HAYESVILLE, NORTH. CAROLINA, FRIDAY, J|jjARY 7; 1927 Late Monday afternoon the Board of County Commissioners-passed an! order continuing t he Extension work for two years. These are two con ditions in this ordef. First, that the 1 services of Mr. Bowditch, formed*? . County Agent for this county, be se cured. Second, If the services of Mr. Bowditch c^n not be. secured that some man be secured acceptable to the Board ofe.iCdhimissioners. f , ; ; -,A large number of people both for and against the work were in town early Monday morning. The proponents had circulated a petition - -Which was; presented to the Board of Commissioners! It was reported that the Board had refused to consider and thereupon a number of the farm ers got together and raised the $000.00 necessasry to be put up by * the County and tendered same to - the Extension Department through Mr. Goodman, the District Agent. In the meantime other friends of ‘ -the' work got Mr. Goodman and the County Commissioners together with the result that the order above men tioned was passed. The Franklin Press in its issue of December 30th, discussing a similar situation and the fact that the Board of County Commissioners of Macon County would pass on the same ques tion on the first Monday of January .said, among other things: “There is a small proportion against the expenditure of" any county funds for a county agent. There is a larger number which f favors a county agent, but, for one reason or another, oppose. .(Rjr - jygo has held the-office for a number of years. And there is another group, equally in earn est and even more vocal, which wants a county agent, and insists, that J. V. Arrendale is the man for the post.” This very concisely expresses the situation Here. A small number is to be found against the work. Quite a number of people were neutral, while .a much larger number, and apparent ly a majority of the people are for the work. ThGT appears a wise solution of the matter and the two year provision eliminates this unnecessary annual wrangle. The farmers who want a county agent are entitled to him and «the commisioners have heeded this request; Naturally, as they are the persons who employ the agent they want to have a voice in naming the man and they have only exercised the right the law gives them. ; For the farmers to have made up the money and employed Mr. Ander son woul4 have been unsatisfactory sa it would have resulted in a factional fight; that could only bring harm to the county in the end. Naturally, those farmers who have availed them - selves of the services of Mr. Anderson were loyal supporters and will be ‘‘'much -disappointed at not having him retained. The work is bigger, than any man, or aebnif men. Neither fac tion in this fight can boast of victory. Both should -be satisfied. Mr. Goodman believes- that with this solution of Die matter the farm ers can go forward with- their pro progress. ^ HAYESVIIXE STRING BAND TO ENTERTAIN AT MURPHY The Hayesyjlle String Band will play at the Bonita Theatre in Mur phy the nights of January 12th and 13th. This band is composed of five different pieces. COUNTY BOARD OFEDUCi SESSION rong The Modern Dancing of Today? (Mr*. James Penland.) There ts of tea a spirit of indiffer ence and even hostility toward chris dOn ideals therefore in spite of per lecflfipn or public sentiment, I be iavo'ihe devil sjrfould be attacked in feiatever garb he appears. Lately j^Mias" come'fe Us in-th# form of the i{teial dance and, for the sake of our jdiung people I believe a subject jfeout which there" is so much coni' ijent, controversy and -criticism, should be discussed in pulpit, public thorough fare and press. What’s wrong with dancing? “Nothing” says one, “something” says others^ and how are we to know which is right. Lets face the issue squarely. - ' Mrs. E. O. Harbin in the Recrea tion number of the “Era” says. 1. “The position the dancers as sume is wrong”. We know that there was a time when the proper position in the dance was that of finger tips . barely touching and no bodily con-! tact but, as far as the dance is con- j cerned those days are gone forever. The modern dance position is a close embrace, couple this with the modem manner of dressing and I be lieve you will agree with me that the popularity of the dance presents a periL to the purity of the modem youth. - It opens the way for sex fa miliarity thus breaking the seventh commandment, for in Matt. 5:28, we f^ad, “whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after he hath committed adul try with her- already in his heart”, and the pity of it is that it catches young people at a time of emotional excitement and when moral resistance Is at tow ebb. naTfor nimomeftt intimate that every person who dances suffers a moral break down. I do mean to say, however, that a great number of young people suffer irreparable physi cal and moral injury because of the dance. 2. “The associations” of the dance are usually far from helpful to any youth who is trying to lead the Chris tion life, and the tragedy ofit is that so many are innocently drawn into this atmosphere of immorality. 3. “It is physical dissipation,” one of the strongest arguments offered in favor of the dance is that it affords physical exercise, any recreation that destroys physical efficiency is poor recreation and even the most ardent advocates of the dance will be forced to admit that the tendency in the, dance is toward physical dissipation. 4. “It lends to crowd out other in terests.” Especially these of a re ligious nature. Mrs. Wesley’s rule on pleasure was, that any pleasure that dullls the sense of God or takes off the relish of spiritual things is sin. “But” says a fine young lady, an actual church member, “None of these faults are part of the dance as far as I, personally, am concerned. I can dance without an impure emo tion, f dance only with a select group. I never over-indulge and my interest in my church work is just as keen as it ever was.” Suppose this was true, an honest facing of the question will convince you that there is not an other influence in our country that is so damning to- the young life of America. men, on me Dasis oig x-aui a ruie, “wherefore if meat makes my broth er to offen, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth.” I Cor. 8:13. Every Christian young person must Jecide this question for himself. If my influence for good is weakened srnd others are endangered bcau^e of my example, then, dancing is wrong for me. Shall we not say then (1) that there is dynamite in dancing as recre ation making it extremely dangerous tor young people, (2) that Paul’s *ule presents a safe course of action for every young Christian anjl (3) that there are so many other desir able types of recreation and amuse ments that are wholeeome beyond any juestion that I forgone will not be luilty of experimenting with the lance. ; THE COW . Fletcher Hawkins has; Seen milking cows for over two. yews, and the Cream Station records si^jw that each cow on his farm pays Mrakhrer $75.00 per year, and he has begi using the skire milk for his hogs''®tli out giv ing it a value. Her is handling • hogs in the feeding compe and they are paying him $3.52 *$6?' bushel for corn, and fty cents j&r hundred pounds for skim milk. Sr- Hawkins started off November 25%. with eight pigs weighing 182 poundl^j December 31st, these same pigS^ ^eighed 366 pounds. They had eoh£.;V; -C—■ - •vw:V' * STATE LINE Miss Lela Dayton spent the Christ mas holidays with her mother. Mr, Barnett Burch is now at hotoe. He has been working in Ohio for some time. Last Friday afternoon the pupils of Curtis School had a nice Christ mas tree and entertained the visitors MANY TRACTS OF LAND SOLD FOR TAXES Sheriff Kitchens on the first Mon day in January sold many tracts of land for taxes. Some few. tracts were bid in by individuals who paid the taxes and took certificates but, by far the larger number, were bid in by the county. Tins isvnot a sign of hard times but indicates a- growing disposition oin the. part of property owners to se'ek to evade taxes. Many of the proper* ties advertised belonged to men who were well able to pay their taxes. By letting' the property sell, they expect to gain one to two years time and then get off with the original amount of the taxes. If this be the case they are likely to be disappoint ed as these unpaid taxes bear interest at the rate of 20 per cent per annum from the date of sale. The Board of Commissioners' have ordered the cer tificates foreclosed at the earliest mo ment the law’permits and the collec tion of the full amount and interest.. In addition the last Legislature amended the law so as to allow the county or the individual to recover, in an action to foreclosed these cer tificates, reasonable attorney fees in'T addition to costs of suit and the 20 per cent interest. F. E. WALDEN AND MISS MARGIE McCLURE MARRY 'Friends and relatives were pleas antly surprised when they learned of the marriage of Miss Margie McClure and if E. Walden ^of Garber which took place at Galena Saturday, De cember 11. ■ Miss McClure is the daughter of ffc B5-M>eCluie ofHEayasv.iie, -N: <3v, and the niece of Mrs. H. L. Herbert of Gretna. She came about two years ago to visit her aunt and has for the past year made her home with Mr. and Mrs. H. G. McQuerter. Mr. Walden is a highly respected young man of Garber. He has lived there some time and owns his farm there where the young couple will be home after January 15. They were accompanied to Galena by Miss Lillian Miles of Branson and Theodore Barnes of Galena. Their hosts of friends join in wishing tnem happiness and prosperity. Warne Bridge Closed to Traffic The recent heavy rains have wash ed out the abutment at one end of Warne bridge which crosses Brass town Creek, making the bridge unfit for use until it is repaired. The County Commissioners will let the contract for repairing this bridge at once. THE AUTHOR A schoolmaster named Bird was always being reminded of this fact by the boys. Once on entering the class-room he found the boys looking so grave that he looked around for signs of trouble. Sure enough on the blackboard appeared a familiar quo tation : “Hail to thee, blithe spirit. Bird who never wert.” “Who wrote that?” he rapped out sharply. Dead silence reigned for some mo ments. Then a small boys said: “Please sir, I think it was Shakes peare.” with songs, readings, plays, etc. School closed a week for Christmas. Mr. Clide Dayton is spending some time with his mother and brothers. Miss Queince Burch returned home Friday. Christmas brings sorrow as well as joy. While visiting his sister, Mrs. Henry Curby, Wayne Long fell from a tree. He was thought to be ser iously hurt but is better and getting along fine. ’ %