Funeral Rites Conducted A. Hoke Huss Saturday Passed Away In City Hospital Thursday Af ternoon About 2 o’clock Following Illness; Burial Made In Lutheran Cemetery Funeral services ivfir condio ted for A. Hoke Hums. 07'. Satin day :*t trrmn.n at " o'clock from St. John’s Lutheran ('huirh. Sei-vVes weiv m charge of the pastor. Rev. \V. (I. Cob). assisted by Ucv. K. S. Elliott, pastor of tho First Itaptist Church and Rev. * 'eoTpv S. [louden. pis'- tor of Holy Trinity Lutheran (’hureh. (hast oft is. A rout hi ncd’ ihoir sail};. "Come Ve Disconsolate,” "In lie Hour of Trial" and “My faith Looks lip to Thee." Active pall healels Mere mem bers of the ehureh eouneil: D. II. Alrtuncy. Jr.. Howard K Houser. l». it. .Viutmey, Si. Ed .tin Uudi sill Dewey I', ileum, ..rut Claude C lliaui. Flowers were in charge of Miss: Fannie Fanis with the lauies of the Lutheran congregation sen iujf as flower bearers. The body was laid to rest in the family plot in tho Lutheran cemetery. Mr. Huss was one of the most prominent and host known busi ness men of the county. lie had been aetivo in the capacity of dietary and treasurer of the Uhyne Houser mills until last Thanksgiving when his liealth !>e tjr.’n to fail. He spent several dfcys ill the Memorial Hospital in l harlotte licfore Christmas and .dfn e Christ mas he had been in the City HorfWtal. In Gastonia, and returned homo apparently belter but was tarried baek to the City llo mital last Tuesday wherv lie died Thursday. Air. Huss was a son of the late Air. and Mrs. Henry Huss of laneoln eounty. He t ante to t'heiryville in 1898 as manager of the Gaston Manufacturing company store, whieh was oue of the leading’ stores in town at the time. and remained eonneeted with this store for many years. Lsttei he and his brother-in-law. Dr A. W. Howell, organised the ltowell Manufacturing Company. He wa feet elary and tiea-i rer .. o d manager of the mill for some years. After the sale of the mill to the I). E. Uhyne interests he was named postmaster here under the Wilson Administration. He retained this connection for eight years, re signing’ about the elose of his term to become associated with the D. K. Uhyne chain of mills and w elected see: clary and treasurer of the Rhyne Houser Manufacturing Company whieh connection lie held until his death Mr. Huss was considered one of the most successful textile mill men in the county loi years, having tn'e-li tlie chief dllcclol of tin- Uhyne Houser mills for many years up to two or tinea yeais ago. when lie gave up the active management but retained lus connection and served as di rector and otlieer until me time of his death. ■hi. iiu« was uur oi trie oiucst Muboiis in tins part of the coun ty. was a past master oi' the lo cal lodji'c, and always active in the work, lie was an active and coiLslaut member oi St. Join, , Lutheran church and iiad served many years as a member oi the church council, lie had served as major of the town and for a number of years was a njembet of the board of commissioners. At the time of his death he wins president of the Cheiryville Na tional Lank and the Cherryville building and Loan -Vssociauoii. lie. was elected president of the hank in lUb.j and had been pres ident of the building and Loan Association since lti28. t»n July 4. 11100 he was mar ried to Miss Ola Stroup, duua'h ter ol the late Moses Suoun and Sarah Carpenter Stroup. Tie is survived hy -Mrs. llu.-s and the following children: Hunter Huss of Gastonia superintendent of fhc schools of Gaston county; Haul H. Huss principal of the Spindale schools. Spindale; Thos. K. lluss principal of Linwood schools, Linwood; Doius lluss, a teacher at Cliffside now in tho United States Army station ed at Camp Kucker. Alabama; Jack Huss. coach at the Craiuer ton schools. Cramerton; and Miss Marie lluss. member of the. Try on llixh School fwculty. Also surviving are live jf rand children, Jane Temple lluss Hunter Uuss Jr., and Alice Mari* Huss of -(Turn te Fag. 6. Cal. 6) TAKEN BY DEATH } I _A. HOKE HUSS_ Kelly Ford Ha* Old Time Arithmetic 108 Year* Old On Display Know* What Happened Each Say In Weather Condition* For Pail Nine Year*, Ail , hell.i j in v, i.toUgh; to Otll i'll tee t nei.ii i .< frari oih! .vielilul .crillimelie. JS.JH, making- it ilih yeai s mil. The • u uniitc-uc eon.-ms ..ddiiiun, mental e.Voi clses, division, nuill d avion, Min pie unciiUon, simple »ui*vi .ii'llnii Miupit- iiu llipl.ea li”ii. simple division, ii.ieUOns, atm o.ciy llnng tin; tin- Arilli. melie hooks contain limay. The arithmetic u a- uniivil tiis " niinlliUiiei' ii. (i. Uai i eliOii. Air. J oiil also me an Ameri can Almanac dated lfidll. much It til vo.u’s olil. the old time Almanac was mined by his ifi a’.ntiai net the tale \V, U. liui relsoii and a as given to Air, llarielaon by dames il. Wnite, It eotiUuns many Wangs m impor tance and is Vet} mteie- inn- to i cad 'Die price oh tt.e Almanac was marked Sl.tth. Air. 1' onl has made it a hobby lor the past nine years to mark down ult a calendar what hup j pelted Hi the way of weather conditions each day. lie now Iras nine calendula ..lailini; hack lit liK!t> u'ltd is still continuing- the fjt ucliee. The At i th me tic anti Alutaitav is now on display in out' ollue. Teachers To Play Basketball Monday A rare and tasty I real will lie vi.'iieii Aionlay night upon Cher. • e ' i•:«. basketball lan.- when the leueheis’ team and an all-star •an team tangle in a cage duel lliat will bi inn bark pleasant uicoioj n s nf oilier years anil other players. .Maybe the teachers won’t have the old. lire, anil spirit they once nail, and maybe a rain they will: blit at any rate they will creak out onto the hardwood .Monday to engage a slightly younger group and it is assured they’ll “be out for blood.” Expected to waddle out for "the kill” will be: “Sure Shot" ; She trill. “Flashy" Wyuntt. "Lightning" Carter. "Swift Foot Muck, lilondie Hobbs. "Bed” Stanley "Fatty” Houser. "Slim ’ Drey. "Dynamite” Sot, "Quicky Workman. Without making am piedie tiorir, as to the outcome of the •rama nor the. number of casual star team and the hitC school boys i lot of fun. Hold on to youi hats land sit tight for the teachers and jail-star teams to tear the lid off jahout 7:30 or shortly thereafter. | Monday night will tie the j scene of a triple-header. The hn>h I school girls will also plav an all j all-star team and the high school i will meet an all-star' team. i om j posed of Trov Carpenter, ICen ■ reth J'litnum Max Carpenter, •'Funtfo” Carpenter lloh Smith. ID, U. Mauney, and other stars. Tht*v Flanknl Nazis \rar Koiiu* • v?«h«dnM»* Yank* of the Allied Fifth army me shown wading ashore during * surprise thrust behiud the German lines mi Italy’s west tiMsi. 'Ike laud in* was aimed at Kome. Very little enemy apposition was cmountereii and shortly after the landing the Naai* begau throwing strong fttrues against southern Allied armies. Cherryville Boy Soldier of Week ! 0 AMI' GRANT. Illinois, i liny. (Ji'n. .James A. Baylis i tamp commander, announces ih, 1 “SfHdier nt' the Week." j Opl. George Metiinnis, tiler ryville N. was today solevtoo l as the "Man of the W eek" in tin ‘ 27th .Medical Training Battalion ! In making the selection, Ma.ioi j S. W. Ryzik commanding olVitei of the battalion, said: “During his basic training Cpl. Metiinnis proved himself a very good sol diet' and an ideal for the rest ol the trainees to look up to. He has been a tine example of military discipline and courtesy. After his basic training Cpl. McGinnis was made a member of the permanent cadre and was promoted to the grade of Corporal. "Before Cpl. McGinnis entered the Army he worked as a civilian barber in the city where lie lived ' "Cpl. McGinnis outstanding ability and pleasing personality certainly makes him a model sol. di or as is the opinion of all who work with him." INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS AT WOW At our regular meeting Tucs tiny night. February Sth. at 7 :f!n officers for tho ensuing yeai will be installed. State mana-gei and other visitors will be pies eiit. All members aiv urgeU tu be present. Refreshments will be V\ . S REAM Scc’v K. 11. CARROLL. t . (/. Practice 'Blackout Set For February 8 HALF I till Feb. 1,-A black-| out and practice air raid'drill ha*! been ordeied for the coastal area' cl North Carolina February S. The drill will coyer the warn- ' ing districts of Wilmington. Kli :.abeth City. Williamston and areas in adjoining states which are in the warning network of the North Carolina districts. The tirst signal will sound at i) 0 p. m. and the all clear at 10:10 pm. Plans for the drill, c l deled by the army, were released yeste.r. day by R. Walker Martin, direc-"" tor of civilian protection for the. state'office of civilian defense. Condition Of C. A Rudisill Improved The condition m ( ;,ri A uisill who i > a i the t1o i '.ir> it t. hin ell .\leinoi uil Hospital h. 1.1 • . :011 is' impinwd ahc 1.Jin.' . 1 ports t'l'oivtiie hospital 11. i - m III Pt)?. This is i-lK*eri:.a nev. - to nost of friend- t liioiisluHit: ill section, ilml vve are '.nfnny 1 him a sp. rdy and r,,.i.|neu Lutheran Brother hood Makes Appeal For Church DALLAS V ( .. KTi. 1. . meeting i i' tin* h..:.i ih ... of the L.1 lic i an i., .1.. • : ... Holy ( , mi in li iito11 i .uilio: .u Church in Dalln l.'i i i M. House oi' St. -I..tin's all Chuns.1! at (. nt ..... > selited an np, cal 10, . t.c i : V-i. 11<. l.'nivei sit s ,,i .n.• i'lli t ..l oll;.ii. told the l.’i o, .(f*i hoo,.i i a...' 1 congregati i. as purchased-- .. lot and given it to tin* stale S' ii Dr. 11 .User s.a’ed t .at . iaily n,.ss with .In- .\;,v..l |.1 t-Ilt • ' t and the \as . , i 'J : I • illt..e. , grains nl ’lie l'nivei’sity. liie Lu thi-ran chapel is grertliy neeoeil there. This sear, lie dec I: red. ; tlie uppnrumc time lor tin ra,isirc of funds for the purpose ol '•»n*.•: ine a eliLireli aftei tile war. Captain Carl F. SrhotV,. chaplain at Morris Field, ,v .»> tlni speaker foi tile occasion i.nil lie took as lu- Nuojeet "T-hr t'hlireh Follows Her Sons." Ii, appraised the work, the I.utiteiiu church has done for the secs j, e men. and lie admonished the peo ple to stop writing' soldiers and sailors about theii troubles. Twenty-live churches. in Lin coln. (Liston and Cleveland eoU‘ ties were represented at tire meeting which was well attended D. Hunter Iludi.-ill is president of the Southern District F.oth Did Groundhog See Hi* Shadow?"*' \ CCOI c i ill” I " i il ‘ iSf W hi l ’. - lievc in tile groundhog-, the e\ denco is Unit h«- diil not sec i - shadow at noon today when he came out of wintei ,j.|u;titer-. Fho result would be' .haI !■ remained out and, therefore, spring- is not fat away. Thai i' a I* In- ca me , 01 t t noiiii tin- 11 ets stiy it most he at noon whet, lie comes out ■ At any rate that t- the old saying- 'and voji may lake il for 'what 'it is worth. As a matter ot t'tfut. it- feels more like winter today than it has lot several days The skies Were beginning to cloud up and it looked like T. A. CARTER GETS DISCHARGE FROM ARMV T. A, (, after-ari-ied home last vveeKjTrom Urighaiu 'iT> . Ihtiu. after having- received a medic*! discharge from the army. Social Security Protection Urged i For Self-Employed '< » !ji h y pl oti-i .'in j i 'ii i-~- ii.ii,: ii.i-i. and and ' - ...! - 'it tl Ijloyi'd" .< ui.fij i uaa> tv l),t Sorlul Sf-vUilIv i.u.iid n( i . v;|, •(n11iti.iI ft.*'\}tj11 11 j 1,'uii1' i f .'1'. iii Y ul d j 1114 to In i‘d A VAollv. :! l ;t I -*i i • 'V vi'J. pomis-d out ilial tail- i Ijl.i l;J Ul!j^ (Ilf t a :.!!.^ I'l thf.'f Aixi«*11.iij iin.iit*;i!.• Ti'i» v : '■ ;i" "'fi.'. i 1.1-rU Oi I | • I!'- 1.1,1 UiOf ati.J .1.,!, ,1., i.l't' low lUVe-lad. ‘ ' I Ol'.tr lu All. \\ ,,, K > <■!<'" t d|. I'!..,r, VW-M. ; , ai.ii ' 1 ' . ' .UpilKV .-.j'' fii_*-».■ i^ii'.»ti. * i>t- « uii Mr\ umi. : 1 ltli '-*1 Li) v 1 a I tiJ ') f>4'V U ' 1, ;.4'hJ the I.I 1 .... .I t,.r lu"«l A, jj-iMf . ■ 1 11 P-‘ 11. "i.-il I.i 1! ..-i .-I K, i-l "III.-A II. ... .... , Lift, tl ' f I : -f Jtt e«J. pei 'li'Siiti nif-ii wilo>f W U! ] i- lhije 11 !tl~ 10 to i ;.v aril 110,1 lud,..d iiui.1 ,,.b ■talitinily all pa 1 t i.i iuii ,i it-sui.tiu t,, • '■il-f.iimloynieiii V"' l,l0sl I'iift u III-1 a 'o i - „|‘ -n.y i' -.Mi,'.-; M-,. , i t u i r| - a,,' *1 i«i wiio-f* '; ndfjjendeiut1* i “"r"1' t,lllu>?'0 1'1‘f KIIMil,,, i." > t1. j 11 tl at ' h.*l a-. .. |ljt U I I; y is (lispi.ivt-j if,1,. t la i! 0n-ii:a-s tun, tiv.i, .in i>i.a. IU.y . ;'a, IM t',„ r, , rS • '»« ha v n ,a.„„„e. ■ f*iJr i.iJ i fjv’uiijf- 1' .«i■!.<• ; •» ,• f , * ! m* 'Otnr .«> j\,, , 1 ! 4 * (* I I J111* fjUVVf-Vi;;, , .'UJ rcT f!jja:I h u>ijjr> "f.'MtOis J fct‘i\>d tj.\ x.h>* I iial iiu.ii, i.iur.-! - . h* r.t Ill'll, t III,.! ,.■(!: ' ••-Hia!' Imitation ill'.’V alt* 1:1111; l| b ,, • ; • ,n t-1'1.'- spell hryss I], Soiia if ,,f ‘boh ciiiljl ivci.-- vvhiif they ’ ))•-!!• Mil v’' I; •'> tfv :«d a ft- aii , a] "lal'in • Pi •jvi'.ioii fm ili,--it ,:.l, 1 heir families 1 j‘ : i.r-•. f an employei-fiiijilciv.-i 1relit i'"i<-.11,u. is 1,-,, applicable In persons \y Iia work I’oi ’liii*in ch fs. ltd sc|:t‘-i*iiiplo w.i pi- . r ..1-n ale loss liUl-K t.1 -ipf,., nii-asurablo loss of im-Ptim from tempoi a r\ i|lII■ * s. | J art .y* hr 1 '(‘sports, r.llfil need for -o, ia! insurance u.'.i.iIW. that ,,f \y,i"< Mum soil' o np!,:.:ir..i W nil! o’; . M J . Walk liollkt | lu* \ r fins O d tlirli' a : I s i n o ' • os .,. rails,, they woio needed 5,y w., i industries at beuans,- Aatiiluo car. dit inns fm co,| them f n , h.. nee 'heir wy af eatnino ;, .Iviirj Many a re bpildi.ii” m !(!. 'll I a I too I'lntoc’ all now n ,,fi ll pi iys,l*• imil:si I \ I'r.i. ss til,, law rll.-l ‘nj-o. i l,n A r \ ••: I, o , will l.o unable :<■ m. mf.iin r Uii nipteotion if rl,ov i.-ta, -, 'f out ploy mol, t aftet the ,, I o ill ial Duo single oahiij: oholisis i I mii of -ariaI iiisu i a in e - I..- established. tjio Baa‘.I w I,icli wan ilil , 11 v o t all ,, T IvfiMl'j ! lie cnati'a wliotiesei the In eu.dss iniioi , ; ■ i nl work all'.1 earn., tnoo'liei ', . ( oiisifloi aide Part of file costs,,] hospital :t i at ail'. ■ I!) > 11 •; i - wnilv till '■ m ir -V. 1 : • 1 i a 'I (I si tici; i t-tniV ■"! -: i't.: ..f his 'It. 'Will ' •••: li\ hi' -• •in.if til' ' - i . !. > f;»( he: • I. X X <• i 11 ' 11 i~ -1 ■ •. >• ,\I r~. 1. ,\. \eiit .Mia! tit- !'.Unwin:; hiM.i.f’tior- a:,.! Mat- - Lewis ..It l a.' X. ill, Mrs. it,lyre ! i a in |ii: i ies ,\|; s I 11 M >r.-i ~>11 _ Mi-' 1 ...i ana X I ail i»T < iien-y : I. *1 alaI Mis. i.lytle I! fliier of ': i |i! *" * peislina li.i arli\..l of At Chanute Field l-l pfc 11 t.R BER'l M HICKSON |. 1 j, . • \ il l . „vi ■ 1 lf 1 'V;' i. I. ■ \\ • • • 1 ' , V... : ■ 11 r Must Have Data If You Want Help On Income Tax Return I •. - • - ■ ' n/j.! r >• ! i . ; . yo i H : 1 : ;• . e • ' • • • ;V- in . * ... yor v\-11 | Mil) is VY.jil ■ »|' \ of rtvnril ,1 .>•), I *|V'j veil 11 11 . !(.'• If \ ’itv •, • If ! If Vo.I ,1.11 ,*\ t * - «.* * »-!i. ,-u-i iiivHv l>- ..-Win" {••(• hell) I V ' 1. ') ■ • lv;i(l\ III t'll -■ . ihi tSK II inolins (111 • 1 v* for . I. M I. 1 \\ .vi has slopped the* ii-Uroud of liou cubs 111 the Dublin Zoo. r All Are Urged To Buv At Extra Bond On Bank Day February 7th. '.Oil'll ] > I i V »■ inllllKUi' L>> the ehaii nun. [i . liis liii(i'llidj>; |(ov. <■ \ r ins' all io buy pvVri possi lilt To i la tv toi; Bonds *'il If 7 1 V ."> sale oI it tJ• >11<.i> s i Monday. Fein in, i > been fJt* ~ i nut ed ;< Bank 1 >;t\ in t 11vi i citizens are already llir pi 'pceekrre .'ii )i:« v v I 'vi- ii - rmiii” tin.' ii ii v v io VV BT in ('Iiji i lo: ■ >■ : lie < It it riot 11* no1' ir! Friday. t b |„.,>.-jbi. next .Monday oil Bank lias More slices i the F Bonds .1 (M 'lowest progress in tlie sale of me iudi\ itluais alt in that class j. ^;lI 1 M tin- 11 not a' "f V -4.' 17 4.0 < i' * tor Gaston cott it.t \ si*. -4 T.s.cipo (I1 more than bait, i ad heri. sold up to last Monday. 'Inis is report ■ •I sales I or the entire county. u c laid on -nil as t'l'te I tie total time etended for i AX LISTING TO FEB. 12 t 'oulity Tat ( ollectol ('. 4. ' en ki ns announces the time loi making tax retu-tis on real ami !•'•! Stmal I. I Ol.e-I i.t for I tiff r.a • ell r \ l < titled t!:iiniyl. Femtiai . • — J'1 "bull js S..I ill day of next Altei Sal urila.t . lebfiiaii Ii'. tilt1 penalties t n o v id, t| t/> taw for .ale hstii ■_ will '.e ;,|t|ineti with •It e \ c t o i loll SO all tie i sotis air *■' ft e' i lo see lluii list faker-. .I'd make re t u i its pi cnipliy to avoid file imposition ot such Penalties. ‘‘Ironwomen” Nose Out Kings Mtn. By 34 to 24 Th<' ( 'l.rrj'v \ ;! U- tfiil.v ill Cfiitnl Kih<;> .Ml •ni”in tin the liomc I’liurt _ t ,... -1 inn to a ■ ! 1 t" -I Win. Ilrllns \(ilii a(, If,I I lie victors, Ilia “I rou dual Ms" I. (Toill>. alld Uluck 'iiiuotJv: (•i.ioriJlnuted tie ■ • i''i' <■ nnidi iimiii c ajjamst lulls? Mountain. Summary Hr I ms I-'l’ -Ijtip!, I irll.i.iinfi' I'M' <; j>t. ' dins S.I-’O i*|it. I nli a i Mi Ki»j 4 pi Honda II (111 i loins I. (II Ilia, k (IT. I he < lien > vi] 1 v lassies los( i» tlir l.incolnton ‘'Wolves" TiK-.silay nin'lu J1 1 ;; Cpl. David Bethea At Bomber School • M\IF> MACK \l.| . c . ,)u„. Cpl. IMvill VV. liethes lius | -suid of Sara I’.eihoa. ( hen yville one of t he nit'll from tin- eigltt detachnii-nb of the Army Smu>‘ l-or-ces at (ami Mackall to be itoiM-n to attend a Itomb Ftecotl "•'(•<. Fiased on t bo experietlci ■ ' t lm hug li.- h >1 tlio i;criiian *'• ■io!i Wit /.I, to-- anil I hose of A1 rot nation- sold or- on otirot bat I lo fronts, it C being taught •1 * amp MaoKitl) by officers who b a vp had special training at Ah i ■ rileen. M a r v la lid. h i. designed lo familiariv.c tin- men with the roooo nit ion. potential dangers Willi moans of disposal of both delayed action and tino bombs. Tim coitrs,. inehnb - many piloses -aid by tin-ining officers to lio en tirely now in ariiry training VETERINARIAN ^ll veterinarian made cat-tie raising- in the Philip pines possible. ile developed a vaccine to prevent Kinderpest, the greatest of all tropical cattle