RATION REMINDER GASOLINE In I. 'ules m eastern shortage area A •> ••"Up ons are now good In state nut side the eastern shortage atea A-8 coupons are 1 >w good FUEL OIL— Period .V coupons in old rations ait- good througn September 30:. Pei-iml I enupoJu. in new rations are good tin p.ug.b December. SUGAR- Statu)) N" 11 1 for 5 pounds tlnuugb D> I'd ei Stamps Nos. 1 am! If. gp"<| ■ ' 5 pounds each fot bnine ranni: through Octobei 31 SHOES—.Stamp No. 1' ••u>.l for one pair. Validity Ira extended indefinitely MEAT, EATS -Red iauit.- N Y and Z good through Octvoei - Brown stamps A ami !’• go... through Octobei d. Blown stamp C good through October Brown stamp I) becomes good October 3 and remain • through Octobei d). PROCESSED FOODS Bloc U, V, and Y\ expire Octobei Cut Expected in Shoe Ration T'he new siioc‘ stamp. No. 1 O'i the "airplane' sr.ee; in W at lw. tion Book Three which become valid November 1. probably wil. have to last six months Oi V has announced. At .he .-aine unn‘ OPA said that stamp IS. original ly scheduled to expire Octtpbei 31 is extended indetlnkeb ami will overlap the next tain; .''I ' present plan is to eliminate ex piration dates on -hoe stamps and to make new stamps vaml as soon as supplies warrant, this enables a person ave -loa stamps until sil'ie are al< neede.l More Leather for Shoe Repairs More ieathei will he .. aii.il.le for repair of. civilian -ho,-- a the resuit of a receilt \\ P.B tudci More Soap Provided Consumers util navi- gu-m.-t soap supplies within a Dm weeks. The War !•'• . allow the use ot their vehicles in ’his -erv-iee. Market Turkeys Nov* Farmer.- arc urged to market their turkeys a soon a- p” ' 1>1* s,)' that ilie Ann-! e.d. aimed tui ces overseas can have typical Thanksgiving and * hristuia dinners. ia loiiil uieiio-ni. ,\1 aj. General K. 1! Ur-eg..i>, the t J Mill ! e I r.,:«s !• 1. < n.-fal; and Ai;. iti i i Jones, Wai Food Admin istratpr, a[lpea;ed to tarllieis . t> go over y. .it' tu: .a y Hocks c.ue i'ullv now with a vu-w t• > o tiering as many as. ao.-.-iide i'-u sale, to gnver t ■ tile it. Send them to vour processor v, early as possi ble. it you don't kn.oa where to market them. >• mm : vottr m'-ai est War Roar'd -dm e •- U.md.W, master Market Center More Heavy Underwear Coming The War 'Production Hoar-: ha- acted • ■'. iii'-',:. c nri idtli'ttioil ot' certain ty l-i .- '! : - boys' i.cav km' ai.., .wear d. which a sla 'stage loomed. Glass Cloth Prices Up Prices l'." /'•■■ ctm u-e.d a a- substitute i'"i g m hot homes or. .chicken bov-s, will be higher to ce .im-r since a r>" emp Ol’A a. , inline!.'.. To Issue Ration Book Four War Rat.- ! I;,.-.,.* Four, which will last ,app- "V.r. re.;, two yeai will be i'ssI i. m, re I nan 1 million persons illl-a.ugh school house distribution' during the last JO days of October, OPA has aiinoura ed. I l..e in.on. combine,s jo !nt and tilt’-t s amps, it has A pages containing h' 1 stamps, printed in blue, red, green and black Pre-Induction Training for Bays Moie than one million 16 and IV year bln boys will be. enroll ed ‘in voluntary civilian pre in duction uair.ii,. courses in the nation's i-boois 'hi tall, accoid ing to -be Win: Department. Representing an enrollment ot more than half of all the physi cally able boys at these age levels the students are taking- courses that will prepare them for more effective service in the armed forces. Officers at army recep tion centers record all [ire-in duction training on the soldier s permanent record card. This training is taken into considera tion in mjilting assignments to further training and army jobs. Counties to Get WFA Awards Counties in which farmers have achieved exceptional pro duction will be cited for achieve ment in one or more of the fol lowing: Extent by which the county exceeded 194.3 goals; ov ercoming severe handicaps; ex trill III' shifts to vital vvat clops improvement ill farm production efficiency : fuller use nl hunt uni lahor resources One award mav he made in each stale with others in proportion to the state s | lotion of the ioral !'. S. fanu popiliat ioli. Probabjy most, of the events will he made in NoVellibei \ -iiujlai award will he made to seasonal food processors with out ■! ..Hiding [ir od lie t ton reeoids j Seed* Under Price Control Buyer prices on processed and ;u: processed seeds pt altalla i (Ni.ii thei ii. Central, and South j ,;iii red clover, alsike clover, wen. .lover and timothy have! her- restored to approximate | ■level paid last spring At the . am/- ton, I 11’A has a nred pi o J doced-farmer sornevvhat highei , et n • ; i • than last season, leffeCt mg parity pt lees or better on .sales of these seeds to them. Safeguard Government Check* Despite repeated warning, the Person rod show a steady m records of the Bureau of Naval rieae in tl.e number ot allot nietil and family allowance checks stvden or lost alter deliv ery. To prevent loss the follow in'- suggestions have been offered ( ia iie on e your name is on your mail box oi door, ('*) watch, foi y ,,n i check" a lid deposit |t prompt )\ m a regular place; (.!> il you move, notify > our postmastei and mt lo'i the X Hot nietd l>i' isioii m the h ., in 11 v VI low a iil'e lliviso.n of 'the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. Navy Depm Imeiit, Cleveland, Ohio. Cut Football travel A1 i 'sciu.ioi, college and other b,,,iball teams have been asked ),j j),,. office lit Defense lians |,or; aVii.i: ii.i confine the sale and ,11 i nbut inn ill Tickets tu t he .uii Ills el the local ansi ,.f the , ■ if i r •' in a hit'll the games ale to l„. plate,I- 11V so restricting sales (Ur I lutin' **d out, foot hall games ,.a!1 Held without increasing the heat i wad "J i Jlt.-i, iti Inis and Irani liave.l (avr Soldiers Serial Number Ii,, piibbe is asked Lo use a sohliei s Ai in> 'elml mlmbe 1 in ,-tert ea-e where inquiries are. made In’ ud'uHal agencies con celhltlg eit 11e 1 oil ii i I ol elflis- j t,-d pci -iilinel Much linn- and ill a’ e.i iai I- wasted if l be number : net g11 e a ait oi dilig lo I lie M ai llepa: ! melll. OPA Sets Grape Prices Maximum prices tor ( oiiriud! gi apes and t nlifoi nia juice ; grapes hate been set by Ol’A at , p-veis sulistalitiallt l.d.vvei thu.ll | prices jiiat had picvaiied. Mean- j while tin- Mar Food Admiliisira ; turn, allocated processed Concord | ... rapes a- folluw; bo pel cent ;,,r jam- , lelile , and fruit but tei ' ; !0 pel i elit fm gTapejih.ec; and do pel cent n I (fserve t>'i Jut m e alinc.il ion. U S Casualties lo Date lOii.^OS Announced u uallu-. in the t inted Slates A ruled Juices ; I ia- oiil In c.ik ol tile wai t» date (win.-e next ol kill have been not i lied) total 10.,.20a, :*c eoiiiing lu Mai and Navy De paitment reports Ibis, total rn elmies: dead. 20,10-1. wounded, 2>..220: ini-stiig, 22,90.’,; prison er of war, dd.h'tl One "Corporal Gels Five Jap* \i, Arint cmporal who laded to get the older in withdraw, re leiiilt killed life of an eight-man, Japanese patrol, then found to ins astonishment that he had been left alone fai" m advance of his Marine companions. Cor poral Ileiidei soil, whose home is in i annonville, t’tah explained: i jig ii red they were still with me, so when the Japs came in sight 1 opened mi with my tom my. ' After lie had k(.\ed five of the .laps the other three ran It w as then f’oipural Henderson s discovered he was alone. He spent the night in the jungle and walked in for chow the next, morning. PX Profit* Equip Chapel* Protits of SO,800 from Army port Exchange m Africa are be ing used to provide religious equipment for the Army's live permanent chapels there, the war Department has reported. The money, spent by American fight ing men cn soft drinks, candy, and cigarettes in the overseas PX's is buying reed organs, hym nals, Bibles, and -'other religious supplies foi all denominations. Millions for Recreation Tile Army is spending more than a million dollars a month for recreational and athletic equipment for the fighting men , particularly football and base ball Those preferring less active recreations have the choice of cards, dominoes, darts, chess, checkers, backgammon or bingo. Included among the purchases are musical instruments. Purchaae Permit* for Cacoline Purchase permits instead of ration coupons will be issued for all special rations of 20 gallons of gasoline or less, according to a new OPA ruling, effective Sep tember 29. This enables boards to issue rations according to the applicant’s exact needs and will Millions of Volunteers Settle Down to Hard Grind for 3rd War Loan Washington, D. C., Sept. 15-—With the first burst of en thusiasm spent, the “third”-army of more than 4,500,000 volunteers settled down today for a steady siege and a dav-by-day advance to reach its quota of fifteen billion dollars in the Third War Loan Drive. Reports from all sections of the nation in the first week of the drive indicated that the battle to “Back the Attack with War Bonds” is progressing “according to plan,” but that every passible effort must be exhausted if the goal of at least an extra $100 War Bond for every income earner is to be reached. .... . list meager report* indicate that in some cities and in some Sectors on tins important bailie front tiie immediate objective has been obtained and tlie quota met, in other sections a long hard puil will be necessary in the house-to iiousc and beiicti-to-bench canvass which lias been undertaken in or der to reach every man, woman and child in the United btales. inis 'ihnd War Loan Drive l* a challenge to the American people without parallel in history, for they ale being asked to "lend'’ the iaigest sum of money ever raised in the life of any nation. It is a challenge to their will to sacrifice to back the attack'' of theur hus. bands, sons, brothers and ibihers who are sacrificing everything, c\en life so that the people back home may continue to enjoy the n reduh, and I'bei l> of the Ameri can way of life. Hrpui ts from many of the urban sections of the nation indicate that workers are answering the chal lenge to send their dollars to wgi to back the attack." "Fuc eoat" money, "automobile money," "new appliance money,'' "new home money," is gomg Into War Bonds for the duration, into the assembly lines for tanks and planes, to settlw today’s job arid guarantee g vice tunbus America of tomonow when every War Bund do.lar will pay $4 for S3. "Labor -Management committees are working hand in hand: re turned war heroes, film stars, bank ers. housewives, professional men, workers, clerks and salesmen - men and women in every walk of hie are demonstrating that War Eonds bring unity to Ainer.caii litfc and that the nation is bonded in a common purpose in this g c^at financing task." Ted H. Gamble, national director of the War Fi nance Division of the Treasury, said here today. "The people of the nation are demonstrating that Americans on the home front can and will match the performance of the invading armies in ‘backing the attack' when they are called upon to do a job.” Mr. Gamble said. "Never before ui hislu. * have a people in civilian lire been asked to do a )ub comparable to tin task which must be done in this Third War Loan," Mr. Gamble observed, i “but we have a sustaining faith in ; the ability of the American people i to make every sacrifice, to meet I every test with which they are j faced, in the voluntary, democratic j way so that our boys in the trenches I and on the battle lines may have i the tools with which to light our I common enemies." SOIL Conservation NEWS Bv R. J. SEITZ and \ O. P. SOUTHERLAND 1. A Barbee, RF1) -1, Lincoln lon, in the Bethel Church com munity, sowed ;; acres of alfal fa on September 11th and has g line. stand He prepared these d ittes by turning under g heavy top of vetch this past spring, :)u*n followed it with peas which he turned unde.i in August, Then lie hug-harrowed it and disked a line seed bed. He applied 1 1-2 ions of limestone and dOO lbs of high grude fertilizer per acre uul sorted the seed and harrow 'd them in, Mr, Barbee also ap plied loti lbs, of borax on the d teres It’s coniine tip and pros nects lot a fine field of alfalfa He excellent. W K. Kfr.vne, RF0 1, Dallas, ocated on the High Shoals high .vay is planning to cut a carload d pulpwood after his crops are fathered this fall, by thinning ml his pines. This will he his ■\intcr and bad weather job, not >nly m improving bis timber but ilso as a patriotic gesture hi “•lping to supply uui boys in the nuied services with the equip nen l they need on the battle fronts. 1’ulprtooil is urgently needed as it is processed into medical supplies, rayon paraehu ifs, medical dressings, smokeless powder, food containers and nu merous other products needed in the war effort, “Every stick of pulpwood is a club to smash the Axis.-” 1 F. Allen, fth D I, Bessemer City, in the Mt. Beulah neigh borhood recently hud terrace lines staked on Jl! acres of the field along tile road arid with a ‘‘.Martin ditcher" drug and trac tor, constructed the terraces The drag was made available through the cooperation of the Soil Con servation district program. This field is being sown in alfalfa and Mr. Allen prepared the seed bed before seeding, that is possible for any man to prepare. He tip plied 51 tons of lime and 700 lbs. 2-12 ti fertilizer and .’JO lbs borax per acre, disked, harrowed and culti-paeked the field several times, soiVed the seed then cross eultipacked it again. Terrace lines were staked this past week on the following farms Meek Cobb. H Schneider, F. F Allen, John F. Ferguson and Bill Harris. BURNING WOODS IS WASTE The man who burns his woods to get rid of boll weevils might just as well burp bis bam to get riil of rats. COMMUNITY ROBBERY Fire in the woods kills timber, injures labor, stops industry; it robs the community, increases the taxes, and, worst of all, it handicaps the war effort. be useful to servicemen on fur lough travels. Anti Freeze Now Available “Permanent types” of anti freeze will be available for use in passenger automobiles through out the nation beginning October 1, according to a recent WPB amendment to Limitations Order No. L-51. LETTERS from Our boys In The Service Sep. JO, llM.'l Dear I’red, 1 wish to express my thanks and appreciation to you and tile Eagle staff lor having the news the hometown union my reach constantly during the past few months. Needless to say, such service given to service men is invaluable in the effect it has on the preservation and intigration of morale in our lighting forces Wednesday, September JJ, 1 wijl receive my commission as Ensign in the U.S.N.IJ. You may discontinue this service to me on that date, as I will he leaving here then. My destination will he disclosed later. Thanks a lot. Sincerely Kl'tlENK S'l'Kt )l' I* Johnnie Hugh White received file following letter l pom J. W Knight. Hi Johnnie Hugh, How aie y >u linding those days? For myselt I uni feeling tine and getting along swea. 1 reeei' < i. your letter some time ago Sure wits glad to hear from you 1 am glad to hear you aie well. • am sorry I do not have any |g:'itires on hand. As s n as 1 get some made I will :eiid \ on t in-. 1 am milling for you all this year in foolbull with all lily iie.irl 1 bet you all had lots of fan at Ihi Carnival Riding Devices. ! have been enjoying the movies a lot and bowl some here. I got out of the hospital two weeks i ago today. Been getting along 11110 since. 1 wish you had been with me on my cross country !trip last week-end, Johnny 1 went ! to Tulsa, Okla. We had a grand 11 rip. hope I will be coining home soon. Write me soon. An Ole Pal J. W. KNIGHT Sept. 22, 194:? ‘ Dear Fred, It has been a long time since I have read a copy of the Eagle due to the fact that 1 have moved from the tri pics ami am now in good ole North Carolina again! They may be on their way catching up with me. 1 have done ignite a Oil of traveling lately. Please send the Eagle to me | at my new address. I have been | home on one week-end and I jam expecting a furlough in about two weeks. Always a friend Cpl. JOHN W. BEAM Address: Cpl. John W. Beam llq & Hq Co bOOth Inf Airborne Bn ha urin burg-Max ton Army Air Base Maxton, N. (' Daniel Field, () shares «»f common stock of Mauney Steel Company, certifi cate No. C-46. issued on the ISth of June, 11124. The finder of this stock will please notify the undersigned and receive a liberal reward. This the 24th day of Septem ber, 1*142. r>. a. rudisii.l 41021 Oherryville, N O. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PARDON This is tti notify till persons that application for pardon of Claude Branch, convicted of lar ceny in Bessemer City kecordeis Court on August 24th, 1*142, is LINE UP BROTHER! Vou BET 1 I WANT AN EXTRA , JioomtwJ Wr Lamp 5 akes — ^ if Tell Vans/ TO HUSTLE ] MB uPf I'VE GOT SOME | B EGG NTONEV THAT WANTS TO GET y j_ SHOVIN’, ma— *5 RE bvmwG BONRS, , wan ouR VR\EE J 0-f AMR HOG WVMNUViS ‘tessal Qrawm aapacialb *•* Tka FarmarStackaum. OkJakama City U. M. Ttaaaarp Baga. bcinu made to the Governor of North Carolina. All persons op posing: said pardon or parole^ will notify the Governor of N. C. This the 24th day of Septem ber; 1943 CLAUDE R. WOLT/ .Attorney for Claude Rraiich 2t-07___ ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of J. C. L. Rhyne, deceased, late of Gaston County. N. C., this is to notit\ all persons having claims again*, the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Gastonia, on or before the 9th day of September, 1944, or this notice will be pleaded in bar • •f their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This Sept. 9, 194.‘1. CARL STOWE Admr. of J.CM..Rhyne, deceased BISMARCK CAPPS. Attorney. bT 014 NORTH CAROLINA. I GASTON COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Clifford V. Ash, Plaintiff, VN -\iitiit* Irene Ash, Defendant NOTICE OF SUMMONS The defendant above named will take notice that ail action entitled as abov’e has been Mill; menced in the Superior Court ot Gaston ('utility for an absolute divorce, and the said defendant will further take notice that she is hereby required to appear be lore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County at the Court House in Gastonia. N. within twenty (9(0 days after ■the final publication of this no jlice, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the nlaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in sail, complaint. This the 14th day of Septem her, 194:1. C. E. HAMILTON, .11.. Clerk Superior Court. URN ESI' R WARREN. Attorney for Plaintiff 41-07 NORTH CAROLINA GASTON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Oshia Chambers Plaint it!' vs. Elsie Chambers. Defendant. NOTICE OF SUMMONS The above named defendant will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of (iaston County by the plain till' therein for an absolute di vorce on the grounds of two years' separation from the defen danf; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the clerk of the superior court in the county court house in (las toniu, N. (’.. within twenty days after the final publication of '.his notice a lid answer or demur to the complaint or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the reliel Demanded in the said com 'ilaim. This L’.'lrd diiv of August, 194" EMMA COKNWKI.L, Asst Clerk of Superior Court. VV. II. SANDERS Ally IT-07 NORTH CAROLINA. CASTON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Robert I). Elwell. Plaintiff, -vs- * Ada 11. Elwell, Defendant. NOTICE OK SUMMONS The defendant, Ada 11. Elwell will take notice that an action entitled as above has been coni- ■ menced in the Superior Court of | Gaston County, N. C., for an ah- j solute divorce by the plaintiff ; from said defendant, and the said defendant will further take notice that she is hereby requir ed to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston Comity at III*- Courthouse in Gastonia, N. C, within twenty days after the filial publication of this notice, and answer or de mur to the complaint in said ae tion. or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief deman ded in said complaint. This the 2.r>th day of Septem ber. 1043. EMMA CARNWEI.L. Asst, i Clerk of the Superior Court. ERNEST R WARREN. Att’y for Plaintiff_ _4t-021 vOPTff CAROLINA. CAST'ON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Homer G. Manus, Plaintiff. -vs Geneva Manus, Defendant. N O T I C E OF S U M M O N S The defendant, Genev'a Manus, wilt take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Gaston County, N C., to obtain an absolute divorce by the plain- , tiff from said defendant, and the ; said defendant will further take j notice that she is hereby required ' to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of | Gaston County at the Court House in Gastonia, N. C., within | twenty (20) days after the final publication of this notice, and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. This the 24th day of Septem ber, 1943. EMMA CORNWELL, Assistant Clerk of the ISuperior Court of Gaston County, N. C. ERNEST* R. WARREN, Attorney for Plaintiff. ADM!WST*At*fX NOTICE I STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GASTON, ss. The undersigned having quali fied as administratrix ol the es tate Of Sarah M. Stroup deceased late of Gaston County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against said , state to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 20th day of September, A. D. _ l->44, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. ' This' the, 20th -day ol Septem her,' \ 1). 104:!. (Miss) RUN A O- STROUP, Administratrix of the Estate ot Sarah M. Stroup. Deceased. Chen vfille, N Route No. 6t 028 NORTH CAROLINA CASTON COUNTY LN THE SUPERIOR COURT Raymond 0. Cheek, Plaintiff -vs Coi-ine Miller Cheek. Defendant. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced by the plaintitl' in the Superior Court of Caston Coun ty for tie purpose of ohlaininj'. an absolute divorce from the de fendant; anil the defendant will further take notice that she is i equired to appear before tbe Clerk of the Supeiioi Court of Caston County at the Court House in Castoiiia, N. t'., to tile iliswer or to demur to the said complaint of the plaintiff within weiily days after the final ap nearanee of this notice, and that if she fails to answer or to de mur to the said complaint with in the specified above named !,iiiie, the said plaintiff' will apply (o the Court for the relief de manded in the said complaint WITNESS; Charles E. Hamilton Jr., Clerk Superior Court of Cus ton County, at his office in Cas toiiia. N. C. This the l'lth day ol September. 1 ft -I. CHARLES K. HAMILTON, .11!. Clerk Supeiioi t'oliri, Caston County, N C. CLAUDE E. WOLTZ, Attorney for the Plaintiff'. IT-07 SALE OF REAL ESTATE FOR TAXES Under ami by virtue of tlie I'mwrr ui salt- contained in lhai cerium jtmginent ot the Superi or t nui i oi tiuMuii Couiiiy in the case ol “Huston l oiiilly, dauilin is. .Mrs. \i . J. T. styers ami hus’baml, W. J. T. Styers; ami others, Defendants,'’ dated tn lobci 18, mill, ami tlockvied 1.1 Judgment Docket 28. at part 181 III k lit- on iff 111 tlit- l Tern tlie Superior t'ourt ol tla-to.i County, N C.. the uudersigm .1 Coiimiissioner nilt sell to li e llighest bidder for cash at t i. . Court House door m t,asu>iiia. N. C., at twelve u eitli'k .Nuoll, tin MONDAY ih lin.r.K In, 104a ( a certain tiaet ui panel of land ill tlie Town ol Cherry villc. t berry i dle Township, liusloo County, ,N. C., amt more parti-. ularly described as lollow's: if EH l.S.N INI i at a stone oil tin* North side ot the S. A. L. Rail road, the beginning corner of the Henry Simnniii laims; and run thence Ninth dp 2-4 West 21 1-2 poles to a stake, i ew corner; thence North i 2 East 12 1-2 poles, l.edhrtiei and ’ Crowder line, to a stake; thence Norm 42 1-2 East 12 1-2 poles to the center of Slveis Street; thence South I .i I 2 f..>n 2 ,»-8 pmes in center of said Street: thence North 71 2-4 East In, feet to a stake in the lieo. Houser lo.; thence Sui'ili 15 1-2 I.usi is5 1-2 feet to an iron stake, tlouser and Styers’ line: thence North 71 2-4 East ti I-g poles to an iron stake. Styers’ and Dili Jones’ corne. . thence South 12 1-2 West 111 I 2 poles, new line bi-iween VV J. T. Styers ami Dill Jones new cm Her, all iron slake; theme Souin t>8 1-2 \V rSt 27 1-2 ptdeS to ihe beginning, containing 2 acres, more or less, and being parts of Lots Nos. 4, 5, C, 7, and 8 of the Henry Summitt lands sold by K. Yates Webb, Commissioner. Reference is hereby made .» deed from W.J.T. Styers to Eva E. Styers dated May 2(5, 1028, and registered in Book 212, Page 508 in the office of the Regish r of Deeds of Huston County. \ <\. for a more complete descrip tion of saj,l lands. The above described property will be sold subject to taxes and or street assessments due the Town of Cherrvville, N. C. This the lfilh dav of Septem ber. 1042. E. B. DENNY Commissioner. II. B. fi ASTON, County Atty. 41-07_