Society^ Parties, Clubs and News About People V/WWWWMWW In i Social \ Activities j .VrtViWrtWivwrrtv.'vvvi Miss Pansy Hallman returned home Friday, after spending sev eral weeks in Wilmington with Mr- and Mrs. Ralph Wease. Sgt. Harry George, stationed at Camp Polk, La., is home on a furlough with his wife and baby. .Mrs. Hob Lackey spent Sunday in Lincolnton, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lacsey. Miss Lorene .seill is spending her vacation with her brother, May Neill, in Knoxville, Tenn. Mrs. J. W. Coley of Newton spent Sunday here the guest of Mrs. A. H. George and other rel atives. Misses Juanita, Ruby and Bob by Rudisill and Sue Sneed spent the week in Lenoir, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shull. Mrs. Sidney Caskey and son. Jackie of Lincolnton, spent from Saturday until Tuesday with Mrs. Caskey’s sister, Mrs. Emmett Brown and Mr. Brown. Lt. and Mrs. Guy H. Howell and son Guy, H. Jr., are spend ing several days with Lt. Howell’s parents before returning to Camp Mrs. Walter Warren of Bel mont and Mrsi Ralph Self and daughter, Nell, spent Tuesday night with their mother, Mrs. P. S. Gettys at Polkville. Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Mor rison of Salisbury spent the week end in Cherryville with Mrs. Morrison’s mother, Mrs. John F. Heavner. Palmer Black of Clifton, N. J., is visiting his mother, Mrs. Fan nie Black and* Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Absher. - Mr, and Mrs. Van Adams of Mount Holly spent last week-end with Mrs. Adams’ parents, Mr% and Mrs. Lester Benliehl. S Sgt. Earl Greene spent fif teen days at home visitng his wife, the former Miss Ada McGin nis and his parents, Mr. and Mrs ,G. W. Greene. Sgt. Greene is staliuned at Fort Benning, Ga. I.eyon Carroll who is stationed at the Columbia Air Base in Co lumbia, S. G., arrived home Mon day to spend several days fur lough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Olen Carroll. Mrs. Rodney Hamby and chil dren, Bobby Lee and Rodney, Jr., of New River, spent last week here, the guests of the formers sister, Mrs. T. C. Homesley and Mr. Homesley. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Devine, Mrs. (!uy Hardin and little son, Mickey, Misses Marcelle and Nan cy lievine and Miss Mimi Devine of Shelby spent last week on their vacation at Hats Cave. Miss Helen Barbee has accept ed a position with the Civil Ser vice with headquarters in Char lotte. Miss Barbee is at home . with Sgt. and Mrs. Ralph Holland, .‘Ml East Blvd., Charlotte. Sgt. and Mrs. Hoyt S. Shidal are receiving congratulations up on the arrival of a son, June 10, Dennis Hoyt, at the Crowell Hos pital in Lincolnton. Mrs. Shidal will be remembered here an Miss Jeanette Ifowell. Mrs. Edward Noga and daugh ter Sandra and Miss Helen Absher i has returned to their home in Clifton, N. L. after spending a| few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Absher. Sgt. Hoyt Shidal of Monroe, l>a., is spending a 15-day Fur lough witli his wife and small ] son at Mrs. Shidal's home on |<ji|eiVyviV»-‘ Houjte 1 and alno| with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Shidal on Vale, Route 2. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dellinger who are mak ing their home in Hendersonville, will be glad to know their little four-year-old daughter, Janice, who has Infantile Paralysis is get ting along nicely and their three months old baby who is in the hos pital is improving. Pvt. James E. Absher landed safely in England. He would like to hear from his friends. His address is: Pvt. James E. Absher, ASN 345357775, (>. “C” 320th Inf. APO 35, c o Postmaster, New York, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. McGinnis left Saturday for Bat Cave, where they will spend the next four weeks. This has been Mr. and Mrs. McGinnis’ custom for several years to take a months rest and vacation each summer at Bat | Cave. j Cpl. John F. Heavner, Jr., who has been attending Signal Corp i School at Camp Forrest, Tenn., spent the week-end in Cherry ville with his mother, Mrs. John F. Heavner. He is being trans ferred this week to the Eastern Signal Corp School at Fort Mam-1 mouth, N. J„ for a six months i •pedal course, I WWWVUVWVWWftVVWW Miss Lunez Houser! Honored on Birthday Mr. anil Mrs. Brice Gates de lightfully entertained at a buffet supper Sunday evening at their home honoring Miss Lunez Hou ser in celebration of her birth day Anniversary. Covers were laid for Miss Hou ser, Mrs. Ira A. Gates of Gain ville, Florida, Mrs, Jack Ilouser, Mrs. Rupert Camp, Mr. and Mrs. Brice Gates, Camilla, Dariel and Charles Gates, Malinda Kay Hou ser, Judy Gates, Douglas Camp, Anna Gail Camp and Miss Olivia Carpenter. Absher-Gantt Announcement Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Absher an nounce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Jacqueline Absher, to Mr. Earl Lyvette Gantt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gantt of Cherryville. The ceremony took place June ICth, in Gaff ney, S. C. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Boyles anil Mrs. C«yt Engle. The couple will make their home in Cherryville. LITTLE HERMAN McGINNIS CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Herman McGinnis celebrated his eighth birthday with a party for his little friends at his home Saturday, June 17th. Those pre sent were: Joan, Linda and How ard Crane, Bessie McGinnis, Mor ris McGinnis, Coleen, Garland, Joe and Glenda Fourshee, Margar et Boyles, Cecil and Lester Jen kins, Erline and Guy Eaker, Frances, Mildred and Eugene Burroughs, Dale and Benny Hen dricks, Thelma and Martha Tur ner, Edward Schronce, Janet and Larry Carpenter. Games were enjoyed aftei which they were served cookies and lemonade, ice cream and suckers. Herman received lots nice presents, among which was a fifty dollar war bond from his parents. YOUNG WOMAN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS MEETS The Young Woman's Sunday School Class of St. John’s Luth eran church held its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday ev ening at 8:15 at the hon e of Mrs. Cecil Eaker with Mrs. Eaker and Mrs. Kern Eaker as joint hostess es. The meeting was called to or der by Mrs. J. Benjamin Dellin ger. Mrs. Kern Eaker conducted the devotionals and Mrs. Dellin ger gave an interesting reading from the Lutheran. During the business session the minutes of last meeting were read and approved, roll called and dues collected. Several small bus iness matters came up and were disposed of. The hostess assisted by their little daughters, Patsy and Ver neda served delicious ice cream, cake and cold drinks. Those present were: Mesdames W. B. Rhyne, Roy Jarrett, Judsou Black, Howard W. Allran, D. R. Mauney, Sr., J. Ben Dellinger. Kern Eaker, Cecil Eaker, Dewey P. Beam, Rex Eaker and Fred K. Houser. SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Howell de lightfully entertained at a buffet supper last Monday evening at their home on Mulberry street commemorating their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. An artistic arrangement o? quantities of mixed garden flow ers was used in decorating the home throughout. In the dining room the table, covered with a lovely hand-made cloth, a gift from Mr. Howell to his wife on their Silver Anniversary, had as a centerpiece a silver pound cake decorated in green and wnite At the four corners of the center piece were low crystal candle sticks holders holding tall white tapers. A crystal swan lihed with lofely pink roses set on the buffet. The guests were received at the door by Mr. and Mrs. Howell, Mrs. Robert R. Carpenter and Mrs. D. Hunter Rudisill received in the dining room, and Misses Dorothy Ruth Beam, Peggy Hou ser and Marguerite Jenkins serv ed. The cake was cut by Miss Lucy Lee Howell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howell. Invited guests were: Mr. and Mrs. L. Berge Beam, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Durham, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. McDowell, Mr. and Mrs. George $3. Falls, Mn and Mrs. H. H. Al len, Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Car penter, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hunter Rudisill, Rev. and Mrs. W. G. Cobb, Mrs. Beadie Stroupe, Mrs. Lester Dellinger, Mrs. Lloyd Beam, Mrs. Jennie Lineberger, Mrs. N. B. Kendrick, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ken drick, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Stroup, Mr. and Mrs. L. C McDowell, Mrs. J. P. Dellinger, Mrs. N. L. Mau ney, Mrs. A. Hoke Huss, Miss Marie Huss, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. C. D'. Koontz of Lexington, Misses Marguerite Jenkins, Peggy Hou ser, Dorothy Ruth Beam and Har ry Allen, Jr. _ '.V.V.V.W^WAVWMVW One Year Old WILLIAM BURL RIPPY William Burl Rippy, son of Pvt. and Mrs. Bud Rippy, cele brated his first birthday anniver sary on May 29th. Mi-s. Rippy and baby are at Camp Gordon, where Pvt. Rippy is stationed. Mrs. Rippy was before marriage Miss Alma Sue Kester. The grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kester are residents of Cher ryville. Cobbs Entertain At Presbyterian Manse The Reverend and Mrs. J. W. Cobb on Tuesday of this week entertained some friends at din ner in the Presbyterian Manse. The theme was, “The Hanging of the Crane,” the occasion being the anniversaries of the marriage of Mrs. Cobb's parents, Dr. aVd Mrs. Robert Price ninety-two years ago and of Mr. and Mrs. Cobb’s at the half-way point, for tv-six years ago. all being as of May 19. Besides Mrs. J. R. Meadow of Woodbury, New Jersey, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Cobb and her two little girls, Joan and Bar bara, and Mrs. H. E. Martin of Jackson, another daughter and her daughter, Jeannette, other guests present were: Mrs. Matil da Black, who painted the pictur es: “Mollie Pitcher,” which was ihe anniversary gift to Mrs. Cobb from Mr. Cobb. (This pic ture which is in oil colors is ded icated “TO ALL THOSE WIVES OF MINISTERS OF THE GOS PEL OF WHATEVER NAME AND DENOMINATION — MES DAMES OF MANSES, PARSON AGES, RECTORIES, Etc—Who are due to be cited for extraor dinary Heroism beyond the call of duty’”; also painter of a picture entitled, “Living Water”; Mrs. Giace Crocker, painter of pictur es, “First Steps Into The Life Abundant,” “The Old Oaken Bucket,” “The Pitcher Broken At The Fountain,” and “The Forgot ten Waterpot,” (all of these pic tures except the Mollie Pitcher having been used by Mr. Cobb to illustrate a series of evangelistic sermonettes which he preached some time ago to tne children oi the Sunday School. Mrs. Martin was the author of another version of “The Forgotten Waterpot’’); Miss Soonie Stroup, baker of the anniversary cake which had on it the inscription “May 19, '44”; Miss Hetty Kay Hendrick, whose voluntary expressed wish to unite with the Church led to the Pas tor’s forming of a Communicants Class as a result of which the following persons were admitted into the communicant membership of First Presbyterian Church: Hetty .Jean Blackwelder, Charles Richard Blackwelder, Marcielle Browne, Bobbie Gay Browne, Chark Melvin Carroll, Harry Wayne Carroll, Robert Hunter Carroll, Hattie May Cook, James Allen Flowers, Betty Ray Hen drick, Tommy Hendrick, Rachal Josephine Pharr, Bobby Ray Sig mon, Mrs. Jessie Cody Sigmon (the two latter were not mem bers of the Communicants’ Class), John Wayne Sigmon, and Joe Da vid Wise. Mrs. Grace Crocker was the Teacher of this Commun icants' Class. All the pictures are at the Manse where they may be seen by those who wish to see them. Mrs. Martin and Jeannette left Wednesday for their home in Jackson, Tennessee. Mrs. Mead ow and her daughters are con tinuing their stay a while longer. DO YOU LIKE TO READ ABOUT THE STARS? Astronomy is always an inter esting subject. You’ll enjoy an article about a newly discovered planet which is veiled in consid erable mystery. Look for this educational article in the July 16th issue of, THE AMERICAN WEEKLY Favorite Magazine With The BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN Order From Your Newsdealor Celebrates Birthday MRS. CHARLES P. BEAM MRS. CHARLES P. BEAM HONORED ON BIRTHDAY Mrs. J. M. Crocker entertain ed at a luncheon YV ednesday morn ing at her home, honoring her mother, Mrs. Charles P. Beam on her 78th birthday anniversary. Lovely mixed summer flowers were used in decoration in the rooms where the guests assem bled. The dining table was over laid with a handsome lace cloth and centered with a white birth day cake decorated in pink and green and bore the inscription: 1&66-1944 “Happy Birthday”. The centerpiece was surrounded with green ivy and pink verbenia. Those present were: Mesdames D. P. McClurd, Julia Hall, P. C. Beam, J..J. Beach, J. P. Dellin ger, Calvin Carpenter, Jennie Lineberger, Noah Stroup, Lester Dellinger, YV G. Stroup, Walter Beam, E. C. Sullivan, R. L. Davis, J. :M. Beam, W. J. Allran, J. W. Cobb, W. A. Farris, J. H. Rudi sill, W. L. Browne, C. C. Sipe, C. C. Dalton, and little Catherine Dedmon, and Mer ton H. Beam of Charlotte. Mrs. R. C. Mullinax, Mrs. Laura Ford and Mrs. Fred 1C. Houser called in the afternoon. Mrs. Beam received many love ly gifts. CPL. LOLA R. SNEED IS NOW OVER SEAS Cpl. Lola R. Sneed, the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Sneed of Cherryville, N. C., is now over seas and has participated in a course designed to bridge the gap between training in the states and soldiering in an active theatre of war. At one of the Air Service Command stations known as Con trol Depost. Sneed was care fully processed by classification experts who make certain that she was well fitted for the job assign ed to her. Security training, personal hy giene, a talk by a Special Service Officer informing her of facilities for healthful recreation and a lecture by the Chaplain are all in turn a part of the WAC's prepa ration for duties overseas. Her next station will be one from which America's lighting planes take off to smash the Nazi war machine. Local Boy Gets ’Chute Awards Seven enlisted men have com pleted the three-week parachute packing course at FAAF under the tutelage of Raymond Presley, civilian chief of the parachute department. Receiving certificates as certi fied packers were (Sgt. Harold Lovelace, Pfc. Winn Hoyt, Cpl. James Broadbent, Pvt. Roscoe Hart, Cpl. Florin Snider, Pfc. Lee ATTENDS B. & L. MEETING IN CHARLOTTE LAST WED. Messrs. Claude C. Beam and Dewey F. Beam attended the North Carolina B. & L. League Convention last Wednesday held at the Hotel Charlotte, Charlotte. FINE WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY DELLINGER’S JEWEL SHOP Subscriptions And Renewals To Eagle Subscriptions and renewals re ceived to the Eagle this week in clude the following: C. J. Hoyle W. N. McGinnis Edwin George J. C. \Vrains Sgt. Coy Ford Sisk Pvt. Lester C. Beam James Boyles R. L. Camp Pvt. John H. Anthony Mrs. Frank Getto M. G. Cornier J. F. Howell, Jr. Samuel W. Franklin Pfc. Glenn D. Willis Marshall Black L. Bynum Homesley, S 2 C McGinnis gets discharge Pvt. Pete McGinnis who has been stationed at Fort Jackson and recently underwent an oper ation at the Station Hospital there was discharged Saturday and ii home with his wife and daugh ter. Sheriff Clyde O. Robin: on of Gastonia was a business visiter in town this morning. Rev. and Mrs. Dorus Rudisill and children of Durham have been spending the past week here with Rev. Mr. Rudisill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rudisill. The Mexican dragon-lizard has a five-inch body and an 18-inch tail and can run across water on its hind legs without sinking. NOTICE! LOST—Gas Books—A & B— N’anie: Oscar Paysour. Finder Please return to Mis. Paysour or to local liationing Board. It-p NOTICE WE WILL BE OPEN JULY 3 AND 4. Shampoo and Finger Wave 75c Shampoo Tint $3.50 Parmanents $3 to $10 ONLY THE BEST SUP PLIES USED MODERNETTE Beauty Salon Mrs. Lester Houser Mrs. Marguerite Cleek ST RAN D THEATRE DIAL 4601 FRI.-SAT.—2 DAYS /Two-fisted bill and his old PARD,“GABBY’ READY FOR [ACTION AGAIN!... WILD DILL f ELLIOTT A REPUBLIC PICTURE —Plus WAR NEWS CARTOON—COMEDY 2—SERIALS—2 “THE TIGER WOMAN” JUNIOR “G” MEN AIR Mon.-Tues. — July 3-4 Round-up The War Production Board says: Arsenical insecticides . for the coming summer months should be bought early, because uncer tain transportation and manpow er and container shortages might delay last-minute orders and re sult in heavy crop damage . . . A water-resistant match, useful to service men in jungle areas, has been developed by match manufacturers . . . An estimated •'10,000 dozen household furnace scoops and 85,000 dozen snow shovels will be produced in 1044, and the first of them should be available to consumers by late fall or early wintei, National Headquarters of Se lective Service announces that in ductees no longer will be ear marked for either the Army or the Navy after their preinduction physical examination, beginning .Inly' 1, but will be placed in the common pool to be drawn upon as the needs of the respective branches develop . . . Shoe deal ers tnav sell limited quantities of “odd lot’’ shoes ration-free to consumers at specified price re ductions July lb through July 29, OPA says . . . WFA expects that, shipping will be available CHERRYVILLC FIREMEN CALLED OUT SUNDAY ! The pherryville Fire Depart ment was called to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Forest E. Davis ia the Eastern part of town Sunday evening about 8:00 o’clock to ex tinguish a blaze. - USE EAGLE ADS to import six million bushels of corn from South America during duly to aid the war food and live stock feed situation in the Unit ed States . . . U. S. Public Ser vice reports that approximately 20,000 patients have been treated for syphilis and gonorrhea with new intensive methods in more than 50 rapid treatment centers and that penicillin is being used on a large scale in the treatment of early syphilis . . . Home can ners who have the use of a pres sure canner this summer will do well to put up chickens when far mers are selling large numbers of hens that are not laying enough to be worth their keep, the De partment of Agriculture advises. LESTER CIIERRYVILLE, N. C. IV THURS.-FRIDAY—2 DAYS STARTS L. S. SUN. NITE & MON.-TUES., JULY 3-4 l GO GAY WITH * IN M'Gr Ms SwweFeVfit KAY KYSER & His Orchestra featuring Harry Babbitt • Sully Mason • Isb Kabbibla _ • Julia Conway and Trudy Irwin | —Plus— MOVIETONE NEWS CARTOON-COMEDY SAT.—ONE DAY ONLY DICK POWELL * LINDA DARNELL •. JACK OAKIE Mf* toedy • Si? Rum • Us PMta Georp Clerelam • EM Iroftiy • Paul Mayh —ADDED— WORLD NEWS CARTOON—COMEDY BUSY BODIES THE FLYING KADETS, 2 Wed.-l Day Only July 5th. U-BOAT PRISONER With BRUCE BENNETT ERIK ROLF k -PIUS- ; GREAT ALASKAN MYSTERY, Chapt. 6 TO THE KIDDIES:— And Children Patron* Be good Boys and Girls and stay Home until the possibil iiies of Infantile Paralyrfs subsides. We will miss you as you miss our good Shows. But! We will have many more good Shows to enter, tain in the future & please you later. This is in co-op eration with the Health Au thorities. MARY B. KILLIAN, Manageress. AWAVWAWAWWAV.W.W.WW N. C. U. S. Approved Pullorum Controlled BABY CHICKS We have Baby Chicks for immediate delivery now and will have two more hatches on Wednesday, July 5th and July 12th. After this we will close our hat chery until early Fall. FITZHALL HATCHERY Cherryville, N. C. Phone 4111

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