THIS COMMUNITY ASSURED JUNIOR BASEBALL Eaker Announced Last Wed. For Commissioner Paul H. Beam Filed Monday For Re-Elec tion As County Commissioner Floy E. Eaker, well known farmer, dairyman and merchant, il' Cherryville, announced last Wednesday nis candidacy for the position of County Commission er representing his township sub ject to the action of the voters of Oaston county at the Demo cratic primary to be held Satur day, May 2?th. Active, not only as a farmer, duiiyman and merchant, but also in the civic life of Uie communi ty, An-. Eaker is a lifelong mem ber of the Council of his church. He is a member of the Masonic bodies, Knights of Pythias, and a charter member of the Cherry ville Club of Lions. For several years he has served as a mem ber of the A A A committee of the Cherryville area.. He is a member oi the Cherryville sehoacity many times. As a mem ber of the board he has shared in the supervision of the progress' of education in his community. During his young manhood Mr. Eaker was a teacher in the schools for a period of lb years •and at that time formed the in terest in the cause of education which has remained as a eharac- j teristic of his activity ever since. Mi. Eaker was born in Has- I ton county and lives at present i on the site ul the old home place. | A lifelong- farmer, he has been engaged in the dairying business in the Cherryville area for the; past twenty-three years. For the past live years, he lias served as manager of the Farmer’s I’n ion Supply Company ot Cherry ville. lie is president of the ( her ryviile ,, Production Association , and has served as president and director of tiie Cherryville I'nit of the National Farm Loan As sociation. In ins announcement. Mr. Fa ker states that he intends to make a vigorous and intensive county wine campaign for the seat of County Commissioner *rom Cherryville Township. Paul 11. Hearn, present county commissioner informed us Mon day he hail tiled for re-election to the Hoard ol County Commis Subscriptions And Renewals Received i Subscriptions and renewals lo the Eagle include those of the 1 following: D. R. Mauney, .)r.. Miller Siieed. Arlene Shuford, Clvde Ca mpe. Mrs. W. A. Aderholt, C. C Sellers, Cline Beam, Flank Put nam, J. II. Workman. C. B. Iiur l-elson, L.. P. Dellinger M \ Waterson. Airs. R. H. Ross, Mrs. T. C. Carpenter, Tessie Lei' Sellers, A. II. Ilalhnan, Rex Eak er, Mrs. J. Lee Beam. Forest Wehunt. • Marcus Hoyle. A. II. lilac! A It on so Beam. Bedie Stroup* U . B. Rhyne. W.C. Rudisill, Cai Hicks, Jack Self, Author Hall man, Stowe Carpenter, Wilfor Dellinger. John S. Stroup, Law rence Stroupe. I.. C. McDowell Mrs. Oscar Paysour, Mrs. Alan rice Beam. He man Huger, J. E. Brittain, Mrs. John Brown and Dave » t arpenter. Howard D. Black Scores Nine Shots In Bullseye >$beriy ‘"AMP KOH1.RR. Howard I). Calif.. .Mar. Black. of ts .in the center of the bulls r<" ,n sustained fire on the rifle at the Western Signal train in o’ Center at Camp recently. Markers were t need in the target to score the croup, fired front the sitting- po stmn. Pvt. Black is the husband Mw. H. n. Black, Rt. No 3, < herryville, X. C. He qualified as sharpshooter. nhb New South Wales. Australia, 1 producing methane gas motor fuel and it is estimated that :J, 000,000 cubic feet aif gas can be drawn from the mine each day for 60 years, 120,000 cubic feet being equal to about 1,000 gal 14on»vof. gasoline. t Candidate ROY E. EAKER Av. Cadet Carol Dellinger Graduates Aviation Cadet David Dol liMtier. son of Mr. and Mis. Hon Dellinger, 2.r»3 S. Mulberry St., has completed hjs basic flight training at the AAF Pilot School (Basic) Gunter Field. Montgnin orv. Alabama, it was announcei; today by Major Arthur K. Stump Jr., comms’iidunt of cadets at this field. Prior to h's arrival here. Cadet Dellinger had reeo ved his primary trainin'", at Cari strom Field, Florjad. Ho was tip pointed an aviation cadet Aug ust 111. 1VMJ. While at Gunter Field, Cadet Dellinger had logged approxi mately 70 hours in basic train ing sl ips. Those flying hours in cluded cross country navigation flights, night flight- and forma tion flying. llis advanced train ing will be given at another school in the vast VAf 'l raining t 'onimatid. Col. Raymond I.. Winn. Coin irianuitig Otficer of Gunter Field -’tiHtl that in addition to the living course, basic navigation ca dets have completed courses in raitio code and communications, aircraft identification, mettcor ologv- navigation. instrument and parachute instruction. Eagle Subscribers Must Pay Subscriptions It is important that all Eagle subscriptions be paid up at once, or we will be forced to discon tinue the subscribers who are not paid up to date. Relatives and friends of soldiers who sub scribed for the Eagle to be sent to them should keep these suh eriptions renewed at the proper lime. Due to the shortage of la bor. it is impossible to send ■ at eiucnts at the expiration of t- h subscription. therefore ! -e watch your label. Due to the shortage of news print paper, and the advance in the price of paper and other ma terial it takes to publish a news paper. it has become necessary to discontinue all unpaid sub scriptions the first of April. Mail or firing your renewal in at once in order for you not to miss a single issue of the Eagle. Willie M. Browne 75 Year. Old 2nd Mr. Willie* M. JJrowrn*, who live*; :i couple miles out on - the fiholhy Highway was in town Saturday and says ho will cele brate his 75th birthday anniver sary on April 2. He was horn April 2. 1SH9. Mr. Browne is a great Bible student and knows his sciipture. He is very active .nd appeared much younger than AARON MOSS COMPLETES COURSE Aaron Bernard Moss, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Moss of this place, has completed the course of training in the Aviation Machin ists’ school. i ' Invasion Rehearsal Cannes Casual l A soldier who had trousers blown apart and his legs I,* In an explosion charge walks ashore from a landing barge dui m* lie rein arsal ol invasion tactics that were < an .i d out under a< t ' loii'litions. He is one of the numerous easualties lesulling It the massive invasion test maneuvers now being staged through, tiigiind. "MA SIMPKINS OF S1MPK1NS VILLE” ANNUAL SENIOR PLAY HIGH SCHOOL AUDI TORIUM, FRIDAY NIGHT, MARCH 31 The Annual Senior Play of the ( hen vville High Sehnol util he given tomorrow night at eight o'clock in the High School i.vdi Tliis play will atfoiii an even ing of giiod clc.m amusement. We are sure eveiTom* win. at tends will enjoy it. The play, “.\la Simpkins of .Simpkiiisvdie," has the following c:tst : Hubble V\ ooiHu idge, .Jac<|Ue lilte Wallace. Cynthia Woodbi idge, Marga ret .Newton. Harlan Wnodhridge, Grimes llarrelson. Sunny \\ inton, Colette Bullard Pren llrennau, Handel Long. Elmer Xorthcote, Kent Jen Cissie Brett. Faye Hullemler Mrs. Thyr.a Messing, Sue Ma Simpkins, Gail Hearn Donna Arnold, Francis Uudi sill. Chet Darnell, Kenneth Stroup Sptdei Mulligan, .I.T. Sigmon Aggie Mulligan, .Margaret ('at pent er. 1 he W oodhridge family, con sisting ot Harlan Woodhridge anil his two daughters, Babbie and Cynthia, has been without a housekeeper for a few weeks ami hopes to get a saitisfactory one soon. The girls are greatly con cerned about father Wood b r i o ge because he has been acting so peculiarly. One evening when Harlan is unusually irritable, El mer Xorthcote and Oren Bren nan come to the Woodhridge home to take the girls out. Elmer is very much in love with Hah hie. and Oren is equally anxious to marry Cynthia. Harlan makes it very plain that not only does lie retu>e to give his consent to E liter's marriage, hut he forbids Elmer to even come to the house again. It is then that Elmer is inspired with a bold plan! In or dt i to la* near Mabbie hi* decides to get into female attire! In spite of the objections of the others, Elmer will not he talked out of it. \\ hilt* Elmer is making prepa rations. Father Woodhridge an onunees that lie has engaged a housekeeper from a far distant eitv and is expecting her any minute. W hen Elmei appears, dressed as a woman. Mr. Wood hridge mistakes her tor his new housekeeper, one Ma Simpkins of Simpkinsville, and further as tonishes everybody by adding that in corresponding with Ms Simpkins lu* has fallen in love with, has proposed to her by mail and that they are to he mar ried immediately. The girls have hardly recovered from their shock when Ma Simpkins arrives and from then on it is anybody’s guess as to how it will turn out. So come on out, folks, and re member, ‘'A good laugh doeth good like medicine." All the descendants of cen tenarian Mrs. Margaret ,1. Smyth who died recently in Whitehead. Northern Ireland, live in Ameri ca. At Johnson Field CPL. YATES L. BABER Corporal Ya-tes Louie I’.aber. who Ii;ibeen in the m'iui'i: mi about 15 mouths. is now station ed at Seymour .Johnson Field. Ho is the son rtf Mi s. Mao Bahei . His adilrrss is Cp|. dittos 1. Bu hot . :i 10 I'd 5-1!. lOtli Acad Aipi. Seymour Johnson Field. N * • Soldier Gives Self New Invented Title .Medford. Oregon, Nov. 2:: I'fo. moans private first class in the army hut none of his bud dies oottld figure out what the Pfe. meant which Pvt. Hill Snthh of the (|ii:n lerniastei eoi p» pltu ed before his name. Someone finally asked: "You mean Pfe; dont you Kill"-.*** "Nope." retorted Bill. *'l‘vo been a pi ivato so Ions . that lye almost •riven up hope of getting higher. So I've invented a title for myself Pfe. means Private Avia. Cadet James Aderholt At Cochran iMH'til.AS. (la. Aviation Cadet James' \\ . \derholt of P i\ l -'i l. Cherry\ iile. X. has com pleted the til st -t.'io'e of his flight trainiii" at I hi' A A F primary school lien* operated hv the Ray - nioilil Richardson Aviation t o. Cadet Aderholt has been transferred to Cochran Field, .Macon. (!a.. lor the intermediate -hurt of his Might training'. COLLECTION OF STATE INCOME TAXES GAINS RALEIGH. .Match 2f>. The Department of Revenue Commis sioner Edwin (iill said today that state income taxes collected for •lie fiscal year amounted to $:<1 854.724 through Mulch 27. This was an increase of S2, 10b*2:i ovei the same period last year. North Carolina's fiscal yeai begins July 1. Denmark has u shortage of radio tubeg. CHERRYVILLE OVER THE TOP WITH RED CROSS WAR FUND Chairman D. R. Mauney. Jr., Thanks People For Splendid Cooperation l'iiri.i y;\ illi- i- uvei it,- ti..y with ili,. | Cross War Fund 1 *i i\ «* n was unnoulP.ed yestei >fnv i• \ • 11■,11 111:< i: I). K. .Maiiitey,. .!. . ( hall man .Mauney Vva- hl,'i: :n hi- prai-e l'ni die loyal coopei mii'u ut' every efti>i i F.v •TV conlrih liter, and i-very »ul her, i- e-i e;,tly thanked f.,i in- ill hit ciackon- response ill T iaiv worthv urive. .The (iy.ire.- a c not available at tne jne-ent tjuie hut they hav c -m passed the of Heavy Duty Trucks Under New Program A la w |)l ii"rulli ile-ie lied t'l train full utili/'.a; ion of heavy du ly "vet the road Trucks by re pairiiu; empty and partially load ed true]., to rc.o'j-ter with the Office eh I'efen-e Trai.-portathn in ordei 'a yet a full load before liiakine a trip ha- beeii launched 1 * \ the I'l'l. rii, new* plan ffoe into effect' new Atdndav. March 2 7th. I i dot 'he new pi'o^iam icpr trati.ii facilities wjll be estab lished at all * >I > T district oh' of winch there ale 24 jn the Soutl.ea-t and 142 tin "iJu'liolit 'lie nation. Five such office.- ale located In Asheville. ( Iia riot ti llaleif'.i . \\ nist.iii-Sal-u; and Vi ■! I'P" i cu j - nat ion by a eon; i on canier. uf an empty op. p,o . ia 11 v leaded truck. the ifl'T do trier niaiiajitT* may diiect him to aeeept and transport freipht Wli|e!j lias been registered with the district ..litre, or. if tile truck United lease it a ccul'uo' .'arriei or anothei cunmion ear lift. Patially loaded t-f lick - opel a ted l.y private and contract earlier.- will mu be resetsfeted, hut empty n of such carri ers most he reg'i-tered and ntay he leased to ether carriers at the direc tion ' of the OUT li-i ru t In "i dec t... yet full load- the truck- mat he required to travel silo'll! ty urea t e I distance that) m iyinallv ctiiiteiuplated. In the event a . arriei - enip t V' "i part hilly 1 i.ided. t rilek i not near an UiiT district office, i"' k- -till i. untied to ci.iiijiiiinj rale w ith .shipped - ,,r other yarn '•'> 111 11"’ vicinity if hr j- ., ,.,,,11 tnon carrier and with other car l'"'l' t) lie j- „ p, i\ ate or mi: ; ran . arriei. .f.o ,!.jVifi po-e of ac.i(Uii iny rapacjiv load oi leasine hi- empty vehicle I ank truck;-, cei'ain ''ruck op erut ions conducted t \ I'ai'Pier-. and vehicle- who-e total weight and normal load combined do not exceed iL’.ftlfil pound- are exempt from the ordei. Report- ina'y he made 1 v tele phone. (>{ >T -iivs. , i:d caller - t live heeii teoue-fe.l to a - k f.o ■'Tl-if tic Ife.'Vl’.ra'i.up'w lien , >"p(':':ij!y to • 1 i r i i t office-. CHERRY NAMES 10 MANAGERS RAI.KK.IH. Match IV. ( ; 1( hell's 's state head]Uat 'cl - lu re ulilnuiiu cil today the appointment of In tonal counts lilliiuiyel'- to handle local phases of the candidate's cam pair'll t"i t Inventor. Appointed were: Walt el F. i >shnrne of Sparta for AHeS'lr.'in. Maym Walkei I veils of MicUors for Catawba. I Speit'I't, Wreen of Siler ( it s for <'hatham. Allen I Kell ot' lla'sesvide for (’lay. flee-lei of lleeds .Mels in K haniel- for hare, (trails \ Ward of Mo.Us ville for havi. . .lohn It. Mave 11., of Os; ford foi (riaivillt. Chief of Police Clarence fh Kd ties of Ijei devs'ins ille lor Hen dersop, l;. S. of Franklin ‘■“i- Macon. and Irentpe Hurt, "■eneral ch;.innari. and Miss Su • ie Sham. women's cliaieman. fo, RocU in" hanr. ffeailona i tei-s also announced 'hat Chet is's Coil f. ad count v headmc1 rtet s hail been aliened at (rreetlst.or.. in the Piedmont l.nildiiiK'. hon M. Stafford is manager and Odell Lambeth is assistant manager. Meeting Tonight At Carlton Club House American Legion And Carlton Yarn Mill* Co-sponsors; Coaches To Be Announced In England SGT JAMES E. BLACK .Mr, ..mi Mi >. .1 A Flack luvr ■cci'ived ,i niC'Sci««? lV',>m' their «nn. Sk! Janie' K I’dack. Hr has aicxed 'i.ii- ■■ FnjJand. His ad ■.irei-s 1^ St;; K. lilac k, HP H ami H.j P'. Tth Al nif*r*;d <.■■-•!>. APt» *i4y2. c-o Ma rc*,. Xeu York. V Y. Return Missionary To Speak Sunday At Wesleyan; Methodist , Air- lluth Aim'. .if Kmm .Mountain. a i ctu) i, Missionary ft At i ‘ a. uMI -peak at the \\e-ie y:, AI c : I u mI i -; chili fit here Si!ii.lax ins': • Apt i liml. at S oYlnci Mi- Alt;,, and hei hu< hai.d. Cry V [i. Alt';., aic iiilikiiit: i i. paii:- return i.. Africa ii. t'P’ Veit neai futlire We e eml licaiit in citation t'o -.11 f,. al.trOiM. n - 'pecia1 ire vie- an.i i.e.u Mi- Ali-o. Coaches Entertain Basketeers Me- I I'm-lei aiiM F.i’-kuii l ill -"!■ - - pecf I V e coaches ..I "lie uni- . 1111 i h.,v- ’on'ket 1,ai . i ealr-ii their plat e'*s to „ (.art; i ■ at the Xuway clul hou-c .'ii I i: . I a \ 11 n;!... A).pi..y Ililitl'h t'"l t\ rneml.ei - .if lip a 111! e 11, ‘I p really •vlliUe VI ve,| "Ip e»:KS.«ed; ill 'lie ■VI- .if 1 he’ t« i P>i 1 w el e iti-eo\ ered at I' ' ii iik Starne' devout ':e-.i l.el.Pe ‘lie lie-in act it it ic- in- w i' I. |.ai ■ i. 'p;ite, hut K ed \ 'tail c of the >'e. t 'a i !y ie Tiifirn lui i t; pi.'iidei .! tnusii for tile lice, -a i W i ad; w . 1! .,r., .f|. It rnioyed lev all p.e-ent Pin. !'•. ' at pi.'Ve.i :|,ai la- i really iitdhill. a; heal: In hi nfa'tei f1 call Hie ..; : lie - e'« I a -I i ... ; e u n e,.'. ecu • • da -. I.fid In addition if,. .■ ,aeli *■' and plat to (>! hei intiled * ne-,1' r. Ip.led .Mi - (i iiiu from a Honolulu papi”' dated Mau-h 1i\ sent home l1' 'Joint of our hoys in the Pa rilic iiu hided the unine of Ss;t, Ruli> Stroup of < hen.)A illf nnmnv tliH't1 W \< ~ who won tfOi d t o||,luct I ihWons J. W RLACKWF.LDER IN SPARTANBURG HOSPITAL Ah'. -1. W. Pluck welder is a patient at the tieneral Hospital in -Sviattunliuia'. S. (' where he undciuent a niinoj operation. He i- geUina aloim nicely and expects to be home b\ the mid dle of next week. Muiitei ftudi t he A mei !«.•;« n I < folia) that ; a iuiiioi team and t hat pins ei - ted 11 on. lain.h count ies. t her ders Mtn. how > non nceme nj w 11! to a la r e e iiuifii this i oniinuiiil \ t lie 't a, Le The fil-t inert,! lie a • Thursday. Ala re!. :;-prl o’clock aj r.he t „, House and all.'ho. ,t’ion ball ate aSi-.ed ent. [tiredoi Kuuisilt all member- of the ! any other pet-on- who ested in the proyiuni t ent foi this tin;.! , time plan- tot 'he f. season will be mapped expected that ot tile coat-lie also plans f,.u will be di-ctr erint; i- ex pec A 11 ho\ s, h.i| r, wards, ate eli Pi Legion hall ; not be over 1 7 1 !• M to meet The call for Icom National the American 1 ’ ry-wide pi oct ant "ion of the Fe.lei r'atn aod cyiimutiity ttireiCain net t and tan-' in this and aUiei coin I nu M i t ie- will welcome tile rtexv- that null a pto-ti'am is to established in -pile . • f wav-little Idle ('Iter r\ \ die It to a slow star, la-t . W111 ;ib 1.1 5 P11 On! ted it "i P’ea e pre.s . 1’ it he made and A larse "sat h participate yea t- of age in the i equ 11 eluents. the plann ;u» ut .* Milt t \ ha - Conte Headquarter- of eqioii. This coulr la- the saile .1 g'ovet muenr Sot I I of the firs; However. they the plav-otf - eliminated f'h; of three e-a'ine led Shelby lot ear's player pro- [led s foi are eood. d rlieii st ride a? ie- be sail ami h’tte t rv.., out riien the\ tuc li the district play •hmiua.ted ;u t"b ts -Several of la?:!, lie back and the a winning team Gaston County Farmers To Plant Sericea Lespedeza A number ,,r (ia-loir county l‘«niters will pi;,n: M-ii,.ey lespe 'f/M alnuc thi-ii l.ejd burden fM- sprinp p,,.! ectj„,. uguin-' «■ 11. ~ i«* i i and i.n piovide a wiVfi '* • il» fm w tiiili! i ..n the >;,'v I- Seitz ,j! ;l e l.owev Ca I 'Unlit tin1 i lls'*-- of lieUis [«.,i 11*‘, !"-• " nddlan.l nf unptodu, 'At-, .luf In the r, m ii.nifif t ItiwV !"*<*'. >• <-i! v, sa\-' A strip i't '-frirt-a in tins .biudet s\i!| lyecp I 1.-Mil -lituK- ! i nfii jiitn'iiij: '"'■'it I., t lit i mp an.I :»i fl 'I"'"' tint»- fa vm llit- *(t*v>lupniet't -.I' 'li*-iiablf >|>-. r- „|‘ wildlife Alt hone It 11 t- st-t-tl of st-riot'll in eaten uii-a -1" - alls by M it al' a'"l 1' 11 u'. u i > in,I IlilpOt '•tin a- ;v liioil plant. Hit- votiVet vatioinst point- |is .-bit-: valiit- u, fit in i s) | (.,,vt-t •*,, > |,; f -}». and -ni.a.11 animals, lif -ny. aim iitliuil-- itKiif t-vttrri'iN«• Cange i) t'i adjoining litltjs foi insects. \sa-:t> grain.. tiiul IffttLis*- alui WfHil -IffH, Smut- fanners are planning tn 'ffd bic"k>r. a shrubbery .-pc i-i'-s of IfSpetJe/.u that grows t.o six feet Iiijrli between tile ,sf- ricea strip and tie Wwvdtar.d s\bt‘ie the field borders me Wide! than 12 to )..'i feel. Hicojvc yeeJ scarce. but the supply is being increased as rapidly a* po-Mbit' since quail are known to be very r-'iul of ilie heed. Kabbits eu.t the hit'll, of bicolpr plants in wintet Without nisiterial Ivaihi to these ,clirubtiei v plants. In addition to furnishing food nnd cover for wildlife, the cwui bination of a 12 to l.i foot sti'U of sericea running parallel With the taller bicoloi adds beauty to the lields and woods, ana i'ui proves tile appearance of ittost lluana, China. will have a match factory to supply the #n tire^ province.