At The Movies IN CHERRYVILLE_ A Double Portion of Goodness at The Lester Thursday Friday_Hurry Down and See for Yourself. Donald Duck and hN South A men .1 ri\al, ).»c Cu me.1. vl.ttu nj; tiu- in Wait Disney's! ttot Technicolor feature, Sa!i:Jo> Atnt^os HIT NO. 2 — SAME PROGRAMME ' sA Belita, sensation of tin Ice, featured in Mon.^ri , ■ silver si,. , , Ktnn; b.iktr, Paint. M Mol nun lid I • to Starts Late Show Sunday N:te & Mon.- I uv>s., Oct 26—“HEAVEN CAN WAIT”—The Technicolor S« with Don Ameche, Gene Turney, Charles Coburn 24 25. nsa t ion At the STRAND Fri.-Sat—-2 Days, Oft. 22 2.- “Charles Starrett in ' LAW OF THE NORTHWEST' Charles Starrett takes time out for a hit of romance with Shirley Patterson in "Law ot the Norrhwtst," with An Hunmcun. QUALITY CHICKS STATE BLOOD TESTED U. S. APPROVED HAVE PLENTY OF CHICKS EACH TUESDAY— GET YOUR CHICKS NOW FOR EARLY BROIL ERS AND SPRING LAYERS. ROCKY FORD HATCHERY I COME TO SEE US | PHONE: 471-W - LINCOLNTON, N. C. f . a. ,s,u a. , THE EAGLE LETTER BOX Key West, Fla. 323 Elizabeth St. Oct. 9, 1943 1 tear Ft ed As 1 promised you some time ago 1 would write uiiother letter about Kev West, ! will take great pleasure in doing so tonight, I'll is island on which Key West is built is about live miles long ah" flu eg miles wide Key West ■ ■ bounded on the east by the .4tlaritie Oeeaii an 1 on the west hi the Gulf of .Mexico. the highest elevation is thir teen lent above sea level. 1 :tiii on patrol duty around the < tsa Marina hotel which is own id in the Florida Fast Coast , Ua 11 road to. I'll is is a winter resort hotel and in peace time is 1 nlv operated from December 2 ith uru il April l ath T heir ’ \iioricaii plan only. Sin go loom i 1 n ami mi per day each poison. Double room ,$2U her dav each person. i ..e owner was going to close ii 'l|p a> usual uii April lath. F: -or to that time the Navv of • O, Is iveii living there On the b'dd of April .if this year the -\a\v took tills hotel over and it is occupied l.y tile Navy ' llseers. fills hotel is built on : . Atlantic sale of tins island, inis drib looms. It was built i 919 and has a solid concrete wad I work with Mr MeCiown the supoi inti iident of service mm 1 enjoy working with him ver'v itiurh. II. helped to build the Gas . Manna and has often told me it would take • a very mid storm to blow it down. It lias stood tlirough two storms in 192l>. and !9d."> with no damage ■aw all. F Tile hotel and ilia <• nuariei- acre lorndtoi v bis Work in the hotel fi.-m the l.ea.ii tie veal law ■ I d" i c. nab iff t Talk vil- to dm .1...;.: .a not long it tala time they hlom d e • know It . 1 v ..1 kn.w ■:; hip.pii A -i gu iz< -f -uiib-v me of the ba' dormitory is of three and of land. The HUH tors for tile I he Gasp Mu hundred yards fhe main on_ aimind and has C bordered with a few people arid asked how 1 help 1 min the until they bare The majority riiv post. It was ! 19th ami the ..if a m> :t the gun 1 will bring v cocoanuts with how mueli they ■ w m tv ■' months: lln .■ Iw" West people ::i\ .allot' ale healthy am! they no : he I eat some every day ■ 1 - ■ ■■ i:a\ <■ enjoyed good o-d’h -idee I eanie down here av. month- ago the 11 til of 'In- month. The base hull season closed ast week with Fort Taylor and ' a t Guard in the plav Fort Taylor defeated Coast Guard in oar straight games, ip a four o.ut of -even play off 1' red. 1 have walked a lot of piles since 1 came down here, • • at at last I have joined this hi ve le transportation. I bought a inode about MX weeks ago : i ■ m a Navv Ensign-, ami i rail i id. ;.., in ten minutes and while I was walking it took me I have attended the American Legion here several times and a joy going very much. Two ■ ther civil guard went with me iie last night 1 was there and 'tie of them who had never join d any post joined Arthur Saw cr Lost No. 2tt that night 1 feel jl.e 1 was responsible for him 'dning tliis great organization. i saw in the Miami Herald done this summer lias been the ..".test since 1927. The hottest ::tv here was 90 For the last i o day t he niosijaiioes surely give been bad down here. When 1 ye don't have a breeze to drive ! he nvosnliitocs away, they al 1 u st take charge. When I am on in daytime X to 4 stay at the gate from 10 o lock until 4. the officers that on i live in the hotel go through is gate and go swimming. It's j .ery interesting to watch the sea If. I never get tired watching 1 am taking the remainder of av annual leave of which 1 have ! 1 more (lavs. 1 am not as fat XIV as some of tin other boys ii service, hut it g.ves me great j pleasure to know 1 am coming i nick to tile best state in the i I rrion. 1 am leaving here Octo : hei 29 and already have my tick. I "t t.. ride the Silver Meteor, ■leaving Miami at s A. M Octo | her 2..!st and will arrive in Hum Get about ten o’clock that night, before 1 dose 1 want to thank ou for sending me the Eagle, I haven't missed a sopy since 1 .me down here. 1 always look ! forward for the mail on Mon ; day as that is the day I get my j Eagle. l Guess f better -4op now. Hop ing; to see you soon after the ; 21st ■ , Vbur sincere friend VANCE SELLERS tOne of our every two fami lies have at least two work ers. Figure it out yourself how much beyond 10 per cent of your family income you can put into War Honda every payday. ! HOW TO GET AND USE NEW BOOK MU These Questions And An swers Clarify Procedure Te Be Followed. WASHINGTON. Oct. I s1-~ I Ration Hook H our will Hi' need ed beginning November 1 for | purchases of processed foods and ! sugar These ouestions and an I swers. prepared by the otfice of Price 'Administration show how to obtain and ust. Hie book. tT Where should l go to get a copy ut book four'. .a It will be distributed thiough schOoihou vs and snnilai pubuc buildings between Atop day, October is, ,<>>d .Saturday, October !tt file exact time arid eiace will be announced by your local papers and radio. 0. Alas one person get copies ot War Ration Hook Korn uu the entire family',’ A. \es. true individual may ob tain the hook 1" all members ot the family who live at the same address 0. What should 1 take with me when 1 apply fui book four'.’ A, tiring W m Ration Hook Three Hook Three will serve as a convenient and speedy method of establishing identity. Q Ale there ahy exceptions to the requirement that Hook Three must he presented to ob tain Hook Four? A. No. All persons who apply foi Hook Foul must have on hand their copy of Hook Three. If they also apply for other mem hers of the family they must present the Hook Three/ issued to these individuals. Q l vviis ok'cims most of the summer and did not yet a cony of Hook I lifer. How will 1 he aide to yet Book Four? A Apply at youi local ration hoard tor a copy oi Hook Three. 1 his should ho dole* immediately as it takes several days to handle an application of this typ* , Q. .My copv of Hook Three was lost several days ayo. How do I yo about yettiny another one? A. Application for a replace ment oi Hook Three should he nia< o at the local heard Q. Which stamps will h,. used , lot tin reha sos? A. Your November ration of [processed foods will he bouyht fwith yreen stanms of series “A" “H ' and T'hese will lie yood from Xo\ emhe• | throuyh Me emnhei lid. iStaiun No i>;i, which i - marked “siiyai' v ill he yood for five pound- if suyar from November . | throuyh .Ia:uiai \ la. Mill. 0. W ill I eon! iniie to use the lue -ta ups in W’a> Hation Hook Two tin luoei-.-sed fields? A. \es. thiouyh Xoveinliei -’o \ I t hat t i me stamtis • \•• y and tin tinal series of blue 'tamps in War Hook Two, ovpfre Between Nov'enihei | and No vember till the housewife will he ''Id.. To lo.iv nroee-sed foods with “A" "1!" and Cleon stain” m Hook Four, and the '\ . “Y" "td bine stamps in Bool Tv. o. M. W h are rreei: stamps in ' ead of blue, l ei i”' used i u Heo! Four fill 1111icessed foods? A (■ i een stamns are bein'’ "sed Pit mi interim basis mU d atioii "tekers” . used, e ' ! .■ aeNt ve.a" \i 'I him,. 11 i.ju tamp- e ill : ain I., e- oil: —Buy War Savings Bonds— TODAY tad TOMORROW , By DON ROBINSON CHICKENS .... expenie five months ago in this column 1 toUi annul having become the proud papa of a hatch oj baby chu Ks and ot my c perience, «uii no equipment and no previ uus knowledge 0f chicken raising m bringing cause chicks through -heir first pg’-dous weeks ot life. U ell. today 1 an ceioblaung having become a grandpa — the lust of those little chickens has lam an egg! Alter the excitement over the first ggg ever raised by our fum_ dy had died down, 1 began figur ing how much it costs to raise a chicken to the egg-laying stage. I had kept careful records, think ing that 1 some day might want to expand my backyard enter piise. The figures at first seemed rather discouraging. Disregard ing all costs of equipment and labor, which was plenty, the cost ly Per chicken was $1.1 broken down this way Cost of chick -4 lbs. ol mash S lbs „f -cratch dtl 1 it ter . _ . l o til it .. .(IV! 1 admit that through inexperi ence I may have wasted consider able feed, hut if costs which 1 didn’t consider were taken into consideration I doubt if even an authority , on chicken raising could- do it for much less. Of course, 1 may have expected too much. I had the idea that chickens sort of supported them selves like birds do. Hut I soon found that they act as if their sole dutv in life is to eat as much as possible. .And as for roosteis —when they go at their eating seriously (hey make pigs look EGGS . . profit* Although the investment in raising a chicken to eggjiood seemed high to me at first, an analysis of future possibilities became intriguing. in fact ac cording to the arvertisements. I cOlild nrohablv sell those chick ens right now for at least S'.!.00 apiece—which would mean a profit of almost 10 i ei cent in a months. Uut to look into it further. I figured that if 1 kept the chick ens and let them lay eggs for a year, normal expectations should mean a profit of about jet. 00 per chicken and 1 would still have the chicken to eat or sell 1 think I have figured that $3.00 profit In The Navy I’icl.uloil ;it 11 If lel't is Macksnn. Sim uinl ( lass Sc who icccnliv Itraily days I'lirlouyli with his wife ami patents. II i s parents ate Mr ami Mis. Walter Maekson ami Mrs. Marl ha Mason, all of ( lit n \ v 11 I e. .^cumai.i .M.txoii lias nian_\ menus ht ii- who arc wishing him much success. Il(‘ is now in California One Job Well Done Begets Another THERE'S no satisfaction in all the world like the feeling of having done a job well — of being able to see the results of your work This is one thing that all producers of useful things have in common. ‘ And those of us whose job is production — whether of goods on farms and in factories, or of ser vices in stores and banks and utilities - can best see the results of our work in the high standard of living which we have helped to create in America. For this standard is budt on our ability to produce more per person thun any other nation on earth. And the people of every country, who are looking hopefully to us for food and weapons, cun count on America because it has this great productive might. After the war is over? Many people are talking about a richer life for all of us then. And they’re right! For that richer life will be brought about, not by promises, but by hard work on the part of America’s producers. And they those who grow and make and do things—can do this post war job better if they work together and understand each olner. General Electric Co , Schenectady, N. Y. tint the Grnirat Elenrit raJiu frufrjmi "Tit 6 E All yr! Unittint" 3 i. ’.J*t f i U p rn h li l , NBt. I it U jrlJ IvJjy mm, every uetkJay t 4> p.m til l', CBS # BUY WAK BONUS GENERAL ^ ELECTRIC conservatively. I estimate that the chickens will average 13 doz en eggs each over a year, that the eggs will be worth 50 cents a dozen and that the cost of feeding won’t be over 7 cents per chicken per week. On this basis, if I made n clear $3.00 profit on eggs and then sold the chicken for $3.00 —it would mean a total return of $5.00 on my original st. 15 investment—or more than triple my money. This thing is getting more and more fascinating. Maybe my arithmetic is all wrong Maybe I ought to think more about euuip mont, chicken diseases. casual ties, cuts in egg prices, teed scarcities and all those pessimis tic things farmers talk' about. But if I’m right I ought to be able to make a killing on Wall street by telling those financiers of the biggest by of the centaly —300 per cent profit guaranteed —Chickens. Ino. $15,000 ... . multiplication When I told a man who was raised on a farm that 1 had fig ured you could make an annual profit of ov'er $15,000 a yeai by raising 5,000 chickens, tie just laughed at me. He didn’t tel! me what was wrong wi.h my figures ! but he told me a story of his e-v_ perienees in chicken raising lie said that when he was a hoy his father gave him and bis brother 100 chickens. That was when he was in school and didn ! bate nillcli time to lake care "I them so bis father bad file hired Tuan to ’ feed t hem. clean ! he | Coops aiiil do all the Work His father paid for all the feed.' fop. Hot everv afternoon when '■■■• got home from school lie would co out arid gather the ergs, al e ‘bent into the house and sell ’hem for the full market mice to ' mother. Sometimes Tie would k:!l a chicken and sell it to.her fo> $3 “Make a deal like that. ' be Said, “and von e-in re'dly make noTiev out of chickens “ _ Hot until I l,.,ar.n -f, hard av I'll continue to 'fiut of c'.; '•iiisie.i- as a good op' in- hn-b .> 1 shall eoplii'Oi. to fhi. f that o' I eee make or eft front . ehieken I then n ’ 1, V -1\ from 10 ohiekony. JtlSf fton simnle nioltinlinaftn.a i'-ov tav-’-t me in school —BUY RONDS— SCRIPTURE THOUGHT Remember the word that I said unto you, the servant is not great ci than his Lend, if the> h«v* persecuted m.- they will al so persecute vou. John 15,20. It Ul. walk with • In ist we will he persecuted. t'linst was. Are w« better than our hold and Mas. u.,.- \Ve but: lit to count u a n-i, at privilege to he persecute,! 'for Christ's sake, hut so 111A testify c Ins savin* grace, t^p eet Iliad when sonic one says soinet liinc: about them. Hut l' 11 ,„i --t said blessed are they which are persecuted lor ii*ld eolisiiess sake for theirs is the K imrdoni of Heaven. Matt. 5 :10. Christ y apt s ps to rejoice and he exceed.".lily "lad. I Tliess. 5:1H. ■|, jell's Us ill everythin* give i! irl.s for 'his is the will of God :h,., '.t . l e s u concern fit* you. i',.t jrjve thank- when people . C ,j thinv - al>djit us aril pi, ,.ive tl arks when they say 11 i. ..-s ahout us. hy failing do this we griev. his tender I,nri and prove untrue to his . j, -1 ain'i sip against his .. 1,'Ve when one oner, e,| his heart to God he closed i _ 'll, avn ' s.t evil speak in*. ci \i:iim( wiurwoRTH aU about From where I sit... jby Joe Marsh Charlie Jenkins writes me from down at cajsip: "Dear Joe: Somethin’ mighty swell happened to me on my last day’s leave. I’m standin’ on the corner, not knowin’ anybody in town, when a stranger says ‘hello, soldier-how’d you l> a chicken dinner at home with me and the wife?’ “Well, It turns out they were the kind of folks who couldn’t do enough to help out soldiers. They’d invited two other fel lows and just as soon as we’re Introduced the lady brings us a glass of beer before dinner. “We had a tine dinner, talked till ten .. . Honest, Joe, I'll never forget their hospitality. Makes me feel.u' 1 i lighting for people like that." Thought you mleht like to hear what kind o’ fellows we got In this army of ours, and how they like to enjoy themselves when they get a chance to. © ;9i3, CHEWING INDUSTRY FOUNDATION. North Carol.»« Corrrnirta* £dggj M. Cain, Slat* Director. 606 407 Inturunc* Bldg., Raleigh, N. C. ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF Ballard Brothers GROCERY WE HAVE OPENED A MODERN AND UP - TO - DATE GROCERY STORE AND MEAT MARKET ON THE SHELBY HIGHWAY IN WEST CHERRYVILLE. Our delivery service will be in accor- , dance with new restrictions. We will 3 pay highest market prices for country produce. Your patronage will be appreciated BALLARD BRO.GRO DIAL 3271 CHERRYVILLE. N. C. Robert Bollard Ray Ballard