People You Know Parties, Clubs and News About People In Social Activities Mr. Cecil Jarret of Newton, was a business visitor in towin today. „ -t Mrs. Jesse Blanton spent the week-end in Charlotte with her husband, Mr. Blanton. Mr. E. W. Pierce, Linotype machinist for the Eagle Publish ing Company spent the week-end in Charlotte with his family. Miss Juanita howell was car- ^ ried to the Reeves Hospital in i Lincolnton Wednesday for an operation. I —t— Born to Mr. and Mrs. James White, a son, Galen Wayne White, Tuesday night, February ' — Ira D- Passaee of Chica go, 111., spent the week-end here, the guest of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. John T. Passage and little son, David. Mr. and Mrs. J. Webb Beam had as dinner guests Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Howell, Cor poral and Mrs. Hoyt Shidal. and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jarrett. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jarrett had as dinner guests Friday, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Howell, Mr. and Mrs. J. Webb Beam, and Corporal and Mrs. Hoyt Shidal, the latter from Monroe, La. Joe \\. Burroughs, Aviation Chief Machinist Mate, who is at sea now, attached to air craft carrier is visiting his mother here, Mrs. Allie Burroughs. Mr. Burroughs has been in the navy for the past twenty years and has been in several big battles during the past year. MISS ELIABETH COBB HONORED WITH PARTY The Ladies Guild of the St. John’s Lutheran Church gave a party in the Sunday ISchool As sembly Room of the church Tues day night, honoring Miss Eliza beth Cobb, bride-elect. The room was decorated with snap dragons and ferns. After the guests arrived they were di vided into five groups and each group was given magazines, pa per and paste from which they made brides books and present ed to the honoree. Later, the honoree with five helpers was led to the choir loft where she found a shower of lovely gifts. Fruit punch was served to about fifty guests. SUNBEAM BAND MEETS MONDAY The iSunbeam Band of the First Baptist Church had its Mis sionary program at the church Monday afternoon. Song—Jesus Loves The Little Children of the World. Prayer—Mrs. E^erette Fos ter. Song—Jesus Loves Me. • Scripture—John 3-16. Story—Tony’s Hope Unans wered Yet—Mrs. Dwight Jenks. Following the program a few games were enjoyed and refresh ments were served. iSunbeams present were: Shir ley Allen, Rebecca Moss, Monlene DoVer, Harold Beam, Herbert Hickson. Linda Foster, Paula Mc Loud, Harold Homesley, Ruth Putnam, Mary Ruth Black, Hil da Black, Willie Sue Duncan, Jack Eaker, Sue Clawson, Mary Sevita Seism, Joyce Goldston, Garland Goldston, Theron Gold ston, Shirley Carpenter, Libby Wehunt, Martha Richards, Mrs. Everett Foster and Mrs. Dwight Beam. Presbyterian Auxiliary Meets The Woman’s Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church, met Mon day night, February 8, at the manse with Mrs. Coleman Groves, Mrs. W. D. Browne and Miss Soonie ©troupe as joint hostesses. Mrs. Browne presided. The meeting was opened with prayer led by Mrs. Groves. Mrs. R. C. Mullinax, as devotional leader, had for her topic, "Trust In God Assures Victory.” The roll was called and minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The reports of the various officers were heard and a self-denial offering for Foreign Missions was taken. During the business session, Mrs. Walter Houser, as chair man of the nominating com mittee. submited the report of the committee. The following offi cers were elected as officers for the coming year: Mrs. J. M. Crocker, president. Mrs. W. D. Browne, vice-pres. Mrs. Joe Pharr, secy. Mrs. R. H. Carroll, treas. Mrs. Ernest Sellers, as program ^fctleader, presented the following ®^^mt>gram: Topic, "What Chrisr Sanity Offers To Our World, of Tomorrow.” Part one—Mrs. Sel lers; Part two—Miss Soonie Stroupe; Part three—Mrs. Cole man Groves; Part four—Mrs. J. M, Crocker. Concluding, “There Is No East or West.” Dismissal— Mispah Benediction. The hostesses served a dessert course with coffee WOMAN SOCIETY OF CHRISTIAN SERVICE The Woman’s Society of Chris tian Service of the Methodist Church held its regular monthly meeting at the church Monday night. Mrs. John T. Passage had charge of the devotions. , Hymn—“Onward Christian Sol diers”. Mrs. Ray Ballard gave a read ing on “Peace”. Minutes of last meeeting were read and approved. Mrs. C. B. Newton was elected as a delegate to the Conference to be held in Winston-Salem. Mrs. Hillard Harrelson pre sented , the Seven Keys of Pro gress Necessary to on Going of the \\ ork and these keys were presented to different officers for the coming year. Pledges were made. Hymn—“Jesus Shall Reign.” Rev. C. B. Newton made a talk using for his topic—“Chris tians Responsibility for a Just and Enduring Peace.” The meeting was dismissed with prayer by Mrs. Lester Hou Pvt. \\ illium E. Costner of Camp \ oung, California, wishes the “Eagle’’ to fly every week to bring him news from' home. He also wants all his friends to W’rite him. His address it: Pvt William E. Costner, „ , 34600055 Hdqtrs Troop 4th CaValry Camp Young, California, United States Army. Vicki Ann Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Sullivan, I Jr., are receiving congratulations I upon the arrival of a third I daughter, which has been named Vicki Ann Sullivan. Vicki Ann was born Sunday, February 7, at the Shelly hospital and she and her mother returned home Monday and are getting along nieelv Friday Afternoon Book Club Meets The Friday Afternoon Book Club met at the home of Mrs. F. M. Houser on Friday afternoon, February 12. Mrs. David R. Mauney, presi dent, presided. The program conducted by Mrs. C. A. Rudisill. Mrs. Victor Stroup gave an in teresting account of the life of Margaret Kennen Rawlings, au thor of the book. “Frozen Creek ” Scrap books were completed by the club to be given to children’s wards in various hospitals. The club will meet in March with Mrs. J. D. Hobbs as hostess. Mrs. Houser served refresh ments of coffee and wafers. Present at the meeting were Mesdames J. Ben Dellinger, H. H. Allen, J. D. Hobbs, D. R. Mauney, Victor Stroup, Carl ,A. Rudisill, S. M. Butler, R. J. Morrison and Mrs. R. C. Sharpe; Miss Short Gives Valentine Party Miss Helen Short entertained at a lovely Valentine Party on Saturday night at her home The occasion honored Pvt. Forest Wylie, a soldier friend who is home on a short leave from Cam]) Carson, Colorado. Decorations were in keeping with the Valentine season. Games were enjoyed during the evening and prizes awarded. Those present were: Pvt. For est Wylie, Earl Lail, Vance Hardin, Roy Lail, Rosa Mae White, Berlie Reece Craig, Ruth White, Betty Sue Walker, Ruby Smith, Zelia Huffstetler, Mrs. Edward D. Carpenter, Mrs. Dan j Black, Frederick Trammel, Pon ese Bivens, Rodney Bayne Black, E. W. Dellinger, Maggie Short, Bruena Short and Helen Short. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Dan Black and Misses Maggie and Bruena Short, served delicious refreshments, carrying out the Valentine idea Notice Change In Registration As announced on the front page of this issue, the Registra tion for Ration Book No. 2 will be changed from Elementary No. 2 school building and will he held instead at the building formerly occupied by the West ern Auto Association on West Main Street. The hours will be the same as stated on the front page. STOVES Juat received another ship ment of Warm Morning stoves. Phone 3231 CHERRYVILLE ICE FUEL CCX Quality - Appreciation - Sarrieo Cobb-Moser Engagement Announced The Rev', and Mrs. William Gurley Cobb Request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Margaret Elizabeth to Mr. William Dexter Moser, Jr. on Saturday, the twenty-seventh of February at half after five o’clock in the afternoon St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Cherryville, North Carolina The abov'e invitation, was ex tended to the entire congregation of Saint John’s Lutheran church and was read to the congregation at the morning’s worship on Feb ruary 7, 1943. Lieut. Glenn Zerden Is Missing In Action Hickory, Feb. 13—Lieut. Glenn Zerden, 24, has been reported missing in action off the North American coast since February 2, the War Department notified his oarents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Zer den of Hickory, today. Lieutenant Zerden. who vis ited here about three weeks ago, dad been stationed near Boston, Mass. He was graduated from Hickory High school in 1934, attended Lenoir Rhyne college for a year, and then took special courses at the University of North Carolina. Shortly before he went into the army, he took a course in aircraft inspection at State col lege in Raleigh. He entered the army January 27. 1941, and received his second lieutenant’s commission in Miami, Florida, last October. UNITED STATES WAR BONDS AND STAMPS U||F DO YOU HAVE TROUBLE GOING TO SLEEP? If you are a victim of insomnia and want sound advince as to methods that may help you coax restful sleep, turn to a fascinating article to be found in the Feb ruary 28th issue of The American Weekly The Big Magasino Distributed With The BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN On Sale At All Newsstands AIR CORPS KATE! Has Lieut. Harry goae outs? Vo — he's just celebrating four helpings of Kate’s newest ovea triumph*— chocolate cake, walnut cookies, US