loniorrevv Io bind Ihe'iv days in all. ' lil-.van train arrucd here a crew:! ol !-'M en i h usiasl ic Democrat jrrcctcd Ihe candidate al Ihe depot. He went to the renr i-n.l .f the titiin tinil spoke for live minutes, lie was heartily cheer- ... I I!.--!.., ci;!. "Vo.i'arc so accustoaieil to see Hresi- .U-ntin-l candidates that it is. ..nihiicr ! ., , 1,1 s , -ill,, i I'-'l c w nil l.i sec vo.l. SiC'I'-.e:. a listener. I'.rvan continued '('anion i home of the I'rcsi.len. am. will always I... the home ol an ex-l'iesidenl. - - "nr.; . : .. v...i 'The I'.exl President wdl b, Inaskan." veiled back the cut hi; a:: ENGLis;i GENERALS CON PER - ... . , Ta fnn.i.1. rt!, f- n,.ll!-. i u vviuiuvi r tans ilii r ainytuiuii S I AnrulnM m u I I , i . A . i of Boer?. liOhhS ..(( ..ii ....'zl-: a v ne. ii I! J CAP!-; I'OW N. Oct. l.i Lord Huberts icnei a I I'll Her. (Icncral K il cheiicr and j Jir Alfred .Milaer arc eonlcrrin.e '' retoria. over 1 he sit i, at ion caused hy j H .continued resistance of the lloei-v. I It is uni.'cistrod that Ihccoi.fcrence i:- formula! mtr :i new plan of paci .ica I ion. , I, i.. ....... . ,..,...1 i i i. H is now slated Lord Huberts I' .vvill renuiin In South Africa . 'until I 1 'bias! mas. ( II s ( )N i I s fly u-le-srapii to Tin- Timc;- N-.V llllllv. Oct. ia. The sweep stakes masters' tnm-naV'-nt in t-hess ! I.......... ... il... Mt.i.l,.,.:..!. i i.... rt..i. .... ' tlav. 'Ihe coiUcs-ant-, arc ilab il ; Sta ic Pair Asi ciation to ma kc sev era ! ceiv.-l cony rat n.hitions. ;lrom- Mr. Has-.llodf.-s. Hvn.cs l.-q-s, 1;.. 1-1 Ma-shab I ascensions diiriiur Pair Week. kcrville over In-r new-ldind lauie slu ,,,,1 'il, ii. .. 'I ..... ; ' T ascensions will be made al 1 1 i - in : sa llii d forth Io erect Olliecrs Walter.- s.-.n will. ... ..I.ive, I i,!.. .! !-,- 1 In- Manhattan Chess ( bib. will, vain- '. able le.-ies for tin litst a-iree a! tin- ! Prof- beach is a noted aeronaut.- aid ; lo lb, m and Ihc.v pro. (j ;!,', 1 has. made ascensions and succ.-..sfiil j .i'.-.h-d .to. uucrmonioiisly ya I her t-.-r , -.- ' ptil achate drops in all parts of ihe.intc the fold ami she wassomi lucked.; MAIJIMAO!-'. AT II. INT. ! world. j bi ihe station 'imus-, vvliere she will Next Wednesday a! liie bride's home! Me will also be ri member is tin' : ,iobiti-Iy so; n be ".ven a ear, o arl- . at I- tint in this county Miss Pearl Sor-1'man who passed thronirh the .vhirlpool ; mi-s-.-n Io Ihe llosiiital at ( .oldslioro. , !'eP ai'd Mr. ml Mr.;'. Walter Smith, both of Wake, will be married I he bride is a "K'h i er o f Dr. I.. I', ,rrel one (if Wake's.' best citizens, and She i; room is 'I pio-uiinent. man in tins coiiul.-. .... I'm-: hi-:i.;ian h i;i-: at tiik i-':i;. I he nil rod ud ion ol t Ins Ii lie nddil urn Hie premium lis,; Inns been n-ccived vv I i "i-ea; nleresl tirom-houl the 'ounl ,-y. A Ii display will be nuuie ll l . iT. I til llllri. I.. I I IS I I . . . - ... 'V . . , l Their astonishiey ra pidi ly ol . -row Ih : vili iduivv n bv a v ; FI a-c; ll.l it .-. s, e. . . (,, . W ' on. s.ivs that lielllien run across iii.rn.. '. .. . . i he t line has a Irt-idy cNpircd. ; ' . : WOOH-I.W NCIl. l icense was is; ued Sa! urdav mehl, b-r i he ina rt'iac of Ni A. .hn-k l e-neh. of Ci-eciis'im o, n fd Miss l.cnu :;nl. v - - ' - : " ()''!'() OKI , ' , ',' . " ! .. : 1 .1. 1 1 ,1 1 1 , 1, . 1 11 . 1 .. M r.' Wi lev Cli flon left t his a I te-co-m I ';-.;, -,,;;;';",; , ,., Ill dmni lli,.,...v.' . '. - -' . . L..-.. .' I"'''', :........,. , ,.i,.i,.i'." : , Air. -.. vv. 1 on airi-cu 01 .,, e;-nvn-s Nash county. I- V I TI 'l : 'IIV'I'I! M l' Mr P Oleiin went ! lMrha-ii I .. . . .. , 1... 1 1 ' 1 ins morn i nn. ncic nc 1 for pnmtii."- the l. i.. Du- haia (o', i, I Mill. FIGHT AT DEPOT An Affray Occurs as West Bound Southern Enters. This morning us the ud -Southern Kailw ay I r:t,m entered the. I niou shed a siirin'y niii.-s id' men ; were striifjiflinir to slop a tiL'ht in pro- : !,'ress in llie depot. Mr. Al.i A. Mnser al the station ! on his wav to Durham, where he has a the same train. Oil" id ihe Ita vvvoo I j brol hers ran into M '-. .Mi -it and as he! the w'.'v i,,Me"Cl!'r'.!:!'. 'un!'' neb llie way. .Mr. Jlin'i i i-'-iit. al 1 his a mi tor a lniniite hiov.s ramed last, ihe! n.-ffro had an umbrella in his hand! auil broke it in slrikin-r Mr. 'Miwr. ;' The hilter, however, sti ii. k the nenrii ! several sipiare licks. ;hiiI knocked a! i ioi i le . a i ne iiiei i n i o a i miusu no i rr:ifincuts. A dozen men surged lie- tween them and t!:cv were tinallv sei- araled and both left - for Durham on ! ih,. sair.e train in separate cars. Not a. policeman ' in sisrhl diirintr I the -entire affair, but one arrind in t'une 1o see the train 'disappearing around the curve. Ihe negroes ni.-licd to the scein' j ili-i;iur the tisrht and :iIMioi:l'Ii it last ed ; only a short while, a riot was llircat- , , ,,, , .,1 (he tune, the white iiicu anil 1 neyroes beiu); lined aeaiasl each oil ,-r. i CUADVPV UAMTC Tr Pir.HT I Will Fnfcr Atfamsf Rlihlin. .MMeU " - - - I - , , 0'' "oOrDCit. By lolocra,li to The Tiiris. ; M'.W VOKK. Oct. I.V Tom ;-liai'key. I ihe sailor pugilist. I'-chcd the follow- I I he sailor piif: i list, r-een en i ne ioi low - j im tclcyrnni this mo:.".', a: in in .1. .1. ; Cn.ooi. the of i he Nil - j lioual Athletic Ass'.cialii.ii of San i Kranciseo: I -Sc.- M.i.I.l.-n or 1 1 : a i v. a ml match 1 will post loniorr.iw io inc. match with eil her ,lc IV lies or Ilulili.ii.j l.'etch says if either inur'.list refuses ! j to lijrltt he will mulch- Sharkey a -rains .( orl.ett. and will bd si.11.11 that 1 He U.-iil.-.i- s;,,i,s 1 he ex-ciia ii! I'ion. I Sharkey will con-'.!-.i!- lij-'l'l "-a in- in!- IimIiic. , 1 r yV i 1 V A-vr : Lawvcr p,trick and. Assistant Ar-! - - .!..J.v.J...iK-..'.. j rained Today for Forgery. NF.W VOKK. O. I. 1",.- Lawyer T. . a c niiiouaire vi hi. ai. .1 o-.-.,.. i -., i a cheek lor 5.'.-..lM. I ia . i . . ......... II ( 'cut re Si reel . Their npi- a. lice couri here to- ,' .v . 'I'll. ranee in I he icntl ! :na rk d i he I .-.. i 1 1 : i i nji' cf vill, I '--v i-i-i. .--..-.-- , l,;:;, riiltil'il-Ltil-nr'Too Happy to Cook so Goes to , . .. i: . . i no doubt, be u r.-l.airkit!ile Int. I. involv- Mis. Ka-.uie Pool, vv h, re she was c:n i:..;' an ."ilenaal c.,ns;iir;icy 1: iaia niit-idocd as a e; ; i iit'e'aie'l li,ns aid t.i have h v pie.! ic .livne.- wlio i ; lltliuence. win in on .,, -... l -! he' iniluenee the jury. ' " RAlO'lM AS'irNT'i JNS ' " " - t j ti rv i c jl. Great Things Prcparea tor t.ic tt,t, p:r .;iat I Uil. Prof. Hobby I. each, ih;- :'',: ri at:: b.;i, loon ccusio'.i .t is in tin- oi; . ;iii;! ' has insi closed n. couliaei will. ihc will. tliMilnv til' lircvvoiks anil para- I chute drop." I ri'pids ol Niai.-ara in a. -leci o.n 1 1 i. . th I v.lodi proved the oeatli oiiiicuiy mis nn ( apt. V cub. i he. hnl'oea asecusams ol i i -a. I. each will m ,'i'aib.t be a hi:; draw illy caul for Ihe Pair. . Mil. 1IANNAS I I M I Oi K. -enatca My loleRri,, i. Tl-e Times. ( 1 ! H A( .O. 1 1.1... Oct. Oct. l.i llaiina. ,,eeoiu,tni.-.l by Senalo Prvc. ! on a 1 ' .im i in , , . .1 si ,. inpin- tour I h h 'Neb.-aska and m1h Dakola. 'I'hey w ill s-a a.i in . Waukesha.. Vis ibis af U-rmam,.- anil :! Madison. Wis.. 1 euifj'hl . They vvm. I lioii. ; ., . I. ,,!',..:, I , a n I 1 Paid. Th.y wiil spend, the ue! Iwo lys in South Ihikola-. :,od ress, i:e a. ii.- n-.ectii.!- at Su :is l-i-lls. 1 in- I a ofsenator'pelliurew. They will i he,, 1o .Nebraska b-r two. lav's.- 'SMITH IN PKNI'I P.N I' I A I; W . I Tom Sioiilo the .lehnslon counlv 1 ocnio who killed two while men and - 'was s'-nlence.l to be;i but coin r. ....... ... nr.. ;.. ....-!. .v.ieenl in- til. , i'liimi 11. 111. ii.. ' . .. , r, ,,,,, jail here lale ihis a fun- , on or early l-'iuorrow. ! . 1 v : ' V I S ( ' V SS t.O . -I' '. IS ( A.N AW s !,;::-,'! X,",' i, -p, il I n.J.t .ml linn 11...... In , m llie,""" " -1- Iwill so to'Hie I'.ifhlh ami Ninth Di--- 1 (rids -to canvass for Ihe Deue-evaHc .....a...., 1 ,,,,,1 ( i, tickets. .. . .. ti. .n. siM' vk'no vr moi;i;is II.I.I-. Mr. A, J, redds lelt te.ia.v Kn- .viol- .a.-eiii.. icl...i- he will soeak lodav. ;i::i, 1 - 1 . . doni hi lie wiq spniK 011 111c issues 01 llie eiiiiipiimn at ( ar.v. POLICE DOCKET . . . Budd Gets a Time of $12.25, for His Saturday Rowdyism "" 'Tw0 Negro Women in an Affray ( ' and One Proves an Accurate ' Marksman. Mayor Powell hail a full Monday ..... i , ,.e , i,,e,.-i. i t.o.t v . ;i 1 1 , .iocs oi oi- ;, lenoi is iieiiij;' represented. : nisi iiaiiie on itn- lisl llrvan I ' "':' I . a . youny hito boy ayed seven- ! I ecu. ears, who eii"!i"'i. , in must mil - rapniis comliicl Saturdav ecni:isr in North l!alei"h. II,. a.s 'e idem Iv in- toNicated and amused liiuisell' by clins- ladies on the street and trying 1o inaKe lliein wa.lli with lum. A half: dozen Indies were badly friuhleiicd hv his behaviour. Undo was arrested and spent M. inlay 111 jail lint this ni.'irninu' 1! seems lloil tlt nuh i-l-t; n t .. ,. i iwi i 1 "II hcen wiliidrawn. He cooes. : from a o,K,d fatnilv an I claims l),-! ; ham his In ino. Iludil said t hat he i as iinner the mil ce ol a powerful , ili't'jr and did not know what he w as 1 ".V M:.' V'."' 1,1111 o-r 001 ny 1 ison it e on 1 w si . Ike IV,,w.i :.. ; .. di,,rt, ,,, o ....... I.',. i'.. fined l. .'-'". and .i:"..'.'.', in each ease. V. . Wimbisli. a iicjro. suiimittcd : !,, indecent conduct on the si red near i mi .cent com I net on the si red near the Kd.M.lon Si reel Mel hud is! ,.. !,.(, , Sunday rv.-niiur mid Mayor I '..well , made lira cus.'s auainst him and sent j him to the rends for thirty davs in , i... ,., v , 1,,' .... ly i:ys m all. The nc;'i-.. "as anvste.l by a crowd f ...,. rr(.m 1 1 ; - h 1 1 r. 1 1 and lied wilh i-ntic until a policeman arrived and i carried him to the station house. ioi.. it..,..:,,.. .,...1 n,.,- u- .. 1 t!:i. ,, nee-roes. we,-,, a .-'ra i f :' , ed r.:f ! nltrav. Dor.. :,c.--c r, I i i l. Iron, her hand sm- - I'at.i.- tic el bow. Mayor Powell requested' boll, of tieun Io pay .,.::., each and d.-nnrl in P,.'ee. . -! - u,: ..'"mfi":: SHOUTING GLORY , Ci.,: ;j.,. station nousc. "Ii!, :-y. Tie fnand .b yell Virfjio. Marshall if.,, this nuirn- im; when -e.;- arrived ;.t ihe' home .of jehur. h I. ist ni"!:! in one of edillcc of : t ii,. ceh.rcd -onu!alion atal liieri.. she I i-i-Ii h.n." ': o - she eidainc,l to a reporter as she peep, d I' behind tile pi is- : bars in the 1::'un b'Ulse this ni, ruin...-. I'.at Virtti.-'s -ad ;li."ht is due (o the i'.:i ! tiiat ; lic iusi.-icti o.i spreading- 1 ho i tila-l ti!ini-s. -When she -a p pea re J a; . r.:,,.,. ,,t c:.q.i..v,.,eni .-i.i- i a t ri-.imr she broke the news. then in.shid I'roi.i. the h-.Mise, across the ' st i eel I., where' Colonel ." Haskerviib was slanibuy and seized his hand in 'fcc' l idlo-.vshi W lie: -he had and Ahierse.;,, -.V h wen kina- their v. ay' up llie street. S'le ad -mills' ei el .-in- seen s ... n..,, .. in-IO'l. P. Da, ircel. VI ten '.a no np.eare.l. before -he niavnr sail a.sketl if lie aiialu cnri-.v the vvn'iiai ! iit-ae vv-ilh hi'ii. "Tliere alii'l an.liiiiK j Hie mutter. Willi I- r. she's jllat ef reli- ! idea,-' he expiaiinil. Mayar Powell haid: : "Vts, ynu ran take her lur.'ilu'l is a ' kind rf re!ii;ie:i ;vve i'a r.'t . t-eeil in Ual- : ei;;h. ":" ; :' ; .' " ' ! licv l-;i. I an. itttri-vicw wilh her nil, I de- ! I'itlcl to let her eon I in lie ill the tuiard lu:as::.' MISS OAST. I-.. . -to -.rn --iv I.- The Times. NI-'.W W'OIJK- Oct. IV. .Mareai-el lln's', expects to complete her L'.liilO-mile ride bv T o'clock this . t-Acuiii!.'. .and Thereby break all records. , d he d,l t le w on,:, n '.-!,- dniiif i t I 1 1 1 In i'i y. ;iml sccim-tL tn I". in c.iildili. n today. She is now well on the wav to the Plun mark, and' in e.v-l spirits. , ' Sunday rest did her a . 1 Miss (iasl : lot of iron. I. I here has been no rccur- : .-..I,,, ..,..,11 MISS IIA.MIi.l'ON TO WI:D. I liivilalions were lodav lei-civ ed i n iialeie-h as follows: ; Mi's. Matthew Allen Haiuillon requests the honour of your presence it. ihe ninrriai-e of her dauijhlei' Marion l-.vv imr. to I-.-, .lauics .1. Philips. .Tuesday evenin'fr. Oclober Ihirlieili ninet. en 1. 11 ml r.-t I al si o'clock. ' ; . -St. (, s ( hiireh. I in 11 1 more. ; Miss Haiuillon has visited i 11 l!a leitj-h md lias a hosl of friends here who re- 111. inbei. her niosl plcasaullv. , , , v . 1....!.i... ... o-nir, i,v ..... I s o dock PERSONAL POINTS. ('apt. .1. .1. 1'ernard went to Durham today. Mr. Julius Mahler spent Suntluv in the eitj-. .Mrs. Iv vv . lilies ret i:i net! to Wake i Pcrest todav. ! Mr. (i. lieiiton Alln-il. of Holly 'Splines, is in the city today. Dr. I!. T. Vann returned this morn- ... i i ii ! i ... I. . r,... ;." i . ... i Mr. K. C. I'otter reliinietl to .Norfolk this uiornih". Alderman iimw.r iv,:.. a i nut lor mayor s honors. It-It tin an :::iir lis mori,. : iittr. ! i;,.v. .1. O. Ouihrio went to i!!iai,i- ;sloii today. Miss Pnss. of Mncksille. is the ;iics1 ! (1r Miss Margaret Harris. in r'avoite- , .. t Mrs. W. II. !;.. I ?" -sit 1 1 1 rciaucs 111 iiic ci'. ni' i'i K ,. 1(:m.,. in Indiana today. ' M , 'l, llli,,,,i.,i, .i i'- ' lois ..,.1,.. 10 .'eh'rton euMiits for a week's' ...,-.:!. i yn- fer-v hit a kcr spcii I -ye.-ti 1 da v 1 a' . eitv' on his wav 10 Allanla. ciiiiim. i,. ..,,1 r.. . ; :i n t r re : turiii-d ho'ae last a ft en icon j nnic Duncan ttud .'vii.s.- i;tta '(.rrv left vc-tcrduv for r.irmiiH'lia'u. - ...,' .' 1 . '.. I... ti t , , uUeed". he S, r, e, 'fa'r ii, x. m-.i....,, Miss fiiauie V.. HiiL'hes. of (Kb I'd, is visitiny lier sister. Mrs. i.-..;id A lea iuier , Storks Inst nie ht left a fine lmynndi.,. 1 1 1 ... 1. .... 1... 1 r i ,. v 1 !7 .'. . ' .' ., ' ' ' ''.'! "' '.". .'.', '..'.,. .. h ,. ,..',',, f ,.,' ., ,,., to ( reen-'b'M'o " , ,. V .! Ili.ks 'is in Ihe eitv to- (i.,v ' ".' " ' ' da v ' 'x'. , I;,;..,,.,. ,., 1 f;.,'m. i ., ,',.j.', ', illc ,.'.,' ,."al liusim V ' ; ' ' '. i, riMCTDPI CH'fUf m'rV.M KCL MlUVY : " . . , ,' ' PCrlCrmanCe ut tlie ACaCiCmV Ot 1 . T , ... , . i WUSIC I UeSOaV NiSP.t. ! i HIU3II. I ucsuay liusco and Holland's ISitr Min-lrc l-Vstivai will be s,.,.,, at the Aendcnn ,.r .Musi,- Tuesday'. .October llilh.' .i l-cl! !l ,,,,.!, us. euery.v a no , , ci : . ins l-ecn d.'.'.i'c to make Ihis the enivvn- ' ...... .. e, ia, i ; l!iltv KVi-sands. who recciv, d the hie-h- - os) 's,nrv ever paid a colored minstrel ,.,li:i n : John llueker. ihe most ori- i i ' ' . ,imd of comedians know n as , h 1,,, a Plo. "11a i.nv Va sir. eiiril. ' ;., ... , ,. . .: ...... the I. one Star I oon. l oscv and ! -.v.- I's, the ileal Cooes," The scenery -thi -.ii-;i is a slarthni;' leature-. TL , . I - I- - . 1 s. slartvine.' feature I he Lvra in I first , ,, , . : . 'The tricnfil Tcrrari ,.-. niblf. "Dow n .n:oi , . i " .moo;. ... I ,e. ,i.m.-. , , , : ,- ...... place e t :.: an p. m. Ke'ci e M il-, lit vv i n sale. Tlie en tire balcony will be .reserved I'm' the CALL TO MERCHANTS A!! who B jv ar.d Sell Requested ; to Attend. 'Ihe Times has been reipic.ied by sr.n.e cf the Icadintr uiercha n' s oi' 1,'a1 eiyh 1.i .'stale .thai all the iiierehaal ol' the city, bit i r lit t le. rich air j:o,o. all who b'-iv ::'... sell, arc rcpir-le.! .. meet in the Mayor's oleic ii-M Thursday t'.i-Jit in. ciu-ht ' -o'elo:.!.. . 'I'bis tni-ctiiifr lias no cniuection willi llie ..,,,:;, . , I !,.. ('"; bat !::,-. 1 be '.', ,, ,,;,..!,,-.,.: ,,,! it,. ; , (..,..,. livery i.-rd.anl in p ,l r(.( , ,. ,, n.l. ' 1J lOX Si'Ai:!- IN ALASKA yv ; 1 1 - r;i ; 'a The Tones. s,.. r,, VN(, ,..,. ,:...-.w,.r,).e. 4 Aia.;., ,,f .;1v ,.,Ses ri sci;,: ,-,.,., !lnl thai r-ri-I . --; al, r vta-k na, bcin;; r. f r;i i I (it ;'! A'l vessel;; i-oiui'i:.. !'rt,i-i Ah: nov. una.', I tiuirou'jeiiv- c:- arrev- , j,,,, here. A imr-'ls senl-.mi in meet al! Alaskan vessi is. an! vvani iiic'i. nt .'ir. ho .1 ,'iiv ;.as--i :.-:r: rr tnereh;i;i'!iv.e uitii a dean bill in lieaPI. I:;;,. '. ia a :;iv,. a by liie (ularaat ine ilti'.-ter -,. ! ( ". HAi.KIOI! SIO( Klidl.DI-lllS. The slock hrlders of ( ar.ileif-h ( 'ol- leu Mill met at neon today are! elcd- ed the foilovvim; directors: A. .A. Tin nipson. W. A. i.inehan. .1. A. .Mill-.. Dr. I), Iv Kxcri'll. -I. II. ( hambcrbn. C. ' J. lltinl-.-'r.' .' llt-ii-e. S. II. ilorue ;iu,l P.. C. .Smith: :'..;' .. The dire-dt : s w ill racel to clee! o,"- lic-'rs Novciiibcr br-t. . H isi: p.piiMii-: Superintenilelll W. (i, Allen s ilial the I'.aiVe bridire will bcco-aip ed flli:-week and Mr. . Allen 1'niiik is a rca-arka'dv- stnuie- structure. is a. swineini;' .ninety-feel p.,,..-!, ' e SIN IIAPTISKD persons -vere bnplised int. the d ership o.f llie Pay I ,ev iile 1 red , mm, -,s church lad ni.-bl. The re- iv id : services vv ill colli i nlic' .oil th roituli the w eek, serv ices la in"; cOndueietl by Hcv .. jiuth-r. 1'IVIO TW II TT1 KiIM's- j pii'.nol is1, the liili-st thintj 111 the hi.IIkI- .,. t'-leeri-n 10 The Times : 'i'i l"e. ill his tufa mid saloon. 'I lit siiiN(iTOV n, i K, The ci-rrral I lfi 1,M' hist instrunicht of its kind re nlaiis far Ihe lniiblbiK nt' Hie l-i'l'l- shinid ccivcd here. Won drop a. niekel in the -i...iwvv..ii1n Vev -lei-sev .1,1,1 Ceor-ii:-. I fh't anil Ihe mstvument l-lavs one of ..iiihoiize.1 hv the net of -March.:!. h:w; the ln.1 est airs. It In quite a novelty nii.l flu- liiilllerliiiis Virginia .1111I iihnilc : aial l as aitriietwl a groat deal of in- andiorieil hv tae act .f June ' T. taaii. are heini; Kiiunlicl In hiihlerR la - ; ,iav fs! as thev a, ail v. The lint three I iniineil luiillcsliir:. tiro ti. luive siaicrim - i ivsed tnrreis. an, I 1 tie oHirea eribnai-v t .......... Ail Lalb will he opened on No- ,. vcu. her IV BRYAN -NEW YOBK Monster Preparations for the Great Democratic Leader's Reception Tomorrow; FOUR GREAT MEETINGS The MoFt Remarkable Demonstra tration Ever Planned. Fully 200,000 to Participate. Hv I ch-ff raph io Tlie Times. N OHK, Oel. 15.- AjuVs rceep ;. ... v 4...rt...., ' ..l.l.i ill 1 ,,. ,,, .,.. ..v;l!,, . , KlU( r wiiues.M'd, if the ilaiis ot Croker : I :l'"'1 (ivl-s''r fcr through as CX- ;-l,,'.'.,,'1' hunilred thousand M-rsons, it epee1od, will altemi tin? four mwt- ins held siinultiiueo-iisly at Mudinoii Sijii.-iie (larden. Tutniunti.v Hull, (.'ooper I nine ami Madison Avenue u.ud 24tli St reel. The oily is to be ablaze with reil lire and lireworks, while the kites b'ii.r- ! ' "F.. h i"TiptioiW of elcatnc will lly liioh. .Scarchiiyhts u.rto lie 1 be read by thousands who .will Vitoiij? ; i the street's, llryan will nrrive lit the (rand (eiitral tlcpot at S:n fp. m. Tucsilav. He will be uecompnimul by 1 I ' o 11. All ia ! K. SteVCtlSOn, ewU-r 1 Davis and Norrniwi K. Mark. : " lsl,i: will be met by the 1 amnuiny 11:111 'Witn eoinmittee. hwuUt by (rokerand escorted ti. the J tollman i !l',lls;'- " '"'l'1' suite hae bevn. engviff- I "' . l!!ivil1" the afternoon will j "''"''"; nlls from hi person.. 1 friends. 1 X' '"' ','l",'k ,!,'.vi1." vvi" .1hl' K"cit of I Mr. ( n.ker at dinner, winch is ro ih s.i-.eil ill llie ...oonsii 100,11. 1 . ... '"" 11 siimptuous feast and will cost ( I'oket- at least ..() n plate . - A1 :' (' "' IJr; '"" I -';' wl" leave the lloffinan House fur MiKliMin I lie -voi ... t by a sound or monnTeu ponec, nnver mil Willinin I!. Hearst will be ill Jlry- i's car Stand : Milo)t,y wall be-in spcnkinir nt Cooper I'liion, making n.:.l !il.'csses late, at 1 nuilTinny llall ,nn and l.v "'" aI' lainmn .v Hall n uh ( 1. rl i s ; ( uv !..,.. i i,,i,.l M On nil vti -iH-irin the 'IZ7 !' " I 1 J'l,1i . . il 1 T1 ,, . and 24th a will be iat Maiis x,m. at .Madison Mtiuarp iia.roen. in;, i . . 1 ... , -,--, -t,,,i has tinished he will be efwortml to the other three meetings. liichard CrokiT, it fs estimated, will -pi ii, I .t'til.llllO on tlu- tr.estius. They -;ll be tlie real boirmniTKr of the a.t- i tempt io enrvv New ork -Slate for i . "lain, ? . .i.i cr .t,e- - - ,, ,.,.. ... . ;,,.:!, .' Unwed by active cmiiliaiiriitiii-'. which iv-.ili not end until election, evening. ' NPW YOliK. Oct. I... Ifii kcr announced today that, the ar-.-i iviiu'cincuts lor the Deinncrii.tic 1 deinoiistratioii are completed, lie said i lodav il would be. the liisrs'e1 (lenKcn t steal ion ever seen in New Work eitv. Mr. Hevan. who will be received with ! nins-tiiliceiH honora. will speak first at 1 Madison Sonan- (iarden. where l-' lwtird s M. siii -ard will preside. Mr. lirynn 'will, cousiime an 'hour in. his speech,; i and tneii ir Io laibson. Avenue. ; I hem e he w ill fro to 1 iiniiniiiiy Hall, I where meetings will be held both - in : doors anil outside. His last speech will be in ( oiqicr Institute. Adliu I'.. si ev ensen. i-ii ndida.te for . W u-e-t'rTOi- tleiil. will lollow Mr. ltrvnn at Mni-lismi : Square (.artlcn. and Hon. 1'ourke (i...ran will then speak. . Mr. Crohcr : estimates that 11111.001) Democrats will be picseni at these meet inufs. lire Y. VV. C. ASSOCIATION AVss Bndgers Visiting Women's C-ilieges of the State. j. Miss Hi-iiiyeers, of .Philadelphia,. is' In the : tiiv as Hie rcpiesentative of the Wouiig V. email s ( iiristnui Association, which : ec.rrrsi'on.U a ituiiu!: female sd.iooln to the V. .M. ( . A. in the male colbpes. Misa . le in).-, rs has just Ino two coIIokc ' al (Iret-nslKirn: ah'.D Oullford Cnllego and ; '.sh-.- :". ni lodav at Peace .Institute. To- t-ierrew. sue -.vill visit the Haplist Female I. ;,e cr.uly. .Viiss -Ilrklpera ni a graduate;.. el ieiuili -f olh-gn and a youni; lady of talent, l-rom Raluigh she will visit , 'liiimy. and Elon. . , .' . .' ,. 1 ..Airs. R.lwin . rcaraon; 6f Ashcvlllo, la seen id .. of llie aasnriatton. P AND YA liM. , 1.,. i,.,-..e!: q ,,f ii,,, Wcal.her lbircau lor liiilciuh and viciuilv savs: t'Siir and war (oimrht and TueR.lay. 1 he weather is doniimitial Ity an ex- 0 esuc iiie i of liif-li biiroiiieter ce-nlrnl : ni ine iipm-i; Ohio, valley, l-ine, 'ener- a b clei'i-and iinvdcratelv v,a,eiu weath ce nrevads a!iiio-.t. throulirnt tho en- 1 ire con nl ry, Cloiidy weat her ia ro poriitl 1 nlv i-i New Kiipaand, and -c;uc '-celll-rcd over southern fl.iatla.. Ihe tenipirntiire is consid erably above In-tv.iu evervwhem A "''" 1 me wee.i ncr, lasting' several .'.''"'.'.' - .. -."'! 1 1 'eur, ;:;:;i: A PIANOTiST. .r. I-.. . Denton has put 111 a 1 ton- j : - : I I he W ttiiug l-iulies' Auxiliiirv -nt St , l.ul e s Home will h'lve two rcfiwh- 1 mcnt booths at tho V air. 11ml will an- j prcctalo the pntrimngo rf the public. iheir colors arc bluo one. white. ; ; ''.- ft t IK f.

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