M. M. U. -*• -V- -V- M Jfc A'. Bond Sales Please Chairman 3rd. War Loan Eight Accepted For Navy, One For Marines Twenty-Six Leaving Next Week For Army; 8 For Navy; 2 For Coast Guard; 1 Marine. Following is a list of draftees accepted for the Army* Navy, Coast Hoards and Marines. They will leave Some time next week with the majority leaving; Monday morning;, September liOlh, for 1’t. .1 aekson, Us. (' , where they will L. II. Black Lucius Anderson Jenkins J. i). Sisk llnllis Andrew Bui”ess Lewis Bernard High Glenn Austin llulirletler Alexander Benjamin Goldberg Hugh Edwin Harrelson James Windol Kendrick Joe Osh in Payne Paul Bunyan Bryant Arthur Stevenson Cook. Jr. Robert Samuel lirymer Jimmie Friday James Alexander Wooten William Theodore Roberts. Haskell Plato Dav'is George Dewey lleafner, Jr. Robert Burlin Wooten David Luther Stroupe Carl Eugene Dixon Lawrence Frederick Holland Paul Pennington Flowers Ralph Daniel Smith Rufus Jackson Moss Charles Molah Cloninger Following men were excepted h\ the Navy: chives Wiilawd -Doevery. > . ,mmy Thadis Rhoten A hert Worth Edwards *■ mtas Hartwell Parrish, Jr. nert Eugene Moss I'liornas Banks Browne Samuel Isaac Williams Warren Chas. Westley Davis Following men were excepted l,V the Coast Hoard: Harold Talmage Hendricks ,Sidney L. Hendricks The following man was excep ted by the Marines: Daniel Courts Holland Christmas Packages To Men In Service The American Legion. * rl ryon Post 100 is sponsoring a move ment to furnish every enlist, man and woman, both foreign and home service in Cherryville township a Christmas package. ■ In order that no one will he overlooked they are asking that all who have a son, daughter, lather or brother in service to write the correct name and ad dress on a slip of paper and turn it in at the Eagle Office, How ell's Ready-to-Wear. Goldiner s Department Store, Nuway Store or N. B. Boyles store, or at the Schools by September :10th. Don't fail to get these names and ad dresses in as this is no small job and the American Legions are to be congratulated on their efforts. Help make Christmas a happy ere for our boys. List fill in the form below and Ii it over to the abov'e mention ed • bices of business: Address RAMOTH CARPENTER AND CARROLL DELLINGER AT MAXWELL FIELD MAXWELL FIELD, Ala., Sept. S'.—Two youths from Charry ville, N. C., have reported to the Army Air Forces Pr e -Flight School for Pilots at Maxsvell Field, Alabama, to begin the third phase of their training as Pilots in the U. S. Army Air Forces’ expanding program. These aviation cadets are re ceiving nine weeks of intensive physical, military and academic instruction at Maxwell Field, preparatory to beginning their 1 nal flight training at one of many pri primary bying % Is located in the Army Air " s Eastern Flying Training ..mand. These men are Aviation Ca dets Ramoth M. Carpenter, P.O. Box 94: und David C. Dellinger, Box 2B3. Gets Discharge Pvt. Luther W. Neill wus in ducted into the service, at ( amp a n d s o o n transferred to Ft. Uraun and from there to Camp Lee, Va. where he took his h as i c training'. H e was then trails ferred to Camp Marshall, Lea ilia, Pa., and ! wont from there to tamp rveima, N. J. Later ho was transferred to New York and sailed forNorth Africa. After serving in North Africa he returned to the states and was stationed at Camp Croft S. C., and back to Ft. Meade Mil. and hack to Camp Lee, Va.. Here he received his honorable discharge and was returned home Navy Wants 17 Year Old Boy for Training > .A 11 boys that are now 17 .tears old and have as much as a tenth grade education or the equivalent now has the opportu nity to continue his education in one of the Navy’s 55 trade The boys that are eligible have the opportunity to take up Machinist, Diesel Mechanic, El ectrician, Fire-Controlman, Ra dio , Aviation Machinist, Avia tion Metal-Smith, Oidnance, Ra dar, Carpenter, Welder Gun nery Quartermaster, Medicine, Engineering and many other trades that can be used after his release from the Navy. Upon completion of one of these cour seswith a satisfactory grade, all graduates are made THIRD CLASS PETTY OFFICERS in their particular trade. The qualifications are, be at least 17 years of age. hav£ fin ished the 10th (or have the equi valent education), be able to furnish some proof of date and place of birth have full consent of your parents to enlist prior to applying to the Navy Recrui ter, and be of good mental and physical condition. All boys interested are urged to see II. S. Lee, the Nav'y Re cruiter, who will be located in the Post Office building every day at Gastonia, N. C. J-AST RITES HELD FOR J P. HOFFMAN DALLAS—A large group of i relatives ami iriends gathered at j iloly Communion Lutheran Church I Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock to j attend the last rites for J. Puett liolfman who dropped dead near his home Saturday morning foll owing a heart attack. Rev. J. J. Bickley, pastor, was in charge-of the services and interment wao in the adjoining cemetery. JAMES R CAMPBELL AT CAMP DAVIS Pfc. James R. Campbell of CJjerryville is attending the An tiaircraft Artillery School, at Camp Davis. Before entering the service, Pfc. Campbell was ! employed by Putnam Hardware | Company. PRAYER MEETING SATURDAY NIGHT There will be prayer meeting Saturday night, September 18th, at 8 o’clock at my home. Rev Ar thur Blackmon, and Rev. Clyde Reep will conduct the services. The public is cordially invited. J. W. Shuford. A troupe of entertainers is being organized in Mexico to tour ! American and Australian soldier j sailor and marine camps in the ' South Pacific. Landings Force Italy’s Surrender When Allied forces swept across to the mainland of Italy from Sicily In the areas shown on the above map they Rave a demonstration of su I terrific power that Italy’s unconditional surrender was quick in combi." General Dwiffht Kisenhower announced the-surrender and it was nutlet bis command that the combined United Nation's armies forced the issue. FAMINE SPECTRE OVER ROME AND NORTHERN PART OF ITALY Diminishing Food Supplier Cause Grave Problem; Italians Ordered To Give Nazis Firearms Or Be Shot. BERN, Switzerland, Sept. 15. —The speaker of famine lumps over Rome and the Nazi oeeupied cities of northern Italy, dispatch os from the Italian frontier said today. Nazi authorities in Rome broadcast a proclamation telling 'lie* Italian people that "after the treason of jjadoglin and the rup ture of the treaty of alliance be tween the Reich and Italy, the German military hav'e taken Ital ian territory under their protee The proclamation admitted that resistance had occurred “ev en in Rome" to German oceupu tion hut declared that order now had been restored. It ordered all persons to deliver their fire arms to German authorities by today or he shot. German General Stein, who signed the proclamation, declared that saboteurs aial frnne-tireurs would lie punished severely, the dispatches added. A Swiss telegraphic agency dispatch from t'hiasso reported that Nazi parachute troops had taken up positions in St. Peter's Square and added that the fate of Pope Pius XII and that of other high church prelates who had taken refuge in Vatican City is at present unknown. The Koine radio last night ap nealed to food producers and far mers in the v'icinity ot the Italian capital to bring food to Koine, promisin'' that it would he used, soley to feed civilians. All Kome schools have been closed indef initely. it was said. Diminishing food supplies were reported in the- north whore the (iermans have requisitioned all available supplies — Buy War Savins;* Bonds — Double Parking Must btop Here Accoidiiin to Mi. Matsu Beam, ( llit* new ciuel oi-ponce Mere says j ilie uoulue pai'amu miuhliuii wnl | continue lo hu sn icily ctiiorceu. i ne tmei wnl t'ajf an ears oil .Main Hi'ftM who le.ivts llieir mo-I ior Venicics uoiiine parked. t he iiollt'e department is anx- ! ions, i.i ioin.se. si continue llieir! mil ami known custom of cour teous attention to an matters o! i iiie eii> ami they wish mill alii tar (lii.eis tomn.iie to deal wi.iil uieni i.i a Hue manner, they are i guardians 01 tile law and tlieiej are tiei tain li.vc.u i lues in park'lii)* i chat ate i.lmwii laws ai.d no one; can feel otiendeil. snotiid police | dll leers continue to tfo aoutn j their liusiness of uplioidinir the j parkin”: laws of l lierryvilie. i I.et s co-opera Ie . Persons receiving red tajfs for j Ciolaliuj*' the irauic laws ot i v lierryvilie are asked to report ,o the police station irom S until .1 o'clock ill the morninj'S and 1 from li In 7 o clock m me c\en- I Idle chief-ot pUli.ee tirifes all i die merchants of the town to eo- j operate with the parkin}; silua- | lion by pal kill”' at the lear of! store or use tile various parking' lots in town. OPA Promises New Price Reductions! WASHINGTON’. Sept. 1 r,. | General Manager Chester Howies | ul tlu- Office ni' I’rice Ailminislia i tron today announced a sweeping price reduction pi n” i am designed to lower the cost of liv'ing to ion sinners hy ll..‘5 per rent and ef fect substantial savings in retail prices of potatoes, lard, apples, , oranges, and other products. j The jull hack would he accom-i plished through ti S> 1 Oil,(100,Oth) j Government program of transPor- | tation subsidies, government crop purchase and reside, ;ind in the case of peanut butter and proba bly lard, rollback subsidies with-| in the financial limits set by con J MEMBER OF ITALY’S FAMILY IS IN SWITZERLAND A Swiss telegraphic dispatch from Chiasso on the Swiss-Italian | border said today that the Duke of I’istoia, a member of the Itai iun Royal family suite, laid en tered Switzerland near Locarno j hist Sunday. _I TO SING AT SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH E. F. DRUM and TURBYFILL QUARTET of Drum’s Funeral Home Left to right, Standing: Gaither lowing, 1st tenor; Preston Turhyfili, 2nd tenor; Roy Tin by fill, bar itone; Nolan Jordan, bass; Seated left to right: Ralph Dellinger, ace. Elliott F. Drum, soloist. Will sing at the Homecoming at three o’clock at the Second Baptist Church the fourth Sunday, Septem ber 26th. In addition to the albove quartet, the Davis Trio of Gastonia and other singers will also be ; present with several selected numbers. Sunday School at 10:00 A. M., Preaching at 11:00 A. M. The afternoon will he filled with a good i program of Ringing and probably speakers. Rev. W. Luther Hawkins is the pastor. All Issuing Agents To Have Report Next Week One Agent Reports Sales Of Series E 'Bonds $6,650 And Series G Bonds, $13,500. In The Navy DEAN JENKS Dean .leaks, ion of All mid ..11 (l. I,leaks v. Iso i fecitt1\ .isnod In.- parents on ii snort ii iiv'i' alter Ikmiik iii tli»‘ Sicilian invasion Dean enlisted in tin Aavy nisi year ami has been of, 'in water praetiial'v over since, ili .-ays in- enjoys the Navy a,., while he did not talk liuleli lie i-otilil tell of many inlei estinj; i vents. Dean vvus vveai'ilio two Victory Festival Week In Charlotte ('ITA-Jtl.O'f I'K. \Sept. 15. — i This city .' ptl-acre Southern i States Kair •rhiuiul.'. hailed as I lliv Smith's finest i• itt unuseil j siiwt* tin1 Ihll (‘Vent, is beina | eruunied I'm a pa 1 a Oetnhei " Virt "i v Kast ival Week ' that will retiiill to Charlotte many ol i he in'ii ilipht entertainment lea lures formerly seen at the an nual exposition. I’nditmp' from an open week ; on tin' Kastern State Kails ("it-j euit. Veterans of Kmeipn W ars Officials here ilis. I.oscd toil ay ] they have scheduled a live ilays. ■ ~i\ nic Ills I est ival I'm (let. II to . 111. with assurance that a color-j fill anay of ranking fair atlrae t ions, movjny southward from leadiup northern events, will he on hand for the celebration. Kroni rocket ino ridinp lev'ices to danciiu; Koxyeltes. from side sliow harkei s to Terrell .laeohs and his famed wild animal circus a complete day and nipht pro pram of stand-out features will he presented under .11 ranpements made by the veterans' mpani/.a linn with lleortt'e A. Hamid and Max I .indcrmun. nationally known outdoor showmen. Coupled with a hupe nratid stand musical revue. the World of Mirth Shows midway, a novel wartime thrill circus, races and c file i events, said. K. II Hood, spokesman for the V. K. \Yw ill he timelv tiatriotie displays, dem onstrations and benefit perfor Hnmid and l.inderman. both widely known in North Carolina for tie attractions they have supplied the State I’air at Ral eigh and other events in theState said the entertainment to he shown here will come direct from such major northern fairs as ,thK New .lersey State Kail, the Great Allentown. Fa.. Exposition and others. The attractions will be moved intact to the South Caro lina State Fair at Columbia fid low ini;1 the Charlotte festival. LONDON, Sent. 1-1. Hun dreds of (’lormans and Croat Ouis lings were hilled in a hie fiv'e day battle at Karlovatz in Croa tia before the Italian Garrison of 10,000 was disarmed, a Reu llers dispatch datelined Cairo 'said today. ( hairman h \ . Alnss, oi the lid War Bond Drive is vi-i> mieh pleased with the sale' oi foods in Cherry vill(. so far. itoo •ver, there are nine issitine a:; ■nts and none have turned m omplete reports the out loo!; is ood. From one agent come the eport of Series K Bonds, i ~nin•: i ice $<>.C.r»0 and series (1 Bonds ■suin'; price $13,500. The committees which we*e iinotiuced last week are haid work completing their drive efore turning in a complete r> >>rt. tiaston County s (piota is $5. 1-..000 and it is the aim of ev rv eitizeji to go well ovei I lie Scrape up the money from e\ rv source you can. turn in all on can for Bonds and stamps, hi y. it hunt th* necessities this "•nth in (I Buy Bonds. Bin hinds and More Bonds. Italy s surrendered dels all help uish "o> .loh Back the Attack vith War Bonds. VACO SURPASSES QUOTA BY MARGIN OF $1,400 In a campaign, ending with a '•immunity fatly last V\ eduesdny ■ceiling, the leiys and gifts oi 'i lieu High School surpassed heir <|iiota of .$1,000 tiy selling $2-100 wmtli of bonds and stamps I lie dfiv'e was sponsored jointly i.V the Future Homemakers, the Home Economics Club, and the o'titnre Farmers of America, the boys’ agricultural organization. At the end of the community ally, the Victory King and iueen were crowned. Faye 'pel-line, a popular member of he Future Homemakers, was ■‘■owned Queen and Paul Car penter was crowned King to rep resent the Future Farmers. A line spirit of loyalty and patriotism was manifested by ,b« community in backing up he boys and girls in their effort o do their share in the Third War l.oan Drive. FRANK McMURRAY DIES IN LINCOLN COUNTY Funeral services for Frank Mi-.Mill ray. who died at bis home near Lincolnton Tuesday after noon. were conducted this after noon at 2 o'clock from Palm Tree Methodist church near Lawndale with the pastor of the church in charge. Mr. McMurray who was 7*> years of age died about 2:15 on Tuesday afternoon following a two months illness which contin ed him to his bed His condition had been critical for the past several days. Surviving are his widow, who s an invalid, and two sons. Two daughters having preceded him to the grave. One brother of Cleveland county also survives BDWARD R. NEWTON AT MAXWELL FIELD MAXWELL FIELD. Ala.—Ed ward R. Newton, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Newton, of Route I Crouse. N. C . is now enrolled a an aviation cadet in the Army Air Forces Pre-Flight School for Pilots at this field, located on the outskirts of Montgomery, tin capital of Alabama. Here the new class of cadet is receiving nine weeks of inten sie military, physical and acu domic training preparatory t> beginning their actual flight in 'iruction at one of the many rimary flying schools in the Ar my Air Forces Eastern Flying Training Command. SERVICES AT FREE SAINTS TABERNACLE There will be service at the Free Saints Tabernacle each i Sunday at 11 .o’clock. Every I t and 3rd Sunday by the pastor. Rev'. Durham Whisnant and ev ery 2nd and 4th Sunday, by Rev, To]in Dellinsrer. Sunday School at 10 o’clock. | The public is cnrdiallv invited to each of these services.