r:& ffl and In Jail, Authorities Don’t Know What to Do With Him. Detroit—A man literally without a country, In jail and 111, mow wonders what will become of him. And the federal Immigration authorities, who had him pnt In Jail, likewise are won dering what they should do with him. Of course. It Is his own fsult that he Is In jail. The authorities really are not to blame for holding him, for be violated a federal law. But the man, whose entire record shows him to be honest and hard working, never theless is deprived of his liberty and seemingly Is without recourse at la# His case became what generally Is termed a “situation" live years ago. when Immigration authorities picked him out of the tDetroit river and ac cused him of attempting to enter the United States Illegally. Fled From Armenia. But that Is a' little ahead of the story. To begin when the trouble really started. Avedis Oodoshian fled from Armenia, his birthplace after the Turkish massacres. His wife and two of Ills six children had beeo killed by the Turks. Oodoshian fled to France and there obtained a passport to Canada. □IS piuu was iu cuiue iu ^auaua, or tabllsh bis residence there, then eml grate to the United States. This, he understood, would be legal, as be bad been told Canadian residents could enter the United States without wait ing for immigration quotas. So he came to Windsor, with a little more than $2,000—his life savings—with which be was to bring his sister and his four remaining children to the United States. In Canada: however, he found en trance to the United States was not so easy. He could not brazenly come to Detroit. Still the immigration au thorities stood in the way of bis dream of American freedom and prosperity. But finally be heard of a way to -come to Detroit All it required was $2,000. and what remained of his little family could be brought across the Interna tional boundary to new happiness. 8aved From River. It was early on the morning of Oc tober 15, 1923, when-Godoshian, with his sister and four children, got in a row boat with an “alien smuggler” on the Canadian side of the Detroit river. The smuggler rowed through the heavy fog and was nearly to the American bide when a steamship loomed up in the fog, bore down on the row boat and shattered It. All except Godoshian were drowned. He clung to a suit case, which, by some freak of chance, floated and after two hours he was rescued by an American Immigration Officer. Worn out by his battle for life in the water, Godoshian was taken to a Detroit hospital to recover. Then came the word he could not remain In the United States. He entered pleas with the immigration authorities that he be allowed to remain until he recovered rlie bodies of his sister and children. Not entirely deaf to his pleas, the Immigration officers allowed him to post $500 bond that he would return to Canada within six months, and that he would at no time become a public charge. _ Godoshian got a Job In a foundry and worked every day. He supported himself and saved a little money. But his savings three times were wiped out when bodies of bis relatives were washed ashore and he provided tbtyn with burials. The other two never have been found. From time to time the United states authorities extended his stay here. The permit was reissued, and the bond was continued. But a year ago a new set of immigration officers denied bl» appeal for another continuation and ordered him to return, to Canada. Big Problem Arises^ By this time, however, the Canadian authorities bad become more strict than they were Ove years before. They would not admit him to Canada be cause they explained he had forfeited ids Canadian residence when be came to the' Unlted'States. Then the big problem arose In the United States Immigration offices Un able to deport him to Canada, they thought of France, from which Go doshlan bad entered Canada. But France bad no reason for accepting him, as' that country bad discharged all claim on him when tt Issued him the passport to Canada. Armenia, then, was the only place to which he could be deported. It was his birthplace, so Armenia was the logical place to send him. Already the Immigration authorities have ap plied at Washington for deportation papers to Armenia. Bnt even Armenia will not take him, In the opinion of Mrs. Catherine Her lehy, bis attorney. The very fact that Godoshlan fled Armenia as a refugee precludes all possibility of deporta tion to his birthplace, she contends. Ducks Almost Wreck Night-Flying Planes Washington. — Three army pilots making a spectacular night flight over the city In brilliantly Illuminated planes were almost put out of com mission by flying Into a flock of wild ducks. The three ships were flying In close formation. So were the ducks. Be cause of the blinding glare of search lights playing on the planes the pilots did not discern the feathered flyers un til one of the birds collided with a wheel of the plane piloted by Capt. Ross G. ■Hoyt Feathers flew in all directions. The plane started spinning violently Deciding that the glare of the searchlights had attracted the birds the pilots maneuvered their planes as rapidly as possible away from the lighted zone and so shook the ducks off-their trail. Had one of the birds struck a propeller serious consequence might have followed. *—:.« Court Rules Man Can Sell His Soul Madrid.—A man can will bis soul to the devil, and still be sane, a local court has Just ruled. Castillo Ramirez, feeling the end near, willed “my soul to the -devil, my house to my wife and my fortune to charitable Insti tutions.” The testament Was con tested by the widow who claimed that “when a man gives bis soul to the devil, he Is Insane.” The court ruled otherwise. Lipton Civet Trophies _ for Boys and Girl* Chicago — Sir Thomas Upton. famous spoilsman and tea merchant while a recent visitor 4ni t'bicago, be came Interested In the young’ people's contests end exhibitions at the Inter national Uve Stock exposition. When told of "whet some dUO 000 hoys and girls ot the farms of the land are doltlg to educate then) gel yes to better methods of farming and farm living, he was deeply Im pressed. and Immediately expressed the wish to do something to evidence his approval o# their work. The In ternational Uve Stock exposition which, with Its National Boys’ and Girls’ Club congress, la host to about 1,200 selected farm boys and girls, a picked group from the 800,000 the country wide, offered him the oppor tunity. • He will present the exposition‘with two very handsome silver tropoles, specially fashioned at bla own stiver smith’s In London, to be awarded by the International to the boy and girl winner In some one of the many '-on testa which the exposition and the club congress offer. A third trophy will be awardeo to the winning college lodging team In the Intercollegiate live stock Judging contest A lover of fine live stock and on admirer of these youths who are early skilled In a knowledge of It Sir Thomas wished to declare bis appreciation of both In this substan tial way. ESCAPED For the third time in history a prisoner has escaped from Devil's Is land, the French penal settlement In French Guiana. Dr. Pierre Bougrat managed to get away and is said to have reached Irapa, a small seaport on the Gulf of Paria. Finds Sauerkraut of Asiatic Origin Washington.—After all the flurry to call it “Liberty cabbage” a few years ago, sauerkraut may not have been an “enemy alien" at all. Information at the Department of Agriculture Indicates it originated in Asia and was Introduced to the United States by German immigrants because it bad become popular in central Europe. Price Rat* at $5.00. Edmonton, Alb. -The city fathers are so perturbed that two rats es caped from a car of lumber into ro dent-free Edmonton that $5 reward has been offered for each one, dead or alive. Highest of All Highway Bridges, in Arizona The highest highway bridge In l» the new Grand Canyon bridge (under construction), meting Prescott with scenic spots of Utah, ‘ ~ is 610 test tong, the roadwsr Oft ftet Jong « GIFT SUGGESTION! A “Polly” makes a most unique Christmas gift and a very acceptable one for It Is really an ornament In the home, bringing as It does, a vivid note of color Into the scheme of things. The papier mache forms are very Inexpen sive, as of course, It Is crepe paper and wire required for making. “Dolled Up” Powder Puffs Even a simple little powder puff can carry a heap of goodwill and affection with it, if It comes with “A Merry Christmas” card attached to It. Some of the newest puffs are ‘‘all dolled up” ready for holiday season. Note the clever ones In the picture. Vogue for Metal Flowers Handsome flowers of real metal are shown at the best gift shops and their more substantial beauty competes with the fragile loveliness of the popular crystal flowers. The ones photographed here, however, while to all appear ance of genuine metal, are really made of heavy silver paper through a most Ingenious method. First thin wire )s bent to form the petals and leaves. Then the heavy sliver or gold paper which comes for the pur pose Is pasted thereon. Crepe Paper Cushion ■ • • £r,- • __ oIm; CMtrs bmp; ** “CsWoniia Rg Sympf* Even If cross, feverish, bilious, con stipated or full of cold, children love the pleasant taste of "California Fig Syrup." A teaspoonful never falls td clean the liver and bowels. Ask your druggist for genuine “California Fig Syrup” which has di rections for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! Ton must say “California" or you may get 'an imitation fig syrup, _ dpTOPTHOSE RUN AH flllk stockings UFE-0-8ILK will treated with will last three times as long! Merely dip into solution and dry—only one treatment re quired—harmless to color or fabric. Save many dollars by wearing your silks till they actually wear out! Send only OHI DOLLAR for enough LIFE-O-SILK to prevent runs in <6 pairs of hose or equiva lent amount of lingerie—money bach'' if yqu are not delighted. LIFE-O-SILK LABORATORIES 388 WILLIAM ST. BUFFALO, N. Y. Right and Wrong' Maurice" Ravel, the French com poser, visited a supper club In New York the other night. A young man and a girl came out In due course and did a- rather daring and suggestive dance. “That dance Is very difficult,” a debutante said to M. Ravel. “I’ve tried It time and time again, but I don’t believe I’ll, ever be able to dance It the right .way.” M. Ravel smiled. “The right way to dance that dance,” he said, "Is the wrong way." Overcome Disease Statistics show that the length of the average human life is steadily In creasing and Is much greater than It was half a century or a century ago.' Of course this does not mean that the average Individual Is healthier or stronger. The increttse Is due chiefly to the conquest of disease, controFof epidemics, better Infant care, etc. Physics Teacher—Johnny, what is velocity? Johnny—Velocity Is what a fellow lets go of a bee with. WhenFood Sours Lots of folks who think they have “Indigestion” have only an add condi tion which could be corrected In five, or ten minutes. An effective antl-add like Phillips Milk of Magnesia soon restores digestion to normal. Phillips does away with all that sourness and gas right after meals. Xt prevents the distress so apt to Occur two hours after eating. What a,pleas ant preparation to take! And how good it Is for the system! Unlike a burning dose of soda—which Is- but