CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE FOR SALE — Early Jersey Cabbage Plants—Phone . 2o 11 Cecil A lira n Grocery, A.E-beam. FOR GOOD CHEAP MULES SEE W. BLAINE BEAM._APJ FOR SALE—Five-room house on Ballard Street hear Jenkins Store. Jesse Fourshee. Jt-r ltp WAP 4 .MORNING Cabinet Heateri. Cherryville Le and tuel Co., Ice & Coal Phone 3231 FOR SALE: Very choice dairy heifers $25 each _ Holstein*. Guernseys, Aysfaires, Non-relateu bull free wiui o tie&ci shipped C.O.D. Sayre Ue:- 'ntle t.0.. Sayre, Pa ___ 11 - _WAN i t U_l t> BUY_ WANTED • CuOD ELEr TRIC FAN L F Jenkins Jeu kins Grocery "WANTED^- T„ bu-. from * to 10 room house u; 1 Apply Eagle Otfioe '_~ “1 WANTED—A r>v, of six rooUi house. Adults only Rj' ~ Spake. AppN’ Eagle Office -tp We Pay Cash For Late Model Used Cars and Trucks Homesley Chevrolet Company, Inc. Cherry ville, N C- 11 i_tn Sarm-Kurl Kit. Cample e equipment, including 40 c-n* 1 and shampoo. Easy to d>.-. ‘‘,. = - lutely harmless Praised b> thousands including June ta.i* glamorous movie star , refunded if not satisfied ALLr.. DRUG COMPANY. lfit-JanLO NOTICE Our Hammer Mill is ready for operation again. We are ready to serve you. and ap preciate your business. DALTON’S FEED MILL FOR SALE—Baby Chicks :■ Sale from Blood Tested rl ocv;, Dial 4111 or see Bill FITZHI UH or HEM AN HALL FITZHALL HATCHERY Cherryville, N. C._ WANTED 3-Piece Living Room Suits Studio Couches Stoves Ranges Oil Stoves Iron Beds and Springs WILL PAY CASH CARPENTER BROS / ! L.I i > w MU55 RADIO SERVICE PHONE 3571 CHERRYVILLE N. L NORTH CAROLINA GASTON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Frank B. Wilson, Plaintiff i^ucy Wilson, Defendant, NOTICE OF SUMMONS The above named defendant will take notice that an action Las been 'started in the Superior Court for Gaston County, for divorce, and the defendant will oe required within twenty days cf the final publication of this notice to appeaT before the Clerk of said Court and answer or de mur to th« complaint of the plaintiff or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief de manded in this complaint This the 1st day of Feb. 1914 CHARLES E. HAMILTON, Jr. Clerk of Superior Court. O. A, WARREN. Attorney for Plaintiff. _ EGGS Dried Egrtr production during December totaled 21 1-2 million pounds— an increase of 61 p« cent over December 191 LEGAL NOTICES 3ASTON COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT VI a re us A. Chandler and Ollie L dhandler his wife. Petitioners Paul Murray and Mary .1. Mur ray Respondents. NOTICE OF SUMMONS The defendant above named will take notice that a proceed ing; entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court ot Gaston County. North Caroli na for the purpose of the adop tion of Dorothy Elizabeth Mur ray said action having been in stituted by Marcus A Chandler and Ollie L ChETidlei „ and the said defendants will further take rot ice that they are lepuired to appeal before the clerk ot the Superior Court of said county at the Court House in Gastonia North Cni'c-Uni. and .m vwei oi Ccinui' 10 me petition of the , la miffs v 'Thin twenty C20i ti's alter the final publication oi his i.orhv; am; if they fini te ..p'. .‘iiivve; ci demur to the .,,,,3 ivuticvi will >1 the tune at , '.p Sv ..uv. hr Petitioners will n'PT’i-v" P the Cohit foi the relief demanded u. the Petition. This the 3rd day ot December, 1943 EMMA CORNWELL. Assistant Clerk Superior Court. ,* F3 north \ ROUX a. GASTOX fOlXTY. ,\ THE SUPERIOR Giber bratEhaw. Plain Etiu*i 0; . .a«. Vi U r.,. ('01 RT nti. u as .r above i.artu-d tniu ini action ■ has boon eonv ipeii-r Court «.f u. an r-. Pita ? -said d -iat.t Cohn aby 'required to - an pear be ta e ilci k of the ■ Superior of Castor. County, at the House in Gastonia, N’t'., i twenty (20) days afu t na! 'publication- of this ho ar..’. £r..nv*r . r demur to am plaint in sai'J action, or rtf v ... apply to -lie court he relict demanded m said -tii day ot Jut. C t HA.MIL ION, JR. i k-rk )i t; o Superior* Court :rnest p, warren. Vtt’v, for Plaintiff 4t-F3 ORTH y \R U tXA .VSTON t i'll'N f V I. iiuer amt ay virtue of the uwer (pi sale contained m a Mam uecU of trust, executed - t< S Vv rule anil Pearl Wnile. s Mite dated December iOUl, d 11 ■i J. Lei; ui Heeds ter Gas in 1-tdOft .No 4 oj lelauit having: .i payment at the ■u ci :no.-- m mg Pv tin- UnueiMgned o t..r Light st -binder tile coui-L ilouse door North Carolina, at 12 o'clock Noon, on l.ursday, February IV th, 1944, BECINNINC at . the bridge ovet :: the hard surfaci igtiM.iy North as .1 1-2 East 12V ft -d premises ed ot trust as toiiows: North end vng Creek, further* hereby notified that he .> required to file written answer a- otherwise plead to the Cause as stirtiAf in the Complaint, in •he otTtfjh' of the Clerk of the Su perior f'o.urt on or before the rh day^of March, 1944. T. St’the 26th day of January, 1944. _ * J. L. HAMME, aap aLttornev for Plaintiff. m CHAPTER 111 Cherry Pyecroft, member of Waafs, hurries to London to the apartment of her friend, Denise, who hud married the man she loved. On arriving she learn# that Denise no longer loves Simon, and that she is leaving that night to avoid meeting Simon on his return from a trip to Ameri ca. Cherry admits she has been in love with Simon. Denise u.sks her to stay and greet her husbuud with the bad news. Simon arrives but Cherry withholds the news. Learning that the train to Bris tol had crashed— the train thut Denise took—Simon and Cherry drive there, identify Denise’ chai red suitcase, and assume a badly burned body is hers. Months la ter Simon declares his love for Cherry. He touched her cheek as if it were something ineffably preci ous.. “Will you murry me, Cherry Pie? Will you beaT with me at times when I’m moody and diffi cult? Would you be willing to do that? “Oh yes, yesl Oh, Simon, I un derstand.’’ Simon and Cherry walked on together, her hand drawn through his arm. “I’ve been wondering if it was fair to ask you to marry me until the war is over. Some times I’ve told myself it isn’t. But for this doubt in my mind I’d haVe asked you sooner. You see, darling, everything is to un certain,’ Simon said, “That doesn’t matter." Noth ing mattered, but that they would be married as soon as possible. “I’ve got ten days’ leave in a month’s time.’ She laughed shyly. “Is it Very forward of me to sug gest that our wedding should be soon?" For answer he caught her to him and kissed her again. He’d start at once to look for a cot tage, he said. These days were unbelievably happy for Cherry. It was fun be ing engaged. The other girls fuss ed around her, wanted to know all details. A fortnight slipped by. Simon found an unfurnished cottage cottage near Burnham Beeches, not far from the Airdrome, whete he could commute to town each day. Cherry, whenever possible, would be there with him. A week before her wedding. Cherry, with a day’s leave before her, sef off for the cottage^ The furniture was being sent down from storage and Cherry, with the help of Mrs. Greene, a local woman who was going to do for them, was going to settle in it. By the time Simon as due to arrive in the afternoon they’d nearly finished. It wasn’t a large cottage and the curtains and car pets had been taken over from the previous owner and this, in sisted Mrs. Greene, was more than half the battle. Now, bb they boih stood look ing aropnd, Mrs. Greene with appreciation, Cherry felt an odd sensation surging through her. She remembered it was with the same chairs, sofas and tables that wxiiaii .x? T\;e> were !ao d..>» >l>c aud Slnuiu sp«u» log«?l»i*r. Ifeuise bad lived as Simon's wile. The sight of them btougtit mi baeK vividly. .Simon imu viunu-u to seli u'll this stull', but a huu seemed so extravagant no. >o matte use of it. .sow merry wished she had let him have ms way. £he turned and ran upstairs to the bedroom. A lull eta petticoat draped the dressing table, hiding the many tiny drawers in whicu Denise had kijn her little person ul things. here she, loo, when she was able to sum leu a ten hours with Simon, would hide her little personal oddments. Idiy she opened one druwer and then [another. Suddenly her heart seemed to stop boaiiug. A large solitaire diamond, set uronnd with tiny emeralds, winked up at her in an unexpected shaft of sunlight. With trembling lingers she took tlie ring out of tin- little I box where it my snugly on its | bed of purple velvet. She had seen it so many times before, that unusual ring! The first time when Denise had announced tier engagement : the last mile, she’d thought, in that waiting room after Cite accident. The color drained from tier cheeks. She put it back m ihc box and closed it swiftly, tremb ling all over as the truth shatter ingly dawned upon her. Here was Denise’s engagement ring. There was no mistaking it. Then that other ring on the poor charred finger must have belonged to someone else. Her mind reeled, then slowly and painfully cleared She knew now what had happen* ed. Simon and she had been wrong when they believed De nise to be dead. That other wom an had not been Denise. Then fore somewhere—Clod alone knew where—Denise was alive at this very moment. She heard the sound of a cut turning down the little lane that led to the cottage. A moment lat er it stopped and there was the honk of a horn. Simon had come down from town as soon as he could to help her arrange their new home together._ V CAROLINA THEATRE i V SHELBY, N. C MONDAY FEB 7 — 1 DAY ONLY THE SHOW THAT BROKE ALL RECORDS i- CHARLOTTE SHOWS AT 3-5«7«1 priced 40c INC. Tax WORTH GOING TO SEE! She heard Ilia step on ine mue tlagktoue pat ii The next moment he was in the doorway. looking Intelestedly around. "*oii and All-, lirccne must nave worked nke black.,, 'His eyes rested on he I face." But you’re looking tired. I’m afrud you must have been overdoing it Then, shurpiy, ’1 say, there s nothing wrung, is there?" Cheiry answered Simon auto nmtiea'Uy. No, there was nothing' wrong, except perhaps that she was a little tired. ■> Anything to gain time. She needed to ihink swiftly Stie had not yet made up her mind what she was going to do. Tlie discovery ol Denise's en gagement ling that she thought she'd (level See again -that 1 in.; had told her that somewhere .u this moment Denise might he alive- was at yet so recent. St nion euine to hi t and put ho. i hands on l ei shoulders. In.-, eyes looked deep and qucstioningly into hers. “You stile you're all right, darling?" "Why, yes, Simon!” A quivering sign escaped her. Simon pm hn from him and looked at her anxiously. "You know, you’ve been ov'e-idoing it! She pushed the soil doth hail upward from tier forehead with her cohl hands "Perhaps 1 have just a little. Furniture moving's liuid work" "You should have wuiteu un til 1 came along to help you.’ "1 wanted Die collage to look nice by the time you arrived.’’ "You’ve certainly succeeded.” The cottage did look ehui tiling with us guy chintz curiums, us gleumiiig oak Hours, the ingle nooks beside the red brick lire Simon and Cherry had then tea out on the lawn beneath an old iichelied apple tree. "This time next week Cherry I’ie ..." he said smiling at her a:. ,ho baumced ids tup on ius lap. "It’s not long, is it, Simon?" She laughed unceruuniy. She knew now that she couldn’t tell him. Rignt or wrong she loved him too much to hreuk the lovely happiness that was theirs at this moment, li iieceuSaiy .die would tight to keep that happiness. Only she knew that Denise kVa’s pi oh ably alive It Was her secret and one she would nevei shale Ol the luce of it. m a world where right vvaS While and wrong Was black, she as going to transgress 1 every rule which she’d heel: I brought up to believe m. But there was some excuse for what sne was doing. Altei ail, she wa> not certain. There might Mill in gome explanation of the ting. Hadn't she, too, u right to huppi ness? Denise had had her chume. Denise iiad snatched yiimon from i her in those early days f$he had 1 married him. wearied of him, then run nwuy with another man I Denise had trampled on his love 1 for her without a thought ol what it would mean to him. Then fate hud stepped in, milking il look as if Denise were Ulead. No one questioned it. | There had been a notice in the papeis Nothing could have been more final loan iu-i tragic death. ; And now, no one need ev’er know I of the fuintesl po.-i-ihil.ty of a mistake. Not, indeed, it l.terry chose to keep the Secret locked away in her heart.. olll IUOM'11 III kUimm, Il'-l'I'i now hecn'uae she had reussured him. ime uu passionately, 1 ’can't tell him. 1 cunt! ) won’t! She. Knew in moment (hut she would marry him with her eyes wide open. Sue would iiurt no one lint herself. Hut she would always live with the leal that one I dny she miyrht turn a corner and , laid hersell luce to face with ! Denise, that one dny Denise might return and aunt Simon Simon buck. Site uuut lace the possibility that Simon might re turn to Denise, even alter he hail learned the truth. Men had been known to forgive and forget. In that case it would he up to ('ber ry to slam! aside and say, “!t's all right. Sin.on, 1 understand, you mustn’t consider me. Hut al ter all it might not happen She was by no means certain Denise wasn’t dead. They were maTried a week tut er. It was a quiet wedding, with only two friends of Simon’! there and only Valerie and om of the other girls to suppoi Cherry. Cherry bad no hviug rel liatiVes. Simon had only an invalii sister in the north of Scotland I They said laughingly to each oth --MORE *»w»" Funeral Rites Held For A. Hoke Hum _(Begin* on Front •*»««) Gastonia; Hoke Hum and Mary Stephen Hus? oi 1-inwood *?*■ gether with the following broth ers: John. Charles. Ojer. Juni us and Henkel Moss tvll ot Lin coln county. The large concourse ot tr^ps end relatives attending the *a neral and the beautitul floral ot tering which was the hugest aTid most ' beautiful ever nyade in Cherryville. attested to the high esteem in which the deceased was held. i\ 62-Ycar Record of 2-Way Help* FOR WOMEN suggests you try 'Sn direction* on label ler, "We’iv_both going to be sin gularly tree of in-laws. After tin- wedding ibey il*ov« ; straight down in the cottage [lor Clrerry it ivaa .1 week spent in heaven. KcSoUilely till*1 shut ' her mind to any doubu. anil lean? ! everything going to be all (right She mustn't worry, niu>.tr,t think that some whet c Denise might still be alive. Otherwise... It wus woiulerful how she mufr. uKcd to folget. It was as il --he hail liiehl it a door on A rOolu in her muni ami thrown away the key. She would never hud that key mnl open it again unless she were forced to. They were lazy days she uud Simon spent together, each was content to ho with the other.They went for long walks and came back tired and hungry to simple meals that Mrs. lileelie prepared for them. They gardened, plan ning the little rambling; patch so ilurt it would give the maximum of flowers and vegetables. Then the last morning came and there was nothing lelt but to say good-by. Simon held Cher ry in his arms, "It’s been petted I this last week. Cherry the.'1 1 "I never knew it wt*s possible | to be so haippy, Simon." i "Nor 1. my darling.” i Had he really meant thuti ! Had he never before been so i huppy ? Not even dur ing his liwt. marriage? "In u fortnight we’ll he to gether again. | She hated purling from him. 'drove her to the galea of the air •drome and from thele lie w.ij jgoing ou U> Loudon. ! Cherry was an A.C.W.ti again now, dressed once more in hiJ neat blue uniform with her k'lwCa tucked bellcuth trei cap. "Does a iVVaaf kiss lier husband good-by?” | Sun on asked with a .rude, as this last moment came. "This one’s going- to." She Watched him drive away, and stood waving until the i uJ disappeared uloulid a beud 111 the road. Then she hurried along to her billet. The girls crowded around her as she opened the door, Make, not usually ilemoir i.strative, hugged In r. Lane emerged from the Itatb.. l loom, her bhipcl ban a wet Uiu jtook u look at Cherry and grinned glcd halo arounit her head. She | "1 wish you’d take thut look of ecstasy oft' your face. It makes me envious.” j “She’ll lo-:« it once afro gets bai k to work again." said Valerie llut she kept thut happy look us tlie next fortnight slipped by. She was working, working, work ) ing. Hut mail time now marked a ! di[Terence. No there was a daily ! letter from Simon and u daily one I written lo him. "Simon, dul ling, I now it’s only a week . . .’’ "Simon, dearest, this time the day after tomorrow . . ." At last her lirst though on waking: I’m seeing him this ev lie would fall lot her at sis o'clock'. She had forty-eight hours otf duty and they were starting oil by going to Valerie's biHhduy Mrs. Hampden, Valerie's aunt had gone all out to recapture a pre-war party spirit for her fa vorite niece. When Valerie hud greeted all her guests and wits free to enjoy i herself Cherry whispered to Si mon, “Dance this with Valerie, darling. 1 think I can spare you for just a few moments,” and she turned to her hostess, Mrs. Hampden, who smiled on her warmly. “M.v dear, I’m only too delighted that so many of you girls were aide to come. Hut this won’t do! Why aren't you done. ingV” Slfe glanced around as she spoke, looking for u possible nartner for Cherry, and now suddenly seeing one: “Ah Mr. j dillor, come here and dunce with I'Mi-.-—Miss , I'm so sorry I - 1 forget your name. I’ve met so I many new friends of Valerias this evening. Yes, Kdwards, you want me"” She mpv'ed to speak to the butler who wan hovevitto' near-hy waiting for a won! w!th her. - j (To Re Continued)