ON MOTION DULY SECONDED, THE FOLLOW ING ORDINANCE IS HEREBY ADOPTED: THAT NO FIRM, PERSON OR CORPORATION, OR PLACE OF BUSINESS IN THE TOWN OF CHERRY VILLE, NORTH CAROLINA; SELLING BEER AND WINE SHALL NOT BE OPEN FOR BUSINESS AF TER 7:00 O’CLOCK P. M. SAID ORDINANCE TO BECOME EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. I CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS DULY ADOPTED BY TOWN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS IN REGULAR MEETING JUNE 6, 1944. SIGNED: \ ALFONSO BEAM, CLERK Your CHEVROLET Dealer Says •• "If’s doubly important to you to get this Double Service Feature-NOW!” "'Of,' ^ P°fy 4, £ S, e'C><* V0***. < v H»>s» *** • '*•>* *'<* *v '* ^/»/v V k/* Homesley Chevrolet Co.# Inc. CHERRYyILLE, N. C. DIAL 2521 Graceful Lines in Rayon Gives Youthful Tone to This Outfit A youthful silhouette is attained by the brief sleeves, slim skirt and graceful ruffle of this dress. In a bree/.y rayon print of yellow, grey and white, you will find it a perfect choice for spring-through-summer wear. Ibis style require-* little fabric, and by making it yourself, you will have extra money to put into War ItonHs. Sewing Leaflet No. M .>.‘>91, "l{efor« beginning to tail.*’ may be obtained by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Needlework Depart pent of this paper. U. S. 7 rt'jsnty Uxfartment TOWN and FARM * in WARTIME * *i Prepared by OFFICE OF WAR INFORMATION REMINDERS MEATS, EATS-—Red Stamps As through Ts, good indefinitely. lTS, Vs ami Us become valid dune 4 and remain good i ndefini) ,.> 0 (i prisoners Worked on farms in :Js states last year, mostly in the South, harvest mg peanuts, rice, cotton and sugar Identify Veterans Fully To facilitate prompt reply and to simplify identification, all mail addressed to the Veterans Admini stration on matters concerning veterans should give the full name of tile veteran, the date of his birth, his serial number, rank and organization and the and "\" numbers in any cheeks or letter. Swomful Parenthood FIND THE REASON I-OR THOSE BAD DREAMS Many children suffer from !i;i< dreams, which ma\ or m;i> ii" Ik- .-it-rioLi.-. lint pel ,-i •! cn- nign tcrroi- rail Tor. tin advice o' ; received from tin- W>i ah \-i in bust i at mi -. I ju- .iiias.tei. lj: ’ " o \ e I "Jilt i too S 111 i 111. , if 1; ..1 least 1 d.dOf) fiavi tlie- vi ci, ruum of .Ivilui, Civilian Gas 43 Per Cent of 194 1 Passclige i car hi'ivei n,i\v i oilm- a. the, Petroleum says. U - , (lut ed pa- -e i the peace! im per cent as i •' u.;:1; "v4 Ei glisl hut pe. rent,. ■ Til l i. 'hr , f a t\ ..i about ■ • 7 s ieduced Families Want to Build Homes III i, recent • at;m wide •: rvey ,, , ebiisuiiiel re-1a i l eiiieiiVs. a -ai'.: Ruflllt-r of the families interview ed sai-l they intend to u.-e their : saving's fin fitly in.u' or budding :t house before buying durable goods, ' tile \\ ai I’l - -d-ti'ct ion id• -;tt -I ai: Iiouiuc Aliiolie.durable gucd.- r->\ ered in 'lie si r\ e\ . .Wash ij 1 u ina ehiiies are new a: g.eaic-, feinund. With tdccti and her ha i)T Refunds to Income Tax Payers W blit- one million 1lb income lax i efunds bat e been made by tin .Treasury I h-part merit, it will lie several months before -ill of ap proximately Is million tax-payers will get refund- to which .they are entitled, accord ilia- to tip- ('..minis sinner of Infernal Revenue. Each refund, however, will include in terest ill the late of h per relit pel year iron! March IT, this year, to tile date the refund is scheduled, first attention -a as given to eiairns of members of the arnica forces. No action is needed on the part of the taxpayer unless i.r has mov ed from the address shown on his return, in which ease he should send both his hid and new address es to the collector of internal rev enue in the district in which the ret Urn was filch. Christmas Mail to Men Overseas .Christmas mail to armed fiuc.cs overseas tins year is expected to exceed last year'- record. Plan are now ite.ilur made by the po-t Office, Wiir and Navy Depart ments to handle tins mail. From September TT to October IT, Christ mas gift packages for men overseas will ne accepted for mail-, mg it they are no more than five pounds in weight’, lb inches m lehy l Id and bif aches ii ii- ;,yi |. and giifli coin h i ni'd'. Only one -uch package w ill he accepted ft oil t he snipe persoir to the same a.air, during any one Week,, ph, \\.,i He part mein a nnounce-. Round-Up Special 'eonsiderai ini] will he tri.ven returninjr war veteran- alio apply fdi i at Mined t'aii ii macui, . \\ FA announces ... A ;,,:a! at li.QPS fai in-type wheel ti.iyi.oi> "'■i'' produced during the week eiuliiiir -Mav 27. which repiesents tlic his'liest wartime pi. .duct mir late yet attained, \\ Fit reports. . . Syiitheiie vitamin C, which pi., motes healinir of wounds, may time l’i' made from siiyar beet pulp t lirnu.trfi a new sin o t ei proia «. ke (lout liv the National lluteai, of Standards n>e t If file of Fi ice Admin ~t ra tion says: .New n dintr juice* AvUV increase the retail eo-i ,,f ; ' shrimp about 7 cent- a oar ,] : laijre sin imp. ahout 1 <•» n n , .r . The ;Tline quota of i ow/.passim.•> ■ I tail's available for1 rat ftp: in.; s : h, 1 shortest, supply of auto it: i. -’inee the beirmning of :ne war. file now coiling prie".. t. ■ ,, ; J. ! "dire can of’, codfish or huddoi i: | flakes w. ill represent an itm re.i-. ,.f . :: I cents i he mdiv idmil. cm j first stop. B ‘pin physic; if ill aft course, linumg the !i >11^‘ in bancef is the mi by eliminating the such as over-fatigue ion. However, the i child sufficient ill to have bad ■i night will show siirli as vomiting !i will point more ■nice of trouble Hu- alone. Then organic condi !•• enough to pro* ■->. which might .cep Have your rheumatism, aci • vet your child’s -not the ideal uii.' stick to and i i i liiiu actually *':iv of food and ■ !ia -ilual, their : ■ mote and of Psychologists i only of cases Idien are the i developed as Pei haps at the habits keep the nr the child at at the back of when life be \ so that sleep as it is for an i have a chance i e in tlie form emphasis nowadays is on ii.e tife deep-seated cause lifficuity, w>' must not go that direction and make t-hai t nation it really den tliun lost i.ri.k corned. On mustn't be 1/ child's c.rie.s' frightened be com ion for. if not more complicated is Plenty of bad in more significance .die. ii'carnfort m bed, to much pil v covers. a street i. a \\ irtiiow, a sud torm, a beloved toy i —all loom large in n! for a short space, ugh to disturb his ir child has only an itinare. don’t be coll ie other hand, you i casual and certain 1 scold, even if the iwaken 5fou out of h needed sleep. The ungster must really what, are parents reassure a child and iiiruish between the shadowy night fig ; I on i d e rhilii's oi yi.i, leave him, try tu fo-the child to tell you his in detail. This serves the purpose of relieving the uiiml and giving the parent t is 'Oinetimes a most illumi* nt. in si glit into his tensions and s. Offer a few words of reas iice ah...i,. the particular bogy ived, an ddiu'ii. remind him of et hung In; i:- u-i y fond of—kit* . butuiie-. ins new little rake the garden so that he can go . to -leep with something faini aiid pleasant in his mind. He at. ii the dreams occur night r night, consult your doctor. \our first introduction shuuiii tell you WHY %LACK ORAU6HT BEST SELLING LAXATIVE all over the South Cation Ul« Only a> Dl»ct«d -fate *** I remember $ from school. I '»n I. i 1 *■ fi-i > ' * m j h > it inn uhout the Welio li : ll/.rl ’!iU lieillg /Wioe/s,-Just tillin' ‘j ; n «: " ■ , k.iIit wturlsi and es !'• ' min. ai.i I f'" ■! lor 11 ansportation’ I n: 111■ I■ t ■ ihw ! r" it<■; t thing of all, I \1 ' IV. i to l.o. t• \v; • •!». keeping you! oar in • i v a 1 i instance. There's this ‘n.lj!;o li. >j \ on There's one motor oil and ■ io j t u-: Now from what l know (hoi-.olo ions in an v engine must ptoduo iii.I iv I in 11 limit’s up tin* Ini; lit iii. . o'; n.Tv on i’i.aimni; your on,"in. m i.li w it li i ’mu><-o N f/i motor oil Vhi wont to prevent damage from ■;1 irk into rnal corrosion! Some things are spo i:111 \ good at tight lug corrosion, ami mi li.ATtNi; comrs in tliat class, liven chromium plating, just for com parisoii. couUh) ( stay closer to working parts I hall 1 his prot ect i v c on 1>I.APING. It hat t Io to.: ro- ion, so a- to help you preserve Vour transport itioii as soon as villi ; villi ll io t’otluco N fd Oil. CONOCO iff MOTOR OIL