I ! People I ; You I ; Know i .. kamBW! HI'l I Society^ Parties, Clubs and News About People In Social Activities Corporal Hill Hoggs, stationed at Canin' Cordon, C!a., spent the week-end here with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Dorns Huss of Ellenboro. spent the week-end here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. . 11 Huss. Mr and Mrs. J. M. Leonhardt and Mrs. Carl Wehb spent Sun day in Charlotte, the guests of Mr. and Mrs Baine Leonhardt. Johnnie Huge White received a letter from Corporal J. W. Knight this week who stated he was getting along fine. Miss Helen Short has been in Reeves Hospital, in Lincolnton, since Saturday night in a very serious condition. Mrs. Guy Dellinger and little daughter, Janice Lynn, of Hen dersonville, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ray Black and other rela fives here. Pvt. John Hallmman, who has been stationed at Fort Slocum, N. V., has been transferred to the Medical Detachment, Shanks, N. V. Mrs. J. I! Farris and son. Jimmie, and Mr. Arthur Carpeli ter. of Eatonton. tia., spent Sun day heie the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Carpenter. Miss Mar> Sue Beeler, student al Lenoir Rhyne College, Hick ory. spent Die week-end Ifere wnn her mother, Mrs. \. C. Beeler. Mrs. Toni Borland and littie daughter, Margaret Rudisill. oi Salisbury, are visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A Rudisill. Mrs. B. B. McKelvey of Easley. 'S spent the past week-end here with her mother. Mrs. Sallie D. Kirkpatrick, and her siste:. Mrs. T. A. Carter Mrs. Richard Schoonmaker, anti son, Sloan, of Chicago, and Mrs. Schoonmaker’s mother, Mrs. Char les Sloan of Belmont, spent Wed nesday here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. i». R. Mauney, Hugh D. Putnam, who is sta tioned at Bollinger h icld at Wash ington, D ( spent several days here with Mrs. Putnam and his mother. Mrs. Walter B. Putnam. Messrs. C. I. Crowder and Lawrence Beam who are working on a sea plane base at Hertford on the east coast, spent the week end here with their families. Charles Dellinger Sherrill had the misfortune of falling Wed nesday afternoon at his home Ifere and breaking his collar bone. His many little friends wish for him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs A. N. Kirk Patrick of Kingsport, Tenn., visit ed the Dinner's mother, Mrs. i Hie D. Kirkpatrick, Tuesday night. .Miss Marc'elle Devine and roommate, Miss Both Hawkins, students at Blanton’s Business College, Asheville, spent the week end here with her mother, Mrs. K. M. Devine. Corporal M. Eaker, station ed at Camp Carson, and Mrs. Kaker of West Monroe, La., ar rived Tuesday for a few days visit wit h thi‘ former's parents, J Mr. and Mrs Stowe Faker. Mr. ,f. II. Kudisill has returned from Foil Henning, Ga., where he visited his son. Corporal Call l'udisitl. who has recently beer, transferred 'here front Camp White, Oregon. H H. Hoffman of Jersey City N J,. is home will, his family foi a fev w i ks. Mr Hoffman ha been working in \ew Jersey for many years and spends his vaca tions each summer here with his family. Mr. Hoffman is here for a tew weeks of much needed rest, j Mis Mildred Smith and dau-j ghc r. Mrs Kenneth Herron, and 1 ah' of London, Kv.. spent Wed esdav ni"ht here the guests <•' A;', a d Mrs. L. Webh Me C inn is They were on their way to visit Mrs. Herron’s husband, w! o is stationed at Camp Butler tit Durham. —t— 1 Major and Mrs. George L. Riddle spent Sunday night and Monday here with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Carpenter. Major Riddle delivered a very inspiring sermon at the Presbyterian Church Sun day night and spoke to the school children at Chapel Mon day morning. Major Riddle is stationed at Camp Bragg. Molford Lee Mitchem, S 2-C, left Tueslay for Gulf Port, Miss., after spending a few days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mitchem. He was sta tioned at Camp Peary, Williams burg, Ya., and was transferred to Gulf Port.' He was on his way to his new station when he stop ped over a few days with his parents. Misses Ann and Sara Bennette are visiting- their grandfather, Mr. ,J. W. Kendrick. STEVENSON-KEEVER ANNOUNCEMENT The following announcement has been received here from Hick ory with much interest. The bride is a grand daughter of Mrs. Eli Beam. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stuart Stevenson announce the marriage of their daughter Janice Helen to Mr. Harold Eugene Keever on Friday, the twenty-second of January nineteen hundred and forty-three Gaffney, South Carolina MRS. TOM BAXTER HONORS DAUGHTER Mrs. Tom Baxter gave a party Saturday afternoon at her home at 1104 Vanizer street in Char lotte, honoring her daughter, Jane Ann, in celebration of her elev ■nth birthday anniversary. The decorations were sugges >ive of St. Patrick’s Day, and the ame colors, green and white, were used in the refreshments. Ice | .ream, cake and mints were serv ed. Mrs. Baxter was assisted in en tertaining by Miss Katherine Wa ters and Miss Betty Robinson of Cherryville. About twenty-the little friends enjoyed the occits Music Club Has Interesting- Program The Cherryville Music Club met Tuesday night; March 2nd in the home of Mrs. I.. L. Sum mer with Mrs. Summer and Mrs. S. M. Butler as joint hostesses. The meeting was opened by -inging the club hymn. The pres cient, Mrs. R. B. Porter, presid ed during the business session. A motion was made that the club buy two books for the Vic ory Book Drive. Miss Coleman, chairman of the program com mittee made a report and pre sented to each club member most attractive year books. Program on South American Leader, Mrs. John Beach. A most interesting and instructive discussion of South American Music was given by Mrs. J. VV. Bayne A group of South Amer can Music songs were given by >iiss Mildted Cobh and Miss Clo ! vine Collision. Vocal Duet—The Swallow— Mrs. Grier Beam and Mrs. J. Gar land Sherrill. Two vocal Solos—Mrs. Jimmie Blackwood. Piano Solo—Little Tom Thumb March—Mrs. Baker Andrews. The club was delighted to have Mrs. .Andrews, a former member, to play for them. The hostess assisted by Mrs. Lester Houser and Mrs. Matthew A. Stroupe served a delicious sweet course to the following members and guests: Mesdames /Baker Andrews, Lester Houser, H. H. Alien, How ard W. Allran, John Beach, Grier Beam, S. M. Butler, Jimmy Black wood. Bob Boggs, Troy Carpen ter, J. W. Payne, R. B. Porter, J. Garland Sherrill, Matthew A. Stroup, L. L. Summer, Julia K. Hall and Misses Minnie Coleman and Fannie Farris. Larry Summer Honored On Birthday Mrs. Carlyle Summer deligrht iully enteriained at the Wom .n s Club on Saturday afternoon at a birthday party honoring her •on, l.arr\. m ce-iebiu ioo , . in? •ixth birthday anniversary. A birthday cake decorated in ink and topped with six min iature lighted pink candles made a lovely c n.erpiece for the long .able where the children gather ed around to sing “Happy Birth day to Larry.” Games and contests were di rected by Mis. J. Garlaih. Mi. r . ill and Mrs. W F. Starnes. Ice cream, individual cakes, gum drops and fruit juices were serv ed. Those present were: Larry Summer, Garry Summer, David Smith. Phoebiu Faker, Carolyn Heafner, John Heafner, Edwina Houser, Marianna Houser, Betty Jean Hudson, Dwight Harrelson, Bobby Smith, Charles Sherrill, Frankin Kiser, Jimmie Eaker, C li a r 1 e s E a k e r , Verncda Eaker, A n n L y n n W a 1 k - er, E. V. Moss, Jr., Dicky Payne, Martha Jon Blackwelder, Diane Rudisjll, T. C. Homesley, Jr., Judy Ford, Bill Moseley, Bever ly Jane Heavner,' Nancy Jean MacMillian, Carroll Ned Beam, Elizabeth Ann Houser, Mary Catherine George, Bill Beach, Gay Beach, Ralph Beam, Jr., Mildred Beam, Dianna Summer, Patty Farris, John Carpenter, Jack Carpenter, Selena Hoyle, Kenneth Mayhtie, Jr., Buddy < George, Ann Bennett and Sara Bennett Fidelis Class Meets Friday The Fidelis Class of the First Baptist Church met last Friday night at 7:3Q at the home of Mrs. Clyde Carpenter with Mrs. Carpenter and Mrs. Orlando Hud son as joint hostesses. In absence of the president. Mrs. L. C. McDowell presided over the business session. Games and contests were en joyed after which the hostesses served refreshments. Lenten Season Begins Lenten season is here. The usual mid-week services will be held at the St. .John’s Lutheran church with the first service held last night. Rev. YV. G. Cobb, pastor, will do the preaching and has his sermon topics announced elsewhere in this issue. These services will continue each Wed ncday evening until Holy Week. The public is invited to attend any or all of these services. Mrs. Black Entertains Mrs. I). M, Black entertained the Intermediate B. T. U. Class of the Second Baptist Church on Saturday night, February 27. Those ' present were Earl Bail, Berlin Reece Craig, Rosa Mae >. bile, i’onese Bivens, Roy Lail. Carl Hester, Ruth White, Helen Short, Harvey Hester, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Black, Betty Jean Black, Mrs. Edward I). Carpen ter, and Rodney .Bayne Black. Many games were enjoyed and prizes awarded. The hostess as i.sted tfy Mrs. Carpenter, served sandwiches, cookies, pickles, ap ples and iced tea. Woman’s Club Committe For Month Of March The Oherryvillc Woman’s Club wilt meet Aiaieh 18th, at 4:15 at the Woman’s Club House. The committee for the month are: Program—•'Art," Mis t'. A. Rudisill, anil Mrs .lames Arrangement: Miss Louise Wyant and Mrs. Emmett Houser. Refreshments: Mrs. H. 11. Allen, chairman; Mesdames .1. T. Allen, Oeorge S- Falls, D. R Maun ey, Jr., E. E McDowell, Bedic Stroup. J. M. Crocker, E. S. El liott, James Sellout, and Miss .Sara U or. man. Circle No. 1 Meet With Mrs. Beam Circle No 1 of the Woman’s Society of Christian Service of the Methodist church held its regular meeting Tuesday after noon at the home of Mrs. Eli Beam, with Mrs. Beam and Mrs. Calvin Carpenter as joint hos The meeting was opened with hymn “Jesus Calls Us." Dcvotionals were led by Mrs. E. C. Sullivan, using the 87th Psalm, followed by prayer by Rev. C. B. Newton. Minutes of last meeting read 'by the Secretary, Mrs. Pearl Beam and roll called. A short bus iness session followed. The meeting closed with silent prayer for Soldier boys followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Hudson Craft with Mrs. Craft and Mrs, Tom Howell as joint hostesses. Present were: Rev. C. B. New ton, Mesdames FT C. Sullivan, J Lloyd Beam, Lester Dellinger. Albert Hallman, Hudson Crai, Eli Beam, Tom Howell, Charh F’ord, Calvin Carpenter, R. t. .vlcLurd, Sallie Kirkpatrick, Ca. lie Beam. J. A Crowder, Minnie Strickland, Walter Beam, J. W. Payne. One new- member wa added, Mrs. J. P. Wyant ant. Airs. J. W Ouzts was a visitor. Presbyterian Church Services First i’l i sbyterian Church, Rev' Coleman O. Groves, pastor. 10:00 A. M.—Sunday School, D*. Joe Pharr, superintendent. 11:00 A. M.—Morning; Worship. Sermon by the pastor. Text, “The Rich Young; Ruler.” 7 :00 P. M.—Young People’s Ves per Service. 7 :45 P. M.—Evening Worship. The pastor will preach on “Prayer.” Text: Matthew 7:7. 7:45 P. M. Wednesday — Mid week prayer service. Mrs. W. J. Baxter To Celebrate Birthday There will be a birthday dinner for Mrs. W. J. Baxter Sunday. March 14, 1943, honoring her or. her 90th birthday anniversary. The dinner will be given at tin home of her son. Mr. Frank W Barter Everyone is invi‘> : come and bring a well-filled buglt. Red Cross Yarn Received Here We have just received a :sniD ment of Red Cross yarn. We have yarn for the following- gar ments: 5 Khaki Turtle neck jSweat ers. 3 Navy Turtle 11 neck Sweaters. 3 Khaki V-neck Sweater a. 5 Navy Scans. 5 Pairs of Navy Glovi-s. This is our quota for March and April. If you do not nave knitting, please see Miss Irene Sox and get yarn for one of the above garments. Knitters For February, Cherryville, N. C. No. Hours Mrs. Howard K Houser Navy Turtle Neck and Navy Helmet _ ..47 Mrs. Troy Carpenter Khaki V-neck 22 Mrs. F. M. Houser Navy Helmet . 15 Mrs. Dora Beam 3 Navy -Scarfs !t0 Mrs. Heman Hall Navy Helmet 15 Mrs. William Houser Khaki- V-neck 22 Mrs. Rqbert Boggs 2 Khaki V-neck M Miss Mary Mosteller Navfy Helmet V neck 3' Mrs. George S. l-'alls Navy Scarf 3d Mrs. R. C. Sharp Khaki V-neck 22 Mrs. Alvin Bla. k 2 Khaki V neck' i 1 Mrs. A. H. lluss 2 Khaki Helmets . 3d Mrs. Hugh Sneed 2 Beanies I ' Mrs. C. A. Ruoisili Turtle Neck Sweater 32 Mrs. Jack Kiser Khaki V-,neck .. . 22 Mrs. J. P. Dellinger 4 Pairs of Navv Gloves 60 Mrs. R. B. Porter Navy Scarf 30 Mrs. Lawson Sipe 2 Khaki V-neck -- 44 Total Hours .... 560 Number of knitters 18 Number of garments knitted, 30 Number of houts 566 Lenten Week Of Prayer And Self Denial For Missions Lenten Week of Prayer and Self-Denial for Missions will be observed by the Missionary So cieties of St. John’s Lutheran church next week, beginning Monday night, March 15, and continuing through Friday night. March 10 Time 8.00 o’clock. Theme for the week: “My People shall Humble Themselves, and Pray—Then Will 1 Hear.”—; IlChronhles 7:14. On Moutlay night the meetin t will be at the home of Mrs. \\. H. Houser with Mrs. Julia Hall, Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Julia Hall with Miss Mary Mosteller leader. Wednesday night at the church with Mrs. D. P McClurd as Thursday night at the home of Mrs. \\ . 11 Houser with Miss Louise Wyant as loader. Friday night will meet with Mrs. Carl A. Rudisill and Airs. J. 1. Payne will Le leader. Sunday—Meeting will be nelcl at the church with Mrs. I>. R. Mauney as leader. You are invited to attend all meetings. MAMA’S BOY You say he Can't stand the Army The life is too rough, how sad! You think that he is bet.or Than some other mother's lad: You brought him up like a baby He doesn't dtink or smoke you ’brag, If all others were like him Well, what would become oi' our flag? \ou say let the roughnecks tie the fighting. They are made to eat beans and stew i!ut I’m glad I am classed with the roughnecks Who fight for the Red, White and Blue. t'ou say that his girl friends couldn’t bear to send Her sweetheart away with tin the rest, Do you think she will be proud When she feels the .Japs breath on her breast? You can thank God that the stars and Old Glory Are not blurred with any such stains Because there are ten million more roughnecks That carry red blood in their They go drill in bad weather And come in with a smile onj their face While your, darling sits in the And lets a man fight in his place. You’re right, we smoke, drink, and gamble But we fight as our forefathers did. So go warm the milk for his bottle Thank God that we don’t need your kid. P. S.—This was written by a soldier in North Africa. CLARA SULLIVAN HELD BY JAPS Sister of Mrs. Howard W. Allran. HICKORY, March 4 — Miss Catherine Stirewalt and Miss Mary C. Sullivan, missionaries wno at»" related to Hickory resi dents. are among- 154 American civilians announced today by the War department as interned by Japan in occupied China. Miss 'Stirewalt is a sister of Prof. M 1.. Stirewalt of Lenoir Rhyne college faculty, and Miss Sullivan is the stepdaughter of Mrs. Claudia H. Sullivan of Hickory. She is better known as Miss Clara Sullivan. Although he has not heard from his sister directly since two months before the attack on Pearl Harbor, Prof. Stirewalt said today that he understands the missionaries were allowed to remain in their homes, but were confined to the premises until about last Christmas. At that time, the Japanese interned for eigners in the part of China where she was located, using as an excuse the statement that Chinese guerrillas were in that neighborhood. Miss Sullivan is a sister of Mrs. Howard W Allran of this place. U. S. PRISONERS TO GET PACKAGE Red Cross Plans to Send Every American Captured An 11-Pound Box of Supplies. XKW YORK. March ,x - - An ll-pound package the America! Red Cross plans to send every American war prisoner in enemy camps 111 rn11e} nui the world eaci week will contain; Whole powdered milk, qn> pound; processed 'merman cheese, nine ounces; oleomargar ine wdh vitamin A. one pound; pork luncheon meat. It! ounces: corned beef. Id ounces; licet paste, six ounces; salmon, eight ounces; dried prunes, one pound: orange concentrate, four ounces white sugar, eight ounces. bis cuits, seven ounces; soluble cof fee, four ounces: two chocolate bars, two soap bats and four packages of cigarettes. Mrs. Frank P. Shephard, re WARTIME RATIONING GUIDE SUGAR—Stamp No 11 in War Ration Book 1 is good for three pounds of sugar through March 16. COFFEE —Stamp No. 26 good for one pound until March 21. FUEL OIL—Pei ior :> coupon,-, good for 9 gallons and vatiu | ti,rough February lit. GASOLINE Coupon No. 1 in A book good for three gallons. Temporary “T" coupons will In issued directly Liv ration boards for a period of not more than dti t.oaros will use original OUT certificates only for che< k ing tire inspection. TIRES—Holders of Ration A coupons must have tires inspected by OPA on or before March 61 Holders of B and C must get first inspection by February 2H. WAR RATION BOOKS— Ra tion Book No. I is being currently used for purchase of sugar aim coffee. Point-rationing of can ned dried and i;o i-n foods, « . cepi dried vegetables, starts Mar ch 1. No canned fruits or \ eg etahles may he sold between Feh ruary 20 and March 1 Meat ra tioning will begin about April 1. Kegi.'iration loi Ration '..a. X- . 2 begins in the school.- : t Lira. 22 and continues lor SHOES- -Stamp No. 1, ol Ua ion Book No. 1 good f/t pin base i f one pair of s. o.-s tiirou-g-i. period ending -lima > CLASSIFIED ADS LOST—Truck tag No. 1 V-12 -9 the 46 tab attached Ri .. returned to Putnam liar Company, t herryviile, X ( STRAND THEATRE CHERRYVILLE. N. C. FRIDAY and SATURDAY MARCH 12-13 “RIDERS OF THE WEST’: —With— ROUGH RIDERS Buck Jones Tim McCoy —Added— "OVERLAND MAIL” NOVELTY COMEDY *★ * St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Special services during: Lent. Beginning March 10, 104:!. Following is schedule of preacu ing services for St. Jolurt I.utn erai'i church. (’herrvVille, X. C., during- the season of Lent. Wrdnetday evening services: •March 1 0: Theme, "II iddt o in Christ." March 17 "Good Works Can not Save. " March 24: ".My Own Right eousness Cannot Save.” March Jl. "I Am Saved !!yl Grace.” April i. "The Cleansing Pow er of the Flood." April 14. "In Life and Death Hidden In Christ Sunday Mornings, 1 1 :00 A. M. March 14. "Concerning Om Temptation. " March 21. "The lilessing of Dela y." March 28. "The Power of Jesus Over Kvil " April I. "Our Hope—God's Love and Power." April 11. "The Test of Ourl Relationship) to God.” April IN. "Cooperation With gional chairman of a new Re<l Cross project here in which tin food will be packed for shipment abroad on mercy ships, said tliai .Volunteers, working in a con verted warehouse, will produce 2.000,000 packages a year. The packages will he distrit ut .i fed throughout the. neutral ag.-iivy' of the International Red Cross in Geneva, Switzerland STOVES Just received another ship ment ot Warm Morning Phone 3231 CHERRYVILLE ICE FUEL CO. Quality - Appreciation - Service Your first introduction should tell you WHY BLACK DRAUGHT BEST SELLING LAXATIVE all over the South _ follow LobeI Direch.ont God.” April 2.5. Karly Service - “Resurrection I )ay.” April 25 11 A. M. — Holy Communion. Sunday Evenings in Lent— Study of the book. “What a Church Member Should Lin.” For Holy Week. General Theme — “Christ Cn the ('loss' Motida.w—"A Voice of Lor Tuesday.-—"A Head Crowil-d With Thorns" Wednesday.—-“The Outslre in Friday. — “Redemption Cm i plete" You are invited to woisiup with us. AI FIRST MON Of A c oh? USE «+« TABLETS. SALVE. NOSE DROPS HOW WEATHER AND CLIMATE MAKE US WHAT WE ARE It might be the “barometer blues" that is giving you that down in the dumps feeling. Find out how weather and climiate can affect our disposition.^ Here’s a fascinating article you’ll enjoy 5ee i. ..te March 21st issue of The American Weekly The Big Magazine Distributed With The BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN tin Sale at All Newsstands k »% »T« A A A A »!« JESTER theatre * CHERRYVILLE, N. C. - TEL. 4601 Tf fUneD ‘rvri FRIDAY SATURH AV—l Day Onlv 2 DAYS MARCH 13 CINEMA GlJil 0 presents •I msirfsrj] e»C04«C rfj MA#tCM '.AKS .» 5 ROEERT 8ENCHIET ,U«N HAYWARD / CECIL AEUAiV'Y ... ... . < -Plus— ORFF. AH - MINNEVICH “‘ Flying Freighters” The Spectacular Romance Of America’s Greatest Adventure! HARRY SHtRH* H presents OaiCAN — Added— News—Cartoon—Comedy Valey of Vanishing Men (6) Starts Late Show Sun. Nite 12:02 — MON. & TUES. 2 DAYS TYRONNE POWER Joan Fontaine —In— ‘THIS ABOVE ALL’ -Added— CAFTOON COMEDY MOVIETONE NEWS WED. MAR 17th—1 DAY BARGAIN DAY !THE UNDYING monster: —With John Hubbard Heather Angel —Plus — Matri — Phony — Comedy —Serial— “SMILIN’ JACK, (Ch. 5) NOVELTIES

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