OLD DOMINION PORTLAND CEDENT HEST IN FINENESS. '. BEST IN SETTING. BEST IN HOT AIR TESTS. v BEST IN BOILING WATER TESTS. Best in PRICE. Thos. H. Brings & Sons, RALEIGH, N- C- TWO JNO. C. DREWRYS 'I'liis eolunin Is beyond doubt the best udvertisinf medium in li'iileisjh Hint's what people who have trlc'il II i ' : sav. Both Gentlemen in the City. ' 5- 1 in Point's of Similarilv Y"" ivt ronri or the cures h. . ' rwiUOl imiliiniy 1Io,rM Sarsnparilla, ami .von should ! There, are nvu .lohn C. Drewi-ys in have perfect contidrnce in its iiirrii. ; (he city today. P.oth came from Pich in ,vj, , vou "ood. nuiml last- nifrht. One is our own i. . - progressive M,.. .(!, j,TWi-v. and ! 'rie 0i,i chestnut. "Vm have to di. eason sWjc dud Hi 1 Combination Suits I It our prices .ire reasonable, then they arc bcur.d to be right, f our merchandise is right, tren it is boitr.d to be reasonably !h,', "h7- Is ,'r- ,'"l-c; i,rr. or:to in," is aii bosh ith an KHitaiu- ; 3rjCC(i. Fair pricing i$ a bari. principle in this store. .To buy liiilish (olumkia. J he latter is tl..- ; i;,liev i , . , t . . ,. . . 1 . r t .. 1 !;uest.crf the foiiiivr. x '. .': ' he rijnt thins? o thc rv.icoj'rablc price is tetter, tar better anc Thtre a,. -o many poims of si Varloaw op uanish rrc c:6ncmic::l tkh baysrg the ' wrong . thing at most any 11111.V between these two jfentlemeiv ijwt received. Prices cheap. ll if thpt they niifht imagine they wt re niJOS. t ;'. 'lldpfiCC, : " ;''?: ,hfwknVnM'.V''-' ' 11 J r"""-"'l The poorly pricad is the meanly made! eot a wrong twist Iioth are tW saiiic asre and look roij RKNT New six-room enttup'r. i , , r , r . , , . . , alike, although the visiting .. Drewry ' .! modern conveniences, nul.'r. etc.: n it Somewhere, VOU Can depend upon it. Whcnj yO g'0 10 buy ha the lighter hair. ; i.em h. :i-fi- VI paintings you don't want to Ire shown Tea Store" chrcmos; ly a Btrange coincidence both a-e . ... ,.,.. 6 ' ,f i j 1 1 named for their maternal prandfath- noRn vhxtep IX PRIVATH PA' "A" When yOU Van' t?OOd Qtf gOOOS JTOU dOl t Want tO be SHOWn crs, Iwth have a brother named Uil- for ceatleman anrt wife. Xo ch'.kim:. ,U.l,!"i 'r nvA Arv crsA Uf runnni Inn Hrnno-lv ' liam Difivrv. an.l l.rth lost n brother c , Ti- .fle. c wv.w.; . - ,.. , w w -.. i named J allies. , ! The visiting Mr. Drewrv's home is : Norfolk Ovsters. cvtrn. :! rents ' ai, I.Cfslaiid. Ttritisli Colmnbin. and he ii!irt at W. M. Xowell A' Co. 1 .' is a larSe operator 111 jfold, silver and . , Some Rieht Good Values In Win- ' v3P9S and JaskeU. tsr Undei'wear. Afjain to tne rroni 11 11 sp"eisti mt jniphasizc th: gcxdr.ers the reasonableness of the following items : . I -:- lead mining:, and is a prominent man Have you pot ten a picture book at in Tbilisi Canadian government rir- Unrdiiiir's Shoe Store for I'nhy? I'ree! (Irs, ri" PERSONAL POINTS. Trilby Air Tight Heaters! 32.SO TO $10.00 . Stove Boards 40 to 75 cts. IIumi: Satisfaction Table boar I furnished three ( r I'ui'i jent lenien : one block from Capitol. Vddress. r.xeellent, I'are i;veninr fillies. Meed.' Ciill and Kct '.(fiianiiilt'ccl Keincmber; Our foods n're beinr sold rliean for rash Hard in it's Shoe .. . - Stock must be reduced. ('- MisM'S Mildred Dcrtcli and Helen , Hope I'rivett. who have been in tin city shopping for the past few days 'et nrned to dolclshoro vesterrtnv al ternoon. liishop Cheshi:"!' oes lo (ireensbor. today to viit the I'nisropal churches " r. .). :. ( oe is Durhain n ire lit or there. The Times, and orders for siibscrip- Ma.j. .1. K. S) vililard. who was known 'u, : m , adverliseinents may be left here when he was surgeon of tlie for li m .it A. I'. Matthews', dealer in Scroll. I North Carolina refriiucnt. has ( " s-1 1 1 . . iheniir:i Is. loili" arlieles. rtr. returned from a lonfj slay in th? Durhain. N. ('. Philippines, and is ' visit iny liis (ainily in (ireeiisboro. re the wa: ;r. setis' nab'o sorts nonov inn mrins ai pnet's iiiai -wnuic - , ,, . i or suicmai earner in i ii" season, aim I irieil. wuuu (i or i .i i . i. : i. i oi-. m TilOM "r r I r I - ! 1 Vin t li ni'iv." t 'iiui yo'i vet weririiu-tinif has onlv Inst lieo-un. !,!! iiir 1 hem iriotli Oapps. in plain oohirs: (Jolf n- reason of ;i late .-cason and a luavvCapss. In lioavy plaifl- bncks. ' 1ni.i. fancy plaid hordprs....Vlti!l;i2. 00 II av.' !;,( unc i csi .n.ti ,.i .-pi vtH.c i'cnls l.ir Lacfies - 2r" ; J614. t $'5.00 Cliiliiivii'sriiion ;iiN IN'inv llcece Tij;lit-lil iintr I :oiil,li-'neaslcd ij,,, ,ii,!-, ... . ?5-. v.'ojits. witli velvet collui-. black Ladies' Oiiloita I nioii Suit . pcrl'rcl .jl."' ii-Uwh ienutli' J?'C fii i ins.', T 1 a'up SO1' i liip-liicasted Keiscy 'nats. silk- i'oil I iit" '." Mni-r !U :iii:l Nc v K irn- liiird. Iilue. black and tan 12 " .,.i- t Pi.i.v: e 7S, 4 in i.ia- i.nii rvi-iarj .; iil;iii i.ti i and 1-"' ' Kveniny Capes, lis!-, I shades, don- i i For Ladies' Misses and Children in white and natural j wool. THE MELBA COMBINATION SUITS ARE PERFECTION IN FIT, EASE AND COMFORT. & Ladies, Combination Suits at L adi ;s' Combination Suits at Ladies' Combination Suits at 43c. worth 50c. S9c. ' $1.00 $1.23 " $1.50 59c. " 75c 59c. " 75c 3 Misses' Combination Suits at "3 Children's Combination Suits at al Children's Vests and Pants from-25c. to $J.OO. . . Ladies' Vests and Pants from 25c. to $2.00. Boylan, Pearce & Co. "Cotton King Ccck Steve. S. M. &W. J. Young, ;in KALKIGIT, N. C. Miss l-'loriila C. Wcitli. a relative ' State Treasurer Worth, was severely injured in a runaway at Wilmington .: i.. .. .1.: i . ji..icoa iiiis .rr:. .Misses .Nellie and Annie llius't.-ilr liave one to l)fn;d to attivn! the it..... .... ......... ish Aeil" irinn's nas your i .1 u;isjr ii a visit. Mr. DniiterA'b'M has yone nortn t ' lpurcliRse.il full line of shoi's for hi new store to. b' onene I here n.h:i" !L.'' 1 , 1 - " -- j '( hrmiry first in W.. I-:. Jones' old ; ' ! stiMid nevt It- lU-ylitn. Petirce nnd '... : Amone the hjte nrrivjils M tin' ',n- ! ventii n arc I! -v. Dr. .1. I. Ilufliam. ( i Roger & Gallcts ; r-v:' ..v lr,::!. i 2 1U"' 'r- ''i(!le. of W ;:-lcshon. tt PFRFUMFS ! Mr. T. riini-loii McKelvie left t' ' Mlll H IMI.I.lii m;of the -'illness of .Mis. McKclvir. u J; is . there on a visit. .i r. MeKclvie 0:)ects to be able lo return Monday t next. siik-si.itclied. s-jiiin-liiipd. caslor. XA' black, a n.d pToon l;!..Vi j Slioi't. A'ltoniohile I'niiis.' dniiblo-i breasted, vehol collar, iippllont'- trimnied ICE! IGE! IGE! t 4 X SOAP, FOWDER. desirable e Also i, hum- Itatlii J , kinds just received:; . ; - AT' 'run coxferk.we. ' 'UCatlW T UiriC 2 Tbe M''"1"1"' Conffrenre at -New'oci-. 5 HENRY T. HICKS .7VTC.r.s (ft. Kdg-o t;nl ii: v. .1. T (jiHtis. 1 he f.ontri- DRUGGIST. ''if ru:tecl rcsoluiion endorsins lr Capilditie Cures llcadacilC." w KilKO in his adininisirriion ps presi.! '- S : nf 'I'riniiv I'ollrao. mul ixi rosi':iiK l'Ol! 1:I-:N T.-Six room collate anil tor Uig no: jery DtsinBj.s. slore on lot. Apply to M. T. Norris. i ( 'haiu'CS somet iines conic oiir wav by tr. which wi :: re able to i.fi'er von reliable . . .. . . ,iiekintr; at lc s t!i.::i ac'.iiin! worth. FineTailod Suits. M.I. KIM'S of si'cnNI) H ANI) "Ms isone of Ibo cii;:nces Not more than one or two (if a kind i cooks lain.:!'!' AM) soi.i). ''adics' I a llo-r. I.is Thrr ad. i" tnese lo's -sort of a sample sale, i 1'ri'ii! vour oil rast olT - I d hi'm. n,.iv , , o k pill Inns go iind 1 CO " w"uU disjrtisc oM llcm (inck. siu.es and i-tii. Si.'.s clec.tied. ; il(lics' ) iiiU'C Mosc. i;i Pl.ii.l-. I'oika .' Ileili'e I besc prict s. .leaned 'd dved si. .VI. IIVKUIS' liols. !':c;ir Ic i.is :i!id 1'in SI ripes : ''""siail P.loiise C-al Suit, in tlfev stkwi p-i !' V.'OKKS. hi: I", llarrett rQ arfj f Hinii"spun with, .black biaiil ami ' m m i.wt I Dee. 1 -. n.i.i..,..,v IImw I'il.hVd t(!o. hrht i small-but tolls ll.?.i iiul be ivv weiifht 10 1R and Doiihlo-b easted Coal-Suit, willi liell ; Otllcc 109, Ffiyctteville St Wll V Till! ASH TH'C TOWN Hid N IV- -Vr ., 1 . ! e i. beeves of barcl finisliod twills m.r,0 ... e I A".' Trv a on nt-a-word ad. and r's-l"''! ""r. "TV .. H I clie! lan ( 'lotll Suit, flnllblp-hreasted. I - n-arli the n.:;:i thai wants vonr ser- lb" "o! i.lav 1 lan.lkci c'litl .M-lilllft ; ( ijrlit-HUimf. stllill-linnl 17.".0 vi,.,.s. basset ill trim-1 pa'i '-'. Many l the i'nssinn Hlonse Suit. siU;-lined . 'iainiv special lots b-v uilis ;.ic liediyi thioiiirboul: llarc sleeves iVD() . . .... . .. : 1 U'ln- uili i luin i biuwiiui ' La.-c imi, i;iver uysirrs .." .cos m,;i.-., . , . -" From About the Store- - i cer i( -t : W. V. v'l.wrll .-onl i'o'. is i:o- a! Hs best Mostly items I'or nil'l-biaers all 1 . - I MI I rn s .li-lllliM ivvvii i.", i i,,. kev. Owiier I liimikcrcliiefs t i.! .:; Tl'i.e . i.filre. : Ladies sheer l.inen. l.amcs l-.iiiiuoid-, xvitlni'it a simile Miook lo vonr sense of - eied and law-ilc l.awn. ;.ss(irit'ti,-i;nireni'e. The prices are made tnap- WANTKD A T ONCK palii ins . : peal to prudent people. Kive best mattress stitchers: cood Indies l.inen ra:ill I ai:l I, i.i.r.id- ''be Clirisfiiias tlisulav. Tov.s ut tbe I -rices paid. Weferenre. ibis paper. ci nl I .iiu n..Mci!ii!:ui illli! iv'c worlrl. 1 lie Dull kilK'doin. I be Oames, Come, ut once. '. the 111 fiks. Keek wear of till kinds. I'm. DKXTKK lllKXiM AN -M V't'TUKSS -co, l.adii s" i.iuen . I'.aiiill.i :cl if fs, leti'iti- hirlla'' lor nil! . Sum k iny .liickels" 1 1 -t -i r I'eirr. s. c. t iM i i cm: , no al kc. Hath Kobe-sand I ressinglJown.s. . . I-'KOM DISTILLED FILTERED WATER. io -no VOUR. PATR.ONAGE SOLICITED. Johnsorv and JoKnson COAL...WOOD...ICE. Both 'i'lKincs Xo. bloo. Wy att HarnessGo 9 IloiiistilchiMl br'iKliK 'fresli airl siwstivo nf tliv , . , 'spirit of ihetimos. You may pick lioio 3 iol yo:i a nrw set f Hanicss ann mio to us wlien yoii can fot WE LEAD. Always in slock a full line of Harnes-i, Saddlery and Harness (IihkIs. WYATT HARNESS CO., I0 10. Mai l in Si lonl.ilence i-i br. ld:;o i.-.ar spiH-.l! ih:.n..ii: the cuiit.-rnire for i. . j;i'i rsirat. Slii rl. bhiel: hers.-, with : niiili vl:i:e The members of tic B.tptis': State Convention now inrcsr " :n trthari ami three vhhe f-" V s;on ;n fa3 i1re c, r a(!y invited lo' visit the sore and- while Vh.n hsi f'.n v. iv ii ri-.l l'nlli r. 11- - i " Tt ' ii (., r . f. . i v.-r i irr ,n.r!, f v..v .. a. r.. r:o.i. av.ray their spare umc. It is ce ci the sights or the city, and hi i rvrnj ev.tua. we will ?ake great pit asurc i" showing you throt'ph. -Why not ttrn ever a new leaf;: lionsox abovt ths samk. t.-.v. ,,... .'. ( By te)rep!t lo Hie 1 lilies. uu vuu '8xi.v.ii i-i "r" . VpV VOUK life. 7. - l.i.-in. Hal -i nr. i viihohl 'fevrr at the Tresby tn-in: zz iorm P. W". UPCHTjRCH. NOTHING BLT THE BEST SOLD. .T- v - -j-:. - - - - - - -.standard frnmulaled snirnr .-,e. I i. Ariniekle eoftee, 1Jk.'.c. lb. . Mullet roe, jkt .pair. Sc. ;;-lb cans table peaches, i-jc.e. ' Pickled 4 in pe. per lo.. ,jc. J.New mixed nuts, per lb., l .'i .e. ('.New curranls. iier lb.. l.'V.r. tSeedetl raisins. ier lb., hie. ( ltron. ier Hi., l ie. V( hoice hijs. per Hi.. T '... ' .! iffs. in 1 -lb packages. l.'V-.c. IH-rge Xorlolk ovsteis. and ..jr. CMia.rt. , hoice tnix.d tea. per lb., l ie. Pure hosf laid. t lb.. He. ;oc-d hosj' lard, per lb.. vc. '.l ild siifTiir cured hums, ner lb., ll' .r. treah (unfrer snap. lie. lb. Navv Peans. j:er itmirt. Ti..e. ( veum ( heese .per lb.. l.e. ImiMiiied inacnroi.i. .c. iiick:if;e. a4-lb. sack best flour, line. .-Brown siifrav, .".?.. per lb. " Mocho a IMP. .lava . 'aJTee. l-lb. tins. l.'U. ; lioapital, na'cil a comfortable nir!; l oral is as 'veil as .-ouM lis expected lilif litcrning. The crisis or tile fever wit' i not l-o r: a. bed for some iluy. ( .AI! A I. MUST Will. I.. ... -.-. .,l.a ,,, xhe I iiner. MADIA. Pec. I. The ( ziirs liiv.l .and teniperatui e t.ahiv are en, nil i normal. I IHSP I er.se wilh the old-fashioned sta-re-! :' iich . chill and fever remedies an I'r.v the lu'iv vestibule limited.. I'.ob I hilt's, Chill Pills cure quickly, and are 'on schedule tune, lompare the or" battleship "Iventiickv with l he wood en ijiinboat T.i veiirs :iio: result: our thul iviiioov and the old ones, (buv J.. eer.ls per bottle. all . Monev back it net entirely satisded ) HF. iALF.!GH RACKET 0 GREAT'SALE- or - 1 n9 Shirts! VI .STORE, Sllouth Wiiir.trgfenStret I have just bought a big "job" in Men's Percale and Bed- ' . ri - i- . 1 -.i O iJ r'-J Cl,:!.- ii... (. a l 1 1 tts.'. - i' f. rr. Sil " t OUR HEW FALL SUITS ARE BEAUTIES. I ;dX Tl.e PaU-ich s. dininl-in ll:iinr at ... a l oe'iil .lin cl ire-. I he .;.iii it-li Uil. ki I sti-re is the peo ple's Mr-re. and is Hir "store t.i li:y ! :m!k rod ive monev. he KaK-ih Ha. ke't fc:e -is t l:o -.'hi istuuis sinre. 'I he Kalritih liarket Sine is the poo:' i.iin's store, and the rich 'nan's stove -cue mice In one and ad. rn I ihai the lowest e.rr mimed bv am s.ore. I lie lialrmh l.ael.i I M'ue is eiunsr FZ?VEHY SUIT.'IM THE HOUSE IS A BARGAIN. rimmed and lined of best, . 1.... . ' ....... ..O , 1... ., It,.,. jk I Mil .'li... illl .III Vllt. 'M l. H i 1 ill II M .' Ill illlll.-O .Oil. I 1 1 1 . I I "I n.J , malerials. iiu: -ost von it-.! (;o io '...i.l f a Mil! hss llir.n :inv i n.ie in t be Jt Ci; will caiw vtill tor l-lie Nihil' woods. J ' U e biiM' "'list ie elved Icon i f l:c in v, si . huplitiM. Mid iinLI.K'il t X mi n s l itu stilts we ever liad. itn imr in law (pianUl lis for (iish n- J S aides u-i Ii s i vc v.ci lullv 4d cuts on I sic Dollar on anv soil Vou bii . C.IH- )i' . .i' fini nt .tllr tr The Ihileirh liaeket Store is sellliiir m N..'il rl'L''aii1 ttne nii's. lur;is. anil lim. We iiis.i ii;. anjup to-ditie line oi nais boiifini niicci irom ibc a drui;i-t- cle-janl ostrich plamrs in hlaen o- y '-:." - in. ..n..u in mi 'I'll.. "ii .. . ... , ... mi. . ii' t -.. j. i mi d tnet oi'ii s aid i.i ease lots, let lis s:i ve von from i' to 1 III on anv ha I Villi lull remedies should be in pill form; .... - ,,. -,,. b iv of in Nov old last, v car's si 'les a II t lie newest ill id lateM l liinirs out. t test. best. i. ......... c. : Z in . u.V.il X CHILDREN'S SUITS J iOr 5 Shirts for $1.00 - I U. .inh I nil a Ml A .. . . i uumj s -ifcia" wwMVM lealliei's at .'.. on n.r iciir. a ilorreetetl- -llailv lor the limes, bv. I he liuieiivh hncl-et St-ir Iris, (he ,,;,. I'cst. trimmer iii Knleiah- and is sell-, v I'.lcjjiiiil. Nubli, lil.tle men's Still:-, colors I bat- wop t show soil made I il I III l- i 1 O. . , . , . ,1 , . .. A .. i ..... :1 ., , , I ., ,., , , i , l .... ,, ...1 i . .. i)-0- . , . . . , . mi-' l ii in men nuts nr. mm nut ,i v a "i .iho .umi'-i uu.i i'ii-'uhv im . i'i o .- trial onler will eoiivine'e vou tliiit "sll,tl' ''"''' ' ' ther stire in Jiientvis doinir'. (o't , tllllil icss 1 i;in .win -can linn lb.' .-a inc. s Hides in i.liy ol hcl sH.le III l be v--e sell tiotliinir but the best. Prom pi ond M nl-l ! iiif,' - t .vrnr order lofyonTTTiflstniaH lint in n.. (Jeliverv. A Slric! . irlii ; ! S. earl v. e II save you half on il. X . inn , Miidiiu,; '''v,AV:;!:,r;,:,'T,M ? .5.. innaiTen. The Neatest! One Cent a Word. y;xz,x. mcr.dirg 1 in town i ' :s cene at i JT1 T Harrirg's id V Pdl'l I.Ali I 4LkJ - AN I !'.!) -1 wo iinturishcd mono I'or : mar: ied couple.. 1 no childirii). Situated -north' - or novtl'.wcst side oi Couple, cin e I inies. I i the Ihileudi l.'ncket More srlls eln.d- e sells inii s- ll This is the ? : Uest offer qf its kind ever made in the city. Iam getting t u HOLIDAY STOCK in shape and in a ,- - :-'" . ,'- few days will be able to show you anything you wal for Xnus. .-; Cll itill. 'ii 1'KK CENT CIT. 1 he'Piilcih Kacketi Slcre se l ies fine shoes frmn lUc.-. up, - The Kiilei"!. Ihirket. So re s"lls inen's line sho'-s: I'l'oni $l.:.'."i up. 'I he Kaleiiih Itacket Store has the ; -best line tif children's slices ill the in v 2M- Facttcville Street. Smvcssor U N (sillc.ill EAOT MARTIN STHCCT. Tl f L- '': -.'. vvc have ssvcai patoriiB ct v, 1 1. i:,u-,-h ihi.kc! ;-t,.ie has so,.,,- yfU account oi rc-oranization of my business I. wish lo 1. 1 lieSC dlC vObll I TIU& ilofAni-iiro id torl.8 which we will not carry a full ,.vt,., s. ecu: I bni-'-ins. n shev ."i--s. ml M . i . . . t TAMITAnv , . ri . . ; R jBlKI.lIVB ... n -iuii v:., ,c out 2i, t- mirrors' a splen.V.I stn-e. some tables J? ii CCk to 3 mirjmcm by JANUARY lit. PriCCS ! ruH,m e,u, v.a Mnn.v i ' n. ..'. An K I- lm 's the B,e.;;n, (i ,. verv handscne mirrcw in feet . flW made fcr Cl'icfc Selling. ' 1' Bul th Save YOU Mgnej. - . : NCHU' ; . .,-....' tfOnaco : G las se s : : : lnkiiil .he 1,0 plated sonds made. I A ti, Stoi;k. FINE ART TOILET The regular 25 cent I p . - quality hitrli The llalei'di Karhct st-re has ;i 7-.,. "iflt 1'ee of hi lies inusbn underwear . .. ........ -nt half price, also iibou! i.imn varus ot Will sell vi.ni tin ..(inilihle (.old ,.,!, roidi-rics in 4'.. vard strips at a i lioud. l)Ciir:im' . per cent interest, on ,rriti r N ij'l'lil'NK "1e instaluient plan. The l:"lci;'h If""!- -1 Stnrr s-'biii-r , .... ut" rr'-.f ' -te o i -1 : os.rry 1 1 1 i nr i'o ar MadaiiH' Amur, the celebrated Spir- M third ofl itlial. I ni nee and laisiness Medium." The l-ilcieh Ihic'.'et Store is selur , liK-ated iit 107 South street, near l!e f.,,,,.v :n., pluin silu ribbons nl half I Hospital, l eans lilc Ironi cradle t'l the . pi-jee- iff rave with absolute correctness, tcbs ji,,. Km l.-irii Itnckct Store is selling I veil everything .vou wish to know. , ,.,.Linnt full sie. heavy bed coinlorts. !ive.s full name iind description ol fu- thv SIKHI ones at i.n. the 2.i.i ones S 1 tur husband or wife, with date ol . 1I." the ones lit SI.W1. I P ft l-'j inarriiie. loves valuable advice in ' ,P ;uleiirh Kneket Store lias about . hiisines. love, family troubles, speeu- t)l(. ehetipcst line of notions nnd fancy I lution and all affairs cf life. Ail in ..nods, mi earth - corsets, plnvs. hand- j trounle are csecially invited to eull. i.rr. orf . s'- h'-dins. honks and eves, snool silks, etc. cuts (ire invited to call at Hard 1 hoe Store anil get it loy Picture ; ' I look. - If a nice c if t to the children A UP SALE OF STYLISH COLD WEATHER GARMENTS. Pork Sausage. 10c. Il. .Nice bananas, Tile. doz. NewMlnten. 10c. lb. . .New fiff i. 1.1c. lb. 1 Pie Pearlies. 3. lb. tan. S l-5o. i I able Peaehfo. ;i III. car.. l'J'.jc. 1'runea Igocd) "Vic In. ! I'ruren (heRt) liter, lit. California Evaporated Pcachrn. c'ioiCC i 10c; test l:!','.c. . '. f! lasses exai'tlv rlk'bl, iwo vears ai;o 8-0. NEW RIVER OYSTERS I Weathers aiid I tiev are TUM I rlM I S A I .AlVr. ' Jn,v n"w l,ne of lH"1ie pietu-e 1 1 ,.vt..v grvle. Miiiil mea.su it. I L-l V Vl-ll IJ .n V-llll-. , ii)f) ,nol(Iil) f)1. t1(, holiday trad?. ! I no. ; FOR RENT A huge store -on SIMOCT K U TRICK BV Til E DOZEN. ' --'- I iliiiington St., suitable for Rroeeriey, ltl.lt l Py Xf-KIMi rr.ii 1 i imi r i i r.n - nc. Loose pickles 8 l-3c ilor,. i iw. i i),t i.tf.,v j PiR feet ami Tripe 7Vtc lb. .! ' ",v ' "You need one. nelter buv it now'" . Tail Imp of fancy grot:ert cigars snl -.. , Ladies' Jackets in Black, Grcyy lohaM0' ' I RW Co-r.v .r.A Pfiwr. . W. J. MOORT. n.ir,!-,, C'-i- l Vr ww h'2 E. Hnrgeti St. i.tves free. anl will onlv reeoniiiieiKl a The oyes change v. exauitiu vnur M sscl' bckcts in Black. Plain and mized co'crs. ' ChL'drcn'si Iui rninte Pnone 5li.i Frff dehvrrv. (cbanfe if alisoluielv benericial. , I jymvl as new. Will sell for l."i.uo. Ap Two Stores. Miss Annie Robmon will take music i pupils at her home 110 Saunders i street. 5 2t. Apply to H. E. KING & SON, VI South iVilmiiiKlon ml Pert. Hell "Phone 2!C. I- Recicr: mpLnord mixed colors. FISH RECEIVED Ladies' Capes in Beaver, Mcltcn, Tattv Plttsh a-d Golf Cloths. . ,X' Ladhs'CoaSifiismBlack.Btci I1C,I,, iri1- 11m,,,r1,'r"- t,r"" ard UrcV. ocpa'-a'c okirts lull yokk kivku ani scfkoik 1 length and rainy day. , ovrterh. - i . ..r r l n .. i . . ' i nn see i:n. , - ' , Lao es jr: ci..oa.i in m v ccrizea oa:m, Dig vaiuc ar j.du. Ladies' F tr S.:ai s and Collarettes. H. Mahler's Sons, EXPERT OPTICIANS- Ot r Lad V Rus ian Blouse Suits in Grey, Biuc, Brown ! J. R.UPCHURCH& C0. i t Piano Tieiudriii? Roomn. ll I'eaee J Street, r.ear llalifn. Ordcrn teft .a t j lliller & lTie.!e' -.piano wiireroi,r.n janj Caor, $20.00 Suit in any, market, fcr $16.50. 11H K. Martin Btreet. Hicks' old stand. ! iro-mpllv attended to. Kverv bimcli of fish wnrranteil fienh. I.-. PKOK. II. J. liOXZALKX. SA"S r

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