AT THE MOVIES AN CHLKKYV1LLE SATURDAY ONE DAY ONLY AT THE LESTER PILOT No. 5 with FRANCHOT TONE, GENE KELLEY Friivhot Toni:, M.uSE* H litCSI, most ..! < . STARTS L. S. SUN. NITE 12:02 & MON.-TUESDAY SWINC SHIFT MUSIC with CNDERELLA ANN SOTHERN and JAMES CRAIG AT THF.STRAND THEATRE FRIDAY NIGHT DON (RED) BARRY in ‘DAYS OF OLD CHEYENNE” Li AYS OLD CHEYENNE MONDAY-TUESDAY AT STRAND THEATRE A DOUBLE FEATURE “THE UNKNOWN GUEST” AND DICK FORAN in “LAND BEYOND THE LAW” A scene from'the gripping, terrorizing drama. "Unknown Guest," starring Victor Jory and Pamela Blake, with Harry Hayden and Emory Parnell t A x A “Behind The Scenes in Amei ncan Business // ■ By John Craddock NKW YORK. Mail'll 27. The i*Uil ot till' uay will not moan a field ita\ I'm i ilailfi s right away Mal i ‘ ■.tore-keepers aft* mak'Hg commitments for merchandise with wholesalin'- and mauufac tarm's rn excess of their uqulre i in- in - nififlv to get di'hv o i \ widen will hole to keep then otisine.-s going now and t>■ serve urgent demands oi customer.', \\ n'erc-vitr this practiee exists, ipial.lo d retail credit men insist, it lieu res nil in a day ol reckon ing will more than offset 'ho re-on henelits. Their advice: "|le as short ol eoininitinent ;c pos-,ltio, and do a keener Idrt. over and merchandising job." Meanwhile, straws in the wind of civilian supply jndicate that little more ice cream and soda pop will he available for parched throats this summer. For file first time jute Jane, a stand output of machinery for making these thirds products U to he allowed, fin The other hand an unexpected tin'll.cuing of lumber distrilm-ion control 111:11 shortly reduce tin output of furniture makeis. l"ie wood shortage. together with short -upplies of paper and glue iimi even loice the closing of so nit factories. Outlook on the food' front is equally sparse, and Victory gardening will be more important than ever. The AgTjcultutV department notes that many farmers are planting increased acreage to feed crops, wilier, require less labor, rather than to direct food mops where the government wants nigher production. Crops likely to fall below MM4 goals therefore, are soy beans, peanuts, white and sweet potatoes, dry beans, peas, a lid sugar beets. OBSERVATION WINDOWS foi T.\XkS— The Libbey-Owens-Ford Class Company of Toledo has de veloped a bullet resistant glass panel for observation windows ol Army tanks. The special window which refracts, or bends, the light iays passing- through the glass enable- the tank commanders to observe and survey the scene of ba lie from within the tank and ihiis escape the tire of enemy snipers, according to the compa ny’s annual report of operations. THINGS TO COME—Vitamin fortified coffee, each pound said to contain 1,200 International I nits of Vitamin B-l An •’elec trie overcoat” but not right awaj -its just Iveen patented Con tinuance of men's clothing .stoic that added women’s coats and suits at the beginning of the war in the-, field after the war Midg et television theatres after the war. it polled h\ the Financial World a- being likely new com petition for motion picture the:, ire-. Tin- television shows would he -housed m theatres seating all to itlil persons. HKKR FOR THE ROYS With the baseball * raining season in a lull swing and spring weather in the offing, civilian lips may start smacking over announcement that beer can lines of the Ameri can Can Company are being readied to roll again, turning out over 3oo cans a minute. Howev it. such lip smacking currcnil) would be premature a.s the cam rolling off the company’s lines i streamlined speed will wear coat. of camiuiflag'e and not one wjl find its way into channels foi civilian consumption. The government is takiip though; of thirsty sailors am soldier- ,,o oilshore duty and 11 service overseas and the calls an hei’ng manufactured under tin new WPB order releasing meta tor canned beer reoujrod fo t he- e t'.o categ'oies of men it uniform. Estimates are that het’ori flic end of the year the govern ment will Save shipped approxi inafi lv a I illion cans of beer lot com-umprion of men in servici outside the country. Alt lioug'h this number is neat e nuil to the canned beer con sumption in the years ju ■ before wai’his. no tn! restriction' '-is pendedheer ju cans for , eiviliat use. actually less tin will he re onired for manufacture of tin cr.'lis than in prewar days. W. C. Stolk. vice-president of Ameri can Can, tells me. Mr. .Stolk says his is because the cans will be made of electmlytu "nplalc. de vi iopilUMlt of whirl,, with l!> ap plication th ran mauutacture. was a joint wartime aeeomplisi - nient of the steel iiidustry and the company I'm a tilt savin' material to replace ••Jrot-iiipneil” tin plate. Steot ami other Mcrdtd imperials were released for Uet i rati manufacture in this iii-tiiiii r a- a shippinu conservation me:, sure, t don't woman if you. want to be technical. ".Mac” is trim and just turned. 20. Site wears a dark blue uni form (with (wo stripes on her sleeves) which seems to cot,fuse sailors somewhat and on her early top is perched a snappy cap somewhat like the .Marine model. She has a big Irish smile which shllies out of (lei blue eyi 1 too. And \ mi can see she is eel tint*' a hip knk out ot hei nev. joh even if people like me uV eruiieiiu her uith questions. • In! ole ■! the ijuestioli'ei amt all the other curious folks who stale and tare, “Mae' has n’t had an\ tiouhle. 1 mean uu hody ecu fresh or make; "wise guy" remarks. In fact everyone treats her with courtesy and ev en admiral on. Thougs now and then someone practically falls out of a call door with surprise when ".Mac" opens it and goes through hot doorman routine. She hits been on the joh foi a couph- of weeks now. though just recently at tin main Hroadway entrance. It was thought Wise to try out tii st .a tin- his hectic 4-lth Street entrance. What does she do.’ ('alls cabs. Helps people in and out of them Totes snttall overnight hags. Xo big luggage, ('hecks cars to the garage. And takes down mini 1 her of taxis uith departing ho tel iMiest And answer- question-- l-’len tv of questions ( Mr. Robert K. ( Ini tcnbmy, nmnagei .if tin- Astor, is* I think, right pleased with himself. A. lie should he. Awhile hack he fig ured out what the draft was go nig to rlo to hr stall'. I’l 1-1,1! lie tranned women as chefs. iu-id - waiters, harkeep.s and elevntoi iorkeys. Vnd now—his late i > m novaiion "Mae", who used to opera' I one of the elec a! 0 s. M"ac" plans in open and eh se doors to welcome and s|>ecd the departing guests, f,,i a year. Then -he 1 going to change her doutmnn's uniform for one in the WANKS A ' RAH.ROAI) STATIOX VIKI.DS TO FEMININE INFER ENCE TOO. Something new has Conservation NEWS Bv U .1 SKIT/ Meek ( i'll I). Route I. llastohia and T! I,. Khvne, Route 1, Dallas. ■•iH'i'ii! ly had -oil samples taKeli l mu cultivated holds and sent t ,, the Slate Department ot Ayri culture iaboratoi y lor analysis. These samples were taken to de termine the fertilize! a ml lime leiiuirements fm various clops to I niou.ii m rotation tor nutMimis yields. Ralph Suniliiey. Dallas, ha- a line uniter • • ra. mil mixture from which he has been grat.inu' peri odically when the laud is not too «et. lie sowed a mixture of small mains and erimson y lover r.vul ha- a line stand. This mixture u III provide -plendal e rir/.iltj; foi in- dally herd until permanent na-t tries are ready. ( . R. (da.rdner. ('onln. jV const fuvt.mtf a fish pond on the !ai in h>eated on the Sparrow Road outh of Robinson School. I lie dam site was selected on the most suitable watershed, pond -tie atui dam st: bed out in ac cordance with enuineet iiie, speei lications on the amount of watei impounded. and recommendation' tlai/iiiu-i; si-.! led dealing the site inst ns "mu uf the location tvu staked. l-i.rin li , ponds iii»i f u i Ceci"'ill mu nt Inline but ill ci supply^ fish for the I'm m i.'iliijly. Hi- pin IIS to stock and manage lie pond according to ov.iniiiii' iliul-in- of tin- Fish ..nd W ildlif - S. i vice. '■‘••|| ret. Mill lo till- huge Pennsylvania Railroi. I ’ station . ! i l- gl'lll'l 111 public 1 ' k'-s it . 11n111* al l' those liiiuisc and : laic lonos which 11-i‘d to i I ' iiveli-i - to t heir i .ju-r ' i Vow. in then place, two n i i; i \ almost musical fe v o - i.-s pi t" ide behind t he ci . e iifd the a unutincci'ie-i' s 'liipl.itieil I li rough a system "■ di carries clearly thloinrhoot One v ou lie woman. \ ii'-e 11avin. work- fI'pni S a. m. to I p.m.. "id t lie o| her, 1 )<11 i' Wav heel., wife of stall' Set. Robert W:rvh. ck now iii ' u-1 ralii* •• w in. I: from I p.m. t ill midnight 11 o' I: eiil like tie jolt tiist-rnte liie , iiiipany is pleased ami true eh-! 'em fa voraMy impressed So i■ \ er\ 1 aiiI\ '- happy. F.veen' of coins', people who c n’t pet ft look like i hni "hit inn- pi e i I i id ice ::aoIT Women’' Voices nm j mici o' •.ni11n v eil (i.i denem'" i.n tlii' woman, of eour-el is e no' !i e v. a of lot- of ofhoi I npm amt p 11 * 1111 ■ thot'oiies. Hut. h\' heaven, it took a war to do it I SO 1.1>IKK VERSIFIERS. I'n less yoti have access to service liewspn pels. and especially the STARS AM i STRIPES, you've 1.0 idea just how much 11.1. hoys jnir o-oes on' 1 don’t know whetli ,.)• it's those vitamizeil rations we feed 'em, or homesickhe s, or lime on their hands between at tacks at,n| counter attacks or Hill tin- simple truth is that vel'se pout s out ol our li.I. boy like water over Niregarn. On ev ery -object, and in every moon. Some of it is pood, anil a lot is strictly corn and worse. Hut who is going to quarrel with these • • ays getting a few sentiments and such Otf then manly chest a ^ Next to the lyrics of love ivliieh ate pretty poignant tit1 times 1 like the little pieces' which give out with a grouse or | make : rueful little joke 1'ol (nd "ave the pig \ lily snout V which to dig A i d cool about. And. daws like icon lie gave the mole With which to burrow And dig his hole. Hut (»oil forgot In the human rip gin' To provide a tool For foxhole diggink — liy Ranger Randolph .leek (From the Stars And Stripes: Overseas editions) Meek (.ul >h, K-1. (iastonia, leeentlv harvested sonic kudzii plants from an old established field nearby. f'ii' plantilly amiind .yullied aica. It«- picpalcd holes with manure and top soil ami In planted three plants to tin- hill tor the control of erosion. (.. A. It lUMerstatl. li -1, K niffs • •■nitty. the Circle honored Airs. 1 tun nit tin course ol the ev IliiK'li l’utiiain, one of its faith I til members with a surprise stork shower. .Mis. l’litnani was the recipient of many lovely and yifts. The hostesses served :. delicious dessert colli sC. Alountain. on the Kjnys .Mountain highway, has a line establishment '•f Kndzu ol approximately live acres of steep land. Last year he realized some splendid gi aziiiff troln tins held and says -‘'s the best “Taziuy crop I\o evei '■ecu" lie plans to harvest plants I roiii t hj- liebl and madualiy - el "li! pi.uls on other steep ami ero ded fields on tile farm to la used or ha.' and tf.rn-.illjf. A ininiher of farmers ale pre l-ariite lami for lanl/.u plantings to he o-ed for elusion control, lempoiary pastille, yullv control etc. a- follow - : I Liny i'alis, fi-J m the scricoa, in addition * in a bay crop, and found no troulde at ail in selling his sur plus seed, Mr. Ream plans to establish most of the thin land in sei icea for hav and as protee linn against erosion. He also has several acres of a I l a]fq mi his better land, which be plans to top dre-s with if Ml In-, aci.d phosphate and about 2a lbs. bio a\ p«‘i acre to keep ii v i• 111 ,n-s and producing. "i'Y i ▼ i T i'1 FINK WATCHES A NI > DIAMONDS JEWELRY D€LLinG(RS ^JCttKL SMO* /i ( *\ V A V ♦. r 4' , ; +++++++'