CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE FOR SALE—Baby Chicks foi Sale from Blood Tested flocks Liul n <>r see Bill KirZlil'Cll or HUMAN HAM. HliHAl.1. HATCHERY ^ CKerryville, N C WANTED -- Hustling Boy oi young man to learn the Printing Trade. If not willing to work and learn, don’t apply. THE E A GLE PUBLISHING C(). FOR SALE -One Horse Whs on—Joe Bihins, Rhyne House! Mi'll No. 1. It FOR NA! K (>no Extra Good ■Milk I'o'v. Alfonso Beam, <hei I’Vville. N <’. It LOST- -Sterling Sdvei lapel Pin Tuesday inorniiie, Between Elite Beauty Shop and 1 .1. M»s teller home. Finder plea'.- '<•’un to the Eagle Olfire LOST LOST — lp to Dodge Huh i i] please eul.l 101 K..til. O ..HO. STOLEN deuoinina; io Station on l'vl: .no. eN i t >.a! oi. vifij Sta:.i Vs. BN. T North M tit i.O m. t. Vi a- ,o up. ■ it 's a’li.d .all t.y Stax ire >.i ilitt label a «Vlr t •til'll V M si. I HI V\C .oi o’ . ; . . ml I i It V vv < ash For ' ' 'dr-i I lomesdey Chevrolet ilompany, lot i lierrVt illr ( tl tl If I FRT 1. II add .. a ■ ■ r • •d.gc. tioi. Heartburn. Bciehiox vou i all of Stoma, h t Lei B 1.1 •f i: -a- Nausea Go- H-»*n set « e ».• taui* • V'dz - AL I r N 11 j> LA. t 11 Air a N't : :-t_ A. l Pi.A 'a. il l 1 AM PI LAti: 1 \ t . i nd.-'i • •! ' | .-.oi: a M - f ■ ... ta-1 Y\ .1 b Pi K io-lna. a N i i't NO I 1 l F Our Hammer Mill is rrady for operation again We are ready tA serve vou. and ap preciate your business. DAI.TON’S Kb FID Mill OUK | O MANPOWER SHOR 1 A OF Wi: Will (l.OSf OUR OARAt.r SATURDAY AT IKK NOON EACH WEEK AT t 00 (iT I OC K HOMES KEY (.HIV KOI ll<o ini ;'i fOk S AI I Used Ranges Y»nd Cool Stove;- $10 uti Usrd Iron Med- $6.95 pj lJo*d H*d Springs ,(i2.50 up New Be«l Springs $9.00 $10.25 OKA Price Used ml stove $4 t>5 Child I eds $ 1K 50 V■ • till Bed. $24,50 N • • vs ranges $t>5.(!(); re <|U. res i'eitltnate If you have anything lu lAKPKN 1 KK BKOIHLKS Cherryville, N C. pat:nts 1 KADI M A R K S Prompt. hxivIpe or Mio'i'*! 'fur tr^e opinion KxpPt 1 ^ Li-K I Ht*T Oil MSSOClAte* UAVi; p SHOE REPAIRING At Lower Cost, See COLEY S SHOE SHOP 4 LEGAL NOTICES N'ORTH CAROLINA CAJSTON COUNTY , % i nt: si I’i.iuoi’ i •um:,i I’fil.. VI; < i_'aI..11 well. Uf Ifl.O.Uil \i 1 1,1 IT-: I.IJ' SKKV1CK i:v fl til.. 11 V ■ .• '.S 1 iu ' aoW mtalu. Ueiia .'.lav 1 iVjioij 1 aliiuell, will takf no iii' .hai .a. .ii'liim i-mmUm as 1 i«.i>«• ii..',. inei: oi>nnii<‘iU'tal m !a- Supi-i nn 1 1.1111 oi tla'lon t.i . > . ,; ( at ulllla U> I>b am .111 al.sijlutf di'.oiaa on ;iu» tui iln- '.;ml liolciula.nt Mill I'm a; . 11 1... ; all la . \, ■>'. i; 1 .Ii iiia, 1 ■,, : lif f.iinplailit Hi ..rid ..rii'.i. i.i ■ iif ilia... it t in' .. ii! ajl|.i> lo till I-I.tii ... li.f ' ill ' .11 nil. 1 ! I. ..a. a Ilf ila v .I ;,i | I, V 1 1 '. V\ | . . \ M •X DM IN IS IRA ION'S NOlil'K ml v ,"\»i a • i i 1 Mi .111: iil . !.< >1 1 A ■ i :. i i r ■; "I u , . . : : I '<■?.•! .1! . it \ l it>\ :: l . 1 ■ 1; jHlI.pmr A.- !t i, • atal ' ».!• mur ;K,- n.<tv( <• j; . ■ - .. V w.tifil V . .11 llitt • ■ H ■ , «• ri'/i.i I .< li ta N « . a <■ ■ , ; -. Ut'ituu U* • ; h< [ilaintil! i I ■. • rt.l via , - all 1-1 1 he tin j elf (n u i I'll .ml . |.kwll! within • ' la . ! .a .11 1 111' will appl;, III -■ i 1 l 1 v■ I till-' I '■ i a-' elf in.. <i ! vlf 1 .ii la- aid iiilllplailit j V- 1 1 hi St' K intn.i i oimvfil. | A i U-n. S i prrim i. uui t i.! 1 ! "I t • • vl lit V . al ill utVu l- III t.a .mil. \ ( It.! tilt- 1 t ' • la ..! \l., I. I I hll I AIA1 A i >K\ Will \ I I \ I !' I I: \\ 11!. 1 / Ai.ii I ui I ‘I..; nt ill l- Vlf . M 'it HI ( All'll IN A '. ! nN < ui M V l\ I III- SI PI l:liji: ( Ui. i: i In. i S'.inlf. . Pw Ilf I Sr i- 1 ■ .1 VI | H I. , l:r P.aa.Sill P.lfa-1 S; at, 1. , llf| iMala: ! \1' I II 1 PV PI PI l< ATIu\ l‘< . 11 >. ■ v. >... i n «■. 1 lirfrliil.inl mi- - ■ f it hi ’: > plan.I ill' m l hr AU pr 1 im. i ..f i ,.. -1a.11 ( ..bill ! ! <1 I i.i p.. I I. <• <1 < 11 it al II 111 a ... a If i>!vi! 1* : w.r.v f I I • *11. , hr <!<■ 1' : i.c .i.-l i.ii.i'-.• a ill . ' ' ' ■ -At antic- ! 1 ,11 Ik* l h - :.;.t. \,n l h ( am ’ Pa t, < lilt ah w i -1 .. i 111 .1f::l u l t< -.iif. a iiipa' 111' ..1 the phi ui C til within iMt-jilr. •!.. . all.-i flit* tin ai ,i| pt-ai.ii: v <! (hi null. r. an.I Pit" i f la.. ,w., ,,, |t. Ill" ■ I 1 . - ' ' f a lil .In I -la I (It. Wit hill tin- f.t‘( ihf.l ai.iAf .naiiif.l linn*. - ht’ >1.1. <• Htlt!' Mill .. j t > I > I lit* < aa LI ft l'(i I. "a* It'lirf • |f Ilia 1 n l »-> I ih !i.t- *aal . milpiaint \\ Il'NkSS Kmiia. 1 urn w i-li. \ ( 111* I k Nuprin.I (Kill of I. a I. .n I hi li t a I i' olVirr Hi < ... t..lila, N 1 TI:: I hr it.! .las ul llal'f-h iil-H h VIA! A t .p \ V\ Kl.l . A l NOTICE or SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION -I.HnC ( htIMUO Horne Knlli < J rilf.ii Horne Till' defi-ndall-t above named v ji herein take notice that the! above designated plaintiff ha i-niiitiieiiced an action in th«‘ Su ponot Cuun of Gaston County in procure an absolute divorce. The defendant i- further here-' ■ v notified that she is required n file written ansaei in the office if the Clerk of the Superior Hurt in the Gaston County 'Port Mouse in Gastonia, North arolina within 20 days after i he 7th day of April, 1044, and i iiiori failure to file answer as ifnresaid the plaintiff will apply i a the Court for an absolute di I'orie on ground' set forth in '(• nplaint filed in said Clerk's iff ice. This the 15th day of March, IP i-l 1.. HAMME. Attorney for Plaintiff T-A6 Ralph McDonald CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR RALEIGH, March 20-After the war North Carolina will he at the threshold of opportunity no great advancement, agricul tural, industrial and social, Ralph U. McDonald, candidate for Gov ernor declared in a statement to day. North ('i.Toliua lias many ad vantages of climate, physical re sources. geography and people which are unexcelled anywhere," lie said. "Effective planning and leadership should bring the op portunities and the resources to gether to produce great prog McDonald dedal ed that new adustiA of all types will spring in tiie nation to take advan (age til' now inventions dunil tho war anil to moot a tremonr oils post war demand for ;i icuids* oi products. “North Carolina is in ide-s position to get moro than a asm share of these new enterprises, .vo i.l McDonald. "We have th power facilities, the agricullui a! mineral anil forest resource: and a high type of manpower t sustain a solid and health growth in manufacturing." Declaring that increased fair income is the greatest economi need of North Carolina. McDon aid urged especially etfectiv nost-war planning in tho field o agriculture. “Hero truly is th basis of prosperity in North t'ai olina," said McDonald. "We mu's safeguard and strengthen the an clion method of tobacco market ing and tho marketing facilttio lor ..11 crops must bo iinproVOi g i'll every possible way. tiood fill - cos fur farm products are etisein frt North Carolina.” tl “Through increased emphasis 1 on dairying, beef (attic, poultry. sheen. Iced (idp-, miith. and all e kinds of trunk crops.' farm in - come can he raised considerahlv i, and farm living: at the same u time," he declared. "Further ,• progress in agriculture lies ahead through increased media a i/.at ion. , complette rural elect rilicat ion, [■ Vocational agriculture in all e’uiii . munilies, research, and increased t> support of State agn f cultural services." p Through a major road im provement program and pro t motion of aviation, McDonald said,. North t'andiiia will he ideally placed to advance all in 1 I l ull dust i■> i [trough improve poi !;it Km facilities. I “Vvinle going forward alone [all lines of material progress wo must always place first our hu man resources. ” lie said. “Thru ilnproved health and hospitaliza tion. better schools, more libra ries. hopitah/.ation insuance. se ; eurity against unomployemnt. . and other social advantages, we must plan for happiei lives foi 1 all on r people. "Above all. onr postwar plans t must center around a definite ; strengthening of the moral fibre jand the religious faith of our 1 cit izenship." CLINICS t 1 A total ol a tit* head of horses t land nvtiles weie treated at the 1 horse and mule clinic in Mai tin 1 r »■ | n > It s [.. j.. Mrl.oiniofl ■ ■\ agent of lav ■date Collepe Extension Service. FAT STOCK SHOW A rranjrements have lieen eom iloted for the first fat stock show uni safe at Willianistnn on April 17. The show wiil feature fat attic and nous. accorifthjf to El is Vestal. Extension swine spe ialist at "State." HOGS ,1. K Holconilie. Columbus outltv farmei . has found that he breodin-j* of puielned t’hes er White sows with registered la mi-hire- hoars gives him the t.‘ ■ t tommercial hugs. There are more Long Distance calls every day"* ImmI —•! Ik>— Mr* km a Inury *• wb«a Iks lifhlt 9«i ikiek •pualoi will iay-"PU«M limit Y*m cmll I* S bhLbhIm. Tkat't I• kalp f•! mi Ik* wire* 4arkf wfc p**t*«la. Southern Bell Telephone and Trlrptaph Coiupauy No. v** s*> • VAWiW>V^.V.'iV.‘. .V<»A*.V YOUNG. AMERICA GOES TO MARKET cHo&um ENRICHED BREAD ... is just about tlit* finest tiling they can bring boinc. It's .so very, very good! fresh — tender — vs beaty-fiavored white bread as you like it. Ami also, it's enriched with Vitamins and Iron for greater v igor. Try a loaf today— and you'll serve it through all the tomorrows. Look for it at % your grocer's. CutlG. VALUE ClUlG, BENEFITS ? N O C'xX'ia i cost EHBgsaaaeiMMW ORDER YOUR NEXT WINTER SUPPLY NOW COAL WILL BE SCARCER THIS :■ SUMMER and FALL THAN LAST. J Cherry vilie Ice & Fuel Co. Quality - Service - Appreciation PHONE 3231 • ..-.■■.■ViViV.V, A\W.W.W.VAV.,.VMWA,ASV DUE TO THE GAS, TIRE AND LABOR SHORT AGE — BEGINNING APRIL 1st AND CONTINU ING FOR THE DURATION, ICE AND COAL WILL 3E CASH. LET US SELL YOU A ICE COUPON BOOK AND YOU WILL GET A DISCOUNT. ■♦♦+»»»' •f I « . * » C HERRYVILLE ICE & FUEL CO. QUALITY - SERVICE - APPRECIATION

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