People You Know Society . Parties, Clubs and News About PeoDle In Social Activities Mrs R. \ Fairchild visited in Newton over the week-end and returned home December 7th. Mrs. \V. (i Stroup spoilt Tues day with Mrs. diaries 1’ Hearn and Mrs. .1. M (’rocker. Miss Juanita Putnam of Haiti more spent the weekend here the ttuest of her fnolliei, Mrs. VV. li. Putnam The many friends of Mr A. Jl. Huss will he tflad to know he is improving, hut hoWeVei he is still confined to hi. home. Mr. and Mrs \V. il Self had a birthday dinner Sunday honor-’ itiK iVJr. Self's fifth birthday an niversary. Mrs. Yates Carpenter and chil dren, Sylvia and Don. spent from Tuesday until k i iday w ith hei parents, Mr and Mrs. .1. M (ieoi'ite of l.ipeolnton. Mrs. M. if Sneed, of (house, and little nephew, Carol Sellers of l.ineolnton left Saturday for Katonton, (la., where she will •spend the week witii her dauph ter, Mrs, J. \V. Clements. Miss Grace Shives of Gastonia spirit the week end hen- the guest of Mrs. \V 1). Bi'ovvn, Jr., at the honu1 of Mr. ami Mrs. \\ . I). Browne, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack llies of Crumerton spent Sunday aftei noon here the guest ol Mr. and Mrs. A. II. lluss. PlY. Steve Mailman left Sal unlay for (’amp Glaioornc, I,a., after Spending a I i day fill lough with his parents. Mi and Mis. ,) M. Hallman. Mr. and Mrs. Howard M .Mi lan arid sons, (Jam and Wayne, spent Sunday in Charlotte the quests of Mr and Mis. ||. k. Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs Hunter Hups and children of Gastonia spent Sunday afternoon with .Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. lluss. Mrs. K k. Voder of (house left Saturday morning- for Salin as, (hilitoi nia where she will join her husband, Sgt. R. I.. Voder, who is stationed at Salinas. Mrs. Voder is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. M. hi. Sneed of Crouw. W. J. Huskey, SI ( arrived from Brooklyn, X. Y Thmsday for a sixteen rl.av leave with Ids wife. the former Miss Melha Browne. Seaman Mil-key has just returned from T months stay overseas. Mr. and Mrs. h\ U Haxtei received their lir-n letlei m live weeks from their son, I’ve Thos. W. Baxter who has neently heen sent overseas lie is now station ed in Australia. lie address is: Pvt. Thus. W . Baxu i I I,‘{this I APO >tTaT Post maslei Sail Francisco. (hili fm nisi Hug'li I.ingerfelt S 1 C arriV t*(l homo Wednesday from New York, for a few days visit with Ins parents, Mr. and Mis T. A. Hingerfelt. Ho will return to du ty the 22tld. —I — Carl M, Fairchild tf Baltimore, Mil., and mi employee of Kapprs Hammered Piston and Ring Plant is Visiting his mother, Mrs. R. A !• airchild and sister... Miss Patri i ia Fairchild and Mrs. W. A. Putnam. Corp. Howard R. Hallman of Camp McCoy. Wis., and Pfc. Marshall Hallman of Camp Adair Urcgon. are hotli at home on tulloilgh due to their father’s ill ness. Mr. Henry Hallman. Mr. Haliman’s condition remains about the same. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dedmon of Baltimore arrived Saturday due In tlie death of a In oUvet-in-ltt\v, .\. C, I.utz. The funeral services were (-(inducted Sunday after noon at •’> o'clock at the Kadish Methodist (’lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Ifcdmoii returned to Baltimore Wednesdtiy Sgt. and Mrs James N. With erspoon returned to Fort Bragg Sunday after attending the fu neral of Mrs. Blanche Wither spoon here Friday. Mrs. Wither spoon, who before her marriage was Miss Annie Bell Sellers, is making tier home at Fort Bragg with her husband. CIRCLE NO. I TO MEET Circle No. I Society of Chris tian Service of the First Meth odist Church will meet Tuesday afternoon at d:M0 o clock at the home of Mrs. L 1*. Barnett. All members are urged to be present AUXILIARY TO MEET MONDAY The American Legion Auxili ary will meet Monday night at 7:,'!() o'clock at the home of Mrs. E. V. Moss with Mrs. Moss and Mrs V. C. Peeler and Mrs. Enoch PeVinc as joint hostesses. All memOors urged to he present. MR. SELF HONORED ON BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Self had a birthday dinner Sunday honor ing ,Mr Self's 117th birthday an niversary. j Those enjoying the occasion ' were: Mr. and Mrs, W. 11 Self, Mr. and Mrs Everett Carpenter, Charles. Kenneth and (.Hernia Carpenter Cary llunsinger, l.o rene Self, Pvt. Edwin Elder of i Camp Adair, Oregon, Mis. Fran ces Randall, Miss Peal I Self and j Arthur Self. Mr. Self received i many nice gifts. ! Surprise him with one of these Top Coats for Christinas. Cloud styles and colors. Pitied: $15.00, $19.50, $22.50 and $25.00—llAR HELSON CO, Inc. ‘‘Looks a bit crowded in there, conductor!” i( In addition in v tint mo Hits oj (Lilians, :ce an carrying. In,., of soldiers and sailors on Jur I ..i/// and open entire tram-loads of troops. ) et the Seaboard is doing its best to make all passengers a< loinjortable in possible.** *0’.a\\ fund in tori lie folk> ■:vh» are not in the Serene are ready t<> put up iCith any tneonee me nee alien see tut. el then da ye ** SEABOARD RAILWAY r works y FOR Victory . Mti' <2^ HI YIN(» \N AH , BuMn AND a 1 AVIPS i n it o i t. ## Fidelis Class Has Christmas Party Meeting The Fidelis Class cf the First Baptist Church held their regu lar meeting and Annual Christ mas party on Friday night at the home of Mrs. V. C. Peeler with Mrs Peeler and Mrs. Odell Dellinger as joint hostesses. The meeting opened with the song, “Silent Night”. iScripture—Fuv Whitesides Prayer—Mrs. h. C. McDowell A delicious salad course with accessories was served after wards gifts which had been plac ed around the Christmas tree were exchanged. Those present were. Mesdames I. C. McDowell, Kenneth Dellin gei', Y. 0. Peeler. Paul McKoud, Pete McGinnis, C. < . Dellinger, Charlie Black. Carl Faker, For est Black. T. A. Mess, R W. Moseley, Yates llomesley, Ralph Sisk, R. 1,. Graham, Sara Wilson, Hoy Carpenter, James llomesley, Boh Boggs, Russell Hoover, Odell Dellinger. Misses Fay White sides, Kona Mauney. and Ollie Whitesides. Miss Molly Franchis Putnam Celebrates Hirthday Anniversary Tlit" Nmvay Clubhouse was tlit* scent' 11 and a It*a st't, also sonic fruit atul nuts A little nirl in the second grade. HILDA l!LACK. CURRITUCK School children in Currituck county helped save a good part of tile cotton crop, as the county schools closed at one o’clock ivory day during the harvest sea son. says the agent. AT FIRST MM OF A c OV» v666 USE TABLETS. SALVE. NOSF PP0P< IfYouHad MYJOB Keeping house, helping take care of the family—you would realize that business girls are not the only ones who some times get Headache and Tired Aching Muscles. We home girls often work just as hard and have just as many Headaches, just as many Stomach Upsets and get just as Tired. « About a year ago, I first used ALKA-SELTZER I find that it eases my Aching Head, takes the kinks out of Tired, Aching Muscles and brings relief when 1 have Acid Indigestion. The family says I am a lot easier to live with since 1 have known about Alka-Seltzer. Have you tried ALKA-SELT ZER? If not, why don’t you get a package today? Large package #0*. Small package 30*, also by the glass at Soda Fountains. LETTERS from Our boi^s In The Seruice The Cherryv’ille Engle Cherry ville, North Carolina. Dear Fred: Wish to thunk you for being so kind as to keep ire home town paper coining even though my subscription might have elapsed before 1 thought to send the money for a renewal J am en closing a money order for one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) and trust that you will keep send ing the paper to me for it sine does help to keep me in touch with the things that have been going on around the home town. As soon as practicable I belieVe that it would be a good idea if you would change over the mail ing- address so taut the paper might possibly arrive quicker. The correct address i- noted be low. Again I thank you for your interest and wishes lot the wel fare of all the boys from our home town. This leaves me and several of tla- other home town boys in this location getting along tine. HaVe I een able to see some of them quite often and ’ that makes it more interesting for each of us while We are away from home Yours nuly, Sgt. (’AltI. 1C. WEB 15 34129.974 llqrs. Co, Alaskan Department APt) 1142. Poston ster, Seattle, Washington. CHURCH NOTICES First Presbyterian J. WALTER COBB Supply-Pastor Sunday School at 10:00 A.M. 11:00 “The Alost Beautiful Book in the World" Special music hy .Miss Jessie 7:30 P M. "How the Philip pian Jailer was caught.’’ FINK DIAMONDS WATCHES AND JEWELRY ' \ \ \ ■ ' ' ' D€LLinG€R S *&r" ~J€UI€L SHOP C/ieWt/nMe /! ( ICE COAL WARM MORNING HEATERS Cherryville Ice & Fuel Co. QUALITY—SERVICE APPRECIATION Phono 3231 It name FOR GIRLS to remember! Discover its 2-way help* STRAND THEATRE CHERRYVllLE. N. C. FRI.-SAT.—DEC. 10-11 DON BARRY “Outlaws Of Pine Ridge” 2—SERIALS—2 NEWS—CARTOON MON.-TUES—2 DAYS BIG DOUBLE SHOW SUSPENSE - woAMMF.3 MYSTERY! HIT No. 2 “Cinderella Swings It” — WITH — GUY KIBBEE GLORIA WARREN C++** -:~i- -r HELEN CURTIS COLD WAVE I l