Eagle Ads Pay Big Dividends - Use Them Frequently For Results CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE PIGS FOR SALE— Six weeks old. Mrs. \\ . H. Putnam. ~t FOR S A IF; I!) lu Model Ford sedan—good tires and motor in good condition HaV'i Hollitield. Cherryv'ille. X. O P FOR SALE—One and one-hall tons of good peanut bay—-Excel lent for cows or iioiscs; ( all 3141. 1). O. Rudistil. It Men's Suits make an excellent Christmas (ijt't. Sec ours before VOli buy. Pi iced $in.5o, $22.50 and $25.00. HAKRELSON Co. N O TIC E Our Hammer Mill is ready for operation again. We are readv to serve you, and ap preciate your business. DALTON'S FEED MILL LOST HIST Alumt $2C in bill' rolled in a ladies c dkeu-. in Hoiks Store Frol...- aficrnoon. Return to Eagle O.'lkcr and re ceive reward -I VP LOST—Ladies H rg. Linde' please reilwrn to AIi— -l"J‘cv Qui-nn at the CherryVide National Harm and receive reward. It ••! LOST—-Ga< Look- A & H— Name .lohnnie (Ira •')■. Finder please return to o«' eir. or t" the • deal ration hoard._ 1 -P LOST Ration Hook No Name Ljonald K. 1 ui|'entei Finder please reiurir to tin own er or to the local Ration Hoard. I t-p FOR RENT For RKNT — House !-J miles from town. Sre Liny Har relson. FOR RKNT —- Two furnished rooms for light hiniseseeping. Hot and cold water. Inquire at Fa cie Office. PERSONAL FREE ! If e\r e you pains of S'. Indigestion-. float;' BJoat.iTl.ir.- Nausea. La- Rains. Re! free sample-. Cdira. at A Him Ilnur Company. DM-IVT! Rojo hinp WANTED WANTED- -Triov. , year old ehdd. Call Eairl'o DTii 0 to I a 1 eopdition ••WANTED— I- a i insui aim- for a foi fomm i.-stops Hospital A boro, N It U ri: s ph nd.fis. Liberal Tit, State !neTar tit I'll WANTED ■r It we m y t EGGS- I’av ' i Sell fee.! • if ail FI.OCR AND North of Fiji HID KENS AND • “.est market. We kinds DAL’D-TN'S 1EKD MILLS. Sfilooi. tf WANTED 3-Piece Living Room Suits Studio Couches Stoves Ranges Oil Stoves Iron Beds and Springs WILL PAY CASH CARPENTER BROS. We Pay Cash For Late Model Used Cars and Trucks Homesley Chevrolet Company, Inc. Cherryville, N. C. If MISCELLANEOUS PIANO Tr\ I\''5 in the office of the Register j of UeeuS for Gaston County, X. i C. default liaving been made in j the terms thereof, I will, at the front door of the Gaston County Court House on Monday the 1 day of December, 1943. commen cing at 10 o’clock A. M., expose for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, subject to upset bid within ten days thereafter, the following described real es tate : Being Lot Xo. .'id of the plat, of land made by John L Stacy, Surveyor, dated May, 1040, le gally recorded in Plat Book 5 at page 87 in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Gaston County X. C.. described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at a stake, the SW corner of Lot Xo. 153 in the line of a 10-foot alley-way and runs thence X 38 deg 15 min E, 53.5 feet to a stake: thence S 73 deg E 105 4 feet to a stake, cor ner of lots 23. 24 and 34: thence S 20 deg 45 min W with the line of lot 23. 50 feet to a stake, cor ner of lot 2.3: thence X 73 deg \Y 177.4 feet to the beginning. This the 10th day of Xovem her. 10 43. •T. WHITE WARE. Trustee 41-Dp 15v .1 L. llamme. Ally. •Buy War Saving* Bond*— PROTECT YOUR AUTO WITH FIRE THEFT COLLISION INSURANCE Rapraaanting THE TRAVELERS, Hartforo DAVID P. DELLINGER CHERRYVILLE, N. C. THE BEST INSURANCE “ALWAYS ACCOMMODATING’* Established 1907 BANNER ROLLER MILLS LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA . . As Distributors For ATTENTION GROCERS: LIGHT CRUST, the flour with the rich, creamy white color that means PROTEIN VALUE ... is now available to you! Right now, you'll find your distributor carrying large, well rounded stocks of LIGHT CRUST . . . with ample facilities to give you excellent service. BURRUS MILL & ELEVATOR CO. Fort Worth, Texas