;—•-r j People ; You 0 i Know 0 4 Parties, Clubs and News About People lamma m Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. r. ^ston. a son. Larry Edward, on December 1st. Mis. P. C. Beam who hus been ill for some time is improving. She is able to be up now. and around in the house. Lt. Ben. R. Rudisill of Dallas, Texas, spent Tuesday night here, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Butler. Mrs. Jennie Lineberger, Mrs. Clipk Beam. Mrs. Alfonso Beam, and Mrs. G. V. Lohi spent Mon day in <31ielby. Mr Henry Hallman, brother of Albert Hallman suffered a stroke last Wednesday. His con dition is improving —I— Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carroll, a daughter. November 30th, at the Gordon Crowell Me morial Hospital in Lincolnton Troy E Carpenter and Miss Carolyn Beam spent Sunday in Rutherfordton. the guests of Rev. and Mrs. D. Moody Nifong and family. The address ol' Pic. Roby E. Craig is Co. B. 305ili Q M. A. P. O. 505, New York, N. Y. He would like to hear from his friends D. Hunter Rudisill underwent an operation at the Mercy Hos pital in Charlotte Wednesday His muny friends will be glad to know' he is getting along nicely. Mrs. Robert Dorsey, Jr,, spent ihe week-end in Columbus, In diana, with her husband, CpI. Robert Dorsey, Jr., who is sta tioned at Camp Atterbury. Alt's. Clyde Canipe is recov ering nicely at the Gordon-Crow ell Memorial Hospital, where she underwent an operation two weeks ago. Don McGinnis. H. A 1 /C left Tuesday for Great Lakes, Illinois after spending .a ljcw days here with his parents. Afr and Mrs. L. Webb McGinnis. Mrs. E. M Sweezy, Miss Cla ra Sweezy. Hal and Brenda Sweezy of Shelby spent Fridny I here the guests of Mrs. I,. Webb McGinnis and family. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sisk of Statesville, spent Sunday in Wa co the guest* Of "Mr*: Sisk's mother, Mrs. E. L. Brown • l.t. Harry Fraley arrived here Monday from Denver, Colorado, find is spending a few days hero, the guest of Mr and Mrs. Robert R. Carpenter. Pfc, and Mrs. Robert Vandyke of Vancouver, Washington are spending a fifteen dav furlough here with their parents. Mr. and Mrs I,. R. Propst vnd Mr. and Mrs. Luther Vandyke. Mr. and Mrs. David Camp bell and little daughter Shirlie. of Taylorsville, and Mfa. Law rence George nnd son. Buhby.of were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Maurice Beam. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. T I!. Summit-, announce the birth of a son. •Jimmie {Jen. November 19th. at the Gordon Crowell Memorial I Hospital. Mrs Summitt will hi'| remembered here as Miss Rryte I Black I Pvt. N. T. Rlsvek. ,Tr.. who has been taking basic training | at. Fort Custer. Rattle Creek, Michigan, spent a few davs with his wife and irninv friends, re turning to camt) last Thursday. Mr T. R Summitt. who is en gaged in construction "work at Lenoir Citv Tennessee, silent ten days with Ids familv. here, retuiViing to work Friday the 2«t.h. Mr . Rob Ream of Cherry "• 'iid Miss Lena Daniels of S' • vve dinner duosts of *' Mrs. R. R. Woltz and and Mrs .Joe Hutto \yadneB dav evening. Large Stock of New FALL SUITS to select from. They are well tailored and patterns you will like — $19.50. $22.50 and $2500. HARRELSON CO.. Inc. FINE DIAMONDS WATCHES AND JEWELRY . - . ... D€LLinG€RS^' »sr- - ~ J€UML SHOP CTeVu/vtAr 71 f kWAWAWAW* . . . - „ ;$*.» r . Mrs. Pet Harrell of Shelby spent Thanksgiving Day here with Mrs. J M. Beam. Pvt. William D. Smith of Fort Jackson, S. C., spent Thanksgiv ing here with his parents, Mr and Mrs. John Smith. Mr. L. C. McGinnis left for his home in GlenViHe, Ga , after a few duys visit here with his mother. Mrs. L. A. T. McGinnis. Address of W. B. Stafford, Camp Mdntire Dispensury, Ward ■P East N S.N.T.S. Great Lakes, Illinois. Mrs. J M. Benm spent the week-end in Lattimore the guest of her sister Mrs. Ivey Willis and Mr. Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Carpenter and little daughter, Betsy, of Asheville, spent Thanksgiving here the guests of Mrs. Carpen ter’s mother. Mrs. J M. Beam. Pvt. John C. Allen. Jr., of Fort Jackson, S.C., spent Thanks giving here with his wife, Mrs. John C Allen and little girl Brenda Joyce. Mrs. Alien was before her marriage Miss Ruth Smith. Bynum Homesley, Jim Potter, Iue Bill Clawson, and Cedo Black who are in the Navy left Tues day tor Bainbridge, Md., after spending several days home on a furlough. Dean Jenks left Monday after upending two days here with his parents. Mr. and Mr* Lee Jenks Dean has been in Belfast, Ireland . and came home from New York ' while his ship was in port. Mr. and Mrs. John Whitworth and Mr. Dock Sigmon were din ner guests Thanksgiving day of Mr. and Mrs. L Wy&b McGinnis. Mr. and Mrs. McGinnis served a . urkey dinner. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Itudisill ar i ived last night from Dallas, Texas where they spent the past three weeks the guests of their son, Lt. Ben R, Rudigi.Il and Mrs. Itudisill. They returned by Mem phis. Tennessee where they visit ed Ensign Blaine Delbnger. Corporal Wilburn Davis who has been ou maneuvers in Oregon -pent a fifteen day furlough with his wife and parents, Mr and Mrs. S A. Davis recently. Ins new address is: Oorporal Wilburn Davis. 104 Q. M. Co., APO 104 'Postmaster, I os i.vles. (52) .California Mrs Howard W. Allrun recei ved a telegram Wednesday night 11 did her sister. Miss M. Clura Sullivan, who was a passenger on i he Grinsholm. she had landed safely in New York. Mrs. Allran i; expecting her sister j^p be in Charlotte the latter part of the week Mis. Winnie Wvanlt hus re ceived a letter from her son Bill Wvnnt stating he had arrived safely in England. Hiss address is: T Set. J W. Wyant, 8970 723. Squadron 85. A.P.O 12490 G. Postmaster. New York. \ Mrs, Grace Rudisill Carpenter who was inducted into the WAC about six weeks ago is now sta tioned at Ft Oglethorpe, Ga. Her address is: Pvt. Grace R. Carpenter. A405428 Co. 8th 22nd Regt, 3rd WAC Training Center. Fort Oglethorne. Georgia. Pvt. and Mrs. Heman Eaker left Sunday morning for Atlan ta where thev will visit Pvt Ea I,er’s brother. PFC David Eaker. v.dio is in the hospital there. They were accompanied to Atlanta by his mother. Mrs. Ed Euker and Miss Elizabeth Eaker of Belmont. Pvt. and Mrs. Eaker will return to Keesler Field, Miss., from At lanta. while Mrs. Eaker nnd'Miss Elizabeth Eaker after a short visit will return to their home in Belmont ENTERTAIN AT DINNER _* Mr. and Mrs. Forest Davis entertained at a dinner party at their Rome last Thursday evening in honor of Mr. -and Mjs. Marvin Hager. who were celebrating their 'fourth Wedding anniversa ry The dining table was covered with a handsome lace cloth and centered with an arrangement’of lovely flowers. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs Davis, Mt. and Mrs. Marvin Hager, Mr J C Helms, Miss Dorothy Black. Mr. Robert Put nam and Miss Elese Ford. APPRECIATION The American Legion wishes to express their appreciation and thanks for the fine cooperation from the theatre going pubjic for the fine response at the Les •er Theotie American Legion night The show waa crowded to capacity and this was greatly ap preciated. The funds being used to help bear expense of sending Christmas packages to the sol dier hoys. MAX GOLDINER, Ohm. —Buy Wrc Savings Bands— Mr. & Mrs. McGinnis Entertain At Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Pete McGinnis entertained at. a Thanksgiving dinner at their home Thanksgiv ing Day. Covers were laid foi Mr. and Mrs. McGinnis. Mrs. L A. T. McGinnis, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hallman, Mr. and Mrs Lawrence McGinnis and daughtei. Miss Nancy McGinnis, Mr and Mrs. Ernest Stroup, Mrs. Lola Stroup, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Houser, little Misses Elizabeth Ann and Bren da Houser, Mr. and Mrs G. C. McGinnis nnd little Miss Rita McGinnis MR AND MRS. SAIN ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Austin Sain entertained at a dinner party at the Nuway Club House last Thurs day, honoring Mrs. Sam’s broth er. Pfc. Raymond T- Cooke, who is home on furlough. The dining table was covered with a white linen cloth amt the center piece was u container of pretty fall roses. A turkey dinner was served to the following Pfc. Cooke, Mr. end Mrs. Satne. Mr. Dwight Cooke. Worth Willis. Ray Sain, Miss Elsie Sigmon, Misses (Sue and Alma Dare Moss, Johnnie Ballard, Moree Grigg, Dorothy Mauney, Marjorie Mauney, Lo rene Neal. YOUNG WOMAN'S CLASS MEETS The Young Woman’s Sunday School class of the St. John’s Lutheran church held its regulai monthly meeting on Monday ev ening at 7 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Roy Houser with Mrs. Houser and Mrs. Rex Eaker as joint hostesses. The President, Mrs. C. A. Rudisill. being absent, the meet ing was in charge of Mrs. .1 Ben Dellinger. Mrs. Rex Eaker con ducted the devotional*. The roll called, dues collected and minu tes of last meeting read and ap proved. Following u short business meeting the hostesses, assisted by little Misses Elizabeth Ann Houser and Pl.eohia Euked served fruit cuke with whipped cream and hot Russian tei^ in which the Christmas motif was emphasized. Tlie meeting adjourned uml all went to the NuWay Club House to help roll humlages Those present were: Mesdamea J. Ben Dellinger, Grover Beam, Cecil Eaker. Druey London, Perry London, llazel Williams, W. G. Cobh. W. C. Howell, D R. Mauney, Sr.. Kern Eaker Fred Houser, Roy Houser ami Rex Eaker Cherryville Music Club Meets The Cherryiville Music Club met on Tuesday evening at the Home pf Mrs. J. W l’ayne with Mrs. Payne and Mrs M. A. Stroup as hostesses. Officers for the ensuing year were elected: Pres Mrs. if. H. Porter, V. Pies Mrs. 11. H. Allen; See’y Mrs. (Jana.id Sher rill: Program arrangements were made for next year and hostesses for each met ting were selected. After the business a very in teresting program on Indian Music was rendered with Mrs l.. L. Self leader. Mrs J. \V. Payne gave a very interesting talk on Indian Music in which she contrasted lndiun music with <»urs. Among the unusual contrasts were that they seldom -sing with an accompaniment while we seldom sing without one; we have many women soloists —they more men; we open our mouths to sing wtyile they do not use their lips but «ing through their teeth. Following this three musical selections were given by Miss Minnie Coleman, Mrs. Garland Sherrill Following ithe program de licious refreshments were serv ed to the members and visitors present. They were: Mrs. H.H. Allen. Mrs John Beach, Mrs. Howard Allran, Mrs S. M Butler Mrs. Jimmy Blackwood, Mrs. Robert Boggs, Mrs. Troy Oarpenter. »Mrs. Julia Hall, Mrs W. H. Houser, Mrs R. B. Porter. Mrs. Hunter Rudisill, Mrs L. L. Self, Mrs. Garland Sherrill. Mrs L. L. Summer. Mrs R. R. Woltr, Mrs. W. F. Starnes. Mrs. D R Mnuney. Misses Minnie Coleman, Irene Sox and {Fannie Farris A A A A A •. A •* ’..V.J, PREPARING MEALS IN WARTIME APARTMENTS Living: in cramped quarters these days? You can still turn out excellent meals despite lack of full kitchen facilities. Learn how in the housewife's Almanack a special feature in the Decem ber 12th issue of The American Weekly The Big Magazine Distributed With The BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN Are yoe eager to do a job that counts? Willing to tackle work that’s vital to victory? Learn new jobs, get expert train* ing that can be mighty useful when the war is over? Do you went to help your fighting men in an essential way? Then you *rc needed in the WAC—and 'i$ht now! W.A C. RECRUITING OFFICERS TO BE HERE TUESDAY, 7TH. Corporal Helen C. Cook and I Corpora! Marjorie H. Cuff of the I Charlotte Itee.rui.tnic Office will i I be in Cherryville on Tuesday af-j ternoon, December 7th, to inter I view women between the ages of I 20-50 for enlistment in the Wo ; men’s Army Corps. —MORE ABOUT— IS YOUR BOY’S NAME LISTED? (Continued from front pace) Spake. Pfe Juy Witherspoon,. Pvt. Jesse I.. Jarrett, ?>lujor Geo. ; L. Riddle. Pfe Wilbur Craft. Pfe | Homer H. Smith. Cpl Lawrence W. Stroupe, Pvt Clyde II. Smith, Gtenn Stroup, Harold L. Waters, Pvt Dewey L. McCoy, T'had C. Rogers, Pvt. J. R. Bumgarner, j Pvt Van Greene. Pvt L.W. Short. Bob Davis, Sgt. Fred H. DetP Cpl Henry B McGinnis, Pfe t belt J. Brannon, Drewerj A. London, Cpl Jack Wolford, i'fv Charles W. Sudderth. Pvt. Juhn Hugh Howell, Pfe. David Su.ne, Pvt James C. Stroup, John Har din Brown, Pvt. Jack Kale, Mil ford Lee Mitehem, Sgt. William II. Lankford, Pfe Garland P. Pruett, 1). A. Eaker, lVi. Julius L. Black. Lt David 1‘. Beam, Pvt David E. Berry, Sgt Raymond S. Beam, t pi William PL Beam,, Pvt George A. L. .Mayhue, Sgt. ; Ralph A. Kiser, Sgt Robert C. : v\ iiliams, Richard Reynolds, Sgt Robert L. Ileavner. Pvt Philip Tedder, Gordon C. McGinnis, Pvt Boyce U. Moore, Pl'c Ever-' ette P. llarrelson, Lloyd E. lieav Her Pic Gene McGinnis, Cpl Maurice R. llarrelson. Pvt Ernest D. Sisk. New York: Ensign W. G. Hil burn, Lt. (jg{ W. Al. llovis, Ral eigh, J. Putnam, Wade S. Wise, Garry White. D. A. Eaker, J. CL Hayes, Richard Raynolds, Cpl. Astor G. Griggs. Tommy Masagee ' Dean M. Jenks, Henry H. George, ! C. M. Thornburg. Paul McGinnis, I John Hardin Blown, Ben Gritfith, ; John W. Hull, Gordon CL Mc Ginnis, Warren Quinn, Paul R. Costner. Clyde E. Mooney, Latta P. Mosteller, New Orleans: Paul V. Hallman. San Francisco, Luke VV. Hoyle, Pvt Drewey W. Lon don, Pvt. Dewey L. McCoy, Phil ip A. Eaker, Milford Lee Mitch cm, Glenn Stroup, Pvt J. B. Neill Harold L. Waters, John Bennet Brigman, Thud C. Rogers, J. T. Lowes, Cpl. Robah L. Griggs. Cpl Joseph A Whitesides, Sgt. Leroy Propst. Joltn David Ran dall, Edward R. Smith, B M. Quinn. Bob Davis, Junis L. Man ney. in MU- Stall's: Mil. i.arney i. Parker, pvt Chesley (J. Black, Pvt Nathan L. Black, S-Sgt Glenn Self, James Harlan Pot ter, PVt Thomas N. Smith, Sgi Robert Stroupe. Cpl J. W. Knight Lt J. W. Allran, Jr., Pvt Garlan H. Martin, Pvt Herbert M. Hick son, Pfc Edward J. Hayes, Pvt [Clarence I. Huss, Joe Hill Claw son, Pvt William H. Costner, Cpl Ralph L. Anthony, Pvt William F. Pruett. Pvt Franklin D. Knight Sgt Roy G. Short, Pvt Ralph F. Pope, Pfc Hugh H. Hoav’ner, Pvt. James T. Crowder, Pfc Everett V. Harrelson. Pvt Rufus J. Moss. Sgt Paul J. Hill, Pvt J!»ni06 E. Black, l*vt Pratt Quinn, Pvt. Wade H. Stroupe. Pvl Carl R. Friday, Cpl Hubert R. Wells. S Sgt Mike A. Jones, Sgt J. C. Del linger, A. C. H i moth Carpenter, L. Bynum ley.. Pvt Joseph L. Armstrong. Pvt William T. Smith INt George William Pfc A. P. Homes Homeslev. Lt. Roy C. Eaker, Pvt Dellinger, Pvt Elden J. Eaker. Pvt Paul Allmond, Pfc Richard C. Leonard. Lt Ben It. Rudisill, Pvt Hershel L. Fow ler. Pfc Glenn D. Willis, Sgt Clyde H. Shull, Sgt Robert N. Boggs, Cpl Joe R. Thornburg. Cpl James W. Fisher Sgt. Kenneth Howell, Pvt Marshall Anthony, Pvt Judson R. Black, Jr., Boh Stroupe, Pvt. C. J. Black Sgt Fred Carpenter, Hugh Ran dall. Burl Leonhardt, Lester Leonhurdt, Jack Houser, T-Sgt Morris Childers, Junior Heafner. Ray Hoyle Beam, Tommy Moss, Aaron Moss. M. C. Alexander, Ray Payseur, Ernest Carpenter. J. L. Beam. George Harrelson, Howard Ballard, Lt John D. Fraley, S-Sgt John Bennett Del linger, Ens. Blaine Delllngfer, Lester Watkins, Ray A- Payseur, William Hallman._ LETTERS from 'V ' Our boys In The Se vice Tlu- following is an exact copy af letter received front u soldi er ,.ho hits just, completed an1 Acr. plane Mechanics course at . .■ of the training camps on . ... nKSgiving Day. i a .if Sis and All: i m uiulesiiled whether to cull ....a an evehttul or uneventful . ay. My day started tins morning at six only to he greeted with the fact that 1 was one of the chosen few to serve K. I’, at field test. We departed from our be lov'ed 307 at about h o’clock and arrived upon ttie scene at about eight-thirty. 1. as yet, can’t fig ul'e out whether that Sargent was naturally kind hearted, or if we just had it coining to us, or it could have been the looks on our faces. Anyway, about nine-tnirty he loads us on a truck and says take-oil. .Alter getting natK to me Squadron, l take a short nun and then dress for the dinner vve were supposed to have. So off the formation goes, all faces beaming and mouths watering, only to be face to face with about a thousand other “Chow Hounds” in front of us. 1 think 1 enjoyed the dinner. I was in a daze after standing in line over two hours. \Ve had turkey (I got the hones). Sweet Potatot: (that lacked something), Eng fish Peas (slightly uncooked), Apple Sauce (just inn out of cranberry.). Lettuce (Wilted), Ice Cream (none left), Grapes (none left), Putter (There's nothing you can do to ruin the taste of this butter). Rolls (they were good, bakery), and Coffee (no cream, no sugar)—Oh yeh—the Cherry pie was eatable So 1 stagseied back to my bunk. 1 reclined until about live and off again. Firet 1 get a pass. Then to see (Cherryville hoy). We wfent to supper together and back by my barracks. They gave us candy and cigarettes today and me not caring to indulge, gave mine to ... We talked awhile then I take off for town. Hearing that they're linking a big dance at the C.S.O. I drop by, only to liml a "NO DANCE” sign. A few soldiers and wives theie staring at the walls. Then 1 go to the show. 1 had already seen the picture With disgust 1 come hack to the Service Club here. The dance is in full swing. Two \\ ACS who can’t dance and a couple dozen soldiers all trying. 1 then bin the Funnies am! end up iust where 1 started from. Thus ends my Thunks giviliu Day, l;i id Wo till still Iiun e. plenty to he thankful tor. tho. Hope you yu\ the family had the biggest ’Thanksgiving ever Let’s just hope that there'll never be an other to spend under these con ditions. Mv Lu\e to all. HR iTHER ICE COAL | ! WARM MORNING HEATERS Cherryville Ice & Fuel Co. QUALITY—SERVICE APPRECIATION Phono 3231 Sicily, 11-7-43 Dear Fred: I received the Eagle almost every week and read it with lots of Interest, then pass it on to my good friend Murv'in Sneed who once lived near Cherryville. Fred I always love to read the letters you publish from the boys in service. To my sur prise I read in your paper of Lawrence Stroupe being in Afri ca and having the privilege of be ing filmed while in action, on a well known hill. Well 1 was there too alid sorry we did not meet. Well Fred you always cover the news so thoroughly in and around Cherryville fill 1 feel it is useless to ask you how things are coining along in the good old town. Your paper is worthy of the good people whom it serves. Keep the Oho ryville Eagle flying overseas to the local sol diers and WACS. We will do our best to fly the Eagle of Victory hack to you and your co-workers A friend Pvt James C Stroupe Btdv A 58th Armd F. A- Bn APO 758 ‘7< Postmaster New York. N Y It S A In England Nov. 16. J943 Dear Fred. It seems I have waited u rather long time before I de cided to write you. hut I just wanted you to know what a sw'ell job you are doing in getting out such a paper to the hoys across the big pond If they are half as glad to get their copy as 1 am von can personally put your self on the back. I always look forward to getting my issue, ana sometimes 1 get two at a time But I always read them from the front to the hack cover. Fred 1 liaVc enjoyed my stay in England very much in fact 1 Imve been from one end to the other of the British Isles, but am ready to go home any time they say so. I have definitely decided that there is no place like North Car olina and I think that the rest of the hoys who have left from there will agin with me. '‘Right Motes". It is also one column that I never miss and that is the Letter Box It let mo know how the other hoys are vetting aiong at other ploqes. Fled one of the most interesting placet, I have 'seen was in .Sec!land, and that was the well knows lake lsimond, a Very -pretty place indeed It nuts you in mind of Lake Lure. W ell Fred as this is very short I will close for now and and hope that yon will keep the Eagle right op tin- team. Your friend BARKER Address C.hhrles B. George 29th U. S. Naval Const Rati. 9( Fleet Rost Office New York. N Y. » STRAND « * ■- = THEATRE cherryville. n. c FRI.-SAT.—2 DAYS DECEMBER 3-4 FIRST TIME SHOWN RANGE BUSTERS —IN LAND OF I HUNTED MEN” —added— NEWS CARTOON “SUPER MOUSE RIDES AGAIN” —2 Serials— “SPY SMASHER” No 13 SECRET SERVICE IN DARKEST AFRICA MONDAY-TUESDAY 2 DAYS ISLANDS | •»mri*» MARGIE HART \ ttt M Wht Stepptd WOO Hhw,' " tt _ B —ADDED— Wni. Bendix Comedy “TAXI, MISTER?” LESTER CHERRYVIELF, V C. THE BIG REPORT SEE IT from THE START | The true adventure ol toriner U. S. Ambassador fe m JOSEPH E. DAVIES Mission An American sSory told American style by I _ WARNER BROS. i Kirfo<MU*toa*KHrt«a^afc.-«>eci(*acjrtw ; : U*UI lt*M • «tee MU• ■ MU MW*' ■ iM'iu I : COMING WED DEC 8 i as Cite ■ want all the war ... 0angar, ava<y winning second i SATURDAY — 1 day Only 8«sro»W {..‘BESTON BLACRIE'i Oi Sc: ft PI./ by P«al • fi- ftWlM *».♦». Csaf* • PiC-Juttfl by V 3l!)0ii«IU NEWS—CARTOON COMEDY—SERIAL “THF BATMAN” STARTS SUN N1TF. 12 02 & MON TUESDAY Sjatifficstal! Human! Heart warr.itu^! Smim fV| b fiM Dari. Iwii MMliti iml iuthn Hum imtiato mu i»»u sum • u ti»a t —PLUS— LOWELL THOMAS MOVIETONE NEWS

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