LETTERS from Our Boys In The Service August. 1 Dear Fred, i haven’t iiatl time to wide you or I would haw written you soon er. 1 hope you aw *-)K and that the Eagle is still Hyuig *,Vc‘1 Cherry ville. There is a buy on the -hip note with me from Hickory. V t ] payed football against, li-.im. Well 1 will have to elose until I hear from you and tin- Eagle again. Write nte some time You i Irietnl WARREN "HOOVER’ Warren Quinn U. S Is. New Jersey V< Fleet Post ttrt'hv 1st Division fs'ew York, N Y Hello Fred. Just a line to let you know the change iit my address. 1 still get the Eagle right along but a fev* day's late 1 am now in one of the Navy Service Schools. 1 have been til for three weeks ami like :t line My new address is Charles Harris S - < Class 1 -l-l-ABks l liMt Fire Coiitrolmaii .School 1SNTS Baiiflo idge, .Mary land Aug. .1:2. MM:! Dear Fred: 1 thought 1 would write you a few lilies as 1 hav'en'l written Coll before. 1 am still oveiseas and getting along Ok How is evei y thing around ohl Cherry ville? 1 imagine it seems pretty quite around there since most of Hifr boys have gone to the army. 1 am reegivi.Ua the Eagle eV ery week now, also getting some of the old issue, that haven't £ ot to me befoie. .1 got the 17 til AlUUVei ary Kdi'tioh last week. 1 sure enjoyed reading it a lot. It has lots of good dope in it. about thing- that ale going on in Chen yville Wilt have tu clo-e now Tell everybody hello, and keep the Eagle coming tins. way. An old i eadei. eiu. White Card* J\nd Colored Yank;* To Play Here Sat. A good l>ase ball game will be played here Saturday afternoon. Sept. 11th. at 4:30 o’clock at the high school ball park oil North Pink street, between Floyd Beal's white Carlton Cards and Claude Dixons colored Carlton Yanks. These teams will wind" up the season Saturday afternoon and a real ball game is in store for the The Cards under the direction of Floyd Beal will also have Ralph Seism and other well known base ball stars. The colored Yanks under the direction of Claude Dixon will have such stars as: Kelly. Daddy. Nick. Buck. King. Johnnie. Wil liams and Smoke.v Mauney pit chine. Admission: Ladies, 15c: Men. ■!fie All Service men admitted nee of charge. Address: pt'e. Drewoy W. London t o. A 1st Qm dial Marine Fleet Post Office San Francisco. Calit I 'exits, Autf. Mist Hello Fred. I will ilrd'p you a few lines to It-1 you hear trout me. Well hied. 1 am gelling along just tine :uid 1 hope you and all the folks sir,, .a home. Fred, we are play ins- so.ft ball now and we have only six Staines to play and have already won four of them. 1 am in K.I’.O. dS?t that is dm ns all the winning and 1 am still play jut- the same old place left field, Well l-'red I would like for you to , out my new address in the F’agje next week so all my friends to know I have finished at l amp Barkley, Texas, and leaving llelin Friends and neighbors 1 am leaving Camp Barkley. Tex as and moving to another place I cannot, tell you much about where I am going, but 1 would like for all my friends to write and 1 would love to hear front my best girl and she knows who it is and 1 wish to give alt my love to her. Well Fred, 1 have to close for I can’t tell any more. My address is Pvt. Wilbur Ca nipe, Co K 358 Inf 34434481) Postmaster A.P.O. 00 l.us Angeles, Calif. U. S Army. FDR Originally we asked for 10 percent in bonds; now we need considerably HORACE GR1C6 AT BETHLEHEM SUNDAY Horace Grigg, Superintendent of Schools of Cleveland County, will teach the men’s Bible Class of Bethehem Methodist Church Sunday at 11 o’clock. Express your gratitude and appreciation for Mr. Grigg by I attending Sunday School at Bethlehem Sunday. The pastor and (Sunday School Superinten dent want every man in the community to be responsible for bringing some man to Sunday School. The pastor will speak at ten i o clock which is the hour for wor I ship on the 2nd Sunday of each I month. We extend to one and all a most cordial welcome. SOIL Conservation NEWS By R. J. SEITZ and O. P. SOUTHERLAND Marshall H. High. Route No.l Dallas, N. C., near High Shoals, mowed several acres for hay. tie got up several stacks of good hay He also mowed the bitter weed off his pastuie, raked it into piles and burned it. He plans to apply phosphate and to seed more grasses to take care of the cows. Terrace lines were staked tec : ently on the following farms: A. ! C, Hoyle, Mrs. Mabel Qirinn and Hill Harris, all near Dallas. \V. L. Stroup. RFD, Bessemer ■ City, near Pavsour Mountain, is | pieparting to seed several hun dred pounds of winter legumes for soil improvements. He plans to sow vetch, crimson clover and Austrian winter peas in the row : crop middles and with the small grain crops. This practice is one reason why his crop yields are -teadily increasing. John R. Oates, RFD, Clover. S. C.. in the Crowders Creek Church section is pieparing land I to seed several additional acres j to pasture mixture this fall. He will apply one tun of lime per acre and sow mixture of: 5 lbs. orchard grass ’ lbs. white Dutch clover. f> 1 iis. blue grass and 4 lbs. lhillis grass with a'bout 2'4 pounds annual lespedeza seed Her acre. Seed mixture will he drilled in with 1011 lbs. of 0-14-7 j I'ert ilezer per acre. —Buy War .Saying* Bond* — COTTON GINNING MARVIN MITCHEM who has had 28 years of experience, is still operating. Last year he stood at the TOP in TEST of Sam* pies sent to the State. GINS HAVE BEEN COMPLETELY OVERHAULED THROUGHOUT. LONG STAPLE A SPECIALTY. TRY US. FARMERS UNION GIN CHERRYVILLE, N. C. At The Movies IN CHERRYVILLE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT THE STRAND 3 Musquiteers In “VALLEY OF HUNTED MEN” COMING TO LESTER—STARTS SUN. NITE 12:02 AND MON.-TUES. IN TECHNICOLOR “CRASHDIVE’’ with TYRONE POWER Tryon Community NEWS Tryon school will close the' summer lirm Friday, September! 10th and reopen on Monday, Oc tober 18th. The school hoard ask the patrons to note that school is closing for five weeks rather than six as in the past years. This is necessary in order to complete the full nine months term with out running too late into the spring. The board feels that since cotton is opening earlier and more uniformly throughout tin* community this year the crop can be picked within five weeks. Tryon High School Dramatics Club presents “A Little Clodhop per” in Tryon school auditorium Friday night. ‘September 11th. at eight thirty o'clock. Cast: Bo Houser, Lester Car penter. Joel Mauney. Dorothy Pruett. Joyce Beam, Geraldine Ford and Mary Lou Self. Technicians: Raymond Hester and Monroe Hester. Promptus: Marv Sue Kiser and Betty June Reynolds. Make-up: Martha Mauney. This is a lively comedy which everyone will enjoy. Small admis sion charge will be used tx> pur chase magazines for the library. The Primary Chorus: Miss Greene. Director. Miss Kiser, ac companist also Grammar Grade fjhorus—Miss Costner. Director and Miss Austin accompanist will offer a program in mlsic. Miss Moss is planning between the acts entertainment. This all adds up to a full even ing of good entertrainment. Submitted by Tryon Newspa per Club. _ BUY WAR BONDS — m/Q chifd 4 fa rati i/0 your child should LIKE 1 ■M BLACK-*® DRAUGHT .... your child accda a laitln girt kla oaa ha will bly aalor takiao— plaar Whaa luitlva gin kla oaa aa will probably aalor takiag— plaar aal taattao syrup oi Black Draught. Stoaa aadlractad. It la usually atlld la aottoa, yat attaetlTa. ^MJnUbdDInMut Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Mellon of Spencer spent a few days here this week with Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Melton. CHURCH NOTICES First Baptist Church E. S. ELLIOTT, Pa.tor 10:00 A. M. Sunday School, Goal :ino in Sunday School.. Immediately following Sunday School Brother Royal will preach 7:00 1*. M. Training Union. Let's make this our best. 8:00 P. M. Revival message. Our revival services will con tinue through Frhfiy night. Some Sermon Subjects; Thuisday night: "Doing Your Rest." Friday night: "A Man Who Walked with God." i Saturday night: "Why I'lnist Wept." Sunday A. M. "Heaven.” Sunday night: "The Price the Sinners Pay." Monday night: "Hell.’ Tuesday night: “Life, Death and After Death.” Wednesday night: "The Ilroad Way and the Narrow Way." Thursday night: "The Way of Salvation Made Plain.” Friday night: "The Supreme Question.” You are given a cordial invi tation to hear these messages. E. ,S. ELLIOTT, Pastor. First Methodist C. B. NEWTON, Minister Sunday School—10:00 A. M. Worship at 1 1 :00 A. M., and 8:15 P. M. ' Morning sermon topic: “How can we he Happy?” Topic for the evening will be:j “How much are you Worth?” Youth Fellowship group for Christian service will meet at 7:15 P. M. Prayer Hour anti Bible study Wednesday evening 8:15 P. M. Wesleyan Methodist Rev. J. W. McLAlN, Pastor Sunday School 10:00 A.M. Moring Worship . 11:00 A.M. Class Meeting- 7:30 P.M. Evangelistic service - 8:00 P.M. All are welcome. W. This la a family war. Pot BHg your War Bond buying through the payroll savings plan on a jjp, family plan, which means flg JST ure it out yourself. •KXI4TY Miss McDaniel Weds Rev. W. G. Camp In a ceremony of charming simplicity, Miss Julia McDaniel of Kings Mountain and the ReV. William Gaston Camp, of Moores boro, were united in marriage, on Sunday afternoon at 5 o’clock at Bethlehem Baptist church. The Rev. J. W. Suttle of Shelby, off iciated, using the ring ceremony. Vows were exchanged before a pyramid arrangement of na tive greenery, interspersed with ill baskets of white gladioli. Y;even-branched canijfelalva en twined with ivy held lighted ca thedral tapers. Mrs. J. C. Camp of Forest City i resenu-d a program of music and Mrs. Hudson Hartgrove of Shel by sang O Promise Me. As a du et number. Mrs. Hartgrove and Mrs. Boyce Scruggs of Ruther fordton, sang The Sweetest Story i Ever Told. Miss Juanita Mc.Swain render ed as processional and recession al numbers the wedding music of Wagner and Mendelssohn During the exchange of pledges. The Rosary was softly played. Lshers were Dudley Camp of CherryVille, and William Hern don and Hal Morris of Kings Mountain. The bride was lovely in a tai lored costume of navy alpaca crepe accented with heavy Irish lace and worn with a matching bat and shoulder length Veil, \Ier flowers were gardenias arranged in a shoulder bouquet. The bride’s mother wore hluck sheer with matching accessories and a shoulder bouquet of gar The bride is the youngest daughter of Mrs. j. T. McDaniel and the late Mr. McDaniel. She is a graduate of Kings Mountain high school and Boiling Springs College and for several years has taught in the schools of Bethle hem and Waco. She u. of great personal chann and has been very active in civic and re lieiotts work. _ _ ^ The Rev. Mr. Camp « * son ** the late Mr. and Mrs. JamesI • Camp. He is • graduate of Boil ing Springs College, later receiv ing his degree »t Wake Forest College. Since then he has been an outstanding minister in the Southern Baptist Convention and - is now serving as pastor of the ^ Firs: Baptist church of Moores boro and the Bethlehem Baptist church. Alter a trip to the mountains the couple will be at home in Mooresboro. Out of-town guests were Mrs. Dixon Bridges of Gainesville, O., Mi and Mrs. Janies Gribbleof Akron, Ohio. Mesdames F. M. McDaniel and Carl McDaniel of Wilmington, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Jackson and Misses Ruth and Betty Jackson of Cowpens, S. C„ Mr. and Mis. R. W. Camp of Spartanburg, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. John Cantp and Mr. and Mrs. J. ('. Camp of Forest City, Mr. and Mrs. Kennon Blanton. Miss Ovee Randall. Mr and Mrs. Hudson Hartgrove of Shefby, Mr. and Mrs. R. I,. Camp ot' Cherryville. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Scruggs of Rutherfordton, Miss Mary Camp of Mooresboro. Mrs. Mack Clewis and Mis5 Madge McDaniel of Chariotie. Mrs. H. G. Patton an.1 Mr. and Mrs. M. L. McSwain of Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mc Daniel of Lubock, Texas. Mrs. Cleo Bookout. Mr. ami Mrs. J.A. Randall, Miss Neoma Hanna Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hanna and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hough of Gasto HOME COMING AT HEPZABETH CHURCH There will be a Home Coming at the Hepzubeth Presbyterian Church Sunday, September 12th Sundav School at 10:00 o clock. Preaching at 11:00 o’clock. Din ner will be spiead at 12:S0i The history of the chinch will be giv en at 2:80 followed by several ood speakers. Everyone is invited to attend and bring a well filled basket. CLASSIFIED ADS CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE FOR SALE—Hampshire pigs— ('. c. Dellinger. Chenyville. 2tS9 FOR SALE—200 gallons new home made molasses. E. E. Heal ner, Crouse, N, C._2t-S 1 CPd NEW l'ALI. SUITS—In dura ble materials and k Rood styles, $19.50. $22.50 and $25.00. 11ARRELSON CO. INC. It LOST LOST A (las Book. Name: \V. J. Friday. Finder please return to Melvin Friday at Central Cate or to Local Ration Board. It LOST—Ration Book No 1 — Names: Lizzie drifts and Lois (,'rigg. Finder please return to owner or to the local Ration Board. Up LOST—A gas ration hook, name 11. Y. Bridge-. Finder please return to owner or to the 1 o;i| ratio)) hoard. It LOST—'.Sugar and Shoe Ra tionin'* Book. Name Henry Sell ers. Finder please return to Henry Sellers at the Pal-A Diner or to the local Rationing Board. L(^ST—Brown loafer slipper. -izc (1 1-2 for i ight foot. I.os* l.etween Rhyne-Houser N'o. 1 anil Town last Tluirsilay. Finder please return to Eagle Oft'ice anil receive reward. It LOST'—Ration Book N'o. 1 with names: Jack Little, Carl Everett Little and Melvin Snmniie Little. Finder please return to Jack Lit tle or to local Ration Board, lt-p LOST—Ration book No. 1.— Name Charles David Sellers. The finder please return to Earl Sel lers, Kings Molntain R-3 or to the local Ration Board._ lt-p LOST—Ration Books No. 1 — Names: Gaston Newton, Lois Newton, E G. Newton. Jr.. Thre asa Newton and Alton Newton. Finder please return to Gaston Newton oi- to local Raion Board. PERSONAL FREE! If Excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, In digestion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, at ALLEN DRUG COMPANY CkerryvilU N. C. WANTED WANTED TO BUY—Lespede za Hay. Write information to Edward Wright, Lawndale, N. C. '.SELECT YOUR NEVV' FALL SUIT NOW. They are made from the best woolens and the patterns are beautiful. ffAR RELSON CO., INC. , It WANTED—Will pay 5 cents each for first 6 copies of The Eagle, dated August 26, 1943, turned in. Eagle Office | WANTED— to rent 2 room* I down stair*. For information Call Eagle office. lt-pd WANTED—Good second hand Cash Register. MRS. •) D. THORNBURG. It WE BUY CHICKENS AND EGGS—Pav highest market. We FI. OUR AND FEED MILLS North of High Sfhool. tf ell feeds >f all kinds. DAL’JON”:': FARMERS—Do you know cat tle and hogs usually sell higher on Monday Large buyers who know cattle and hogs make this statement: We are having unus ually demand for hogs and vVal ers. AUCTION SALE every MONDW. DEDMOV.S LIVE STOCK YARDS, Phone 502.1. Shelby, N. C. 2t-A12 3-Piece Living Room Suita Studin Courhe* Stoves Ranges Oil Stnveg iron Beds and Springs WILL PAY CASH CARPENTER BROS. MISCELLANEOUS The Cotton Association receiv4 t*s cotton ut the Custon Bonded Warehouse, Cherryville. Take the 10 els. advance when delivered. Then you can pet the full Gov ernment loan when the cotton is classed. When you are ready to sell, get the price from the As sociation then try your local Buy ers and sell to the high bidder IVEY WILLIS, Lattiinore—Field Agpnt- _2t-S 16-p PERMANENT WAVE. Stc! Do your own Permanent with f harm-Kurl Kit. Complete equip inent, including 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy to do, absolut.elv harmless. Praised by thousands including Fay McKenzie, glamor ous movie star. Money refunded if not satisfied. ' lOt-S.'lrt ALLEN DRUG COMPANY P|ANO TUNING AND REPAIR 1,G. ' Indorsed by Leading Music Teachers. Write J. F Peache, Belmont, N. C. Tf photographs the ELLIS STUDIO offer. you Portrait, of Soper Quality— Family group, mad. y„.r Home Kodak fini.hing Pbete. capi.d and enlarged to g , 10. Colorio, dee. by an Expert. Offieo phene «37 W Re.idence 303-J. Over Weat.ro Uoiqo, Shalby, N. c. GE.T Y0UR typewriters ,n^DD1NG MACHINES CLEANED, REPAIRED AD sist StEEEdXPERT wo“ MOiyERS SHARPEN-* ED AND repaired. Run and cut J**w- Blands Shop, 166 E. Franklin Avenue. Gastonia, N. C. - -t