r4 Today's News Today served at : ': -'' "-.,' v . -'-;...'--.'.- your Tea Table at an average cost of One Cent a Day. The Times' Circulation In the City of Raleigh is Double that of any Other Newspaper. It Covers the City like a Blanket.' . I And EVEININQ VISITOR. Established 1879. Whole No. 9.57?. MCARTHDR'S REPORT The Philippines Must be Con quered by Mere Force of Arms 413 STATIONS OCCUPIED. American Loss 1,073 Filipinos Lose - 6,785. The municipal Gov ernments. Bv telerrnph to The 'rlmcB. WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. .General MoArthiir's Hiinuul report, written Ncpt ember 1st, was made public to day. Kvery question in the Philip pines i treated, , and the inference drawn by many of those at head quarters is that if the United States is to conquer the Philippines, it must lie by sheer force of. arms. While, according to the reports, Aguinaldo and his band voted to dis- continue the war November 12, 1899, as a matter of fact -it- is continued. By their ability to doff the habiliments of war and assume the garb of peace the Filipinos have successfully kept the field, but at. a tremendous loss. The fifty-three stations which wore occupied by the Americans on Novem bcr 1. IS'.)!), had 011 September 1, MOO, expanded to 41,'t. While the Americans had lost l,7:i in killed, wounded and captured, the Filipinos had lost 6, 785. The report says: "The Filipinos are not a. war-like or ferocious peo ple. Left to themeslvea a large num lier would gladly accept. American su premacy, which, they are gradually coming to understand, means individ ual linerty and absolute security in their lives and property. "However, they have been misled until they believe that 'in all doubtful matters of polities or war, men are never nearer right than when going with their own kin.' J 11 consequence most of the toyvns in the arehiielngo have an organized municipal govern ment for which people have evinced such intelligent capacity as to encour ap;e the exectation of rapid progress fn the art of self-government." SALISBURY'S SPEECH. H?.s Aroused Considerable Com- ...ment'm London. w, llv firf.pnnl to The Times, . , LONDON. Nov. 10. l,old Salisbury's speech at the Lord Mayor's banquet hist night, in which he expressed ex treme satisfaction over the re-election cf President McKinley, is the subject of much comment today,, some of ivhich, is unfavorable. The 8t.r says: "it wii.H Indiscreet of Lord Salisbury to congratulate .Mr. ('limit e so eiTusive lv on the victory of McKinley." The Saturday lieview says: "We depre cate in the strongest manner ihi at. tenmt t; treat the Republican victory n.s that not only cf English .interests but also of righteousness. The chagrin of Creker. it is true, move.i in not. hut, we cannot raise1' n pea n over llanna. 1'rvnn stood for seme causes which we heartily sympathize with, lie opposed monopolies, and a bastard ini norinlis'm: he endeavored to get 11 hearing for the lesser members of the coiumunitv, whose interests are net these of the New York, million- R. 0. DUN DEAD Was Head of the Most Noted Mer cantile Agency r.W YORK, Nov. 10. It. G. Dun, head of I!. G. Dun mercantile agency, died at one o'clock this morning at his home lu re of cirrhosis of liver and heart1 failure. I DOT'S VISIT TO Cl'HA. Iiy telegraph to The Times. HAVANA, Nov. 10. Convention er.nunittees will be ready to report at Monday's session, Cuban politicians believe that the visit : of ' Secretary IJcot. to Cuba is full of significance. Some of the niurniiig papers think Itrvjt's -visit inciins granting absolute 'i!!(li''pend( nee inimedialcly. LYDIA PINKHAM'S JU'SliAND DEAD llv telegraph to The Times. LYNN. MASS. Nov. Kl.-Cliarles lMnkliain, proprietor of the Lydia E. t Pinkhnm Medicine Company, died this morning, aged 58. He was a evil war veteran, member of the Lynn Park Commission, and ft generous contribu tor to public and private charities. POINT BREEZE STAND BURNED. firr th ri-nuv. PHILADELPHIA, PA.. Nov. 10. The grand stand nnd club house of the Philadelphia Driving Park AssoMation, nt the famous old Point Breeze race I'-tick. was totally destroyed by lire tiiis morning. Loss $30,000. r shot kojI a deer. 1 ).. ,... to 'I'he 'I'lnivs CCDENSIIIRO. X. Y.. Nov. 1(1. Pi 1r r helTield. of Duane, Franklin coun tv. wis shot and instantly killed while hnnling in the Adircnda.i'ks yrsterdav. An unknown hunter mistook Sheffield ' T:r c deer. .. , . . 1 , DAWKS TO hl'U EUI) GAGE. " Pnl:l lo Th" Tlmra. . 1 NEW YORK, Nov. 10. It is relia blv slctt'd at . Republican national t 'tilqi!trti rs tlu't. Lyman ,t. Cage will Anm retire front the fublnet; CIsarlcM (i. Piiwes. et:mi;1roller of the Ctinvnry, will succeed tinge,'. - . A BRIDE DISAPPEARS. An Official's Wife. May Have Committed Suicide. By telegraph to The Times. ; , LONDON', Nov.' 10. American so ciety in London, is agog over the mys terious disappearance of the bride of an American official who was Blind ing his honeymoon in London. The bride is 24 years old and the groom is fifty. -" ' On Thursday of last week the two dirieel at Cafe Monico, and when they started for their rooms in Bedford Square, they were followed by a stranger in a cab. Next day nvhilei the husband was out, the young American called and asked to be shown to the young wo man's room unannounced. Shortly af ter both left the holism and the fol lowing morning the husband got a letter written on paper of the Victoria Hotel, which said: "You will never hear from me again. Shut me out of your life." Last. Sunday the police found a body of a stylish appearing woman on London bridge. There was nothing on the body to identify the. woman, ex cept her' shoes, which bear the name of a Cincinnati maker. The husband of the woman who dis appeared has not identified the liody as that of his wife, and does not be lieve it is her body, but the police link the circumstances together. They refuse to reVeal (he names irt the BULLER IN ENGLAND. Goes to-' Aldershot to Review the Troops. Bv tlcTaDh to The Times. SOUTHAMPTON,.. Nov. 10. (ienernl Sir Itedvers Duller, who arrived here from South Africa lust night, whs to day escorted by the mayor and cor poration to Hurley Institute, where the frced'om of the city was conferred upon. him. - An enormous crowd gath ered aliout the institute and cheered Duller enthusiastically. After the cere mony the General took the train for Aldershot, where he will review the field manoeuvers this afternoon. All railways are running special trains from London and other points, carry ing over 50.000 jieople to th mnneouv ers. ANOTHER FIERCE BATTLE. Lord Roberts R2pprts an Engage msnt With Boers. " : Bv telegraph to The times. LOXDOX, Xot. 10. Lord ' . Kftbet-H reports another fierce engagement with the Hoere ,this' time cast of Pre toria, on the Delagoa road. Coming so soon on the heels of the battle with Dewet's commando '.this shows unusual activity among the. Doers. JAMES C. GIBSON DEAD. Cashier of Concord Bank and Prominent Citizen. Special io The Times. CONCORD. X. C, Nov. 10. .lumes ('. Gibson, cashier of the Cabarrus Sav ings Hiiiik. who was for twenty-fcur ytvirs clerk Vf the Superior court of Cabarrus county, "died at his, home here early this morning. He was nearly sixty years of age. He leaves a wife and five children. FATAL WltECK IX OEltMAXY. By iplewnnh to The Times. ; DERLIX. Xov. 10., A passenger train collidcl with an express, which was standing bet ween unenpacn aim Frankfort last, nieht. The express train wiih completely wrecked. The Inst carriaa-e camrht fire, and the oc cupants burned to death. CHEMISTS HE. UUX. Dr. P. W. Kilgore. Mr. C. 11. Wil liams. Prof,-Charles' Drewer, of Wake Forest: Prof. W. A. Withers, Mr. Ce buru Harris and Mr. Grimes Haywood have returned from Durham, where fhev attended a meeting of the North Carolina section . of the American, Chemists society, held at Trinity col lege. A doen or more interesting ami valuable papers were read. ....., .,, . . , . (- ''': FCXKHAL OF MKS. OLMSTEAD. The rcniains of the late Mrs. Let hen Olnistead. who died in Durham at 4:50 this morning, will he brought to Ital eigli nt 10: 4A toinoirow morning and interred in the city cemetery. Mre. Oluistead wan a daughter cf the late W. H. Howell, oT Kalcigh, and 11 sister or Mr. Walter Howell, or this city. AlaiAXGlXti FOll trAME 11 EKE.' b'aleigh will have a great game of liall heiv on Ncvciuher sevent'-ciitb. Mr.- .M. A. Curr, manager of the bull team of the I'nivi'isitVf ef North Cerollna. via.': here today making ar ni,,r.iiiiiitw fnr tlin iriiim. 1,tiII be tween the University of North Carolina and (he I niversity of iienrgui, which will be played-here en that date. . SITIIKM 10 COI KT. The Sir, Ti-nie Ccuit ed icirned tcdiiv until Tuesday" next.' when the Eighth District aprerls will be tnken no. Xn retw-rter of the iinrt will im cbcse'n before Tfesday. if then. Kt'PEKlOU COI. KT .MS.KH'KNS, Judge W. S.O'lf. R'jblson devoted this mcrning in the Wake Superior Court- to the motion docket, mid then ndjo'iriied; He left for home this af ternoon, ' , "--':' .'- ' ' ". Mr. W. D. Kiddick, r'otber of Mr. Joe Kiddi.k. is critically ill ut the hmie of her sou. RALEIGH, N. C, WRECKED BY STORM. Many Ships Driven Ashore on New York and New Eng land Coast. THE "CLEVELAND" SINKS. Three Waler-Spouts Rush Up Narragansett Bay. One 300 Feet High. Bv Telpftranh to The Times. NEW YOKK. Nov. 10. Winter's first blast, which descended on the cqnntry yesterday did lots of harm. It paralyzed telegraph communication, wrecked a. number of shops, and caus ed considerable dnmagfc ashore. In this vicinity the void wave swept in on a 72-miie hur.'i-.-M.e, l'i this i:ity chimneys, signs, and plate glass win dows suffered. The crafts in harbor were buffeted about, while outside .Sandy Hook and along the New Jer sey and Long Island coasts. ninny schooners and sloops were sunk or driven ashore. YKSSELS WKivt lVAK The schooner "Ororr Cleveland" went down near Sandy Hook and 11 sloop, which, with other crafts, was scurrying for shelter, was enrried ashore there. Xear '. Atlantic City, a big si'hooner. nanie unknown. is ashore. Her (Kisitiou is perilo'is. A number of wrecks ait rrponed along the Xew England coasr. Cornelius Vanilerbilt's crack 70 footer ibiin bow" is ashore at Dristol, . I. The sloop vnwl "Adele" is also ashore. TllllEE WATEK SPOUTS. An impressive .feature, of the 'storm' was the appearance .of thres wntor snouts in Xarragnnseft 15ay. neac Pro vidence. They rushed up the b.iy wii' tremendous ' speed. The largest, ac cording to eye witnesses, was at Jea.r three hundred feet high. TYPHOON AT HONG KONG. British Gunboat "Sandpiper" and a Dredger SunK. Bv telegraph to The Times. : HONti KOXG. Xov. 10. A typhoon swept the lvarbor yesterday, causing great damage to shipping. The .British gunboat - "Sandpiper" aad. iw.Uvedger, worth, tQ,(K)0y pounds, were siink. - - EXCHANGE AT WAKE FOREST Line Completed by Wednesday. Price Will bc$!8 for Residences Superintendent. William 1 toy Ian says that the Interstate Telephone Compa ny 'is today stringing its copper wires across Neuse river for the line' to Wake Forest, and that it will be 'iin nletetl bv next Wednesday. The line from Henderson has already rear:ie l Wake Forest and by Wednesday it will be finished from Italeigh. An exchange will be put In at Wake Forest and the rent for ; 'phones) in the pri vate. Iiouses there-"will be the swue an that charged in this city, namely. $H a year. The company will donbt'ess lie" able to secure a. number of sub scribers in Wake Forest. PI K.SI ING AX HEIKESS. Bv trleRrnph to Ths Times. 'NEW YOKE. Nov. 10 .Joseph l.eit er was u passenger 011 the l.ucaniii. which arrived from Liverpool today. He went abroard several weeks 'aft, and it was said that he was following beautiful .Mrs. M. McK. Leroy to Paris in the hope of winning her ha:id in nuuriaire. ' After Leiter got to Paris, he story was cabled that he had won 123.0(10 from Pat Sheedy at pouer. On the steamer this morning Leiter laughed at the story of poker win nings, lie, declined to discuss the re port of his pursuit cf Mrs. Leroy. W1LL1AMSOX EXONERATED. The hearing of the charge against John Williamson, secretary of the col ored Fair, before Justice Kobcrts hist evening, resulted 1n his exoneration from the charge of embezzlement. Swrctnrv Williamson says that 111.' Fair hai been a rinancial success niid he will pay the premiums next wee'... He has worked hard an:l brought th'.' Fair out of the hole. LEADEKS OPPOSE KEOKGAX1ZA- TIOX. Sl" -l to The Times. ATLANTA, GA.. Xov. 10. The News tmbiy prints interviews with Senator Morgan. 'Governor JolinstoiiNand Gov. hut Dates, of Alnbairin, on the que ; ticn of ri'Oi'giiiiiziition of the Demo cratic party.' All declare that the par ty jiceds no reorgimization. They ex press various vicus on the quest it n of I latfoiir. TOM VANCE V CANDIDATE. Mr. Thomas Vnncc, son of our bcluv. el late Senator, was a candidate for ("tt irnev general on the Dcinocratic State ticket in the State of Washing ton. As the Demoe'i'iitic ticket, is re irtetl victoviims, he is doubtless elect cd, though McKinley carrie-l t'.ie Stat.'. WORK '.FOll OKPHVXACK. . . Ilev. J. W. Jenkins went to !olils br.r tcday in. the interest of the Methodist" Orphanage. AVhile there he will inspect th" Odd Fellows' Heme. From Goldslioro he will go to Itfrl 'KiiringH to secure tild for the institution... -. SOLD VV TO 700. " XFAV YORK. Nov. in. The Stnitdard Oil slis-k on the curb luarkct todov sc-',d up f 700, the highest 011 record. SATURDAY. 1 EVENING, NOVEMBER io, 1900, '" -.7'---;- - ' KILLED BY WHIiKEY -4- A Durham Man Drank Himself to Depth. Speciol to The Timis. DURHAM, N. C.i Xov. 10.-Lute last night a white man named John Perry, who lives three miles west of Durham became suddenly niiconsciiius in Green Andrews' bar, on. the corner of Parish and Corcoran streets, lie was carried to the Center -.warehouse and physi cians called in. STbere were rumors that he had beeti knocked in the head, but these reports were not au thenticated. The.9 doctors think he drank himself to orath and ase-ribe his death to alcoholism, 't'lie clerks in Andrews' bar state that he was drunk when he came iot (i:!lo o'clock. He was carried to the Center warehouse about, eleven o'clock. Physicians work ed on him all night, but their efforts were unavailing and he died ut 3:15 o'clock this morning. . r DIVORCES GUARANTEED. New York Develops a New Va riety 0 Fraud. Srpeinl to Tlin Ttm9. XEW YOKE. ; Kv. 10. A remark, able conspiracy for obtaining. fraudul ent elivorces has been revealed here by the arrest, yesteilay and tolay of two men and wottien. who, it is al leged, have made jiving for a. year or more by securing! through perjury, subordination, of jerjury and forgery, absolute divorces lor all comers. Tine district attorney mis in his possession evidence which tends to show that the fake divorce mill ?as ground out some thirty or forty divorces fraudulently. The "ersons under arrest arc: Henry Zeimer. a lawyer; Frank Wilson, a professional witness; Mary H. Tomp kins, n, woman detective, and Dyrde G. Herrick. who,, it is alleged, conspir ed with Zeimer and his partner to se cure a. fraudulent divorce from her husband. Half a dozen more arrests Ere exneeted. 4- CHRYSANTHEMUM SKOW Assurances Recejved of Fine Dis plays for Next Tuesday. The chrysanthemum show. under the auspices of the St. Mary's Guild of the Church of the Good Shepherd, promises to be the finest ever held here. The-exhibitions will lie in the parish, rooms of the church of the Good Shepherd, and will open Tuesday afternoon at . .jpyiock and coutinue until twelve. The admission will be only ten cents. Exhibits will be -received from Washington city and from several cities of North Carolina: Those who propose exhibit'ng should notify the managers through Mrs. Pitteitger. so that space may be reserv ed for them. - The prize are as fol lows: 1. -Largest and best collection of cut flowers, silver berry ladle, 2; Largest single flower, gold meat plate, P.est vase of six varieties two flow ers of each kind, umbrella. 4. I'est and largest Pearl ()ueen single flower. $2.30 gold piece.-' 5. Pest white flower, three flowers, palm. 6. Pest pink flower three flowers. picture. 7. Hest yellow flower three flowers, piece cf china. S. Hest red flower three flowers, clock. 9. Dest dark flower three flowers, fruit plate, 10. Ilest collection of pot-grown plants, carving set. FAIR AND WARMER The forecast of the Weather llurcaii for Raleigh and vicinity says: Fair, warmer tonight and Sunday. . The weather over New England is still influenced by the storm which has moved off into the north Atlantic ocean. A small depression is central over Wisconsin, t loudy, threatening weather prevails in the Lake region and upper Mississippi valley. with small amounts of rain or snow. Fair weather continues throughout ..-".the east, and south, with light to killing frosts from .Charlotte to Norfolk. Mo bile, Yicksburg. Palestine and Atlanta. A new area, of high barometer has ap peared in the extreme northwest, which may cause' a continuation..- of wintcrv weather in that section. fill. JAMES ADAMS DEAD. Mr. James Henry Adams died late last evening after intermittent ill ness of several months., lie was born in this city nearly forty-one . ycurs ago and has spent his life here, lie was nn expert Ix iik-kccper and before his ill health reached an ac:ite stage held several positions ns u'coiintnnt with firtps in Raleigh. -..He was never married, but has numerous relatives in this city. - 'Hie funeral sen ices over the re mains were- conducted this afternoon at. four o'clock in the chimcl iiv Oak wood cemetery by Rev. George I'". S:: ith. cf the' Edciiton Street church. TRIAL OF-. AN ARCH 1ST SALSON. Hv iKWrapb to The T' PARIS. Nov. 10. The trial cf Sal son, the- French lneckaiiic who tried to assafinatc the Shah of Persia in August in this city, began this after noon. Th;. 'court room was crowded. Among the notables present was the Persian Minister. Nazar Ash. who tr-;k i-coioiis fetes for transmission to the Shah. The prisoner appeared indif fcrert fir ft- pre-cedimrs. lie admit ted his guilt. The only incident i:i the session was caused hv Sulson ex-clafn-liiT dramatically, "I c:n an an archist."" - " . - . KRl'GRR EN'ROl'TE. D Tlrrirl o Th Tln,. RAS jllU'Tll 1), Nov. to. The Dutch cruiser "'iclderln'-d'' left ywtertlny for Pi-i-t S.tfl. Pr.si.U'iit Krnger v-ill lniifl Rt Marseilles, nrobab.ly tirriving there about the "0th. !N. Presbyterians of the State Gather Here for First Time in Twenty Years. TWO HUNDRED EXPECTED Opens With Sermon Tuesday Night. List of Delegates and . Their Appointed Homes. The Presbyterian Synod of North Carolina will' convene in this city next Tuesday evening and will probably be in session throughout the week. About two hundred prominent Pres byterians from throughout the State will be here to attend. These dele gates will be entertained in the Presk byterian homes cf the city and by oth" ci's who have signified a willingness to receive one or more delegate's into their homes. At noon today homes had not yet lieen assigned to all the delegates! and the list was not suffi ciently complete for publication. In deed changes and new assignments are be'ing constantly made and it is probable that the list will not take permanent form before Monday after noon. The. meeting of the Synod in Raleigh lis attended with more than usual in terest for twenty years have elapsed since the Presbyterian hosts of North Carolina, gathered in this city. Al most every divine in the denomination a.nl many leading lay workers will be present so that, Italeigh will have, about two hundred J'resbyterian guests next week. The session will be opened in the new Presbyterian church a .'" place most fitting for the gathering of this liody siiu'e it has not only. a commodi ous auditorium room but numerous class rooms which can be used for committee work on Tuesday evening at 7::i0. when a sermon will be preach ed by the moderator of the last Synod which was held in Asheville. After this sermon organization will be perfected, "a moderator .nnd two clerks chosen. The body will then map out its work of the session. It will probably decide to meet at !l each morning and continue in session until 11. when an hour's intermission for divine worship will follow. Evening sessions will, of course, be held. Among the prominent Presbyterians from outside the States who will be here are Kev. Dr. S. H. Chester, of Nashville. Tenn.: Rev. Dr. .1. 11. Limio kin. of. Memphis. Tenn- awl Rev. J. W. Davis, a retiirnel missionary from China. The Synod will not adjourn before Friday evening, and the ministers in attendance will remain over in Ral eigh the following Sunday and occupy the pulpits of the city. ENGAGEMENT CLOSES A Walch and Gold Given Away I by the Una Clayton Co. The Coil Clavtun Company present ed "The Little Pauper" at the Academy hist night .and will close their engage I ment in the city tonight with the ; farce comedy. "Why .Jones- Left ' llcnie." The. play proper last even I ing was considered one of the best i of the week. Miss Clayton as "Jack ' was at her best and Mr. Morey acted the part of Roger well. The other members of the company played their parts well ,us a whole, and the com pany fully-sustained the favorable re puUit.iun that it has won this week. The evening was slightly marred bv several jokes that had been best left out. At the matinee this afternoon a gold watch will be given away to the one guessing at what time the watnli wound up and placed in Mahler's Son's window wil stop. At, their closing performance to night $13 in gold will be given away. KILLED HY A.N ASSASIN. By telegraph to The Times. WORCESTER, MASS., Nov. 10. Gus lnvt Eriickson. a. carpenter, was ' dragged from his bed and killed by an unknown r.ysassin early tins morning.- His death was caused bv n knife thrust in the throat. The shrieks of Mrs. Erickscn, who was awakened by 1 lie struggle' between her husband and his slaver, arouse'd the other inmates' of the house. The police were calh'd. but the murderer escaped.' 1'OND FORGER CAl'GHT. Special to The Times. WASHINGTON. Nov. 10. Extradi tion papers have been forwarded to London for the return to this country iif George.- IVFssimcr. of Chicago, charged l y the Chicago Electric Light and Coke Comkpany with having forged W.roo.riOO iM-nds of that com pany, lie is now in jail in London. L1LLED BY A H VMM Ell. S. ' ' i. Tlie Times. NEWARK, Nov, 10. -James Wilson, u draughts'iiaii cmnloycil at the Strieby and Foote Metal Works, "was examining a drop hainmev trda v when it fell unexpectedly and crusbeel his .smiiI. He died at the hospital. PROF. CMILYLE SPOKE. Pi-of. ,T. B. Curly Ic, of Wake Forest, spoke on educational line's in the Academy nt Iesville. in this county, eleven miles from Italeigh, last night. Prof. Carlyle has a. deservedly high -eimtat'on ns an orator, lie returned home today. Xice nmli for peck. WT. IX. Talton. r.2.1 North Salisburv stivet Nov. 10. . ' It. STRIKERS VACATE HOUSES. Henry Jordan's Death Reveals an Atrocious Crime. i Special to The Times. I1L 111.1-Ml I U.N. -. V.. .U. n. lur i strikers who have been notified to ' vacate mill tenements today are doing so ouietlv and other operatives mov-i ing in. It seems' there will oe little move trouble aiid the union lock-out will soon be ii thing of the past. Henrv Jordan, a voting white man employed in one of the mills here.! was discovered lying in a poorly ! furnished room in a tenement house, j dying from inattention. His body , was nothing more than an emaciated sneieion. tiis eyes, uui oi uu-n m- , looked with a glassy, semi-conscious stare, were sunk far back into his head." The bones of his boel.x. at the joints, were protruding through the dry and fever-parched skin, - The 'dis covery was made by Mr. Eugene Holt, one, of the proprietors of the mill in which young Jordan was employed, who immediately culled in a physician. Investigation revealed the fact that itttf young man hatl been sick for. eight weeks from, typhoid fever, and liud been treated by a fake doctor. . Jordan was at the home of Amos Pickett, in East Hurlington. Dr. Bohanon was the alleged physician who treated him. Jordan is dead, and the coroner's jury has held an inquest over the1 liody, the result ef which has not be-en announced. MOWBRAY GETS $5, COO. Hjward Gould's Statement Re garding the Case. By trWrnnh to The Times. NEW YOltK, Nov. 10. The jury in the Howard -Gould case this, morning returned 0 verdict giving Valet Mow bray $,".0000 damages. Neither Gould nor' his wife was in court when the verdict was rendered. Hush Taggart. counsel for Gould, moved for a new trial. The motion was denied. The defendant was given sixty days in which to gather new evidence and make an appeal.- Only Valet Mowbray and a handful of .people were, "in court when the verdict was received.. The jury retired yesterday afternoon- and after many hours' discussion ami wrangling, brought in a. seale ver dict late last night. Howard Gould, when the jury retir ed yesterday, called reporters and said he "would like to make a. statement. This is what he said: ,"The privacy of no home, can be preserved so long as cflReIikB this one can be present ed in .'the" mariner this.' one lias been. No one's wife or mothe-r is safe, while this condition of a"-irs prevails." . . '.,. -. ADJOURNED TO MONDAY Justice Mon'gmeiy Will Hear Mangum Habeas Corpus Case. The application for a writ of ha bcis corpus in the Case against Mr. Samuel Mangiim and Mr. Charles O'Neal, charged with the murder ef Pete Griffin, was set foe eleven o'clock this morning before Justice W. A. Montgomery, in. the Supreme Court rooms. At 1 lie n p point ecr-4.avtir Messrs. Snow- and J. I . L;' Harris, at torneys for the defendants, were pres ent -with their witnesses. Mr. S. G. Ityan. 'attorney for the prosecution, stated, however, that the State's wit nesses had gone, home and he asked that the hearing be adjourned until Monday. Justice Montgomery there upon adjourned the hearing until four O'clock Monday afternoon and ordered that all the witnesses .he present at tint hour. This is a very interesting case and involves the point whether a magis trate! (.in keep men in jail without bail waiting for witnesses outside of the State, whose attendance he cannot compel. DEFENDANTS DISMISSED Commissioners Decide Johnston Citizens not Guilty Col. T. M. Argo and Commissioner John Nichols returned from Smith field this morning, where the. trial of the alleged election .conspirators clos ed last evening', and Commissioners Nichols and Parker,", who beard the case, decided t hut there was no viola. lion of the Federal statutes. It was proven that there was some very bad conduct on July ".1st on the part of some cilizens, and a sH'aking broken up. but to constitute a charge of con spiracy a previous iigreeniciit to ac complish some unlawful purpose1 -by concerted action is required mid the prosecution failed to show that there was any such agreement prior to the nlTuir at. Sniithticld. - Hence the Com niissioncrs dismissed the case. Assist ant District Attorney Oscar Spears represented the .prosecution,.1 while Messrs. J. II. and E. W. Pou, Argo, Wellons and N'arrem 'appeared for the defendants. It novv remains to be seen what will be done in either Co r.'.t'es of this dis trict where prosecutions aix threaten ed.. - LOCATES AT WASHINGTON. Rev ,loscih liirh, n ytrnn Racist minister, left today for Wnihgton, N" C where he will be l(K'a.ted" itrfity tore and have charge of a. ' Btaptist church near that (dace. ' Prof. 11. .1. Gtmzales! and son. Charles Gonzalez., returned this morning from Pittsboro, -where they ha.ve beeu on professional business. Mrs. M. C. Shell, of Wnrrenton. N. ('.. i visiting her daughter. Mrs. t ba-rles Gonzalez, on Peace street. a Year. INCENDIARY FIRES. Attempt Made Last Night to Burn W. H. Buffaloe's Place . "- ALL SAVED BUT ONE BARN ' '-- ' :;; Tne Incendiary Thought to te Same One Who Fired Judsonfl Buffaloe's Ho use Tuesday FUSES 6.. ..6 . .6 .:0 ..6 V.6..0..6 Incendiaries are at work in - tnitj county and seem determined to de stroy the property of one family. '1 he Tinie-s printed an account of the burning of Mr. Judson- Buffaloe's dwelling and barns on last . Tuesday night. There is strong proof of the fire having been the work of an in cendiary. -Mr. Biiffaloe says that when, mi- hit m as uisrovcreti enae. uigui. biiu he and his family rnshetl out of the house that window of the kitehen in which the fire startetl was found up. The kitchen had evidently been enter ed. Mr. Buffaloe's loss was $1,500, and it. is thought that his insurance poli cies had lapsed. . , While the place of Mr. Judson .Biif fuloe. was 'burned Tuesday night an at-' tempt was made last nigiit to burn hi father's. Mr. W. Jl. Butfoe's place, in -St. Matthew's township, about six I miles from Italeigh. 'Ine work of the ! supposed incendiury would have prov ed successful but for the early dis covery of the fire and the timely pres I ence of several neighbors. Mr. Biif faloe has five buildings, including,! barns and stables in a row, only from 10 to 12 feet apart, and the suiaill barn at the end of the row was fired with the evide-nt thought that the flames would spread to the adjoining buildings. When the fire was discov ered, soon after dark, the alarm was given ami half a dozen men succeed ed in pulling down the barn, while it was burning. The supply of water was sufficient to protect the other buildings. There are suspicions as tr who the incendiary is. Such a w.etch ought to be dealt with to the full ex tent of the law. CHURCH SERVICES Meeting Begins in Edenton St. Methodist Church Tomorrow - - ST. SAV10CR sched 10 a. !' m. CHAPEL; flttnday Night, nervlet and sermon 7:4j p. in. Seats all .free. Everv one invited. :- - Plif;siJYTERIA. CHUUCH.Cor ner Salisbury and Morgan streets, preaching' iit .11 iu m. by the pustor. Rev. Dr. Eugene Daniel, and at 7:11 p. m, by Rev, D. P. Junkin, of Vir giniii.-':- . :'-'' 'v;.-1;:.; v -3 CHKIST Cm ilCH. Rev. JL M. Mar shall. 1). !.. Rector. Twenty-Second Sunday after Trinity. Early . '. cont iiiiinion S a. 111. Sunday school 10 111. Divine servie'e and sermon 11 a. m. Evening prayer 4::i0 p. 111. Ser vices during the week. WedneseiayiSO p. in. and--Friday 10 a. in. Free'seots. All cordiallv invited. ' i', CENTRAL 'M. E. CHt'llCH. Rev, O. T. Ailiims. piustor. Sunday school 9:0 a. 111.. L. H. Kootlall. superintendent 1'reaching at 11 a. m. and 7:it0 p. in.-by the pastor. Morning subject. "The.1 victory that overcometh the Worltl." The Epworth- League meets every Monday night. D. A. Pierce, president.- CHCECH OF THE GOOD SHEP HERD. Ilev. I. McK. Pittenger, 1. .. llector. Twenty-se'Oiid Sunday after Trinity. Holy communion at 8 a. in. Sunday school at 9:45 a, m. Sei-vie-e and sermon at 11 a .111. and flt 7:30 p. 111. The seats are nil free and strang ers are cordiallv invited. -.' ' EDENTON STREET M. E. CHURCH. Sunday school at 0:.'10 a. m., J. (1. Rl'OWII. Mllll.n'l,tf.lifli3iit. l?,r . f.!,w..-.v, R. Stewart will preach at 11 , m. find 7::;o p; in. Revival services will con-v tinuc through Hie wiH'k. .Me.inbe.rH of others churches aiid the public are cordially -invited to attend during the wi ck and hear this distingnisher di vine. . TAHERNACLE HA I'TKST.-Rev. W. 1). Hubbard, pastor. N. Ji. Broiightan. Suieriiiteni!ent Siindny school Snn diiy school opens at 0:13 a. m. Preach ing at. 11 a. 111. Subject, "Caiiqucl'ing the World": i:t 7:W p. m., siibtect. "Moses and Aaron aiid thcis sister Miriam." B. Y. P. 1.'. at 0:30 p. m. Sun-' dav. - 1 - -1 . IT NERAL OF MRS. DEWEY, ' The funeral of the late Mrs. Dewev was held from the First Presbvteria'n church. Charlotte, yesterdnv m'orniiMr. The pall-bearers Were: Elders A OY Hi eniwr, George E. Milson, It. A. Banks.. R. A. Dunn; Deacons E. K. St 'cle. Allen Craig anil G. L. Gibbon. Le v Dr. Stagg. pastor eif the Second 1 icsbyleiian church, and Rev. Dr Howerton. pastor of the First Prosbvl tenim church. offlciotel.- The News in describing the funeral 'procession: ivs: "After the family came 1h Siitiinlay morning club cf which Min. IVwcy was the inspiration; members ?. ,hc 'paee' Ki"K "Hi Yirpiuin Dure boeik lubs. all benrinnr flowers. The funenil stillness J . . ' Villi IIT, Mineral miirch. Hie diiw iniitatiiifr ....ru, . nu w,.,r( l)nt grand harmony, the funeral bells of France." I",,,- '.7w',rton paid the dead a bcoii tKiiI tnbute. I'OIII EXECUTED. SHANGHAI, Nov. 10.-r ncccrdauce v-'th the sentence of the allied tribim- . . !r tht" Prniln' rontina- Fu e.'ials who connived nt, the mnwr,. of the inissionarics, were executed No vember if h. .

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