Miss Lucy Hurrelson Sells Mule Thru This Ad . * * FOR SALE—One Good Mule, f *»'nt to sell at once. Lucy Har 4 lelson. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE WA^tM MORNING Cabinet! Heaters, Cheriyville ice and Kiel! Co., Ice & Coal. Phone :'.231 PIGS FOR SALK -Good Home' Raised^. Pigs— Price Reasonable.! E*NE$T STROl'P 2up-D23 j .FOR RENT- Faint 'V»i rent in. Beaveitfam Section. See Alai shall -P We Pay Cash For ! Late Model Usec^Cars and Truck* Homesley Chevrolet; Company, Inc. Cherry ville, IS. C. tf LOST LUST A Gas stamps: Name A. E. K^atn. Kinder please re: urn J to the sojvt*e> or in the lovaj Kilioil Board. U-p LOST Fiui' imm'ici •.lire*! ration books. N-ii'ne Floyd Bye.-. F'inder fflease return to. owoc: or local Ration Hoaid. LOST t.a> A Look and tire inspection blank: Name S.I-. Hoyle. Finder please return U>.i owner or to the local ration , hoard. It-Pj LOST-—Yellou gold bulofa) watch with . leather band. 1-inJet, leturn to Mrs. .1. i'. Hold ot to! lit# Eagle Office. '___ _ _;_Y ! FOUND FOUND — 1’aii child's blue Corduroy Overall-, t all at Eagle • Office. PERSONAL FRETSI If cv. e-s acid. ■ ;« • ** you pains of s'"' ,',r! 1,' Indigestion. II.tl.atn. heicbin? Rivaling. Nausea. Paitt'. get frtf** sample. * :u Ai'' H lil tijr Com pant . 1 ‘,r I' f’ I MISCELLANEOUS PIANO TUNING \ND RFl’AfK ING — • Indoor .1 by Ltadin; Music Teachers. \\ \ tc h Peae.he. Heluo.nt. \ r PElUMANKNT Do yonr C-. • I Charm K m l h equipment. in b.,d and shampoo Fa.'. lutely iiartnlr." thousands inelud:' glamorous mn\i leftnlded if not -a DRUG COM I*ANA \\ t \' F. i with! In plet r. j •id lei s j d h Money d. ai.i.en; 1 af-.Ian.dO j ICE COAL WARM “MORNING Cabinet HEATERS Cherryville Ice & Fuel Co. QUALITY—SERVICE APPRECIATION Phone 3231 NO TIC E Our Hammer Mill i* ready for operation again. We are ready to serve you, and ap preciate your business. DALTONS FEED MILL „r if EM AX HAU.. PlTZHALL HATCHERY Cherryeille. N. C. ""wanted 3-PJece I.iving Room Suits! '"tujdin Couches c toves Ranges ^ Oil Stove* Iran Beds and Springs ^ WILL PAY CASH CARPENTER BROS.) WE Bl'Y CHICKENS AND rt«Cft- --Fav highest market. Mr t-rll feeds »f ail kinds. LtALION'S J'bOUH AND FEED MTLLS j^orth oi Hifh School. tf PROFESSIONAL CARDS' Dr. Evan S. Wehum DENTIST Rooms 201 - 2®2 Farmers Bank Building CHERRY VILLE. N. C. David P. Dellinger I -a \vy e r—Not a rv Public Special Attention To Collections And Settling' Up Estates ( UFRR Y VlI.l.E. N C Matthew A. Stroup I,a wyer- -Not a rv Pu hlic Office In Cherryville National Rank Building CHERKYVII I F. N. C MOSS RADIO SERVICE PHONE 3571 CNERRYVILLE N. C. PATENTS iV.™ Prompt *x»eri »rtrtc*>. Sen kelcli *>i »!•«(<■! fmr fir* Cfiin'Bt Expert "'Ashni^ten •x»»i“i»te» : * a \ i;,. r ! > *: i.r ixckr Sp*,-,, U: un»r I'knrnJ,'. N. (’ FOR GOOD SHOE REPAIRING At Lower Cost, See COLEY’S SHOE SHOP AT FIRST MM Of A c 666 U5E TAatFT< <*' SCARBOROUGH NAMED "MAN OF THE YEAR" BY FARM MAGAZINE .lulian !l. Scarboi ouyli. iij'i' i dent til' lilt' Feder ;il l.aiid Hank of Columbia. xdiich -fives the r« i.i ('a i■ i»1 i»ii». Georyia and I ’!<» jjiIh. ha- '•••(Mi muni'il 1 a ••Ainu of the Year" in seiVicr in ;..y,nciil tiire in South Carolina. b\ tilt' J’l O.u'i't""ivc Farmei. well kmtw’n farm masa/fine. All'. Seal hnroiisli has been president of too hank since r.i::4. In i ccoy ni/.itlir the land hails president. the I'royre.-six e ai mer. ir it- .lamiare issue. has "For our South Carolina awari! we aii- i eco!iiiixin!r .llllian 11. Scarliorouyh. -nice 1!C!4 presi dent of the Federal l.aitu Hank of ('illi.iinIvia. .As xvc recently printed a lutijr article thout Ml. Scarhoi miuh. we need only re peat tht- hiyldiyhts of what xx e then said. Half the total farm, tilortyaye deht of South Carolina and more than one-third the to tal North Carolina farm mort •*abe deht ate handled by Ml'. .Sc.trhorr,iiah’s institution xvitli interest rates now reduced to -< per cent and none of he old ex orbitant 'renewal chaiyed nil land loans \xhiie as All. Scar hiirmijih declares: •Ours is a cooperative, non profit. service nisjaniziitiori estab lished. (li to help "hriciye the yap" between the individual far mei's Iony term credit require merit.- and the money market of the country and then (2) to help him yet out of deht. For our 11 sponsihilii v does not end v ith the makitpy of a loan —it ju<{ br Orte i,arable featuie of Air. Searborouy It’s adniinistt ation is that the bank has been taken out to the farmers—the 1oc«l associ ations operated and directed he (heir fai net -members have been yix'en authority to act for tht l ank in practically all its n ajor functions. And the Federal l and Hank lias not only helped its oxvp borrowers. it lias helped ihoii • a mis anil thousands if farmers who have never even made an ; pplii-iilic>r> to the Federal l.aliil Bank. For by itself, makiny lony lime loans at I per cent. it has forced other lenders to yiv'e some .dial corresponding’ advantages.’ Rats ale known to carry 12 human diseases, as well as a num ber of livestock and poultry dis eases. PLAN TO USE WAITS WEAPONS ON FOREST FIRES PARATROO P E R S MAY BE DROPPED TO HALT FLAMES Jeeps Also Could Cover Forest Conflagrations Against the racing blitz krieg of a forest tire sweep ing crockling flame over a front many miles wide, the nation's stalwart foresters are planning to use many of the weapons of war to check the annual destruc tion of 000,000 of tim ber. The sv. ords of war become he ploughshares of peace, and this time the alert timber indu.-ti v i* asking use!]' today: Win not use lire extingunishmg bombs to iU'op on spreading t'or est liie.' Why riot use bombers, equipped with precision sights, no aim these iiontbs,’ Why not i; c tire lighting parachute troops i to drop behind •‘enemy" lines or 10 transport to lire regions d'fli , ah to negotiate ny land? Why not, indeed? As a mat let ot fuct. fne lighting agencies already have leiited out souie of the-e idfirs. and the results hav» been encouraging- hut taking : advantage of the air warfare ' experiences in the conflict now raging. of the bombing tech niques that hlastt*d Hamburg otl the map. and the tactics ol the paratroopers that helped to take tieilv. forest lire lighting legions after the war will be seaj-ed to Wage a relentless sip battle or, forest tires. A tough forest tire is a terri ble enemy to combat. It some times attacks on a front ll'Oitl 1 to mope than 20 miles wide- h can sweep forward a. a speed to overtake a man on horseback. It develops a heat that can ig niti* a sunup more than l('0 tapds from any dame. It stirs' air currents to the speed of a It is a- tricky as the piucei strategy of a field n.apshak out flanking and trapping its oppon ents unless thev art* prepared to beat a quirk retreat. It has Peel) known to scorch the earth ' over all area of 120 miles long! and from 20 to .to miles wide in j a t*riod of 2-1 hours. Forest lipe lighting js wat for which there is no oeace. And since sou learn about war in war the I'litied States Forest Service bps het its machinery in motion to inestigato till angles of tirej lighting- in the light of this war developments and postwar ex o'ectat ions. The man v» 1 ■ is ex pected to take charge f this program is David P. Godwin. a . envtra of the forest service, who lias been active in a.nti-fire experimental work for a number lifVdwin airc;iu\ N.t> m*r»u tht* ftoSsibiliTy of Hivc-j bombing fore-t tires. using bombs w Li it'll in reality "tTc ttx nlid.ru>!;' tire (•xting'ilisbeis. That, however. was a number of years ■>;» i>ii<| didn’t nice' with much’ -nect‘ss it \v;o (litfjci.il lilt* e\ 'ivi inieiHt'i' found 10 tut t>'f e> ■xt -pot where tl'** oomb-pxtin gui-hers would do the ino-t gam.; and lht>fit was difficulty in cov l ering a sull icieutly IfHgo area. Aviatop enthusiasts however, are counting upon etficliv'e bomb mg and nthpr precision m.-t > u inent- to change ibis situation. As an alternative i.hey believe there may be great possjbil.itif.-, in the use of helicopter.-. No doubt ;i fleet of botnuiiig plane., eon Id 1 u > u-pd to advantage in bla-ting a lire out of a forest, especially wilji ground support Irani a paratrooper saitalion. The ubiquitous "jeep" -- a* ■ ustomed to the jungle trajls ot New (iuinea and the diffiittlt terrain of Afpica and Italy .is already recommended b\ profes sional I'orestres a- highly suita ale for -etvjee r*s u miniature lire engine. |,iUewi-o, the "wal kie-talkie" radio Ui.sueitiomiMy will !>e used hy the thousand.- to keep contact between toe chiefs -ml tbeip crewmen, aviation .-pot 'ers. pilots and pai nt'copers nv 'rliead. "Half-t i ;«i Is-." which eoinbine automobile speed- with tank and tractor ability to negotiate the swamps and rugge I lands can serve efl'ieieutly as a big- brother ;o the jeeps, and for u-e as bull dozers to sepape tile trail barri m- to the progress of dames, bulldozers already are essential !i re-tig li ting equipment. Kv'en flame thrower- develop ed by the eheinicnl warfare ser vice may be called upon for build ing "back lipe-*" , out ning out ureas in the paths < j .-pleading flames Accompanying them would be men with tire extinguishers, 'o guard against the back tires getting- out of control. The paratrooper, however', will doubtless have a glory and a dri ly all his own. Mis greatest set ice will come from the fact be an get there first. Once a watch "i- front a tire tower or from a oat rolling plane spots smoke, it need be only a few minutes until a paratrooper can land within jO or 100 yards of the blaze and by getting thepa while the fire is just starting, fie will be able in | LEGAL NOTICES EXECUTORS' NOTfCE Having qualified as. Executors deceased, late of Garfton County, X. C.. this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned or to oUr attorney, on or before ibe •lid day of December. 1944, or this notice will be pleaded in baf of recovery. All persons indebt cd to said estate will please make mmediate payment. This 3rd day of December, • 943. OSCAR S. BO V D & SUSAN E. BOYD, Executors Estate of , Mattie L. Boyd. BISMARCK CAPPS, Att'.v. Gastonia, N'. C. tit—) 13 NOltTJl CAROLINA. (i ASTON COUNTY. IN THK SUPERIOR COURT Marcus A. (.handler and Ollie L Charidlet his wife. Petitioners Paul Murray and Mary 1. Murray Respondents NOTICE OF SUMMONS The ilelerldutits above named [will take notice that a proceed ing entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Gaston eouniy. North Carolina for the purpose of the adoption of Dorothy Elizabeth Murray, .-aid action hav'ing been institu ted by Marcus A. Chandler and Ollie Chandler; and the said de fendant# will further rake notice that they ate required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county at the Court House in (Jastonia, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the petition of the plaintitY within twenty (20) days after the final publication of this notice; and,if they fail to appear, answer or demur to the said petition within the time allowed by law. the Pe titioners will apply to the Court for tlra relief demanded ill the I Trris the 3rd day of December. ' ’ EMMA COKNWEl.L Assistant (’lerk Superior Court. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having' qualified as Administra tor of the Estate of 'L. C. Hoitz t law. deceased, late of Gaston County, N. C., this to notify many tuses to extinguish it with • mt additional help. But when long periods ol dryness have rendered the forests highh inflammable ail'd Lite.' , pi eatl quickly, a radio summon* from the spotters can bring ie inforcentents in a hurry. A sin gle big plane may bums' a moh n mote paratroopers, a doze it ptanes could bring them by tRe hundreds. .Meantime. uir jeep. aim truck-;, truck* and b’linioaei's will bo moving [ip with other [wn I'orcements ami supwlie*. They may brills the flume throwers to build back fires, if necessary. They’ll bring sdong line-* of hose | and high pressure pumps power ad by motors which ai <• twins to those used on rowboats. With the i,i“li ppesurse edriipment. they 11 he able to combat file# in “snug:.'," dead tiees which ait- an especial menace because lluy tend to airy ground tuns upward to the ops of other trees, ’1 tills if tile original tile. doe; net out. of control of the first paratrooper to reach, it, and i; proves too big' for the first rein forcements too. it is almost cer tain that the third waVe of para trooper and ground forces will it.-ort to budding back lipes and diguing- trenches as the maximum effort to check it. Bulldozers and plow-equipped ball- tracks will mechanize a large part of the digging job. Men with flame throwers and extinguishers will handle, the back tires. Other men with gasoline powe.ed “chain saws'' will dear the path ofthe bulldozers and half-tracks of the trees too big for them to howl There are more than 100 mil lion acres of the big timber in tiie commercial forests of AoTtv ica today—enough to last for ma ny years while the “junior’’ for ests" are growing to big timber size. But it isn't only this area must be gaurded flow lire. It is rqnailv important to protect also • omc ft Co million acres where the lounger trees are growing. In addition there age 16$ million ac ■ res non commercial forest land. I including parks, preserves and |ut her preserves. The immensity of this area - ‘150 million acres-is what makes it a problem whej-c aiation cap iielpp because this forest lan^ constitutes one third of all tllf land area of the nation. Approximately 01,000 m^n ale kept constantly subject to lire-fi'-h' ng duty today. Of these some 6. . DO are responsible for -fat- f. .csts and admitiistrat/pya ■>f privately owned iimbeiTajid#. and about 0.000 are biStnMrsof .the federal land administrative | agencies which ir\clu-ie the Forert Service. In spite of their effort* howev'er. lire annually destroys ! a# much as $00 million cubic feet I of i timber-—which w-ohld be finite enoxtgli to build one-third million i houses! SOIL Conservation NEWS Bv R. J. SEITZ Paul Mauney, Kings Moun tain, on his farm Located along l: L>. No. 74 has about six acres sown to a mixture of barley and rye grass to be used for winter grazing, lie. plans to follow witli sudun grass lot late summer grazing. He also has a consider able acreage of winter legumes sown for soil improvement-. The following farmers are starting to cut and ship pulp wood: VV. E. Rhyne, K. .1 lihyne and \V. 1). Plonk. lit. 1. Dallas. X. C.: II. 11. Helms, RED, Stan ley; and Jim Rhyne, Stanley. These farmers are not only fur trishing vitally needed war mate rial, but are also taking advan tage of the opportunity this win ter of thinning out the poor qua lity trees in thick pine stands; thereby increasing the growth rate of the better trees remaining; for future growth and increased Ianu income front the woods. Edward Coll in er. RED, Stan ley. planted about 00#0 black lo cust seedlings on his farm last -prihg for post patch. lie pre pared the land before planting; and cultivated them once. These rices have made good growth and are b-S feet high. lie will prune these trees this winter to promote straight stents. tV 1). Anthony and Oscar Tor rence located on the Linwood Road near Crowders Creel; re cently hail county units construct -event! bottom drainage ditches These ditches were graded out into wide V-type channels with :) to 1 slope, which will enable i lie landowner to work over w ith arm machinery and maintain, thereby eliminating the usual ■.rowing; up of the banks