iSK*,r' Hi! Remodel with OAK floors )UimrioMlibiCTKd|b«M.,(kl tjoan *nptnuamtrh*mtiM,frioh*p dttm. Wall iof foflipku fru uHraturc. -S*Kggo«wc»q«HS Don't blame the feed or the con dition of your stock if market men grade you low and custom ers complain on account of the color of your butter. You can keep your butter always that golden June color which brings top pri prices by using Dandelion Butter Color. It's purely vege table and meets all State and National Pure Food Laws-used by all large creameries for years. Its harmless, tasteless and doesn’t color buttermilk. Large bottles, 35c at all drug and gro cery stores. Writ* far FREE SIMPLE BOTTLE Wdb & Ridunboa Co., be Burlington, Vrrmtmt Conscience Bade Him Comfort “Other Six" Dr. R. D. McKenzie, the well known sociologist of the University of Wash ington said at a dinner In Seattle: “Criminals are qneer. They may not be exactly Insane, but they have queer notions about right and wrong queer, absurd notions. “A detective tells how a notorious bigamist whom he'd tracked down sent for him one day from the jail. It was a case of conscience. The bigamist, in ills queer, criminal way, felt twinges of remorse. “Sitting there in his cell, he said: “‘My conscience has been troubling me. I don’t care a darn about my first three wives; they can go to Jericho as far ns Tm concerned; but the other six are all right, and I wish youfd take them a message from me, wftl you? Thanks. Just tell that I’ve been faithful to them in thought and deed.’" , Toy Trains The Delaware river bridge commis sioners have received bids from many concerns to run some kind of trans portation across the bridge since the Philadelphia rapid transit announced it would discontinue its 5-cent busses from plaza to plaza. With this announcement various railroads, trolley companies and bus owners have offered to run such a service for the same fare across the bridge. But the most novel offer was made by the owner of a miniature railroad, who offered to lay tracks and run his toy train across the bridge. Imagine the smallest railroad in the world running across the largest sus pension bridge in the world.—Phila delphia Record. Headaches from Slight Colds Laxative BROMO QUININE Tablets re lieve the Headache by curing the Cold. Look for signature of B. W. Grove on the box. 30c.—Adv. The majority of our mistakes would never be noticed If we did not call attention to them. Home—the nursery of the Infinite. —William Ellery Channing. A Benefactor A physician who reaches out to benefit humanity leaves a record behind him that is worth while. Such R. V. Pierce. His study along medical lines, and his knowl edge of the remedial qual ities of herbs and plants led to the discov ery of his won derful herbal remedy, Doctor Pierce’s Favor ite Prescription, it is just tne tonic re quired if a woman is borne down by pain and sufferings at regular or ir regular intervals, by nervousness or dizzy spells, headache or backache. Favorite Prescription can be had in tablet form as well as liquid at your neighborhood store. Boschee’s Syrup has been relieving coughs due to colds for sixty-one years. Soothes the Throat loosens the phlegm, promotes expecto ration, gives a good night’s rest free from coughing. SOo and 00c bottles. Buy It at your drug store. Q. <3. Green, Inc* Woodbury, N. J Cliffs of • Lower California Island. (Prepared by the National Geographic Society. Waahlnarpn. D. C.) TBB Islands off the west coast of Lower California are widely scattered over a section of the ocean which provides a very scant rainfall. As a consequence, desert conditions prevail among them. The most interesting of these Is lands Is Guadalupe. It rises pre cipitously from abysmal depths, a vol cano some 12,000 feet high but with only 1,500 feet above the sea. It has never been connected with other shores and It is, therefore, an oceanic Island In every respect. All of Its an imals and plants have come to It either over or through the ocean. This enforced Isolation of the spe cies which come to Guadalupe has caused them to become modified Into many distinct forms which are of great Interest to students of biology. But, aside from this “esthetic” value, the Island has been of very consider able commercial importance because of the great abundance there at one time of certain species of marine mammals. Guadalupe Is the sole remaining home of the only remnant of a herd of elephant seals In the northern hemisphere. Its fine herd of fur seals was bunted and persecuted until ap parently the last survivor succumbed to the buckshot of the hunters. At least 200,000 skins of this valuable fur-bearer, which, at present prices, would be worth more than $0,000,000, were taken from the Island. Guadalupe, Mexico’s westernmost possession, located 180 miles south west of San Diego, Calif., Is about 20 miles long and six miles wide. It Is known to have been visited by fur seal hunters In the early part of the Nineteenth eentury. The world’s greatest herds of fur seals have been so long commercially extinct that people have come to as sociate the name only with the spe cies which resorts to the Pribllof is lands, In Alaska, where, by long and bitter fighting of diplomatic and legis lative battles, the United States has been successful In preserving the larg est herd now In existence. But once there were several other herds, much larger, in the southern hemisphere, fur Seals All Killed. The species which lived on Guada lupe was akin to these last and not to the Alaskan forms, although the furs were almost equally valuable and brought good profits to the hunters. Guadalupe being such a distant out post of Mexico, It Is doubtful if a single official of that government had the faintest conception of the war of extermination at the time It was tak ing place. go far as the available records show, the last living fur seal was seen on Guadalupe in 1892. Since then several expeditions have gone to the island and searched for the an imal without success. Former fur-seal ropkerles have been examined with scrupulous care, the areas measured and the number of animals which once hauled out there to rear their young computed. South Bookery originally contained at least 50,000 fur seals and compared favorably with the major breeding grounds of the Pribllof Islands today. The entire Guadalupe herd must have numbered at least 100,000 animals when It was in Its prime Without printed records, bow do we know this, thirty years after the last of the animals died? They left their own records, which can be rent, almost as plaint; today as if each an imal were In its place; and Jhis makes the realization of the facts all the more bitter. The animals chose the roughest and most rocky shores for their land homes and congregated in large, com pact rooketles, in conformance to the Imblt of fur seals generally. The con stant trampling of thousands upon thousands of flippers over the hard blocks and bowlders of lava rock wore them down to the smoothness of pol ished marble. And there they are to day, silent monuments to a helpless animal which paid dearly for having a skin coveted by man. The great slaughter of the Guad alupe fur seals took place between 1800 and 1880. The hunters then thought they had killed ail the an imals, and the Island was forgotten for many years; but about 1880 it was rediscovered and several thousand seals were killed In a few succeeding seasons. Stories are still beard In San Diego of the last killings which took place. The fur-bearers were pursued into the dark recesses of volcanic beach caves and shot or clubbed by the light of torches. The Elephant Seal. Another interesting sea animal Is the Guadalupe elephant seal—a huge, clumsy beast with a long flexible trunk. The animals were at one time widely distributed and abundant on many of the remote Islands of the Antarctic region, but the whalers soon learned that a fair quantity and quality of oil could be obtained from each carcass. So the slaughter be gan, and ended only when the species was commercially exterminated. The animal found on Guadalupe Is similar to, but not the same species as that of southern waters, but It suf fered. equally from the attacks of the whalers. More thpn once it was thought that the last living representative of the species had been killed; but fate has dealt more favorably with It than with the fur seals; each time a nu cleus escaped to rebuild the herd. These animals still frequent the original elephant seal beach, a slight indentation of the northwest shore line of Guadalupe, where precipitous, unscalable cliffs wall In tbe beach on the back. Even without tbe fur seals and ele phant seals, Guadalupe pould be one of the most Interesting islands of the western hemisphere. The sea has eat en its way Into the volcanic materials of which It is composed, and exposed the very hearts of some of the cra ters. One needs but to sail along close to shore and examine the great dike systems, caverns, lava bubbles, and vents to gain an Idea of the tre mendous dynamic forces which were once at work here. Tbe first naturalist to visit Guad alupe was Dr. Edward Palmer, in 1875. Be camped In one of the cy press groves and described the place as a paradise. There'were a great many beautiful shrubs and flowering plants In the moisture belt, and the birds were so abundant and so tame that he called It an Isle of dreams. But conditions are vastly changed now. Guadalupe Is a biological sepulcher. The shrubs and flowering plants have been practically exterminated and for thirty years no young trace have had a chance to grow. 12 Oi. In Each Standard Package Ideal for chilly mornings Protects you against stormy weather Make it a daily habit Four sleighs and a carriage were placed in the grave of a Viking QUeen of the Ninth century for her Journey to the next world. The practical slogan of the forestry, fish and game commission of Kansas Is "Bnlld a Lake; Plant a Bush; Grow a Tree." MOTHER! A Child Doesn't Laugh and Play if Constipated A laxative today saves a sick child tomorrow. Children simply will not take the time from play to empty their bowels, which become clogged np with waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach sour. > Look at the tongue, mother! If coated, or your child Is listless, cross, feverish, breath bad, restless, doesn’t eat heartily, full of cold or has sore throat or any other children’s ailment, give a teaspoonful of “California Fig Syrup,” then don't worry, because it is perfectly harmless, and In a few hours all this constipation poison, sour bile and fermenting waste will gently move out of the bowels, and you will have a well, playful child again.. A thorough “Inside cleansing" is ofttlmes all that is necessary. It should be the first treatment given In any sickness. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a bottle of “Cali fornia Fig Syrup,” which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle. Look carefully and see that it Is made by the “California Fig Syrup Company.” Not Hu Kind Bob—The girl I marry must have lots of personality. Bert—I don’t like them fat. Soon Be Done “This book Is pretty raw.” “Well, the critics are roasting It"— - Louisville Courier-Journal. SAY “BAYER ASPIRIN” and INSIST 1 Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Pain Headache Neuralgia Neuritis toothache Lumbago Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Safe"* Awlrta l* the trade mark of Bow Ultra Accept only “Bayer” package which contains proven directions.,1 Handy "Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists. rfwahtiy Moofmctttoanffl—tnr of f»s»*yll<«o^ Cuticura Comforts Tender Aching irritated Feet PtitV the feet for several minutes with Cutknra Soap and warm water, then follow with a light application of Cuticufa Ointment, genty rubbed in. This treatment Is moat sncceaafol in relieving and comforting tired, hot, aching, burning feet.