Frank Mosteller Found Valuable Bunch Of Keys Thru Ad . . . CLASSIFIED ADS KOK SALE FOR SALE—-Estate Iloat i ola. Cabinet Style. (iood condition with now orates. Reasonable Call 3.822. FQR SALE — 1DOS tour door Plymouth Sedan, lias good tires and motor and body in perfect condition. ti ASTON NEWT 'N. Cherryv'ille. Si. It I'd New TOP COATS in all of the leading colors and maleiials — Priced — $15.00. $19.50 and $25.00. HARREL.SON CO.. Inc FOR SALE One and .tie-half tons of good peanut "ay - Excel lent for cows or horse-. ' a! 3141. 1). (). Rudi-ili. It LOST L.OST—Ciasolinc ".V Coil'' •!’ ltook—Name lluntoi Man e\ Finder please return to owner or to the local Ration Hoard. U-P LOST—-Ration Loot \ ; Name: A. 1.. Ledwell Finder j please return to Owner of to the local Ration Hoard, It P PERSONAL FREE! If I'XtT^S acili Vo I you pains of Sloh-iacl. I .p’p. i Indigestion. Heat tlntrti. Boiehin;. I Bloating. . Nausea. (in* La — _p j free .‘-ample. V'i'ga; at AlbS | Drug Company. 101 D'L; : WANTED : I "WANTED—Full m par; t net agents to handle at toil | .insurance for a reliable . onipa..v j of fering surgical benefit's as well | as hospitali/.a.Doii to its na . tons Unusual, opporuuiit\. 1. Lora! commissions. Write The S'a'c Hospital Association. Inc., far l.oro, N <"n il! 1 WANT ED Rom. y-v’ldi stove ovens olio ami :v,.i imruei. Carpenter I ro>. WANTED- 'l'.> i.! * • wit-1 >«m one drivina to and Id.-m wo ('heny ville, ilia: pa-s. a-a: S: Mark’s chin , I: or- I > . i a- .. RAY CARPENTER or tob.-p- ..dp Ah'ernethy-V Shoo sin a. M-DiM Leather i'oats R.e-'lined a d Water proofed, made like' Jiew Abernet ley’s Shoe Shop. Ii-Dlip SPECIALS AT - AHKENK I/HY'S SHOE SHOD All ■ 1,0 :,a-lo i-b you want—blown. Jdaoiv. a,: . blood, neli tual. la rti id a ad s: "'do polishes. I let:, . . \ .111 rip WE Ml Y CHli'KENS AND ECtCtS -I’.-iv 1 : -n market; WA sell ft.eels if all ■ - I \i '!. '• N'S ELDER AND- in-: Tills North ni Hi...!- Si i aoi. i. WANTED 3-Piece Living Room Suits Studio Couches Stoves Ranges Oil Stoves Iron Beds and Springs WILL PAY CASH CARPENTER BROS. We Pay Cash For Late Model Used Cars and Trucks Homesley Chevrolet Company, Inc. Cherryvillt*. N. C. tf j MISCELLANEOUS INANO TV M Nil VN Ii”!?KV A! U ING — It I 1 >\ Leading Musi.' Tea. Writ.. .1 V Ppachi;, lieliiioru. X C. Tf PERMANENT A AYE. .V.P-: ]tn your own I\ 1 tin neti’ with ("liarm-Ktit 1 Kr. < on.-iplctv eciuipment. i ltd mi ~ i11 curlers and shampoo. Efts'. di>. abso lutely harmless I’ia.sotl hj ■ housaiuls r .lime Lang. j glamorous tiiovie. ~i..r Mor.ex | irfunded if not saii.-lled. AI.LEN’I DRUG COMPANY. lat-.faiidn BUY U. S. WAR BONDS ji childS fa xutice your child should LIKE Iff b ■> tour u I — • laxatir* gtva him on* ha will i ( *iob«bly.apjoy takiag pla«i art taatflag-Svmii of Black- . K Ti_a fTKarn as riuteclWi. V GASOLINE—In IT eastcoasi states A s coupons are a'om ihrouuh Kchluary s. In state: outside the east eoa>' area A-i eoupo'us are aood tlirnuyh •Inn pare 2 1. I- EEL OIL Period 1 coupon; are .aood tli roll ail •Tanuary • ! Period 2 coupons ion.line code No\ cipher id. SLG ,\ l; Staniti N >. 29 ii Look l-'otn is ai'uil IV founds lliT ouy h .lamiai v 15. i -.*-14 Si It * ITS .Stall'd) No 1 s iu 1!L, One. a"od tor one pair. Slanit No i on the ‘'airplane" sheet in Look Three, aood for one pair \I IT A ! S. EATS Li .on n -'.,nt| G. II. .1. and. k. a"od tin ei.all 1 let1 e rn her -1. 1 'lamps L 5 nd ,\| aood . i hrouah -I ahuai > i . 19 1.1. L’eV'ii lamp N bccnme aood December 5 and. remain, a’o. ol i ll renal] .1 aiidat v 1. I 9 I I. PPOGEnSGH FOODS Green s-tamp* A. L and ( in Look Lour aood thmuah; Itccemlu r 2t.r. G.een s|am|is D. E. and K ill 1 i. ■ • !v Emit become a'oc.i Herein; her 1 ; t Hi! remain aeod thnnitih •Jan lia ry n; CIVILIANS TO GET CANNED FOODS ir.e• on u d supplies of calmed n ,u ■iiny, ea lined 1 a |«v i 1 uiit nice, asul :iCU: . coin, p . m)ikii . 'id, ... . heat *v ami. PCS will i each retail! maikels \n i; Lin a few weeks : !-e \\ a. Li o.i rat ion . aid n re ’ ty. They I 0 unpiie oNYived iaiuiers. Ami set aside, foi a'ov ( rnment pui/i lut'd, w hiek have licet! Til-lea .1 to civilians MOKE i ARM MACHINERY IN 1944 - \ I] I II; I'l l i.'tl oil l Juuii . " I no V, ini 1,1 in.u'l. Ult'i V 111 I ;l I 1 loll" el. o -tl„ Hal 1' in'il Am. in, ,s r;yl."Ii. »Uu niali'i a(.: nmi >;eii by W.l’l! 'll* ilia Kit |i;ai, i.rny. i.Uing a;.u nui vesti.ij; equip nil";: ijiii ,.u year ilfe ill "illa oi.l 1, l i* In# ill' al 111"' |HI i oil! nil' tin piVuillr ' I,": :i. ; a ill a v vat in a blob , \V.a - rolai l\ ol\ ia : O Ini i.iiai '. 11 in I mo I epilii Pal .. y be iiiiiA; fri. io.l, SUSPEND SLAUGHTER QUO I AS Ii. ! ;,o: ii! a a- lua i Lei illg it 11 * I ■ lauai.ii i ,q' receiii numbers of ,.V oMprk | . i ■. i i.., • i i by l . S. farmer's. >la iigUl.iyr qnolus, .for • •iviliai: o"i: - anil'll". ! u ni 11 I'll r I tier Holier have boon Mlspeli ■ it'll t'. \ ; no War In." i Ailnniiis : i a.t ioit. MUSI COLLECTS POINTS TOR PORK A;; i.uiipli \\ I A 1,.,' ! eiiii.vo.ra V o l! I to i i all ii' res 11 in ion - oij no aiuvuiu of po; k a fanner ala Y 11 o! I or i" porsaio living oil a - fa i in.' la1 inu> : o ill in no t " '"i|o, i ravioli i".in'> for al! ra .a rod meals. Ol'A a;'il reeriiliy.. If 'poi k Is 11 all' fori I .1 point iToe. .: means !!..,: .. groat i leal "f ' i;i.'] tv ill initi i n way i!11 • ia binok mui kel nmi ill lie lin i-i Vafin-bio i .i legit iniitro euliMini BROWN POINTS FOR WASTE EATS Fm every pnuml <.f Tat a housewife luriis in to Ivor moat iealer m ntliei T:i 1 salvager, sho n ill i oo no wo him, n point: . hog",n; itig I )<*i-ot thct I " I Tut nti'S: liiuMii t a ot'." Ilii hot t M. I:'a t. ijit-p, If p.f Y\ PliN sal ' ag'kc Iliv'o n, .a iTl, ' wit hi it a !."M! t In- tat will la- ; ram-for i.- ii inti' war m'atvl'.als ami on ii*' ay to it., tigaiing I'tonts." Hr 1'el'li imloll IliitlSOW'los til save hr tit case Ti ' t.i turkeys, goose. I o h . a nl rhickem, Tor t he manufacture oT war prod,tot's. REDUCE BEAN PRICES Redact ion iio tn ‘ 2 cent s a •'Him! iti wholesale and retail irives of ih'v edible heanv- wii’. osti it frniii recent (>I A art ior. xil it ring the price spread be woon I'liiiiitiv sliippoi ;> ii ii whole ntlcr. I'oirtTirv shipping point H ires remain' trm Itatiged. A'OOL RESTRICTIONS LIFTED With only two except ions WPI! i;is lifted all restriet'n'ni* mi 11 if, raw wool. Eine'r grades of ah liicii mir\ not lie Used or military purposes, and only atpet wool and lmdiait may be ■ si'd fur (lour eoverings. FUEL OIL RATIONS SAME Ration id' fuel oil throughout he :;.i state rationed area tr uain iinehanged tit IP gallons iet unit for Period 2, which tegan November ,‘iO, Chostot iowles. OPA admin ist t tit or, said eeintly. Period .'! 'coupons, which Iso went into effect November n in lit midwostern and south tit states under fuel oil ration ig. have the same unit value— u gallons. This applies to Class coupons, used mostly by small 11ttseltohlet's. Class 5 coupons sed by larger consumers, are ood for 50 gallons each Class and 2 “change making" coup ns. for fuel oil, part of last ear’s ration, are invalid for lal urpose* beginning December 1 SERVICE BUTTONS BEING DISTRIBUTED Plastic gold- coated lapel buttons for wear on civilian cloth j ifig. to signify honorable milita 1 ry service on and after the dee j la ration of a period > 1 national | emergency. September !). 1 With l arc being distributed to issuing j agencies throughout the country, file War Department has reported | The insignia on the button is an | eagle within a circle, the wings] [extending bevond the circle's [edge. Persons whose army ser | vice has been terminated under {honorable conditions will be per t mined to wear the insignia. SEED POTATO CEILING .Maximum prices for domestic and imported “verified'' seed potatoes have been <e: by OP.\ at .SI above established ceilings for D S. No. 1 table-lock pota toes. CAN HOLD SHOES 30 DAYS Without ration payments dea lers may not hold -hoes bought mu a will-call or lay-away plan or by special order, longer than •MO days alter they become avail able for delivery, OP A has an nounced REQUESTS FOR PENCILLIN i The War Department never I i 'ms controlled pencillin nor re jeeiv'ed the entile output, Sfllge |i,:i General Norman T. Kirk ot i Die Arm;. Medical Departmetit ex pla ed i eeent tv . A civilian in m top pencillin, the new «it ug which pi c\,< i: i s growth ot ini eel mn bacteria. should lu made ii.rough the civilian doilor T; e doei.oi should communicate by leie-gi am, teh phone, or per -op.a.T. letter with Dr. (. Iicstei S Keefer, llvaus .Memorial Hos pital, Ito.-lon, giving complete : . ! i- .iT bln- ea-e. | CONTROL OF APPLE SALES Sales jiy auple R'Mveis and shippers wim package their apple 'ill ii..\e with a net weight <>1' ! not ineii than lit! peuiins at e net ' nn’dei prii-e control it' net nn-re than live Iroxt-s are said ;it one time t ■ • one buyer and if they are shipped by pare -i post or ex press However, when these packages iilc resold hy whole sale i s and retailer-, they arc 11 iitier t-rii e control, Oi'A said WESTERN GASOLINE AIDS ATTACK Gasoline drawn la-gely from West Coast and Koeky Rocky Mountain areas is powering sea, laud and air attacks <>o I’.ou j gainsv'ilh- and bombings of Ka : hou.1. according to 0\\ 1 on the basis of A rim- and N'avy state ments. Gasoline also i- saving our wounded men by enabling ]them to he flown in transport to hospitals far behind , ItlW.T COLLEGE ENROLLMENTS DROP Ehi'ollnieil!.' ill cullrgt s aiiti | . other inst-itut ions (.f jugm-e f ti- i •lica! iwu this year, ale men- rival i i "fie-quarter below the It' 11 * peak, according to a preliminary -ur vev by the 1'. S. Office of Edu cation of the Federal Security Agency. This year's total of. about 1,1 10,5-00 persons is eight , percent below Iasi real's figures Of those enrolled this year almost : one .tfuarfer have been assigned by the armed forces for speciul j i/.ed t raining. INCREASE COAL PRICES 1 Anthracite coal e. ding prices i have been raised by OPA an average of till cents a net ton at tlie mines Increases range from t.. 7(1 cents a ton. depending ini the size of the coal On .Tune 1. lb 14. the new ceilings at the mine will tie reduced to an aver age of _‘S cents a ton. leaving net increases of about f!4 cents a ton. The exact amount of these increase.-- van he passed oil to the consumer. Purpose or the ap proximately six months of highei ceilings is to compensate mine owners for the retroactive feat ure of recent wage increases. COMBAT BARS TO 19,000 .Merchant Marine Combat Bar.- have been awarded to more than lb,000 officers and seamen for active service oil a ship that has heen in direct combat action The combat bar consists of hori zontal sk\ blue, white, crimson, and naVy blue stripes. Bars de noting active Merchant. Marine scrv'ice in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Mediterranean middle east war -zones also are being distrih uted. Ail bars may he worn by recipients on’ civilian or Uniform SAVE FIBRE BOARD CARTON Shoppers can help reduce the load on the under-manned pulp and paper supply business by using and re-using liber hoard cartons for taking food home from the market, says the War food administration This is but one of the trifles which amount to imposing totals when saving ways ate adopted by millions of families. TO REGISTER NATIONS NURSES Every graduate nurre through < SOIL Conservation NEWS By K. J. SEITZ Farmers with timber suitable tor lumber ami pulpvvood cun make a valuable contribution to tne war ettou tins winter by lulling ami selling useable tree: says K. J. Seitz, or tne lower Ca irn oa Soil Conservation District. w ar needs lor woods are daily becoming more pressing, ne says. However, if faim wood land would cut and sell then marketable umber this winter a would go a long way toward Helping relieve the critical wood siluation, he adds. It is estimated that in the South 45 percent of the saw-log production Monies from larnis. cikewise a survey by the V\ui Production Board indicates that farm woodlands produce 59 pci cent of the production of pulp wood. With the timber industry ham pered by labor and equipment shortages, farm woodlands will nave to produce a large, part oi the growing needs for woods and wood products. However, Seitz caution. agaiiisti'uthless clear cutting ot woodlands. Woodland owners are being asked to cin and sell their timber now while the need is urgent, lie says, but they are also being- asked to observe good forestry practices while cutting it. He urges formers to cut their trees on a selective basis, remov ing only mature trees, and dis eased. limby, and knotty ones. Such a cutting system will leave ample growing room and stock for future timber crops. FARM DEBTS Get debts in shape by reduc iny excessive debts to a sale ba ds, avoid speculation, build up nnaticial deserves, and invest in War Bonds, agricultural econi mists advise farmers. SOYBEANS To win the war. I'ncle Sam needs more soybeans than have ever been produced before. Mon peanuts and cottonseed are also needed to help build up the oil and food supplies of the nation LICE CONTROL At a recent cattle dipping dem onstration, 1 tin head of eat tie were dipped at Hoffman Forest in Jones courity for control of both biting and sucking lice.The rotenoiie-sulphur dip was used, reports I). Myron Maxwell. State College Extension Entomologist out tlie nation is asked by Un War Malipowed ( oniu- ssion to register at a local hospital or health center during National Nurses Mobilization Week. be ginning February 7. The appeal is being made to graduate nur ses of all ages, no mailer when they live or how long they have been away from active practice As war fronts expand, more anti more nuises will be demanded by the aimed forces, and they must be replaced by nurses now inactive. SAVE JARS FOR 1944 CANNING Home fanners are urged to save all glass jars and tops suit able for re-use. They will he needed to round out the supply next summer, the Department of Agriculture says. Many com mercial jars — those containing coffee, pi-’kles, peanut butler, and mayonnaise—are now stan dardized as to size and type of opening- so that a jar and its metal screw cap may be used for home canning b„v buying only a metal sealing disk with flowed on rubber compound. ARMY TO RELEASE VEHICLES N'on-cobbat army vehicles, manufactured in 1940 and be fore, will be made available for essential civilian use in the near future, according to the War Department. Jeeps will not be released. Details will he an nounced later. HLEGAL NOTICES | -r NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION lames T. Justice -vs Wilmer Justice. Defendant. The defendant above named will hereby take notice that the plaintiff has commenced action in the superior court ol Gaston County for an absolute divorce That she is required to answe or otherwise plead to the com plaint tiled in this cause in 111 otliec of the Clerk of the Supcri I or Court of Gaston County, N C.. within a period of 20 day 'after the final date of publira lion of this notice, or the plain tiff will pray for judgment sic cording to the complaint AN1 EVIDENCE IN THE CAUSE Herein fail not at your peril. Witness. Clerk of said Cour at office in Gastonia, this th 17th day of November, 1042. CHAS. E. HAMILTON. .Ii Clerk , of Superior Court of Gaston Countv. 1. L. HAMME. Att.v for Plaintiff. Gastonia, N. C. 4t-D-9 NORTH CAROLINA. GASTON COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF SUMMONS Sue Dell C. Evans, Plaintiff, -vs •Icssie P>. Evans. Defendant. The above named defendau will take notice that a11 actioi for divorce has been started ii the Superior Court of Gastoi County. N and the defendau will he required to appear hefon the Clerk of the Court at tin Courthouse in Gaston count; within the time prescribed b; law and answer or demur to tin Complaint of the plaintiff, or tbi plaintiff will apply to the Com for the relief demanded in tbi Complaint. This October 2S, 194.1. CHARLES E. HAMILTON, ,h Clerk of the Superior four P c. ERONEP.ERCEIL Att'v for Plaintiff. 41-1)'. NORTH CAROLINA (•ASTON COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Wilbert Ray. Plaintiff -v's Susan Cook Ray. Defendant NOTICE 01- SERVICE liV PUBLICATION The defendant, Susan Cool Rav. will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above lias beet commenced in the Superior Court of Gaston County. Noitii Caroli na, within twenty days from th. on the ground of two years sep aration; and the said defendant will further take notice that slu is required to appear at the of lice of the Clerk of the Suporim Court of said county in the Court House in Gastonia. Noith Caroli na within twenty days fro mth> tinal Duhlieation of litis notice and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or th» plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 22nd day of November lit-Cl. CHARLES K. HAMILTON. Jr Clerk Superior Court foi Gaston County, N. C. ■J. A, WII.EINS. Atty._ 4t-D1« NORTH CAROLINT. GASTON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Marion Lee Whitlock and Thelma Johnson Whitlock. Petitioner* -vs Mary Bradford and Clifford Bradford. Respondents NOTICE OF SUMMONS The defendants above nnmei will take notice tbat a proem* iny entitled as above has beer commenced in tho Superior Court of Gaston County. North Caroli na. for the purpose of the adop tion of Howard Euycne Brad ford, said action hav'ing been in stituted by Marion Lee Whitioel and Thelma Johnson Whitlock and the said defendants will fut• You Women Who Suffer From in FUMES _ CMLUf FEEING? Hood This Advice! CT pou—like ao many women be tween the ages of 38 and 52-sutfe. from hot flashes, weak, dizzy, ner vous feelings, distress of “Irregu larities”, are blue at Umes-due to the functional middle age period lr. a woman’s life-try taking Lydia £ Plnkham’s Vegetable Compound u. cnee. It’s the best known medicine you can buy that's made especially tor women. Plnkham’s Compound is famous to relieve such distress. Taken reg ularly-lt helps build up resistant against such annoying symptoms. It also Is a fine stomachic tonic. /Thousands upon thousands of women - rich and poor allke-have reported benefits. Time and again Lydia Plnkham's Compound * proved some women’s happiest cu;. j often can be during their "40 s '. Also beneficial for younger women to help relieve dlstreesof female month ly functional disturbance*.-Follow kM directions Wort'- < V.W.V.V.V.’.V.V.VV.W.V-’ | DO YOU NEED A-- | | RUBBER STAMP? \ j “WEHAVE EM” i THE EAGLE PUBLISHING CO. j DIAL 2101 '• CHERRYVILLE, C- : ; 11her take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of (said county at the Court >House in Gastonia. North Carolina, and answer or demur to the Petition of the Plaintiffs within twenty j (20) days after the final publi cation of ,this notice: and if they fail to appear, answer or demur ) to the said Petition, within the . time allowed by law, the Petiti oners will apply to the Court for t the relief demanded in the Peti > tion. This the 15th day of Novem ■ her. 1943. (Signed) EMMA CORNWELL Ass’t Clerk Superior Court It-Do__ NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER DEED OF TRUST Under and by v'irtue of au thority in me vested by that cer- i tain deed of trust executed and delivered by S Loyd Muliutley on the 3rd day of August 1940, duly recorded in Book 397, page 255 in the office of the Register ot Deeds tor Gaston County, N. ( . default having been made in 1 the terms thereof, 1 will, at the J front (loot of the Gaston County i Court House on Monday the 13 day of December, 1943, common-I cing at 10 o’clock A. M.. expose for sale and sell to tile highest bidder for cash, subject to upset bid within ten days thereafter, the following described real es tate : Being Lot No. 33 of the plat of land made by .lohi.i I, Stacy, Surveyor, dated May. 1940. le gally recorded in Plat Book 5 at page S7 in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Gaston County i N. ('.. described by metes and hounds as follows: Beginning at a stake, the SW corner of Lot No. 33 in the bne of a 10-l‘oot alley-way and runs thence \ 3S dog 15 min K. • >3.5 G ot to a stake; thence S 73 deg K 105-1 feet to a stake, cor ner oi lots 2.3. 2 1 and 34 • thence S 20 deg 45 min W with the line ol lot 23. 50 feet to a stake, cor ner of lot 23; thence \ 73 dec; • W 177.4 feet to the beginning. I his the 10th day of N'ovem her, 1913. -I. WHITE WARE. Trustee -lt-D9 By .1 L. Haimne, Ally. indigestion Kritrt tr»oi ln<lijc*i,*o if th. °**J>*—Pw It I J'S’Jm ,«V»reii‘^;.;W .74 *31 .*1..1?1.-Uf'l,t ***** t”* lU.Wnr? ilk-*l hmX I ,7r *“*“ “"•*«> *»M. k.w:« M |2 1 y*. «*■* ,M JMU I S5Z,'v‘''y„r~ a .r -* 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS 1 Dr. Evan S. Wehu\M DENTIST Rooms 201 - 202 Farmers Hank Hunuiny | rhEKIv vyil.l.E. N. C. David P. Dellinger Lawyer—Notary Public Special Attention To Collections And Settling: Up Estates CHERRYVIDDK. N C Matthew A. Stroup Lawyer—-N«>?arv I’uhl’c Office In Cherry' Mle National ISnk RniMIng oHFKRYVif TR. N r MOSS RADIO SFRVTCE PHONE 1R71 CMFRRYVIl.LF.. n c. PA TENTS service Send weli-r or limit**: !or f i •**- upiil' >n. -■ x11*-* s W' vuiniiatuh usaocmi ***. n»vj> p ni- i r Si» o _^_ Mmy fan •/ PUtJtU KI4mmj kutkmm Main Wa vbk lag Iwy aai vary, trracoiar kabita. Uapmpor aattac feJ ifbkbr ila rWi at aipwgrt uilglaa «bg <W*«V ban v; gugig gg U« f«| A Um kMaayg Tbay am tyl to Mum mr-t»iai and fail la Altar aaeaag arid and at bar iaapvritMa Irvaa Um IMi 0iing btov* baada^ba. Alaataaaa, ^MOUaJ aa 'a!ftu[ U« mum, availing (aal aoaattttlp urad. aurrava. all auia vat Otbar Ago* W fcktoay ar blaAAar AtaarAar ara aaaa~ bmaa burning, acaaty or taa (raggaal arinaUva Try lb«a'a ^tWa £>u»a*g ba*p Um tldnaya ta paaa af bar ratal MOM* bvdy | vaata. Tbay ba*a bad a. or a Ibat ball a I aaaiary mi pablu a»pr#v *i Am rveatn I Mm 4aA bf gratWoi Mara Mvygban. f Aa* paw ■ nip*bar/ !i»mnri OFFICE OF WAR INFORMATION I WAR PRODUCTION BOARD The Amercian people were asked today by J. A. Krug, Director of the Office of War Utilities, to confine Christmas lighting decorations to Christmas trees inside private homes. Mr. Krug asked that street decorations, com munity Christmas trees, exterior home decorations and interiors and exteriors of commercial establish ments dispense with decorations this year in- I sofar as lighting is concerned. “Government and industry have combined in a nationwide conservation campaign to save critical fuels and materials necessary to produce and con sume electricity,” he said. I am asking the American people to refrain from their Christmas lighting custom as a part of that campaign. Electric light bulbs are particularly short at present and strict conservation of them is necessary. Widespread consumption of bulbs dur ing the Christmas season merely will mean a greater scarcity later on. “Because of the shortness of daylight over most of the country at Christmas time, necessary con sumption of electricity is at its peak. Everything we can do to avoid any additional LOAD will mean direct savings of fuel, manpower, transportation and materials.” Mr. Krug said no mandatory order was con templated because “the American people realize the necessity of this conservation and will do it.” Town of Cherry ville ALFONSO BEAM, Clerk

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