J. W. Kendr ick Gets 6 Applications To Rent House Next Day ^ FOR RENT—Fi^e Room Apart ment near S*e»tt’s Service Sta tion on Lincoln ton highway. See J. W. KENDRICK. lt-pd CLASSIFIED ADS for sale FOR SALE—Hampshire pigs— C. C. Dellinger, Cherryville. 2tsy FOR SALE—2 one-horse wagons See Hamp Homesley after 3 o clock at home in Cherry ville.^JV. FOR SALE Reconditioned Bohen 13-—• Flat c Linnet , * 1'' to quick buyer. Milton t 1111 1 1 t-p ’_ H) >R SALE—-l-'-j horse Briggs and Stratton gasoline engine amt 110 volt goneratol .— A 1 coinli tion—Reasonable. MKs. -L -«• BLACK. _L LOST LOST •— Mohow wr A watch with halt expansion. bait link hand. Lost at Lot* ' Rtdit’” 1’**' vices Saturday night- IL'-vard ■! returnee, to James Mayiiue at Howell Mill. U\P LOST—No. 2 Rationing R-’ok with name Mrs. R 1!. Robbs. Return to Mrs. Robb' -i to local Rationing Boani D I’d LOST — Ration Book No. I Name Richard Ingram and Lau ra' Ingram. Return to local Rat ion Board or to owner. STRAY Kit— Female Police dog greyish brown, weight about tin pounds, an. wers to name, Pal Reward—-C. C. PARKER, phone 3072 or Eagle Office U FOR RENT FOR RENT —5 Room House— See J. W. KENDRICK lt-p WANTED WANTED TO BUY—Lespede za Hay. Write .information to Edward Wright. Lawndale. N C. WE ELY CHICKENS ANI) EGOS—Pav highest market. We FLOUR AND- FEED MILLS. North of High School. tf sell feeds if all kinds, DALTON’S FARMERS—Do you know cat tle and hogs usually sell higher on Monday Large buyers who know cattle and hogs make this statement. We are haying unus ually demand for hogs and Deal ers.' AUCTION SALK every MONDAY. DEDMoN’S LIVE STOCK YARDS. Pl-i i i tie f>o 2.1. Shelby. N. c. 21 A 12 3-Piece living Room Suits Studio Couches Stove;j Ranges Oil Stoves Iron Beds and Springs WILL PAY CASH CARPENTER BROS. PERSONAL FREE! If Excess acid cause? you pains of St.pntftvh Fleers, In digestion, Heartbiini, Relehing, Bloat mi.1' Nausea, lias Filins. get free sample, Udua. at ALLEN DRUG COMPANY Cherryville N. C. MISCELLANEOUS PERMANENT WAVE. 59c! Do your own Permanent with Charm-Kurl Kit Complete equip ment, including 40 eiiriers and shampoo. Easy to do. absolutely harmless. Praised by thousands including' Fay McKenzie,, glamor ous movie star Money refunded if Hot. satisfied lOt-SHO ALLEN DRUG COMPANY PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR ING — Indorsed by Leading Music Teachers. Write J. F. Peache. Belmont, N C. Tf PHOTOGRAPHS THE ELLIS STUDIO offer. you Portrait, of Super Quality Family groups made at your Home Kodak finishing Photo, copied and enlarged to ,8 x 10. Coloring done by an Expert. Office phone 637 W Residence 303-J. Over We.tern Union, Shelby, N. C. GET YOUR TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES CLEANED, REPAIRED. AD JUSTED AND OVERHAULED AT EilE EAGLE PUBLISHING CO. EXPERT WORK GUAR ANTEED. tn LAWN MOWERS SHARPEN ED AND repaired. Run and cut like new. Blands Shop, 165 E. Franklin Avenue, Gastonia, N. C. _ Jy-43 FOR GOOD SHOE REPAIRING At Lower Cost, See COLEY’S SHOE SHOP SCOUT MESS HALL “BEFORE AND AFTER*’ Dinin.v room and kitchen of the Piedmont T rvon before the lire August 'JO. Here more meals we.e served each summer. Building- was ami fully equipped in most modern way. Boat stored in loft of building during the winter. Boy tSeout camp at than ten thousand lit! feet by 96 feet s and canoes were Fire, originating in the kitchen. completely destroyed the mess Hall, one of the finest eanvp buildings in the South. The loss was only partially covered by insurance. Plans are being- made now to replace this hall with a new and larger building in keeping with the expanded facilities of the camp SUCCESSFUL PARENTHOOD ■r MBS. CATHERINE CONRAD EDWARDS. Aaaociato Editor. Porosis' Magailao SELECTING CHILDREN’S Here is a 'letter which 1 am sure many <■! a- have felt at times tempted t.i> write The writer .-iui:*> herself "Neighbor" ami she says. "U.i.’t you say siirne flutig about. the importance of children'- clothe- to his peace of inii:iel " i ... yotmusters going I • \ m\ h.n.-e on t lie way to school ami it honestly seems to me as if then hehavioi is dicta teii hy tiien clothes! (If course. 1 really don't mean that—but 1 have been able to divide them ir. to two. or three classes.' First, there tire the overdressed ones who lord it all over the others and tile o conscious of themsel ves and their finery that 1 won der if they ever have a really free childish impulse to have a good time. Therj there are the sloppy dressed ones—clothes too big or too little, buttons off, shoe lures knotted—they either look miserable or try to hide their dis comfort by hein|r noisy and hard boiled. And then most pitiful of all, are the ones who have to wear freakish clothes to express their fiat ends' personalities— something "arty’ perhaps These bungs tors -imply crawl into themselves and stay out of the way of tlie other hoys and girls and their jibe-. The child who is dressed con spicuously or inappropriately, is certainly ill at ease. And it. is true that from this feeling of be ing unoomfot table all sorts of behavior problems and difficul ties may arise, So in selecting your chid’s clothes keep the fol lowing points in mind: Season is one of the first eonsuTe'rations, Your first introduction should tell you WHY BLACK DRAUGHT is 8 BEST SEELING LAXATIVE all over the South follow Lot#/ Direction* the garment must be appropriate to the time of year Next comes consideration of the practical features of any given garment— is there room for the free play | of the muscles? Is the garment I easy to»put oh and take otf? The quality of workmanship is im portant. too. for a thro\vn-to gether garment won't last long on an active child. Always try to incorporate a new fashion note, nothing extreme hut something that will he indivi dual and interesting. Growing children like many changes. Also they are developing ideas about clothes Don’t try to curb their tiistes too much. It is often sur prisingly good. Confidence in one's appearance means a lot in life, and children should be giv en the assurance that comes from self-selected clothes. Clothing does not need to be expensive in order to be iri good taste. Rath er it js a matter of spending time studying your child's type with an eye also to what his friends are wearing, so he won't look too different from the others. The complaint of many mothers that their children fail to take good care of their clothes, and for that reason don’t deserve nice ones, should be applied in reverse. Often the feeling that his clothes are unattractive is back of a Child’s careless hand ling of them—he can take out his disappointment on a despised coat when he can’t on the moth er who thoughtlessly bought a color the child didn’t like. Of course, play comes tirst with children, as it should, and clothes are apt to get rough treatment. But it is rarely that you are jus tified in sayin^ that a child has deliberately ruined a garment. Children grow fond of their clothes if they are becoming and are truly sorry when accidents hap ,As for hand-me-downs, these are an economic necessity in most families especially in these days of shortages. But you can always add a touch which makes a gar ment the second child’s own—-a new feather for a hat costs only a quarter, a clever shoulder pin makes sister’s suit more palata ble, and a brand new blouse or sweater can make it seem a new costume. Indeed there is plenty of room for imagination and ingenuity in planning children’s clothes. Many elev'er mothers have turned this knack into a successful ca SCRAP FOR VICTORY Notice Of SALE Of REAL ESTATE For DELINQUENT TAX Of The Town Of CHERRYVILLE, N. C. In pursuance of an order by the Board of Commis sioners of the Town of Cherryville, and required by law, the undersigned Tax Collector will sell for cash to the highest bidder at the Citv Hall in Cherryville, N. C., on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1943, Beginning at the Hour Of 10:00 A. M., (he following described real estate on which town taxes for the year 1942 remain due and unpaid. The amounts given in these lists do not include costs and advertising which will be added to each item at the time of settle ment. E. E. McDOWELL, Tax Collector ALFONSO BEAM, Clerk Abernathy, J. S.—Vacant lot North Elm Street_$ 5.76 Angle, John—House and lot East Seltf Street_■_ 4.66 Beam, Yates E.—Vacant lot N. Mtn. St. _____ 2.42 Beam, Guy E.—Vacant lot S. Elm St. _L_.. 10.52 Beam, Herbert—W. 2nd Street _ __.__ 4.46 Beam, M. C.—Vacant lot East 1st St. __ _ __ 7.64 Beam, Mrs. P. C.—Filling Station, North Mtn. St._ 42.72 Beam, Walter R.—Vacant lot Whitesides St. _ 1.10 Black, Joe Estate—E. Main & Bates Ave, Vacant lots _ 8.80 Brown. (I. I,.—House and lot (W.H.) West 1st St. . 31.16 G. L. Brown and Sam Neal—Vacant lot, Ballard St._ 1.64 Pearl & W. R. Camp—Vacant lot South Elm St.__ 3.12 Carpenter, Miss Joe Grace—Vacant lot South Main St. 9.40 Carpenter, Mr. L. N.—Vacant lot, Sussex Ave._ 2.20 Costner, L. S.—House and lot S. Pink St. Vacant lot Aca demy Street __ 32.56 Costner, Mrs. L. S.—Briek Bldg. E. Main St._ 34.96 Costner. O. A.—Lincolnton, N. C.—Filling Station, North Mtn. Street -- .-- __ 26.83 Davis, .Ada F.—House and lot East 2nd. S.t._ ... 10.70 Dedmon, A. V.—House ar.d lot South Mtn. St.__... 6.34 Dellinger, Mrs. O. B.—Vacant lot West Church St._ 1.64 Dixon, Jim E.—Vacant lots, Mulberry St. _ 4.14 Eaker, J. D. Estate—South Jacob, House and lot_ 11.16 Fowler. W. M.—Vacant lot Essex Street -- _ 3.52 George, Howard J.—Vacant lot Ballard St. _. 9.18 George, J. J. Estate—Vacant lots, Ballard St. i_ 1.65 Goins, Mrs, Nell Kester—House and lot, Mulberry St._ 8.20 Stuberfield, Coplin—House and lot. Self Street..- 9.34 Grigg, J. Will—Vacant lot, Carroll St. ,v__ .66 Holdman, Charlie—Cherryville Mfg Co., Property 10.80 Heafner. Mrs. W N.—House and lot, North Elm St. 8.38 Houser, A. L.—Vacant lot East Main St._ 6.80 Houser, Blair Falls—-House and lot, Hessemer-City and Cherryville Road -- —.. 9.32 Houser. Doras and Evon L.—Ix>ts on Highway 150 - 8.02 Houser, Mrs. Evon L.— Property Bessemer and Cherry ville Road - .... ---— 5.44 Hovis, John—Vacant lot, Kenwood St. _ 6.90 Huss, Flay—Vacant lot, West Church St. ___ 5.58 Jenks, D. M.—Vacant lot West 2nd St. .. _ 3.66 Jones, W. F.—Vacant lot, West 2nd and V. St. _ 3.02 Mauney, Rome C.—House and lot Bates Avenue_ 12.50 Moore, Andrew Estate—Property Collat'd Districk _ 5.12 Mosteller, Tom J.—House and lot North Mulberry St._ 29.32 McGinnas, Harold—House and lot N. Pine St. _ 26.42 McGinnis, J. William—Elm and North Mtn. St. _- 9.24 McGinnis, Mrs. W. J. Estate—West 2nd and Elm St. _ 22.22 McGinnis, W M.—East Main St. __ . - ._ 8.26 Poole, Clara Mae—North Elm St. ... . _ 7.25 Randle, .1. C.—House and lot S. Jacob St. . _ 6.64 Rutter, 11.—East Main Street ___ 7.12 Scruggs, E. B.—East Main St.. Brick Bldg. _ 78.45 Short, Sallie Hoyle—North Mulberry St._,_,_ 6.88 Stroup, C. P. Estate—North Mulberry St.__ 28.08 Stroup, Rush and Lee—North Elm St. __ 16.34 Styers, Mrs W. .1. T.—tStyers Street - 31.68 Wright, Mrs. J. R.—Styers Street_ 8.62 COLORED Benson, Johnny Mae—Scuta Mtn. Street - .70 Benson, Robert W.—South Mtn. Street___ 1.26 Bess, Hunter and Emma—House and lot West of 274 High way _ —---- 5.66 Dixon, Tom Estate—Bessemer-City and Cherry ville Road -- 8.32 Eskridge, John C.—Bessemer-City-CherryVille Road- 6.68 Garland, Charlie—West 274 Highway --- 4.12 Hart, George W.—Collord Section -- 1.40 Jackson, Maud—Collord Section _ 2.20 Jackson, Ralph—South Mtn. St.---i- 5.84 Logan, Marcus—South Mtn. Street -- 6.78 Patterson, John—South Mtn. Street_ 4.68 Schenck, Flay—South Mtn. St. (Charles Garland Prop-)— 6.12 Summitt, Laura—(South Mtn. Street .. -,-6.20 Henry Leland & Wade Estate—South Mtn. St.- 3.74 Wells, Robert Charlie—South Mtn. Street- 8-68 Whely, Bill—South Mtn. Street- 2.52 Young, R. W. and Jullie—South Mtn. Street- 10.3b NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE FOR DELINQUENT TAXES OF BESSEMER CITY, N. C. In pursuance of an order of the Town Commissioners of the Town of Bessemer City, North Carolina, and as required by law, the undersignetf Tax Collector will sell for cash tc the highest bidder at the City Hall in the Town of Bessemer City, North Carolina on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1943, AT 10:00 (O'CLOCK A. M. the following described Real Estate on which City Taxes for the year 1942 remain due and unpaid. The amounts given in this list do not include costs and advertising which will be added to each at the time of settlement. M. L. RHYNE, Tax Collector . T. C. Bennett—1 Lot on Pichback AVenue in BIk. 9; 1 Lot Bickley Ave., Mtn. Sec.---♦ L32 Mrs. Ann Black—Lots 11, 12, 13, 14 in Blk. 12, Sec. 3- 22.93 Mrs. R. D. Black—Lots 20 to 23, Blk. A of the D. A. Mc Laurin Sub. Division -- i J. O. and Minnie Bumgardner—Lots 11, 12, Blk. 58; Sec. 3 Mrs. Eulalia Brock—Lots 7 to 12, Blk. 49; Sec. 3 Grover L. Brock—Lots 3, 4, Blk. 13; Sec. 3 - W. A. Dameron, Est.—Lots 1 to 24; Blk. 73; 1 to 7; Blk. 74, Sec. 3 __ _ Mrs. S. J. Durham—See Records at Court House for Descrip tion _J__., Mrs. Lucille Fowler—Lot 8, Blk. 29, Sec. 3 D. M. Grayson Est.—Lots 9, 10, Blk. 57, Sec. 3 - -- | Mrs. Lillie Grayson—Lot No. 8, Blk. 57, Sec. 3 ----* Minnie, Gril'fie & EVelena Hall—Lots 16, 17, J. L. Kiser Sub. Div. - - -- -- L. A. Harmon—Lots 14, 15, Blk. 32, Sec. 3 - Paul Harmon—Lots 11, 12, Blk. 104, Sec. I - P. R. Harmon—Lots 35, 36 and 1-2 of 37; 22, 23, 24, Blk. 22; Sec. 3 _. -~ Mrs. Lois Pope Hemingway—1-2 of Lot 17 and 1-2 of 18, Blk. 41, Sec. 3 - ---— Guy |0. Hicks—Lots 20, 21 and 1-2 of 19, Blk. 41, Sec. 3 — Mrsj Bessie A. Hook—Lots 13 to 16, 1-2 of 17; 5 to 12, Blk. 31, Sec. 3 ---- - Heim Hoover—Lots 33 to 36, Blk. 9 and 3 and 4 and 1-2 of 5, Blk. 41, Sec. 3 -~ W. A. Hoyle—Lots 3, 4, Blk. 101, Sec. 1 -- Mrs. Lizzie Kincaid—Lots 7, 8, Blk. 55, Sec. 3 - R. Matthews—1 Lot in Blk. 9, Lenoir-Rhyne property Mrs. Eva Matthews Ormand—Lots 9, 10; Blk. 14; and Tract on Gastonia Highway - - -- .. . » Mrs. Lillie Owensby—Lots 13, 14, Blk. 63, sSec. 3 - S. Linwood Parton—Lots 46, 47, 48, Blk. 117, Sec. 1 - James Payne—1 and 54 100 acres, adj. Ira Payne - R. A. Payne Estate—Lots 1 to 7, Blk. 40; 7, 8, Blk. 53; 10 to 24, Blk. 53; 13 to 18, Blk. 59, Sec. 3 - Fred Plonk—21, 22 and 25 to 28, Blk 30; Sec. 2 . J. A. Ramsay—c o W. I>. Purkey—Lot 7, Blk. 52, Sec. 3 Mrs. Mamie Reichel—e o Ben Webber—3 acres in Mtn. Sec. Mrs. Carrie Richardson—Lots 43, 44, 45 and 8 feet of 46; Blk. 12, Sec. 2 .. .. - Selma, Mary and l.acy Richardson—1 Lot on Virginia AW nue, Blk. 5, Sec. 3 - -- ------- Mrs. Buelah Robinson—Lots 19 to 24, Blk. 12; 5 to 10, Blk. 51; Lot 8, Blk. 52- 23. 24, Blk. 60; Sec. 3 -- 0. P. Servis—Lots 35, 36, Blk. 20, Sec. 3_ M. T. Whitesides—Lots 43, 44, Blk. 11, Sec. 3 -- Mrs. D. J. Wolfe—Lots 43, 44, Blk. 18; 1, 2, Blk. 37, Bee. 3 W. T. Wright Estate—Lots 1, 2, 3, Blk. 11; 1-2 of Lots 17 and 20. all of 18, 19. Blk. 21. Sec. 3 -- -- Miss Mary A. Young—1 Lot corner Gould and Virginia Ave. Blk. 20, Mtn Sec. . - -- - .63 1.37 Q 270.65 6.77 8.03 1.20 .47 14.57 12.75 86.52 .80 12.18 28.20 11.32 14.50 2.75 7.10 41.35 6.45 27.66 4.55 6.50 1.42 .79 8.67 33.63 10.40 24.40 10.70 12.21 16.38 16.76 3.55 COLORED Pink Alexander—Lots Id to 15, Blk. 25, Sec. 2-- 4.62 O. B. Boyce—Lots 9 to 12, Blk. 19, Sec. 2 -- _._ 5.99 Lelia Brooks—Lot 15, Blk. 22, Sec. 2 .65 Mozelle and Langley Bryant—Lots 27, 28, Blk. 29, Sec. 2 .95 Rosevelt t amp—Lots .‘12, 33, 34, Blk. 28, Sec. 2 - 7.08 Willie Crawford Lots 25, 26, Blk. 115, Sec. 1; Lots'7, 8 and 13 to 17, Blk. 19, Sec 2 -- 6.62 R. J. Davidson—Lots 52, 53, 54, 55, Blk. 18, Sec. 2 6.45 Butler Davis—Lot 25, Blk. 36, Sec. 2 _____ '4,‘ Nina Elmore Est.—Lots 20, 21, 22, 23, Blk. 37, Sec. 2 - v John Calloway—Lots 1 to 4, Blk. 33, Sec. 2 _ -- - -- ^'j Amelia Goode—Lots 25, 26, Parts South of Highway, Blk. 26, Sec. 2 . - - -- .63 Fred Herndon—Lots 23, 24, Blk. 22, Sec. 2_ . _ 6.93 Nellie Hardy—Lot 7, Blk. 29, Sec. 2 .. _ .63 N. A. Trexler—See Records at Court House for descrip tion - - - 11.35 Lucy Jackson—Lots 1, 2, 3 and 22, 23, 24, Blk. 19| Sec. 2 1.68 Sam Jaggers—Lot 10, Blk. 33, Sec. 2 -- .26 Spencer Jones & Emma Hallman—Lots 13, 14, 15, 16; Blk. 26. Sec. 2 -- - -- 1.68 Spencer Jones—Lots 32, 33, Blk. 18, Mtn. Sec. -- .79 Reecy H. C. Lee—Lots 5. 6, 7 and 42. 43, 44, Blk 32. See. 2 2.13 Mittie L. Mayes—Lots 8, 9. 40, 41, Blk. 32, Sec. 2 - 1.48 Minnie Muskelley—Lots 23, 24; Blk. 29, Sec 2 -- -- 1.97 Clint McCaw Est—Lots 21, 22, Blk. 32; 40, 41, 42, 43' 44 45, 47, 48, Blk 33, See. 2_ ...._ 11.36 Charlie Nicholson—1 Lot (The York Rudiswi Property, Blk. 13, Mtn. Sec.) -4.95 J. R. Pagan—Lot 29, Blk. 32, Sec. 2- .40 Ida Posted Estate—Lots 34 to 39, Blk. 34, Sec. 2 __ 6.04 Mary Pressley et al—1 Lot in Blk. 9, Pichback Avenue, Mtn. Sec. — . -... ...__ 7.00 George Rhyne Est.—Lots 21 to 26, Blk. 33, Sec. 2 __ 1.3S Lona Robinson—Lots 25, 26, Blk. 29. Sec. 2 ..._ .96 Ernest Schenck—Lot on Pinehback Avenue, Blk. 13; Mtn. Sec. — - -- 1.90 John Schenck—Lots 29, 30, Blk. 18, Mtn. Sec._ .63 Rueben Seigle—Lots 11 to 13, Blk. 28, Sec. 2 _ .72 Robert Seigle—Lots 9, 10 Blk. 28, Sec. 2 _... ___ .47 S. C. Smith—Lots 13 to 15, Blk. 27, Sec. 2 ___ 1.20 C. B. Stewart—Lots 11, 12 and Parts of 37, 38, Blk. 29; Lot 13, Blk. 29, Sec. 2 ___ _ _ _ _ 16.05 Mattie & Rueben Thomas—Lot 10, Blk. 22, Sec. 2_;_ 6.45 J. A. Vance—Lot 30, Blk. 22, Sec. 2_ *_ .40 John W. Walker—See Records at Court House for Descrip tion ----- 30.00 Nannie & Tom Ward—Lots 38, 39, 46, Blk. 33, .Sec. 2 -- .96 Helen Wellman—1 Lot on Pichback Avenue, Blk 6, Mtn. Sec. _ ___ . .. __ 11.80 T. C. Wellman—Lots 31, 32, Blk. 26, Sec. 2__ 6.77 Dan White—Lots 1 to 14, Blk. 15, Sec. 2 _ 3.83 Luella J. Whitworth—1 Lot 125 x 150 on Mickley Avenue Blk. 13, Mtn. Sec. __ __. __ 8,15 John Williams Est.—Lots 33 to 36, Blk. 25, Sec. 2_ .79 Lela Williams—Lots 46, 6, Blk. 28, Sec. 2_ 6.66 Edgard Womac—Lot 14, Blk. 22, Sec. 2 __ 6.60 Della Youngblood—Lots 11, 12, Blk 39, Sec. 2_ .63 \WWAVWAWWAVAVWWMWVVW^VWVVWVV * DO YOU NEED A— RUBBER STAMP? “WE HAVE EM” ) THE EAGLE PUBLISHING CO. S DIAL 2101 ! ■ CH|RRYVILLE, .J. C. \

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