E SHANN CHAPTER X Cherry Pyecroft. member ot tile Waal's, hurries to London to the apartment of her friend. De nise, who had married the man she loved. On arriving ■•he leailt' that Denise no longei lows Si iilon and that she is leaving that night to avoid meeting him "n his return from a trip to Ameri ca. Cherry admits she Ini' !,eei; in love with Simon. Denise a-dm her to stay and greet her r:u' band with the had news, sinieii arrives but Cherry withholds me news. Learning that the train to Bristol has crashed the tr.au: that Denise took Simon ami Cherry drive there, identity Do nisc’s charred suitcase, anil as sume a badly burned hoe. .~ hers. Months later Simor .ml Cherry are married, hut Cherry - happiness is spoiled at linn ms. Denise’s engagement ring ! draWei . . . nroying to 1 > that Denise i> -".ill alive. 1 h i • finally shows Simon the *.g 1 s tells him all the facts: He - ’ hitter about it and they -ep.oate Later. Charry asks tot U’'A hours' leave to >ee Simon a l.,r don. Leave is granted am! ' e meets Simon, who gieei- ei coldly. “1 cabled a man 1 ecu New York. 1 found he ■., ■ a liien.l of that fellow Sche “Toddy SchetukV Ha mu ■lorry Miller told me tiad - h.o! Somehow she couldu': a - .tg ' sell to say it to him “ had gone oil’ wh Denise." She data know i:ow sin* felt about now badly ;t still hurt. 1L* noddl’d. “Vis. that'' the mail. Pvi h at ned that ia was ot. his way havk • to Krylas m -at two months ago'. 1 hi -mn wm t'orpedoeil and he lost - d'e iso mat puts an end •• in • uu anytliing from Idi.v •; m. I iiiMr oJia.U'o ot : i ■ .lot'.nifek if Denise w .ae deai! was tnc-H firilhe. ; ■ l hail i\er. Di-appoi n* n.v : uvi-r ( holly, swampe . :u ”0. lOlloY. Oil. ll '.-a- . allow hor to hohevo s. i'. .g luoned out. a nil t l: < • alio to toll hor noth.: v ■■.lint. Simon. ulmt gm ilo u- V U o know Wo dal last time wo moth 11 o lit a cigarette know. (hfny. hut 1’ tl' int.is'v t'hai pertiap- 1 She thought .'urgent I. Ilo want- mo. to... He's i hi t.lo without -mo. A- i..:-oi a hit. 1 holivv. . as I am w.: hem lam 1! - not that ho doesn't love !>■.■• V O • no know. |o MCI o. , a’, how !ln chancy. was hois, she Wouldn't' ho an> reiil happit.e-s hotwoo.il thorn. Aiwa.; - tho.ro W...(.1.1 ho t-ljat. aw fill atoilha It ha. l.i h*. nut 11 oi Oil mi muofi ■won . I. • It.nl -hooi. tho on * V "In ivlt il. iitit if it wore ■■ ■•; [In in. it a.. w oi o Sin.- 1 Sa nm i.o To . m. i.oi IV i Osu im't'. 1111*l ■ Hu would always he them: Denise'- . aii> .lay. any inn ifh. m ai.y lunger .,.1. ht Simon s.aiil, "I’ei liaps now vo.u ha\ .. . h.uiigeu youi oiiiui She Will nit' hoi iiaint- "In. r lin!!, it-.' not that." "Th. >• what is it'.'" It's s„ .lilViolIlt to oyniai.li ill. I.rows ilrow tngelhei Ho sa.il or.i s lv. -no yn. m ofi-i this present state of alVairsV Perhaps yoll’i'o having a good time with ■( If .’..in so I 'in not,' sho ' i d angrily. "It'- simply m Simon doa rest, when things come rig lit hotwoe'n us. I don't want tho lotut tiouht in youi mind a- to l lie* rightness <>f mii hoinir togoth or. You Won't In’ happy other "1 11■ t that l"i me to deride. ' She leaned toward hin;. "Si mini, look at me." An.I hi- eyes mm hers. ■•('an you toll uie hon estly that you won't always t.o worrying, that you'll ho cinii pletely sure that it'-- right fm you ami mo to ho togethei■?•• Ho made an impatient go ture "Oh what'- the good of aiinlyz ire.- it in this way7 Don't you thin). I've uI.no all over this counties- times since that giiast iy Sunday? Can't yoii just agree with me that it's better to he to e-ether under anv circumstances than to ho separated a' we are She said -l<>wly, tears in her eves, a twisting pain in her heart “It might he for some people, hit* not for us. Simon," “Then you won't come l.u-kV" "I want to more than I can say. Hut I'm not going .to. be came I don't believe that undet the e conditions wchl he happy. Perhaps I can find out some thing,” she said desperately, not knowing in the least how she would go about it. “If I can't. 1 don’t see Imw you can.” She didn’t answer. There was truth in this. Rut something might might happen, she didn’t know unite what. All '■lie was p sure of was that it \va.~ her turn tl In make some kind of effort. t .Simon .yluneed at lus Watch. ■’ "lA.e — nt things to do before 1 eateli. mv train. I'm sorry hut I y oilyht tu y:o and sec about them. . Sue tlu-licd. She felt herself i he i once a train it was yood i h.oi fee-. ••!'!, > ou'ii let w ondet iny atony \ot bye I And till' tune fault. Site rose: to lie ovi. then. Simon. You me ki'ow how you are how >ou were yettiny kruiwiny . . ■Tee been all 1 lybt And you "I'Ve been a!, fiyhi too. U hat were they. !»v polite friends about to say yyoodhyo o eaeh othei V They’d be shaking baud', iie.vt " "h li-i bi.-1-Ju; I i ' 1 1 1 If 1 .mil I'i.lf' \ ., I. r.f |m \. ..i; ami mm nj1 them r.-ii ! In f rciiif ml •t al l I if .11 ■•Ill; mill W'hf \\ hf'l. 1 \\ : i«t .Ill ah'.' it "I'm Till mil f i n i t liiit i 1 ti*i .1 h tla! It,a th A l.fa.i iifipi-i.itn! at .uU' ..f ti <• .! ' A h.it.A~. thrl, 111 h It j' j it1.11 4. aflti thf Ilf St lltflllf lit thlMf All. the !.friiiniiVf them. "Well. arm. tlii' I- a I'lfii' alit 'til prise. IM just 111,p|H*»t ill 11. -akf a ,|uifk tlii't artnm.il. There. iiiiu. all ytui ■> tini.iu la.lies \vill he •.fail'ilia -• • iut- tea. I'll he ( I,(M l \ 'Milled. \\ e WiillHI love - ■ me. Mr-, dreeiie, it' you can manage it." The girl> admired everything '.Kiel fully jii t-iending that they didn't know there wu> any breach 1.etween her Wushatid atiil Cherry. l.alie 'aid: "It only l)f • ck and 1 could timl :. littl" place like tl;l- to e.oiiie to when we're !Hit'll oti' (Lite !" It e la I'tsed CheiryM mind t" i\ hi 11 e i 1 \ they eiitild mine to •Ns (die if they wanted, now that ’ri* and Simon were no longer (.thci . She e lanced from the >.\ indow and -aw Mrs. Creene tJ!kintr the deck chairs mu into the garden. ■'I'oine along. girls." she said. "Tea will lie ready in a minute.' Mi's, Creene was warming' the teapot. As Cherry had 'iirnti'Od. she popped home to tret them the fnort w underfill tea i'magitia able. "I do hope we're not putting sun to ton much trouble.' I hei "Trouble l’- Mrs. Creepy scof fed. "Why I'm that delighted to see you! As thing’s arc. I don't fed I'm i amine mv money. Hut I had a bit of an extra turnout 'ere the other day. iil'iil. I hope that was all right. You know that bureau in the sitting room'.’ I pu' fresh paper in all '1 o drawers. There was a few odds and ends of letters ami hills and thiifgs 1 was going to throw them away, hut as you're ‘etc. perhaps you'd just take a look at 'em, please, ni'ni." Chert v glanced through the odd snaps of paper. Suddenly her heart faltered. She nicked up a hill from among the rest. Oh. Cod, what had she found? What was this she was trading? It was a jeweler’s bill. "One ring (eopy of original), two Is .hi Sin! A !u Die a pi \\ a \l I - -111 at IH': v! - >; ■ A!: - *11." Silo looked at tho . it iiaif icon made at u- Sim,.ii ha.i betyi m \\ hat did it mean rot'ei in the t in.u Denise ■ i11e at the time >>f the tins was what she nut. Site nuet it'" le lei's .uni show him the was here ;it the eottaue aii original. m a eopy.'.'” it ever he might answei . make uhe like It ? l ack t iu.ee doss't: 1 He I ill:; ii .li t his hill • ni.ssil-.e that here at a was in learn the trail I , : ee e [nuked ItiteB.t.ls y "is tlu-ie anythin; ink i'Ae iiumii soin.i'tljine n ea'est importance. < . i’w- :ak 'hat ■r. iia mini. I V. i \ t eh* ’all! |\ they 'lei i.It'.! tll.'V vva> fV’.i i'iiH'l) jn iilili-inal The', ha* I in f !•«>,«. lit’’* 111 A i'll'. ! hr!: little -i'Ol ! ti'fi'i e lull”' ! l.t-\' v. i’it* had .• ; v!t;, or til eat i'l - hr t'.ii i- t hex v. hut "i ■" K. ' •V.-. 11 sill i II 1<1 hr Wei * I .itiil'ii next -tn|i To Be Continued) mi- . *• ia*| ... ' T ,.‘,1 t'.'i 1 i\ t* . . iMlu-trii ! alenliul. -yi.'in' lii ml her. atmla'li"- tmv. > 11-j !•;•.’ 101 jUnnt' e-lt.ss. '1 tell us. ml. State College Hints By RUTH CURRENT Ii.itl tvni|>(‘r? 1.1,1.k !m Mot; 1 think we ail . . . i, an-> wiu'ii* |u*npU- alt* i-.ii.-tiir i\ nil ill- i*ai h nther. mi i ,ik. “!>,! illy; ! an k." !V|-|ia|'». it u 0 i.nik into tin* illi’t. wi- iiu, \ »i • i { tin :ihm\v cl . : >• i human In , n . - not . a> m.uul 1 *iiiii a.' tin pi- ai.*i tin ii>w an.I .'tln*i t'anii r 't aiiv timin' today even eake that liiis gone ih'v. It rm in' made to taste like it lias i .fell liaked Wrap dim a .mi- . "ill ;md |Hii it m a slight ii w.. m o' a > i until tl:e riot It is 1.1-1 like ne" . 11 \ it! To i epaii edgy- of a ruu that a. "am Or traved, loitumlioli ■ • .. ad flared along I he edg /y.itu: .1 r.i'.r Hi.: on satii.t; .0o.;k)<) Mil-. pet It i it'll i;: ' I: shippini; e Ch'.l-.iu nit:.! 1 ‘iV.ms 111 l)i t ions m t !i< s , from Chile :ir i ! if :i i:::”ion toils no:! is Is inin ule to :id •: V St! :i tit :v he nr Oj-is v.s ! be i'lhoilt :is nni-h V. .:s -l Vf,.r. Blit ’• to stipply all st-c If you ca: want it, r tempo rar i Chilean nitrate when you the inconvenience is only .any li -loCGtions due to war. Chii toh! ! t-a'vemrr-ivt. •a: 1 eunntity. hut. like r.- it IS told anti wht'H it is *U> wHfi »< j '* Flour It's the PROTEIN that counts LiW (>*-*'’, vc ry imporuni to rciium 1 im i'KjIm bm- Hours murli r»l ihc •K'HM.J \ is sacrifurJ / <*** * i V HKOlilN content . 4-1. ».%r ksv r b.r I 1C,11 1 ( KIM' M.f'L'K . . if $ riih tmnty nihite i*J„r :4yam PROIMN VALIJtf LIGHT CRUST S RICH, CREAMY WHITE COLOR IS YOUR ASSURANCE OF PROTEIN VALUE! FLOUR ITS RICH, CREAMY WHITE COLOR MEANS PROTEIN VALUE" More Town and City Gardens Are Needed Commercial ve«etahle (jiow eis and canning |> 1;»111- wall pvoh alilv not . he tilde to product and O' I" > ii > ,a : . be* . ii**e ol • lie lain : . a"i . i ,* - 0 •;... all w ill l'ei .'Ole mii'v I I IIII at as ad dilional men are d'afted, liepnrt.- are leadline' the State i alleee Kxtensiou Service that many town and city people tile tl'ihktllr of Hot "low.! a ptild'H tin- yea' herause ol the I I , u eat hei iii.il a niniel ;i ml 1 lie fat I that the. were t.bio to -vet a II the i * uet a hit ; |,e\ needed. I ' • . • o, |. I 1 Sei'allh Will ns , .a : n-i '-nel f ,|s.p • •eahiiiinp ami '• . !>o * iiattei • ■; vital he . *!>:.. I a-t real none that one '.h:jlr ol blit I reel; \eavtablto vor • jjroWh b! l home at,i dells and I he need ’his o'ttt it* Ian In pel cent more garden- ami Mot (lower tfardiMiV lire I (h ector siy* He points out that last year till records were looked m the miinhei .of gardens g-rown and the amount of the food produced In North Carolina alone it is esti mated that there were at least •">11.Pis wardens. producing- ap proximately $t>S,l I s.aOH.oo worth Scliauh recommends tltt.l eve ryone in the towns and cities make an eflort to produce some food, even if only on a very small plot. and that farm gar dens l>e enlarged where the need exists, lie also recommends th:*1, a siiciesioti of crops he planted in the Kin ilen so ns to giv'e n continuous supply of food thru a large aiiiniiiit of 'extra food by suggests that tanners can suppl} the Mini liter ami into the fall. Me I' I a 111; a • • wardens in their tobacco plant beds after the plants have heeii pulled. POTATO TESTS I lie State College Krte.llsiol! service is comparing fresh cut potatoes with suheriv.cd and whole seed potatoes in relies ■ of tests, ieports -I. V. Lassiter, lx xt elision I in rt icult uris-t. ON NAVY PLANE J CARRIERS ) "WIND WAGON" for .airplane "BULL HORN" c.irrier's louil-spejLer “CAMEL" lor the favorite cigarette " ith men in the Navy "JEEP" for a .small escort carrier ★ FIRST IN THE SERVICE ★ ff/Mf££ With men in The Army. Navy. Marine C.orpc. anj ( oast (iwarJ. the favorite cigarette i* < atnel. t Ha«eJ on actual sale* recortiO Sliding Doors on safe cars tomorrow OIL-PLATING YOUR ENGINE is like outdoing the future—today "A birrl in flu* hand" is worth a whole flock of 1950 cat's v> it It w mgs- or even more moderate 1945 models that aren't here yet t iihor. Better grasp the big ad vancement that's ready now... Better have vour engine on -I’l.ATltn! Conoco Xr>' mot.or oil, for your nettled Spring change, at once brings your engine internal on> n.ATiNc tht foe of cursed engine acids. These un avoidable "leftovers" of combustion'were a menace even when partly driven off by the steady heat, ot long trips. But rationing brought short jumps, with overeool operation that magnified acid attacks. It’s high time now in any car, under any conditions— to check rampant acids. And you'll succeed with Conoco X’>< oil. containing an advanced synthetic. This acts magnet-like”... makes metals attract and hold their acid resistant shield of oii,-platin«:. Though your engine’s cool or hot —running or not—• the on n.ATi.Mi; doesn’t till promptly drain down to the crankcase. And where there’s oh.-pkatinc, the acids that want to destroy tire told to "Keep Oft 1" That's how Conoco N*/> oil can advance your car's chance to keep going. Change for Spring today at Your Mileage Merchant’s Conoco station. Continental Oil Company ( J CONOCO MOTOR OIL