« | r. j People j ; In j You J ! Socia. * Know ; Parties, Clubs and News S Activities : f, ..' About People _ .J Miss Av'ulene Hallman was u business visitor in tlastoniu yes day. horn to Mr. and Mrs Thomas 1}. Dellinger, a son, (dick, on Saturday, .September 25th horn to Mr and Mrs. Bufnrt Owens a daughter, Hilda Belli, mi Wednesday'. September 22nd. Alt and Alls, dus Helms, Jr., announce the birth of a son. on Monday, Septembei kTth. at Reeves Hospital. Captain Richard AlaeKeiizie, Infantry Instructor, and Airs AlaeKeiizie of Fort Henning da., were visitors in town Monday. Airs, Herbert Sneed and little son, David, spent Sunday in Wa rd the guests of .Mi and Alls. Clarence Sneed ■Mr. and Mis. Paul Hudson and little son, Charles spent the past weekend in dastonia, tin* guest.-, of Air. and Alls. C A. Hudson Troy K. Carpenter left Tues day for Washington, D. ('.. where he will he employed at the Wash ington Navy yards. Horn to Air and Airs l.e,. Sell el's, a son, Ronnie l.ee, on Thurs day, September L’did. at the dor doll Crowell .Memorial Hospital, Liiicoliiton. Mrs R. H. Tinner of Ports mouth, Va . spent several days! last week here, the guests of hei sister, Mrs. A in tiros Hendrick and Air. Hendrick. Mrs. AL A. Stimip returned Tuesday from Lexington where she spent a few days the guest of Mrs .1 P. Costner and .Mr. Costner. Rev and Mrs. John D Mauney Jr., and Air. and Airs. II W. I.oessberg of Hickory spent .Mon day here, the guests of ReV and Mrs. W. 0 Cobh. Dr. and Mrs.,(i I- Kirkpatrick and little son. ’ dcorge. spent Sunday here, the guests of Airs S. D. Kirkpatrick and Airs T A < 'alter. Little Aliys Alice Beam Longs worth, of Winston-Salem spent last week here the guest of her cousins.. Little .Misses Flizabeth Ann Houser, Kdwina Houser and Marriunna Houser 0 The following address has been requested and we ;ue printing it in the Eagle: Pvt. Basel S. Del linger, J477K44'.*. 1. B T.C., Co B, 15th Bn 5 Reel. Fort MeClel Ian. Alabama. Mrs. H. I) George, Mr. and Mrs. - Howard Geoigi, Mr. and Mrs. 1). P. McClurd and Mr ami Mrs. D. A. Rudisill spent Sunday ill Hickory with Mrs. John J George. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Craft and children, Janette and Baddy returned to their home in Nor folk Tuesday after spending ten •lays here with the fmim-i s mofli er. Mrs. Florence Craft. Rov\ and Mrs. W. G Cobb. Mrs. Julia Hull and Mrs. Howard W. A lira n and Mrs G \V. Mc Clanahun of Bessemer City will leave Saturday for Roanoke, Va., where they will attend the W o nu»n Missionary Convention ot the If. I.. C. A. The session will last through Tuesday Mr. and Mrs- S M Butler re tained Monday from Dallas, Tex as, where they Visited Lt. and Mrs. Ben Rudisill, the latter their daughter. Miss .lane Alien Butler will return from Dallas this week-end. I’vt. ( line H. Sellers. stationed ai the Salem An Base, Salem, Oregon, i- spending lii.s 1-7 day turlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. \\ . M Sellers of Route •'!. Kings Mountain. I’vt. Sellers reports for duty this week. Rev \Y. (J. Cobb F attending the funeral of Rev. John I.. Smith in Salisbury today. The services are being held at St. John’s Lutheran church in Salisbury and ReV Mr. Cobb will serve as an honorary pall hearer. Dr. and Mrs (I L. Kirkpatrick and little son, ol Black Mountain and Air. and Airs. II. AI. Kirk patrick and family of Great Kails, S. C. spent Sunday with Mrs S. D. Kirkpatrick and Mrs. T. A. Carter. I’fc. John Neill has returned to Ft. Jackson, S ('.. alter spend ing a short leave with his par cuts. All. and Airs. C K. Neill. Ilis address is: I MV. John Neill. ASN' .'UliOfiS 1(1, itXtli General llosp..aI, Ft Jackson, S. C. Dr. and Airs W. A. Klliott of Forest City arc spending the week ill Tennessee, they were accompanied to .Murphy by Airs. K. C. Sullivan who will spend the time with her daughter, Airs. W. A. Hoover and Dr Hoover and care for the Klliott children. Mrs. K. S AVeluint, Airs. Z.ack Hampton of Durham and little Aliss Libby Weliunt spent tho past week-end in Quautico, Yu., and W ashington, D. ('., the guests of Lloyd I) Weliunt, who is sta tinned at the Marine Base in (Juantico. Mr. Coleman Jenkins returned .Monday night from Columbus, Ohio, where lie spent several days last week with I’fc. and Mrs. Hubert Hickson. Airs. Hickson and little son. Hubert. J|\. ac companied him home. I’fc Hick son is being transferred to Cha nute Field, Illinois. His address is: Pl’c Herbert M. Hickson 1172 1*. T. T. S Chanute Field Illinois. Mrs. Buford Sellers titid chil dren of' CherryViile; Mr. and Mis Robert Russ and children oi Mooresville, AIi and Mrs Hugh Carpenter and children of Lin 1 colnton. Aliss Martha Morris ol Gastonia, Aliss Juanita Roberson I of Charlotte. Mrs. Charles A Sellers and I’vt. Cline H. Sellers of Salem, Oregon were Sunday guests oi Mr. amt Alls. W M Sellers of Route Three, Kings Mountain. INTERMEDIATE G. A’« MET THURSDAY Intermediate G. A. s of the First Baptist Church met with Aliss Mollie Sue McGinnis Thurs day, September 2:’r. The meeting was opened by counselor, Mrs. Odell Dellinger, who conducted the dev'otionals and led in prayer. A short pro gram followed The roll called and business session held 'I he meeting Wits cosed with a prayer by Mrs, K. -S. Klliott. Members present were Misses Dorothy Allen, Lucy Stroup, Joan London, Lynn Beam. Mollie Sue .McGinnis, Marion Stroup, Beulah Gray. Bobbie Ballard, and Patri cia Beam. Mrs. L. W London, Mrs. Odell Dellinger, counselors, and Mrs. K. S. Klliott, a visitor Third Birthday GARY KESTLER Gary kestler son of Mr. ami Mi's. Gail Kestler celebrated his did liirthday Anniversary Tnes day. .September 21-st at his home at fleam's Inn. As a birthday t-it't Gary's parents presented him with a $25 War Horn) ENTERTAINS AT SUNDAY DINNER Mrs. C. II Carpenter enter 1 tabled at dinner Sunday, honor ing her sons who have recently been discharged from the l\ S. Army. Covers were, laid for Hu bert Carpenter. Miss Clara Adele Stroupe, Durham Davis. Miss F.o rene Stroupe, Troy Fv Carpeti ter. Mrs. Stewart Shumate. Max Carpenter and Mr and All's. Car penter, Mr and Mrs. EVerette Carpenter and Hilly Carpenter. Gary Kester Celebrates Birthday Gary Kester, son of Mr. and Mrs. ('ail Kester, celebrated his third Birthday anniversary Tues day. September 21st, with a birth day party at his home at Beam’s I Inn. Ihe game room was decorate*l | ill pink and green matching the color scheme which was carried lout in the birthday cake and re j freshmeilts served, j i he following guests were present: Gary Kester, Charles Helms, Frances Webb, Charles Kester, Larry Kester, Doris Kes ter, Donald Kester, Billy Hippy, Bobby and Jerry Walker, Edvvi na and Mary Ann Houser, Gin ger Black, Katherin and Betty Dedmon, Shirley Whitaker, Sony Stroupe, Glenda Sellars, David Carpenter, Nancy Lynn and Sara Ellen Carpenter, Sylvia Carson, Donny Hutto, Barbara J’ean Jar rett and Ann Hunter Sharpe. ' Mesdames Bruce Helms, Ralph Sellars, E. S. Elliott, Bruce Wal ker, W. E. Kester, W I*. Kester. Lawrence Kester, J. "A. Hutto, H R. Woltz, Erskine Carson, Bud dy Hippy, Troy Carpenter, Roy j Carpenter, Charles Jarretl. Bill Black, Miss Betty Kester and Mr and Mrs. Carl Kester. The little honoree received many pretty and useful gifts among which was a War Bond presented by his parents some Day. C. O. <J. (). (». (i rovu. w / I Some day mv blessed Lord will call me; Someday I’ll win rhe heav’nly race; 'J. Some day my warfare will be end-ed; Some dayl'll lay my arm-or down; d. Some day mv tri-ala \nill be o - ver, And I ahull rest for ev-er-niore; -Somr day, whatev-er mav he - fall Hie, I know I'll triumph thro’ His grace! Some day, with heav'nly hosts attended, Mv laird will give to me a crown! Some dav.mv lost ones I’ll re-cov - er; I’ll meet them on the oth-er shore! 1' S S - • !, ' ClIOKI'S. Some day, O blessed i-on-so - la - tion! My tears will all be “wip’d a* wayl ” Some day, 0 wondrous t onsumma-tion! With Christ,my Lord,I’ll reign for aye! ? ¥ ¥ * * * • Copyti^ra, by ^roics, Kutciusku, Um RECENT BRIDE ** - -- MRS WEBB CALDWELL HOWELL. JR. i oung- Woman s Glass Mee\s The Young- Womans Sunday School Ciass oi St. John's l.uth eiun Church hold its n-gniai nnmthiy meeting; mi Monday . .,.ot. •. epiembri _’V. 19CF i,e ••iritiiog at 7 o'clock at the home oi . 11. I.. Aiiaim j . v, it h A| i s. ... auiu-y ami Ai i - . .1 In n I wiling * r as joint hostesses. t |n .1 ... n . .11 tilt- guests assciii • leu out in il.o lines yard where they gathered around the Ijiiii ' ami enjoyed hambmgrj "i h all the accessories and- hoi i ott re. Following the .social hour the guests were invited into the liv ;nr. room tot the meeting. The meeting' was opened hv jhe I'rc idetit, AI i s. ('. A. Klidisiil ...i d AI is \V (I. (*ohh , undue! ed the de\ ot ionals '''lie loll was ealled. doe- col lee ed. and minutes of last meet ing read and approved. Dining the business session -> motion was made and passed that out class was willing to held with the Brotherhood simper to be <»■!»■ i.• i ..I the C”tlton Club Ilu.e.c nn October 19th. The meeting' was turned mo to the program leaders. Alls. D If. Malinev and Airs. John I I’aVne who had arranged inter eying and entertaining game which were enjoyed hv all The meeting adjourned to meet in October with All-. II,.w a-d W'. Allrun and Aim. l-'red K. I Inuser Those present were: Ale-danu D It. Malinev. Kern Kuhn. |;e\ Falter. Hen Dellinger. Fauneme Ceorg-g. Rov llouscy. Roy Jarrell, Hehor Faker. Don Ceorge. Claude, r Re-m„ Cecil Faker. W (,. C -’ h It.-wev I-'. Ream C. A Ro di-till, (trover Ream, Perry Foil don. John 1. Payne. Fred K Houser, and Mesd.tmcs dm D. Malinev. Jr.. arid 11 W I .or- - he * g. both ol' Hickory, wi-ir vi itors. —BUY BONDS— Miss Mary Lon Draughon Becomes Bride Of Webb Caldwell Howell Jr. DURHAM. Sop. 25,- Miss Maly Lou Draughon. daughter ol' M <■«, Andrew J. Draughon and the late Mr. Draughon. heroine ho bride of I’fc. We di Caldw.e 1 Howell, Jr, son el .dr. and Mrs. Webb Caldwell Howell.-, and a grandson of the late Dr. and Mix, A. W. Howell, of ('ir, i ry -11ic, mi Saturday afternoon al ! .dll o-’ ■x-loek, September IS. ;n Watts Street Baptist elnif.il wi.l Dr. Oren F. Herring, ,ifhsit ing Mrs. Sam Angi.er, orgoi t, and A Clyde l'errell, v m almt presented a program if mipt-ia.1 inusie beioie the speakijig of tiie v'ows. The wediling m.urk Imin “Lohengrin" was i.-.'d for t.'io processional and Me ieel-.-n.lm s march for tile leo -.-.iwi.ai. The church clianv d was a Scene of beauty, banked won palms and ferns and floor baskets of white gladioli and seven branched candelabra holding lighted white cathedral tapers. The little prayer bench was cov ered with white satin pillows and on each side was a huge basket of white gladioli tied with white satin ribbon hows. The bride was given in marri age by her brother, Walter Draughon. The hiidegroom had as bis best man his roommate, Pfe. A Y. Howell of Atlanta, (fa. Mrs. Ernest S. Cranford, sis ter of the bride was matron of honor The maid ol honor was Miss Lucy Lee Howell-, sister of the hridegioom. Ushers were Andrew J. Draughon, Jr, Leon l Mills, Lieutenant Leo Lew and Die. Jack Fowler. The bride was lovely in a hand some gown of ivory dutchess sal in, fashioned along princess lines with sweetheart neckline, long sleeves with lace trim at the wrist, and full d-pl\ tide skirt. Her fingertip veil ol luidal illu sion was worn with a cornet ot seed pearls and orange blossoms. . She carried a white prayer book • with three purple throat orchids j and showered with white satin ribbon streamers. ! Mrs. Cranford, sister of the I bride and, matron ol honor, wore an ice blue satin dress embroid ered in silver, and made on prin cess lines, with sweetheart neck line and full skirt She carried a bouquet of rosebuds and asters tied with pastel satin ribbon streamers. Miss Howell. sistei ol the bridegroom and maid of honor, wore a moon pink satin dress, made with tight bodice, sweet heart neckline and full tide skirt. She carried a bouquet sim ilar to that of the matron of honor. Mrs Draughon, mother of the bride, wore winter blue with beaded yoke and black accesso WANTED Wire Coat Hangers-Will pay lc each for good wire ■ Coat hangers. MODERN DRY CLEANERS tics. She wore at her shoulder an orchid. Mrs. Harwell, mother of the bridegroom wore black albfotros dress with net yoke embroidered with jet heads and sequents and Wore an orchid at her shoulder Immediately after the wed ding Mrs. Draughon entertained with a lovely reception at her home. The Draughon home was beautifully decorated through out with white gladioli. The bride's table ill the dining loom was covered with .• handsome lace v lot i I ami life eeliterpie.ee was made oi white gladioli and fern Crystal candelabra holding white tapers completed the table decorations. The register was kept at the door of the gift room Mrs Howell is the attractive and popular dauglitei ot Mrs. Andrew .1. Druug'hon and the late .Mr Draughon. She was graduated from Durham High Schools and attended U'.C.l'.VC and Duke University. The bridegroom was gradne. ted from the l 'iiiv'ei sity of Nunl, Carolina amt also did graduate work there. He is now attending the Atlanta Southern Denial College in Atlanta, where he and his bride will make their home l.ater in the evening the coti'i le left on a wedding trip. For traveling the bride wore watei melon red suit with accessories to match. She wore an orchid from her bridal hobquel at bet shoulder. - KINDERGARTEN - Parents interested in send ing children, aged 1 to G. to Kinderjrenten. contact .Airs. Bob Smith, Phone 21s2 —Classes from it unutil 12. .Monday throu^uh Friday. Only a limited number can be accomodated. FINE DIAMONDS WATCHES . ' ' ' • : ■ . ■ I I AND JEWELRY ! I . V .■ ' t DCLLinGCRS ^ “JMtt SHOP | C/it 1 'lyt-iil't. // C LESTER cut:rryvijlle. n. c. THURS-FRI—2 DAYS j SEPT. 30-OCT 1 MONTY WOOLLEY —AND— Roddy McDowall —IN— THE DIED PIPER’ —Plus | DUKE ELLINGTON BAND NOVELTY SAT - ONF DAY ONLY CESAR | ROMERO Carol Landis in “A GENTLEMAN AT HEART” —Plus NEWS. CART. COMEDY “G-MEN" vs. DRAGON I STARTS L S. SUN. NITE 12:02 & MON.-TUE. l. a to*’1-" . , a _ l «„ TECHNICOLOR »hi.UIID CREGAR • JUNE HAVOC VAID BOND • GEOIGE BABBIEB —Plus— LOWELL THOMAS MOVIETONE NEWS COMING ONE DAY OCTOBER 6TH AXIS-SPAWNED TRAITORS EXPOSED! ; STRAND * THEATRE _CHERRYVILLE, n. c FRI.-SAT—2 DAYS HOPPY SERVES A WRIT — Wi h— WILLIAM BOYD ANDY CLYDE And NEWS SERIAL CARTOON DARE DEVILS OF WEST MON.-TUE—2 DAYS BIG DOUBLE SHOW _T_ —11— WILLIAM GARGAN MARGUERITE LINDSAY “NO PLACE FOR A LADY”

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