At The Movies IN CHERRYVILLE AT THE LESTER THURS.-FRI.—NOV. 18-19 “BACKGROUND TO DANGER’' With GEORGE RAFT SIDNEY GREENSTREET and BRENDA MARSHALL AT THE LESTER 1 DAY SAT. NOVEMBER 20TH ROY ROGERS SILVER SPURS” . , ~ .™.. — ^ ’ w ^ ms ■-■im m Rov Rogers, The K of i ;e C.ns :»«ys. ami his pals look the situation over in Miw • ' . >a 1 u thriller with Smiley Burnette START I. 5 SUN. NITE & MON. TUES. HUMPHREY BOGART m “SAHARA” Mrs. James H. Doolittle, wife of the flier who bombed tho Axis from Tokyo to the Mediterranean, places the official "Food Fights for Freedom" pin-up chart in her kitchen. The pin-up is being distributed by retailers this month as part of an intensive effort to inform every American about food's importance to the war. It serves as a reminder of ways to use food effectively. Chart's plea to "produce, conserve, share and play square -vith food, to speed our boys home" means much Mrs. Doolittle because the fighting has scattered her own famiiy. bho prepares their meals herself when they are together and boasts she has never had e cook. THE QUIET CORNER “That we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all Godliness and Honesty.”—I Tim. 2:2. By REV. WALTER E. ISENHOUR Hiddenite, N. C. 1 EVERYBODY NEEDS JESUS _ There is not a human being on the face of the earth that does not need Jesus. It is a fact that the great majority of man kind are without Him, as they are living sinful lives, but this does not mean that they don’t need Him. In fact this is all tlie more proof that they do need Him. Positively. Regardless of how intelligent a inan may tie, or what may be his position in life, he needs the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior, Sanctifier and leader. No man is capable of directing his own steps, his own life. Sin is too powerful for him. He can’t mas ter sin left to himself, but sin masters him He is not capable of taking care of himself and of making his way through life and to heaven. Such is out of the will of (tod. And regardless of how well educated a man may be he needs Jesus. He may have graduated m the highest colleges and uni 'Veisitios on earth, and may be a master educator, and may wield a powerful influence, but he needs Jesus as much as the most illiterate. The man who is only an ignoramus will stand as much chance of getting to heaven with out Christ as the most highly educated. There is no way to heaven without Christ. No man masters himself, masters sin and the devil, without Christ as his Savior, leader and guide. Be 1aV.«» It's -an It is true that people with people with grent intelligence and with pieat learning leave Christ out of their lives, and may not seem to greatly need Him, but that does not mean at all they lun't need Him. Every man with out Christ is, or eventually will lie. a failure. Oh. he may accom plish some worthwhile things and history may record his deeds, but if he is at last shut out of the Kingdom of Heaven, why will he act be a failure? When God fails to own 4 man's soul, at the close of his earthly life, isn’t that suf iicicnt proof that he has misera bly failed? Multitudes of people go thru life as though they don’t need Jesus, and perhaps many of them scoIf and scorn the idea of (tumbling themselves down ut His feet and repeating with god ly .sorrow all of their sins, and letting Him come inio their I hearts, souls and lives, but O, how they need Him! It will be dreadful to come to the close ol' lilt* heie without Him, because only by Him can any soul enter the heavenly city. Oftentimes people with good health and plenty of money, or earthly possessions seem never to have a serious or solemn thought about their souls,* and where they will dwell in eternity There are also vast numbers of others who jnaV settle down 'J carnal ease and indifference and go drifting through life without the Lord as their Savior. But O how they need Him! No one can aff'ord to live without Him, and certainly we can’t afford to die without Him. I live by we cant have Him to die i by, unless, “by the skin of the I teeth,” one repents in his last 1 hours and Christ comes to his rescue. This is indeed a narrow ! chance. No one can afford to risk it. It is too dangerous. The ! great majority of men die just i as they have lived. If in life they have rejected Christ or simply left Him out of their lives, they die without Him. We are made to wonder why people live in sin and wickedness, giving themsel ves over to the devil who never blesses them with anything, and whose business it is to drag ev ery soul he possibly can down to hell, and leave Jesus out of then lives who blesses them with ev erything worth while as they go through life, and who desires to save them eternally in heaven. Sinner, just why do you live like this? Is it not the reasonable, common-sense, advisable honora ble noble, manly, gentlemanly, sublime thing to live for God? On the other hand, is it not the unreasonable, nonsensical, unud visable dishonorable buse, un manly, ungentlemanly und de grading thing to live for the dev il? Now be honest, fair and rea sonable with your answer. Facts are before you. Truth never dies It is as lasting as the ages. You don’t need the devil but you do need Jtetu*. Then, why is it that you accept in life what you DON’T need, and live by that, and reject what you DO need, and by that eke out your earthly existence? You donft need the devil and sin at uny time, but you do need Christ and Christianity always. You don't need the devil to live by, and" shad not wunt him to die by, then why live for him? He is your bitterest enemy for time and eternity. Why do you serve him? You DO need Jesus to live by, and you SHALL need Him to die by. He is your best friend He loves you. for He died to save you. Then why do you re ject Him? Why do you keep Him out of your life? ..Why do you take His name in vain? Why do you give your time and talent to the devil, who curses you, In stead of giving it to Christ who blesses you. and longs to save you from hell and give you a home in heaven? Can you answer these Questions? Who ever heard of anybody feeling happy and expressing thanks. that they I lived for the devil when they come down to die? Not one. On the other hand, millions and mil lions have been happy and thank ful that they lived for Jesus when they came to death’s door. If it is so pleasant and sweet to liv'e in sin and wickedness, as the masses are. why don’t they thank the devil something like this when they come to the end of life’s journey and are exchan ging worlds: “Mr. Devil, 1 thank vou for every drop of beer and liquor you furnished ine through life; for all the intoxicating wine you permitted me to drink; for all the poison tobacco you pro vided for me through the years; for the bad, mean company you gaVe me to run with; for all the lies you put into my heart and let slip from my lips; for the dishonesty you tilled my mind and heart with; for the adultery you enabled me to commit; lor the ungodly, wicked, movies you lermitted me to attend; for ev ery adulterous, undermining, wicked dance you created for your children and servants, which I delighted so much in; for let ting me use God’s holy name in Vain; for allowing me to dese crate the Sabbath through life; for keeping me out of church and away from Sunday School; for keeping me from repenting of my sins, and keeping me from accepting Jesus Christ as my Savior; for causing me to hate sanctification and holiness; und for enabling me to run with the world and gratify my sinful pas sions and the pride of life?” If sin and wickedness is so desirable why don’t people thank the devil like this when they come to ex change worlds? No, we realize that nobody savs such things when death comes for them. Rather they shrink back with horror, or manv do, and hate the, devil and sav that he is get ting them. They don’t confess to the devil that they have made him a faithful servant, and that they are expecting him to give them a good, great and wonder ful reward. They know the re ward he gives is that of dnninii jtion and this is tlie thing they I wouldn’t, have for a million worlds if they could escape. Rut those who take Jesus in to their lives, live faithful and true to Him until death, can say with the Apostle Paul; T hurt fought a good tight, i have fin ished my course, i nave kept the faith: henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness (2 Tim. 4:7. «.). Again they can say with Paul: “Thanks be to God, which giveth us trie victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.’ (1 Cor. 15:57). Jonn Wesley could say when dying, after hav ing taken Christ into his heart, soul and life, and having served and worshipped Him faithfully through the veurs, “The best of all is, God is with us.” Another could say when dying: “It is beautiful to be with God.” A saint of God can look up, a?, it were, into the face of the bles sed Christ, and say when In comes to tfye end of his journey on earth: “Bless the Lord, () my soul: and all that is within me. bless His holy name.” One who has taken Christ in j 100,000th GM Woman War Worker Mrs. Virginia Buecnler in her new job as inspector of Allison aircraft engine crankshafts in the Cadillac Division of General Motors. Detroit — Mrs. Virginia Tluirlowi Buechler lias just become tin* one hundred thousandth hourly rated | woman employe of General Motors j as a war worker in a Cadillac plant j here. These 100.000 women repre sent approximately 30 per cent of the hourly rated employes of the Corporation whereas in normal times only 10 per ' tit of such workers are women With her h'tslritiil five duty In the r S. Navy, tan cousins in j the Army Air Fences ami an nuclei with the U. S. Army in Italy. Mrs. j Buechler came t . Cu«!:!lt-e to do j her! share .'i t! - gentry's war I to his lit'*.-, ami lius had llis ..aiitiitynig hiood app.ied. to his heart and .soul, and lias lived tor Mint faithfully through the years when lie comes to the closing out ot his earthly career, can pray and thank Him something like this; "Blessed Lord. I have run my race, 1 have finished my work and now 1 am about to enter in to Thy hoiy presence. .My loved ones and lrieiuls, brothers and 'sisters in the land, have follow ed me now as fui as they cango;| j therefore, blessed Jesus, take me J through the valley of the shadow 1 of death and mak my departing i hour wonderful and glorious, i Comfort those y lwni 1 am leaving behind. Bless the work I have done after my departure to the i salvation of multitudes of souls land to Thy glory. 1 thank Thee for Thy saving, sanctifying, keep ing power, and for all Thy good- j ness, mercy and love toward me. Hallelujah! Into Thy hands, blessed Jesus, 1 commit my spir it. Amen.” Hiddenite, N ('. MAKE EVERY s PAY DAY BOND DAY JOIN IHE PAY ROLL ! * SAVINGS PLAN * I HOUSER COAT-OF-ARMS Ii you are interested in a Houser ('oat - Of - Arms send your order in today. $3.50 each. Bring order to Eagle Office, Cherryville, N. C. effort. Besides her inspection work ■ mi cr;iItlishafts t.: r the Allison en gines that power no~! of the Army's tighter planes and pm suit ships, she invests me >• loan 10 per rent of her pay in War Ronds, helps in the scrap coosei drive and is active in lied Cross Mrs. Buechler was born in !.os lie, Iowa, "2 years ago and is a graduate of Simpson College. In dianola. low i. where she eirned an A. M degree :n home economics. Bill homed;•■-ping, for h *r. will wail until 'h • has helped to win the w *r h p eg lift husband raf 1 COTTON GINNING REPORT Census report shows 4, iSii hales of cotton were ginned in Gaston C ounty, X from ■.he oiip of 11)4:! prior to No vember 1st as compared with 10 < FOR SALE—Baby Chicks for Sale from Blood tested flocks. Dial 4111 or see Bill FITZHUGH or HEMAN HALL. F1TZHALL HATCHERY Cherryville, N. C. It U.S.WAR BONDS WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF —STATIONERY — IN PASTEL SHADES EAGLE OFFICE EVERETT* V. HARRELSON UNDERGOES OPERATION Pfc. Everette V. Harrelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Harrelson, underwent an opera tion at the Base Hospital at Keesler Field, Mississippi Tues day and is getting along satisfac tory. Mr. and Mrs. Harrelson received a letter today stating he was doine fine. > Education Week At Elementary No. One Parent’s Day at Elementary Number One was observed last Thursday from 9:30 to 11 o' clock and 7:00 to 8:00 P.M. At 9:30 Mrs. Houser's sixth grade presented a patriotic piogram to the visitors and pupils which was enjoyed bv all. This was follow ed by a brief talk of welcome to the parents and explanation of the purpose of American Educa tion Week by Mr. John Beach. The parents then visited the class rooms where the pupils work, after which they assemb led in the hall for refreshments and social hour. A total of 250 parents and friends registered in the Various class rooms during the day. Miss U orkman s sixth grade nud tt.e largest percentage of parents present. The teachers and pupils of El ementary No. 1 appreciate this line turnout. We enjoyed the meeting and fellowship with the school patrons and hope you will take the liberty of visiting us again, us all work together toi a better community, state, and nation. Remember the theme '‘Education for Victory” ami ‘‘Education for Peace’". Elementary School No. 2 Open House Elementary No. 2 School ob served “Open House” on Thurs day, NovemLci 11th, at 1:30 o’ clock. The nuients and friends visited the rooms and then were entertained bv a program given by Miss Black's grade. hi.dlowinr this was a social hour at whi h time punch and cookies were serv ed. OvVr two hundred pnrents and friends repistered. Miss Sox’s fitst grade won the pri re for 'he k't-'pst attendance hv pov en's of the children in any one A r»"i'i;",iiptinn of a famous »■ ;"':ns will he awarded as a IF WF. COULD FORCET HALF WE KNOW Why life would be less com idicuted if we could empty our mental attics of the many super stitions still stored there is ex plained in a helpful illustrated article in the November 28th i.s The American Weekly | The Big Marstine Dtatributed With The BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMF.°!CAN Leave Xn Order With Your Newsdealer That Na^in^ Backache Uaj Warn mi PUiriaad KUmmr Aili— M i tmi Ufa vUk la katj an4 —r. tmtaimx UMa lapc apa aaliaa M litakkr —tta (Uit M|iww »IU» to—ilirawa baary Mnl* a ika at tba Tkiy bn apt H kaw •nt-uul »b4 Itl v* Mur < lalitti. Laal. —, (Blllap a «MH». lag fflto BWBUiBg—Ito H—iBBttf drad, wna, mil mrnrm mV Oto to> al kidnap a bladdar dinar dar bn i Try Omb'i fto. DaMI top to Utoyt M pa •* barafnl bbbbbb ball bbbb Tbay bays bad aara ibaa bait a mmtmy at pabUa inmiL inn aaM bp gnMla bbbn anaapa irs/war; Doan's Pills .WAWAVAWASV N-O-T-l-C-E Beginning MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22ND, WE WILL CLOSE ON WEEK S’ DAYS AT 9:00 P. M., AND ON SAT ji URDAYS AT 10*00 P. M. ALLEN DRUG CO. HOUSER DRUG CO. WW.VAWAVAV.V.V.'AVAVA’AV^.W.V.'.VA'