FATHER DIKD-AWOO, "HMNi ...from our graves "• '■ • • * Jjm£c-~- ' WE THANK YOU fre died in the London Blitz, or was it Chungking...or Stalingrad? Our children were left behind ...without care and shelter. Do you wonder we have worried so? Now we are at peace for we know they are warm with good cloth ing. their little bodies are getting strong again. They even laugh again. It is for this we thank you... for the mercy and generosity of your dollars. * * * Good old American dollars...your dollars, Mrs. Mac Donald... your dollars, Mr. Greenbaum. Silver dollars from California... hard-bitten dollars from the farm coun try...toil-won dollars from laboring men...crackling new bills from Filth Avenue. Yes, your dollars have wrought miracles of human love and compassion. They have healed broken bodies, fed the hungry and sheltered the homeless on all the United Nations Fronts. They have provided hospitals, nursing homes, doctors and medicine...here and abroad. They have helped care for the needy in your own home area... people who have been left behind on the home front while their sons or fathers are off at war. They have brought cheer and “home”to the men in our Armed Forces through the splendid work of the U S O. They have given the “barbed wire legion,” the war prisoners of all nations, a new lease on life. Seventeen great services are now a part of the National War Fund, which is joined with our community’s own war fund, thus making an efficient over-all organization serving on all three fronts...the Military Front, the United Nations Front and the Home Front. This year instead of giving many times to these different agencies, you give just once. So give generously; give all your heart can spare. ' I Give ONCE for ALL these uso United Seamen’s Service War Prisoners Aid Belgian War Relief Society British War Relief Society French Relief Fund Friends of Luxembourg Greek War Relief Association Norwegian Relief Polish War Relief Queen Wilhelmina Fund Russian War Relief United China Relief United Czechoslovak Relief United Yugoslav Relief Fund Refugee Relief Trustees United States Committee for the Care of European Children National War Fund Henry A. Lineberger, Gaston County Chairman Sam M. Butler, Cherryville Chairman