; People j ! You \ Know ! * JWW.WrtVWiWW Society^ Parties, Clubs and News About People wwwyv\WM,mwdmmw.-, In Socim Activities ■ tivuucH nu;Vic ui v ait1 is visiting 'his sister. Mrs Ambrose Hend ricks and Mr. Hendricks Pic. Herbert Hickson returned to Chicago, 111 Wednesday alter spending a do day furlough here with Mrs. Hickson and son. Mrs. J. E. Sclater and little daughter, Ann. of Washington, L) are visiting her parents, Mr' and Mrs. ,|. b. Erve. Mrs. Harold Sipe and Mrs John H. Lackey spent several days last week in Anniston, Ala , with Mrs Sipe’s husband. Pvt liarold Sipe L-r. and Mrs. J Walter Cobb were dinner guests Sunday of .Mr. and Mrs. J. 1 >. Thornburg and t ari\ le. Sgt. and Mr?. Cheslie Ross spent Mother's Day with the l-,t ter s parents Mr. and Mrs. Art ho, 11 all man in I.incolnton. Mr and Mrs Evan Hallman and son. Eddie were guests of Mr. and Mrs ( InJrley N'eal of Helnioiit ►Sunday. Wr- and Mrs. || M Kirkpatrick and family of Croat Palls S C spent Sunday here with Mis s' D. Kirknatrn-h and Mr. and Mrs * A. ( art t*r. I’vt- and Mrs. Kalph W,Ilian -pent several da\ m Suaitaiibui U-i l" V,S,t,,,tr Af'- ;m,i A|-rs. Krai W illiains Pvt. Ralph Williams is spendii the week here with his pare,, M, and Mrs. [). H. Williams, win go from here to Camp Shell, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mauney and children of High Point spent the week-eri.l here with Mr. and Mrs. r. t Mauney and other relatives. Mrs. Norman A. Hobgood. men, tier of the KinsUm School Faculty arrived Saturday to visit her ,„oth~ tr;.- ,.|S‘ P*WU1 Ht‘ll,ls anii Ml and Mis. Hugh Helms. ( orporal Everette F Harrel arrived Saturday from Perm alter twenty six months overs and is visitiny his parents Air • Mrs. E. (,'. Harrelson. ||e will' U" n Io * amp Pickett, Virginia . I’vt ami Mrs. Ralph Williams, I '• a,’d All’S- Frank Williams and s,Jent the week end at i ■ " ''•*«•»>» Cottage at Lake Lari i ier near Tryon. Captain and Mrs. James Allrun j have returned to Hilton Village. > U'ginia utter spending- several l-.ays here with their parents Mr l‘,lT 'Al^n-V‘ J' All,iU1 a,u1’ AIi 1’fe. and Mrs. Forest Blake j herd and little ' son, James, of | ( amp Croft, are spending a low j days here with the former's hi oth |ers Messrs. L. K. and C. I.. Ford taHil laniilies. Mr. and Mrs Uaine Leoiihardt ajid children of Charlotte spent ! Sunday here the guests of Mr. and I-di s .1. M. Leoiihardt and Mrs. , Curl Weiih, Airs. It. |t. McKelvey of Kasley, S. < ., spent the week end here the guesi of her mother. Mrs. S. 1> Kirkpatrick and Air. and Mrs T A. Carter. Air. and Mrs. .1 A. |;„di- ill and Alisa Conrad llowan of Charlotte spent Sundat with lelatives and also attended Memorial n \ ,, i •*t I»t*!"’ Hallman of l.inrolnl on. 1"U- I In- first time Hie im Rheuark-Turner Wedding I'iit* Graham Methodist Church at, Graham was the scene of a love 1 !.v wedding Wednesday evening May 10th., lit 8 o’clock when .Miss Mrytle Kheuark became the bride of Brice C. Turner of the U. S. .Navy. The Rev. A. Boone, pas ior of the bride's parents, officiat. Ihe vows were spoken before an improvised altar of palms and terns, with baskets of white flow i ers and tlanked by branched can I ulelabra, set with tall white tapers, l Brior to the ceremony, Miss i Betty, Rodar sang, “I Love You * ruly and “0 Promise Me”. “The Bi ida 1 Chorus” from Lohengrin i was used for the processional and I Mendelssohn’s Wedding March was ; used as the recessional. During the ceremony “Ava Marie” was softly played by Miss Jeannie Rodar. The bride was lovely in a wed i 'Jute grown of white bridal satin ; fashioned with sweetheart neck i hue, long full sleeves tapered to a point at the hand, lace bodice with jii full skirt ending in a train. The tinger tip veil fell from a coronet wreath of orange blossoms She carried a Prayer Book, with an “hi 1 and showered with white satin streamers. Miss Betty Hester of Cherry* ville was maid ’of honor, she wore a dress of lavender satin covered with net and carried an old fash 'one bouquet of mixed flowers. Corporal William Wise. U S Army served as best man and Murphy Hughes and Leroy Wright pi Graham were ushers. Mis Turner is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. c. Rheuark of Graham, formerly, ( herrvville She I, ■' graduate o.f the Cherryville llmli School ip the class of ami a former student of Benjamin r ranklin University. Washington »- (’. At present she is employed ’■v })‘e I-'- Navy in' Washington. 1 lie groom is the M>n uf Mr. •‘Md Mrs ( . C. Turner id’ Clover, •N- and for the past two years he has been in the service of the l . S Navy most of which time has been spent on foreign duty. Pvt. George P. Wright has i rived somewhere in Italy a wants to hear from all his frier His address is Pvt. George Wright 1405.1465, A P o If Ini', c-o PM, New York, N. Y. .' The following spent Mothe day with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. B ter, Cherryville, Rt. One. Mrs "■ Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. Ilei I.ec Baxter and family of Cher vile: Mrs. Robert Burgin and fa '•.v I.incolnton ; Mrs. Kdwin B; M r and family of Shelbv- M \ebna Britt of Charlotte;' Mr. B‘ix|er of Cherryville: M U 11 lie Baxter and family of Ch ''.vvi e; Miss Lilly Martin of Ch rvyille, ami Miss Data Houser Liiicolnton. I he dinner was enji I> With ^o Much On Your Mind - - Welcome the Light Headedness of Our New STRAWS p Interesting WEAVES Becoming BRIMS, CROWNS $1.00 TO 2.95 Get your felt hat off to the rleaner* then store it away for next fall and winter! But this .summer, relish the cool comfort of a fine, shape-hold ing str»w, such as these. Light and dark colors; wide and narrow bands; styles becom ing to all. BELK-MATTHEWS CO. BOBBY AND TUCK BARRETT CELEBRATE birthdays Mrs. Lewis Barrett delightfully entertained the children of Bobby’s first grade, elebrating Bobby's 7th birthday and Tuck's 3rd on Thurs day afternoon, May 1 Ith at her home in East Cherryville. The children enjoyed games on the lawn directed by their teacher, Mrs. J. M. Crocker. After which they were invited into the dining room where they were served de licious refreshments consisting of ice cream, cookies and iced pepsi cola. The dining table was covered with a white table cloth and cen tered with a white birthday cake topped with pink candles. Each guest received a favor on leaving ( the dining- room. The invited guests | were : I f reida Kelly, Ida Rhoney, j rranees Hudson, Nancy Sims, Fane Weatherly, Rachel Jenkins. Alice Smith, Sabra Heavner, Laura j ?e.ani' Kathyrn Helms, Shirlene ! Johnston, Frances Goins, Alean i ^ ostner, I ay W hite. The honorees, j Bobby and Tuck Barrett, Billy j Howell, Jerry Daggerhart, William j Adams, Jennings Cook. Joe Billy : Hallman, Wilburn Warren Donald spencer Dan Ginn and Warre Grif Mrs. Barrett was assisted in en tertaining by her sister, Mrs. James Harris and Cpl. Harris, who was at home on furlough. The little honorees received many lovely gifts. Friday Afternoon Book Club Meets The Friday afternoon Book ( lub met for the May meeting at the home of Mrs. Victory Stroup on Friday ufJernoon at 4 o’clock with Mrs. J. Ben Dellinger, the president ^ presiding. Mrs. D. R. Mauney. Sr., most interestingly narrated the life of Charlotte Bronte, author of “Jane Eyre.’’ 1 he paper for the afternoon was prepared by Mrs. S. M. Butler on the life and work of Mrs. Bayard Wooten of Chapel Hill, who is .North Carolina’s most famous woman photographer. After the ex change of books the hostess served delicious refreshments, consisting of iced tea, sandwiches, cookies and mints to the following club mem bers present: Mrs. J. Ben Dell inger. Mrs. W. F Starnes Mrs J:nR'^-Uin,ey’ Sr- Mrs. C. A. Rud 1S,H* J- D. Hobbs, Mrs. D \ Rudisill and Mrs. R. C. Sharpe.' Randall-Stroupe Miss Margaret Elouise Stroupe a4ul Olin Virtus Randall were unit ed in Marriage this afternoon at So clock at the home of Rev. and Mrs. (’. \\ . Avett, pastor of Con cord Methodist Church, near Cher ryville. fhe Rev. Mr. Avett officiated using the ring ceremony The bride wore a suit of light blue with black and white access ones Her corsage was of orchids. Attending the ceremony were Miss Ophelia Stroupe, sister of the '/ide, and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin > ren of Cherrvville. i immediately following the cere-1 ■ I moirj’ the couple left for a short! wedding trip. j« Mrs. Randall is the attractive * t •'Jaughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1 •lol.n \\ . Stroupe of Cherryville. i' ■>he is a graduate of Tryon High j 1 School and for the past several jc years she has been employed as 1 ! hook keeper at Stroupe’s Jewelers j and Gift Store in Lineolnton. ! Mr. Randall, son of Mrs. Quince '* ' . Randall and the Jate Mr. Ran- c 'hill of Cherryville. received his - education in the Cherryville schools arid is employed at the ( arlton \ arn Minfin Cherryville. He has served seven months in the d AImy stati9»ed at Camp Barkley, Texas, in the medical C orps He received a medical dis charge in May 1943. Mrs. Norman A. Hobgood re Pfc. Hobgood In Charleston ceived a message Sunday from her husband, of his safe arrival in •7 A w' /A\ \T/ /*\ w ^ PINE WATCHES AND DIAMONDS JEWELRY DCLLMGCR'S ——; VJCIIKl SHOP CA&viyvitle 71C Cherryville Music Club Has Program The Cherryville Music- Club met Wednesday afternoon, .May loth., in the home of Mrs. Grier Beam with Mrs. Beam and Mrs. William Houser joint hostesses. The meeting was opened bv the club hymn. The following- program on sev eral of North Carolina Composers and their music was rendered un der the direction of Mrs. S M But ler, program leader Old North State—Brief history of song was given by Mrs. Rutii Porter—Sung by the Club Piano Solo—Miss Dorothy Al len. Biography of Mr. and Mrs. Cross by Adams—Mrs. Julia Hall Biography of Janie K. Patterson, Mrs. S. M. Butler. Piano Solo—When the Church Bells Ring—Janie K. Patterson, Mrs. Ruth Porter. North Carolina Hello—-by Chub. Contribution to Lamar String Field—Mrs. L. L. Self. Vocal Solo— Carolina Hmne Mrs William Houser. At the conclusion of program a short business session was con ducted at which time loll call and minutes of last meeting was read by the Secretary. Mrs. Ruth Porter announced to the club that the monev had been sent for the pronograph* to be used on hospital ship. The club is proud to be able to contribute something toward music in the war effort. The hostesses served a delicious sweet course to the following guests and members, Aliys f'/of<'.eli"v Allen, Mrs. W. F. Starnes. A|,-s Kenneth Beam, Mrs. J. ] Payne Mesdames S. M. Butler. Julia Hall R. B. Porter, Hunter Rudisill, I. I.’ Seif. M. A. Stroup. J. Cm land Sheri'll and Misses Irene Sox and Minnie Coleman. The June meeting of the home of Mrs. Sherrill. N. C. HAS HUGE WAR BOND GOAL A quota of. $1 Is.OOO,don, larger ; Lhan [lie goal in any previous war bond campaign, has been assigned North Carolina for the fifth war j oan. Clarence T. Leinbaeh. State ' far finance chairman, announced. I The amount the state has been ' asked to raise in the new drive [ opening June 1 for types of bonds ! (ought by indiviuals, exceeds by j -•lose to one fifth the $120,000,000 ! abjective in the Junuary-Febi uary 1 fourth war loan. North Carolina’s .quota was hi neased more m proportion than ■he national goal, which was rais ed from. $1-1,000,000,000 in the j fourth war loan to $10,000,000,-1 100 in the fifth. “It is the lai o'est quota the state 1 las ever had ami therefore repre- - -fo‘ LESTER CHERRVVILLE. \. ( . HURSDAY-FRIDAY—2 Days 2 SATURDAY, ONE DAY MAY 20 r i FUNNIER! j LOUDER' MORE UPROAR IOUS THAN ANY. I COMEDY| you’ve! —Plus— Thi* U America Chapt. No. 6 Novelty Calling All Pa's STARTS LATE SHOW SUNDAY NIGHT letty Grable — Robert Young SWEET ROSIE O’ GRADY" JOAN DAVIS «Nf FRAZ{£ wor Cl ARK BOB HAYftuS NEWS CARTOON COMEDY I NK PH AN TON Chapter No 11 WED —1 DAY 1-—.May 24 THE EAST SIDE KIDS