Let's all get behind the greatest march In history— the march to Tokyo—and victoryl On countless invasion fronts, thousands of your fighting men are taking up the battle cry: "On to Tokyo!” We've got to back them up with what it takes for com plete victory. Remember, the supply lines in the Pacific are long and your fighting men will need more materiel than was required for the entire European invasion to crush the Jap foe. Our boys won’t quit until they’ve reached their goal. Let’s not stop buying Bonds until we’ve reached ■mrsata— oufST In this om War Loin Drive^^ the Nation’s goal is $14 billions... our individual job is to buy at least an extra $100 Bond... another and then another ... let’s keep on go ing ... let’s keep on buying... let’s keep on saying it with Bonds... "On to Tokyo!' r '■ ■ - \ ..i BUY AT IJAST AM CXTRA $199 WAR 89N9! CARLTON YARN MILS, INC.