fit "'"jr?5;'?::":J'r'y'T-'''' 'A','',(,-...i.t-i i 4'.. i I I " ' ! " - livery Evening Except Sunday, John AYJIber Jenkins ..Editor, Johu-1); Drewry.... General Manager, Established 187 and "Published con f tinnoualy Since that Time, , The yisttor-fre Co Publishers. Office i- THE TIMES HUILD1XG, L.-; 09 "FaytteUle Street. 1 Interstate Telephone ...No. 179. . Kelt Telephone No. 132. - SUBSCR IPT10N TKICES: One Year. ...... $3.00 One Month . . ... ...... ..... 30c. ' Delivered in the city by carriers or . anywhere in the United States, by mail.' The Times will bo delivered at i any town between ltaleigh and Ham let, between Raleigh and GreensBoro, and between Kujeiph and s Goldaboro the evening of publication. Subscrip tions are payable'ln advance." TO ADVERTISERS. The Times has a circulation in the city. of Raleigh and vicinity twice as large aa that of any other newspaper, now reaches tivnty-five out - side towns before teatinie the same evening it is printed. Advertising rates are; very reasonable. v Kajig Li Is dead. 'So are a lot of the other Chinese lies. : The . . Greensboro corres)on(ieiits seen to be adding considerable gayety to the Senatorial campaign. , . v The Pretndent'.' appoints November ; 29th as, Thanksgiving Day. The tur keys will now take to the wools. ' Claude Kitchen is making a strong canvass in the Second, He is a fine speaker and pleases bin audiences im menselv. ... , It is pretty tough on Mr, Bryan to be compared to Teddy Roosevelt, the only Broncho, that ever bucked for . the vice-presidency. One week from today the country will elect a "President, and .North Carolina will Kelcct a Senator. Wait a week and the Time will name them. i The registration in 'Cleveland, Ohio, , .ia 81,871, .1 gain of 9.798 over four years ag.v There must not, be much " apathy out there. Occasionally, during the lull in the i? proceedings, the voice of ("o-l. Wharton llarker, of the Mid-Koad Pops., can be heard proclaiming shrilly that, the . ..Only- ttflvatlon for the. country is to elect him President. ' - Mr. Walter Henry's four-column ex- plantation of why he has joined the Republican-. 'party can be condensed into on sentence, viz.: He got a good, ' fat office. That is reason enough for ; most of them. ' Our next Congressman, Edward '. Ton, made a me . speech here last night to an enthusiastic crowd. He will make hi mark in Congress, and will -.measure up with the best the Metropolitan district has ever sent to Washington. ' Such paragraphs as this from the Wilson Times are seen in many news papers: "Wilson had a. great big delegation at, the State Fair. Many returned last night, and all have great praise for the HaJeigh Fair, They say it i flue a nd that a n immense 'crowd is present." It is the truth; and when a thing is really good, the people ough a thing is really good, the people ought to say m. ".' - The Ualtimoi-e Sun's special corre spondent report that Michigan. Ohio, and Illinois- are doubtful, while the - Democrats have a fair chance of car rying California.' The German vote in Wisconsin is worrying the Republi cans . Delaware, Maryland. West Vir ginia. Kentucky, Indiana, and Kansas a.rei reported in doubt with chances favoring the Democrats.' while in New . Tork and New Jersey, which are doubtful, the chances seem to favor the Republicans. Senator Scott i? trying to explain . away his cVfensc of the Standard Oil 1 Trust, but it is the lament thing on record. It was a telling sentence, ami exactly expressed his views." Bot it would not do for it to go cut officially -to the dear public. And so1 the report : was HuppreKsed by the Associated Press. The circumstantial ' evidence confirms the trutliof the reporter's statement. Mr. Scott simply opened his mouth and put his foot in it. : i The estimates' for river and harbor "work in Korth Carolina this year are t followsr Waterway rom Norfolk, " Va., to the Rotimla ' of North Carolina. 29,870i Pa'iilit and Tar Rivers. X. I'.. $32,S00;.-.-Cap. Fear River, above VVil mington. X; C. $2r.000; Cape . Fear Iliver.' at- aud be4of ! Wilmington,- N, C.i $300,000. 'a, Sine', the: breaking wiit of th war with Spaio.;tbe"river and harbor Improvementa have 1een aome vliat ricgh-etwl. ! tt is hoped that nome ne the government ytVfi make an ln :nd waterway thiro'igh the North tUr- him soitiids that will enable large ti-iw! 4 to- avohV'fhe' .diiitgeroua1 f t.-i 1 Ihe'other Carolina eapea. v would be m. great thing for i t ' section. ' , REFORMATORY ASSOCIATION "'r $ ifve Organisation of Workers for .Establishment of Reformatory Representatives from different denomi nation mat at 4ha Treasurer s offlc last night, and organized the "North Carolina Reformatory Association.". .The object as officially set-forth Is "to secure the es tablishment br law of a State Reformac tory for youthful criminals, of both saxes and all racei.'V .. v. - : The following officers of the new asso ciation were elected; - President-, A. L. Chamberlain; Secretary, Chas. D. Rob erts; Treasurer, John T. Pullen. An exec utive committee of nine, all residents of Raleigh, was elected' as follows: John T. Pullen. S. W. Whiting, W. H. Worth, John Nichols, L. W. Smith, T. N. Ivey, J. L. Foster, C. H. Poe, and Baylus Cade. The following vice-presidents, repre senting the organizations named, were elected: Methodist, Dr. D. B. Zolllcoffer, Garysburg: Baptist, Rev. W. C. Tyree, Durham: Presbyterian, J. G. Hall, Le noir; Episcopal, Jas. I.. Johnson, Raleigh; Friends, Joseph Peele, Greensboro; Chris tian, Rev. J. O. Atkinson, Elon College; Moravian. Rev. A. D. Tuaeler, Winston; Methodist Protestant, Rev. J. S. Williams, Henderson; Congregational, Dr. A. W. Curtis, Raleigh: Disciples of Christ, C. II. Hackney, Wilson; Primitive Baptist, Rev. Jno. D, Gold, Wilson; Reformed Church, C. H. Mebane, Newton; Catholic, Rev. Thos. P. Price, Raleigh; Christian Endeavor Society. Miss Mamie Bays, Salisbury; W. C. T. U., Mrs. M. E. Cartland, Greens boro; Stnte Board of Charities, C. B D'-nson. Raleish: Masons. Walker Tavlor. Wilmington: Odd Fellows, C. M. Busbee, , Raleigh; Knights of Pythias, F. D. Swin' dell. Ooldsboro; Farmers' Alliance. T. B, Parker, Hillsboro; A. Q. V. W.. Leo D. Heartt, Durham; N. C; J. O. V. A. M., W. E. Falson, Raleigh. V A committee on finance was appointed. Mr. John T. Pullen, treasurer of the so ciety, will receive contributions from any one interested In the .movement. . The .Committee on Pamphlets consists of A. L. Chamberlain. John Nichols, W". E. Faison and L. W. Smith. A committee on press articles consisting of Dr. T. N. Ivey. J. W. Bailey and C. H. Poe was apfoiuted. "TOWN TOPICS" NEXT Thb Comedy the Attraction at the Academy Wednesday Fashionable Tioariling hoiise life of ten furnishes jvenes and sayings that are called funny. But the real thing is hardly equal to stage productions based upon them, nor as laughable. What, in this respect, is said to be "holding the mirror up to nature," wtib various eNiiggeratcfl phases." is the farce comedy "Town Topics' which is one of the most popular of its kind. This .play will be presented at the Academy of Music Wednesday Xight, October' 31st. The first, act represents a boarding house, scene in New York city, and here the fun, that lasts until the end, begins. The chief characters axe Mrs. Quick, the landlady: her jealous hus band; a (iermon professor, with a coU ored valet; two chummy young men who believe it' is better to , '."jump" their board bills when they can, than to settle: ami several pretty young women. The second act takes place at the Quick's seaside home. and the third and last act at their city resi dence. There is abundant diversion throughout the performnmre, so much fun making is crowded into it, that not a dull moment can be foifhd. The songs, dances, specialties and cos tumes arc new and up to date. He-' s.; rve sprits are now on sale. NOTABLK l'ATHOXKSSKS. Mis He'en Could is one of the pa tronesses of some, entertainments to be given at Miw (iardner's school, in New York this winter, by .Mis Louise Fischer. Mrs. Russell Sag-e is also in terested is nlso interested in the school. Miiss Eleanor West. --"of Kal eigh, is attending' Miss Canlners, SPKCIAI. l!ATPi TO.VETJX)N rIH. Tlound trip rates via S. A. I.. Hnil va,y from llnleirh $:t.6.'5. includinjr one admission to Fair Crounds, on sale Oc tober 30. Til, Nov.- 1. 2, finfll limit No vember '3th. (let tickets at up-tmvn office. .C.: H. GATTIS, ('. T. A.. ; : YarboKMigh House. ANOTHER LOT OF Fresh Creamery Butter For Table Use. ROGERS GROCERY CO. .. --, ' - NOTICE. - ; '';- ' In compliauee vith the action of the Hoard of Aldermen at its' last meeting imstructin(f the Street Com mittee to have neat signs placed at the corners of all the streets with the names thereon;,. the Street Committee desires to proceed -with thi work at once and invites sealed bids from ar.j citizen of llaleigh who is willing to undertake the work. , 'liio signs must be on hard metal and neat and dura ble. They will be placed on houses when convenient, otherwise on - tlve lamp posta and where neither o house nor lamp pole is convenient, they arc to be placed on neat iron posts. Bids will be opened at noon Friday, Octo ber 26th,' 1900. We reserve the right to reject any and all bids. . ... , JOHN C,. DIlEVIty.v . 1 r. -;,--; .-' -. -, Chairman.,, October IS. 1900. 2' r-t llIfT ; ' Fnr tLincinp' or dress 'T&flX ? ' Just Arrived. , T s ;Only 2 poliars., yrrtaWMaWIWI-aw mm -mm mttk of Life. ' Happy is the person thor ottghty - prepared by -perfect good health,- to, vin life's batticiIMfconditioncames only ; with absolutely pure blood, v Over: 90, per cent. 4f humanity are troubled with a Jaint, imparity or humor of some kind in the blood, tvhtch should be removed by Hood s Sarsaparillai the' best specific for both sexes and all ages. A Good Tonic "On general prbi. ciptes Ifuive Uken Hoofs SrsprSl a. a needed spring ionic. B is nwsi excellent ' medicine'." KtXon Htmmtr, Engineer, oitstvron, Pit. Hoodt riUi car Mvw Mli; niiMm4irrUatliit an ooly catbartio to take with tyooiTt BariaparUa, DIAMOND DIGEST ' TABLETS D Destroy Djrspepai and restore th bowels and liver to perfectly natural action promptly, or money refunded by any drug gist; '.' .-. " -. "..'.. Gentlemen:' I have been taking your Diamond Digest Tablets for two months past and am practically a veil man for tk firit Hme in 10 near Everything I at dli trested me, mora or leas, and I was all rua down from lack of proper nourishment. I am eating everything that comes my vay now, without the slightest inconvenience. Two tablets after a hearty meal and oik after light meal seem' to thoroughly di rest everything, and I am dally oins fletk. My daughter - commenced taking i them about two weeks ago for constipation, i and! while they do not act as quickly as some powerful cathartic, they are poaiHt'f. and much more satisfactory, because they do Bot (Tripe or distress her In any way, and' tin relief seems to be of a permanent nature.- All other medicines have left her In worse condition after taking than before. D. V. Bsbobn, 27 Boyd Ave., Jersey City. Dear Slrr T have taken OB box of your Diamond Digest Tablets and they are the ; only remedy I have ever found that tops the Heartburn. I enclose 50c for another box. Maa. Henry Cumminos. R ; Pelican Raplda, Minn. Free sample package for two cent stamp. Olanand Drag Co., 84 W. Broadway, N, Y. sVesti Trains ppuBiE Daily Service TPVISS LE.VVE RALEIGH FOLLOWS: V A.S No. 3S, at 11:18 a. m. for local points between Raleigh and Portsmouth, aud steamers at Por'smouth for Baltimore, New York and Boston. No. 60, at 11:58 a. m. for Ilichmond. I Washington and New York, with tlirough Pullman sleeping car attached. N. 44, at 11:40 p. m. for Portsmouth Norfolk, - Richmond. Washington. Balti more, Philadelphia 'and New York., Through sleeping cars to Portsmouth, Washington and Jersey City. . No. 31, at 4:06 a. m. for Charlott", Wil mington. Atlanta. Columbia, , Savannah, Jacksonville and Tampa. Through sleep ing cars to Atlanta and Tampa. 1 No. 41, at 3:C1 p. m. for all local points and Charlotte and Atlanta. Through Pullman sleeper to Atlanta. No. 27, at 1:60 p. m. for Columb'.a. Sa vannah and Jacksonville. Through Pull nifi slrpping car to Jacksonville. No. 24, mixed train, leaves Johnston Slrdet Depot at 7:4.r p. m. for local points between Raleigh and Weldon. Tickets on sale to all points, Pull mart Berths Keserved and reservations made on outgoing Steamers from Nor folK. Baggage checKeci rrom noieiano residences without extra charge at UPTOWN TICKET OFFICE YARBORO HOUSE BUILDING. C. II.GATTIS, CITY PASSENGER AND TICKET AGENT, RALEIGH, N. i :S. : . Bell and InteinState 'Pliones 117. -II. S. LEARD, T. P, A., HAMLET, N. V. ' ' THERE ARE GOOD AND BAD PEOPLE, Arid so it is with printing. We dd GOOD printing,--the kind th4t lends style and tone to "your business; and yc think that you will find us good, people to deal with.' The chances are that an opportunity to estimate on your work, will bring us together. ' ' ( ' ; . The Bell Book and Stationery Co., 816 Main St., I , 914 E. Martin St., Lvnehburtr. Va. . ' Richmond, Va. "COHTEIITliEiNT UBETTERJIIM BIQIES 7 ,B I, '. " . t'. IT '-. "rl J ',.1 'w FARINA ROLLER MILLS 0., Raleigh, IN. C Make Home Attractive; J ' 'i-rV-'i'. - .- -'a: , . ,r, Pianos and Organs. Every one who admires high musical quality Is Invited to hear arid try the line new instruments now on our floor. We have just received twocai loads of standard makes pianos and orpins, that will harmonize with any home, and prices to harmonize with any pocket book. ' Call or vyrtte 1 , DARNELL & THOMAS; i i .... j ! '. . '. lii. '-i'a-i-L-J' Ji1' A '. 1 1 STYLISH FALL SUITS; A Stock of Handsome Fall ratterm )ut rwsolvcd . Make Your Selection Now. Every Customer Pleased. . C. H, BEL.VIIN, The Tailor. White Star You seefddvertised in all the Periodicals r the day, and on the boards of the city, is on sale at J. ( R. Ferralli& Oo ' 222 Faycttevillc St. DO NOW ! and have it donq in time. Do now and have it done rirrht. Cheap negro sign botches arS Chinese puzzle i painters may foot you tut v I will not. BULLOCK "of course" 'Phone 69 11 Haitfctt St. YORK RIVER 0YS1ERS FRESH EVERY DAY. Fine Fresh Fish. Speckled Trout, Spanish Mackerel, Butter-tlsh, Mullets, Trout and all the varieties from the Newbern, Morehead and Washington- markets. - - J. R. Upchurch, East Martin Street. HardirvfJ?s. 1 "Birt man Is so constituted has stttl so much of the animal in him tbal -' -.... .'-- . - . ' contentment depends nol a little upon his food. To maltc a man thoroughl! dissatisfied with his life nd Mi give . , - i -1 i him bread made from moldy or ill pre pared Hour, Write "eontehtmcnt" on his face by bak ng only North Stat flour always pure and clean and made with care.' ' " ; - - , i Coffee. I BUY AND SELL Old Clothes, Hats, Old Shoes, Old Gold, Pistols, Watches, Guns or Anything. j Call Bell 'phone. ... 864 HARRIS STEAM DYE WORKS. rJju 1 ts Cleaned ...... ............ 75 i "1 Cleaned and Dyed $1,50 Bulbs. Bulbs, Bulbs, Our early shipments of Whitr Roman Hyacinths, ISarcinmiK, Freeaias, Easter IJIltea and Calla Lillies, has ar rived and are in the finest shape. Other bulbs will arrive later, j. KIXIC'C UT FUIWEKS OP ALL KINDS IX SEASON. Ilocineta and x iornl Designs ar ranged in best style at short notice. fcALMS, KEItNS AM) OTHKll PUT PLANTS, for House and Window Decoration.- Fern Dixhe8 a specialty. - SHADE TI1EKS, EYKkGKKKNS and SllJlUBBERIKS, together with all kinds of green honse and out-door stocks. Vegetable Plants of all kinds in seasons. -'' See our sliow-windo' at J. Ii John boii's drug store. L.-ave orders there or call 'phones "HQ ' . i -.- ' .- V ;-.) . " - 'J . ;' " ' 4 .- ' :-'.' !'!''- ' 1 J. L O'Quinn & Co., ; FLORISTS. Dirncr Polk and Swiln Streets. Ral eigh, N. C ' : - ;. . : NOTICE OF SALE. ( , ' .'Default having baen made. Id .te payment of the put chase money fand interest due thereon wpon . the. tot hereinafter mentioned and described, the undersigned . commissioners duly appointed Jin, th fcase or Kkarson va Watsoii et al., will at iioou on Monday, the' 6th day of iNOvembov., t00 at the eourt house door in Huksigh. eviot,e to pnblio sale tot Nos. ISa, 1 19-1590,. 121-123, 123, 124, 63, and , of No. 12 of the plot of , the land sold bjt said ooamlHHioncrs, wshk-b aid plot ia re corded in the Urgister'a -: .office.:- tot Wake county, North Carolina, in Book of Maps 1885, page 29. - Terra of sale, Cash.- ' i .--r j ' .-. V. ' ' i F. H. BUSDtB, , . . 'J. M. Ut'SUKK. , ' ! . - - -. Comniissionera. ': October 1, 1900. . 2-tda. , I . Gross & f . . w y?mt 1 ; I Who are Interested lit good clothing .L.TO BEST BUY; THE-BEST-.. come andBce the lavish showing of tiie finest productiohs from the sho; . the Creates! Clothimker in thi Wrldi ' L 17 -T--ft- -1 ,.- WE WANT THB MEIN . . - - . . whn buv hore to iret clothina they'll be out selections with that object in view; and we keep tho'samc purpose in mlrJ whLi amakBthn ftrkJA!.'1 All hrir clothing is orlced tliat melTXrlll see tinan cla! ad vantage. as well as advantage in resjiect tt) STYX-l JTHJ) MATERIAL WR ARR AN AUTHORITY ON CLOTIIES.andthecffcnmnnltyhasstampcd ours with Hie seal of CORItECTNESS which lit all thatfeari be asked for IP ariharril pall and see lis.'- . , i CROSS & UP-TO-DATE Iew Arrival of Fall I if'l'.'f ' tj- '. ynil, bjifilt l ' V.-." '-fl JOHNE.BRIDQERS. Merchant Tailor. 16 1-2 FAYETTEV1LLE STREET, MA LEIGH, N. V. BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SHOES Specialties in thesi; goods made by factories who maki them a ; - n - : 'I - . . Spxiality, and make nothing cb;. '. Double the wear, looks and comfort of any other lines on ' the market at same Prices. , On -POOL'S SHOE STORE. "HAM" King Heaters. The best, cheapest and most economical. Burns wood, greener the better. ' ' "ITHACA" Shot Gun. j Unsurpassed in BeaUty, price and quality. "PETERS" Cartridges fully guaranted.; . - , : "GARLAND' Cook Stoves and Range The world s Bist.- " EVERYTHING SOLblN A HARDWARE STORE. Largest stock lit North Carolina. 1 JULIUS LEWIS HARDWARE CO., r - Vi v" .'.- " '' .t- .--,'' .1 ' V n ..... Our FaJr Exhibit Which -wm' worded ttje GOLD MEDAL will be at our STORE on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30tt. m Every article in the Exhibit will be sold for considerably less than our usual ILetail Prices, The Royall & Borden .Furniture. Co. LI 11 Id 1 I H&- Men 1 I - , 1 1 - - it and all others W Jtrtow Mrhoro V - s . ,- v -.r-rrt . -,-.-;-,-.- ' . thorough! satWflcd with, and wc tmwi AND SUPERIORITY in every detail YOU WANT 'ANYTHING in . 1 ... .,. ,r j UNEHAN CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. and Winter Fabrics I, ... ; r . , Are surprising us by their novelty and freshness in rich combinations of color .and beauty of patterns for Suitings and Trouserings, in Fancy Vclour Suiting, Oxford Mixed Melton, Silk Mixed Worsted, Vicuna and full line ' ; I ) : y. . of Cnssimere Suitings and Fancy Striped Worsteds for Trouserings. I Ordet your new Fall Suit no. mid be teady for the State Fair before t he rush commences. E Sale at 1 r ... $ f, . -w I : .

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