t One Cent a Word Is all an Ad vertlsement In the Times wil rtfict vftij. and It will reach three Rent, For Sale, Boarder and Board Wanted, - Employes or Positions Wanted, For Sale or Exchange ads. In The Times for One Centa Word. times as many people In Raleigh as any other medium. K And EVENING VISITOR. Established 1879. $1 a Year, Whol No. 9,407 RALEIGH, N. C.. TUESDAY- EVENING. DECEMBER 18, 1900 INVADE THE CAPE. Commando Under Herzog At tempts to Create Pro Boer Uprising. DEFEATED GEN. BRABAHT. Unconfirmed Reports of Another Boer Victory. British Loss t at Rouxvllle. By telegraph to The Times. CAPK TOWN, Dec. 18. The Doers have cgaln Invaded Cnpo Colony. A comman do, reported under command of Heriog. crossed the Orange River near Allwal North Saturday, nnd started south. On Sunday Bra'c;.ut's Horse and the Cape Police, who are patroling northern Cape Colony, encountered an Invading com mando between Odctidalstroom and Be thulie. They headed the Boers off and then pursued them. An unconfirmed re port later eaya the British were defeated. Herjog's commando is 700 strong. The object of the, Invasion is to incite the Cape Dutch to rebellion -and to recruit lighting men for the campaign In the Boer country. AH along the norther border of Cape Colony much disaffection exists, mid the Boers oro assured of a warm wel-cor-.e... The British suffered severely in the light on Drcember 13th, near Rouxvllle, .",0 miles north of Allwal North. They lost 11 killed, 1j wounded, and 48 taken prisoners. - OOLIJSION ON DELAGOA ROAD. JOHANNESBURG, Dec. 18. A collision recurred yesterday on I ho branch of the Dclagon railroad running from Kaupmul den to Barhcrton, in Eastern Transvaal. Many officials were killed and injured. Particulars of the accident have not yet been received. ATTACKS THE PRINCE. Dr. Parker :n the Evening Sun Scores Wales Severely. 'By telegraph to The Times LONDON, Dec. fS. In today's issue of the Run,-Dr. Parker takes occasion to again attack the race course in T5ngind unrt to rebuke the Prince of Wales and others for patronising it. I'nder the column headed "Sporting," the clergymat said: "Woe to nny country wherein heirs' to the throne, prime ministers and .load iS merchants, favor the race course as it exists today. When princes are guilty, It is poor consolation to rsbuke peasants and rai'Ders." The Sun contains four columns of fin ancial new3 and prints .many company I'roxpoetuHcs. Including one which adver tises an Australian Wine Company. FIREBUGS IN CAMDEN. One Captured Sticking Match to a Furniture House. B . Telegraph to The Times. I ;m,AIKLPHIA. PA.. Dec. 18. Cam den, N ,L, has a tire-bug scare. Several recent 'attempts to burn buildings In the town h.ive created great excitement. The polite, early this morning, captured an unliliowu mail whom they believe to be the incendiary. He was arrested at the point of a - revolver,, while striking matches under the big furniture ware-hd-cc of the j. R, Van Scrlver Compahy. Kcrri'tlv 2,'i0 car loads of furniture were pliccd in the building, valued at about BRIBERY IN HUNGARY More than a Hundred Governmeni Officials Involved liy telegraph to Tho Times. BUDAPEST, Dec. 18. The Xeps Zavau J.i, a newspaper here, today prints alleg ed revelations of corruption among gov ernment officials and speculators on the Hungarian Bourss. That paper an licences the subvention of six cablnet niiitistrrs fir advance tips on policy ami kgislntion, which' will affect the market The Premier, Herr De Szirl, is also said to be involved in these transactions. That paper also declares that 118 deputies have accepted bribes from firms and Individ uals needing the influene of parliament. Deputies are said to have distributee circulars "'ourins" for patronage and members of the opposition charged with lending their support to the government in return for contracts. IMC HOTKI. iU JiXKI). Sperlnl to The Times. ASlil'liY I'AHK. X. .1.. lw. IS. The Ttuinry llous, one of the best-known hotels' here, ws burned this niorninff. There were n number of giiesta in the lioiiHe. but all eM'aed safely. ThonuiH AYHhoii. . who discovered tne lire, roused the Quests by rushing tliroiifrh. the balls rinsing- a big dinner . be!!. . EXPBCTS BOXER RISING v telegraph to The Times. -PARIS. Dec. 18. It is reported that . Prir.co t:chtomsky, Russian PioDlpoten iiary in China, has private!? predicted tc i lie Ounr that a monster Boxer uprising will tuko place this winter, and the allies HI I 'akin rc Insecure. HENRY CLAY IN JAIL. lr telegraph to The Times. JOHANNESBURG. Dec. 18. An Ameri can nc mod Henry Clay has been scntcmc.1 here to 1ft minis" lmprliionmcnt for mis rr.nropriatlon of riorr'iniirtlu vtilufd m ; V") rounds. 1 .. . I, ENGLAND WITH OS. Relations With China Dis cussed at Cabinet Meet ing Today. BEFORE SUPREME COURT. Argument on Porto Rico Case. Work of House and Senate Today. By telegraph to The Times. YVASHIXfiTOX, lec. It. TchIii.v be iiif District of Columbia, day iii the House, was devoted to bills abolish- injT railroad grade croHsiii'rs in Wash ington. The .Senate after some unim portant. biiKine.ss went into executive session-oil the treaty rights with Colombia. liF.FORI'j SITUKMH COTJIiT, WASHIXtSTOX. Pec. IS. Arufrnieni in constitutional eases affect in;? the Philippine H n I j orto T!ico attracted great, attention in the Supreme Court today. E. ('. Perkins npeneil the ar gument on ihe l'orto Kico cn.se inul Lawrence llnraiun, of (hieiijro, follow- eil on tliei Philippines, 'I 1114 UAHI.NKT MKKTJ.Mi. YvASIIIXdTOX. Dee. IS. .Secretary Il.av informed the cabinet, at its- meet ing today, that Kiiffliind is in accord with the I'nited Stati-s on our policy in China. This-intelligence was re ceived with considerable satisfaction, lis the members feared that perhaps I'.ne liiiid would incline to ' the more radical, and tliev 'relieve, untenable stand taken by f ieiwiiny . repardintr 'lie punishment, of the Boxer chiefs. I he Ha.y-1'minccro-e treaty .-audi the Xieuriisruan canal were also imiHeiK tiiat claimed a. good deal of the Cabi nets tune today. , I lie only other mat. ter, of importance that" came 'up,, uf the meetiiify was that of the oollee torship of the lVtersliiivH-; Yiro-inio district. -The place will be given to Asa liodgers. who is a.mong those who have lieen briiifring- pressure to lear upon the President, for appointment. I!h Iv iUl)L fl IU. IU1,!,. The Semite finance committee- this morning received the revenue reduc tion bill lis passed by the House. If was (UM'idcd that nijtliing lie. done with it until the Semite rcassetnldt's in .Innuuiy. PROGnAMME IN THE HOUSE. WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. It Is definite ly announced today that the river and harbor bill, which the Houso is expected to take tin this week, ivlil not be ready until after the holidays, and the reap portionment bill not be reported before the recess cither. An agreement haF been reached to devote Wednesday and Thursday In the House to the considera tion of the Indian Appropriation bill. Friday, preceding the recess adjourn ment, wil be given to claims. . AAAZ0NS APPEAR rwo Women Become the Head f Their Respective Homes. Domestic felicity scopis to have de sert'd some Italeigh hniui s yesterday for the only cases to engage the Mary ur's attention UmUi- ivere rtlVtiys In tweeii husband :nnd wife and in every ise the woman was feu'id. Kve like the 1'ii'onioter of the discord, and the niasciiline element of the mystic union escaped from the clutches of the luw unscathed. . The first case Was Sallie Hawkins md .loh ii Hawkins for atl'rny, but husbinid mid wife cannot lie tried for lfl'ray. so Hie warrant was amended so that they were arraigned for distil ril ing the peace. Howevey, .from the evi leuce John did nothing wrong. fO was dismissed, but Sallie was fined ?S.25.. ''.;' ."' ..''- The second olTenders were Clark 'iiiftis and Klizabeth (Iriftls!. TIiik proved more serious -and when it de veloped that Kli.aheth had assailed her lord of creation with- a knife the Mayor sent her on to answer at the next term of the court. ; "REPUBLICAN CAUCUS. By telegraph to The Timi. TRENTON, N. J.. Dec. IS.vThe Itcpnu Ujn raiious tcdny rom'natcil the foP.-.v.--ng officers of the House- S-'iv.ker, WI' lam J. Bradley, of Camden: leader, J. larry Bachf,l?r, of Essex; clerk. Jainct 'arkcr, of Passaic; sergeant -at-arms. Frank Tatnin. of Monmouth; bill clerk, "Jeorge Pow-ill, of Essex: simcrvlsor of lills, Charles H. Folwell. of Burlington. HOMEWARD BOUND. r telegraph to The Times. CAPE TOWN, Doc. IS. Lord Roberts Is now on the sen, homeward bound. Aftci touching at 'St.--Helena, he lll proceed te London, where he Is due anuary 2nd. Dur n his temporarr stay hero he was over whelmed with attentions. liAIilUT CHASI-:. Tliis morning while th hacks were linctl up in front of the I'nion station awaiting the arrival of the t):.'!0 train ii. 'rabbit- ran Out of".'iiih mi mi re and snrted out Dawson street. The ne groes all gave ciuive nnd an exciting scene followed. Tiie. nil-.bit w linally enptured and Dempscy Ilolemnn v.; the lucky negro. : j-i vepr nnowNKii. : . Bv' Telegraph to The Times. 'MADRID. Hcc. IS. The Prefect at Malaga telcTiia that the vietima of the jpclncnu d'saster numbrr 3S. A ncv.s agency' dispatch adds that 10!) nurclvors were Injured. SYRACIU'F.. X. Y.. Dec. is deeld- rrtlv lively iH-noflt w!l be given for th Historical .Association of Syrasusa Uni- tTruily at W'latlng ojaira bouse. . "ALPHA" FOUNDERS. Cape Nome Steamer Goes Down Off the" Coast of Vancouver. IT WAS AN OLD TUB. Former Engineer and Crew De serted Her in Port. List of the Drowned. By telegraph to Tho Times. VANCOUVER. B. C, Dec - 18. The steamer "Alpha" has foundered on a reef on the east coast of Vancouver Island, and Captain, officers and several men are drowned. Tho "Al.oha" led the Cane Nome fleet to Alaska this year. The sonic siorin that made the boat founder swept the whole coast Saturday nlRhl. Telegraphic '..communication' has hot; yet heen established. The news was brought to this city by the steamer "Czar," which came direct from Uniou Bay. the large. coaling station cf Vancouver. Island. The "Alpha" was trying to make Union Bay cn its way to coal; but was forced to go cu the wrong side of Yellow Island light house. It could not free Itself, and live minutes later ran high against the rocks. It was smoshed to atoms in a few hours. The dead, are: Captain York, .body re covered: Samuel Barber, managing own er; Purser White, body not yet recov ered: Chief Engineer Wattcrson: Second Engineer Dunn: Third Engineer Murray; Sep man" Sullivan bod;' recovered; Sea man Crosby: an unknown storaway. The -"Alpha" loft Vancouver two weeks so with five tons of salt salmon for Japan. She was three days at sea when she began leading. The boat put back to Victoria, and there the Chief Engineer and all the crew deserted, The dioamer got a rcw crew, was nronouncrd afc. by a provincial Inspector, and left Victoria Saturday to resume tho voyage to Japan. The steamer was thirty years old. worth J5O.O00. and cargo valued at $$0,000. In surance $6,000. FAIR AND WARMER Temperature has Moderated Every where Except in New England The forecast for Raleigh and vicinity of l-.e Weather Bureau says: Fair, warmer tonight arid Wednesday. ..' The wd'a fher ' continues " clear ever the South and Middle Atlantic States with high temperatures. A storm is central iver . the upper Lake region which is causing cloudy weather and precipitation in that vicinity. The temperature has mode rated materially everywhere except tver New England, and Will rise rapidly :hls afternoon nnd Wednesday;. An ex tcnslv" area of high barometer occupies 'ho I'lalvau region . PERSONAX POINTS, Miss Cairk' Hci.lv, of FltiriJa. who has leer the gmstv of :Dr. and Mrs. A, B. Hawkins, left for home.-y.nscrdav. Miss Bessie . Powell has returned frcm 1 visit to h;r Bister, Mr:,. R. II. Merritl, at McAdensvllle. Mr. James G. . Gulley is l,t::ne to spend j be ho'if e; s. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Page; of Aberdeen, ire !n the city. Mr; Rem Prcmpcrt came up from Wll nlngton this morning. Bishop Cheshire returned this morn ing from an Episcopal visit to some parishes along the North Carolina Rail road. Prof. M. C. S. Noble, of the State Uni versity,, is spending the day in Raleigh. The "What Happened to Jones" com pany passed through here this morning an their way to Gojdsboro. where they play tonight. They appeared in Durham last niaht. Miss Sadie Root returned this morning from a visit to friends in Durham. Miss Hculah Wilson, who has for several days been the guest of Miss Anna Stronach. is visiting friends . in Durham. Mr. Jones Fuller, of Durham, Ik here today to appear at', the hearing of the railroad taxation cases. Rev. J. E. M. Davenport left this lr.orn ng for Norfolk. District Attorney C. M. Bernard, return ed to the city this mornlntr. ; Mr. J. A. Giles, of Chatham, is In the iltv. '. '''.'.', Mrs. Van Fleming.' of Atlanta, Is visit ng her mother, Mrs. C. S. Allen. Mr. Edward Dunn left today on a bni.i- icss lri . Mr. 11. S. l.card s'icnt today In ::-y- '....' HKMIY TO PAY. Mechnnks' and Investors' Union will be ntrrrsted In the notice in this issue. Ar -.HI he seen, the Dec?ml,cr Hint continue vlll be paid on presentation at the C!om ncrclal and Farmers'. Bank of Ratelgh. m nnd after Saturday, December 22. The lotiee .regarding sal" of ceti;i(a(cs may oe of Interest to youif you have none. ASIIEEOPO VfM)D & K'CN CO The Ashcboro Wood an ! ,'r -i -:uv. ' Ashcboro. in Rand-dph e.v.,f . - errrrated 'today. Vh? favltrl reet- In B.ora. Messrs. Si-t'li en! Ph'i'i. - r Wlnslon-Salem lire amony the principal iticorporators... The -cwitW "'IP of ;iie a foundry and engage In ofV-r eniri .-rises. ST. Ian! PACL A. A. v. 1C. 1 Twcptlntli Ccniriy inciter J.-it-er'.i-.' 1st foi ! the bcnclit of the new church. Tho con - : grf-gr.tlmi is very anxious to pay alt the I uiw aa tan cliurcli. - SECRETARY'S REPORT Dr Thompson Will Make portant Recomendations to Legislature ) NEW INCORPORATION LAW i ' 'jl He Advises the Abolition of the 4 Office of County Surveyor. Land Grants Issued. Secretaj'y of State;Tlioiiiisoii i coiii plctinj; hjs bl-eiiniai report to the Lejiislature. He hs issued 0ii3 land frnint; 11 ner i-eliti 'more than tlurinfr the previous two yeais. The law al lows 5 of tho old Supreme Court He ports to he-republished annually. De spite Ihe reduction in price to $1,511 the sales tire III) 1-:i percent, greater -than they were durintf ,;thc previous two years, when tho puce was $S. The j total sales were fiR't i The report will triVe a full list of all ! the corporations eluirtei-ed. lie calls ! attention to the imperfections of the i roriiora.tioii law; North Carolina is in ' this respect behind other States, and the' Legislature ought to make a com plete revision. The Secretary suggests that ihe. tax on corporations lie graduated according to the amount of capital stock. Now the tax is the same. whether the amount be l.00() or !f I. OUi 1.000, the latter beintf the ! i ill it of amount, besides the evn ernl law umpty provides for incur- pnratmir compr.nirs vihile the latter! ol Ule ceremony rendered me nymn fret, charters from the LcfiiKlati.re, j ''O perfect Liive. all human thought irans thus eaiiini; the loss of at It as) two j cendiug. weeks of tin- 1iiu of that boily. to no j Lowly ive kneel in priy'r before Thy liurfMise whatever. The Secretary says I throne. the folhiwiiifr railways we.-e cliiji't 'ieii: That theirs may be the love that knows ( iirolina, S- northern, Transyli aiiia, Mt. Airy & Kiistern. I.iinille- liiver. Ihileifrh- KaHteni, Soullinort. Wil mington Western.' tireat Knstern. A list is yiven in the report of the corMiratiuiis incorporated in other States and twlinicaliy termed "I'ur eifin" ones, which, under the Craiir law tiled their charters here and thus "domesticated' theiiiselve. There are t:;ti of these, iiicludhiir ilisnriiiu com- j paeieK, .... , . . ' - '- The. Secretary also iliscesses ' the present system as to the prepnration of the laws and 'journals. 'I here is now a, copy of the joiirmil.-i for per- innnciiT. iiiinir ami one lor the pulilic ; printed. ery freoueiitly there are'.! discrepancies. The Secretary 'sujffrests 1 1. : l.t.... :.. ; . . .1 ' iimi. 11. i-i-iv pc 1 iLyct ,1:1 c.ui imr iiik l and awaited the approach ot the uridc at. and i,'ivenvlie ,Secn8 i-sf f'"HBfe;--hr-i-l-no Hi nr.' where they -wrre- unit rd with latter to 11: tike 11 copy liy impression ' ,,. ,,,,, ,jr Ping ceremony of rhe Kpiseo and giie the li tter to the printer. I t.,uri.),. . Hills eno-rossed iii::ln to le Ivpcwril- '.,,, ,,.H Wan, u-ft at 11:2:. by the ten In' an exnei t. ami enruiled bills ; s . A L rnl. p,,.,,,,! tour, going as siioiiKi ne si eir ti.v a inwver unci a iirnc-; ileal )inil re:i;:er. I tie Secret ary cx .'etsr a coilc coiiiiiiission to be creat ed, but says if the side notes to the acts (if tho Legislature' iiiv s;i arraii;; ed as to shiiw linvv previous acts lire a fleeted it will lie nearly eiiiiva!cr.t lc a seiiii-iiniiiially revised code. The office of coiintv surveyor is : ( I.- 4. ll.. I 1 .... ""I" "'" '. litle I ami nr. I'll 1 1. 1 ! . 1 i.-t . 1 1 11 I Mln IIS ,'HKMIIMIII The receipts fur IStMl when the S:' retary of Stnte was also in charge of 'insurance 'matters .were $lu.lHii; llii ye;:r H.li-Hi. Tlie. latter will in future lie al'oiit. the annual figure. POLITICAL TALK. Prosecutions in Western District. The Amendment. In the Federal Court at Charlotte the grand Jury has found true bills against llfteen res'dents of Winston for -Interfering .with the election at certain pre cincts in that eitv. This Is not for the August election on ihe amendment'.' as In generally thought, .but. for the November election for Congrei t-man and Preuiden- j tial electors. ; It Is understood that ther-.- will be 11 ! few lirOKeeiltinns In a ninnhcr. nf cnnnties In the western district, and arrests have j already been made in -Forsyth.- Rowan. Mecklenburg, Iredell. Catawba, BtirUc .uk! Caldwell CUU'-.ties. The.se cas-7s will te tried at the April term of the court in Greensboro, it . is un-(Ics'-oed. . . The Democrats in the western count ies tire - very mneh incensed at v.h.it ilmv term these "polilicr.l prasecutlons." bat M tiii .j,i i.iu t.mii, i,n Qcoiuinnit ,iois,n.i..,i ... oi, n,.n . irioi r It Is staled by thete who know that IStnator Butler Is the man who is cngln- coring the light against Scnalor-lo-be Simmons, and that he has collected a muss tlie r of alleged evidence ih.'t will l.c present ! cd in the protest against allowing him to i take his scat, of course Mr. Butler will 'he. out of the Semite when Mr. Simmons presents his .credentials, and of course Mr. Prltchard will make the fight on the Democratic Senator, if any s made, but It Is claimed that Mr. Butlrr is the real force behind the imposition. Th. n,..i.. f i. s- c,v,ri ! iof the United States will finally decide 1 'he amendment law !k of considerable in- ttcrcst to men of both i-arlies. The Re- i..n,,n , ,.,,1., lni, .-- ...1,1 ! In the campaign, 'hat It will be declared :ii cOnf'ct with the Fifteenth Aintndnicnt, -ut thiy do not-nuK? the assertion as - cositivcly as they did before the August , lectitn. The Democrats generally ns- ;ert that there Is no doubt as to tts eon- st Itutlniia'.ity. and that, the Republlcnns win rot oven tent the law. A prominent Pcpublican siild a few da-s ago thnt he never wanted to see the law tested, as be - thought Ihe amendment the best Hum? M. K. CHL'Ri'II. :nr all parties, ile said that many Re Chur.di will give 11 . publuans vr- really glnd to see, the negro iiUmliiiircd in this State, nnd fn- ; vorr-d the aincndnivnt. even though some cf thrpi vol -d igiiinst it in August for the I fcuka of regularity I MARRIAGE BELLS niri- t tt.u : j nir Im-'Miss Lulu Holden and Mr. F. T. Ward Wed This Morning ; AN AFTERNOON WEEDING I Miss Myatt and Mr. Married at the Bride's Home, on Blount Street. The marriage of Miss Lulu V. Holden and Mr. Frank T. Ward was eelebralcdlhis morning at half after ten o'clock In U,e , ,.,'; o u j m Church of ihe Good Shepherd. The church was crowded wi;h friends of the: bride and groom and iheir families . j The chancel was adorned with pahus and : : ferns, while noon the altar glmamcd theju w L Trade of the United soft ravs of thirty-two candles, Inter- !',uvv u,e . U' "IK. DlllltU sperced with olnk carnations. ' .- j States IS Growing Miss Ashley presided at the organ, and I . . . , -.. i.. ,, r o. ih h fn I Tne commercial record of the Inited vestrlcd choir, followed hv ihe rector, I Rev. l)r. I. McK. Pittengcr, who officiat ed, marched up the center aisle, precediug the hrtdal party. During their approach to the chancel the choir sane the hymn beginning "The voice that breath'd o'er Eden That earliest wedding day The primal marriage blessing It hath not passed away." Tho choir occupied removed positions on either side o' the filtiir and at an interval r.o endinir, I Whom thou for evenuore ,b;i.st join in xr.v" ' ..,'-...' j The iibhers. Mr. Bartel Wise, Mr. Fred Mahler. Mr. John C. Drewry mid Mr. ; Charles U. Harl. ill pairs, preceded the ' maid of honor. Miss Nannie Skindtr. of this city. Miss Skinner was dressed in a while organdie, wearing a blac'ii hat viOi osiriih lijs and carried pink rotes tied with pink riidicii. . . i The bride approached the r.Hnr leaning) on tho arm of her brother. Mr. Cliar'.ca t', Holden. of Raltlmore, wlio gave her; away. 'I tic brute wore a Handsome wnne silk with long tulie veil and carried ; -Lrlde's rosea fed wiih white chiffon. vi,, ri-orni .in.l bis best man. Mr. John Ward, his brother, entered from the left, j ....... - .. i!.., ti, l.i-iiie wnre a ; bliu-k tr.iv.lins suit on her departure. '. Last evening the bride lendcred. 11 de f'ivThilul rotvpt'on' to. ;'fh?' choir pf the Cht'ircii of the tlcml Shenlicrd, and a few i :'ri( nds. The presents were handsome and varied, : received freni even a.-i far i -.iv.ay i-:: Siiiitlc. Washiugi:':!. 1 HP Lll'ie U. l.- vuilim, n, ... .... i'latc Governor 1.., . v,.,. xv V Hi:.len. nnd I yoarg v.eman of rare talent. She i; , j. known as 0110 of the .most skilled musi- ' j'Usna In the city and is the organist at I hi- 1 ;"h-.ireh of the Good Shepherd. 1 j Mr. F. T. Ward, tlie groom, is a member1 :f the Ii: :n of ihe Julius Lewis Hnr hviir. ' 'omveny. urn) is recognized as on? of the ' nest . progressive and cnenblu business ' 1 inn of the ca'dtnl . c'.f: , AFTERNOON MARRIAGK.-' ! This afternoon at a ouaiier past three. ; j the residence of '; 'Mr., and Mrs. W. A.;. 1 Mvntl. on North niount i-trcct. was the .scene of a heaittifitl ceremony uniting the ;iivs cf 'Miss Nellie H. '-Myatt and Mr. George C. pcarlette In the bonds of nu'.tri :v.cny. The s.ervicei was .performed by Rt:v. Dr. A. A. Marshall, or the First Br.ptl: t Church, and was witnessed by a luiiibi r of relaiiyes, and friends.. The drawing mom wen artistically' dec -.ruled in winter's forest gi'ien. and above the iirnrovised a'tar was Kuseeiiil-'d a nice cluster of mistletoe. Little Missis Pearl ll vatt and I'aine .Mm ing the ribbon bearcro fer the bridal party. Miss l.clu Mvat.t. sivter el the bride, was m.n.i of honor, and Mr. .Ir,se;ih ('heat ham. of Henderson, was the '.groom's best man. The bride was attired In a taller-made castor travelling suit. wUh lint to match, land carried bride's roses, while her maid '-'f honor wrr- n green street '. cluster of pin'.; carnation" suit and 'held After the cer .xicecniuanied 10 emopy. the loui'le were she rnion Dciot, where Mhcv left for a trl v to points in Florida. The bride Is the daughier 'of Mr. and Mrs. '. A. Jtvatt nnd a favorite in her j -ic-uh rit circle of friends. The groe n is rinnccl ,l with thp Seaboard Air Line and has ; rism rapidly cm 1! he nc.v holds the re sponsible no'sitlcn of chief . Ira'n dis ;;aicher at. Hamlet, a most Important o'lnoctlug point. He is a native of Ral eigh and a voting man nf -most- excellent qualities.. Mr. and Mrs. Sriirlcttc will make 1 heir future home ir. Hamlet; ' Arnr.iiT he out of town relatives and friends hce to witness the marriage were Mrs. H. F. Smith. Miss Mamie Smith, "' and Mr-;. Walter Mvatl. of Johnston county, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Renn, Mr .Walter Wrcnn, and Miss Mattle Renn, of l - Por8"j'.tth.. -. jv . " ! ; m(..k Ad()() Bain and Mr. William Green i felt tbis morning for Franklinton to at- ,,.,, Inr mfriag of Miss Fannie Green j and Mr. T. C. Harrison, of VYcldon. tomor - row afternoon..- . . ' - t me bcijiHtei- of Deeds here Issued seven , 1 niatriare licenses Saturday, nine yester- 'day and five today, making twenty-one In : less than three davs. 1 i Just received cn entire Car load of Iruit, containing oranges, lemons, pears. I crnrH. and all the usual Christinas fruits ( j ICuo'jgh for all at Dughi. jThe Great German Editor Laid to! Rest 4 I B telegraph to The Times. N BYV. Vol!. Dec, is. The funeral services over the remains of Oswald Ottcndorfer. late editor of the New York Staals Zeitunj?. took place today! lit Ijietier-Krauz Jiall. this eilv. 1 lie i obsequies were inirivssivc and a large I'ZZ: aZ Anon choruses and an orchestra ren Idered musical number., (leorffe ; Vonskal delivered an oration on the Scarlette '"' ahacter and ability of ihe liite edi ' tor. and .lolin DeWitt Warner simke jof the beautiful character ami life of ! Mr. Ottcndorfer. Mr. -Warner said, the strength of the man's character lav in I its (iimplicitv. nnd he possessed n ! m-t nt. lovinff force for Rotid. After the service, the fiiiicrnl cortege moved to " '''een woori t eintery. wlieiv tile mter- ment. took place. ' COMMERCIAL EXPANSION S,aU's,lu ,h; WOO will sur- j pass that of any preceding year, both in exports and in the excess of exports over1 Imports. The imports will be slightly below those of one or two preceding years, and. when considered In their relation to population. ::how a smaller importation for each individual than at almost any other Derlod In many years. Basing the estimate for the year upon the eleven months' actual figures already received by the Treasury Bureau of Statistics, it seems probable that the exports of the calendar year -JII00 will r'h about. 170.000.0000. and the imports $S2", 000.000, making the favorable balance cf trade J.64.-..O00.0OO. or J25.00il.0fi0 mere than that of anv preceding year. It Is only since that the exoorts havj; with any re gularity exceeded the Imports. Considering the exports alone, it :nav be sa'd that for the calendar year WOO they will he double these of the calendar year lSSit, three tlnus these of. 1S72. four times these of 1S1M. and five times as iiiich as in IS'it'. On the Imnort side the f:it'.res arc ler.s imposing. Thev will ag gregate for I lie year about $S3"i,000.000. icaiKst. 'MO.O0O.ftCn in the.'eulcndar yer.i 1S!'i2, when they rfai.i?'! the hish-wcu-i In 1870 the nobulntjor. wps 3S;5T.S.3?I an.l he i-,'iier' !! 132.C58-. an average per - ' '" i.o.u .0.1,.... Ia '"!" nl,nv' ' m " alien to JM.-l! and in I'.wu will ue anoiu $ 1., 10-1 in 1S70 the oxpor's per capita aniutmt- I'm- to. iiufiia,.-.-isaa. to maiuun.im ft m r.'i. end in liirtO will be about 51it. l2. . Cnreidering the (luosi ion of excess of exports over imports, or favorable bal . ance of trad-?, from the per capita stand point, the development is start ling. In ; !70 imr,-ir:. exceeded evncrl.s by $"7.."!ti. i It-is. and the evee?!-: of im'inris over cx i ports amounted to Sl.'.O per canlta. -.-By 1-1 D75 the b,i!; ni-e had turned Mi our fnvo.. "i. .-iicl In ptiiv 17 e-'nis per capita. ; P.y l)S."i it amounted to $1.79 per ca.iita. i .ind in li'l .') will amount to about $8..j0 per . . :-;l i. RALEIGH LIGHT INFANTRY Officers Elected. Will Attend! McKinley's Inauguration, The nene il .'lecl-'on of cflicers of !ho Raleigh l.lshl Infantry.- Company B. tno dace Inst ni.'.-ht at the armorv, in the ' Henry ItuiMi'.i ! Ooplnin Jcserh I. Bernard-was ra-clrcl-;; ( .1 -iit:;:c. . ' .Mr. Waller Moore 'war, re-elected first : Llcutenanl. Mr. J. P. Mcdlin was re-eiected Second Lieutenant. Vr. R. C. TbMebolor ,'cs elected secreta ry and .Mr. Walter Moore treasurer. The roport.nl" the'-treSimrcr. showed llnit 'be compnnv' van in ;;p-l litvincbi! Shane. Tin- 'cemnanv H in snlendid 'trim and herc 's an e.ctive ititerost shown among the mcmbcrshi.o. . Tho Trtr.ory is in splcr.did shape and the ecmpnnv now has perhaps tn olce-it. ounrters of i.ny company in the -;:'e. ,. j .The ccm-imy decided .last nisbt. 'to jit-;i 1 -tend the inauguration. of President Me- 1 Kinky next March and a committee was appointed to locx after the necessary ar- en ?,"incnts. The oomr-nny will go auom -cv-nty-live strong, and will no doubt n-.f.Y.c a, splendid showing. The company is well otlkcr-cd and the re-elect inn nf the old officers Inst night was a compliment to-' their' efficiency and ch::itvas music. The rich feslivnl of the Nativity of Cbr'st will be nnrrk- observed in the churches wit!; ci-.-r.- accompaniment of thiinksglvlng and M'aise. C'brisimas r-cnimeinorates an event of fttth transcendent iin'ortrncc it is but naturivl that Christians in all lands should deck tholr teniplcs. and ipslto bright h"ir altars to honor the birthdav of the Mus- ler. Extensive preparntious are being j made by the church choirs ,n Raleigh and frequent reV,arsls of beautiful music to be rendered or, Chr stmas day are now I being held. We will be glad to publish as Is our custom, the service lists of the varices churches in Ralelsh- '- ""-1 Tlhies. Dec. IS. The I 1 . N . i military court of inonirv into the' j I'ortz liiiinfr case will open lien? thi ( afternoon. Mciiiliers of the co-it rt ar- iik o'-"i-ci .v.v,. v ; ..-i i)V a salule and escorted lo the liotcl, - -. - I Mr. Roscoe Mitchell, of Washington, ! is in the cltv. 1 Governor Russell is expected fcacV to1 the cit:' tomorrow. r 1 ''Ad Valorem Cig-at s worth a- nickel. (LYNCH A WOMAN Indignant Women cf El Dorado, Kansas, Threaten . Miss Morrison's Life Y : "a aril MURDERED GIRL'S MOTHER Siys She Feels Tempted Lead a Lynching Party. Some Arrests Threatened.- Bv Telegraph to The Time. ' ELDORADO, KANSAS. Dec. 18. Tho women who held an indication meeting : and iroposed to lynch Miss Morrison tin- .; ices she left Alderado, are now mora quiet about their intentions, and the ring -leaders of the affair refuse to dlseusn their, plan.?. Other meetings have been held,, and the movement seems to'be growing. Miss Morrison does not seem worried over the affair and conducts herself , with the same coolness that characterized her throughout the trial. Mrs. Roland Wiley, mother ol -tno ml'Ir(U;rcd brIde sai(1 c0ccrning the pro posal to lynch Miss Morrison: "I can not say that the women friends of my dead daughter will avenge themsclvea by hanging MBs Morrison, but they ought to, 1 would hot like to lead audi a crowd, tut unltss she leaves town I am tempted to sav to the women, 'come and follow nee' " ; Miss Morrison's attorneys say the lynching taJk is absurd and threaten to rrre3t wemen who are urging it on. W. F. MOODY ARRESTED. By telegraph to The Ttoea. CHARLOTTE. N. C. Dec. 18. Dlolrlcl court grand jury today found a true hill against W. F. Moody, who is president of two leading Democratic clubs here, and l.as been recently appointed principal r clerk in the State Treasurer's "office. There ?.re five or six courts In Indict ments, all of which alleges that Moody as registrar in Ward No. 1, refused to al low negroes to register for August aud November elections. " SKXATOli SyiXlVAX TO MA1UIY. Special to The Times. WAs-HIVd'OX. ') S'lin.t'" Win, V. Sullivan, of Mississippi,' will 1... i,,r,i.,..,l Itit thici i-tniiiir- Xi 1 ll.'- -Mary A' kins. This infonnnfionr-mi!".-fiivivii (int by one of lii Senator friends, but more definitei ilctuils were; refused. Senator Sullivan, has bcea a. widowei soin years. -.s.in-. uof . airo Miss Mae Beefon entei-ed .suit !i!aiiisT. the, Senator in this city lor; .;i(l.oi)0 diiiiiaxeH for alleffetl breach of promise of mnrniiire. ... I'iNtlUI'.H LKAVKS liKI'l'HLlCANS. Bv Telegraph to The Times. DI'TROIT. MICH.. Ie-. I S, (ioveili or l'iiifrreo today I'orniall.v withdrew from tlie l!ciiillican pnrty on iiccouut. of the-' defeat of ids tux lull liy the Ser.al 1 veilsle.rdiix . 'riALKIOII. CH.Vl'TEU NO 10, R. A. M.' r.eguhir convocation of Raleigh Chapter o. 10, R. A. M.; v.ill be held this (Tues day) evening-at- S o'clock. Visiting com panions cordially invited. F. V. HfNNICl'TT, H. I. ' 1). S. HAMILTON. Sec. ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. .'Adjutant General B. S. Rovster Is In Ihe city preparing his annual refort tor .the - Legislature,- The report will bo Is sued between now and January first. KoiS KWINGLE. Old ?ania Claus is visit inn the Holldav Piiir ;it .Sliervood: Higirs and Co.'s store 'his Week. . He brought his Big Record Bock .-'with him. taking a list of every child's wan':;, end it-aumr to all the good tiiile chib'rcii a rt Ward of iner t. 7I ctaics Hint the snow is falling fast at Irs home, and that lb" Bit; Sleigh has been made larger f-o .-.hold the Klfts. and that. ih:i Rcimlct ry v.-cre j raiicing and kicking in 'be'r s!:ihTes wh":i he loft. He will lie-' a few ci iys. taking orders and Invites j nj ju; little folks. 10 come and sec him cvry ilav, between the hours cf 10 a. 111. and 5. . ni. ';a next. Tuesdnv nihl ho will drive down Faycttevilb.i street with sixteen of the finest Reindeer with great, . large- horns, richly caparisoned with gold bnrness and silver jingling sleigh bells, that ever lefl thp British Possessions. He den't want 'to overlook a slnirle child In Raleigh. So every litle boy and girl hc-uld cr no up and sec Old Santa and tell him whal the:- want ' and he will -.surely bring it on Christmas night. Come eariv, and avoid th rush. You will And him In the Toy Department In the rear of; the store. A grand Reglnn Corona is dispens ing nil the pmmlar Srs of the day at all hours during old Santa's stay. SHERWOOD TIIGGS & CO. rARPPVTRfs' T'vrnv - 'i'lr Coi jX liters uuiuu lie to an epen mcctln-g In their hall i't Tlmrs'te" night, December 20th. TlieT especially Invite members of all other unions to be present ' 6peecHe9 tig l....l,uC-llt Il.tT. . ' , Tiie ;'i:dgcs In fhe ciji.- enntent vlll be I Mayer, Powell. Mr. C. Crabiree, nnd Mr.. E. L. Harrlas. They will count the socds j in the oumpkln at Bretsch'B a tors on the j night, cf December 26th. AH eii"sng icimi- . be In that evening by 4 o'clock. Lei 1 every one take a guess, remember the I orphans, - ' . 1 ''or men of taste-'Ad Valorem" C"i- pint. ' ' - UlST.-A tn.iire enmeo i.ln. Fin.W 1 villi lie rcwti.rded by retnrnlne to thin ! oflice