HEROIC MEDICS TREAT WOUNDED UNDER FIRE KM. LIVES TO AID CASUALTIES } ON LANDAND SEA 8,000 Doctors And Dentists Needed By December 31 To pharmacist’s mate 3rd class, Paul Stanley Fra ment posthumously went the silver star with this ci tation : . . While serving with a battalion of marines . . . Frament, with utter disre gard of his own personal safety, worked his way to a point where he wras dan gerously exposed to hostile sniper fire while treating a wounded comrade. Later unhesitatingly running in to heavy barrage, he con tinued to give aid to the injuired until rendered un conscious by an exploding shell. “Although evacuated to a hos pital in a rear, he secured im mediate release . . . and returned to his unit. . . While working fearlessly in another sector which was under vigorous lire, he was again evacuated because of ex treme exhaustion. Returning two days later he was injured by naval gurtfire after his unit had been withdrawn to a reserve areu His resolute determination and heroic devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest tradi tions of the United States Naval Service.” To assist the heroic Framents of the U. S. army and navy med ical personnel, the services need an additional 7,000 doctors and 800 dentists to insure even min imum care of the wtiunded through December 31, 1943. The War Manpower commis sion pointed out that the army already has made adjustments of its requirements to meet civilian needs. Certain deferments are being granted to commissioned internes to allow civilian hospi tals an adequate supply of resi dent physicians. The army also has reduced its ratio of doctors to troops beyond that originally set forth in regulations based on the findings of the Dodge com mission immediately after the Spanish American war. 6.6 Per 1,000 Men ^ fenc'd 7Von Marble Top Tables 1 Porcelain Top Tables ! Straight Chairs | Baby Beds • Folding Cots « Buffa’s I Dining Room Suites ! Cook Stoves « Coffee Tables ' See US Before You BUY Anything In 1 FURNITURE Houser’s Furn. Store j Located Next Door to Heafner Whole- ; sale House On South Mountain Street : CHERRYVILLE N. C. \ Platform Rockers ||| Solid Walnut Bed Room !«• Suite !! Wood, Oil and Coal \ | Heaters <« || Living Room Suites 11 Tables—All Kind < * Dressers < • !! Iron Beds and Springs j | Sewing Machines ;; Radios SOIL Conservation NEWS Bv R. J. SEITZ T. L. Rhyne, R 1, Dallas, plans 10 cut a canoau ol puip wood this winter by thinning out his thick pine stands. Thinning out the crowded and poor quali ty trees will not only produce good pulpwood but will also leave the woods in better condi tion for growing a future crop of saw timber. Timber is also a crop, and responds to thinning and working as much as cotton and corn. Dr. W. A. Anthony, on his farm in the Pisgah church section has a fine crop of Volstate soy beans which he planted for oil. They were planted in rows and worked and. judging from a re cent inspection, an excellent crop will be harvested. He plans to combine them in a few days. Terrace lines were staked re cently in the following forms: K. E. Friday, W. D. Plonk, Sid ilov'is, M. A. Plonk, J. P. Eum iney and Frank Friday, ail Rt. 1 Oailas, and the county terracing unit will complete these farms as weather permits. Several ucres ol' pines were marked f<\ thinning: recently on Mrs. J. C. Robinsons farm, lo cated in Robinson community. The trees marked for removal will be cut for fuel wood by the tenants this winter as wood is needed. This practice will pro vide the usual supply of winter Wood for the farm by cutting out the crooked, crowded and otherwise. undesirable trees, leaving the remaining better trees with more room to grow. In cooperation with the Fish and wildlife service, fish for farm ponds will be made avail able this full, through the Soil Conservation District program to the following co-operators: f. C. Danieron, K 1, Bessemer City: It, E. Friday, R-l, Dallas, L. A. Thornburg, near High Shoals: and A. H. Black, Rt„ 1, CherryVillc. These fish ponds will he rst.oeked and managed in ac cordance with the recommenda tions for the maximum produc tion of fish for food and provid ing recreation at home. Bring it to pass. Germany has bled enough. Must the war go on and on?” child3 laxative your child should ^ LIKE When your child needs • laxative give him on« he will probably enjoy taking—pleas ant tasting Syrup of Black Draught. Given at directed* it is usually mild in action, yet effective. Caution, U»e Only as Directed