iSSlHED ADS FOR SALE —Home raised vetch seed. Carl Carpenter, Route 1. Bessemer City, N. C. At base o Paysour Mountain. ot-uz» New TOP COATS in all of the leading color's and materials —— Pried* — $15.00, $19-50 and $25.00. HARRELSON CO. Inc 2t“Uth day of Septem ber, 1943. EMMA CARNWELL, Asst. jOlerk of the Superior Court. ERNEST R. WARREN, Att’y for Plaintiff4t-021 The Axis Stops at Nothlnr Don’t stop your War Bond Payroll Savings at 10'yf. Every AtL- soldier Is a 100 percenter. Fif ure It out vourself. Electricity used lor cooiung can be saved if the range « lrept clean and properly adjusted. The range should not be used for heating the kitchen._ PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. Evan S. Wehun ) DENTIST Rooms 201 - 202 Farmers Batik Building CHERRY VTLLE. N C David p. Dellimrer Lawver—Notary Public Special Attention To Collections And Settling Up Estates CHERRYVILLE. N. C Matthew A. Stroup Lawyer—Notary Public Office In Cherryyille National Dank Building OHERRVVILT.F, V ^ PATENTS Prompt, expert net vice Sen-1 sketch or nioue< loi free opinion. Expert Washington associates. DAVIij P. PELLINUEK. 3p*cmt Attorney. Cn**iryvilie. N. C. MOSS RADIO SERVICE PHONE 3571 CHERRYVILLfc. N C. IN DIGESTION Sf» » Jfoui On# /*o«< Proves It 11 Ihf (1lr«t »f Mf utA<*Pl Uttloa lltcfe l *m uMm hcipi U »•* UM «ir«* utornAi-h Ml th* nnurt*htn( ‘owls jr*. <\j luniltM *Jb4 That Namin'? Backache ryf."3 NUlW U>7 V«m ml Mrnlwl llilmy A aft— Ko4n Ut. with Ha knj aad 1 IrmuUi bablta. Improper drlaamy tta rtak ot tlpo—Ik I Ooa tbrovi Im> i atrala a Ik* wk mi tk* ktdnaya Tb*y ara apt M baaaaa mruud aad (all l* tlta* aaaaaa aaU ■*4 ink** lapnikM Iran Ik* IM» ^lk| Tn an *ala aarDac k« tkarh, haw dacha, dJaaineaa, f*tllay ap aiyhla, lay paima, *w«Uiat—(W —aaaarip tlrwd, aarToa*. all vara oat- Other riga* mi ktdaay *r bladdn di*ord*r ar» wa« daa buraiaa. mail *> kaa Imaal Try Pmmm'i Pifc. Dmmmft help *• ktda*yk u pam *4 harmful aa**aa bady *a*ta Tb*y bar* had nor* thaa halt a amt ary at pa bile approval Aim raeaaa MBdad by (ratal*! aaan nai j ahaa Doans Pills J) A LAXATIVE is needed Caution, Ut« Only at Diracttd Tax Notice! I now have the 1943 Tax Books of Gaston County and am now prepared to give a Receipt for your Taxes. Pay during the month of October and you will receive a Discount of 1-2 per cent. Moved I have moved my office from the building formerly owned by Paul H, Beam on East Main Street to the second floor of the Cherryville National 'Bank Building. J. C. Jenkins, Tax Collector Chetrryville Township