I THE EAGLE Published Every Thur-day n the interest of Cherryvill* and surrounding Community. Entered as Second Class Mail matter August 16th, IHOti in the p..st Office at ('herryville. N under the Act <>f Congress March 3rd, 1879. KREIi K HOUSER Editor and Publishet MRS CREOLA HOUSER (Local jiul Society Kdimi i Telt rii' lies 1»It’ll i . If III I Hr-idence. »;>ll| 1 I i.n till .611 SUBS* RtPTlON K \ I ES Payable in Ailuiinc lim urn I’oiii m ■ ■ n r ft I hri-e BUUlths National Advoftltln* KoproionioiWa American Press Assoomion Now York • Chuoa* • Dotiolt • fhilodolphia THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1914 DOCTOR BILLS 1! > an overwhelming' vote in it recent national poll, the Iit'opit* ol' ilii.s vountty niatlt' it clear that they think something, -honlil he done to make it easier to pay iloetor ami hospital lull Kill hy an even more nvi'i whelming vole, Ihe same y rouji ol' people maile it clear that they iliil not think a feiier al iii'iirant'i' plan, which would involve asi\ per rent deduc i mu from their wages. a> proposed hy a group of rout;res-men i- l he rijilit answ er. In other words, the poll made it clear that doctor hills are considered it real Inn den,hut. as opposed to a federal protec tion pi.ui, the people hold the doctor hills to he the lessee of .the two evils. I lie poll thus indicated that the plan most people want is • me worked out hy the doctor- themelve- rather than by the g u\ ei nmcHt; Anil we imagine that the medical profession is ui this time working on possible plan' to ease the burden ol doctor hills without government assistance. One plan might la- in work mi! a basis hy which we could pay a doctor a 11;it11:t riK«*. .11 ! hi- country. we lit-i<1 a uumher i.f |)t-*n>I«• say that it would ho almost worthwhile t«> have a homhs dropped over hen- ill oidm ..uke the 1I1 i 1 1 r r ifuli'/c thn 1 hi* If- is .1 Win > i 111-’ nil. Mm the news from Kngland indicates limt even hrinR'ilifi 11.. uai in mu 11v.it I* 111 ■ 11 yards wouldn't altei the situation. I'm the Knfjisli miners have seen plentv of (ninths fall on their homeland. They have seen homes ruined anil friends killeil during the hlif/. I'hey U1 >■ ■ w that the creates 1 liatlle in In ini", is ■mm in lie fought. When hundreds of thousands of men it, lioth this country a ml Kltttlajiil ale vviHina In stlh.v neli callow. ft I s interest in their win inle, eV'ii when their own on. ami hrotlieis are light 1 in' at the front, it make- nnv patiimie American keerilv . ware of the limitations of hi-; understanding of the mysteries of human enmlurt WE MUST GIVE MORE We must {five more to the Met) Cross;, because the Red Cross needs more, to carry on the humanitarian wmk of this war. Tin; Red fro is set-vine millions of men now in the ervii-e and tim e men stand ready to five their all if called it) inn to do ..I, Is it asking; too much for us to give more rlii veai . . to give all we call? Surely vvc cannot fail the Red fries or our men in soivice. I e: a complete the drive this month hy raising out iptota. Re 111 einhe 1 . ihe Red t russ is in need of your he!|), now. Don't Wait. The men in service tile not waiting- to do their duty. They are on the alert ,eveT~ reads. MYSTERY FIRES t'-nalli tin- diagnosis of tiros which start with spontaneous combustion is. eause unknown. "Mystery" tires of combustive origin destroy millions of dollars worth of property and many lives every year. The following- <|uestions are taken front a booklet entitled, " IL’ Ways to Prevent Fires." Those who can answer them satisfactorily stand a good chance of avoid ing tire losses from combustion: those who cannot, stand just a- good a chance of watching the sun come up some morning lit' they are lucky) with the terrible knowledge that the ashes before them arc not the remnants of a a nightmare, hut the remains of their home. The nuosijons a'e simple: FI: ve any oil soaked rags or ntops used for dusting or polishing been left in attic, closets, kitchen, pantro or cellar? (A tie-lit Iv closed. metal can is the s-ifest place for thomd. If a i leaning compound is employed *n sweeping, is it placed in a covered metal can after being t’sed" Ms*! anv naintine- been .l.oie receii*|vIf si. have *t'e na'iit oin. been eove)-ed° Have paint-stained tags and clothing beep burned? Ha damn or pnettred hay or grass been brought inlo cellar, barn In liaise questions are the solution to most unexplained lire-. A large percentage of lit ban homes, farms,, and places r k of work are rife with delayed action incendiary bombs. Many • uf us in the course of a single day may walk past some of these iniiilis a score of times. After all, a greasy pair of oyerally or a few oily rags are not a frightening sight. Hut they are nonetheless lire bombs, which may sooner or later wipe nut in a- few minutes the results of years of toil. Spontaneous combustion worts while you sleep, or while you are away. It seldom unleashes its fury before witnesses. That is why its visitation is wreathed in mystery. \)uit Following Me Around! O Jkv ^u\ GO A^AV ~ 'Pon’T wamt to Be ‘Bothered won You! V ' .‘9.±7* * ,v/^>Vy f s~\ /'• R. Gregg Cherry CANDIDATE HOK GOVERNOR On May 27. the people <>t' North Carolina according; to a custom now well established, will lace the solemn responsibility ot choosing a candidate for Gover nor. along with candidate- lor i.uih' .State on ices, to -direct the a.i'u-.rs ot the commonwealth tor ■ he I'ot.r yeai s beginning; next til times of peace this t'unc ! loning ot a tree electorate is highly important in the adminis iiaiion dl the complex affairs of oar government. lit a war that today. oircctiy or indirect Is. ; louche.- virtually every liping , human being in me world the e\ 1 cre.ise of a free franchise is of even gi eater eoncei n w here neni ocratis processes have flowered | and the people have continued I lo enjoy their liberty their lore lathers won in Moody struggles. lids liberty, which embraces 1 i be freedom ot religion, the rigid ot free speech and the dignity of tie tin man soul, cannot he pre ■ served without constant oibgcnc. and elloi t. If it is to lie retained j .he no) mat processes of gos'crn i mem must continue. Elections ! must he held. Places of trust and j i c.sponsibilily must he tilled by 1 . lie \ .ne of t In- people. Today, in the turhulence of war., another and a vitally important campaign is under was 1 laving been in control of the -late government for many years i In- lb muri atic part s m North atolina l'cels ju-tly proud of ds past pt i fol malices and it believes ihe great majority ol our people want ii to continue the adminis i.v.ion of public allairs. To that end, Gaston county, is this year Uopu-ing Major 11. Gregg ( her ry. one ol the state's lorcim.st public servants and a veteran of m.-ly with his command overseas n ill 17 and lit IN, for hi- Par ti 's nominalion. For the next (jovernor of North Carolina, the task will he one demandinu an innlerstainlintj of the problems of our people part icnlarly tho-e that will face the soldiers anil sailors who eotne hack from World War II itul whieh will ehalleitue alike i i Item and their ciders —and the ; .tiratte and intejrriiy to meet | them tis they arise. 1 'poll the people who will nom inate and elect the next governor there also falls the preat respon sibility of selecting a man who will advocate. without fear or favor, those policies so necessa ry for the continued pro«r«t:; and development of North Caro 1 lime. It is with the contidenee that I Major Cherry measures, hy ev ‘ erv yard slick. up to these re j inurements that liis friends pre ! sent hih eandidaev. Horn oil Oetolier 27, lHtil. his mother died in his infancy, and his father, a Confederate soldier and lifelong Democrat died wl'cn he was hut seven years old. After the death of his moth l er, his home was with his grand , parents in Gastonia', where he attended the public schools until 1 DOS. After completing the high school courses, he entered Trin ity Collette (now Duke Uhiver sity) in 1'dftR and was gradua ' ted from that institution four years later. In 11> 1 -1 he completed the law course, having in the en ■ uing six years earned his col lege expenses by working- at jobs provided for those other wise tin: hie to pay their tuition ami hoard. Hardly had lie become estab lished in his profession, with an uncle in Gastonia, when war way declared against Germany, lie volunteered his services, or ganized a company and served as ; Captain of the 115th machine , gun battalion of the 30th Divis I ion, participating in humerous engagements with the enemy in K ranee ami act|iiit t mg' him-elf as a ligihmg' soiuui. ... a In... iht that u on Hie a..i'ii 11: alike Hum till' muii wlm luiigni imu.fr l.im ami thf onieei.- y. im ivi'ii' superior in rank in l.im. Ilis I'oiu'i'iu lnr lliu defense ul his eountry resulted in imntimiuil mill,my service amt lur several years* abler Ins activu service which ended in 11 < It*, lie was a batallion cimunanilf i with 5 ht> N. National tiua.nl. .Shortly alter his return I rum overseas in 11 * 1 . In- was iliatuit to serve as Mayor of (iastonia anil returned to that post in IP-1 lie was in the foieiront of the in g:rni/.ation of the (iastoii Post ol ilte American l.ogion. serving; as tin- li 1st t'oinmaiiili'i' ami. in laths, was eleeteil I • \ hi' com rades as Stale t'onimaiulur of the North t‘arolii.a 1 iupa it meat of the American l.og'ioii. Since he was old enough io vote, lie has been a staunch 1 h-iimci at, parlicipat ilia in .lucent van's in all the campaigns of ha party mill Servian' it from 1PI7 until 111 IP as chairman of the State Democratic Executive coinmiltee Starting' in Hi.'ll as a member of the House from (laston coun ty he has since served witii dis tinct inn as its Speaker (lPIT) ami for the i>:ist two terms of the (ieiiei.al Assembly (l'i'l‘,1 anil lil-ll) he has been one of the outstanding meiliiiei s of the State Senate. Over this 1'J tear periml by virtue of his bin'll sense of iliuy, he has diligently and into] lig'eliflv studied the problems of our state government and by rea on of this study, and this emit iiined uttima'te experience, lie is today one of the best in formed men in North (aiulina on govet limuntal alfaits and i' pe culiarly endowed with the c.vecii tive ability so es-cntial to their direction. Major Cherry is a ■mh a nutnher i including tin Junior Onli*i ami Pythian as (iiaiiil Cli flatcrnial a Masons, Med ( )llll I'YlloWS, in HUM, hi* > o*i * 11 o r oj' ,1 ho Ali*ii, Klks lit* i- also a member of tin* Solis of Confederate Vt*li rails, of tin* Hoard of Trustees of Duke Cniversity ami a former vice f>ri*sii11*111 of the N. ('. I’ar Assn eialion, A life long- Methodist, lie is a member of the hoard of stewards of the Main Street Methodist Church in Gastonia. In liilll lie was married to Mis> Mildred Stafford, of (linens Known and respected through out the length anil breadth of his native commonwealth, he under stands and has a genuine aliee tion for the people in all walks of life, and in natural eonse i|Uence this atfection is returned. lie is committed to the philos ophy that character and honesty in both private and public life are indispensable in the dis charge of a public trust, liecause lie is so eminently (ptalilied for leadership today, and because un der him would lie continued North Carolina's sound progress of mitre than four decades past, and on the basts of his training experience and fitness for the of lice to those who best know him command him to the voters of this state, he merits confidence and support. For clamour through urootninn' learn to do hv doing;: hands clean and well-c;.'red-for nails; clothes brushed, pressed, and neat; the stockings freshly laundered with straight seams; shoes shined, heel ev« n. Don’t neglect good grooming; ;it unv age. Keep the hair clean anti Jte;_1 in styliil.o; the skin clean and clear, with natural-appeal it;- make up,___ BUY BONDS HAY Karly eut -h.... inure l.lc, more dieest idle ;itii 1 <■ >>i■ 151111 more protein than 1 :i! <• cut has. sya.v- In-. .1. I). lialyei .a aio on. nutritionist wii.h the al Experiment ■ Station at Slate (Dllej>e. HME SPREADER 11Miiie iiuir.e mm pi eade r rail lie huill by us illy the peai eml el a .Model A Eord eai. says ('min ty Ayviii .1. I'. Woodard of tile State ( iilleye Extension Sery.iee in Hyde eoulliy. AND STAMPS M,++++++J Quality Baby Chicks U. S. Approved State Blood Tested MATCHES EACH TUESDAY AND 1 RIDAY 1 WEEK OI.D STARTED CHICKS ROCKY FORD HATCHERY LINCOLN ION N ( l‘ I IO N L 17 1 W PRESCRIPTIONS i II.I KD aT Houser Drug Co. WK L)Kl iVi-K PHONK 4771 It’s the Qualify (>! hu/Jcrsb/j) CS; that makes Leaders ATLANTIC Mf HMD tiff (R (/re the Ltru/e.rs CHEVROLET put the zip and zest of spring in your car engine! \ Get Rid of Carbon in Combustion Chamber Stop Oil Pump ing and Spark Plug Fouling Remove Sludge and Carbon Deposits Clean Carbon Coated Valves Clean Sludge Packed Piston Rings Clean Sludge Clogged Oil Screen Here’s what our expert "de-sludging” 1. Give you better gasoline economy. 2. Restore complete lubrication to all vital parts of your engine. 3. Eliminate corrosive and damaging chemical deposits which contaminate your lubricating oil. 4. Increase oil economy and in many cases eliminate oil pumping. 5. Improve the smoothness of engine performance. 6. Prolong the life of vour engine. do for you: BUY MORE BONDS * * SPEED THE VICTORY 1 “FIRST IN SERVICE" I iomesley Chevrolet Co., Inc. CIIERRYVII.LF., N. C. DIAL 2521