JHERE i* one sacred trust we at home must keep for each man in uniform who is dear to us: and that is the warmth and cheer of the home he is fighting his hard est to return to at the soonest possible date! Whether Christmas morning may find him deep in a jungle sweating under camouflaged garb or fly ing over enemy boundaries in Europe, on a bombing mission or wrapped in fur robes at an Arctic base^ the spirit of Christmas will be gloriously alive, radiat ing from his visualization of how YOU are keeping this Christmas at home-for his sake! The tree may be smaller this year but the brilli ance of its trimmings, even if home-made, will shine out to say “Merry Christmas” to your hero. The chil dren may get less costly, more practical gifts, so that more money could go into War Bonds but their enjoy ment and laughter will ring out to echo “Merry Christ mas” to that man in uniform! No matter what sacrifices we are rightly making through the year-no matter what loneliness fills our hearts for those in battle-on December 25th let us hold our chins high, put a sparkle in our eye-and bring Christmas joy to everyone we can! . Our fighting men wish it so! CARLTON YARN MILLS i itettias Joy. } Wishing You a ■ Merry Christmas ^ And A . c Happy New Year He'll reed and re-read a dozen time*, every letter from home . . . every greeting card. He’ll unwrap and fondle every gift sent to him from mother, father, sis ter, sweetheart, friends. For these things speak of home. And though ev eryone tries to make Christmas as gay as possible where he is; as bright as the service club decorations may be; as strong as the friendships he may have made wifh those now near to him-yet so far from home, all his thoughts will be with you, AT HOME, this Christ mas! And though your thoughts are of him - there s a difference. You are still in the cheerful atmosphere of your household. You still are surrounded by loved ones you can only imagine his life out there . But he’s living it: and the reality of that life contrasts starkly with the warmer reality of his memories of “home”. That’s why wc iust all be unceasing in our efforts to end this war soon and bring him to the home he s dreaming of this Christmas. That’s why we must buy more War Bonds than we even think we can — That • why above all, we must give the present with a future . . . this Christmas. Howell Man’ig Company Nu-Way Spinning Company