Miss Katherine Stroupe Sells Bicycle Same Day Through Ad. ♦ FOR SALE —• t*'11 (iood -tires. Set . nui»e at the Le«ltr S Dlt.VtlC Katherine Theatre. CLASSIFIEDADS for sale i NOTICE Received shipment of Poultry Feed today C. < Dalton. . : FOR SALE — Model A E°r*'-j Coupe, 31, Fair copdi sonable price. Silas Dora Mills. _ FOR SALE — 1Standard Chevrolet Sedan. See -Attain Hedgpeth, near Rhyne-Houser Mfg. Co.. No. 1. lt~t> FOR SALE: Two female hound • logs, trained and in running condition. Good rabbit dogs, #*> each. Morris Weatherly. It ! FOR SALE—Two upholstered j Living Room Chairs—one Break- j fast Room Suite — oitL. Kitchen Cabinet. See C. E. Rohinson, Jr. j (Jack.). l!! Fourshee it! -i FOR SALE—■■»!» Chevrolet 3-4 ton truck in A No. 1 condition j good tires. Max Rogers. Oharry ville, N. C., Box *124. 'l FOR SALE—200 gallons new home made molasses. E. 1'. Heat her, Crouse, X. C. 2t-S!*«IM NEW FALL Sl'ITS In dura ble materials and send styles. $19.50, $22.50 and $25.00 HARRELSON CO. INC. It FOR SALE—Boy's Bicycle in good condition with new tires. Also 1-4 Horse Power Motor tor (Sale. JENKINS GROCERY on Ballard Street. tt-p FOR RENT FOR RENT — 2 rooms down; stairs—Call Eagle Office tor in formation. FOR iffcNT 2 furnished, rooms —bedroom and kitchen - private entrance—-Hist floor. Call Each' Office. FOR RENT—One or two horse l'urm, 4 miles East of Gherry Ville. S. C. Carpenter. Crouse. N. C. 2t-S2:t LOST LOST—A G as Ration Book Name: Mrs. \V. J. Allrali. Finder please return to the owner oi to the local ration board. It LOST—Ration Book No. .5. Name, Mrs. Henry, Michael. Find er please return to Mrs. Michael or to local Ration Board 2t-S2-l LOST—Ration Books No. :: - Names: .June Brilges, Bobby | Jean Bridges. Joseph Lee Bridges j Bryan Richard Brilges. Finder, please return t<• Mrs. June Brid ges or to tlie local ration board It. ____ PERSONAL To My Friends in ("herryville: 1 will be around -01111 to show finer and prettier 1 hristmas greeting cards than ever. Wait till you see mine. REV. B. A. YORKE. FREE! If Excess acid causes you pains .of Stomach Ulcers. In digestion, Heartburn. Belching. Bloating, Nausea. Has Pains, get free sample. I dea, at ALLEN DRUG COMPANY i Cherryville N. C. WANTED WANTED—Saleslady wanted at \ (IOLDINERS DEPT. STORE. J Experience prefen eu WANTED t<» buy four 01 five ! loom house in Cherryville. Mrs. j Max Rogers.___ j WANTED — Hay Rake. Will pay crash HORACE CHAMPION. Cherryville. R-2. D'Pj WANTED at one — Colored ! Maid for small family. Mill pay $r..00 up per week, depending on , experience Apply Hattie Office. | 2t-p.) .SELECT VOIR NEW FALI.J SUIT NOW. They are made from I the best woolens and the ! patterns are beautiful IfAR | KELSON CO.. INC U. WANTED—Will pay 5 cents | each for first li copies of The j Eagle, dated August 2b, DM".' turned in. Eagle office WE BUY CHICKENS AND i EGGS—Pav highest market. We sell feeds if a 1.1 kinds. DALTON’S | FLOUR and FEED MILLS, J North of High School. tf MISCELLANEOUS The Cotton Association receiv es cotton at the Gaston Bonded | Warehouse, Cherryville. Take the > Hi cts. advance when delivered. | Then you can get the full Gov-; ernment loan when the cotton is classed. When you are ready to sell, get the price from the As sociation then try your local buy ers and sell to the high bidder. IVEY WILLIS, Lattimore—Field Agent.2t-S16-p PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR ING — Indorsed by Leading Music Teachers. Write J. F PMche, Belmont, N. C. Tf Wgfe. fSUCCESSFUL PARENTHOOD itl ■ 1 . ■ ■■■ IIM, ■■ Sperienct left unresolved, embitu in his relation to othei behind are some of the re; people who never happily with others • Another thing. too often we think of character education on- 1 |y as inculcating moral Virtues, And yet the way a person goes about his work is a most impor tant part of his character. You can't make a slow child speedy nor make a quick one slow and methodical. But you can teach a slow youngster to start a job in time so that it is finished when it should be. And you can impress upon the glib mind the necessity for thoroughness. No. we cannot hope to prepare our children in every respect for the world in which they live. The world changes too fast. But we can as parents realize this add keep mentally flexible enough to face courageously new problems of living. And we can keep con stantly building in the young such good old-fashioned Virtues as honesty, fairness. courage and kindliness SCHOOL SUPPLIES We are headquarters for all kind of School Supplies, (let your School needs here now. 2 TABLETS FOR ONLY 5c EAGLE PUBLISHING CO. Phones: 2101 and 2501 PERMANENT WAVE. 59c! Do your own Permanent with Oharm-Kurl Kit Complete equip ment. including 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy to do, absolutely harmless. Praised by thousands including Fay McKenzie, glamor ous movie star. Money refunded if not satisfied. 10t-S30 ALLEN DRUG COMPANY Memorial Service* Should be Held ATLANTA. Ga., Sept. 10 — It is believed that military memo rial services for soldiers killed in action should he held whereVer possible for bereaved relatives and friends, and as a onsequence Chaplain John O. Lindquist Chief of Chaplain Branch, Headquar ters Court Service Command an nounced today that chaplains, buglers and tiring squads are available for this tribute. The custom of tiring three vol leys at Military funerals is be lieved to have orginated among the Romans, who, after casting earth three times by name, after which friends and relatives of tlie deceased pronounced the word “Vale’- (farewell) three times as they departed. So, today when the squad of soldiers tire three volleys over a grave, they are in accordance with this ohl Roman custom bidding their dead comrade "Farewell*' three The number three is considered to hav*e mystical and symbolical significance, as for instance, the Holy Trinity and the Three Graces, as well as frequent re currence in numerous ancient religious ceremonies. In daily life it is interesting to note the extent the number three- enters into activities, such as athletics, ship saluting hy blowing whistle* three times when passing another ship at sea. and various other The practice of sounding taps at military funerals involves a deeply felt sentiment—“Rest in. Peace" In the daily life of the 'oldier the sounding of taps at I 1 P.M. signifying “lights out", iiinoimce- tine end of the day. implying that the cores and la bors of the soldier ale ended for that dav. So does the sounding of taps at his funeral signify the end of his day—the “lights out’ of his life—his “Rest in Peace." There is no other cal! so beau tiful. so significant, so replete with associations of comrades dead and gone—there is no oth er call that arouses so much sen timent. so many emotions in the soul of the soldier as the sound ing of “Taps". Chaplain Lindquist further ex plained that although military services could be held for indi vidual soldiers in most instances, still in the event the location be too for away from any camp, post or station, to make such ser vices feasible, monthly memori al services could he so arranged and planned for a congregation of people suffering similar loss in larger towns and cities it is felt that each denomination could have a memorial service of this sort, while in smaller towns it would he more desirable to have a general service for all denominations. In the event such ceremonies are requiested, a lettei should be written to the Chaplain’s Of fice at the nearest camp, post or station. Chaplain Lindquist stated. Cherryville Cannery Will Be Open One Day Per Week Due to the fact that there is not a sufficient quantity of veg etables to keep the cannery op erating two days each week it has been decided that we will operate the cannery only on Fri days beginning the week of September 6th. The cannery will operate on Friday, September 3rd and it will not be open again until Friday. September 10th. We would like for the people of Cherryville to keep this in mind and bring their vegetables on Friday of each week. 2t-S2-9 | LEGAL NOTICES | ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis trator of the estate <*f J. C. L. Rhyne, deceased, late of Gaston County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Gastonia, on or before the 9th day of September, 1944, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This Sept. 9, 1943. CARL STOWE Admr. ol J.C.L.Rhyne, deceased BISMARCK CAPPS. Attorney. [6T-014 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis trator of the Estate of Harry Erwin, deceased, late of Gaston County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them t.o the undersigned at Gastonia, X. C., on or before the 17th day of August, 1944, or this notice will be pleaded in bat of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 17th dav of August. 1943. O. C. GOODE, Administrator of the Estate of HARRY ERWIN, Deceased. BISMARCK CAPPB & ERNEST R. WARREN, Attorneys for Administrator. 6T-S23 NORTH CAROLINA 0ASTON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT MInnis G. Lail W. Cletus Lail SERVICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE The defendant, Cletls Lail will take notice that an action entitled a; above ha* been com menced in the Superior Court ol Gaston County, North Carolina to obtain an absolute divorce on the ground ox two yea^s separa tion; that said defendant wit. further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court ox said county in the court house in Gastonia, N. C., within 20 days after the completion ot the servict of this notice, an-: answer or demur to the com plaint in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the court foi the relief demanded in the com This August 24, 1043. CHARLES E. HAMILTON,JR Clerk Superior Court. DAVID P. DELLINGER, » Attorney. 4T-S20 NORTH CAROLINA. GASTON COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Clifford V. Ash. Plaintiff, Annie Irene Ash. Defendant. NOTICE OF SUMMONS The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Gaston County for an absolute divorce, and the said defendant toill further take notice that she is hereby required to appear be tore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County at the Court House in Gastonia. N. C., within twenty (20.) days after :he final publication of this no: lice, and answer or demur to the .■omplaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in saio .•omplaint. This the 14th day of Septem ber, 1943. C. E. HAMILTON. Jr.. Clerk Superior Court. ERNEST R WARREN. Attorney for Plaintiff 4t-07 NORTH CAROLINA GASTON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Raymond D. Cheek. Plaintiff -vs Corine Miller Cheek, Defendant. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as abov'e has been com menced 'by the plaintiff in the Superior Court of Gaston Coun ty for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce from the de fendant; and the defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County at the Court House in Gastonia, N. C., to file answer or to demur to the said complaint of the plaintiff within twenty days after the final ap pearance of this notice, and that if she fails to answer or to de mur to the said complaint with in the specified above named time, the said plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in the said complaint. WITNESS: Charles E. Hamilton Jr., Clerk Superior Court of Gas ton County, at his office in Gas tonia. N. C. This the 13th day of September, 1943. CHARLES E. HAMILTON, JR. Clerk Superior Court. Gaston County, N. C. CLAUDE E. WOLTZ, Attorney for the Plaintiff. 4T-07 — BUY WAR BONDS — NORTH CAROLINA GASTON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Osbia Chambers Plaintiff vs. > Elsie Chambers. Defendant. NOTICE OF SUMMONS The above named defendant will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Gaston County by the plain tiff therein for an ubsolute di vorce on the grounds of two years’ separation from the defen dant; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the clerk of the superior court in the county court house in Gas tonia, N. C.. within twenty days after the final publication of this notice and answer or demur to the complaint or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the said eom Tliis 23rd dav of August, 1943 EMMA CORNWELL, Asst Clerk of Superior Court. W. H. SANDERS Attv 4T-OT SALE OF REAL ESTATE FOR TAXES Under ami by virtue of the power oi saie contained in that certain judgment of the Superi or Court oi Gaston County in the case of “Gaston County, i'lauuin vs. Airs. \\ . J. T. Styers and lius'band, \\\ J. T. .Styers, and others, Defendants,’’ dated Oc tober 18, 1J»37, and docketed in Judgment Docket 28, at page 181 in the office of the .Clerk of1 the Superior Court of Gaston | County, N. C., the undersigned' Commissioner will sell to the , highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Gastonia, -V C., at twelve o'clock Noon, on I MONDAY OCTOBER 18, m;S I a certain tract or parcel of land in the i.'own ol Cherryville, | Cherryville Township, Gaston County, N, C., anil more partic ulurly described as follows: BEGINNING at a stone on the North side of the S. A. I.. Rail road, the beginning: corner of the Henry Suinmitt lands; and runs Lhonce North 39 3-4 West 21 1-2 poles to a stake, new corner; thence North 72 East 12 1-2 poles, Ledbetter and ‘Crowder line, to a stake; thence North 42 1-2 East 13 1-2 poles to the center of :Styers Street; thence South 15 1-2 East 3 5-8 poles in center of said Street; thence North 71 3-4 East 107 feet to a stake in the Geo. Houser lot; thence South 15 1-2 East 185 1-2 feet to an iron stake, Houser and Styers' line; thence North 71 3-4 East 0 1-2 poles to an iron stake, StyeiV and Bill Jones’ corner; thence South 12 1-2 West 10 12 poles, new line between W.J.T. Styers and Bill Jones new cor ner, an iron stake; thence South 08 1-2 West 27 1-2 poles to the beginning, containing 3 acres, more or less, and being parts of Lots Nos. 4, 5. 6. 7, and 8 of the Henry Suinmitt lands sold by E. Yates Webb. Commissioner. Reference is hereby made to deed from W.J.T. Styers to EVa , E. Styers dated May 26, 1928, and registered in Book 212, Page 508 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Gaston County. N. C, for a more complete descrip tion of said lands. Tlie above described property will be sold subject to taxes and or street assessments due the Town of Cherryville. N. C. This the 10th dav of Septem ber. 1943. E. B. DENNY Commissioner. H. B GASTON. Countv Attv. 4t-07 _ _ Vm Wwmm WIm Suffar Fiw HOT FLASHES ^ HaaJ Tki* AjAmImI MI^PMW I MV IMWCf V V yow Ufa to many women be tween the ages of M and 62-suffer ftom hot flashes. weak,