kSV KYK,JC VHfl'OU. ,. r.ierf ituuttf S3Wpt Sunday.' ial1iibd 1W r'ubliimetl coo tiriUoiily Slnee that Time. , VWror-Pi Publisher. Jo!b Jeftkiiu'.. ....... Bditor. tOfW'ti pretr.f ,;..enerh: Manager. . Offtre in -'1 THE TIMEy ItL'lLDINi . ' m Fay? ttfv'Jle Street. nierftt Telephone ; U Telephose .....No. 132. .. BLUSCK1PT10X IUtlCS: Out ................... i . . .U ()! Month. 30c :i)eliTered in the city by Nirilera or nbywbrt in the United Stte by IM11. The Time IH be deiimired st Mbjr totrit-between iialeijrJi and 11am 1H, brteh TJaleifb awl Gr....boro. afift bJ wn Kaleigh aftd Goldsboro tjta renin. of nublieation. Stibsciip Hoti arc payobla iu adtaiire. iima and tigrt letters on i4tr of public interest are solicit iVlnrt the same of 1be writer mum tmmwupanv the comrhunicatlnn. "nol 1 awtaMiftlv for piiblit-xtion but as a tft.ratV SW1! iaUU." . i General BeWet seems to be hh art fill' dodgw of the first rank. '"The Honored Santa paring for his annual and celebration. Clans is pre inauguration pulf townsnip, Chatham county, fomes to the front with a five-footed jralt. . ( The aniniifll should be called "fwsion," The latest British sclieme is to pay roost oi the cost of the w-ar in South Africa hj" a tax on the South African colonies. It is pretty hard to get a licking, and then be compelled to pay the expenses of it. ,- ' -, , i , ,' -. Ihirham has a fair young lady nam ed Miss Rose Budd. Richmond coun ty 'toasts of a citizen of color who bears the cognomen of Sink Quick. Bnt according to our notion neither name is one whit better than that of li esteemed subscriber to The Times, who rejoices in the name Early Dawn. The Stoke county minister who or- daihed the corn doctor into the min istry aoftd "then saw the Doctor found a. new church of its own that was a Rifle- different from any of the other crtJiy sects, mtist have felt like the hen' Who hatched cut a duck, and was frightened nearly to death when she. saw it jump into a pond and swim off fe.fore her very eyes. The. Jnnuarv number of the Delinea ia . ItL tifljtrttlmrrulr illusti-ntrl . mnnv ' fit the illunrations tH-ing In colors, j There are articles on' house-furnish- j mga and ciecora.iions. ini lasnions oi tdndon and Paris, women givers and their gifts and many other subjects. U Is a magazine made for women, and is of much interest to them. The scries of article on pageants of the 'great cities describes the New Orleans fardi Grs. the festivals of the eilctl Prophet in St. ers. Lotus, and several otb- TATiiie we iue. planning to secure frtore , industries and a.ttrn"i .wm , trade." aa.id a. well known citizen, "let : us not forget to give encouragement ! and support to the industries already Mjtabliahcd here." Tlie Times favor home folks and home industries j against th world. We leiieve that the; people of Raleigh should support , their own manufacturing establish ment and trade -with their home mer-1 cha.nts. Some people have a, habit of j ordering goods' by mail from New i York and Philadelphia, when the i . HBtiie goods can be secured in the local i store at the same price, and the pur- j ( rhaser -would . have the privilege cf knowitjjr exactly what he got before: lib bought. Of course the average! man or woman is going to buy where I . hi eait .buy at thei lowest pri-e. l!ut ! vri, believe that where the ..price is I the aamF, and that is usually the case, I -. yM Bhould give preference to the home i merchant. 1 The ColumWa State in commenting ort the -census returns for the towns in fCorth Carolina, says, "lialeigh is a rerV pretty rity, well located, but it lacks railroads and manufactures, 1 Italeigli hJW( eJtcdllent railroad faclli-1 tirt, in fact about as good a any town in the ta.te- H is on the nmln i. line of the Seaboard, the. Kaleigh and Gaston and I&Ieigh arid Augusta roads r forming a junction here. It is on one 6f the principl branches of the Sotithem, a bnuich that gives the town sis (Saily paflseaiger trains. T5esidew , this there, is , branch railroad that runs out into the lumber section, and the Kaleigh and Capo Peart rosd that connects! witli th' HeaWari at Apex. Krora this it will be seen that there i nothing tlie matter: with our rail road facilities. . They might be bet ter. lut they are very good as It Is, Tim Seaboard runs seven passenger trains a day tnrougn isieign, me branch roaj operates four trains a. ft.'iy. This give a total Of sevemter'n j it .monger trains n day. Only; one i iri-e train is realty oaeded, and that is a train arriving here (rom Mender Mon or WeldoH in the morning, and departing in -.bo aftrnoon., Hut jibe State is correct; when it wiys that we are deficient in inaliufuitureH. Com - pared with most Southern towns, we have our proportion of. manufacture, but not as compared vith the other progrettsive .ortu LavoJinn towns, as The Times has remarked often of late. Kaleigh needs more,' factories. MR CHAS. HOLT DEAD Prominent Business Man Passed Away Last Alternpon. Jlr. Charles '. Holt, the only' Kiir viving son of the lute Governor Thos. M. iloit. passed away at his home in Haw River yesterday afternoon. Death came not unexpectedly, "s his health had been declining tor several months. Mr, Holt was in the prime of life, 4:.' years of nge, lie w as ii most success ful business inun and up t the time of his death was. the president oi three mills the (Sriniite. the Cnro and the Thomas .M. Holt. Mr. Holt leaxes a, wife and one little daughter only 18 months old. besides three sisters., Mrs. A. W. Haywood, of Itnleigh: Mrs. ( It. Wright, "of. Kaleigh.. ami Mrs. H. C Iiaird, of Hot, Springs, Arkansas. Mr, Holt married Miss lienie Jones, daughter of ex-Governor -.Jones, -of1. Alabama, and they have one child, a .'"ere infant. A few weeks since . M Holt was confirmed and became n communicant of .he Kpiscopul chmch at Burlington, from whence the fun eral service, will be held. The fami ly has the sincere sympathy of their mnnv friends in this city. Necessity Knows No Law 1 ' But a. hw of Nature bows to the necessity of keeping the blood pare so that the entire system shall be strong, healthy and vigorous. To Hood's DatSAptrSlx. the ffrmi fcfoorf" puffier, is iherffort A Utu ofhtilth and it is a ntctssify h nttrly entry house hold, S never disappoints. Blood Disorders " My step- daughter And I have both been trou bled greaily roith blood disorders Ani stbnuch troubles. And ' severed botilea of Hood's StrstpxrCUt hve been of I otei .benefit." xmes F. Tlumpson. VSmingtoru Ohio. Hoed'f flili w"UitotIIU : tfat noa lrrtutloK 4 mij UStrUc . tk with Hoo4'' r.yi-tll NEW RIVER 0YS1ERS in every style, solid measure, pR RENT A large store on ilminglon st., suitable for groceries. !etc. Applv to H. E. KING 4 SON, 209 South Wilmington street. Bell 'Phont 29.'i. THE OLIVER THE BEST UP-TO-DATE. Visible Writing. First Premium) at Paris Exposition. Ty rewriters and Employers tf .Such Should Investigate This Maehlnc and see how much time is saved by Using IV Ask for Information by Mail Or Call at Room If, Pullen Building RALEKtfl. X. ('. B. H. WOODELL ' SALESMAN. imnmn 3JtQf ttttttrf ! J ! THE Yarborough Gafc, RALEIGH, N. C Handsomest Restaurant In the State For Ladies and Gentlemen. Newman & Dorsctt, PROPRIETORS. An up-to-diite Place. Open I My ; andiiglit. . . Entrance through yarborouclv wtes)w4s)ct)wf)l Piano ltrpairing licoui. It Peace fRtreet, near Halifa. "Orders left at. Miller & Pzrle'tt palare piano Vare roorna promptly attended to. ' Ifoney library, Building. ' ; i ' " PIIOP R. 4 GONMLEZ & SONS. '- ' v..'-''-'..; -":" .-"y" -!f ' hx '.?..'' : ''." 9f V VjOHNSdNlROTHERS . THE 1 .. j .NEW FKUtT AND STORK. ( 'ANDY ! Peanut brittle, eoeouimt brittle, j kjm,H of tnffy ut 10 etnts Jb, Fine French mixture. l." cents worth 25 cents. Fine Smyrna tigs, lb. tigs of all kinds all kinds all fresh. Florida Oranges, 15c; dates. lUc. ns, nuts of (nlifornia or grapes, celery anges, 1'ears, apples, etc. ''' -." l'lenty of buuumis 11) to 20 cents doz. JOHNSON BROS., Fayetteville St. American Detecthe Agency. EBEL BUILDINQ. Richmond; - - - va. Will do any legitimate deteetlvr work. Collections made. We have ! deteolives available, day or night. Oldest agency in irgif.a. tonnee tions tlitougtiotjt the World. ..Com jpondtnee Ndicled. DR0P1N at A. S. McGeachy's DRUGSTORE, 133 fayettevill St. 1 1 is prices arc rig'n1 Ills giM'ds are right Hit location is riglU (.'" and von will ho light. BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS 0R0- CERIES FROM J.B. GREEN AND COMPANY Where vou can tfet the Best Goods for the Least Money. Fan;y CaTornia Prunes 10c lb 31b for 25c. Figs 10, 15 and 20c lb. Best Seeded Raisins 12 l-2c lb 'Currents 15c California Table Peaches 15, 20 land 25c Per Can. ' Pan Cake 10c per package Buckwheat 31b pks 15c Trv our Own Brand Coffee lb tins for 25c. -! Give us a trial Older and wc ! will Con virc; you that you are : Qettin? best Goods for the least Vo lev. i . . B. GREEN & CO. No; 9 E. Hargctt St. Defective Glasses Glasses exactly right two years ago may he far from right today. Tlie eyes change We examine your ! eyes free, and will only recommend a i j change if absolutely benellcial. H. Mahler's 'Sons, EXPERT OPTICIANS- NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. I have wilted Just as long- possible for the taxes to be paid, but the tax payers do not seem to appreciate lhe - leniency that have been extended to , .them. Now this I to glv fair notice, j that I purpose to csrry out the law ana I colleot the. taxes al oAce. So all those vhA An not want tn mt nnat mnA all thfiM tirt An tint wtzn in hi. arnlaS k mini come forward end pay their -taxes at once. 1 have to settle $80,904.00 wlthla the next tea days, and must have, the mnney. t will aiart my deputies out at enre to collect by dlstreet. , .. Res-ectfully.. , , M. VT. TAGB, Sheriff Wake County. Dec. 10-4t. TXkES THE GAkE. FARINA ROLLER MILLS CO., Raleigh, IN. C. White Star You see advertised in all the Periodicals r the day, and on the boards of the city, is on sale at J. R. Ferrall & Co , 222 Fayetteville St. KRANICH & BACH, Shoninger, SMITH & BARNES. Willard." 4 hey lead them all. We no not; Iwndle asinule instrunient which does not ex- eel all its competitors in the same grade. Our prices for GOO Pianos do not, differ much from the nriees naid elsewiiere ror CflKAP Pianos. And we fully guarantee all our pianos. To investigate call on - DARNELL & THOMAS. Valuable Newbern Ave nue Residence Pro perty for Sale. My former residence corner Newbern Avenue and Person Street. PRICE $3iOC0. Will make terms to suit purchaser. Henry E. Litchford. FINE TAILORING WALTER'S SUPERIOR METHOD OP' GARMENT CUTTING. Place' your Or. Icr now for your Fall and Winter .. .. : . ..' . ; - SUITS. Special Attention to Wedding Outfits. (j. N. WALTERS, Impotrtin Tailor. The Economical and Ju dicious Spending of -Monay is tho Underlaying Principle of Economy - MONOGRAM JAVA AND . . MOCHA COFFEE .Sold only in sealed tins, is not. onlvl economieal but lis ciclicioiisaroma and delicate flavor stamps it the most de. si rable coffee obtainable, especially to th,se who appreciateaoOI)fXFFET3. ALL FIRST-CLASS GRWEKS everywhere, and In Raleigh hyW. 1 Tnn, M. Rosenthal, J. P. Orceft It Co., Job P. Wyatt and Bro. and others. mm Under any and all circum stances, no matter what the com petition, North 'Sta'te 'stands at the head of its class when it ccmes K right down ' to quality : for price. And it isn't only in quality that its excellence is 'demonstrated beyond "he peradventurc of a doubt style, aste, finish and what-not prove its merits. Coffee mMmmuiib'aJnmlfm 3 ! NOTICE OF SALK. ' liy authority of a mortgage ironi J. : W. 1'riee and wile, recorded in JJoolc I.jS, jiage 784, J.Vgisler of Decils of I (ice for Wake comity, J will,-on Mon Iduy, lhe. J4th day o'f December, moo. 'at'j2 o'clock M., at ilia Court flouse door of-Wake county. Raleigh, '. C. sell to the highest bidder for ens U a i lot of hind in the city of Raleigh. which begins at a stithe. now Minor's i corner, on the east sioe'of orlh East i street, and runs north with said street :S feet, to a stake, corner of .1. A. ! Ih idgers, them e east 'wrth his hr 31( ! icet 10 a stake: thence north L'O'A .Vet. ; to a stake, thence east ISIS feet to a ' stake: thence south IS feet fo a stake; ; thence west ISO feet to a stake; thence i north .)'2 feet to a stake; thence west '210 feet to the beginning, and being ! same lot conveyed to mortgagors by J. ' A. JJridgers and olfieis. Rook 13.!, page I (i4S, mill Register's office. I V. X. .1 OX ICS. 1 t I. d Attorney. XOTICK OK SAI.t: I'.y authority f a judgment of tin Superior Court for Wake eonniy en i'iotim.7..r)ihffm'eVios"v limy, hi in. e of a iiiori U'iiire, entitled I hos. (... i'.niiiss s. r I,. KnnibS and olhers. I will, on Mon 1 day. 7th day of .launilrv. mill, at lh i Court House door of Wake enmity Italelgh. X. C. sell to the highest bid der for cash that certain lot or parcel of hind with improvements thereon, situate on North Salisbury street, in ' the city of Kaleiyli. ueginuing (it the i northeast corner of the lot of J. 11. j Alford, and runs North . with anid (street 80 feet, thence west 210 feet to I the west line of said lot, thence south nloiiff snid line K0 feet to the line of lot No. 212 in the plan of said city, thence east with the line of said lo1 !2iO feet to the beginning, being por tion of lot No. 22s in the plnn of lial eigh. W. is. JONES. Commissioner. lialeigh. X. C. Dec. 3. 1000. Ids. I BUY AND SELL Old Clothes, Ha ' OU Shoes, Old Gold, - -i ' Pistols, Watches, - Guns or Anything. I Call Bell 'phone . t. 864 HARRIS STEAM DTE WORKS. (TSuiU Cleaned .... ....... 75 " Cleaned and Dyed i V $ ,5Q A wmches II Repairs C r Njjty Guaranteed- ( C ' 109 Fayetteville St. S A Suit SuisSestibri (Good A cool morning suggests a winter suit and overcoat, end Tnc.of ours sug-i gests style. V.'fl havo theirt ill all the new Grays undone? Bniwns and the Greenrwhlch are so mucli' worn now. as well as thc.new over-plaid effects In fact, wn nr nronared to show you the bcstup-to-date and cheapest. Hi o Clothing, Overcoats IN THE MARKET; ; . We mean gtxxls with some Style, Cut and Finish, and not those picked up of eld siocks, eto. J Everything Else a Man Wears, cross & unbhan LT-TO-DATE CLOTHIERS API) rrjKNj:; . WITH m m BOY wl don't wantaCriui. GUNS 'Hammer and Hametiess ALL 'Prices and 'very cheap. A Perfect time piece ' $100 an(1 wiirriintc('. 1 . " 2,800 pocket knives, two CaTi-.uoads , , .STOVES, COOK. AND HEATING. LEFT HANDED and Rhrht Handed hci.ssors and Shears. Thousands ofiisefiii "rnseiits for Christmas. . s- JULIUS LEWIS HARDWARE CO. Raleigh, N. C. Goodmans' Shoes FUEL, Pocahontas Nut Coal, Thacker Lump Coal Anthracite Nut Stove and egg Coal, Stove Pine and Oak Wood, ' Corn, Oats, Hay, Bran, ,f Chops, etc. Order, of JONES& POWELLS 'Phones 41 and 71 xmas Not only appeals to the sjnttmental sldc";'pf hutnan' na- turc, but as well to the practical side. 1 ' People, these days iv presents that are USEFUI , not merely "pretty " things but ... things that look welt and do well. Art WET T I What docsWter than a piece of, UU MULL I FURNITURE? ; ;j , : , ' k ,' " ,-".. Always wi'h you. This Xnias, Next Xmas..; Afmost unJ il tim; is no morcas far as Giver and Re ceiver ar : ccncirnsd Dssks I Pictures 1 ' Jardinieres ! : Rockers I Cd 1 Chairs 1 Couches 1 Roman Scats ! and ; soon. s-i ' '" :.. V" '''v ' ,f-;.:'i' K'i ' ' ' " ' ; ' ' v :-' v The Royall &; Borden Fiiriiitoe ; Co. ' ' Corner Wifmfnton arid Harnett ,Sts.j; " ; - '-1 ?1 ,r''.' : ' V'T ' '.f t and Furnishings the Compliments of the Season ! mQ mmmmm Find Tfim. LAT$e&i kiock in Aortli famlinu. 1 nc u.-eaiesi jnoes on carn ax uje pnee . Every pair Warrentei WOMAN'S KIDS f .50, CHILDREN'S & $1.00 and $i;25. ' Every family should see these Shoes they are Cheap at Double the price of . ary ShceMide. j t 1 Only sold at , POOFS SHOE STORE. : RALEIGH NC. mm ....':......:: i ir t r