Cfc-fc&fgb times. . ', r.rer.t Kveanig Except Sunday. Fjtablished JS79 and Published con tinuously Since that Time. flMfeS S: UP 1 "Tli Yisitor-Fress Co.. Publish rs. ' -- ' ' 1 . : " John Wilher Jenkm ..Editor. ?ghn C, l)rewry...'.Gener: Manager. TUB AXXl'AI. PENSION H MD. j . Our 'pension hill the coming year' will amount to -more limn sH4.".iOUM0. That, in many more million than liny ( Kivropcnn nation pnvs out fin- pen- i sionn, though some ol Iheni have armies twentv times sis large as our, j. W have been for veins pmntmtr iin OUR PROPOSITION WILL NOT LAST RUT ONLY A FEW DAYS LONGER. HERE IT IS AGAIN. We will place (o your floms before Christmas anv of these '. Editions on Payments of only a Dollar per Month. ROE'S COM PLETE WORKS in Nineteen Volumes. "BALZAC", "SCOTT'S WAVERLEY", "HUGO, "GEORGE ELIOT", SHAKESPEARE, Illustrated, "LEVER, DICKENS. This is Undoubtedly the best BooK offer in your City. Placeyour Order Early. OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTILIO O'CLOCK. T. ARLINGTON McKELVIE, BLAKE'S JEWELRY STORE. wnnt hoard. family Kast Lenoir si reel. givin;r Young married couple the misfortune of l-Yiiiice mid ( iertna- ' and .room in nice priva-1 ivy in the heuvv bunicii of militarism (Iim I they bear. It will surpris? s.ime lo ,' price, know that the I nHe.1 M iles pays out more, for its litile 'military . csnimi-li-itient than anv oilier country in the world. Of course the cost of pensions included in the cc.-t of the military establishment, because a pension is :i reward for past services in the army. " JuKt as pay is tor present sei ulnuu it U common savins- that l!e- miblies are ungrateful." Unt the I nited tOnguCS, State not oulv pays the highest monthly wage to Us soldiers. but pays them the highest pensions, for the longest time (.1 anv country. Does unv an suppose, however, that." if -the matter of pensions were, consider ed from a business standpoint. dealt with In ncn. such norm- ; p(jf. y0(if blQ0(Jf i hum i r nit'M "'"no - -pension for the i-reat mcreuse the pension list, and the siibseipient 'burden placed on the ta. payers is i Impure &ooA"MycompUx:e'ttvA the-anxiety of the demagogues in the "He is Wise Who Talks But Little.' This is only a half truth. If wise men had held their we should know nothing about the circulation of the blood. If it were not for this advertisement you night never know that Hood' 's Sarsaparilla is the greatest ! medicine in the world to l ; .rcnic Ail dfjjciuc, ywc yuu -4 it. r .-.. j.. .. TAKES THE CAKE. G Under any and all circtsnv ; stances, no matter what the com-'!, petition, North Stale stands at the j head of its class when it ccmcs . -i-Li J . -t.',r irn t K?St A Suit Suggestion pod Morning 9 A (''ml nioniiiitrsuiLrcsts n winter suit, and nvrnviat. -ni r,n.tnicii.r. I , . ! .. .1 ; . . i .1 . . . . v ic. ,.c . ,ive Liieni in an new mays and the 1 North, and Went to secure the soldier ' vote. It is a notorious fad that there is hardly a politician in nil that sec--v. lion who w ill ra ise his voice iiRiihist " '! any pension hill, or who will even prci eit ajtainst. fraudulcnl pensions, be ; cause he is afraid c.f losnur the soldiei vote. Pensions have been seemed te - pay political debts. rather than be cause of the iiievils of soldierly ser vice. Pensions have been used to bribe votes, onlv in this eiise the can - didnte does not take the money out of his own pockel, but comps'ls the ''':'., .government to be a parly to 1 lie bvi lxry. Can ny man look at the euortn . mm pension list we carry, and say that it, is just, and hom's,', lf 1"llefi i eiaries continue to accumulate from the war with Spain mill the war in . 'the Philippines as ihey have be;nm; ami continue as lonir as the veterans i of the civil war. (rival (.'rand chiid ' rcn will .Ktill lie pavinff pensions, on : iwcoiint of our little unpleasantness with Spain. And when the pieslion of troinff to war in the future arises, the niuiii jioi nf, will be. "(an Ave af ' font the expense or the nar.1' so much Ua the question. "( an we a fiord the burden cf pensions re.winjj out of the ': war?" -. President llarvie .lortla u. t ilie lu terstnto ('ot.ton Grower: Association. ! makes thechnrfre that the joveriiinent ! cotton crop report is iwinar maiiipiilat- ( ed in favr.r of the nnjr of speculators who "play" the cotton market in New I ork and Liverpool. This is a pravt 'charge, and eoniiiijr from such a source deserves at least investiirution. j It leaked out the Saturday niyht lie- i fore the last report was irivcn to the Hiblic that pertain brokers Hi New'!. York had been ottered advance infor- I niation, if they would pav- consider- able sum for the news. As it turned out the advance news would have lioen , worth thousands of dollars to them because the market fell more 1hn :, .half a eent on the reKirt If. the. of- tleiuls or clerks who have the report in charjn are unscrupulous cnouph te sell thii important inroruintion in ad vance, it does not. seem that thev are entirely above suspicion. It is a mat ter of great importance tn the farmer and the cotton factri- alike that this report be kept as lair and impartial a.s jiossible. W. hoofs SiniCArtUi. did much good by purifyir.g my blood. &Jy skin is now itr." cAnrutD. McCoy, Wtlsontown, Pa. Zdbod'A Sa lkifMiilq i ti mn tiw ri fffir r Hood' Pllit WW Utt IIU; b iiou4rfitotlny nd mil cathtrtte U Ukt with HooJ trrtlU. THE Yarborough Cafe, RALEIGH, N. C. Handsomest Restaurant in the State For Ladiesand Gentlemen. Newman & Dcrsctt, Pi!oi'i!iKTor:s: Ail: iip-l(Ml;tlp l'litcc. open imv and N ilit. . EiUriiiicc tliiimli Varlxiroiijili IKIIINC. FRESH CANDY Manufactured Every Day ' by J. A. POPE. THE OLIVER THE BEST UP-TO-DATE. Visible Writing. First I'reiiiinun al !';:ris Kxpusil im Tyre writers and Eu'plcyeis i f sw Slmtild Investipili' This Mucliine see lm liiiit'li t inie is .saved by I'siii): II. Ask for liirciiinat.ioii by Mail Or C'uli a'. lioiiiH is. Piillen I'.uiUlin.i. i:ai.i:k;ii. n. c. B. H. WOODELL SALESMAN. ! American j Detective Agency. ESEL BUILDING. RICHMOND, - - . VA.' duty iur yiMi, (Jrccns, wiiioh are so iniu-li worn now, as well us the now over-plaid And it isn't only in quality that itt; "ll 1 "P a,e V"?y;? nie best t.p-tK.-date and cheapos.;,.., excellence is demonstrated teyond he peradventure cf a doubt style, j ste, finish ar.d what-nct prove its j merits. .. , i Browns and tin: iVcels In Hi p Clothing, Overcoats FARINA ROLLER MILLS CO., Raleigh, IN, C. Will do any lefitiinalc detective work. Collections made. We have detectives available, day or niKbt. oldest agency in Contiec lions tiiroutrtiiHil ihe Worltl. C't'rre spundeiice NilicJed. You sec advertised in all the Periodicals r the day, and on the boards of the city, is on sale at " J. R. Ferrall & Co, 222 Fayctievillc St. ? A.S. Id IN at I McGeachy's t DRUGSTORE, 133 Tayeiteville St. 1 1 is iiriccs ;i re riijli1' . II is goods are rli:li' H is liH-at ioii is i ij.ii' t':ill and v; will lie rilil. ' These are Cash Prices ? But they Save You Moneys r: READ i Pork Sausage, llle. lb. Nice bananas, 15c. doz. New dates, 10c. lb. New &gs, I'k". lb. Pie Peaches, 3 lb. cau, 8 l-3c. Table Peaches, 3 lb. Van, lS'iiv Prunes (good) T'jc. lb. Prunes i iest ) l()c. lb. California Evaporated Peaches, choice 10c; best 1214c. Loom piohles S 1-3.- doz. l'ig feet and Tripe TVc lb. Full Mac of fancy groceries cigars and tobacco. Interstate Phone APPLES, ORANGES, BANANAS, CIGARS. W. J. MOORE. 122 E. Hargett St. 16.1 Free delivery. and tobacco NEW RIVER OYSTERS Defective Glasses in every style, s .1 id measure.' j FOR RENT A iuryc store nil ! V ilmin.'ldii s't.. sii i ! a ! iitl tor meci ics, ' etc. ' . .' A i)tly t'i ! H. E. KING A. SON, , 1 209 South Wilining;tvt) street. Hell I' 2:i.1. For Sale ixtures (OMPLKTK. '.Aorth Carolina Wnlc County: Superior Court, before W. M. Kuss, C. !. C. !,Elizabe1h Hancoin Howell. Henry i (ireen Howell, and .-others.-plain- !.': v titts.- -. -,- t- -. vs. John Tfenderson l!oiilotii And others, defendants. RAI.10 ()K LAND FOR PAllTITfOX. f)n Monday, the 14th day of January' ; A. I).. 1901. by virlare of authority conferred on me us commissioner, by ' decree of court in the above entitled special jiroceedinprf. I will expose for . sale on the premises the truest of hind first hereinafter described.' to the big-best bidder for cash or upon such lerms of cash and credit, as-may be ! announced at the sale, all those tracts ' or parcel of land in Wal;e county, j North Carolina, in White Oak Town j ship, about northeast of Apex, and one mile north of Salem chiirch. ad joiniiifr. each other and more jiarticularly , bounded and described as follows: I First tract, adjoining- the lands of .1. I J. Maynard. John Lewis and others and more fully described in a .deed j from Henry C. Casttlpbury to John ! Rniieom. dated November IHIth, ts4. i and registered in the office of reg-ister Wf deeds for' Wake county in Hook IS. i pag-e 260. containing lPu acres and T.I poles, more or less. . SKCOND TllACT. Adjo'ininjr land of Kiddie Maynard and others, and de scribed in deed from (ireen A Kurd to J.Tohn Tlaueoiri, dated Vebruary 2(lth. 1840. and registered in Register of Deeds office for Wake county in Hook ;li3, at pape 261, -containing1 acres. OnaetofvJ OL- VJUr more or less u v.w w wai nww THITID vTKACT-Ad ioinino- Atlanta is to have a new hotel to coftfr three hundred thousand dollars, in. addition to the three or lour other firm hotels it has i.lreadv. lialeigli onjrbt to be able, to aflor l nt least one fine modern hotel. If we had .such a titruoture. here, well nianaped and we'll advertised it would attract .nwny wis'itors .from the North who ..would delipht to spend a while here, poirtfr to Florida or returning' from the , far South. -This is the best, half-way point between New ork and Iknton aiid.. the Went Indies. A p-entleman from Canada who was visit inr here sometime affo said this whs the finest climate he haxl ever seen, and that is the opinion of maaiy who have visited all ports of the country. Glasses exactly right two years afro nay be f ir from right today. Ti e eyes cliange. We examine your yes fiee, and will only recommend a ;hani,'e if absolutely beneficial. ; H. Mahler s Sons, EXPERT OPTICIANS- land in perfect condition. Ihey can be seen at Capital Club Bar. the Valuable Newbern Ave- L J. WALKER. nue Residence Pro perty for Sale. My former residence corner Newbern Avenue and Person Ntreet. PRICE $3,0C0. Will make terms to suit purciiascr. S. l'HIMKOM-:. W. S IIMRDSKj'Jb if. S. P.inrce fi Co, Ipnkb Henry E. Litchfcrd. .'.l Mr. Bryan Is to publish a weekly ; newspaper to b calletl "The Conunon er. -Some of his. friends regret that he follows so closely the example of the Hon. Jerry Simpson. . The old J adajare, "Would tjwit mine.enemy would : write a book," may in time lie change.l to lO that mine enemy would puldish a newspaper." . SAI.i: OF VALUAULE I.OT. I!y virtue of a judgment -of the Su perior Court of Wake Count v, X. C. ' ; made and entered at the October THH NKW FI5CIT AND CANDY i J erm, 1000. of said Court in the esse . " , of Lizzie Daniels ct al vs. W. I' laoore -,.'.'' STOKK, . et al. bein"' number SU!'1 .ixin the Civil Issue Docket of sa'" oiirt, ( will offer for sale at publ'- atcry for canh .to. the bijfhest biocr at the Courl ! House door in the city of Raleigh.' X. ! C, on Monday, the 17th day of lie leember, 1000, at 12 o'clock M.. the fol lowing described lot of land, vi: Sir- uated and lying, and -being in the ciM iu ngs m .in Kiiuis. riiirtuis, inns 01 i bounded on the north by the lol of K, all kinds nil fresh. JOHNSON BROTHERS Peanut brittle, cocoanut brittle, kinds of toffy at 10 cents lb, r me rrench mixture. 1 worth 2.1 cents. "Fine. Smyrna..' figs,' 15c; dates, 10c FIRE INSURANCE. Tlie patronage of the public is re ipectfnlly teiiucstcd. Dwellings, Furniture and Mercantile risks espoei illy Kollcited. Strong Ctmipantes and ample ex perience in protect iiif your interests W. S. PRIMROSE &. CO. Agts. ill cents, The Wilson New says "The Ral eigh Press Club Is on the, search for a ttiihstitute for Ananias. How would tlie Clnb do?" ' , Florida Oranges, California or anges, l'ears, apples, grapes, celery, etc. '. ':V " - .; Plenty of bananus 10 to 20 ceats doz. Ladies' apples for decorating Christmas trees. , "; r ..: JOHNSON' BROS., Fayetteville St. Interstate 'Rhone 350, , 'Upperman, on the east by the lot of I Betsy Bryan, on the fcout'h by South j street, and on the west by the lot of j W. II. J. Goodwinbeing one-half of j the lot, bought by Marcellus Upper- man of W. II. J. Goodwin, deed regis tered in the office of, the Register of Deeds of said county, in L'.ouk C.I, page ijn. T.nrt the same that was mort gaged by Cherry .Tones to W. II, Moore, see book 10S, page 21, in Reg ister' office of said county. ARMISTEAI) JONES, ' Commissioner, No. 14, 1900. uta.- lands of J. ,T. Maj'tiard on the south, and John Lewis on the enst, and described in deed from Henrv Mooring to John Haiieom. dated February 2sth, ISiil. and registered in the office of Regis ter of deeds for said eonntv. AH of said lands lieing describe in the said proceedings, and owned and occupied by John Haiieom (deceased), no to the time of his death. W. .1. FEKT.E. Commissioner. MAYNARD, Att'ys. NOT1CK OF SALE. By authority of a mortgage from J. . Price and wife, recorded in Rook 155, page 7S4, Register i ' Deeds of fice for Wake county, I w '. on Mon day, the 24th day of Deceih'er, l'JOO. at 12 o'clock M., at the Coint Houst door of Wuke county. Raleigl - N. C sell to the highest bidder foi sh o lot of land in the city of h-'leigh. which begins at ft stake now Minor's corner, on the east sine of Torth East street, and runs north with sahV street S feet to a stake, corner of ' . A. Bridgers. thence east with his I re 21(1 feet to a stake; thence north 2t 'a ,eet !o a stake,; t-hence rfnst 156 fe' to -itnke: thence south 48 feet to a thence west 150 feet to a stake; north 10 f-et to n Klake; then' 210 feet to the beginning., ant -same lot conveyed to mortgngoi. A. Ri-idgers and others. Hook Ks 645, raid. Register's office. W. X. JONES, 1. d At ton tule; ience west teiug iy S. page NOTICE OF SALE. Hv authority of a judgment of tin Superior Court for Wake county en tered at October Term. l'.MK). in an action for the foreclosure of a mort gage, entitled Thos. C. Enniss vs. 1'. C. Enniss and others. I will, on Mon day.. 7th day of Janimry, I'.iOl, at the Court House door of Wake county. Raleigh. N. C. sell to the htuliest bid der for cash that certain I'd or parcel ; North Carolina County of Wake of land with improvements thereon. ' City of Raleigh- , ' situate on North Salisbtn-y street, in j Notice is hereby given that arnlica- " (;. r'ii"iii mi i nr i icjii win oe maoe to ine Ueneral As northenst corner of the lot of J. If. j sembly of North Carolina- et Us fies- Aiiorii, nmi runs Aorin wnti said i sion in January 1901: 1. For a private v. im, i- w-risi .i.i im to uci nmenoiiig tne I iiarter of the City the west line of said hit. thence south of Raleigh, and, 2. For a private act along said line SO fee I to the line of to authorise the City of Raleigh to M.. rtu. in ire piuo oi snii i city. suDmit to the voters therein the ones , T f .. . . , . . ... thence east with the line of said lot SiO feet to the begiuning, beiug por tion of lot No. 223 in the plan of Ral eigh. , : W. N. JONES. Commissioner. Raleigh, N. C, Deri. 3, 1900. tds. tion of issuing- bonds for Public Im provements, aim to issue same should the election so decide. This 12th dav of . December, 1900. W. Ij. WATSON, Attorney for The City of Raleigh.. and Furnishings IiN THE MARKET. w, l'e llieail cooils with some Stvle. Tut and Finiwh r i t . ' " ' " 1 ! m v i H' I" 'M ! tn itlil MiK'ks, et-. M Everything Else a Man Wears, &UINEHAN L'P-TO-D.VTE CLOTHItmS AND FfJItNISIIERS. WITH tHe ComPliments of the Season ! BOY "hoihuri want a Gun. Find Him. GUNS l-'amnn-i aiirl IKimericss A LL Prices 'and very clitap. WATCH A Vtcvt time piece $100 rr"el. 2.800 PC CKET KNIVES. TWO OT.L.CADS tEETHAIsLBEP nd Rigl,tffisfiS lrs." tif useful Present for Christ mas. v JULIUS LEWIS HARDWARE CO. Raleich, N. C. Largest Stock in North Carolina. Good m aris' Shb s The Greatest Shoes on Earth at the price. Every pair Warrented WOMEN'S KIDS $1.50. CHILDREN'S 75c, $l.00and $1.25. Every family should see these Shoes they are Cheap at Double the price of any Shoe Made. Only sold at POOL'S SHOE STORE. XMAS GIVING T Not only appeals to the sentimental side of human na ture, but as well to the practical side. People these days give presents that are USEFUL, not merely "pretty" things but things that look wl and do well. ' What does better than a piece of FURNITURE? DO WELL ! Always with you. , This Xmas. Next Xmas. Almost until time is no more--as fur as fliwf nA ? ceiver ar; concerned Desks! Pictures ! Ja dinieres I Rockers 1 Odd Chairs ! Couches ! Roman Seats ! and so on. ' : '',. The Royal! & Borden Furniture Co. f .... - . . ., -'.'.- "''', ."' '.'' ; - .'""'' Corner Wilmington and Harnett SU. ' ;