Local Soldier Fights With Rainbow Regt. WITH THjE FIFTH ARMY, ITALY’—SfSgt. David M. Black: Mess Sgt. of Cherryville, and Pfc. Max B. Sellers, R-3, Cherry ville Road, Kings Mountain have been fighting with the 168th In- i fantry Regiment, veterans of more than 300 days of combat in its attempt to breach the Gothic Line in Italy. Part of Lieutenant General Mark W. Clark’s Fifth Army and a unit of the 34th “Red Bull Division, the 168th arrived in the British Isles in February and m April of 1943. In its two and a half years overseas it has fought through 88 days of combat in the Tunisian campaign and has been on the line in Italy almost con stantly since landing at Paestum September 21, 1943t 12 days al ter Continental Europe was in vaded for the first time. Known as the “Rainbow Regi ment, the 168th was part of the 42nd “Rainbow'" Division in World War I. Colonel Henry C. Hine, Jr. oi Livingston, New Jersey, is com mander of the 168th Regiment. A count taken in early Sep tember, 1944 showed men of the 168th had received 8 Distinguish ed Service Crosses, 147 Silver Stars and 4 Soldiers Medals and had, in the Italian campaign alone received 3024 Purple Hearts and Clusters. The 168th landed at Algiers Northern Algeria on African D Day. Its 2nd battalion led the at tack up the slopes of Hill 609 and is officially credited with its capture. The regiment also fought for Sened, Fondouk, Ma te'ur, Eddiekhila and Bizerte. Its first great battle in this campaign began October 13, 1943 when its men crossed the Vol turno and took Ciaazzo and two other towns. Ironically, the 168h suffered exactly 168 casualties in the second crossing of the Volturno. Often meeting foes of the past including the Hermann Goering Division and SS troops, the 168th fought through the mountains, gaining ground north of San An gelo and San Vittore. They lost 400 men and inflicted 1200 ene my casualties in wresting Mount Pantana, before Cassino, from the enemy in a seven-day battle. It was the first regiment to hold a bridgehead on the north hank of AT THE MOVIES IN CHERRYVILLE SAT. ONE DAY AT THE LESTER, THE Three Andrew Sisters “Swingtime Johnny” Starts L. S. Sun. Nite 12:02 and Mon. Tues. ^ Fredric March and Alexis Smith in a tender love scene from Warner Bros, “The Adventurer of M«rk Twain " Life story of the creator of Tom Sawyer. Fri.-Sat. at THE STRAND Get. 13-14 Charles Stewart in “RID1N’ WEST” Local Officer* To Attend FBI Meeting Chitf of Police, Maurice Beam and Night Officer, F. U. Mauney plan to attend the FBI Law En forcement Conference to be held in Charlotte on Wednesday October 18th at 2 o'clock at the Chamber of Commerce Auditori um. Featuring a fast-moving dem onstration of Justice and defen sive tactics in general, a series of conferences for law enforce ment officers sponsored by the FBI will be held in both North Lind South Carolina during Octo ber and November. Edward Scheldt, special agent in charge o‘f the Charlotte FBI office has announced the com plete schedule of conferences. The Charlotte conference will be held at the Chamber of Com merce auditorium on October 18 at 2 o’clock. J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI, has designated Special Agent \V. G. Kimbrough of the FBI office at Miami to partici pate in the conferences. Special Agent Kimbrough, a law enforce ment officer of wide experience and a graduate of the FBI Nat ional Academy in Washington, L. C„ is an expert in the art ol' defensive tactics and one of the instructors on Director Hoover’s staff. Using another agent as his subject, he will demonstrate a number of ways which police of ficers might use to protect them selves if attacked by larger or armed criminals. In addition Mr. Scheidt indica ted that Special Agent lloy T,. Morgan, assigned to the Char lotte FBI office, will discuss the subject, “Arrests, Searches and Seizures.” Part of his lecture -vill consist of an exhibition and explanation of the various re training devices used by the ’’BI. 1 Attendance at the conference s restricted to duly authorized aw enforcement officers and here will be an open fcrum dis :ussion of mutual problems by he officers present. Mr. Scheldt ‘ill act as chairman at each con erence. The FBI head indicated that hrougli the courtesy of the loe.il aw enforcement authorities bar iccuec would be served to the officers at C’inton, S. C., and at Vsheboro, N. C. The officers at he Rapido River, captured Cai o. Mount Trochio and Cervano n a surprise maneuver and, tak ng Hills 66 and 213, became one >f the first Fifth Army units to >enetrate the Gustav Line. The regiment debarked on the )eachhead around Anzio March 19, and its commander, Colonel Tine, won the Silver Star for 'allantrv in action for having jersonally led the bitter hand-to land fight in whieh the 168th ook Lanuvio to remove one of he last major obstacles before Rome. Colonel Hines, in a jeep, was ;he first American in Civitavecch a, where his regiment captured wo big “Anzio Express” railroad ?uns that had so often made their stay on the Anzio beachhead an jnpleasant one. When relieved July 28 for a jrief rest, a few days after reach ng the Arno River, the 168th had seen in combat 291 days MONEY TO LOAN Drive your car to Homesley Chevro let Co." and bring your title. HOMESLEY Chevrolet Co. Cherry ville, N. C. WE HAVE THEM Identification Bracelet*— For Boy*, Girl*, Men and Women. A large selection to choose from. Yellow Gold and Sterling Silver. “Name Engrave FREE”— Water proof Watches, Pric es start at $37.50 Copley Bridal Sets, Priced from $32.50 up. Full line of Beautiful Lock ets, Chains, Ear Bobs, Watch Bracelets, Pearls, Birthstone Rings in all colors for the month. Don’t forget October 15th is Deadline for mailing Christ mas Packages Over Seas. JONES JEWELERS Your Friendly and Honest Jeweler*. BE9SEMER CITY, N. C. Dillard Named Stale Mgr. And Treas. {Selection of E. S. IWllard of Charlotte as State Manager and Treasurer of the Constitutional Democrats of North Carolina is announced, effective at once, marking the active beginning 01 “an aggressive state-wide educa tional campaign to defeat the New Deal and its philosophy 01 government.” Simultaneously the appoint ments of Dr. Malcolm McDermott of Durham as State Advisory Director; J. E. Baker of Burling ton sps State Director of Finance, and L. D. Nuchols of Charlotte as Assistant State manager were made public. An organization, active and determined to bring out the maximum support of the move ment at the polls Tuesday, No vember 7 will be formed in each of the 100 counties of the state in the very early future accord ing to a spokesman. The plans approved by tl. State Executive Committee ca for delivery of “educational am. principle-inspired addresses al strategic points throughout the state.” Mediums for disseminat ing of the basic message of the Constitutional Democrats of N. Carolina will be used in thorough fashion in order that the people may be fully informed “of the crucial and historic issues which clamor for safe and worthy so lution in this most momentous juncture in the life of the State and the nation,” the Committee says. Heartened by what is termed “solid and enthusiastic pledged support from previously exerted efforts in behalf of this history making movement,” leaders are appealing “to men and women of like opinions, in every walk of life, to join in this crusade.” These people, an official added, are asked to make full use of the tending the conference at Can ton, N. C. and Elkin will be treat ed to luncheon, while those at the Greenville, S. C. meeting will be feted at a special dinner. Mr. Scheidt expressed the hope that all law enforcement officers in the vicinity of the cities at which the conferences will De held would plan to attend the mcst convenient meeting. rf'&MtiMfSeHAAtto* Oil Overt t6c TUUionf / 1944 Ho. 42* model UJnRm moRninG _COAL HEATER Amazing Interior Construction Here’* the heater with amaz ing, patented, interior heat ing principles that has brought remarkable new heating com fort to hundreds of thousands throughout the United States. Come in . . . let us point out its many remarkable features. | CHERRYVILLE ICE AND FUEL CO. Quality— Service— Appreciation Phone 3231 CHERRYVILLE, N. C. t»STE-«SJ l DINNER' ^MtROW cot A, Nehi Bottling Co. Shelby, N. C. iMUitiM tvaiMDU tor enrollment and activa participation. Mr. Dillard expressed the be lief that “an intensive campaign in North Carolina will prove very helpful not only in giving the people of this state an oppor tunity to vote fdr convictions in stead of seeming expediency, but also to assure capture of the electoral vote for the Dewey Bricker ticket in such pivotal states, for instance, as Pennsyl vania, New York and West Vir ginia, thus assuring a larger ma jority for the Constitutional Government ticket in the elector al college and the popular voting. Already the North Carolina cam paign is having a definitely help ful effect in such states. Upon completion of enlargement of the State Executive Committee the personnel of this Committee will be announced. Included will be men and women “represent ing every phase of worthy citi zenship, in all occupations and interests, in North Carolina" ac cording to the statement made tiblic. “We have no quarrel with or iticism of the State Democrat ic ticket,” said Mr. Dillard; “in fact it is our definite intention to support it in the forthcoming election. We do earnestly and sincerely appeal to all our citi zens to join us in this conscience based and spontaneous movement to defeat the forces arrayed against the best interests of our communities, our state and our nation. “In short, we appeal for the whole-hearted and practical sup port of all who favor constitu tional government as opposed to the group government from which 180,000,000 Americans now suf fer so severely. The recently published Democratic Declara tion of Independence fofms a safe foundation on which to car ry forward successfully this mighty movement.” NEWS IN THE WORLD OF RELIGION By W. W. REID “Father, Thy Will be done through me” This seven-word prayer, offered morning, noon, and night; an effort to try to live the prayer in daily life; and the securing of seven other peo ple to do likewise; this is the es sence of the so-called “Cape Cod Plan” of personal evangelism which has found wide support among Protestant laymen and has the approval of leading Protestant clergymen througrout the country. The “Plan” origin ated a couple of years ago with Walter Dwyer, a layman of W. Dennis, Mass. Without any funds or any organization, the idea has swept across the country, and has had the support of many newspapers. Now it has been tak en up by lay groups in Canada; and groups of Catholics and Jews are using it also. “The prayer is '■ offered as a complete pro £ • says Mr. Dwyer, “but iiovely in the nature of turning on the switch of our Individual radios; how We amplify it, and What God’s will is for each of us is a mattter of personal search and application.” The hobby of Dillman S. Bul lock, as a shtall boy in rural M i c h i g an, was collecting birds, birds’ nests, birds’ eggs, and many insects—much to the disarray of his home and the annoyance of other members of the family. Today, as Dr. Bullock president of the Institute El Ver gel, in Angol, Chile, for the train ing of Christian farmers under the mission of the Methodist Church, he is still the tireless “collector”. The Institute’s Muse um houses the most interesting collection of items of pre-Ara ucanan civilization in all that part of Chile, besides specimens of 176 birds (96 of which were found on the farm), and a col lection of insects that has the praise of representatives of the U. S. Department of Agriculture Dr. Bullock’s discoveries of the habits and controls of insect pests have had great value to farmers of both the southern and northern American contin ents. ' Believing that on the day peace is declared the churches should pkovit|e suitable servii|-s of worship, penitence, thanksgiving, and dedication in every commu nity, the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America is urging now that church people prepare for V-Day. Through min Utarlal association* And local council of churches in each com ntuhity and by union groups in the villages, they hope to see that the celebration are filling and re ligious in character. Dr. Jesse M. Bader, 297 Fourth Ave., New York 10, N. Y., is in charge for the Federal Council. JUNIOR G. A.’* MET WEDNESDAY The Junior G. A.’s met Wed nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. George S. Falls. There were fifteen present. Mildred Duncan acted as program leader. The program consisted of songs and scripture readings. USE EAGLE ADS INDIGESTION; Sensational Relief tram lod^aitiae *nd One Dn< PrtTu II if tb« flrit 6mt mt thu -1——‘ MilWe lut Ubict JtMa'i Brlae ton tb. (iitoat Melau nllai bn km ntxrun *A to a. and m DOUBLK a ON] •ll-Mt UblM Mku UM mb "■ M. wmrUUmM «. aw hndtik, ul n»M m dm MMn *n^fr^\