Sergeant, a regular rum hound, belonging to George Contreras, head of the dr; forces of the Los Angeles district attorney's office, Is being trained by his owner to be a connoisseur of liquor. With the help of the dog the dry ■gent can very easily detect the hiding places of liquor, when conducting raids. Communication Hub of Atlantic Fayal Island, Scene of Re* cent Earthquake, Is an Interesting Place. Washington.—“For most matter* of Importance to the world, Fayal island, scene of the recent earthquake, {s the Azores,” says a bulletin from the Washington headquarters of the Na tional Geographic society. “That Sao Miguel is larger there is no disputing. That Angra, the capi tal, is a better port than Horta, may also be true. “But Fayal,”- continues the bulletin, “is the communication hub of the At lantic, with Spokes reaching, out to Kurope, the two Americas and Africa. On Fayal island there are four cable companies, two American, one English and one German. There are more than ISO young “news pushers,' as the dis patching operators are called, and each group has its own mess. “Arriving at Fayal in the daytime one saw a ribbon of road around the island, and the whitewashed villages with a church for a pendant among the ivory bits that are strung along this SS-mile circular tour. Out near some detached rocks near the west end there is. a lighthouse which ap pears at first to be a minaret. From there to Horta,’the town, is a steep declivity several hundred feet high so that the road has to sweep up to avoid washing Itself to death In the glisten ing surf. ’ “Amid smiling seas the Azores, from November to March, usually wear a cloud blanket so that the fine cone of Pico, which sounds like Orange Pekoe, but simply means *peak,’ is hidden as an approaching ship swings to the north. Pico has a separate island to itself and since Pico is an active vol cano this is as it should be. Tho “Fairy Town of Horta." "Twilight had fallen when the writ er’s vessel finally came alongside the fairy town of Horta, now made up of white blotches against a dark hillside with electric lights hiding the details like the nun’s candles during the change of scene In “The Miracle.’ Horta Is not really a port, since It lacks a green light to complement the red one on the end of the single breakwater. So passengers land’in a launch which tosses up and down In the swell and gives the folks a thrill for their money. Portuguese, with wlde-brlmmed fuzzy hat, V-neck white sweater and sideburns, ran the launch. He took a shine to ns and showed us around the town which, like a certain flower, had folded itself up with the setting of the son. “Horta’s chief claim to fame seem* 'to be that Mark Twain and the cable companies have honored It with their attention. Mark said something about, a thsy fart here which would have to be taken back up the volcanic slopes ia case of.war. That was In the days before the Azores were the alighting spot for transoceanic'fllght*. ? "Horta greets one with a mosaic aMewalk in the Portnguese style and many of its buildings are faced w!th: glistening tfte so that M one walks down the street at night be seems to be threading bis Asy along swap- pd and passed go many churches that Horta seemed to be the Bokhara of the Catholic? world, was being used for sentimental purposes, for Horta has Its nightly rehearsals of the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet The bal conies are narrow and long, looking like sample bits of steel fence bung up on display. In a Horta Movie. “Our side-burned mentor took us to a movie theater fronted with salmon tiles. We secured a box In the lower of three horseshoes around which the town was arranged. If the social strata maintained the same relative positions at home that they, do In the theater, then the Horta palaces would be down near the sea and the lowlier and more grimy members of society up hear the lava line above the main part of the town. “From June to September the whole Island of Fayal is marked out with blue and white hydrangea hedges and Is one of the loveliest spots on earth, with sometimes-smoking Pico ‘Fujlya maing* In the background. “The Azores are certainly the result of tremendous volcanic eruptions that have continued to change their physi cal aspect ever since their discovery in the Fifteenth century. On every, hand are evidences of former upheav als, from the gray lava stones that are used in the construction of houses and the building-of roads jo the un derlying streaks of ashes that are visible In places where the surface soil has washed away, and the many cup-shaped craters and beautiful lakes on the tops of the mountains. "Violent earthquakes have dis turbed the Azores during the centuries since their discovery. The annals of the islands vie with those of Italy In graphic accounts of the ever-interest ing and terrible volcanic phenomena. Cities' were burled, mountains disap peared And sent their ashes to un believable distances; Islands hundreds of feet high suddenly appeared and as suddenly disappeared, and flames of fire illuminated whole Islands and their Intervening waters.*’’ 1 A fruitless attempt to interest the British public In eating corn was made In the early Nineteenth century by a' British journalist . ■'_:_ The prison doors closed behind him In 1878 at aflfteen-.vear-old hoy. Con victed of first-degree murder end sen tenced to be hapged, hls extreme youth ment and solitary confinement. In such state be grew through young manhood to middle age, and nine years ago efime Into the comparative free dom of the prison building, an old man. Annually his mother carried, her light for a pardon to the board of pardons but was refused, and since her death Pomeroy has continued the unsuccessful fight alone. Rubber to Be Produced From Euphorbia Trees London.—A Cape Town dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph says a meth od has been discovered by which rub ber can be produced from the latex (milky fluid) of the African euphorbia tree. 'The rubber is said to be of a quality comparable with that pro duced In the Para district of Brasil. A South African company Is pre paring to exploit the yield of 60,000. 000 trees in the East London district. Chemical tests are said to have shown a yield of three pounds per tree. Vulcanising appears satisfactory with the product of the tree. The corre spondent says the trees are plentiful, labor In the district Is cheap, and the country is free from fever. TIBET’S HORNED MAN One ut die freakiest of all (be Chinese freaks of nature Is shown above, the horned man from Tibet, tie has a dermal growth resembling a short horn. Use Ga» Flame to Teach Deaf-and-Dumb Children London. — Deuf-and-dnmb .. children are taught to speak perfectly by means of a gas flame. This method, used by a suburban teacher with a large class of boys and girls, is to show each pupil bow be can make a gas flame Jump to varying heights and at a varying rate by sounds. It requires about three months for a pupil to learn the sounds of the alphabet by this method. UIss Iza Thomson, who sponsors the Idea, says **a deaf mute has per fectly normal vocal organs - and la mute only because be Is deaf. He makes sounds bat is unconscious. of them, and they eonvey no meaning to others.” , Model Commissary in Washington ___ ■ ■' m ■ever found ways to prevent lightning from "striking ” but tn&P are prevent It from damaginga city’s de&-' trie system. Power companies know ! how to protect their lines' with heavy insulation and with lightning arresters of sufficient capacity, to deflect a "stroke" to the ground’ before It ha* created any havoc along the wlrfes. Also they seetlonalize every system so that Should a bolt strike any part of it, the remainder will .heuuafrected; These are the reasons why the electric light wires leading Into a house are hot a menace during a storm. ouiieu umn auu water, won «uu pour 4nto a veU-truM pan. Bah*: lit a Dutch oven 40 mlnuts*. If the camp" has no oven, hak« ht a pan covered and burled In hot wood nahea. Women Driven ' Three hundred women In Paterson, N. ,fcr who successfully completed a safety-first course for women drivers of automobiles, have'organised to pre vent accidents of all kinds. They were also instructed on the prevention of accidents in the home. Membership in the new organisation was restricted to those who were able to pass an exami nation. Practical demonstrations were given in the work of all mechanical parts of an automobile. Today's Big Offer to M Who Hove Stomach Ag<wy Read About This When yon have any trouble with your stomach such as gas, heaviness and distention, why fool with things which at best can only give relief. Why not get a medicine that wM build up 'your upset, disordered stom ach and make It so strong and vigor ous that It will do Its work without any help. Such a medicine Is Dare’s Mentha Pepsin, a delightful elixir that is sold by your local dealer and druggists everywhere with the distinct under standing thOt If It doesn’t greatly help you your money will be gladly returned. It has helped thousands—4t will no doubt help you. Break Cake on Bride?* Head It was tfae custom of the Romans. 2,000 years ago, to break the wedding cake over the head of the bride as she entered her new home. The breaking of the cake was part of a solemn cere mony, and was said to be peculiarly Impressive. A similar custom prevails in some sections of Scotland, where a bannock is broken above the head of the young wife as she, for the first time, enters her new home. Playing Safe “Sir, you contradict yourself.” "Well, you can’t say I'm not right 1” Women Wanted to (all sanitary belts. Something new. Sella fast No delivering. Handsome commission. For information write MRS. F. S. DONALDSON Statesboro, - - - - Ca. SPKCIAL UU to mdvsrtls* $1 stylo. «u»r anteed, selt-fUIlo, fountain pons. Only Me. School lima, ordsr now. O: HALL, Bos Ml, Tylsr. Tsxss. SEND MX TOOK PUZZLING TROUBLE some problems, questions on nny subject. Poo 11. Refined ollentele. Joseph Idsnk. Advisors Counsol, 111 Howard 8t„ Schenectody. N. X. DONT PAY RENT Fine Texas Farms bow.owned by Loan and Insurance Com pan ten can be had at half their value. Very email cash payment. bel~ a nee ten to twenty years at six per cent in terests Good reads, water and truths. Near pood toVne. schools and chUitihee. Two hundred dollars cash la all you need. Write for details. TTtJDR. General Agent, 820 Kirby Building, Dallas, Texas. r ttstotgm'ft&.UfisrAZ, MfiifclMMI fHWlttlW rHtntT MAKE PICriRF, RUBBER STAMPS! No tools required. Anyone can moke them. Instructions ten cents coin. D. "BROWN. 1414 Schiller Ave.. Little Rock, Arkansas. FCZEMA La Relieve tint itching, burning top nd start the beating with •• W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. Two Swedish engineers have Invent ed a process of crashing op brick waste and making new building stones eat of It.' Popular Macon Woman Recovers From Long Illness Serious Troubles Caused by Nervousness, Dizziness, Lass of Sleep and Stomach Disorders Relieved. Strength Restored. Says Tanlac Deserves AU Praise

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