_THE EAGLE Publinhed Every Thurvdiu r> ri,.. intci<-*t Ch«*iryvili* ■ rut «!(>•• • •ir*.br,* C<'mntiiriri, Entered as Second Claaa Mail matter August 16th, 1906. in the Post Office at Cherryville. N C., under the An of j Ci ngrr.os March 3rd, 1879. FRED K. HOUSFR II; Ed,to, and Publisher MRS. CREOLA HOUSER (Local anil Soviet> EdlLoi. i Telephones tltfici. 2101 Residence. 2i>lll SUBSCRIPTION RATES Payable in Advance One year Si* months Four nrnntbs __ Three months _... Metlenel Advertising Usprsisntotlv* American Press Associatiom Nrw York * Chicago • Detroit • Philadelphia .60 .fiU THURSDAY, MARCH :U), 1941 END COMBINATIONS AGAINST EMPLOYMENT A generation ago laws w ere passed pi ohrhit big comhinh lions in restraint of trade. 'today labor w curseit with cniulonat ion in le-lraini of drlpinyiilen,, It Ira- heroine ini|>os-.ililr l or :.n ,\ nier'ie.tn workman in earn a living in lia'ie indlist ric - without sax in- o'. i;al privilege, and complying ah-oluldy with tin diCIat. ol all pow erful union coiiiMrini i.• 11^ in rest m n l .f employ iiiei.it. A soldier home from lie hloodif't hn'Mlj- e-d. whole la fought to perpetuate it ; fiaa bom.y. ou1d jim! hito I Idockeu in gr'Iiii;- a oit. hi la- '.h'o, ii .min tr\. m ihi ilia , u it v of c-ase-, nle to . I ,. ■ lotted line, and paid the urn ''em., inf ,| hy -oini l.-h,M ho for it..' -i o"o low'..,. |. ' lot own "n'y "I llioent ha- idled III.' !..••• <-. | 'I,' ..I'oa.i tion. 'a defame ol evert, principle o|". !jl ■■ i c. mid ■ ■ n1 . ■ ■!•.,■ [.. tile light of II lire Ilian- to imn III mu to join any law f t oi o;ini/at 'tun. TELEVISION PRESIDENT It" radio is responsible for the t eiuarhablc pop ,, ,,I uia o - of 1’, evident Itnnseveh. as manv people t hint, it ■ . we w on del what type of man will I pie urn tile While Hon e via the television route in the election of IPad. We say IP fill iiei-au e that will probably hr the lii M I'rri dent ial election year when tdcveufh'i will he in ommrh home lo have II mHuence all election. There is no doilht that Mr. Itomevdf's ,appealing radio voice did swing many vote- to his ale. 11 m was the 111 t campaign in which lail.io played an important part . ud ever ,-ilice lie was tii't defied he has made lull me of tins power fill means of reaching r.'nd inti acrid ng n.ilimn of people. 'Hut when television conies, a prr jrlcut ia! ramlid.de will not olrty li.rxe to have a voice which inspnc- conlii.tem ■ -. !m! also rut uppea'l uliee which appeals to the. majority of people. Whether he will have te he a h .ltd mile ('Int k a target. They htivr plenty of ‘--inpunv among the informa tion tilers." And the ordeal ot giving I tide Sam some infoi motion about "intake" and other b-tails may not be as terii fying as these leaders feared at first. In his Sunday’s column Hay Tucker says it is the plan in Washington to keep tin* returns under lock and key "unless asked for hv duly authorized House or Senate committees. They will not be open to generalins pection . I n;! >? r“l HEIP^ Tl' /i' t FAMU ;r ’■ Al Ili DiSAbt f D. Vt:T i t-'Ati X hci.PS mtrw-f vt'P A V H ) •.< \ , t * f PYl 1J, ,AV'tl t. S 1 t‘lt- I V . I it i n\ tn Pj^iCr I > ■ . • .'<■.. ' I >-•" V H ’ K. TO f<" AV-! ' Wi' VII ; '..AVINHV Vi! CH'-'l > '11 t-t l • I I L!.C i-TTvx J .11 \ x (< X. j£3Li Vrl / A LETTER FROM JESUS CHRIST (Tiii- follow iitjf ieltr, ha Peer, -ent In Tin' Kujflo will* flu .|ii: -fluil it. 'J1"'• 1 i■ hod. >'«>' if uic same. U •vft :t I pap, r«* , r ' i Ik um.siui! nature !hr yeai 1 ‘-Mi.' i . •'Kouiiii <• iu111 < lenuium. -i \l \ v lor -tut Savin l i ausmit It'll 11 "in i l‘( l.i 1 d' by a converted .Jew. ..Sjjtft. .faith lull', trail. I.ui',1 limn ■l^i.,..‘'i K"!'" at 11 !• 11 i , ■ w ,o|i>. i, < * \n in -e* al \l esopid a IllUi. I III- lell’i i WU uriltru u y -I, -us. (him .'mo. way full lid. U mil'! a K i 'lit -l "la ■ 1 a'1 11 i nUlKl at.ii la1p t'. at t in' I"1'1 ‘'l Mu' ( in', elpideeir min- * ■ run limn In,ilium. near a- v.Hku.’i' , a iliul Mr sup,,', am l:i Utmii - tin' .tone wa- \\> it it'll and , r.tV£,r ay r.d, • * I > Jessed is lu- llltil' Mmli turn.me All pee p le that saw it pi ay tut tu 'loll «*;. mostly. -;UtU desired that llu wmilil make i.iiuwii lu them thu iiK-.minp ul llu' wrdinpV that l in'.\ ii)i'K'|lt inujit in vain 1 u turn it <*t . In 11., - mi niit iuvu thi'i i' i aim a ‘‘t i,. . iiif,|, aii"i.|| i \ o' o i' ti i ''in - .1,1. an,I hi i. iif,l n "VtM- wit hi "I I . I u t In- admirat mu "I all |;i. ) 11., i p 11' I iiat sUiod' t'i\ ' i i.mhi tin- stone w ;is I,.,ml a lull, i u i ill on In -I < "ii 1 hi list.. Im ii was mi ru'il m ti,,' iii\ ._»>( n unnnii. anil purdished by ." ..I"''-'. hi i 11 • 111 i i j> 111 ■ in thu I ml'. I ii ha adii in Mu' b'lli't 'a a \\ i »L11 • 11 th; , ii,, aia ml ini'- • Is "f 11' in 'i I i ml. .■.'lu'il ns '.In' \ t i>l i' J * > a l' Ii f 1. s ,-ar.. amt' our Savior's In M Ii. LET I K K OF JESUS CHKLsl pecsul w ilt'll,nil i'll the 'i1 null, ua\ hull.' he rinsed; J iMtii 1.. .,nil you to ye In chlll'cll.. all'l ,.,.,'P fin- I'.or it s day holy. Sill; nil ill) j lip alls ilia III If 1 ul SS;".U" , ,,|, -nail nut iiilv niis-lH'ml ymii ,m i"deckiup yuitr-i'lvi' • wiln siiju'i tluii ids and fu.-i.iy ap pa If I and diis.-es, lot I lulu' "I nil i i v own hand, -poki ul I' iiii'ii, i,. V,'fit shn If Hot fuui'i'ii yuursi'Ui's, hip. ai-u your man - i sanis, and m.-fi \ e ms ss utus anil leal n i,is ..inland infills: you shall finish X",r la I >oj* every Salurda.s a 1 l.i'innon Ii, (', o'fiiK'h, al SS h If ll hind till' pifpaiaimii I'm tin- .Sabbath hi; r".n. . I a.ls . ,' sun lit | to fa-I II v «• Fridays in I'M'i.s year.. hf "III II 111;; SS I . ll t t null I' I Ilia V ■ " 1 , uni i11111‘ I hf I our T i alas s I ul loss i11«.•• in i f nn aihrani f -ul I hr ti vf blends ss minds which I if ,a is ml i m all mankind. You shall ill 1 i.t!fn t ly anil peaceably l.llior ill your i f peel ivy s m-a 11 oils, svladfin it hath plfi, sod (luil i,i rail ymi. You shall Jus, uni* a nut hr r ssitll Idotiu rls lu\r and rausr tlii'in that'ate iml hap l i'/IM.I lu rulllr 'll i'll ll 1 fli and .heal thr lluly Sacrament. vi/.: Ilapli-n ami tli'p I.uni's Supper, ami hi niinlr nirnihi'ts thereol; in s' liuiny, I will pivc you limp IiI< ami nii.iiv blessing's, and yont land replenish and bring fdrlh ahcHindani't'. I will jjiyi* ymi many blessings and comfort you iii the pri-at temptation, and surely hf that hath done the coni I'Kry; shall lie cursed and Una'cnahlc. 1 will also send hard ness nf heart upon them Mill I have destroyed all hut especial Is ' upun the hardness and im pen it net believers. He that t:jv eti) In the poor shall not lie ttn pi.nfitilftde. Remember to keep holy the Subbath day, for the seventh day .. ! 1“"' ’ M- ||l <\ ||,(|' | I'. chi'a a ml in .■r' t ff- I. •; I-. • I III -I;.' tii. rriow -.7,-;. it Ih'?r Needs Over There ■ <5. , Service Over Here H O v, tful vvii -itiiil U l-V! I. !l, i. !• und other communication materials are so ; war, it is becoming more and more difficult ii.hipaiiy to fill service requests In fact V,- iii'.ufiUteXtl to inert tire demands for Seiviiw. |U,-Iffy as tin essentia! user one whose tele s ff.teilly essenliul to defense or the health M*y of th ■ community cis a whole we regret . porrente delay in getting service. |,lies tire available, they must be employed first ,-rs I hen, from any facilities remaining, others n their regular order. We will be glad to fake „• fur servee cmd nolify you when futilities lyllnrni I life being done to lessen the efleit of •In : , ol, I,-|,•phone service. And we look forward , hen in ole rrcils will be available and we will tins service you want when you want it V ; af Is the Charles A. Coffin foundation? I'JI'i •-) ,,i • i "■ \ (' Mr. ( ' ■•-/ i' : --at ■ ■ ... ./. < /*>. i.A'/// Invest in Your Country’s future - ilUY WAR BONDS y. o the People who Produce r your I'.leetrie I unlit , "Papist and Power t t i lie (dtar/cs . I Coffin /'onndation f (on/t /' a '/uezd/ citation for „ w (i/stinifn/shcd icmtone POIVKR INDUSTRY *1' teed U'ith unfit iwdi'nteti ilt'Hiuiids, t-h'f I.lectt ic I.iifht xiftd /‘nu n Industry this met every war-production ret/uit enient. without de/ ."N ncfil'v merited tor here is .1 that has done a remarkable i c,-r • a‘ih recognized. ,! tad, or it it 'he ton lit th .hr v; s w- ■. i;d st art le all Yincru a. ji■ •, ■-. SS. Mill 11 Ills lit hiVirus ri . u bun . ■ • l iWould descend '! 11S C ! r VI 1< >\ ,1, 'll ■it III r. a. ot ?a U as p ed. Ivarhcr, in i '14 ; tw a . is fn die \ear hetore the W t.u th'tn-s and despite .-s t. t1'i Yeti' .i Services. . Dim tor, < )ttu e ol M ar ten public and |'iivaie ■has been done in pruvnl ■m a ot l \ Kr ■ a ,\\ IMS., ' I ’ -a e: ir j.'l'.i ’ 1 al ot the ini' ti 1 supply. Power lias never been too little or too \\ i i>t (irneral I'ileetrir, w ho have built a large parr tin e'iei. t rip aaplipiiien t which generates, dlStrihu tes, and rises tin adgctnc power of \menca, take pride in the was 'this evpiip.'eeivr is standing up -under the strain ot "ti a reit’ji it: wambie operation. • Maim ot the men and women responsible tor this remarkable record are your neighbors the manager or in, tei readei wjio lives across the street, the girl in tin; at eo.initirig depart merit w ho is ill your bridge club, the lineman w ith whom you howled last night \ word ot appreciation from von to them will lend added sig nificance to this well deserved citation, (ienerat hJrcttlC '(Sahp.tnw St iien. ctad\\ .Mac } ork. t GENERAL (@ ELECTRIC Hf.ni thi' Gunoiol Electric radio piogramt 'The G-E All-girl Oicheltra" Sundae 10 pm EW1. NBC — lh* World Today'' nowt, ovary wookday 6.45 pm EWT, CBS.