At Hie Movies IN CHERKYVILLE Starts Late Show THURS. Nite 11:30 P. M. THURS.-FRIDAY—2 DAYS AT LESTER COME EARLY - COME EARLY JON HALL—SAGU- MARIA MONTEZ In Tecvhnicolor Hit “WHITE SAVAGE” One Day Only at Lester SAT. Sept. 4th BIG OUTDOOR ACTION PICTURE “THE FRONTIER BAD MEN” With ROBT. PAIGE, DIANNA BARRYMORE, ANDY DEVINE, TEX RITTER, Wm. FARNUM Leo CARILLO AT TEH STRAND THEATRE FRI.-SAT. Sept. 3-4—‘‘LEATHER BURNERS” With HOPALONG CASSIDY, BILL BOYD, ANDY CLYE, VICTORY JORY — COME EARLY There’s action a-plenty in 'Leather Burners" "Hopalong" Cassidy with Andy Civd . . stirring Bill Bovd as and Victor Jory. Rudisill Reunion Held Last Friday The deseemdents of Emmanuel Rudisill. mot at the Rhyue-Houser C^ub House oil Friday. August 27, 1943 for their annual reun ion. Heretofore the reunion has been held at the old home place or near there, but it was decid ed to have the reunions hence forth at the Rhyne-Houser Club House, The three living children were present. They are: Mrs. Preston Miller of Chester, Va.. Mr. Mar tin L. Rudisill of Cherryville and Mr ,T. D. Rudisill of Crouse. After the sumptuous meal, a musical program was rendered by the youngest descendents. which represented the great-great grand-children. One hundred and thirteen mem bers of the family and seventeen visitors were present. Quite a few of the groat-"rand children are serving with the armed forc es throughout the world. E M. Ol'INN HAD FIRST NEW CORN GROUND THIS YEAR Mr. E. M, Quinn had the first new corn ground into meal at Cliff Jenks Corn Mill this year. The new corn was ground A-ugust 17th. Mr. Quinn who is connected I with the Nit-Way Spinning Co., i had a fine field of corn and the yield was great. ATTENTION! COTTON FARMERS WE HAVE INSTALLED A COMPLETE OUTFIT OF MODERN SEVENTY-SAW, DOUBLE - RIBBED HULLER BREAST GINS SUITABLE FOR GINNING EXTRA LONG STAPLE COTTON AS WELL AS SHORTER STAPLES. WITH THIS NEW EQUIPMENT WE FEEL THAT WE CAN SERVE YOU IN THE FUTURE EVEN BETTER THAN IN THE PAST. YOUR PATRONAGE WILL BE APPRECIATED MODEL GINNING COMPANY J. W. KENDRICK Manager CHERRYVILLE, N. C. FLAY NEWS Mr and Mrs. /. M. Deliiuget Visited their daughter, Mrs. I,<s Un Housor and Mr. Houser an.! Mrs. Stacey Harrelson and Mr. Harrelson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Beam and daughter Beth of Plymouth spent several days in and around Hay last week visiting friends and relatives. Chief Petty Officer Creig Hull and . Mrs. Hull of Williams!... r. are spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs \\ A Hull. *:is Hrl 1,‘ess of Hickory and Miss Helen Sue Bess of Monroe so':d the 'veik-end with t'.eii poi-mis, Mr. ; nd Mrs. P. .1. Mr. .lis. Dean Houser Pad rs til'll' diunei guests Sr.ndav and .Mrs. Flay Housel and daughters \ iiginia and .1 wqu iene of l.incolnton, Mr and Mrs. Fred Houser and daughter. Her aiding Beth of the Bethpage sec tion; Mr. and Mrs. Rutl'in Mon ser and children. Billie and Eli-1 r.aheth Ann, Mr. and Mis. Yer non Houser and Peggie Sue. Mrs. Dick Powell spent several da\s last week with her daughter. ' Mm. H P. Brown and Air. Blown. •Mrs. C lay Beam of l.incolnton is spending a few days with Miss Annie Hull. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bradley of Baltimore are visiting Mrs. Brad leys parents. Mr. and Mrs Alar ion Hoyle. Airs. Laura Houser spent sev eral days last week with Air. and Mrs. Rutl'in Houser. Air. and Alts-. (J, M. Brown of Spartanburg, S. (\. were dinner guests of Air. and Alls. Al. Dellinger last Thursday, j Mr. and Mrs. .Jack Baxter had as their dinner guests Sunday. Mr. and.Mrs, Ralph Huss and children. Mr. and Mrs. Boyt Baxter. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Brown and .Miss Margaret Baxter. HOWARDS MOVE FROM AKRON, OHIO TO CANADA Mr. and Mrs. \Y. GUulston Howard and daughter, NaiiuetU have just completed a J.UUU mile trek 'by ear and trailer to Van couver, Canada. Mr. Howard, em ployed by Van Tuyl Co., as a tool designer, lias been transferred from Akron, Ohio, to Canada lor a year, wonting there with the moving Aircraft i u. Mrs. Howard will be remembered by her lriends hereas ]• rankle boggs. fjtie writes her relatives that Vancouver citizens are pleasant, friendly and war-mm ded. The weather is already cold enough for a good fire. DEAN JENKS HOME FROM tiA iTLE CHON 1 IN SICILY INVASION Dean Jenks returned to New York Tuesday night after a short visit here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Jenks. Dean, who is in the Navy is from the battle front in Sicily and told many interesting experiences which took place during the invasion in Sicily recently. He was expecting to return to 'Sicily on a convoy for a short time. | Mrs. Charles M. Wilder and son, Eddie has returned to their home in Oklahoma City, after Vis j iting for the past three weeks with Mr. and Mrs C. A. Spencei and other relatives here. lee Cream Supper At Sam Kiser’s i The Home Demonstration clut of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church will have an ice cream lupper at j the home of Sam Kiser on . Sat ; urday night. September 4th. The i public is cordially inv'ited. CLASSIFIED ADS LOST—Ration Books No. 1— Names; Gaston Newton, L6i: Newton, E G. Newton, Jr., Thre asa Newton and Alton Newton Finder please return to Gastor Newton or to local Raion Board Any excuse you can give foi not upping your payroll sav ings will please Hitler, Hiro hito and puppet Mussolini. CHURCH NOTICES First Methodist C. B. NEWTON, Minister Church school 10:00 A. M Worship 11 A. M. Sermon top c “.Adoption" Christian Service League for 'uniois, luieimediate- and Seni >r young people 7:30. Evening worship s p. nv. Ser non topic “Heretics. Prayer hour and Bible study tn \\ ednesdity’’ evening at S. TAKE TIME TO WORSHIP. First Presbyterian Dr. Coleman O. Groves Pastor 10:00 a. m. Sunday School, | Or. Joe Pharr, Superintendent. | tlr. Lynn Walker, Teacher of Wen’s Bilde Class. L1:00 a. in. Morning Worship: Sermon by the pastor; Text: "Take heed and beware" (l.uke 12:15.) T.l.t Voting People’s Vesper S:00 p. m Evening worship: Sermon by the pastor; Text; “1 am the way, the truth and the life ' (.John 11:0) First Baptist Church F.. S. ELLIOTT. P;.»l«.r IO:Ot) A. \l SinidaN S'liool As parents wc are respoii ahlr for our children s'knowledge, and iov’e of Cod’s Word. 11:00 A. M.—Preaching ser vice. Subject: "Christ The Sav 7:00 P. M.—Training service Pardon, Love, Faith, and Grace are all unrationed and free Iron: our Father above. 8:00 P. M. Preaching service Si’b ject: "The True and Rea’ Examiner". REV. C N. ROYAL Our Revival meeting begins I this Sunday. Services uaily: I d A M.. and S 1*. -M. There wil: be no service Monday morning ReV. C. X. Royal will do the preaching. lie is Raster ot' the First liaptist Church. Ruthor fordton. lie will he with us for his first service Monday night and continue through 1'ridty night. August 17th. The public is cordially invited. ST. JOHN'S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH The REV. W. G. COBB. Pastor Sunday, September 5, 1943. Sunday School-- 10:00 A. M . Prof. F. 1). Kiser. Sunt. Morning worship—-11:00 A. M. Sermon by Pastor. ■ Theme: •‘Ground for Justification.’’ Luther Leasrue at 7:15 P. M Mis-; Frances Rudisill, Pres. Evening- Worship—8:00 P. M. You are welcome to worship with us. If von have no church home we invite volt to come with us. Services At Shady Grove Baptist Church The regular semi monthly preaching service will lie held ; Shady Grove Baptist chute.i next Sunday, September 5th, at eleven o’clock. Sunday school at 10 o’clock — Eli Sellers, Superintendent. The pastor. Rev’. 'J. \V. Cos! ner will till the pulpit after -an absence of several weeks while hoding re vivas in North and South Carolina. Services are lield each 1st and 3rd Sunday mornings at eleven o’clock. Rev. J. W. Costner. Pastor. — BUY WAR BONDS — Women! Here is a name to remember A 62 year record of* PSm directions on label. Used at a tonic, Cardui usual ly peps up appetite, aids di gestion, and thus helps build energy for the "time" tocome. Started 3 days before your time, and taken as directed. It should help relieve pain due to purely functional causes* | LEGAL IMS] notice My son, Richard Crawford. 17. ran away from my home without a cause. I forbid ‘,n> one to harbor or labor him. this the 23 day of August, 194J VIOLA WHITESIDES. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as executor | of the Last Will and Testament of Ccorge T Jarrett, deceased ! late of Gaston County, Noita Carolina, this is to notify all per soils having claims against the estate of the deceased to exhibit , them to the undersigned^ or ,',is attorney at Ciierryville, X. C . on or before the ildth. day ot duly. HH4, or this notice will be. plead ed in b;ir of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment. This .lube Ob. 10411. LOUIS E. JARRETT. Ex ecutor of the last Will and Testament of George T. Jar rett, deceased. DAVID I*. DELLINGER. Attorney 6t-S2 , NORTH CAROLINA [GASTON COUNTY | IX THE SI I’KIM OH i 'll KT , Mil'll. ti. Lad ('bill- Lad SKUYICK 1!Y IM'BI.ICATION N () T I (' K The delcii-dant, ('U‘t Is Tail, will taka iHt'HV that an action entitled its above litis been com menced in the .Superior Court ot (distort Count;’. North Carolina, to obtain tin absolute divorce on the pround ot two years separa tion; that said defendant will, further take notice that lie is required to appear at the ottiee of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county in the court house in < oil hi". N. c.. within t;u days aliei the completion ot the ser.iv-i of this notice, ani answer or u. iiiur to tile coir, j plaint in said action, or the plain- | iiiV will apply to the court l«>r| liu’ relief demanded in the com- i Tins Adjust J 1. lb IT (It ARi.l-.S K. I1AM1LTON..1K. Cieik Superior Court. j D.VY Hi I'. DKf.I.INCK!!. J Attorney. I'l-St’n NORTH t \ ROl l N A dASTON COl N T\ Minnie lilacknood ((seal Bia'ltwood. IN i'HK SCl’KRIOR COl KT SKRV1CT. l!V I’ll; 1.1 CATION The 1N i eiidaut Oscar Black woou will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above lias been coiniueiueil ill tile" Superior Court of (itiston Coumy, North Caroli na, to obtain an absolute divorce on tile grounds ol two years sep aration; that me licloinlaiit will further take notice that lie is re quired to appear at the otlice ol the Cleiit of the Superior Court of said county in the court house in (Tastniiia, N. C . within ten days tiller the completion of the publication ,,i this notice and an swer oi demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to tlie court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This August II. 1 !U;S C11 A R I.KS II. HAMILTON. JR. Cleik Superior Court IIAVH) Ik HKI.I.INCKR, Attorney ;it-S2 MARK EVERY PAY DAY BOND DAY We Pay Cash For Late Model | Used Cars and Trucks | Homesley Chevrolet Company, Inc. Cherryville, N. C. tf administrator s notice Having qualified as Adminia i,-,tor ol' the Estate of Harry Erwin, deceased, late of Gaston County, N. C„ this is to notify *11 persons bavins claims against 1P Estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Gastonia. N. C„ on or before he 17th day of August, 1944, ir this notice will be pleaded^ bar of their recovery. All perdBu indebted to said estate will pie” make immediate payment. This the 17th day of August, 194.7. m <• GOODE, Administrator of ' the Estate of HARRY EH WIN'. Deceased. i;|SU\K< K CAPPB & ERNEST i>' UAKREN. Attorneys for Administrator. 6T-S23 s'ORTH t A1J >LINA, ;ASTON COUNTS. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Lucille Eili: next friend, Gorman, by her Loy Ellis,, Plaintiff, Pan! E. Gorman, alias Ernest H Jones, Defendant. notice of summpns The defendant aboe named will •,ke notice that an action entitled is above lias been commenced in lu- Sniniior Court ol' Gaston ou,11y to annul the marriage ontraet entered into by the ,1 tintitV and the defendant, and I,,' said defendant will further ,he nonce that he is required to mpear befoie the Clerk of the Superior C nut of Gaston Coun-. v at the Court House in Gasto nia. N. within twenty (201 lays after the final publication of this notice, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint This 12th day of August 1943 C. E. HAMILTON, JR.. Clerk of the Superior Court. ERNEST R. WARREN. A tty. for Plaintiff. 4T-S9 NORTH CAROLINA C ASTON COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR QTURT Robert Camp. Plaintiff Francis Johnson Camp. Defendant NOTICE BY PUBLICATION The defendant above named will take notice that pn action entitled as above has been com menced by me plaintiff in me Superior Court ot Gaston Coun ty lor the purpose ot obtaining an absolute divorce from the de fendant; And the defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County at the Court House in Gastonia, N. C. to nle answer or to demur to the said complaint of the plaintiff wit^Ky twenty days alter the linal pearance ot this notice, and that if she tails to answer or to de mur to said complaint within the specified above named time, the said plaiiititf will upply to the said Court for the relief deman ded in the complaint. WITNESS: Charles E. Hamil ton. Jr., Clerk Superior Court of Gaston Count), at his office in Gastonia, N. C. This the 10th day of August, Ii*4:t. CHARLES K. HAMILTON. JR, Clerk Superior Court Gaston County. CLAUDE B. WOLTZ, Attorney for the Plaintiff.3T-S2 IDoansPills From where I sit... ^ Si/ Joe Marsh At Jeb Crowell’s the other day, we were havin’ a glass of beer or two and talkin’ about the kind of world there'd be when Peace came. “Hear they’ll have trans-Atlan tic airplanes {lyin' regular as taxi service,” says Ed Carey. "Yep," says Will Frost, “and television and plastic cars and air-conditioned homes and super-duper highways.” Finally, Doc Mitchell chimes In. “You know,” he says, "we’re talkin' about the future in terms of luxuries-like air-conditioned houses and television. “But what really will shape to morrow’* world Is what goes oa in men’s own hearts... Uke tol erance and understanding.” And from where I sit. Doc’s right Whether it’s tolerance of another’s politics or respect for a neighbor's right to enjoy a glass of beer occasionally, toler ance Is a mighty good founda tion for a peacetime world. I <g> '943, BREWING INDUSTRY FOUNDATION. North Caralio. Commit '• Ba,n* S,u'« 606^07 Inwranu |ldg, Rol»igh,°N. t

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